The black collection / The black canvas collection by Kirill Postovit

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"The Black Canvas" Collection of Academic Artist Kirill Postovit, who was the first who used unique technique of golden Winsor ink mixed with oil or acrlylic on specially prepared black canvas. "The Black Canvas" Collection was first introduced in 2014 at an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, since then complemented by new paintings and is rightly considered to be the most well-known collection of paintings that have not only been exhibited many times in museums and leading Galleries of modern art, but also appreciated by art critics. A few of paintings from this collection could be found at permanent exhibitions of a few state museums and galleries, others are in private collections around the world or are being showed on an art exhibitions. Several paintings from the "Black Canvas" Collection are published in this catalog. Each painting has it's own certificate, where all the information about the artwork is written. Available paintings from "The Black Canvas" Collection could be ordered at Katie Feygie Art Gallery in Prague.

Kirill Postovit, famous academic painter and sculptor. Member of Union Artists Of Israel since 1996. His graphic and sculpture arworks are placed in several National Museums, including Jerusalem National Museum of Art (Israel), National Museum of Modern Art Tel - Aviv (Israel), National Museum Of Art (Czech Republic), National Gallery Zvolen (Slovakia), National Museum Of Modern Art (Ukraine), Metropolitan Museum New York (USA), National Museum Terezin (Czech Republic) and in some others. Monumental sculpture projects are installed in Israel, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France & Belgium. Since 1990 he has hold over 260 solo exhibitions all over the world. His artworks could be found in many state, private & corporate art collections. Kirill Postovit is one of a few modern artists, who with the help of deep primordial symbols exposes deep intensity of religion and existence. All the exhibited paintings and sculptures are exclusive objects of art, which the author never repeats. Most of the paintings and sculptures before they get to the Katie Feygie Art Gallery are exhibited at modern art exhibitions and at art shows. All exhibitions are held by the Katie Feygie Art Gallery independently, or in cooperation with leading galleries and museums. Since 2000, some exhibitions have been closed for public visits.

Katie Feygie Art Gallery was founded in 1996 in Prague. Since 1996 we have opened over 530 fine art or modern art exhibitions all over the world, more than 260 auctions were hold. All artworks presented at our gallery are origina exclusive art pieces with certificates. Once per year a big charity auction is held. Kirill Postovit is the most famous artist we represent, his creative works have tremendous depth of feelings and meaning. His paintings and sculpture display a deep symbolism. Looking at his artwork, you always find something new for yourself. His artworks live and change together with you. We are incredibly happy that we can represent his artworks.

Since 1996, Katie Feygie Art Gallery has become a symbol of modern art and has repeatedly won the "Best Gallery in Prague" nomination.

"The Fortune Of Music" - "The Grand Piano Melody"

"The Fortune Of Music" - "The Violin Melody"

"The Flight Over The Sleepy Town"

"The Temptation of Adam"

"The First Night Of Adam And Eve"

The theme of "Adam and Eve" is often found in the works of Kirill Postovit, despite this, each artwork is completely different from the previous one, neither in composition nor in mood. Here are showed two paintings (both are part of "The Black Canvas" Collection / Edition "The Story Of Adam, Eve And One Apple"), and if on the first "The Temptation of Adam" (left) Eve offers the apple to Adam, then on the second "The First Night Of Adam And Eve"(right), Eve was only created and the apple here is more likely a hint of the temptation of Adam in the future. This can be guessed from the composition of the paintings, along the lines of the bodies of Adam and Eve, and the mood of each of the paintings. Both paintings "The Temptation of Adam" (left) and "The First Night Of Adam And Eve" (right) were repeatedly exhibited at many exhibitions, received several awards, were published and very positively evaluated by both art critics and other important figures in the art world.

The Winsor Gold Ink

The Winsor Gold Ink, which Kirill Postovit is using, was first invented during the Italian Renaissance.In 1890 its composition was slightly changed by British company, the ink became more enduring to sunlight and since then the composition has not changed. Thanks to the golden shades, the paintings change their shades depending on the time of day and lighting. With warm, most often artificial lighting, the golden ink acquires a contrast and becomes more saturated with gold, in cold or daylight it may seem a silver shade. The technique of mixing colors and preparing black canvases is kept non-disclosure by the author.

