King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
BEACON املنـارة at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
January 2013 / Rabi l 1434 Volume 3, Issue No. 5
Dean Mootaz Elnozahy
تعيني الربوفسور معتز النزهي
عميدا لقسم العلوم واهلندسة
احلاسوبية والكهربائية واحلسابية
تم مؤخرا تعيين البروفسور معتز النزهي عميدا لقسم العلوم والهندسة الحاسوبية والكهربائية والحسابية في جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم وكان البروفسور معتز قد أمضى قبل.والتقنية عاما في أبحاث شركة15 إلتحاقه بالجامعة حوالي اي بي إم في أوستن تكساس حيث تولى قيادة كل .من أقسام األبحاث وجهود تطوير المنتجات وقبل انضمامه إلى شركة آي بي إم كان يعمل عضوا في هيئة التدريس في كلية علوم الحاسوب 1993 في جامعة كارنجي ميلون خالل الفترة من كما شغل كذلك وظيفة أستاذ في إدارة.1997 إلى .علوم الحاسوب في جامعة تكساس في أوستن براءة اختراع وكان مثاال ناجحا30 ولديه أكثر من في استقطاب األموال ألغراض األبحاث التي تتم .مراجعتها من قبل النظراء 2 تتمه صفحة
حفل التخرج
Commencement At a commencement ceremony overlooking the Breakwater Beacon, inaugural KAUST PhD graduates were honored for helping the young institution reach another milestone in the journey of global excellence to bring knowledge in service of society.
Professor Mootaz Elnozahy Appointed Dean of Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division The University has recently welcomed
Addressing the 220 men and women of the Class of 2012, KAUST Founding President, Prof. Choon Fong Shih, reminded the new graduates that they are trailblazers and the flag-bearers of their alma mater. “Your future success will be our university's success, so will KAUST's success be yours. The simple truth is we have a shared destiny,” he remarked. Guest speaker Lord Alec Broers – a pioneer of nanofabrication, former Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, and past President of the Royal Academy of Engineering – hailed KAUST's effort “to advance modern science and accelerate the pace of engineering… which are two sides of the same coin.”
Professor Mootaz Elnozahy as Dean of the
KAUST's inaugural PhD recipients were followed by the
Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences
University's third class of master's graduates from its three academic
and Engineering (CEMSE) Division. Prior to
divisions – Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering;
joining KAUST, Dean Elnozahy spent 15 years
Chemical, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering;
at IBM Research in Austin, Texas, leading both
and Physical Sciences and Engineering.
research and product development efforts. Prior
Many master's graduates will advance to PhD study at KAUST.
to joining IBM, he was a faculty member at
Others, in support of KAUST's economic development mission, join
the School of Computer Science at Carnegie
the ranks of the University's blue-chip industrial partners includ-
Mellon University from 1993 to 1997. Prof.
ing Saudi Aramco, SABIC, and The Dow Chemical Company. KAUST
Elnozahy has also been an adjunct professor
graduates – the majority from Saudi Arabia – included men and
in the Department of Computer Sciences at the
women from all corners of the world, including the United States,
University of Texas at Austin. He has more than
China, France, Norway, South Africa, India, Australia, and Brazil.
30 patents and has been extremely successful in
As Prof. Choon Fong Shih observed during his commented remarks,
raising peer reviewed research funding.
“The early chapters of KAUST's history are so inspiring. They tell of
dean elnozahy | Continued on p2
COMMENCEMENT | Continued on p2
a breathtaking campus which just a few years ago was mostly desert
News 1-2
PhD Graduates 3
حصدت أول مجموعة من الخريجين درجة الدكتوراه في تاريخ جامعة الملك وفي كلمته التي رحب فيها2012 عبداهلل وذلك في احتفال التخرج للعام بأنهم، البروفسور تشون فونغ شيه، ذكرهم رئيس الجامعة،بالخريجين الجدد يعدون من الرواد وحملة أعالم جامعتهم األم قائال "إن نجاحكم في المستقبل والحقيقة المجردة.هو نجاح لجامعتنا كما أن نجاح الجامعة ما هو إال نجاح لكم ."هي أن مصيرنا مشترك وكانت الجامعة قد افتتحت على يد مؤسسها الملك عبداهلل بن عبدالعزيز آل كجامعة أبحاث على مستوى الدراسات العليا في العلوم2009 سعود في العام والتقنية ذات جذور ضاربة في المملكة العربية السعودية وسعي جاد للتواصل وتركز األبحاث الرامية إلى تطوير العلوم والتقنية.والتأثير على نطاق العالم في حرمها الجامعي على ساحل البحر األحمر إلى الشمال من مدينة جدة على التحديات األربعة الملحة التي تواجه المملكة والعالم األوسع والمتمثلة في .الماء والغذاء والطاقة والبيئة وهو أحد العلماء الرواد في تقنية،وتحدث الخطيب الضيف اللورد أليك برويرز ،النانو والرئيس السابق لألكاديمية الملكية للهندسة في المملكة المتحدة مشيدا بجهود الجامعة الرامية إلى "ترقية العلوم الحديثة وتسريع وتيرة التطوير ."الهندسي كوجهين لعملة واحدة وتال تخريج أول دفعة من حملة الدكتوراه من جامعة الملك عبداهلل تخريج الدفعة الثالثة من حملة درجة الماجستير من أقسام الجامعة األكاديمية الثالثة وهي قسم العلوم والهندسة البيولوجية والبيئية وقسم العلوم والهندسة .الحاسوبية والكهربائية والحسابية وقسم العلوم والهندسة الفيزيائية وقد تركزت أبحاث الرواد األوائل من حملة درجة الدكتوراه في الجامعة على مجاالت تنوعت من النمذجة الحاسوبية لنظم المواد إلى أبحاث البحر األحمر وجينومات إجهاد النبات واألساليب الرياضية لتصوير األسطح الجيولوجية وسيتابع بعضهم أبحاثهم لدرجة ما بعد الدكتوراه بينما يشرع اآلخرون.التحتية بينما سيواصل العديد من الخريجين،في حياتهم العملية في الشركات الصناعية .بدرجة الماجستير دراستهم لنيل درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة الملك عبداهلل والبعض اآلخر وفي سبيل دعم رسالة التطوير االقتصادي لجامعة الملك عبداهلل بما في ذلك شركات،سينضمون إلى صفوف شركاء الجامعة الصناعيين الكبار .أرامكو السعودية وسابك وداو كيميكال 2 تتمه صفحة
Winter Enrichment Program 4-5
Awards 6-7
Community 8
January 2013
The Beacon
In this first issue of 2013 we present the University’s third
Each January, WEP brings an added energy and excitement to
Commencement, a milestone achievement not only for gradu-
our campus with its many events, lectures, and courses open
ates and their families, but a shared celebration with the faculty,
to the entire community. From a photography exhibit featuring
staff, and community of KAUST. This Beacon also welcomes Prof.
archaeological sites of Saudi Arabia, and a fishing lecture led by a
Mootaz Elnozahy, the newly appointed Dean of the Computer,
local fisherman, to an explosive science show, there is something
Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division.
for everyone to inspire creativity and curiosity.
Members of the Al Manarah and NCB Toastmasters groups.
—THE BEACON Editorial The Beacon, Volume 3, Issue 5, January 2013. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia. Contact Salah Sindi, or Michelle D'Antoni © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.
dean elnozahy | Continued from p1 Prof. Elnozahy holds a PhD in Computer Science from Rice University in Texas, and a BS in Electrical Engineering with Highest Honors from Cairo University in Egypt. He is fluent in Arabic, English, French, and several programming languages. Prof. Elnozahy’s personal research area is in systems, including high performance computing, power-aware computing, fault tolerance, operating systems, system architecture, and distributed systems. His work on rollback-recovery is now a standard component of graduate courses in fault-tolerant computing. Provost Stefan Catsicas said, “Research excellence is one of IBM’s well recognized strengths. So is the company’s capacity to bring major programs from the labs to the market. KAUST is very fortunate to have attracted a scholar and manager like Mootaz to lead a Division that regroups disciplines ideally positioned to fulfill both our academic and economic development aspirations.” Prof. Elnozahy was attracted to KAUST by the compelling opportunity to establish a center of knowledge and research in the Middle East with unprecedented capabilities. He shares, “The King’s vision behind KAUST resonates well with me, as it does with any scientist who grew up in this region. I see the University’s role as a pioneering agent of economic transformation in addition to its ambitious goal of becoming an international center of excellence in scientific research.” commencement | Continued from p1 sand. They tell of PhD graduates whose talent has been honed in some of the finest laboratories alongside top scientific minds from around the world. You all carry with you untold potential. I am filled with optimism that, through you, many more meaningful pages of our shared history will be written.”
تابع معتز النزهي
وقد حاز البروفسور النزهي على درجة الدكتوراه في علوم الحاسوب ودرجة بكالوريوس علوم في الهندسة،من جامعة رايس في تكساس ويجيد اللغات،الكهربائية بأعلى مرتبة شرف من جامعة القاهرة في مصر .العربية واالنجليزية والفرنسية والعديد من لغات البرمجة بما في ذلك الحوسبة،وتركزت اهتماماته البحثية الشخصية على النظم عالية األداء وعمليات الحوسبة ذات الطاقة المنخفضة وتحمل األخطاء وقد.والعيوب ونظم التشغيل والهيكلة المعمارية للنظم ونظم التوزيع أصبح عمله في العمليات الحاسوبية الموزعة اآلن المكون القياسي لدورات التخريج في الحوسبة المتعلقة بقدرة النظام على االستجابة .بأمان إلى حدوث خطأ غير متوقع في األجهزة أو البرامج ويقول وكيل الجامعة البروفسور ستيفان كاتسيكاس "يشكل تميز إضافة إلى،األبحاث أحد جوانب القوة التي تتميز بها شركة آي بي إم طاقة الشركة وقدرتها على إخراج البرامج الرئيسية من المختبر و إدخالها وقد ُو ِفقت جامعة الملك عبداهلل في تعيين عالم ومدير متميز.إلى السوق لقيادة قسم وإعادة تجميع التخصصات بحيث تكون في وضع مثالي لتلبية ."تطلعاتنا في التطوير األكاديمي واالقتصادي على حد سواء واألمر الذي اجتذب البروفسور معتز النزهي إلى جامعة الملك عبداهلل هو الفرصة المقنعة لتأسيس مركز للمعرفة واألبحاث يتمتع بمقدرات غير حيث يقول "إن رؤية خادم الحرمين الشريفين.مسبوقة في الشرق األوسط الملك عبداهلل بن عبدالعزيز عن تأسيس الجامعة تلقى قبوال في نفسه وأنا أرى وأقدر دور الجامعة.كما تفعل مع أي عالم نشأ في هذه المنطقة كعامل رائد في التحول االقتصادي إضافة إلى هدفها الطموح بأن تصبح ."مركزا عالميا للتميز في األبحاث العلمية تابع حفل التخرج
و خريجو جامعة الملك عبداهلل من الجنسين معظمهم من داخل بما في ذلك الواليات المتحدة والصين،المملكة أتوا من كل بقاع العالم .وفرنسا والنرويج وجنوب أفريقيا والهند واستراليا والبرازيل كما ذكر البروفسور تشون فونغ شيه في كلمته الترحيبية بأن األبحاث التي تنتج في الجامعة والتي تنشر في المجالت األكاديمية الرائدة لها تأثير عظيم في تعزيز موقع الجامعة وسمعتها في األوساط العلمية "لقد اخترتم مالحقة شغفكم2012 العالمية وقال مخاطبا خريجي العام بالعلوم بجوار ساحل البحر األحمر في واحدة من أقصر جامعات العالم ." وبذلك تثبتون أنكم في دواخلكم رواد ومغامرون،عمرا
in brief T oastmasters On December 17, the KAUST chapter of Toastmasters, Al Manarah, visited the National Commercial Bank (NCB) Toastmasters Club at their Training Center in Jeddah. The meeting was called together by Kamal Ahmad Al-Borno, the president of NCB Toastmasters and the current manager of corporate social responsibility at Emaar, King Abdullah Economic City. The meeting led to fruitful discussions as well as agreements on continued exchange and stronger collaboration.
G rades 3, 4, and 5 Winter Concert Students in grade 3, 4, and 5 from The KAUST School (TKS) presented their take on the classic folk tale Stone Soup at their annual Winter Concert in December. The story emphasizes the need to collaborate and share in a community and TKS students shared their own interpretation, integrating their views and understanding of culture, collaboration, and community.
PhD Graduates
أول عشرة خرجيني بدرجة الدكتوراه من الدفعة الثالثة من خرجيي جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية
First PhD Graduates Among Third Graduating Class of KAUST Ten pioneering PhD graduates – who engaged in research in areas from computational modeling of materials systems, Red Sea research, and plant stress genomics, to mathematical techniques for geophysical subsurface imaging – were among KAUST's third cohort of graduates.
January 2013
ضمت الدفعة الثالثة من خرجيي جامعة امللك عبداهلل أول عشرة خرجيني رواد ممن نالوا درجة الدكتوراه بأحباث يف جماالت تناولت النمذجة احلاسوبية لنظم املواد وأحباث البحر األمحر وجينومات إجهاد النبات .واألساليب احلسابية لتصوير الطبقات اجليوفيزيائية التحتية
Dr. Wei Dai gained his bachelor’s degree from the University
Dr. Fredrick Kamanu gained a bachelor’s degree in
els that can accurately capture the dynamics of interference,
of Science and Technology of China, and his master’s
Biomedical Science and Technology from Egerton
with distinct applications in the performance analysis of sin-
degree in Geology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
University, Kenya, and a master’s degree in Bioinformatics
gle carrier and multicarrier future wireless networks.
Champaign, US. He started his PhD studies in Exploration
from the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town,
Seismology at the University of Utah, US, before following
South Africa. He joined KAUST in 2009.
his supervisor to KAUST in 2009. During his PhD studies, Dr. Dai worked on seismic imaging methods to improve the image quality and resolution by leastsquares migration (LSM). After gaining his PhD, Dr. Dai joined leading oilfield services
Dr. Kamanu’s PhD research was on developing computational tools for comparative analysis of microbial genomes. Having completed his PhD studies, Dr. Kamanu plans to stay in academia and will pursue a postdoctoral fellowship.
wireless networks. She has developed several statistical mod-
Dr. Tabassum aspires to secure a faculty position at a top university in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East.
DR. MARIE-JEAN THORAVAL, FRANCE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ADVISOR: PROF. SIGURDUR THORODDSEN Dr. Marie-Jean Thoraval received his master’s level diploma from Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France)
company and industrial partner of KAUST, Schlumberger, in Houston, Texas, US.
Dr. Tabassum’s primary research work has been on modeling and management of interference in future generation
and Supaéro (Toulouse, France), and completed a research
Dr. Timothy Kamanu has a bachelor’s degree in mathe-
joined Prof. Sigurdur Thoroddsen’s group at the National
master’s degree in Fluid Dynamics at Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (Tolouse, France). He
matics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya; Chartered
University of Singapore in 2007, and moved to KAUST
Dr. Eivind Dypvik received his master’s degree from the
Accountancy II from Strathmore University, Kenya; Post
with his supervisor in 2009.
University of Oslo, Norway, and joined KAUST shortly after
Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Sciences from the African
Dr. Thoraval’s PhD was on different aspects of drop
graduating in 2010.
Institute of Mathematical Sciences/University of Cape Town,
impacts, captured with a high-speed (one million frames
South Africa; and a master’s degree in Statistics (cum laude)
per second) camera.
Dr. Dypvik’s PhD research was on myctophids, small mesopelagic fish species important to marine ecosystems
from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
throughout the world. His research focused on the behavior
Dr. Kamanu’s PhD research focused on accurate predic-
of the Red Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean myctophids in
tion of small non-coding RNA sequences (microRNAs);
relation to prey and predator distribution, and to abiotic fac-
He developed a theoretical and computational frame-
tors such as temperature and oxygen levels.
work to unveil microRNA genes in genomic sequences,
Dr. Dypvik plans to follow his passion in marine ecology
and a software tool to estimate microRNA gene bounda-
Dr. Thoraval will continue his research as a postdoctoral fellow at KAUST.
and pursue a job within this field.
ries with high accuracy.
Dr. Kamanu hopes to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship
Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, Pakistan, and
in statistical and mathematical modeling, and/or a career
his master’s degree from University of The Punjab in
in consulting.
Lahore, Pakistan.
Dr. Salman Inayat gained his bachelor’s degree from the
investigation of the electronic states at perovskite and pyrite
Dr. Cameron MacPherson studied genetics, microbiol-
postdoctoral position in the US and Europe, and has been shortlisted for a professorship in Pakistan.
University of Engineering and Technology in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and his master’s degree from the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, US.
Dr. Nazir's PhD research focus was on the first-principles
Dr. Inayat’s doctoral research work was on transform-
ogy, and medical cell biology at undergraduate level and
ing window glasses into thermoelectricity generators. He
received his master’s degree in Bioinformatics from the
explored using the temperature gradient between the hot
University of the Western Cape, South Africa. He started
outdoors and the relatively cold indoors of a building for
his PhD studies in South Africa, and transferred to KAUST
mass scale energy generation.
when his supervisor joined the University in 2009.
hetero-interfaces. Dr. Nazir plans to stay in academia and has applied for a
Dr. Inayat’s plans are to explore avenues related to
Dr. MacPherson’s PhD research was on small ribonu-
Dr. Ge Zhan received his master’s degree in Geophysics
research, development, and commercialization of nano-
cleic acid (smRNA) biology in plant stress. His main line of
from China University of Mining and Technology, China. He
technology applications leading toward renewable
investigation was in the molecular response of Arabidopsis
started his PhD studies at the department of Geology and
energy harvesting.
thaliana to various stress conditions.
