Barnsley teaching school alliance sle information june 13

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Barnsley Teaching School Alliance Specialist Leaders of Education What do Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) do? SLEs are outstanding middle or senior leaders with at least two years’ leadership experience. They have a particular area of expertise and a successful track record of school improvement. SLEs provide school-to-school support and peer-to-peer learning to senior and middle leaders in other schools. This can be done in a variety of ways including;     

one-to-one peer coaching facilitated group support data analysis coaching joint action planning

How it works Teaching schools are responsible for the designation, brokering, deployment and quality assurance of SLEs. Applicants need to identify a teaching school alliance when applying. The SLE area of expertise, published on the National College website lists the specialisms that will be covered by SLES. Teaching schools will assess applicants before making designation recommendations. SLEs will undertake a one-day core training session and will be entitled to two enrichment modules, both fully funded by the National College. Teaching schools will work with other schools to broker SLE deployments. Models and types of deployments will vary according to local need. For example, one deployment might be a two-day diagnostic exercise, whilst another might require a threemonth full-time support role. Time may be taken as a block of consecutive days or spread over a longer period. There is no pre-defined time commitment for deployments. Deployments should be agreed between all parties prior to taking place and the capacity of both the SLE’s school and the SLE will need to be given consideration. SLEs will be expected to provide evidence that their work has had a positive impact on outcomes for children and young people, by developing leadership capacity in other schools.

Funding and support There may be payment for specific deployments, either from schools receiving support or from other sources or commissioning bodies, to help the SLE’s school towards reimbursement for backfill or supply cover. Any such arrangement will be agreed and managed between the teaching school and/or other schools involved. The current agreed rate across Yorkshire and the Humber for SLE deployment is £300 a day. An administration fee of £50 will be charged for each SLE deployment (in line with agreed regional charging structures). All financial transactions must go through the Teaching School for audit and reporting purposes. The Teaching School will invoice the school receiving support and will arrange payment to the SLE’s employing school. The administration fee will be retained by Barnsley TSA. Eligibility criteria for SLEs application SLEs need to meet strict designation criteria, which can be found in full on the National College website. SLEs have expertise in a specific area and a list of areas of expertise can also be found on the National College website. The website address is:

Application Timeline SLE applications are made through the National College website at The next application window will open on 2nd October 2013 and close on 23rd October 2013 As part of the initial application process, applicants are asked to select their preferred Teaching School Alliance. The application is sent to the selected TSA for the second stage in the application process. 5 - 29 November 2013: The interview and assessment process for applicants By 6 December: Review and confirmation of designations data by the National College The SLE team will validate the designation recommendations schools and confirm designation outcomes to teaching schools. By 13 December: Teaching Schools confirm designations to SLEs Teaching schools to write to all SLE applicants confirming their outcomes. Successful applicants will receive information on how to access training. Mid December – Mid March: Core training for designated SLEs

If you would like further information about the SLE opportunities available through Barnsley TSA please contact Kate Davies

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