"The Snow"

"The Wind"

The "Flight With My Angels" painting was created in 2015, was shown on several prestigious exhibitions and art shows, where received several awards. In the second half of 2016 another painting of the same name was created, which, despite the same name, was very different from the first one. This is one of those paintings about which it is said that no matter how much a person looks at it, each time he sees something new in it. The painting has a lot of symbolism, but despite its depth, it does not put pressure on the viewer. The "Flight With My Angels" was shown not only at the private exhibitions, but in several National Museums and galleries (including National Gallery of Arts Slovakia, National Gallery of Arts Czech Republic, National Modern Art Gallery Prague (Czech Republic), National Memorial Terezin (Czech Republic) and National Modern Art Gallery in Paris (France). ... Three Guardian Angels in the night, surrounded by God's eye or the universe, in the same symbol are clearly visible and the clock with the arrows .... this are only a few of the symbols shown in the painting...

On the opposite page is shown the "Lovers" painting, created in the middle of 2016. The "Lovers" paintings was created without using a pencil. A few of beautiful, clean lines and the author's feelings created such a unique atmosphere of the paintings. On a large black canvas two figures of lovers glow.... Painting was several times exhibited, published and awarded. The "Lovers" painting became a symbol of "The Black Canvas" collection.


Painting "Pandora" was created in 2014, is one of the most famous paintings, not only from "The Black Canvas" collection. For a long time Pandora was not put up for sale and only showed up at private exhibitions in Paris (France), London (UK), Prague (Czech Republic) and other cultural capitals. In 2016 was first shown at an open exhibition in Milan (Italy), where she received all three main prizes at once. The painting "Pandora" is very different from other works created by Kirill Postovit. Later, "Pandora" was shown at several other exhibitions (including Museum Of Modern Art in Prague (Czech Republic), National Gallery of Prague (Czech Republic), Museum Of Modern Art in Tel - Aviv (Israel), National Gallery Of Slovakia and Metropolitan Museum NY) where she always won first place. Kirill Postovit calls "Pandora" one of his most beloved canvases.

... Knowing that my friend Kirill Postovit is working on the creation of "Pandora" painting, I repeatedly tried to imagine it ... What it will be ... Despite my persuasion, Kirill refused to show the "Pandora" to me until the painting was ready. When we met at our cafe in New York, I did not expect to hear that the "Pandora" was ready ... moreover, I did not expect that in a few minutes I would see her ... To say that I was shocked, it's nothing to say ... I stood and could not take my eyes off of it, "Pandora" acts hypnotically, a whirlwind of feelings, memories and associations swept through me. Such bright vibrant colors, such depth shocked me ... After that I saw "Pandora" several times at exhibitions and each time it hit me more and more, and it was surprising how much good it was ... I consider "Pandora" is "The Crown" of "The Black Canvas" collection, and indeed one of the most beautiful paintings I've ever seen ...

From the letter of Avraam Meerson, doctor of Theology and Art Critic, New York 2014

Here is shown a sketch - artistic studies for the "Eve With A Cat" painting. The sketch was created in 2014, the painting was created later, in the middle of 2016. Technique of the "Eve With A Cat" sketch is winsor gold ink and white tempera on a black paper. This sketch was shown on a first exhibition of "The Black Canvas" collection.

A sketch - artistic studies for the "Adam & Eve" theme. Later used during the creation of "The Temptation Of Adam" and "The First Night Of Adam And Eve" paintings, for other artworks "The Story Of Adam, Eve And One Apple" as well. Technique is winsor gold ink and white tempera on a black paper. Was shown on the exhibition.

A sketch - artistic studies for "The Black Canvas" collection, created in 2012. Counted as the first sketch of the all future paintings. White ink on a black paper. The most well known artistic studies by Kirill Postovit. Were shown on almost all exhibitions, where paintings from "The Black Canvas" collection were presented.

The first painting from a series of women's portraits on black canvas was created in 2014, since then the series is replenished with new portraits almost every year. Here are the four most famous portraits. A certain highlight of every portrait is that all women have eyes of different colors. Kirill Postovit does not repeat the portraits. Each next portrait is completely different from the previous one. All of the portraits were several time exhibited.

"The Fiddler"

"The Midnight Walk"

"The Flight At Night"

"The Angel Of The Night" painting was created in 2013. One of the most famous paintings from "The Black Canvas" collection. Over 44 times exhibited. Later, in 2015 were two more paintings created, "Angel Of The Morning" and "Angel Of The Day" these two paintings are not counted as "The Black Canvas" collection, since one is made on a white canvas and second on the ocher canvas. Together the paintings make a collection of three guardian angels.

The Collection of "Three Guardian Angels" / "Angel Of The Morning", "Angel Of The Day" and "Angel Of The Night", which is a part of "The Black Canvas" collection.