Geophysics at The University of Utah, US, before following
After completing his PhD studies, Dr. MacPherson started a postdoctoral fellowship at Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
DR. HINA TABASSUM, PAKISTAN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ADVISOR: PROF. MOHAMED-SLIM ALOUINI Dr. Hina Tabassum gained her bachelor and master’s degrees from NED University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi, Pakistan.
his supervisor to KAUST in 2009. Dr. Ge's PhD research focused on a new seismic migration algorithm, where seismic events recorded at the surface are more precisely relocated (in space) to the subsurface location in which the event occurred. Dr. Ge will begin a career in the oil and gas industry, having joined British Petroleum (BP) in Houston, Texas, US.
January 2013
Winter Enrichment Program
The Beacon
Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) 2013 2013 يناير30 يناير إلى12 سيبدأ برنامج اإلثراء الشتوي الرابع اعتبارا من وذلك للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات حول البرامج يرجى زيارة الموقع . مع مراعاة أي تعديالت قد تضاف على الجدول،والتسجيل للدورات الدراسية والمحاضرات :وإلبداء آراءكم واستفساراكم يرجى التواصل على البريد اإللكتروني The fourth Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is taking place January 12 – 30, 2013. Visit for the full program listing, and to register for courses, events, and lectures. Please note that the schedule is subject to change. For inquiries or comments, email:
PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION - DISCOVER SAUDI ARABIA January 16 - 23 Engineering Science Hall (building 9), Entrance Hall
محاضرة ومعرض للصور:صيد األسماك
Exhibition opening on January 16 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
معرض صيد األسماك في بيئة بحرية يناير25 يناير إلى19 )16( بهو مدخل اإلدارة مبنى
Discover Saudi Arabia is a photographic exhibition of some of Saudi Arabia’s most impressive heritage sites. The exhibit’s main themes are the Makkah Province, the Madinah Province, Historical Jeddah, and Saudi Arabia’s two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Hegra (Mada’in Saleh) and Ad-Dar’iyah. The Exhibit is a joint collaboration between the KAUST Society for Archaeology and Anthropology Student Group, the Photography Group, archaeologist Laurence Hapiot, WEP Conference Manager Marie-Laure Boulot, and Sami Nawar, the Director of Jeddah Historical Municipal Branch.
5K FAMILY FUN RUN Thursday, January 17 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Everyone can take part in this event by running for fun, walking with friends, or racing to win. The biggest achievement is taking part, so you can make the run a laugh by taking part in our fun events, which include best costume
يناير من الساعة الخامسة والنصف إلى السادسة والنصف19 افتتاح االحتفال في مساء : نشاط صيد األسماك في ثول:المحاضرة يناير من الساعة الواحدة والنصف إلى الساعة الثانية والنصف ظهرًا20 األحد توقع وتخمين أنواع األسماك التي ّ أبو نايف هو صائد أسماك سعودي يستخدم الطرق التقليدية في وأبو نايف له رغبة شديدة في.يصطادها وكميتها من خالل قراءة أحوال البحر والنجوم والرياح وسيقدم.المحافظة على البيئة البحرية وشغوف بمشاركة اآلخرين في ما تراكم لديه من معارف ثرية .أبونايف المحاضرة باللغة العربية وسيقوم بترجمتها إلى اللغة االنجليزية عماد الشريف
A LECTURE AND PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION: FISHING Exhibition: “Fishing Photography in a Marine Atmosphere” January 19 - 25 Administration Building (16), Rotunda Opening Ceremony on January 19 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Lecture: Fishing Activities in Thuwal Sunday, January 20 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
(come dressed in a crazy outfit) and best team costume. The competitive race categories
Abu Naif is a Saudi fisherman who uses traditional methods to anticipate the type and size
are overall race winner, fastest female runner,
of his catch, by reading the sea, the stars, and the wind. Abu Naif has a great interest in
and fastest junior (16 & under). Registration forms are available at the Harbor Sports Club reception
preserving the marine environment and a passion to share his knowledge. His lecture will
desk or by emailing
be presented in Arabic and translated to English by Emad Al Sharif.
SPECIAL EVENT: IMPROVISATION THEATRE PERFORMANCE With Basel Al-Naffouri, Lisa Rowland, Regina Saisi, Tim Orr, and special guest keyboard player, KAUST PhD student Andrew Yip Thursday, January 24 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Come watch and listen as short scenes unfold in real time with the excitement, hilarity, and
By Alexandre Poussin and Aurelien Manchon Thursday, January 24 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
surprise of improvisation. The group of San
After a bicycle tour around the world (1993-1994) and a grand traverse of the Himalaya
Francisco-based actors/improvisers will incor-
ranges (1997), Alexandre and Sonia Poussin made the first successful attempt to cross the
porate the audience’s suggestions and ideas
African Continent on foot, unaided (2001-2004). They took 39 months to walk from one end
into their improvisation performance. It will
of the Great Rift Valley to the other, retracing the passage of the Early Man.
be an engaging evening of fun for the whole family!
The seminar consists of two parts: a showing of the movie “Africa Trek: In the Footsteps of Mankind”, and a seminar/discussion on the modus operandi of their walk and the way they experienced multiculturalism.
Winter Enrichment Program
January 2013
DR. BUNHEAD'S CRASH TEST SCIENCE SHOW By Tom Pringle (from Brainiac) Sunday, January 27 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. TV's most extreme TV scientist will be at KAUST to take part in the Science Fair and to deliver 100% pure, live, high-octane explosive science. Dr. Bunhead’s show will feature exploding hot water bottles, stunt bananas, the Guinness world record potato bazooka, and more
PRESENTATION OF THE WORLD CUISINE COMPETITION By Guido Barendson Monday, January 28 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Italian gastronomic journalist and critic Guido Barendson works with the Italian national TV network RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) and is part of the managing committee of the prestigious Italian magazine and restaurant guide L’Espresso. His presentation will help participants prepare for the
DIALOGUE WITH LEADERS - “MY BIGGEST FAILURE AND WHAT IT TAUGHT ME” By Rami Abu Ghazaleh Tuesday, January 22 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Engineer Rami Abu Ghazaleh is the CEO and a Co-owner of AlBaik
Cooking Competition that will be held on Wednesday, January 30.
Food Systems Company. He manages around 40 AlBaik fast food restaurant operations in Jeddah, Makkah, Madinah, and Yanbu,
and has made substantial commitments to social responsibility in
Attab Haddad Quartet with violinist Sabina Rakcheyeva Wednesday, January 30 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
the Kingdom.
Sensitive and dynamic, and influenced by the musical traditions of the West and the East, the
Tuesday, January 22 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
young and vibrant Arts Global musicians create their unique voice through improvisations based
on classical works and traditional themes. In a rare fusion of Western and Eastern instruments and
After a call for proposals by WEP and Graduate Affairs, four alumni were shortlisted to give a
styles, their compositions and improvisations are about exploring the new approaches and reflect-
30-minute talk on their current research or work. Come hear what these KAUST alumni have to
ing an interest in music that goes beyond a singular tradition. The Quintet has appeared live on
share about their journey post-graduation.
BBC Radio and played at several of London’s venues, including The Forge, where they closed the London Jazz Festival in 2011.
EXPERIENCES TO REMEMBER FROM SAUDI ARABIA By Ahmad Sahab Monday, January 28 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Ahmad Sahab – creator, director, and presenter from OSN TV Network, will take the audience on a trip to explore the landscapes of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia using scenes from the new, must-see TV series “Discover KSA.” Sahab will showcase extracts of the groundbreaking series to bring the audience a whole new
LECTURE AND COURSE - INTRO TO MUSIC THEORY By Corry Moriarty Course: Tuesday, January 15 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lecture: Sunday, January 20 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Course: Wednesday, January 30 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Corry Moriarty is a music, drama, and creative movement educator with a focus on inquiry-based learning and integrated curriculum. Moriarty’s interactive lecture and course are designed for any-
perspective of what lies within the hidden corners of this wondrous land – from the depths of the Red Sea and the vast deserts that cover more than half of the country, to the mountaintops very few have explored. This is an adventure you won’t want to miss!
SCULPTURE, ANOTHER WAY TO CONFRONT NATURE By Igor Ustinov Tuesday, January 29 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Sculptor Igor Ustinov believes that sculpture has been used as an illustra-
one who would like to learn more about the language of music.
tion of an event of life or of faith, to communicate values to satisfy social and political establishment, and to illustrate the truth. Today, he feels sculpture
has freed itself from that use. Sculpture is no longer just a social answer but
By Sid Samtaney Monday, January 21 from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
progress. Ustinov invites the KAUST community to explore the evolution
has transformed itself to become an art of questioning and a vector of and perception of sculpture, and to share his experiences as an artist.
KAUST high school senior Sid Samtaney is an aspiring herpetologist and a seasoned WEP lecturer. During his talk, he will discuss the snake species of Saudi Arabia and educate the KAUST community about the benefits of having snakes as part of the ecosystem.
January 2013
The Beacon
Front row (from left to right): Amin Shibani (Vice President of Economic Development), Teo Uysal (Manager of New Ventures), Majed A. Alrefae, Zhenyu Li, Gary Amy, Lijo Francis, Abdulwahid Al-Zaydi, Noreddine Ghaffour Back row (from left to right): Muhannad Abu-Ghdaib, Rodrigo Valladares, Ahmad Alsaadi, Peter Rautek, Mohammed Al-Zaydi, Nasir Memon
Latest Seed Fund Winners Announced The Seed Fund recently announced the winners of their 2012 Fall Round. Four teams were selected from an initial pool of 35 applications. The successful teams count among their ranks one faculty member, two graduate students, four researchers, one postdoc, and two staff members. They will now receive incubation support to develop their products from the prototype stage to commercialization and, ultimately, into a new business. The four winning projects are:
Osmo H2O Based on new technology that integrates sea-
prototype will be developed to produce several
water desalination and wastewater treatment,
kilograms of nanoparticles, as well as a detailed
this process provides a sustainable option for
roadmap for developing a viable production
water supply. This membrane-based technology
will be used to recover fresh potable water from
Team: Nasir Memon, Majed Al Refae, Amir
wastewater effluents and seawater with 50%
less energy consumption and less use of chemicals for membrane cleaning.
Team: Gary Amy, Lijo Francis, Rodrigo
Using Augmented Reality technology and 360
Valladares, Muhannad Abu-Ghdaib, Zhenyu Li
degree panoramas, this mobile application provides interactive content for historical sites and
landmarks in Makkah, further enriching the
This multi-stage membrane distillation unit
experience of pilgrims and visitors.
combines the advantages of two conventional
Team: Peter Rautek, Abdulwahid Al-Zaydi,
methods: thermal and membrane processes. A
Mohammed Al-Zaydi
membrane that allows water vapor molecule passage will be utilized, allowing the technol-
About the Seed Fund:
ogy to work under lower temperature and lower
The Seed Fund is a product development fund-
pressure, resulting in lower cost.
ing mechanism that can help move promising
Team: Ahmad Alsaadi, Lijo Francis, Noreddine
ideas further toward commercialization, and
ultimately lead to the formation of a new business. The next round will be open in February
MANUFACTURING OF NANOPARTICLES USING FLAMES This technology is based on nanoparticle production using a proven technology of flame synthesis. Utilizing recent advancements in flame-based technology, a commercial
2013. For more information, visit the Seed Fund website or email:
املشاريع الفائزة حديثا جبوائز صندوق التمويل التأسيسي وتم اختيار.2012 أعلن صندوق التمويل التأسيسي مؤخرا المشاريع الفائزة حديثا بجوائز جولة خريف العام ِ المبتكرة لهذه المشاريع أحد وتضم الفرق. منتجا35 أربعة مشاريع من المجموعة المبدئية البالغ عددها .أعضاء هيئة التدريس وخريجين اثنين وأربعة باحثين وباحث ما بعد مرحلة الدكتوراه واثنين من الموظفين
وسيتلقون الدعم في مرحلة الحضانة بهدف تطوير منتجاتهم من مرحلة النموذج التجريبي إلى مرحلة تحويل
: والمشاريع األربعة الفائزة هي.المنتجات إلى خدمات وسلع تجارية ومن ثم تكوين شركات جديدة
نافذة على مكة
H2O أوزمو
يتم هنا استخدام تقنية واقعية محسنة ومناظر بانورامية
هي عبارة عن تقنية جديدة تجمع بينH2O أوزمو
تفاعلية للمواقع التاريخية في مكة المكرمة وبالتالى
وتقوم.هذه العملية خيار االستدامة لموارد المياه
ويؤدي هذا المنتج إلى تأمين محتويات، درجة360 .إضافة المزيد من اإلثراء لتجربة ضيوف الرحمن والزوار ومحمد الزيدي، وعبدالواحد الزيدي، بيتر راوتك:الفريق
معلومات عن صندوق التمويل التأسيسي
صندوق التمويل التأسيسي هو عبارة عن تمويل يستهدف تطوير المنتجات بما يمكن من دفع األفكار الواعدة في
اتجاه تحويلها إلى خدمات وسلع تجارية ويؤدي في نهاية
وسيتم افتتاح الجولة.المطاف إلى تكوين شركات جديدة
وتوفر،تحلية مياه البحر ومعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي التقنية على أساس استخدام األغشية الستخالص المياه
العذبة الصالحة للشرب من المياه المستخدمة ومياه
واستخدام مواد% 50 البحر باستهالك طاقة أقل بنسبة .كيميائية أقل لتنظيف األغشية
و رودريجو، و ليجو فرانسيس، قاري آمي:أعضاء الفريق و زهنيو لي، ومحمد أبو غديب،فاالداريس
وحدة التقطير باألغشية متعددة المراحل
نرجو، للمزيد من المعلومات.2013 القادمة في فبراير
وحدة التقطير باألغشية متعددة المراحل تجمع بين :البريد االلكتروني
وتستخدم فيها األغشية التي يسمح لجزيئيات.األغشية
زيارة موقع صندوق التمويل التأسيسي أو التواصل مع
هما الطريقة الحرارية مع:مزايا طريقتين تقليديتين بخار الماء بالمرور مما يسمح للتقنية بالعمل تحت درجة
حرارة وضغط أكثر انخفاضا مع ما يترتب على ذلك من .خفض للتكاليف
ونور، و ليجو فرانسيس، أحمد السعدي:أعضاء الفريق
الدين غفور
تصنيع جزيئيات النانو باستخدام اللهب
تقوم هذه التقنية على أساس إنتاج جزيئيات النانو وسيتم من خالل.باستخدام تقنية مجربة لتصنيع اللهب
استخدام تطورات حديثة في تقنية اللهب تطوير نموذج
تجاري أولي إلنتاج عدة كيلوغرامات من جزيئيات النانو
إضافة إلى خارطة طريق تفصيلية لتطوير مرفق إنتاج قابل
وأمير ميمون، وماجد الرفاعي، ناصر ميمون:أعضاء الفريق
KAUST Wins Top Honors for Entrepreneurship At the third annual Global Entrepreneurship
allowing diverse groups of entrepreneurs to
Summit (GES) held in December in Dubai, UAE,
assess each other and match each other's
KAUST was select as the Best Higher Education
skills in a productive way. In fact, many of
Institution in the Arab World supporting entre-
the VentureLab's aspiring entrepreneurs come
preneurship. The award was presented by HH
equipped with only a technical background;
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
while others come mainly with an idea or
UAE VP, PM, and Ruler of Dubai. The inaugural
relevant business experience. Teams are then
GES in 2009, highlighted by US President Barack
formed at VentureLab from a process emulat-
Obama's speech in Cairo, had as its founding
ing the real world - where participants come
and continuing mission to “empower entrepre-
together to complement each other's skills to
neurs with the skills and resources necessary to
maximize their efficiency.
compete and thrive in the 21st century.”
Manager of the KAUST Entrepreneurship Center, Ahmed Abdulwahab, remarked: “For
KAUST was recognized for the University's
any successful start-up, you need two things: a
exemplary work in areas reflected in the
great idea and a great team. It doesn't work with
award's following five main criteria:
just an idea or just a team. If you have a great
• Entrepreneurship courses and coaching
idea, you then need a team to actually execute it.
(VentureLab lecturing, coaching, WEP
For VentureLab, we look for people with a great
entrepreneurship, and Speaker Series)
background in business, or in technology or any
• Incubation Center (Startup sessions,
kind of interesting background. Then in the first
VentureLab and Seed Fund Incubation
two weeks we're matching them; actually they
space and services)
match themselves.”
• R&D Support (Technology commercialization support for innovative R&D projects) • Access to Seed Funding (Seed Fund program) • Partnership and alliances (Partnering
the VentureLab event, top teams move on to the next phase of preparing to present to the Seed Fund committee. If they are able to secure funding, they will take part in a lengthier and more intense two-year incubator in the Seed Fund.
KSA; networking)
During this time, the entrepreneurs' concepts are developed into a business and they must achieve
to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering
a set number of milestones as part of the Seed
innovation in the Kingdom and the world is
Fund requirements. The goal then becomes to
the University’s Entrepreneurship Center. The
prepare teams for the marketplace, creating a
center recently held its 2012 VentureLab final
positive impact in stimulating the economy.
showcase event and winners were announced in last month’s issue of The Beacon.
The University's focus on coaching entrepreneurs will be further highlighted at this month’s Winter Enrichment Program (WEP).
