Management of Buffelgrass and Kleberg Bluestem

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Management and Control of Buffelgrass and Kleberg Bluestem

Eric Grahmann Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute

Coauthors  Mike

Hehmann – Hixon Ranch  Forrest Smith – TAMUK-CKWRI-STN  Blake Martin - TAMUK-CKWRI  Dr. Tim Fulbright - TAMUK-CKWRI  Anna Lund

Introduction  Exotic


• Widespread in S. TX1 • Forbs less abundant4 • Bareground limiting3 • Insects and grassland birds reduced2


Exotic Grass Landscape

Kleberg Bluestem

Ranch History (1980s – 1990s)  War

against brush  Plant exotic grass

Ranch History (1990’s)  (1990s)

– Fire was discovered  Aggressive burning program • (1-2yr intervals)

Aggressive Burning Regime 4.




360 ft.



6. 270 ft.

yr 4

yr 3 yr 2 yr 1

630 ft.

Introduction  Bobwhite

densities half2  Avoided by scaled quail

Introduction  Control

of exotics and restoration unsuccessful5  Exotic grass research group (2008) • Shotgun approach

Methods  Pilot


• 2 sites (Kleberg bluestem and buffelgrass) • 2 blocks/site Kleberg Site (Sept. 2009) • 0.6 acre plots

 (5

treatments and a control)

• Spray Fusillade • Spray Fusillade and Hixon Ranch  Burn  Mow  Plant forbs • Disk and plant natives • Flexible timing of treatment

Buffelgrass Site (Sept. 2009)

Sandy Loam (Buffelgrass)

Other Plots

Ranch Plots

Pilot Plots

Oth er



Pilot Plots

lots Ranch P

Saline Clay Loam (Kleberg Bluestem)

Kleberg Bluestem - Pretreatment

Kleberg Bluestem Pretreatment (Sept. 2009)

Mow/Spray Fusillade (April 2012)

Burn/Spray Fusillade(Mar. 2012)

Spray Fusillade (April 2012)

Control(April 2012)

Plant Forbs/Spray Fusillade (April 2012)

Pretreatment (Sept. 2009)

Buffelgrass - Pretreatment

Buffelgrass Pretreatment (Sept. 2009)

Mow/Spray Fusillade (April 2012)

Spray Fusillade (April 2012) Control(April 2012)

Plant Forbs/Spray Fusillade (April 2012)

Methods  Ranch

study (Not Replicated)

• 1 site (buffelgrass) • 10 acre plots

 (4

treatments and a control)

• Plow and  Disk  Disk / plant natives • Spray Roundup and  Plant natives

Repeat Roundup Application 32 oz/acre: Burned / Sprayed 3 Times

Before: July. 2008

September 2009

Repeat Roundup Application

Before: July. 2008

April 2010

Repeat Roundup Application

Before: July. 2008

October 2010

Mowboard Plow and Repeat Disking Burned, Plowed, and Disked Twice

Before: July. 2008

September 2009

Plow and Repeat Disking Burned, Plowed, and Disked Twice

Before: July. 2008

October 2010

Repeat Roundup – Drill Natives

Before: July. 2008

May 2010

Repeat Glyphosate – Drill Natives

October 2010


Conclusions  Manage

exotics  Fusillade not effective  Buffelgrass multiple times roundup  Soil disturbance exacerbates invasion  But, disturbance needed in monocultures  Restoration requires • Preparation • Treatment flexibility • Follow up

Contributors  Hixon Ranch and Family  South Texas Natives Program  Rene Barrientos  NRCS

- E. “Kika” de la Garza Plant Materials Center  Native Plant Society of Texas  Harvey Weil Sportsman Foundation  Arthur Seeligson Conservation Fund  Ryan Peters  Meagan Lesak

Questions ?

Sources 1.


3. 4.


Cox, J. R., M. H. Martin-R, F. A. Ibarra-F, J. H. Fourie, N. F. G. Rethman, and D. G. Wilcox. 1988. The influence of climate and soils on the distribution of four African grasses. Journal of Range Management 41:127-139. Flanders, A. A., W. P. Kuvlesky, D. C. Ruthven, R. E. Zaiglin, R. L. Bingham, T.E. Fulbright, F. Hernandez, and L. A. Brennan. 2006. Effects of invasive exotic grasses on south Texas rangeland breeding birds. The Auk 123:171-182. Sands, J. P. 2007. Impacts of invasive exotic grasses on northern bobwhite habitat use in south Texas. Masters Thesis, Texas A&M University-Kingville, Kingsville, Texas, USA. Sands, J. P., L. A. Brennan, F. Hernandez, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., J. F. Gallagher, D. C. Ruthven, III, and J. E. Pittman, III. 2009. Impacts of buffelgrass (Pennisetum cilare) on a forb community in south Texas. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 2:130-140 Tjelmeland, A. D., T. E. Fulbright, and J. Lloyd-Reilley. 2008. Evaluation of Herbicides for restoring native grasses in buffelgrass-dominated grasslands. Restoration Ecology 16: 263-269.

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