Engaging Audiences' ideas

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school leaders school habitats school educators teacher prepara9on (pre-­‐service) School Science/Enviro Teams Middle schools charter schools faith-­‐based schools lifelong learners students

Ideas professional development, outdoor camps-­‐-­‐get them out to understand the imporance and connec9ons build and maintain; teacher prep lessons matched to district scope & sequences round talbe lesson sharing; building blocks for other science knowledge more outdoor adventure-­‐-­‐leadership development (Mid School less limited mc of college prep curriculum)

present more interpre9ve programs outdoors-­‐-­‐where audience decides what they want to learn. Market as such. access to outside/camps



wellness program directors community health directors health care professionals home healthcare folks social workers

doctors & Pas & therapists Healthy Parks/Healthy People

Natural Space Designers

landscape architects Parks -­‐-­‐city and pocket local businesses-­‐-­‐gardeners, lawn care companies, Home Depot type businesses

obesity (child and adult) corporate wellness programs community health centers walking programs healing garden programs outdoor experiences/9me outdoors to help healing process 9me outdoors for ADD recommend outdoor experiences as stress reduc9on par9cipa9on in Ci9zen Science gePng people to see outdoor recrea9on as a replacement for the gym through nature trails, hikes, geocaching, natural areas, paddling, etc. train them to provide developmentally appropriate ac9vi9es nature-­‐based play spaces

give them educa9on and resources through print and programs

Youth Organiza*ons



4-­‐H YMCA Scouts/YMCA Faith-­‐based youth groups School PTO groups

work with the programs that already exist connect neture to sites & camps youth leadership "all of the above" + campus opportuni9es share garden project installa9on ideas inspiring educators to take kids outside or promote stewardship AXer School Programs & recrea9on families with young children increase outreach state parks and interpreters to schools young families createing more outreach events with beYer adver9sing assisted living centers get volunteers from/to centers where kids could visit gardens Newcomers to the outdoors create resources and non-­‐in9mida9ng environment that is more "newbies" inclusive apartment managers &B apt. ac9vity create place-­‐based outreach; lots of apartments offer family/kid centers programs in their Club House Avenue CDC Ave. CDC has aXerschool programming neighborhood centers techno-­‐driven families geocaching and phone apps for outdoor explora9on group recrea9on/cabin facili9es that allow for more "rest 9me" overworked parents for parents school involvment science night (as a community mee9ng point) school grounds k parent-­‐driven science clubs or garden clubs Slow Family movement


Court System Educa9on Lobbyists Mayor/Govt Global Audience

Private Sector d

State Parks small acre owner

HOA Global audience

HR/Staff Benefits Business leaders

Recommend outdoor projects for FTO kids and families need concrete info on importance & posi9ve outcomes of outdoor educa9on kep outdoor educa9on on their radares c they are such key spokespeople poli9cal decisions her impact resources there get more state parks personnel directly involving working with CIN partnerships access to kids/groups diret aplicable ecological knowledge and/or conserva9on sec9ons in newsleYers; mee9ngs (booth); link on website; welcome packet private companies, economics; US = #1 consumer ; outsourcing (impact to global natural resources) Create own downloadable TCIN insert for Package-­‐-­‐ Employee/staff benefits package goes well with wellness packages offered to employees such as gym membership help get the word out to help fund HCIN

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