From a Winning Idea to a Viable Business: the VentureLab and Seed Fund Process
The Entrepreneurship Center will run a one-
In the spirit of the GES award's guiding princi-
January 14 - 21.
week Entrepreneurship Certificate Course
من الفكرة الرابحة إلى األعمال التجارية القابلة للنجاح انطالقا من روح المبادئ الراشدة للجائزة يخدم مختبر
تم اختيار جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية كأفضل مؤسسة تعليم على مستوى الدراسات العليا في دعم
وقدم الجائزة.المشاريع المبتكرة في العالم العربي نائب،صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم
المشاريع الجريئة كحاضنة تسمح للمجموعات المتنوعة
رئيس دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة وحاكم دبي شهر
وفي واقع األمر يأتي العديد من أصحاب.بصورة مثمرة
) التي عقدت فيGES( العالمية للمشاريع المبتكرة
من أصحاب المشاريع المبتكرة تقييم مهارات بعضهم
ديسمبر الماضي في االحتفال السنوي الثالث للقمة
المشاريع الواعدة إلى المختبر وال يملكون في جعبتهم
وقد أشاد الرئيس األمريكي باراك أوباما بالقمة.دبي
وبعد ذلك.بفكرة أو تجربة عمل ذات عالقة باالبتكار
إلى القاهرة ووصف رسالتها التأسيسية والمستمرة بأنها
يحاكي العالم الحقيقي حيث يجتمعون معا لتكملة
."الضرورية للتنافس والنمو في القرن الحادي والعشرين
بينما يأتي اآلخرون بصورة أساسية،سوى الخلفية الفنية يتم تشكيل المشاركون في المختبر باستخدام أسلوب
.وانسجام مهاراتهم مع بعضهم بهدف إظهار فعالياتهم
وذلك إبان زيارته2009 االفتتاحية التي نظمت في العام
"لتمكين أصحاب المشاريع المبتكرة بالمهارات والموارد
أولهما الفكرة،"لنجاح أي شركة جديدة ال بد من أمرين
وقد نالت جامعة الملك عبداهلل التقدير لعملها الذي يعد
بفعل الفكرة وحدها أو الفريق الممتاز بمعزل عن
:الرئيسية الخمسة التالية
وال ينجح المشروع.الجيدة وثانيهما الفريق الممتاز
وإذا كانت لديك فكرة عظيمة فإنك ستحتاج.الفكرة
.إلى فريق لوضعها موضع التنفيذ
ويقول أحمد عبدالوهاب مدير مركز المشاريع التجارية
بالنسبة لنا في مختبر المشاريع الجريئة فإننا،المبتكرة
نبحث عن األشخاص الذين لديهم خلفية معرفية عظيمة
وبعد ذلك وخالل االسبوعين األولين نقوم أو يقومون ."هم في الواقع بعملية التوافق واالنسجام
بعد دخولهم في القائمة بنجاح في فعالية مختبر المشاريع الجريئة انتقلت المشاريع الثالثة األولى إلى
نموذجا في المجاالت التي تهتم بها الجائزة وهي المعايير
•الدورات الدراسية والتدريب على املشاريع املبتكرة (محاضرات مختبر األعمال املبتكرة واملشاريع املبتكرة )في برنامج اإلثراء الشتوي وسلسلة احملاضرات •مركز احلاضنات (جلسات الشركات اجلديدة وخدمات مختبر املشاريع املبتكرة وخدمات ومساحات احلاضنات ) في برنامج التمويل التأسيسي • مساندة األبحاث والتطوير (مساندة حتويل التقنيات إلى خدمات وسلع جتارية ملشاريع األبحاث والتطوير )املبتكرة
المرحلة التالية المتمثلة في اإلعداد لعرض مشاريعهم
• احلصول علي التمويل من برنامج التمويل التأسيسي
من الحصول على التمويل فسوف يشاركون في حاضنة
• الشراكات والتحالفات (برامج املشاركة مع املساهمني
وإذا تمكنوا،أمام لجنة صندوق التمويل التأسيسي أكثف وأطول مدة تستمر عامين في صندوق التمويل
وخالل هذه المدة يتم تطوير مفاهيم أصحاب.التأسيسي
والهدف من هذه.المشاريع إلى سلع وخدمات تجارية
)(برنامج التمويل التأسيسي االساسيني في املشاريع املبتكرة داخل اململكة وتكوين ) شبكات التواصل
المرحلة إعداد أصحاب المشاريع للسوق بحيث يكونون
يتمثل محور تركيز الجامعة في تمكين أصحاب المشاريع
وسيتم ابراز واستعراض تركيز الجامعة على تدريب
وقد نظم المركز
.من المؤثرين فيه وفي تنشيط االقتصاد
أصحاب األفكار والمشاريع المبتكرة بصورة أكبر في حيث سيقدم المركز.برنامج اإلثراء الشتوي هذا الشهر
وجامعة كورنيل دورة اعتماد المشاريع المبتكرة لمدة .2013 يناير21 إلى14 أسبوع من
المبتكرة من رعاية وتعزيز االبتكار في المملكة من خالل كآخر نشاط للعام
.مبادرات أخرى تشمل سلسلة المحاضرات والتدريب
NAEEM AND ARAYANAN RECEIVE BEST POSTER AWARDS bioinformatics/bts684. Kiran Narayanan is a PhD student in the Computational Solid
ference in December; the competition categories were sponsored
Mechanics Laboratory. He graduated from the University of
by Intel Corporation and Fujitsu, respectively.
Madras, India (2004), as a gold medalist with a bachelor’s degree
Raeece Naeem is a Research Engineer in the Pathogen Genomics
in Mechanical Engineering. Before joining KAUST in 2012,
Laboratory. He gained his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in
Narayanan worked as a Junior Research Fellow at the Defence
Computer Science in India (2002). Prior to joining KAUST, Naeem
Institute of Advanced Technology, Ministry of Defence, India.
was a senior software developer at the Sanger Institute, UK.
Narayanan’s winning poster was entitled “A Hybrid, Parallel
Naeem’s winning poster described READSCAN, a highly
Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of
scalable parallel program to identify non-host sequences of
Impact Performance.” The work was conducted in collabora-
potential pathogen origin and estimate their genome relative
tion with Angel Mora, Nicholas Allsopp, and Professor Tamer
abundance in high throughput sequence datasets. The work
El Sayed. A paper that describes the work was published in
was done in collaboration with postdoctoral fellow Mamoon
the International Journal of High Performance Computing
Rashid and Naeem’s supervisor, Professor Arnab Pain. A paper
Applications in July. The paper is available at http://dx.doi.
describing the work, “READSCAN: A Fast and Scalable Pathogen
Discovery Program with Accurate Genome Relative Abundance
The third category was won by Muhamed Mudawar from King
Estimation”, will be published in the journal Bioinformatics. An
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. His poster was enti-
advanced access copy is available at
tled “Clustering Cores for Parallel Thread Execution.”
مؤخرا مختبر المشاريع الجريئة
يتولى مركز المشاريع التجارية الجريئة إدارة،الجريئة
ples, the VentureLab acts as a potent incubator,
at the Saudi Arabian High Performance Computing (SAHPC) con-
مركز المشاريع التجارية المبتكرة
وإضافة إلى مختبر المشاريع. الستعراض المشاريع2012
provided by Cornell University running from
Raeece Naeem and Kiran Narayanan received best poster awards
اختيار جامعة امللك عبداهلل كأفضل مؤسسة يف دعم املشاريع املبتكرة يف العامل العريب
.في مجال األعمال أو في التقنية أو أي خلفية مهمة
After successfully being short-listed through
with key players in entrepreneurship in A focal point of the University's commitment
January 2013
Raeece Naeem receives HPC
Best Poster Award sponsored by Intel Corporation Best Poster Award winner, Kiran Narayanan
January 2013
photo of the month
The Beacon
Amaria Rebiai, who works on the University Library’s Digital Repository team, captured this glowing sunset at KAUST Beach from aboard a paddle boat.
Have a photo to share? Send us a scene captured at KAUST for consideration for Photo of the Month. Email your photo to
my university Ola Ali Student Speaker for KAUST’s third Commencement, Ola Ali, earned her bachelor’s degree Wendy Keyes, Office of the Arts Director, and artist Janet Echelman
in Chemical Engineering from the University of Khartoum, Sudan. Although her plans once involved continuing her studies in Europe, once she heard of KAUST she decided to instead seek a unique experience by joining one of the world's newest universities. When Ola joined KAUST in 2011, she found the research opportunities and the aweinspiring environment she was hoping for, and more. “I found a community, and it made KAUST feel like a second home. There’s diversity at KAUST, and there’s respect, and it’s a perfect combination,” Ola says. As an MS graduate, Ola will stay at KAUST and continue
WEP 2013
with her research on cellulosic membranes under the supervision of Professor Klaus-Viktor Peinemann. “I plan to carry on and do a PhD as I have a passion for research,” she says. “I am interested in the unique area
between academia and industry, and I would love – eventually – to work, R&D for a reputed company.”
MARINA KOCHETYGA Marina Kochetyga is from Kiev, Ukraine. She has a master’s degree in psychology from Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, but her passion and career are in fashion and photography. She has been a freelance photographer for the past ten years, and has published her work in a wide range of printed periodicals – from scientific journals such as Science to fashion magazines like Vogue. Marina is especially drawn to portrait photography. “As a photographer, I can combine my academic background and my passion. I enjoy working on psychological portraits; I want to capture my subject’s physical likeness but I also want the portraits to show a psychological likeness,” she says. Since joining KAUST in 2010, Marina has produced portraits of the University faculty, staff, and community members, captured stunning architectural photos, and covered various events. Her work can be seen on the pages of The Beacon, the Annual Review, KAUST brochures, and on the University website. Outside work, Marina enjoys cooking, and spending time with her husband and her friends. She snorkels and dives, and has a yellow belt in nunchaku – an Okinawan martial art.
Dr. Peter Markowich, Distinguished Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor Raul Tempone has been elected program director of the
and Computational Science, has been invited to present a lecture at
Uncertainty Quantification activity group of the Society for Industrial
Collège de France – the most highly regarded higher education and
and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
research establishment in France.
SIAM is an international society that aims to ensure strong interactions
Prof. Markowich will present his Applied Mathematics Seminar lec-
between mathematics and other scientific and technological communi-
ture on January 25; the seminar series is organized by mathematician
ties through conferences, membership activities, and publications. The
Pierre-Louis Lions, and is regarded one of the world's most prestigious
society’s 18 activity groups provide a forum for the members interested
mathematical seminars.
in exploring one of the areas of applied mathematics, computational science, or applications.
Professor Markowich’s main research interests lie in partial differential equations, their
Dr. Tempone is an associate professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science,
mathematical and numerical analysis, and their application in modeling physical, biological,
and the Director of the Center for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and
and socio-economic phenomena.
Engineering, a KAUST Strategic Research Initiative.
PROFESSOR MARC GENTON ELECTED AAAS FELLOW Dr. Marc Genton, a Professor of Statistics in the Computer, Electrical,
will be recognized for his achievements at the Fellows Forum, to be held during the AAAS
and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, has been elected
Annual Meeting in Boston, US, in February.
a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Prof. Genton works on statistical analysis, modeling, prediction, and uncertainty quantifica-
(AAAS). This prestigious award is presented to scientists who have made
tion of spatio-temporal data. His work has applications in environmental and climate science,
distinguished contributions to the advancement of science. Prof. Genton
renewable energies, geophysics, and marine science.
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
BEACON املنـارة February 2013 / Rabi II 1434 Volume 3, Issue No. 6
Prof. Peinemann demonstrates the manufacturing process to Dr. Mohamed Samaha
فريق من جامعة امللك عبداهلل يطور تقنية جديدة يف االغشية املسامية قام فريق من باحثي جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية بتطوير أعماله في مجال االغشية المسامية بتقنية النانو الحساسة لألس الهيدروجيني حيث تمكن من تصنيع غشاء ذي .مسام متجانسة وشحنات قابلة للضبط والتعديل ويمكن استخدام الغشاء ليس فقط لفصل ولكن أيضا لفصل،البروتين على أساس الحجم وهي خاصية ال، الجزيئات ذات الحجم المماثل .تتوفر في االغشية التجارية الحالية وكان هذا المشروع البحثي تحت قيادة كل من فيكتور بينيمان والدكتور-البروفيسور كالوس شياو يان تشيو من مركز األغشية المتطورة والمواد المسامية بالتعاون مع زمالء ما بعد ومادهافان،الدكتوراه في المركز وهم هايتشو يو ، وعالم األبحاث نيالكاندا براديب،كاروناكاران والبروفيسور سوزانا نونز من مركز أبحاث ولقد تم نشر.تحلية واعادة استخدام المياه تحت عنوانACS Nano هذا البحث في مجلة 6 تتمه صفحة
Vice President for Research, Professor Jean Fréchet, has been announced as co-recipient of the 2013 Japan Prize. The Japan Prize acknowledges original and outstanding achievements in science and technology which are recognized as having “advanced the frontiers of knowledge and served the cause of peace and prosperity for mankind.” Prof. Fréchet and C. Grant Willson of the University of Texas at Austin are recognized for their achievement in the “development of
Selective Separation of Similarly Sized Proteins with Tunable Nanoporous Block Copolymer Membranes
chemically amplified resistant polymer materials for innovative semiconductor manufacturing processes.” Renowned scientists across North America, Europe, and Asia – including Nobel Prize Laureates, Japan Prize Laureates, and Millennium Technology Prize winners – have been swift in sending their warm congratulations. Nobel Laureate (Chemistry, 2001) Professor Ryoji Noyori of RIKEN and Nagoya University, Japan, said: “Jean Fréchet has unlimited crea-
A group of KAUST researchers has advanced
tivity and he finds no borders in science. Furthermore, Jean has bridged
in their work on pH-responsive nanoporous
science, engineering, and innovation, generating beneficial economic
films and manufactured a membrane with uni-
and social value. His chemically amplified photo-resists renovated the
form pore sizes and tunable (pH-responsive)
production process of all kinds of memory chips used in modern elec-
charges. The membrane can be used not only
tronic technologies. This splendid prize will further vitalize science and
for size-based protein separations, but also for
technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly at KAUST."
something no commercially available mem-
From his early work in solid-phase synthesis at the University of
brane is currently able to achieve – to separate
Ottawa, to his studies in polymers for therapeutics at the University
similarly sized molecules.
of California Berkeley, Prof. Fréchet's research in the field of func-
The research effort was led by Professor Klaus-
tional polymers has been renowned for its innovative nature and great
Viktor Peinemann and Dr. Xiaoyan Qiu from
breadth, spanning fundamental studies, the search for properties, and
the Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials
the exploration of applications.
Research Center. The work was conducted in
Nobel Laureate (Chemistry, 1987) Professor Jean-Marie Lehn of The
collaboration with the Center’s postdoctoral fel-
University of Strasbourg, agreed: “The research of Jean Fréchet extends
lows Haizhou Yu and Madhavan Karunakaran,
far into other areas at the meeting point of organic chemistry, materials
research scientist Neelakanda Pradeep, and Prof.
science, and chemical engineering. It bears the triple seal of excellence,
Suzana Nunes from the Water Desalination and
creativity, and technological innovation."
Reuse Center. The paper that describes the work, MEMBRANES | Continued on p6
News 1-3
الربوفسور جان فريشيه 2013حيصد جائزة اليابان
Prof. Jean Fréchet awarded 2013 Japan Prize
Robert Grubbs, a Nobel Laureate (Chemistry, 2005) of the California JAPAN PRIZE | Continued on p3
Winter Enrichment Program 4-5
نائب رئيس جامعة الملك عبداهلل،تم اإلعالن عن فوز البروفسور جان فريشيه .2013 كفائز مشترك بجائزة اليابان،لألبحاث وتمنح جائزة اليابان تقديرا لإلنجازات األصلية والمتميزة في العلوم والتقنية ذات .التأثير الفعال في تقدم مجاالت المعرفة وخدمة قضايا السالم ورفاهية البشرية غرانت ويلسون من جامعة تكساس.وقد تم تكريم البروفسور فريشيه و سي في أوستن لقاء إنجازهما المتمثل في تطوير مواد البوليمر المقاومة والمعززة وسرعان.كيميائيا لالستخدام في عمليات تصنيع أشباه الموصالت المبتكرة بمن في ذلك-ما بادر العلماء المشهورون من أمريكا الشمالية وأوروبا وآسيا الحائزون على جائزة نوبل والفائزون بجائزة اليابان والفائزون بجائزة األلفية . إلى اإلعراب عن التهاني الحارة للفائزين-للتقنية من،2001 الفائز بجائزة نوبل في الكيمياء،يقول البروفسور ريوجي نويوري "يتمتع جان فريشيه بمواهب إبداعية،معهد ريكين وجامعة ناغويا في اليابان ، وعالوة على ذلك.ال محدودة وال تعترض مساره في مجاالت العلوم حدود تولى فريشيه بناء الجسور بين العلوم والهندسة واالبتكار مما ترتب علي ذلك وأدت طريقته لتطوير مواد البوليمر المقاومة.منافع اقتصادية واجتماعية جمة للضوء والمعززة كيميائيا إلى تجديد عملية إنتاج جميع أنواع رقائق الذاكرة وهذه الجائزة الرفيعة ستؤدي.المستخدمة في التقنيات االلكترونية الحديثة إلى مزيد من التفعيل لنشاطات العلوم والتقنية في المملكة العربية السعودية ."وخاصة في جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية ومنذ بداية أعماله المبكرة في توليف الحالة الصلبة في جامعة أوتاوا إلى دراساته نالت،في مواد البوليمر لألغراض العالجية في جامعة كاليفورنيا في بيركلي أبحاث البروفسور فريشيه في مواد البوليمر الوظيفية الشهرة بفضل طبيعتها االبتكارية واتساع نطاقها وامتدت شهرتها لتشمل الدراسات األساسية والبحث .في الخواص واستكشاف التطبيقات ) من معهد كاليفورنيا2005( الفائز بجائزة نوبل في الكيمياء،وأشاد روبرت قربز للتقنية بجهود البروفسور فريشيه قائال "تمثل أبحاث البروفسور فريشيه مزيجا فريدا بتميز جودتها النوعية وعمقها واتساع نطاقها في عمليات توليف وتصميم وقدم البروفسور فريشيه اسهامات مقدرة. المواد العضوية/مواد البوليمر مما دعم،تراوحت من المقاومات الضوئية إلى الجزيئيات المتشعبة ومواد الفرز ."التوفيق الذي حالفه بصورة ملحوظة في تفادي الملل الفكري ) واألستاذ2010( الفائز بجائزة األلفية للتقنية،ويقول البروفسور السير رتشارد فريند األعلى في جامعة كيمبردج ورئيس المجلس االستشاري الدولي لجامعة الملك عبداهلل "تعتمد التطورات على امتداد خارطة طريق الكترونيات السيليكون بصورة 3 تتمه صفحة
Research 6-7
Community 8
February 2013
The Beacon
OUR CAMPUS has been buzzing with activity with the 2013 Winter Enrichment Program (WEP), collabo-
for both personal and professional enrichment, and many thanks go to the organizing committee, under
rative partner signings, on-going research, and exciting news of Professor Fréchet’s latest accolade. The
the leadership of Vice President for Education, James Calvin. Because of their dedication and hard work,
University was especially honored to receive a visit from HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal.
members of our community as well as regional and international guests were able to discover, learn, and
A month filled with many highlights, this issue offers a snapshot of the various happenings before the start of the spring semester. WEP 2013 truly delivered a diverse program teeming with opportunities
participate in one of the most anticipated and popular annual events on campus. —THE BEACON Editorial
The Beacon, Volume 3, Issue 6, February 2013. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.Contact Salah Sindi, or Michelle D'Antoni © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.
in brief
HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal is greeted by KAUST President Prof. Choon Fong Shih and Mr. Nadmi Al-Nasr, Executive Vice Pres. of Admin and Finance, during his recent visit to KAUST.
