KPC's Position on New Roads

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Katy Prairie Conservancy Supports Deletion of Roads but Opposes “New Lines”


Katy Prairie supports the deletion of E-14 through E-32 because those roads were simply legacy placements of proposed roads for development which is now impossible because of our conservation easements (maps attached)


Katy Prairie opposes the deletion and realignment of Tuckerton and Jack (D-2 and D-12) which is used as support for the proposed realignment of Tuckerton and Jack Road. We oppose the proposed “new line” diagonally through our preserves; alternate East/West routes are possible

Traffic Calming Should Be Expected Through Parks and Preserved Open Space


Katy Prairie supports East/West mobility by keeping the existing alignment of West to Sharp to Hebert in Waller County (including deletion of western portion of West marked E-32) because these turns provide a traffic calming opportunity for those that drive through our properties but maintain connectivity to the Grand Parkway and to the west


Katy Prairie supports traffic calming because we want people to enjoy our lands; not rush through them. Compare Memorial Park with its thoroughfare at 40 miles an hour, to Hermann Park with its meandering road that forces traffic to slow down.


Katy Prairie supports adding E-12 so that Betka Road is a major thoroughfare at the north end (and unconnected to) our properties

Flooding Constraints Must Be Considered


Katy Prairie opposes Bridgeland’s deletion of Tuckerton because it works to force the new “proposed” realignment of Tuckerton to Jack across the floodplain of Cypress Creek


Katy Prairie supports the deletion of E-22 at Jack Road for the same reason; on the ground constraints regarding the floodplain should drive some of this decision


Katy Prairie supports deletion of roads because the environmental profile in Harris County’s draft study shows the 100-year floodplain and overflow will necessarily limit development and as recent rains demonstrated, flooding in this region will likely only grow (Draft Study at 9, 17)

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KPC's Position on New Roads by Jaime Gonzalez - Issuu