RUSSI AN RI CHES Thi srangedi vesi nto theworld ofrussi an opulence, i ntri catebaroquedetai li ng ofembroi dery,tri m and embossi ng along wi th lavi sh fabri csofvelvetto si lksand sati ns.Thecolourpalettewasverymuch keptneutral, keepi ng i n mi nd thati tsforthewi nterfallseason. howeverwi th thecoloursofrubyand regalgold ti ed i n wi th thecombi nati on gi vesthatbold punch ofpurelux agai nstthenuetralpalette. thesi lhouettewasfocused on portrayi ng acharacterof amobsterswi fe.Ai mi ng to gi veoffthelookand feelofempowermentand dauntlessnessthrough strong li nesand musculi nei nspi red shapessuch asdefi ned shouldersbutalso wi th thetweekofsensuali tyofthe femalebodyofaseducti veand sultryvi bethrough i ncorporati ng deepcutson theneckli nefrontofback havi ng exposed ski n aswellasski n huggi ng fi ts.