His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al-Faisal Visits KAUST His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al-Faisal, Governor of the Makkah Province, visited KAUST January 24, addressing KAUST leadership and touring the campus. HRH Prince Khalid reasserted that King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is one of the most important mega projects of the reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. “We are looking forward to, in fact we want you to, employ the greatest amount of your knowledge and experience to improve this land which is the cradle and center of the Islamic world,” he said. “This country cannot only be, but also ought to be, a role model for the Islamic world. These aspirations can be achieved with the assistance of a modern scientific institution, a knowledge beacon the caliber of this research university.” His Royal Highness, accompanied by KAUST President Choon Fong Shih, Provost Stefan Catsicas, and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance Nadhmi Al-Nasr, concluded his visit
بمعرفتكم:األمير خالد الفيصل مخاطبًا قيادات جامعة الملك عبداهلل وخبراتكم سيكون هذا البلد نموذجًا لدول العالم المسلم أن جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم، أمير منطقة مكة المكرمة،أكد صاحب السمو الملكي األمير خالد الفيصل والتقنية هي أحد أهم المشاريع العظيمة التي تميز بها عهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبداهلل بن نحن نتطلع بل نريد استخدام أكبر قدر: وقال سموه مخاطبًا قيادات الجامعة في "ثول" ظهر أمس،عبدالعزيز :من المعرفة والخبرات الخاصة بكم لتحسين هذه األرض التي هي مركز العالم اإلسالمي" وأضاف األمير خالد يمكننا فعل ذلك بمساعدة.."هذا البلد يمكن أن يكون بل ينبغي أن يكون نموذجا للدول في العالم المسلم ."مؤسسة علمية حديثة ومنارة معرفية بحجم هذه الجامعة البحثية جاء ذلك أثناء زيارة سموه أمس لجامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية في ثول التي رافقه فيها االمير مشعل ثم التقى األمير خالد، وبدأت الزيارة بجولة في مجتمع الجامعة والحي السكني،بن ماجد محافظ محافظة جدة بقيادات جامعة الملك عبداهلل واستمع لعرض مفصل عن الجامعة بدءًا من الرؤية وحتى أضحت واقعًا فريدًا تفخر به حيث استعرض المهندس نظمي النصر نائب الرئيس التنفيذي للشؤون المالية واإلدارية ما أسماه بـ رحلة األلف يوم وهي مدة إنجاز جامعة الملك عبداهلل ومراحل تأسيسها وشرح أهدافها االستراتيجية التي تتمثل .ال مساعدًا في حياة الناس وتنويع االقتصاد السعودي والنهوض بالعلم والتقنية ً في أن تكون الجامعة عام وذكر النصر أن خادم الحرمين الشريفين أعلن عن تأسيس هذا المكان انطالقًا من مبادئ اإلسالم الخالدة و التي وتدعو إلى عمارة األرض وتعارف الناس وبعد التوكل على اهلل جل جالله كما جاء في كلمته،تحث على طلب العلم ) والتي يأمل الملك عبداهلل أن تكون منارة من منارات المعرفة2007( حفظه اهلل أثناء وضعه حجر أساس الجامعة و أن تؤدي رسالتها اإلنسانية السامية في بيئة نقية صافية مستعينة،وجسرًا للتواصل بين الحضارات و الشعوب باهلل و بالعقول النيرة من كل مكان بال تفرقة و ال تمييز انطالقا مما درجت عليه المؤسسات التعليمية في عصور ثم قدم البروفيسور تشي فونغ شيه عرضًا عن واقع الجامعة الحالي واألبحاث..الحضارة العربية واإلسالمية الزاهرة .التي تعمل عليها في مراكزها التسعة ومستقبل هذه األبحاث والفائدة المنتظرة منها لتحسين حياة الناس تجول سمو األمير خالد داخل،وقبل أن يختم زيارته بجولة قصيرة في متحف العلوم والتقنية في اإلسالم الحرم الجامعي يرافقه رئيس جامعة الملك عبداهلل البروفيسور تشي فونغ شيه ونائب الرئيس التنفيذي المهندس نظمي النصر والوكيل نائب الرئيس التنفيذي للشؤون األكاديمية البروفيسور ستيفان كاتسيكاس حيث اطلع على مراكز األبحاث وتعرف على المعامل والمختبرات واإلمكانيات الهائلة التي تزخر بها الجامعة .واستمع إلى شرح مفصل عن كل ذلك
with a short tour of the Museum of Science and Technology in Islam and the KAUST Research Centers and laboratories.
M emorandum of Cooperation Signed Between Saudi Geological Survey and KAUST A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) and KAUST in order to expand and deepen collaborative research in Earth Sciences and related fields. The ceremony was held on January 29 at KAUST, at which Dr. Zohair bin Abdulhafeez Nawab, President of SGS, and Professor Choon Fong Shih, President of KAUST, signed for their organizations, in the presence of HE Minister Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi, Chairman of the KAUST Board of Trustees and member of the board of the SGS. Delegates from both organizations participated in the ceremony, which included presentations about the scientific vision of this memorandum given by Professors Thomas Missimer and Martin Mai. Identified areas of cooperation between the two organizations include knowledge transfer from SGS to KAUST and vice versa, and a broad data exchange that includes sharing of hydrological and geological data for research on groundwater aquifer recharge, and exchanging geophysical and seismological data for volcano imaging and Earth structure studies. Moreover, sharing of equipment and logistical resources for field studies and other activities is envisioned to enable scientific collaboration that leads to co-publication of research results. This Memorandum of Cooperation has the potential to generate direct benefits to the Kingdom. These include the development of geothermal energy resources, the development of detailed geological information on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Arabia coastlines and their use in the subsurface intakes for seawater desalination, and the mapping of soils, soil moisture and water levels in agriculture. Other possible benefits are refined monitoring of seismicity and volcanic activity, improved mapping of Earth structure, and state-of-the art seismic and volcano hazard assessment.
Memorandum of Understanding Signed between KAUST and King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy
HE Ali I. Al-Naimi, Chairman of the KAUST Board of Trustees and member of the Board of SGS, joins hands with Dr. Zohair bin Abdulhafeez Nawab, President of SGS, and Prof. Choon Fong Shih, KAUST President, at the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the two institutions.
هيئة المساحة الجيولوجية وجامعة الملك عبداهلل توقعان مذكرة تعاون وقعت هيئة املساحة اجليولوجية السعودية وجامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية مذكرة تعاون تهدف إىل وجرى التوقيع يف احتفال نظم مؤخرًا.توسعة وتعميق األحباث التعاونية يف علوم األرض واملجاالت املتعلقة بها حيث وقع على املذكرة كل من الدكتور زهري،) يف مقر اإلدارة العليا يف جامعة امللك عبداهلل2013 يناير29( حبضور معايل املهندس على بن، رئيس اجلامعة، والربوفسور تشون فونغ شيه، رئيس اهليئة،بن عبداحلفيظ نواب رئيس جملس أمناء اجلامعة وعضو جملس إدارة هيئة املساحة، وزير البرتول والثروة املعدنية،إبراهيم النعيمي وعقب كلمات االفتتاح قدم. كما حضر احتفال التوقيع قيادات وشخصيات متثل اجلهتني.اجليولوجية السعودية .الربوفسور توماس مسمار والربوفسور مارتن ماي استعراضا للرؤية العلمية هلذه املذكرة وتشمل جماالت التعاون اليت مت حتديدها بني الطرفني نقل املعرفة من اهليئة إىل اجلامعة وبالعكس وتبادل قطاع عريض من البيانات اليت تشمل املشاركة يف املعطيات املائية واجليولوجية ألغراض األحباث املتصلة بإعادة تعبئة الطبقات احلاملة للمياه اجلوفية وتبادل املعلومات اجليوفيزيائية والزلزالية املتصلة بصور الزالزل ودراسات البنية . إضافة إىل املشاركة يف موارد املعدات واملوارد اللوجستية للدراسات امليدانية وغري ذلك من النشاطات،األرضية .وتتوقع اجلامعة من هذه املذكرة التعاون العلمي الوثيق الذي يؤدي إىل النشر املشرتك لنتائج هذه األحباث ،وينتظر من مذكرة التعاون هذه أن تسهم بإمكانيات وفرص حتقيق منافع مباشرة تصب يف مصلحة اململكة مبا يف ذلك تطوير موارد الطاقة احلرارية والبيانات اجليولوجية التفصيلية حول ساحلي البحر األمحر واخلليج العريب واستخدامها يف مأخذ حتلية مياه البحر وانتاج خرائط ألنواع الرتبة ورطوبتها ومناسيب املياه لألغراض وتضم املنافع األخرى املحتملة الرصد املوثق للنشاطات الزلزالية والربكانية وانتاج اخلرائط.الزراعية .املحسنة لبنية األرض وتشكيالتها والتقييم املتطور ملخاطر الزالزل والرباكني
A strategic partnership memorandum of understanding between KAUST and the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE) was signed January 26 by HE Dr. Khalid Al-Sulaiman, K.A.CARE Vice President of Renewable Energy, and Dr. Mohamed Samaha, KAUST Senior Vice President of Economic and Technology Development. The agreement outlined proposed areas of R&D collaboration in such areas as solar and photovoltaic engineering, wind energy, and solar resource mapping. Cooperation in the areas of energy focused entrepreneurship, industry collaboration, technology transfer, and best practices and know-how transfer are also covered in the Memorandum of Understanding. HE Dr. Khalid Al Sulaiman, K. A. CARE Vice President of Renewable Energy, and Dr. Mohamed Samaha, Senior Vice President of KAUST Economic and Technology Development, shake hands on the occasion of the signing of a Strategic Partnership Memorandum of Understanding with KAUST Pres. Choon Fong Shih in attendance.
February 2013
Over 70 Alumni Attend Second Annual Alumni Luncheon
KAUST alumni pose with members of KAUST Leadership at the Second Annual Alumni Luncheon.
Over 70 In-Kingdom and GCC KAUST alumni attended the
both personal and professional experiences gained at KAUST.
and recruiting the best minds – the promising and the proven –
Second Annual Alumni Luncheon on January 24. The luncheon
Al-Rowais hopes to stay in academia. He said his drive to do so
from within the Kingdom and across the world; so my heart is really
was organized by the Alumni Team within the Office of Graduate
was fostered by his experience at KAUST, and he and his father
lifted when I hear from professors and industry leaders that KAUST
Affairs as part of the 2013 Winter Enrichment Program (WEP).
hope that one day his academic career might even lead to his
talent is making a difference in discovery and delivery,” he said.
Among the attending alumni were four individuals who were
becoming President of the University. Lecocq spoke of the spe-
Associate Provost Brian Moran described the luncheon as a
invited to give presentations about their current activities as
cial bonds he made at KAUST with his fellow students, two of
celebration of the contributions KAUST alumni are making in the
part of the 2013 WEP program. They were Hommood Al-Rowais,
whom became such good friends that they were in his wedding.
workforce. “Hearing from Rami, Mark, Hommood, and Daniel that
Daniel Lecocq, Rami Hammad, and Mark Rosa.
Hammad described how being a KAUST graduate gained him
graduate study and research at KAUST prepared them for their
Al-Rowais, a 2010 master’s graduate in electrical engineering,
stature in the workplace. “I can see in colleagues’ eyes that they
current jobs was gratifying. Hearing them speak of their passion
is presently pursuing a PhD at Georgia Tech University. During
think better of me after hearing I am from KAUST,” he said. Rosa
for KAUST and how it continues to inspire them was heartwarm-
his WEP presentation, he discussed his research in bio-inspired
agreed and said that his degree had opened many doors for him
ing,” he said. “It challenges us at KAUST to continue to provide
sensors for sensory loss in the vestibular system. Lecocq, a 2010
in the workplace.
excellent instruction, research opportunities, and career guidance for our students.”
master’s graduate in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
University President Choon Fong Shih welcomed the group to
now works in the US as a software engineer. He spoke about
the luncheon saying he always looks forward to meeting so many
Prof. Shih said that there was a profoundly touching and per-
Computer Languages used in his work. Hammad, a 2010 MS grad-
young people who possess an abundance of the 3 E’s – energy,
sonal resonance to the luncheon. It was the last WEP Alumni
uate in Mechanical Engineering, now works at Saudi Aramco in
enthusiasm, and enterprise. Prof. Shih said that he heard from
event at which he will preside as President before stepping down
the Inspection Technology Unit, as does Rosa, a 2012 MS graduate
Saudi Aramco colleagues at the Third Commencement Ceremony
later this year. He said it has been a privilege, an honor, and a
in Materials Science Engineering. In their presentation, they shared
in December that KAUST graduates are really excelling in the
source of deep joy to serve as the Founding President of KAUST
their experiences about the new types of technology they were
workplace and that they are giving their counterparts from lead-
and that he, like the alumni, would be a flag bearer for the special
analyzing and introducing for pipeline inspection.
ing global research universities a “real run for their money.”
KAUST academic community and its unique values and attributes
The four spoke briefly at the luncheon as well, reflecting on
“Much of building a great university is about investing in people
to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the world.
The KAUST Schools (TKS) Winter Enrichment Program The inaugural TKS WEP (Winter Enrichment Program) at the Garden Secondary School (GSS) was a week-long, jam-packed enrichment experience for students. It was designed to enrich and expand all aspects of the TKS curriculum, providing a “hands-on” experiential learning opportu-
TKS students learn to build with power tools. Others learned about robotics.
nity in support of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile traits. Coinciding with the University’s WEP program, students in grades 6 through 12 met with many of the WEP keynote speakers in special sessions. Spencer Wells, leader of the Genographic Project and
classes in robotics, building with power tools, career exploration, Earth architecture, Italian cooking, Korean pop culture, Oriental Arts, solar astronomy, and ceramics, to mention a few.
Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society, spoke to a full assembly at the school.
Also incorporated into the week was student leadership and service training provided by the
Phillippe Cousteau, Jr., environmentalist and grandson of Jacques Cousteau, met after school with
JUMP! Foundation. The JUMP! team held sessions with the GSS Student Council and middle and
the Diploma Programme Biology and Environmental Systems class. Claude Nicollier, European Space
high school students to explore community building, leadership, conflict resolution, and cultural
Agency astronaut, visited the Diploma Programme Physics classes, and Charles Elachi, director of
respect. There was a special session for grade 10 and 11 students on initiating action and com-
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who oversees the Mars Rover, spoke with grade 7 students.
munity service projects.
Unique to the TKS WEP program, there were bus excursions to a Rabigh Beach camp, golf in Jeddah, the Modern Ocean Lab at KAUST, the EnviroHome, and more. Other activities for GSS students included
JAPAN PRIZE | Continued from p1 Institute of Technology, shared: “Frechet's
Minister, the Speaker of the Japanese House of
research is an incredible combination of quality,
Representatives, the President of Japan's House
depth, and breadth in the synthesis and design of
of Councilors, the Chief Justice of the Japan
polymer/organic materials. He has made signifi-
Supreme Court, foreign ambassadors to Japan,
cant contributions from photoresists to dendrimers
and more than a thousand other distinguished
to separation materials. He has been remarkably
guests including eminent academics, researchers
successful at avoiding intellectual boredom."
and representatives from public life, industry and
Professor Sir Richard Friend FRS, a Millennium
the international media.
Technology Prize Laureate (2010), is Cavendish
KAUST President, Professor Choon Fong Shih,
Professor at the University of Cambridge and
said: “Jean Fréchet is multi-talented – an outstand-
Chair of the President's International Advisory
ing scientist and engineer, an inspirational educator,
Council at King Abdullah University of Science
and a hugely respected entrepreneur. At King
and Technology. He noted: “Advances along the
Abdullah University of Science and Technology
silicon electronics roadmap depend critically
one of his key roles is to strengthen the synergy
on the performance of the photoresists used
between scientific advancement and technological
for photolithographic patterning. This award
innovation to bring benefits to the Kingdom and
recognises the seminal advance of Fréchet
humankind. His fellow faculty, the staff, and stu-
and Willson, whose brilliant new chemical
dents of King Abdullah University of Science and
approaches brought unprecedented performance
Technology are thrilled and inspired that our Vice
in sensitivity and resolution."
President for Research, who oversees KAUST's sci-
A formal Presentation Ceremony will be
entific direction, has been recognized by the Japan
held in Tokyo in April, in the presence of Their
Prize Foundation. It is a proud day for all of us to
Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
have an internationally acclaimed scientist working
Celebration events are also attended by the Prime
and living in our Red Sea community."
By the end of the TKS WEP week, over 250 GSS students had taken part in some of the 120 enrichment sessions and 20 field trips.