The collection of three guardian angels was represented at many exhibitions, including the Metropolitan Museum in New York (USA) and National Gallery Of Arts in Prague (Czech Republic). Received several awards and was repeatedly published. It is considered to be one of the most original and interesting collections, created by Kirill Postovit in a past few years. In connection with the deep meaning that the author has put into the paintings, they are not sold separetely. On all the exhibitions the paintings were always presented together.


"The Dance Of The Creation" painting, created in 2016 became a symbol of the "Cretion" collection. One of the few newer paintings of "The Black Canvas" collection, it was showed on several art exhibitions. One of the most powerful paintings, according to the art criticas review done in the beginning of 2017.

The painting "The Castle" or as it is also called "The Two Worlds" was created in 2014. The basis for the artwork creation was the novel of the same name by writer Franz Kafka. The picture very subtly conveys the surreal world of the novel, but does not lose its identity, as one of the most well known paintings by Kirill Postovit. The painting was several times exhibited and published.

"Under The Golden Moon" or "Under The Golden Moon Of Prague" One of the most famous cityscape painting created by Kirill Postovit. "Under The Golden Moon" was presented on several exhibitions across the Europe.

"The Full Moon" painting was created by Kirill Postovit in the beginning of 2018. It is the third cityscape painting from the "Black Canvas" collection.

"The Chess Game" or "The Luzhin's Defense"

KIRILL POSTOVIT (1964) – Israel / Czech Republic He is a well-known contemporary academic painter and sculptor who graduated from several art academies. Since 1996, he has been a member of the Academic Artists Association of Israel. His work is versatile but always easily recognizable. In his sculptural, graphic and painting works, the profound philosophy of every painting and sculpture can be felt in addition to professionalism. Since 1990, there have been more than 260 personal exhibitions by Kirill Postovit of his new and older works. The exhibitions were held in National Galleries, National Museums, Museums of Modern Art and Art Centers around the world. Since 2003, Kirill Postovit has been involved also in charity auctions of modern art, not only in the Czech Republic. Personal exhibitions took place mainly in Prague (Czech Republic), Paris (France), New York (USA), Brussels (Belgium), Bratislava (Slovakia), Munich (Germany), Zurich (Switzerland), Milan and Rome and in other countries. At many of these exhibitions, Kirill Postovit received awards from art critics and directors of national galleries as well as museums. Many works have been bought for the permanent collections of the above-mentioned national museums and galleries in addition to the collections of some corporations such as Veolia Group and the Sores Foundation. The art of Kirill Postovit is also represented in private collections around the world, including the collection of Ephraim Kishon (writer, Nobel Prize laureate), David Kumerman (former Czech Ambassador to the USA) and Avraam Meerson (Doctor of Theology and art critic) and others. Sculpture memorials are an integral part of his work. In 1998, the memorial by Kirill Postovit in Israel was opened and in 2004 a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in Prague (Czech Republic) was opened. The National Terezín Memorial, in 2008, ordered the memorial statue "The Prayer" from Kirill Postovit, which is now installed in a memorial place near the Ohře river in Terezín and it is an integral part of the entire memorial area. A year later, another sculpture memorial called "Agla" was officially opened on the area of the National Terezín Memorial. In 2011, a park sculpture called "Lovers" was opened in Slovakia. Other sculptural memorials are located in France and Belgium. The works of art by Kirill Postovit (sculptures, graphics and paintings) are part of the permanent collections of the following national galleries and the museums: National Museum of Jerusalem (Israel), Tel Aviv Museum of Modern Art (Israel), National Terezín Memorial (Czech Republic), Yad Vashem Museum (Israel), Kiev National Art Gallery (Ukraine), Kiev National Museum of Art (Ukraine), National Museum of Modern Art Prague (Czech Republic), Art Museum of Vatican City (Vatican City), National Gallery Prague (Czech Republic), National Gallery Klimentinum Praha (Czech Republic) Since 1999, works of Kirill Postovit have been exclusively represented in the Katie Feygie Art Gallery, where he has the largest collection of his graphic, sculpture and painting works. Kirill Postovit's best-known author's work includes, for example, "From The Beginning" (1976-1986) - a collection of his early works, "The Black Collection" - a collection of paintings on black canvas, "Creation" - a collection representing the creation of the world or "The Sculpture" - the most valuable collection of bronze and stone sculptures that has been created by Kirill Postovit since 1978 to date. Many sculptures from this collection are a part of permanent exhibitions of the abovementioned national galleries and museums.

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