وسيحضر االحتفال أيضا رئيس.وامبراطورة اليابان الوزراء و رئيس مجلس النواب الياباني ورئيس مجلس المستشارين الياباني ورئيس القضاء والمحكمة العليا ،والسفراء األجانب وأكثر من ألف من كبار الضيوف بمن في ذلك المتميزون من االكاديميين والباحثين والممثلين البارزين للحياة العامة والصناعة ووسائل .اإلعالم العالمية رئيس جامعة،وأدلى البروفسور تشون فونغ شيه بتصريح قال فيه "البروفسور فريشيه، الملك عبداهلل هو شخص متعدد المواهب وعالم ومهندس مبرز .ومعلم صناعي ورجل أعمال ومشاريع مبتكرة محترم وزمالؤه في هيئة التدريس وموظفو وطالب جامعة الملك عبداهلل مغتبطون للغاية بفوز نائب الرئيس لألبحاث في الجامعة والذي يشرف على أجندة األبحاث وتوجهها العلمي بهذا التكريم والتقدير وهذا يوم يحق للجامعة.من مؤسسة جائزة اليابان ."والمملكة أن تفخرا به كل الفخر يذكر أن جائزة اليابان هي جائزة دولية كبرى في مجال األبحاث العلمية والتقنية وإحدى الجوائز العالمية ويعتبر حصول أحد كبار،األكثر رفعة في هذا المجال علماء جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية على هذه يعد بمثابة تقدير وإشادة بالجامعة،الجائزة الرفيعة .بعد أربع سنوات فقط من انطالقها
2013 تابع جان فريشيه حيصد جائزة اليابان
حرجة على أداء المواد المقاومة للضوء المستخدمة وال.في عمل أنماط الطباعة بالليثوغرافيا الضوئية شك أن هذه الجائزة تأتي تقديرًا للتطورات المبدئية التي حققها كل من فريشيه وويلسون اللذين ترتب على أساليبهما الكيميائية الجديدة أداء غير مسبوق .".في حساسية المواد ودقتها وعملية التضخيم الكيميائي ما هي إال واحدة من إنجازات البروفسور فريشيه العديدة التي أتاحت إنتاج المقاومات الضوئية والدوائر المدمجة مما أسهم في تطوير أجهزة الحاسوب وغيرها من األجهزة االلكترونية وقد ركزت أعماله األخيرة على استخدام.الحديثة بما في ذلك األدوية،البوليمر في االستخدامات العالجية .المستهدفة واللقاحات وفحوص الحمض النووي ،و فريشيه أيضا مؤسس شركتي أرديليكس وأكوانونو كما عمل كمستشار علمي لبعض من أكثر الشركات بما في ذلك شركات،ابتكارا ونجاحا على نطاق العالم يونيليفر وميرك ونوفومر وآي بي إم واكسون موبيل و .اكزيروكس وباير وباسف وديبونت وأموكو ونوفارتيس دولة جائزة13 عالما من74 نال،1984 ومنذ العام حيث تسلم كل واحد من كل فئة من فئات،اليابان الجائزة شهادة تقدير وجدارة وميدالية تذكارية . مليون ين ياباني50 وجائزة بمبلغ وسيتم تنظيم احتفالية رسمية بتقديم الجائزة في اليابان في شهر أبريل المقبل بحضور جاللة امبراطور
Winter Enrichment Program
February 2013
The Beacon
2013 Winter Enrichment Program Wrap-Up The Winter Enrichment Program came to a close at the end of January after three weeks of stimulating lectures, classes, symposiums, and recreational and cultural events. A coordinated effort involving divisions, departments, and individuals from across the University and community, WEP delivered an inspiring program under the leadership of the 2013 committee.
2013 WEP Committee Leadership
Philippe Cousteau, Jr., Our Oceans, Ourselves
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
Like generations of people around the world, environmental advocate Philippe Cousteau, Jr. draws inspiration from his legendary grandfather, the explorer and pioneering marine conservationist Jacques Cousteau. Philippe Cousteau, Jr. continues the family legacy on edu-
Vice President for Education: Prof. James Calvin
cating the public about environmental and conservation issues. "My
WEP Chair: Prof. Suzana P. Nunes, PSE (Physical Sciences and Engineering Division)
mission in life is to help people to understand the power they have to
WEP Co-Chair: Prof. William Roberts, PSE
change the world," he said during his keynote lecture.
WEP Conference Manager: Marie-Laure Boulot, Provost’s Office
Read more about this talk online. Scan the QR code or visit the University website
2013 WEP Committee
Prof. Husam Alshareef, PSE Prof. Shuyu Sun, PSE Prof. Uli Stingl, BESE (Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division) Prof. Ying Wu, CEMSE (Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division)
Charles Elachi on New Space Frontiers and Scientific Innovation
Dr. Charles Elachi
Prof. Niveen Khashab, PSE
Dr. Charles Elachi, Director of NASA’s Jet
Alaa I. Ragab, MS student, BESE
Propulsion Laboratory and member of the President’s
Alvaro Morales Gutierrez, PhD student, CEMSE
International Advisory Council at KAUST, presented a
Dr. Christiane Hoppe-Jones, postdoctoral fellow, Water Desalination and Reuse Research Center
keynote lecture on the recent successful landing of the
Dr. Raed A. Bkayrat, Economic Development
Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars.
Dr. Steve Cutchin, Visualization Core Lab
Dr. Elachi explained that the rover program has “confirmed by analyzing the rocks that actually
Wendy Keyes, Office of the Arts
salty liquid ocean existed in the past, which modified the rocks.” In fact, geological analysis has
Georg Eitelhuber, The KAUST Schools
confirmed that the Curiosity rover landed onto what was once a riverbed.
Ioanna Karariga, The KAUST Schools
The next step, he adds, is to perform chemical analysis to see if it has the right ingredients for organic material.
Philip Rosedale Speaks on Entrepreneurship Success Philip Rosedale
Read more about this talk online. Scan the QR code or visit the University website
Silicon Valley technology entrepreneur Philip Rosedale gave a keynote speech on his business background, philosophy, and the predictors of entrepreneurial success. The founder and chairman of the virtual world website
Second Life, Rosedale has seen many startups come and go. The advice he gives to emerging entrepreneurs is to be fully committed. “The investor needs to know that you've got no choice but to make this
Dr. Ismail Serageldin on Building a Global Knowledge Society Dr. Serageldin heads one of Egypt's most ambitious projects as the Distinguished Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the
Dr. Ismail Serageldin
New Library of Alexandria. In his keynote lecture, Dr. Serageldin
business successful. That's when they know it's time to invest," said Rosedale.
described the major social and technological forces that are fostering
His latest project is called Coffee and Power. His new company of two years offers
and challenging the creation of a global knowledge society, and how
solutions to people to help them work together in unconventional ways.
the changes will affect the “manner in which knowledge is organized,
Read more about this talk online. Scan the QR code or visit the University website
transferred, and passed on across space and time.”
Read more about this talk online. Scan the QR code or visit the University website
Dr. Spencer Wells, Exploring the World's Genetic Diversity
Spencer Wells
Water Sustainability Symposium
National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, Dr. Spencer Wells, focused
WEP 2013 hosted a one-day symposium focusing on sustainable water management. The event
his keynote address on the Genographic Project. As a human population
was organized by the University's Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC) in acknowledge-
geneticist, Dr. Wells' primary research focus is to explain patterns of human
ment of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation.
diversity. Launched in 2005, the Genographic Project has been using the
The one-day symposium, "Sustainable Water Management as an Adaptation to the Challenge of
latest DNA analysis techniques to study samples collected from indigenous
Climate Change," brought together prominent water technology specialists, chief executive offic-
populations and people from around the world.
ers, and leading academics working in the water sector. The seminar covered the current relevant
The accumulated DNA information gathered has enabled Dr. Wells and his team at
topics on sustainable water management, highlighting the burning issues of water education,
the Genographic Project to map historical human migration patterns using genetics as a
water diplomacy, trans-boundary water management, financing operations, and legal frameworks.
tool rather than simply using archaeology or paleoanthropology.
The day concluded with round table discussions by industry leaders and stakeholders mainly from
Read more about this talk online. Scan the QR code or visit the University website
within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
“I wanted to see if we can dispute the historical perspective, and come up with an alternative approach,” said Professor Gary Amy, Director of WDRC. In his talk, he highlighted the need to think about "comprehensive, integrated, and holistic approaches" and "flexible water designs" that
Winter Enrichment Program
February 2013
are able to take uncertainties and environmental issues into account. Prof. Nina Fedoroff, Director of KAUST’s Center for Desert Agriculture, talked about water and food in arid regions. She summed up the food crisis challenges by saying, “We need to reduce agriculture’s ecological impact… reduce its demand for fresh water… adapt staple crops to a hotter and drier world… and double the food supply.” Although the task is daunting, she believes this all could be achieved in a sustainable way if we “apply much more sophisticated thinking and planning” and “think outside the box.” In the symposium’s closing talk, Gary White, CEO and Co-founder of Water.Org, urged KAUST students to tackle some of the water sustainability problems: “If we harness the best and the brightest towards solving the crisis, in the same way that we have some of the best and the brightest trying to figure out how to make the next smartphone… we are in a good shape to put this crisis behind us.”
Saudi Business Leaders Series: Jarir Group CEO, Muhammad Alagil
Mr. Mohammad Alagil
As part of WEP 2013’s Business Leadership Series lectures, KAUST welcomed Muhammad Alagil, CEO of Jarir Investment and Chairman of Jarir Group.
hour for the building permit to be granted. The fiber was actually found in Saudi Arabia, through
Alagil shared the story of his family business with the audience. A leading regional corporation
umbrella forms made of material that had been exposed to ultra-violet rays for more than thirty
comprised of Jarir Marketing and the Jarir Bookstore chains, the scope of the Jarir Group’s activi-
years without any loss of strength.
ties extend into stationary, computer supplies, books, and office machines.
The resulting 14-story-high textile sculpture, made from Tenera Architectural Fiber selected for
Recalling how his family started the business from a single modest building, Alagil shared some
its low degradation properties, became a social gathering place that people were naturally drawn
of the guiding principles which have secured their success. The overriding message he expressed
to. “A previously invisible place became a real part of the area,” said Echelman.
was: “Having the highest ethics leads to making a business a success.” In order to ensure full transparency and a successful line of succession, Alagil explained that in order for family members to be hired in leadership roles at Jarir, they must spend three years working in another organization and be promoted at least once. The family’s commitment to
Chinese Painting and Calligraphy with Peng Longxi
excellence and basic business ethics is at the core of the corporation’s value system.
Peng Longxi is a Chinese painting and calligraphy
The Jarir Group is strongly rooted in the Gulf region and focuses on continuing to develop its
master with a first class national teaching certif-
presence in Saudi Arabia and the GCC. The region’s youthful and growing population represents
icate in fine arts. He joined 2013 WEP from the
a prime consumer pool according to Alagil.
southwestern part of China, where he is a master
Peng Longxi
at the Wenjiang Liucheng Painting and Calligraphy
Janet Echelman: Merging an Ancient Art with Modern Technology Acclaimed artist Janet Echelman, whose public art installations have graced urban public spaces in cities around the world, spoke about her work and career. Describing how Echelman’s netted sculptures embrace thousand-yearold art with new millennium software innovations,
Institute. He is also a member of Sichuan Artists Association and Secretary-General of Xiling Painting Academy. Peng specializes in landscapes, flowers, and birds. His style, brushwork, and spirit
Phot o by
reflect those of Master Huang Binhong, who is considered to be one of the last great innovators of the Southern School of Chinese painting.
Peng introduced the WEP community to the art and history of Chinese painting
Professor David Keyes praised her for “taking so
and calligraphy with a five-day program that included a lecture, art exhibition, painting
many steps as an artist towards technology.”
demonstrations, and a series of hands-on workshops.
Echelman shared with the audience how she evolved as an artist from working with traditional fishermen in India, creating a net of a million and a half handtied knots, to meeting the CEO of Autodesk after a hvaslaiho Photo by HEIKKI La
TED Talk and working with his company on customized design software taking into account the effects of gravity and wind on 3D models. In 2001 tens of thousands of people had attended the opening of her hand-made temporary netted sculpture installation on the courtyard roof of the Spanish National Janet Echelman’s mesh sculpture in the Administration Building foyer
HEIK KI La hva slai ho
Trade Fair Complex in Madrid. She met a greater challenge when, at that event, she was asked to create a similar permanent sculpture to be displayed in the waterfront area of Porto-Matosinhos in Portugal. Echelman first wondered if the ephemeral and delicate nature of her temporary art installations and their essence would be lost by the robust engineering requirements of a permanent
structure. But when the 40,000 pound structure was completed in 2005, she described standing under the sculpture and feeling “both sheltered and connected to the infinite sky.” The challenge had been to find a fiber that could withstand ultra-violet rays without losing its strength. At the same time, the material had to be soft enough to move fluidly in the wind. The sculpture’s netted structure also had to withstand hurricane force winds of more than 90 miles per
February 2013
The Beacon
Second Annual International Research Poster Competition for Undergraduates The Second Annual International Research Poster Competition for Undergraduates, sponsored by WEP 2013 and organized by Professor Niveen M. Khashab, honored its winners at an award ceremony on January 30. This year’s winners were: 1st place: Whitney Wagner – Cornell University (US), Chemical Engineering, Developing a Novel Transport Layer for Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Undergraduate Poster Competition under way
2nd place: Pierce Maguire – Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), Physics, Physical Characterisations of Nanoparticles Systems for Nanotoxicology Studies 3rd place: Nouf AlZahrani – KAU (Saudi Arabia), Diagnostic Radiology, Value of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of myocardial viability Selected from three hundred poster abstracts, the top twenty-seven undergraduate finalists from the US, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and several other countries were invited to present their posters at KAUST. In the final competition, participants were judged on: • Novelty of the work • Ability of the presenter to showcase their project • The poster presentation The Annual Research Poster Competition also represents a valuable recruiting tool for KAUST as it attracts participation from top students from schools such as Harvard, Cornell, and Stanford. Every year, 15-30 Saudi students also take part and have the opportunity to meet with Saudi Initiatives at KAUST. Professor James Calvin, Vice President for Education, told the award ceremony audience that while resources and infrastructure dedicated to research vary around the world, “brilliance and intellectual capacity is uniformly distributed everywhere.” Global competitions such as KAUST’s
The 27 undergraduate finalists with WEP organizers
Annual Research Poster for Undergraduates competition, he added, “made it really obvious that this statement is undeniable.” Selective protein separation with a tunable nanoporous block copolymer membrane. The ACS Nano-illustration
MEMBRANES | Continued from p1
was created by scientific illustrator Olga Kasimova from the KAUST Office of Academic Writing Services.
“Selective Separation of Similarly Sized Proteins with Tunable Nanoporous Block Copolymer Membranes,” was published in a leading nanoscience and nanotechnology journal ACS Nano, and can be accessed at nn305073e. The membrane obtained a water flux of at least an order of magnitude higher than what is presently possible with commercially available membranes with comparable pore sizes, making it particularly well suited for size-selective and charge-based separation of biomolecules. The membrane can be manufactured in a self-assembling one step process, allowing for large-scale production. “The manufacturing of highly
Innovation Cluster, and the awarded team
ordered and stimuli-responsive artificial mem-
has started manufacturing membranes with
branes by molecular self-assembly has been tried
a machine that was designed and purchased
for many years, but we demonstrated for the first
through the Seed Fund program. “Instead of lab-
time that, due to our unique process, this can be
sized membrane samples, the team can produce
done on a continuously operating machine,” said
significant size membranes that can be tested at
Prof. Peinemann.
a commercial level,” Dr. Bashir said.
In 2010, Prof. Peinemann introduced the
Describing the synergy between the University's
technology to the Univesrity’s Economic
research output and Economic Development,
Development department. “We saw the nov-
Amin Al-Shibani, Vice President of Economic
elty of the work. We saw something unique,”
Development, said, “We were able to provide
said Senior Technology Portfolio Manager
funding, resources, infrastructure, a physical
Sami Bashir from the Economic Development’s
home for the technology, and connections with
Technology Transfer and Innovation unit. “Our
the industry… Economic Development acts as a
team sought global protection for the tech-
bridge that translates the University’s research
nology. In parallel, Economic Development’s
output into innovative commercial products and
Seed Fund Committee looked at the commer-
cial potential of the technology. They saw the novelty and the business potential, and awarded Prof. Peinemann’s research ‘Isoporous Membranes’ seed funding in March 2011.” The technology is being incubated in the
Prof. Peinemann
."بأحجام كبيرة يمكن اختبارها على المستوى التجاري ويصف أمين الشيباني نائب الرئيس للتنمية االقتصادية هذا التعاون بين مخرجات األبحاث والتنمية االقتصادية في الجامعة بقوله " تمكنا من توفير التمويل والموارد والبنية التحتية والمكان ،الفعلي للتقنية إضافة إلى التواصل مع الصناعة وتعتبر التنمية االقتصادية بمثابة الجسر الذي يترجم مخرجات األبحاث في الجامعة إلى منتجات و ." تطبيقات تجارية مبتكرة
تابع األغشية املسامية
Selective Separation of Similarly Sized" Proteins with Tunable Nanoporous Block وهي مجلة علمية، "Copolymer Membranes ويمكن اإلطالع على،رائدة في علوم وتقنية النانو http://pubs.acs. :المجلة عبر الرابط التالي ogr/doi/abs/10.1021/nn305073e وكان معدل تصريف الماء عبر هذا الغشاء المبتكر أعلى بدرجة على األقل من التصريف المتاح في األغشية ذات المسامات المماثلة المتوفرة تجاريًا مما يجعله مناسبًا جدًا على وجه الخصوص في عملية الفرز االنتقائي للجزيئيات البيولوجية على ويمكن تصنيع الغشاء بخطوة. أساس الحجم واحدة ذاتية التجميع مما يتيح الفرصة إلنتاجة على .نطاق واسع وذكر البروفسور بينيمان بأنه " توجد محاوالت منذ عدة أعوام لتصنيع أغشية صناعية ذات تنظيم عال واستجابة للمحفزات من خالل التجميع إال أننا أثبتنا للمرة األولى، الذاتي للجزيئيات بفضل طريقتنا الفريدة امكانية تحقيق ذلك على وقدم البروفيسور بينيمان."جهاز تشغيل مستمر إلى قسم التنمية2010 هذه التقنية في العام .االقتصادية في الجامعة ويقول الدكتور سامي بشير كبير مديري محافظ التقنية في وحدة نقل التقنية واالبتكار بقسم التنمية االقتصادية " رأينا شيئًا جديدًا و فريدًا من " سعى فريقنا الى حماية: ال ً و استطرد قائ، "نوعه درست، و في الوقت نفسه.نطاق العالم التقنية على ً لجنة صندوق التمويل التأسيسي في قسم التنمية االقتصادية اإلمكانيات والفرص التجارية والجوانب ومنحت بحث البروفيسور، االبتكارية لهذه التقنية "" جائزةIsoporous Membranes " بينيمان .2011 صندوق التمويل التأسيسي في مارس ويجري تطوير هذه التقنية في مجمع االبتكار حيث بدأ الفريق الحائز على الجائزة بتصنيع األغشية بواسطة .جهاز قام برنامج التمويل التأسيسي بتصميمه وشرائه "يستطيع الفريق انتاج أغشية: ويقول الدكتور بشير
February 2013
Photoelectrochemical water splitting enhanced with gold particles on a TiO2 nanotube array. Illustration by Dr. Zhonghai Zhang.
Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting In a quest to produce renewable fuel in an environmentally friendly way, scientists have been exploring techniques to split water molecules to produce hydrogen, the “fuel of the future.” A KAUST collaboration has made a significant contribution in the field of photoelectrochemical water splitting. Professor Peng Wang's group from the Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC) collaborated on the research with Dr. Mohamed Nejib Hedhili from the Imaging and Characterization Laboratory. “In the process of photoelectrochemical water splitting, water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen with electricity that is generated by a semiconductor on exposure to light,” explains Prof. Wang. His group is an expert in titanium dioxide (TiO2) and in making TiO2 nanotube arrays. “TiO2 is often the semiconductor of choice because it is stable, cheap, and nontoxic." However, TiO2 is only responsive to UV light. Out of the solar light that reaches the surface of the Earth, 95% is in the visible and infrared regions; TiO2 is only responsive to 5% of the solar light. “My group has been striving to expand the TiO2’s responsive range into the visible light to put our TiO2 nanostructures into practical applications,” said Prof. Wang. The group, with Dr. Zhonghai Zhang as the project’s leading postdoctoral researcher, has now reached a milestone by producing a material that generates a record-breaking water splitting performance under visible light. “To achieve this, we utilized a TiO2 nanotube array structure and deposited small gold parti-
جامعة امللك عبداهلل حتقق خطوة )مهمة يف احباث (وقود املستقبل ظل العلماء يستكشفون أساليب متعددة لشطر جزيئيات الماء،في سعيهم إلنتاج وقود متجدد بطريقة ال تلحق أضرارا بالبيئة حقق برنامج بحثي تعاوني، وفي إطار جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية."إلنتاج الهيدروجين الذي يعد بمثابة "وقود المستقبل
اسهامات مقدرة في مجال الفصل الضوئي الكهربائي الكيميائي للماء وذلك بفضل أبحاث مهمة قامت بها مجموعة البروفسور .بينغ وانغ في مركز أبحاث تحلية وإعادة استخدام المياه بالتعاون مع الدكتور محمد نجيب حضيلي من مختبر التصوير والتوصيف
ويقول البروفسور وانغ "في طريقة الفصل الضوئي الكهربائي الكيميائي للماء يتم فرز جزيئيات الماء إلى هيدروجين وأوكسجين
ومجموعة البروفسور وانغ لها خبرة في ثاني."باستخدام الكهرباء المولدة من أحد أشباه الموصالت عند تعريضها للضوء
وغالبا ما يكون ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم هو مادة شبه.أوكسيد التيتانيوم وعمل مجموعات أنابيب نانو ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم ومن بين. ولكنها ال تستجيب وال تتفاعل إال مع األشعة فوق البنفسجية،الموصل المفضلة ألنها ثابتة ورخيصة الثمن وغير سامة
منه يكون في نطاقات األشعة تحت الحمراء المرئية وبذلك ال يستجيب95% فان،ضوء الشمس الذي يصل إلى سطح األرض . من ضوء الشمس5% ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم إال مع
ويقول البروفسور وانغ "سعت مجموعتي جاهدة لتوسعة نطاق استجابة ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم في نطاق الضوء المرئي من أجل ، لقد وصل الفريق اآلن مع الدكتور زهونغ زانغ.وضع تركيبات النانو الخاصة بثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم في نطاق التطبيقات العملية
إلى مرحلة هامة وتمكنوا من إنتاج مادة ينتج عنها قدرة أداء تتجاوز كل، باحث ما بعد مرحلة الدكتوراه وقائد فريق المشروع
.األرقام القياسية لفرز الماء تحت الضوء المرئي
ويصف البروفسور يانغ العملية قائال" استخدمنا لتحقيق ذلك مجموعة أنابيب نانو من ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم وقمنا بترسيب كميات صغيرة من جزيئيات الذهب على السطح وتفاعلت جزيئات الذهب النانو بقوة مع اإلضاءة باألشعة تحت الحمراء المرئية
من خالل ما يسمى برنين بالسمون السطحي وأنتجت هذه العملية "الكترونات ساخنة" يمكن استخدامها بواسطة مادة ثاني
."أوكسيد التيتانيوم المجاورة لفصل الماء إلى أوكسجين وهيدروجين
cles on the surface,” Prof. Wang said. "Gold nanoparticles interact strongly with visible and even infrared light via 'surface plasmon resonance.' This process produces 'hot electrons' that can be utilized by the adjacent TiO2 to split the water.” Over the past couple years, there have been a few publications on combining TiO2 with gold for visible-light water splitting, but Prof. Wang's material takes this concept one step further. “The essence of our design is that the TiO2 nanotube array structure helps to selectively trap the light which gold particles are able to use to generate hot electrons. The TiO2 assisted surface plasmon resonance of gold particles' significantly boosted the water splitting performance of this composite material.
وقد نشرت على مدى العامين الماضيين مطبوعات قليلة تجمع بين مادة ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم و الذهب لفرز الماء بالضوء المرئي
حيث يقول "إن جوهر تصميمينا يتمثل في أن هيكل أنابيب النانو،ولكن مادة البروفسور يانغ تأخذ هذا المفهوم خطوة إلى األمام لمادة ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم تساعد في احتجاز الضوء بصورة انتقائية والذي تستطيع جزيئيات الذهب توظيفه لتوليد االلكترونات
." ويتولى رنين بالسمون السطحي لجزيئيات الذهب تعزيز أداء عملية فرز الماء باستخدام هذه المادة المركبة بصورة كبيرة،الساخنة " الورقة التي تصف هذا العمل في الموقعThe Journal Nano Letters" وقد نشرت مطبوعة : تحت عنوانnl3029202
"Plasmonic Gold Nanocrystals Coupled with Photonic Crystal Seamlessly on TiO2 Nanotube Photoelec-
trodes for Efficient Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,”
The paper that describes the work, “Plasmonic Gold Nanocrystals Coupled with Photonic Crystal Seamlessly on TiO2 Nanotube Photoelectrodes for Efficient Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,” has been published by the journal Nano Letters. .
Library Training Classes Set for Spring Semester The University Library will host various training classes designed to help KAUST researchers obtain the information they need for achieving success in their studies.
Dr. Mohamed Nejib Hedhil, Dr. Zhonghai Zhan, and Prof. Peng Wang
KAUST specialists will present the following classes: Research Skills • Effective Literature Search • Building Better Search Strategies
• EndNote (citation management software) • More Citations for Your Research with KAUST Digital Archive Computing Skills
• Using Web of Science (science citation database)
• Introduction to C
• Using Scopus (science citation database)
• OpenMP Parallelization Introduction
• Using Business Source Complete (business database)
• Linux Bootstrap
• A Trip to Engineering Village
• MathLab Tutorial
• Mastering MathSciNet and SIAM • Decoding the ACM Digital Library
To register for classes, visit Classes are open to all members of the KAUST community.
February 2013
Cirrocumulus clouds create a beautiful collage for KAUST residents in the Safaa Gardens neighborhood near the sea. Photo by Madhav R. Yada.
Have a photo to share? Send us a scene captured at KAUST for consideration for Photo of the Month. Email your photo to
photo of the month
The Beacon
Photo by Jonathan D'AntonI
And they’re off!!!
The winners!
Down the home stretch!
5K Family Fun Run On your mark! Get set! Go! And they were off – the 400 participants in the 5K Family Fun Run running, jogging, walking, and some pushing strollers. The Fun Run, carried out by Recreation on January 17, was part of the 2013 WEP sponsored activities. Some participants came in crazy outfits to vie for the prize of best costume.
my university
Others came to complete the race course as fast as they could. No matter what, everyone came for a little exercise and a good time.
Wendy Keyes
Winners were by category:
The University's Coordinator of Arts Programming, Wendy Keyes, grew up in the Boston area of the US. She graduated with degrees in viola performance from the New England Conservatory of Music and from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where she was in
Adult Male: 1. Sid Samtaney (who broke the 5K Fun Run record, with a time of 17 minutes and 48 seconds)
the Fellowship String Quartet. She has taught music and played in a number of orchestras
2. John Pearman
and ensembles, including the New Haven and Virginia Symphonies and in the Park Avenue
3. Abdullah Dehwah
Chamber Symphony of New York, where she was the Principal Violist. Wendy was active in Adult Female:
the New York City chamber music scene before joining KAUST in October 2008. Wendy created and established the KAUST performing arts program in coordination with
1. Cheryl Kane
Recreation, Communication, the Library, and other relevant organizations. She now oversees and supports the
2. Yvette Michelle Mesa
community orchestra and the community chorus, and organizes and manages events such as the in-house
3. Christina Marcella Smith
Sunset Concerts, the Talent Show and the WEP arts program. “One of the things I like about my job is that it spans all aspects of the community,” Wendy said. “In the
Under 15 Male:
Under 15 Female:
orchestra and the community chorus, we have students, faculty, staff, KAUST School teachers, and other com-
1. Yosef Gary
1. Acacia D’Antoni
munity members. In the past, we have even had a couple of talented high school students. We have been able
2. Hayden Evans
2. Caroline Cassell
to serve and inspire a broad spectrum of the community.”
3. Leon Eppinger
3. Mayar ElBaz
Celebrating Science at the Fun Fair and Blast Off Show
Dr. Bunhead’s pyrotechniques
The academic campus was the site of a science extravaganza on January 27 when KAUST faculty, scientists, graduate students, elementary and secondary students, and community members presented a series of experiments, demonstrations, and shows celebrating science for the
The Science Fair, held along Discovery Walk, attracted many visitors who experimented themselves in some cases.
community at large. There were presentations in chemistry, physics, environment and energy, archaeology, and microscopy and imaging.
with captivated children, their parents, and community
Interactive stations lined Discovery Walk (the pedestrian
members as Dr. Bunhead demonstrated scientific prin-
spine of the academic campus), where adults and children
ciples in a fun-filled explosive manner. Dr. Bunhead,
could learn more about volcanos, a solar powered car, or
Tom Pringle in real life, is a qualified secondary science
brushless motor. There were demonstrations on how to split
teacher and chartered chemist who moved his classroom
water and harvest the sun’s energy, make clouds, or move
to the stage, TV camera, and the world as the UK’s most
colors by using milk and soap. Participants could learn how
successful “stand-up scientist.” He has made science
to operate a top scanning electron microscope or about
exciting to over a quarter million people in over 1600
solar panels and how they work, about traffic sensors, or
shows in 500 venues in the last 13 years. His perfor-
how to make one’s own radar. Discovery Walk truly became
mance at KAUST was no exception. Children cheered,
a festival of scientific fun for everyone involved.
giggled, and explored their inner scientist during his edu-
The excitement carried over to the evening with Dr. Bunhead’s Blast Off Show. The Auditorium was packed
cational and entertaining performance.
Children were fascinated by Luca Passone’s Quad-Copter Squadron
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
BEACON املنـارة at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
March 2013 / Jumada Al-Awwal 1434 Volume 3, Issue No. 7
KAUST Appoints its Next President
تعيني رئيس جديد جلامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية ورئيس مجلس أمناء،أعلن معالي المهندس علي بن إبراهيم النعيمي وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية عين البروفسور جان – لو شامو ّ أن المجلس،2013 فبراير16 جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية في .رئيسًا جديد ًا للجامعة )Caltech( الرئيس الحالي لمعهد كاليفورنيا للتقنية والمعروف باسم,وسيصبح البروفسور شامو وقد تلقى.الرئيس الثاني لجامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية في وقت الحق من هذا العام 2 تتمه صفحة
H. E. Ali I Al-Naimi, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Chairman of the KAUST Board of Trustees, announced on February 16 that the Board of Trustees has appointed Professor Jean-Lou Chameau as the next President of KAUST. Professor Chameau, President of the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), will become the second President of KAUST later this year. A native of France, Prof. Chameau Chameau | Continued on p2
Professor Jean-Lou Chameau, the newly appointed President Designate of KAUST, during his recent visit to KAUST.
You are in a shopping mall and your toddler suddenly wanders off. Searching frantically, you soon find him in a neighboring shop, but the minutes he was lost felt like hours. This type of ordeal inspired parent and faculty member Atif Shamim to explore a possible solution. The Integrated Microwaves Packaging Antennas & Circuits Technology (IMPACT) Lab at KAUST, part of the Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, has developed a prototype device that is low-cost, wearable, and capable of tracking minors and other people or objects with high accuracy both indoors and outdoors through the use of an internet-enabled phone or other computing gadget. Led by Dr. Atif Shamim, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, the team, including students Rana Bilal and Fahad Farooqui and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Hammad Cheema, is using a new inkjet-printing technology to develop a paper-based, wearable tag. The choice of paper over traditional substrates seems unconventional, but it offers a new paradigm of inkjet-printed electronics. The paper is lightweight, flexible, biodegradable, and comes from a renewable source, and with TRACKING SUCCESS | Continued on p5
News 1-3
جناح نظام التتبع والحظت،لو كنت في مركز للتسوق مع طفلك ستبدأ.أن طفلك اختفى فجأة ولم يعد حولك بالبحث عنه بجنون ثم تجده بعد لحظات في ولكن بال شك أن.متجر مجاور وتتنفس الصعداء الدقائق التي كنت تبحث خاللها عن طفلك مرت .عليك كالساعات ألهمت هذه التجربة المزعجة األب وعضو هيئة أستاذ في الهندسة،التدريس البروفسور عاطف شميم ،الكهربائية بجامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية .في بحثه عن الحلول الممكنة لمثل هذه المشكالت وطور مختبر تقنية الهوائيات والدوائر الكهربائية أحد،)IMPACT( لموجات المايكرويف المدمجة مختبرات قسم العلوم والهندسة الحاسوبية نموذجًا أوليًا،والكهربائية والحسابية في الجامعة وقادر، ويمكن ارتداؤه،لجهاز منخفض التكلفة القصر وغيرهم من الناس أو األشياء ُ على تعقب بدقة عالية داخل المباني وخارجها باستخدام هاتف .متصل باإلنترنت أو أي جهاز حاسوبي آخر ويستخدم فريق البحث الذي قاده البروفسور ال من الطالب رنا بالل وفهد ً عاطف شميم وضم ك فاروقي وزميل ما بعد الدكتوراه الدكتور حماد تقنية طباعة حبرية جديدة لتطوير بطاقة،شيما وبالرغم من أن الورق يعتبر.ورقية يمكن ارتداؤها اال أنه يقدم،ال غير تقليدي في هذه الحالة ً بدي .نموذجًا جديد ًا للطباعة الحبرية لإللكترونيات إذ يتميز بمرونته وخفة وزنه وقابليته لالنحالل وبالتكييف، كما أنه يأتي من مصدر متجدد.الحيوي ،الصحيح يمكن جعله ماص للماء أو صاد للماء 5 تتمه صفحة
Red Sea Expedtion 4
Volume 9 | Number 5 | 7 February 2013 | Pages 1383–1722
ISSN 1744-683X
PAPER Sahraoui Chaieb et al. Chiral hierarchical self-assembly in Langmuir monolayers of diacetylenic lipids
Soft Matter journal cover: KAUST Scientific Illustrator Olga Kasimova’s illustration of Prof. Sahraoui Chaieb’s research work on chiral lipid molecules graces the February 7, 2013 cover of the journal Soft Matter.
Exploring the Beauty of Patterns in Lipid Monolayers “Patterns are beautiful,” says Sahraoui Chaieb, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering in the Division of Physical Science and Engineering. His research and experimental laboratory work at KAUST on lipid molecules forming patterns was published in the February 7 issue of the high-impact journal Soft Matter, and was also featured on the cover. Prof. Chaieb is the corresponding author and a co-author of the paper, “Chiral hierarchical self-assembly in Langmuir monolayers of diacetylenic lipids.” He developed the theory, idea, and research design for the work and the paper, and began the lab experiments in SOFT MATTER | Continued on p7
Research 5-7
استكشاف أمناط الدهون أحادية الطبقة قام البروفسور شايب سهراوي األستاذ المشارك وعلوم وهندسة،في قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية المواد بالتعاون مع فريق من الباحثين من جامعة والية كينت في أوهايو بالواليات المتحدة بتقديم ورقة بحث عن األنماط التي تشكلها جزيئات Chiral hierarchical" الدهون تحت عنوان self-assembly in Langmuir monolayers of وقد تم نشر هذا البحث."diacetylenic lipids الذي ُأجري بجامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية في مجلة (سوفت ماتر) العلمية الشهيرة وتصدر صورة غالف المجلة وذلك في العدد الذي البروفسور.2013 صدر في السابع من فبراير شايب هو الباحث الرئيسي للورقة و هو من وضع النظرية واالفكار والتصاميم في المختبر و على وبدأ التجارب المخبرية في مختبر،ورقة البحث 7 تتمه صفحة
Community 8
Image reproduced by permission of Sahraoui Chaieb and The Royal Society of Chemistry from Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 1437-1446, DOI: 10.1039/C2SM26771C (link to http://dx.doi. org/10.1039/C2SM26771C)
Tracking Success
March 2013
The Beacon
This issue shares exciting University news about the appointment of the next President for KAUST:
These pages also highlight the latest research led by Professors Atif Shamim and Sahraoui Chaieb, the
Jean-Lou Chameau, current President of Caltech, will become KAUST’s second President later this year.
launch of an 88-day Red Sea Expedition, and recent talks given by Nobel Laureate guest speakers. And
Prof. Chameau’s distinguished academic career and impressive leadership has not only earned high
you can’t miss the burst of color on page 8 - photos from a favorite annual community event, the Parade
praises from senior KAUST leadership, but also enthusiastic support from across the KAUST community.
of Nations. —THE BEACON Editorial
The Beacon, Volume 3, Issue 7, March 2013. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.Contact Salah Sindi, or Michelle D'Antoni © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.
تابع تعيني رئيس جديد للجامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية
البروفسور تشون،أما رئيس الجامعة الحالي فقد أعرب عن غبطته بالقرار قائال،فونغ شيه "الحظت بفضل عملي مع جان – لو في الماضي فهمه العريض وبصيرته النافذة في مجالي األبحاث ومجتمع جامعة الملك عبد اهلل فخور.والتعليم بقيام الدكتور شامو بقيادة الجامعة في مسيرتها ."الهادفة إلى بناء جامعة عالمية ذات تأثير وفعالية ويقول الدكتور شامو في تعليقه على قرار التعيين "بفضل موقعها الفريد وميثاقها كمركز عالمي فان جامعة الملك عبداهلل،جديد للعلم واألبحاث تجد نفسها في وضع يتيح لها أن تلعب دور ًا مؤثر ًا ولهذا السبب فهي.في المملكة والعالم ككل ليست مجرد جامعة وحسب بل هي وعد وعهد ذو وسأكرس كل طاقتي لقيادتها في.أهمية تاريخية ."اتجاه تحقيق رؤيتها الجريئة على أرض الواقع وقام البروفسور شامو وحرمه الدكتورة كارول كارمايكل بزيارة جامعة الملك عبداهلل بعد وقت وقاما بجولة في الحرم.قصير من خبر التعيين الجامعي وسط ترحيب الموظفين والطالب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس وإلتقيا مع كبار قادة الجامعة .وزوجاتهم في حفل استقبال أقيم بهذه المناسبة أنه سيكرس،و قال البروفيسور شامو خالل زيارته األشهر الستة األولى لمعرفة المزيد عن جامعة الملك عبداهلل وأعضاء هيئة التدريس فيها باالجتماع بهم وأعرب عن عميق.أفرادًا وجماعات في معاملهم تقديره لما لمسه من حفاوة و تكريم أثناء حفل االستقبال في الجامعة وقال أنه استشعر امتياز .وشرف أن يسمى الرئيس المقبل للجامعة
البروفسور شامو الفرنسي األصل دراسته الجامعية the École Nationale Supérieure( في جامعة وحصل على،) في فرنساd’Arts et Métiers درجة الدكتوراه في الهندسة المدنية من جامعة وكان.ستانفورد بالواليات المتحدة األمريكية أستاذ في الهندسة المدنية ورئيس برنامج هندسة التربة في جامعة بوردو قبل أن ينضم إلى معهد حيث كان يشغل منصب مدير،جورجيا للتقنية ثم عميد ًا لكلية،الهندسة المدنية والبيئية .ال للجامعة ً وبعد ذلك تم تعيينه وكي،الهندسة رئيسًا لمعهد كاليفورنيا للتقنية2006 عين في عام ّ حيث عمل على تشجيع أسلوب األبحاث،)Caltech( والتعليم متعدد التخصصات وتأسيس تطوير البرامج بما في ذلك الطاقة،في مجاالت التأثير المجتمعي كما اهتم البروفسور شامو.والعلوم الطبية والبيئية وركز على تجارب الطلبة التعليمية والدفع بفرص المشاريع االستثمارية المبتكرة لهيئة التدريس وخالل فترة رئاسته صنف.والطلبة على حد سواء معهد كاليفورنيا للتقنية في المرتبة األولى ضمن جامعات العالم المهتمة باألبحاث وذلك حسب تصنيف مجلة (تايمز) للتعليم العالي في العامين .2011-2012 وقال معالي المهندس علي بن إبراهيم النعيمي "ما كان بإمكاننا العثور على:رئيس مجلس األمناء رئيس أفضل للجامعة من الدكتور شامو الذي يتميز بسجل باهر كباحث ومعلم وقائد أكاديمي مميز مما يجعله مؤهال بصورة فريدة لقيادة المرحلة المقبلة ."من تطوير الجامعة
in brief
Professor Jean Fréchet, second from left, is presented with a gift from KAUST Leadership at a reception honoring his being awarded the Japan Prize.
Professor Fréchet Honored at Reception Professor Jean Fréchet, Vice President of Research, who was named co-recipient of the 2013 Japan Prize, was honored recently with a university reception to mark this outstanding accomplishment. The prize acknowledges original and outstanding achievements in science and technology which “advance the frontiers of knowledge and serve the cause of peace and prosperity for mankind.” KAUST President Choon Fong Shih said, “We have gathered to show how thrilled we are for Jean. We all recognize that he is multi-talented and continues to add tremendously to KAUST’s efforts in scientific advancement and technological innovation.” Prof. Shih said Prof. Fréchet’s accomplishments were lauded by several Nobel Laureates who sent their congratulations upon hearing of the prize. Prof. Shih, Provost Stefan Catsicas, and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance Nadhmi Al-Nasr presented Prof. Fréchet with a limited edition reprint of the Kitab alDiryaq, a scientific work rich in calligraphy and illustration from the Golden Age of Islamic Civilization. Prof. Shih said it was particularly appropriate for Prof. Fréchet because it con-
Chameau | Continued from p1
tains a treasury of ancient chemical recipes.
received his undergraduate education at the
brings with him broad, deep academic experi-
Prof. Frechet expressed his thanks for the accolades and encouraged young professors and
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers
ence, global visibility, and widely-recognized
academics to “think outside the box” – just as he and Dr. Grant Willson had done to develop
in France and later his PhD in civil engi-
leadership qualities…Our KAUST community
their Japan Prize winning discovery.
neering at Stanford University. He was a
is thrilled at the prospect of his taking up the
professor of civil engineering and head of the
baton to lead KAUST on its journey to build
Geotechnical Engineering Program at Purdue
a research university with global reach and
University before joining Georgia Institute of
Technology, where he was Director of Civil and
Prof. Chameau commented on his appoint-
Environmental Engineering, then Dean of the
ment, “Because of its unique location and its
College of Engineering and later Provost. He
charter as a new international center of learn-
joined Caltech as its President in 2006.
ing and research, KAUST is positioned to
At Caltech, Prof. Chameau has actively pro-
have a dramatic impact on the Kingdom and
moted a multidisciplinary approach to research
the world. For that reason, it is more than a
and education and encouraged the develop-
university; it is an undertaking of historic
ment of programs in areas of societal impact,
importance. I will dedicate my energy to lead
including energy, medical science, and the
it toward achieving its bold vision.”
The Government Affairs Team poses with KAUST President Prof. Choon Fong Shih and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance Mr. Nadhmi Al-Nasr. The team led by Sulaiman Thunayan, seated fourth from the left, was acknowledged for excellence.
environment. He is credited with improving
Prof. Chameau and his wife, Dr. Carol
students’ educational experiences, increasing
Carmichael, visited KAUST shortly after the
the diversity of the community, and advancing
news of the appointment. They toured the cam-
entrepreneurial and international opportuni-
pus, met staff and students, greeted faculty at
ties for faculty and students. During his tenure,
an afternoon reception, and met with KAUST
The Government Affairs Team, led by Sulaiman Thunayan, was recognized for excellence
Caltech was named the number one university
Senior Leadership and their spouses.
at a luncheon hosted recently by KAUST President Choon Fong Shih. Professor Shih said that
in both 2011 and 2012 in the Times Higher
Government Affairs Recognized for Excellence
During his visit, Prof. Chameau said he
the excellence demonstrated by the Government Affairs Team is recognized by the whole
plans to take the first six months to learn
community. “Colleagues have said consistently that Government Affairs is our top team when
H. E. Ali Al-Naimi said, “We could not have
about KAUST and the faculty by meeting with
it comes to reliability, professionalism, and friendly, helpful customer service,” Prof. Shih said.
found a better President for KAUST. Jean-Lou
them individually and in groups in their labs.
“I think this is all the more impressive when you consider the great complexity and sensitiv-
Chameau’s track record as a researcher, educa-
He appreciated the warm welcome he received
ity of the work you do.”
Education World University Rankings.
tor, and distinguished academic leader makes
at KAUST and said he felt privileged and hon-
He continued, “Such high standards and professionalism can only be maintained when a
him uniquely qualified to lead the next phase
ored to be named the next president of the
team truly works together, when you have shared goals, and when you are all united in aim-
of KAUST’s development.”
ing for the best. I sense great pride among the team in Government Affairs.”
Professor Choon Fong Shih praised Prof. Chameau as “an outstanding scholar who
Prof. Shih presented a special plaque inscribed with the image of the Breakwater Beacon to the group in recognition of the team’s outstanding contribution.
“Secrets of the Red Sea” Revealed at SEDCO Research Excellence Award Workshop Uli Stingl, Assistant Professor of Marine Science, and his
cutting-edge research and
research team are uncovering the microbial treasures that lie
collaboration.” SEDCO has
within the waters of the Red Sea, thanks to their win of the
“encouraged [the team]
2011 Research Excellence Award from the Saudi Economic and
to success,” noted Prof.
Development Company (SEDCO). During a workshop at KAUST
March 2013
A delegation from SEDCO and KAUST senior faculty members and administration, including KAUST President Choon Fong Shih, Mr. Nadhmi Al Nasr, Executive Vice President of Admin and Finance, and Prof. Uli Stingl, assemble at the Administration Building before the start of the SEDCO Research Excellence Award Workshop.
from February 19-20, Professor Stingl and his team presented
Prof. Stingl and his team
the findings of their project, “The Deep-Sea Brine Pools of
recover salt-tolerant extre-
the Red Sea: From Novel Extreme Organisms to Commercial
mophile microbes from
Applications,” to an audience of KAUST students and research-
anoxic brine pools located
ers and a delegation from SEDCO, including Anees Moumina,
at depths up to 2500 m in the Red Sea. Once samples are col-
SEDCO’s Chief Executive Officer, and Sheikh Abdelelah Salem
lected, they are assessed in the KAUST Labs to discover which
Bin Mahfouz, a member of SEDCO’s founding Bin Mahfouz fam-
extremophiles are present in them. Because extremophiles thrive
ily and the award’s main donor.
in exceptionally harsh environments, these organisms have
Prof. Stingl describes the research findings the SEDCO grant funded.
“The Red Sea is so important to [Saudi Arabia],” explained
developed unique proteins, chemicals, and metabolic pathways
Vladimir Bajic, Director of the Computational Bioscience Research
Jean Fréchet, Vice President for Research, at the opening of
that enable them to live in these conditions. Their proteins and
Center, Research Scientist Sunil Sagar, and postdoctoral fellows
the workshop. Describing the selection process for the winning
chemicals have “a very high potential for diverse biotechnologi-
Mandeep Kaur and Luke Esau, all from the Computation Bioscience
project, Prof. Fréchet noted that 19 research proposals were
cal applications,” Prof. Stingl explained.
Research Center, produced a paper published in the journal BMC
received, but the selection committee wanted to choose a project
Two voyages from KAUST to the brine pools took place in
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in early 2013 outlining
that would “really serve the nation.” Prof. Stingl’s project was
2011 and 2013, during which seven pools were visited. Although
the anti-cancer activities of bacteria isolated from the brine-seawa-
deemed “ideal.” Moumina stated that the selection of projects
there are brine pools present in other bodies of water, such as
ter interface of the Red Sea pools. It can be accessed at http://www.
like this would help “lead the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia forward
the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the pools of Extracts from Halomonas
into the future based on the strength of a knowledge-based econ-
the Red Sea are unique because their high temperatures, which
and Sulfitobacter had the highest anti-cancer properties, with the
omy,” and praised the team’s “awe-inspiring” research progress.
may reach 70˚C. From their samples, the research team isolated
team stating that other bacterial isolates must be “explored fur-
Abdullah Almojel, Vice President for University Development,
over 700 strains of extremophiles which were then assessed at
ther to find novel drug-like molecules.” Their work will continue
thanked SEDCO for their funding and “commitment to the eco-
KAUST for their potential biological and industrial uses.
throughout the rest of 2013 to uncover more potential biological
nomic growth and diversification of Saudi Arabia through
From their work, one collaborating KAUST team, led by Professor
Prof. Kurt Wüthrich addresses the audience of the International conference on Biomolecular Dynamics held recently at KAUST.
applications from the extremophiles.
Nobel Laureate Kurt Wüthrich Keynote Speaker at Biomolecular Conference and study molecules in environments that closely mimic the physiological conditions in
Sharing Knowledge on Biomolecular Dynamics
body fluids in cells and tissues.” NMR has become an important technique not only in three-dimensional structure determination, but also in the study of protein–ligand and protein–protein interactions, in discovering how
“We study the dynamics of biomolecules, such as proteins and RNA, in order to understand their function better,” said Xin Gao, Assistant Professor of Computational Science from the
proteins acquire their three-dimensional strucProfessor Kurt Wüthrich
Computational Bioscience Research Center, and organizer of the International Conference on
tures, and how dynamic conformational changes are important for the biological functions of pro-
Biomolecular Dynamics. The three-day mid-February conference gathered leading experts to
Nobel Laureate Kurt Wüthrich visited KAUST
teins. In the past decade, NMR structures have
KAUST, where they shared the latest knowledge on biomolecular mobility and flexibility.
to give a keynote lecture in the International
become critical in drug design, where Prof.
Conference on Biomolecular Dynamics:
Wüthrich's current research focus lies.
“Because we have both computational scientists and experimental researchers working in the same field, we wanted to bring both sides together,” said Prof. Gao. “Our goal was to try to identify
Experiment Meets Computation (ICBD).
Prof. Wüthrich is the Cecil H. and Ida M.
common interests and find ways for each side to support the other.”
Professor Wüthrich is an authority on the struc-
Green Professor of Structural Biology at The
To reach this goal, Prof. Gao invited a group of notable speakers to share the advances in their
ture and function of proteins and nucleic acids
Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, US, and
specialist area. The keynote lectures were by three renowned scientists, all authorities in their
and on developing nuclear magnetic resonance
a Professor of Biophysics at the ETH Zürich,
respective field. Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, from Scripps Research Institute and ETH Zürich, is a Nobel
(NMR) spectroscopy for the study of biologi-
Zürich, Switzerland, and pursues research at
Laureate known for developing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for studying biological mac-
cal macromolecules. He was awarded the Nobel
both institutions. His current projects have a
romolecules. Prof. Axel Brunger from Stanford University is known for developing a computer
Prize in Chemistry (2002) "for his development
special focus on the dynamics and function of
program used for solving structures based on X-ray diffraction and NMR data, and Prof. Mingjie
of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), an impor-
Zhang from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is an authority on the organiza-
determining the three-dimensional structure of
tant group of transmembrane receptors which
tion and regulation of neuronal signaling complexes and on structural and biochemical studies in
biological macromolecules in solution."
represent the targets for close to 50% of all pre-
signal transduction complex organization. The conference lectures covered recent progress in both
“While X-ray crystallography has been the
scription drugs on the market. “Although my
the experimental and computational techniques and the data interpretation challenges that have
dominant technology in structural studies, NMR
research group is not in the business of drug
arisen from the new methods.
is unique because it allows us to study biological
design, we provide information that can support
macromolecules in solution rather than as crys-
drug development by others,” Prof. Wüthrich
much better and in a more systematic way. They are also planning to initiate some promising collabo-
tals,” Prof. Wüthrich said. “We can adjust the
said. “The ultimate goal of our work is to
rations, and some of the visitors may send their graduates or postdocs to KAUST in the near future.”
solution according to our specific requirements
improve the quality of human life.”
On the conference outcome, Prof. Gao said: “Attendees of the conference have understood each side
Red Sea Expedtion
March 2013
The Beacon
A Multicorer is used to collect sediment samplings. It consists of 6 polycarbonate tubes, each about a meter long, that close on both ends when the sampler is lifted back up from the seabed.
KAUST students work in the ship’s laboratory.
Fourth Red Sea Expedition Begins
A Boxcorer acts like a multicorer except that the mechanism used to collect the sediment sampling is a box-like compartment that automatically closes when the sampler is retrieved from the seabed.
KAUST launched its fourth marine scientific expedition on February 14, continuing its quest to
at Crete Island, passed through
understand the mysteries of the Red Sea. Relatively few oceanographic studies have been conducted
the Suez Canal to the Northern
in the Red Sea, a unique body of water with high temperature, brine pools, and perhaps the world’s
Red Sea for sampling works at
longest coral reef. KAUST students and scientists, with local and international collaborators, are
the Kebrit Deep. On this leg, the main tasks onboard the vessel were for microbial ecology research
filling this information vacuum with their discoveries and research conducted on samplings and
in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, but different measurements were also conducted for
observations through the University’s Red Sea Expedition series.
acoustic mesopelagic fish and atmospheric environment studies. Leg Two will not stray far from
“The Fourth Red Sea Expedition is a major achievement for KAUST and is a major scientific cruise
KAUST, traveling to the brine pool sites of Atlantis II, Valdivia, and Shagara Deeps for in depth
by international standards because of its duration, the number of students and scientists participating,
microbial studies. Leg Three covers the length of the Red Sea to conduct hydrography and plank-
and the number of research projects and sampling works that will be conducted,” said Abdulaziz M.
ton surveys. Leg Four, studying mesopelagic fish and brine pool acoustics, will travel as far north
Al-Suwailem, Manager of the Coastal and Marine Resources Core Laboratory, which spearheads the
as Kebrit and south to Valdivia and the Jeddah coastal area. Leg Five will stay close to home to
preparation and implementation of the expedition series.
study the Thuwal cold water seeps, and Leg Six will concentrate on deep sea corals surveying the
The voyage is composed of six cruise legs, will span 88 days at sea, and will meet the sampling requirements of over 20 studies. One hundred and ten KAUST students, research scientists and professors will be participating. They will be joined by Professor Rania Siam from the American
entire Red Sea. Although these studies are the focus of the legs, multiple studies will be ongoing on each segment. Professor Burt Jones and colleagues from the RSRC are preparing to go out on Leg Three. Of
University of Cairo and Professor Pei-Yuan Qian from Hong Kong University of Science and
particular interest to Prof. Jones are eddies found in the Red Sea that have been identified by
Technology, each for one leg of the cruise. Also unique to this cruise is that sampling will be con-
satellites. These areas of circular seawater movements influence the exchange of biological organ-
ducted not only in the Red Sea but also in the Mediterranean for comparison purposes.
isms and transport of physical properties including heat in the Red Sea. They sometimes rotate
Previous expeditions studied large-scale oceanography, microbial genetics, coral reef ecology,
faster, expand and pulse at various times of the year. On this expedition the group will study
and deep-sea biology. These studies resulted in new discoveries and breakthrough findings, such
their structure - temperature, salinity, chlorophyll content, and particle suspension using the
as novel bacteria strains, deep-sea corals thriving at depths beyond the reach of sunlight, a cold
new LISST machine – and leave behind gliders to continue measurement of physical, chemical,
seep system with dense microbial and animal assemblages, and a high abundance of mesope-
and biological variables throughout the year. Studies on plankton and fish larvae by Professors
lagic fishes.
Irigoien and Michael Berumen, respectively, also form part of the Leg Three, which will involve
“It is our intention to move from exploration to advanced multidisciplinary research on this
the uses of ISIIS, ScanFISH, and LOPC.
expedition,” said Xabier Irigoien, Director of the Red Sea Research Center (RSRC). “Scientists will
During Leg Four, Prof. Stein Kaartvedt, also from RSRC, will set out to further investigate the
examine in-depth areas of interest discovered on previous voyages. Our long range goals are to
abundant migration behavior of mid-water (mesopelagic) fish in the Red Sea by actual net col-
study ecosystems that thrive in warmer temperatures to better plan and prepare for global warming;
lection and echosounder detection. Another interesting focus by Prof. Kaartvedt is to understand
to study novel organisms to ascertain their potential for new chemicals for industry and bioscience;
how the Red Sea brine pools impact the deep-sea organisms. Leg Five is dedicated to follow-up
to study how the abundant mesopelagic fish have adapted to warmer temperatures; and to study
studies on the newly discovered cold seep system in the central Red Sea, now named Thuwal
the deep corals and their adaptations that allow them to thrive at great depths with no sunlight, all
Seeps, through the collaboration of KAUST, HKUST, and Hellenic Center for Marine Research.
potentially important in a warming, overpopulated world.”
Finally, Leg Six will close out the expedition by undertaking more detailed studies on the ecol-
Using the chartered vessel RV Aegaeo, the same used in the 2010 and 2011 expeditions, this
ogy of deep-sea corals, which were discovered for the first time in the Red Sea during the 2011
year’s excursion will employ a more in depth analytical focus, wider sampling coverage, and
cruise. As in the previous years, the present expedition also involves research by scientists from
improved instrumentation and sampling approaches. New instruments being used this voyage are
other KAUST academic centers and core labs, such as Professor Tom Missimer from the Water
the In Situ Ichthyplankton Imaging System (ISIIS), Laser Optical Particle Counter (LOPC), Laser In
Desalination Research Center, who will study the hydrogeology at Thuwal Seeps and Professor
Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST), Trios radiometer, and a towed underwater vehicle
Georgiy Stenchikov from Physical Sciences and Engineering for the study of atmospheric aero-
(ScanFISH) that will carry different sensors for measuring water properties. By integrating sev-
sols and gases over the Red Sea. With the large samples required for the entire expedition, the
eral optical sensors, like the aforementioned instruments, scientists can resolve multiple properties
University’s Core Labs also play key roles in supporting the operational and analytical needs of
within the Red Sea, study certain aspects of the biogeochemistry with measurements that provide
the different studies involved.
greater area and resolution than analytical laboratory methods, and validate and tune satellite observations to ocean color. The different legs of the expedition will cover most of the Red Sea. Leg One began from Piraeus, Greece, moved to sampling locations in the Mediterranean Sea and, and after a brief stopover
Leg One of the Expedition was completed on March 6 when the RV Aegaeo docked at KAUST. The desired sampling scope was successfully completed even though the group encountered inclement weather in the Mediterranean that made their work more challenging. The ship sailed for Leg Two on March 9.
March 2013
TRACKING SUCCESS | Continued from p1 the right tweaking, it can be made hydrophilic or hydrophobic, opaque or almost transparent, delicate or strong, coarse or smooth.
Prof. Atif Shamim shows off his small, paper-based, inkjet-printed, low-cost tracking tag.
“The other major factor favoring paper is its extremely low cost, as it is approximately ten times cheaper than a plastic film,” says Prof. Shamim. Another distinct advantage of this technology involves its transition from prototype to mass-scale production, where electronics can be printed roll-to-roll and reel-to-reel with speeds of up to 30 meters per second. “This means that eventually we will be able to print low-cost and flexible electronics like newspapers and magazines with very fast turnover times,” Prof. Shamim adds. Until recently, inkjet-printed electronics on paper were difficult to produce due to the poor conductivities of the nanoparticle inks. The latest developments in materials science have improved these conductivities and made the inks comparable to bulk metals. This has triggered an interest in printing electronics on unconventional substrates such as plastics, glass, leather, and paper, enabling countless possible applications of this technology. For example, the wearable tracking tag can be used not only for minors but also for tracking the elderly and family pets. In addition, the تابع استكشاف أمناط الدهون أحادية الطبقة
tags can be used for crowd management on occasions such as the Hajj and at events like concerts and football games. Explaining the current tracking tag operation, Prof. Shamim says, “Outdoor tracking based on GPS for location identification is being used at present. The problem is that this solution does not work indoors, is bulky to wear, and is quite expensive. The edge we have is that ours is a completely integrated,
Prof. Atif Shamim and his research team examine a novel indoor/outdoor tracking tag produced by inkjet printing at KAUST in Prof. Shamim’s IMPACT Lab.
low-cost solution which works outdoors and indoors with unprecedented accuracy. It is
algorithm matches the received Wi-Fi signal
also approximately one-tenth the cost of
characteristics to the radio map and gives an
existing devices.” The tag is multilayer and
estimate of the current location. The intel-
hosts a GPS receiver chip that reads the loca-
lectual property of the device and tracking
tion of the person, which is then sent to a
scheme has been protected by a KAUST pat-
central server using a GSM/GPRS chip. The
ent application.
unit also benefits from inkjet-printed anten-
Prof. Shamim plans a demonstration day of
nas, which are on a second layer. Finally, a
his technology for potential international and
thin polymer battery is on the third layer. All
Saudi stakeholders in May on the University
of these layers are vertically integrated and
campus. Maria Douglass, acting Director of
can be packaged into any kind of clothing
Technology Transfer and Innovation within
or other similar material. The backend server
Economic Development, who assisted the team
then maps the received location on Google
with the funding and support of their work,
Maps, which can then be accessed through
anticipates a high level of interest from vis-
any internet-enabled device. Based on unique
iting Saudi and international companies. “‘It
IDs, a user can track multiple tags simulta-
sounds almost too good to be true’ was the
neously; for example, parents could view the
initial feedback,” she explains. And, because
location of all their children playing in a park.
of the low cost of inkjet printing, the project
“Our field tests have shown a tracking accu-
“could seed a whole industry, a whole new
racy of less than five meters, which is better
knowledge-driven area of the economy. This is
than state-of-the-art,” Prof. Shamim adds.
a really important project from the perspective
GPS signals become too weak as soon as
of engaging Saudi industry and entrepre-
a person moves inside a building, making
neurial businesses,” Ms. Douglass says. She
tracking indoors impossible. To address this
also praises Professor Shamim for “going the
issue, the researchers found an ingenious way
extra mile” to work with Saudi industry and
of tracking indoors using Wi-Fi, which is
available in most buildings today. “Our inte-
Both Prof. Shamim and Ms. Douglass note
grated solution seamlessly switches from GPS
that the market for personal tracking devices
to Wi-Fi tracking as a person moves inside a
is forecast to grow at a rate of 40%, reach-
building, and it estimates the person’s loca-
ing US$1 billion in 2017. Both feel that the
tion with almost identical accuracy as outdoor
group’s integrated tag has tremendous poten-
tracking. We haven’t found a similar solution
tial to be highly successful. “My motivation
anywhere in the world,” says Prof. Shamim.
for research,” says Prof. Shamim, “is to make a
For indoor tracking, the tag hosts a Wi-Fi
social impact” and to integrate technology to
chip with a custom on-paper antenna. Using
address “real-world applications so it is useful
the pre-formed radio maps of a building, the
for people.”
جوجل التي يمكن الوصول إليها من خالل أي جهاز وباإلمكان تعقب عدة بطاقات في.موصل باإلنترنت ،) مميز لكل بطاقةID( نفس الوقت بتحديد رقم يمكن لآلباء معرفة مواقع كل أطفالهم وهم،ًفمثال : يضيف البروفسور شميم بقوله.يلعبون في الحديقة "أظهرت االختبارات الميدانية لدينا دقة تتبع بأقل و هي قيمة أفضل بكثير من تلك،من خمسة أمتار ."ًالتي نجدها في أحدث األجهزة المتوفرة حاليا لتحديد المواقع ضعيفة للغايةGPS تصبح إشارات مما يصعب،بمجرد دخول الشخص داخل مبنى وجد الباحثون، ولحل هذه المعضلة.عملية التتبع وسيلة بارعة للتتبع داخل المباني باستخدام موجات الالسلكية والمتوفرة اليوم في معظمWi-Fi "يستطيع حلنا: يقول البروفسور شميم.األماكن Wi- الىGPS المتكامل التبديل بسهولة من نظام بمجرد دخول الشخص داخل مبنى ثم تحديدFi موقعه بدقة تكاد تكون متطابقة لنظام التتبع خارج ولم نجد أي حل مماثل له في أي مكان في.المبنى تستخدم البطاقة، وللتعقب داخل المبنى."العالم . مع هوائي مخصص على الورقWi-Fi شريحة وباستخدام خرائط الموجات الالسلكية الجاهزة المستقبلة معWi-Fi للمبنى تتم مطابقة اشارة خريطة الموجات الالسلكية وإعطاء تقدير للموقع وقد تم تسجيل حقوق الملكية الفكرية.الحالي وبراءة االختراع للجهاز ونظام التتبع لجامعة الملك .عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية وأفصح كل من البروفسور شميم والسيدة دوغالس 40٪ عن توقعات نمو سوق أجهزة التتبع بمعدل وهما.2017 مليار دوالر أمريكي في عام1 لتصل إلى على قناعة كبيرة من أن بطاقة التتبع المتكاملة التي ابتكرها الفريق ستحقق نجاحًا كبير ًا بإذن "دافعي للبحوث هو أن: يقول البروفسور شميم.اهلل أحدث تأثير ًا في المجتمع باستخدام التقنية لصنع ."تطبيقات في العالم الحقيقي تخدم الناس
خشن أو، رقيق أو صلب،معتم أو شديد الشفافية "إن العامل الرئيسي: يقول البروفيسور شميم.ناعم ،في تفضيلنا للورق هو تكلفته المنخفضة للغاية ."فهو أرخص من األفالم البالستيكية بعشر مرات و تكمن إحدى الخصائص األخرى المتميزة لهذه التقنية في سرعة نقلها من مرحلة النموذج األولي حيث يمكن طباعة،إلى مرحلة اإلنتاج واسع النطاق اإللكترونيات لفة بلفة وبكرة ببكرة بسرعة تصل ويضيف البروفسور شميم. متر في الثانية30 الى "وهذا يعني أننا سنتمكن في نهاية المطاف:بقوله من طباعة اإللكترونيات المرنة والمنخفضة التكلفة ."بسرعة كبيرة كالصحف والمجالت كان من الصعب إجراء الطباعة،و حتى وقت قريب الحبرية لإللكترونيات على الورق بسبب ضعف )موصالت الجزيئات النانوية (المتناهية الصغر و لكن حسنت التطورات األخيرة في علوم.لألحبار المواد هذه الموصالت وجعلت األحبار مماثلة األمر الذي،لمعظم المعادن من ناحية التوصيل زاد من االهتمام في مجال طباعة إللكترونيات ، الزجاج،على أوساط غير تقليدية مثل البالستيك وبالتالي الخروج بعدد ال يحصى من، والورق،الجلود ، فعلى سبيل المثال.التطبيقات الممكنة لهذه التقنية يمكن استخدام بطاقات التتبع القابلة لالرتداء ليس فقط للقصر ولكن أيضا لتتبع المسنين والحيوانات كما يمكن استخدام هذه البطاقات في.األليفة إدارة الحشود الكبيرة في مناسبات مثل الحج أو في .الحفالت الموسيقية ومباريات كرة القدم و قال البروفسور شميم خالل شرحه لعملية التتبع يستخدم نظام تحديد المواقع عبر،ً "حاليا: الحالية في عملية التتبع خارجGPS األقمار االصطناعية إال أن هذا الحل ال يعمل داخل المباني،المباني لكن.و يصعب ارتداؤه وتثبيته ويعد مكلفًا للغاية الوحدة التي ابتكرناها متكاملة تمامًا ومنخفضة التكلفة حيث تكلف حوالي ُعشر قيمة األجهزة الموجودة حاليًا وبمقدورها العمل خارج المباني وتحتوي بطاقة."وداخلها وبدقة لم يسبق لها مثيل التتبع على عدة طبقات ومثبت بها رقاقة استقبال ثم إرسال، تقوم بتحديد موقع الشخصGPS اإلحداثيات إلى خادم مركزي باستخدام رقاقة وتستفيد الوحدة أيضًا من هوائيات.GSM/GPRS ،ً وأخيرا.الطباعة الحبرية والمثبتة في طبقة ثانية جميع.توجد بطارية بوليمر رقيقة في الطبقة الثالثة هذه الطبقات مدمجة بصورة رأسية ويمكن تثبيتها ويقوم خادم خلفي.على أي نوع من المالبس باستالم إحداثيات الموقع وتحديدها على خرائط
March 2013
The Beacon
Spin-Orbit Induced Torque Workshop Unveils Advances in Field of Spintronics The First International Workshop on Spin-Orbit Induced Torque was hosted at KAUST from February 24 – 26. Organized by a team from Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and the Core Labs, and chaired by Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Aurelien Manchon, the workshop explored the growing field of spin electronics, or “spintronics,” which marries nanoscale electronics and magnetism. Lectures, seminars,
Nobel Laureate Prof. Albert Fert discusses spintronics topics with KAUST students during a scientific poster presentation session at the First International Workshop on Spin-Orbit Induced Torque.
and chaired discussion groups during the workshop concentrated on developments in spin-orbit induced torque (SOIT). SOIT, an alternative method to control magnetism in nanodevices, was given increased exposure in the spintronics field by research published from Prof. Manchon’s
such as Cambridge University (UK), Korea University (Korea), the National University of Singapore
Spintronics Theory Group at KAUST in the journal Physical Review Letters in 2012 (See Beacon,
(Singapore), IBM, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (US) attended the
September, 2012), and the group continues to work on understanding and exploiting SOIT.
workshop to speak about and discuss their work with SOIT and spintronics in general. Also in
Spintronics harnesses a unique quantum property of electrons called “spin.” Although electrons do not really “spin” around an axis like a top, it is helpful to imagine their behavior this way.
attendance were KAUST faculty, approximately 20 KAUST PhD students, and 10 external PhD students. In addition to the 20 seminars given by established senior spintronics researchers, four
The rotation of electrons induces a magnetic moment which has one of two orientations, either
seminars were presented by KAUST PhD students and a postdoctoral fellow, and were, as Prof.
up or down. When the electrons’ spins are mostly aligned in the same direction (mostly all up or
Manchon noted, an excellent opportunity for the junior researchers to present their work to an
mostly all down) in a material, magnetism is created. However, conducting electrons’ spins are usu-
international academic audience.
ally half-up and half-down. If these conducting spins can be manipulated and are controlled to all
Of special note was a lecture for the workshop and the President’s Distinguished Visiting
be parallel, a spin-polarized current will be created, and the interplay between this spin-polarized
Speaker Series given by Dr. Albert Fert, Professor Emeritus of the University of Paris-Sud and
current and the magnetization of the material results in unique properties. Using these interactions
Scientific Director of a research laboratory of the Thales Company (France) and the National
in nanoscale magnetic devices is the foundation of spintronics.
Scientific Research Laboratories of France. Prof. Fert was also a joint winner of the Nobel Prize
Scientists exploit the electron’s spin and use the spin property in electronic technology, such as data storage and non-volatile memories. The manipulation of spins in various materials may ena-
in Physics in 2007, and has won various other national and international awards for his research in physics and spintronics.
ble a new generation of electronic devices to be produced, leading in turn to novel computational
Prof. Fert explored the potential of new ideas on the innovative use of spintronics during his
paradigms. Spintronics was famously used in the production of IBM’s Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR)
lecture, in particular outlining spin transfer phenomena, which will enable reduced energy con-
spin-valve head for magnetic hard-disk drives, which was developed in 1997. The GMR led to hard-
sumption when running computers, and the use of new materials, such as graphene or carbon
disk drives being able to hold very high amounts of data (up to 1 terabit/inch2).
nanotubes, which can be exploited to develop new devices through spintronics. Speaking at the
Spin-orbit induced torque (SOIT) is an alternative method of magnetization switching by electri-
lecture, KAUST President Choon Fong Shih praised Prof. Fert for “proposing to us next-generation
cal means. With SOIT, torque, a property in physics that changes the rotational motion of an object,
devices that will do the undoable,” and said he was honored to present to KAUST “one of the most
acts on the magnetization. SOIT is capable of “significantly simplif[ying] the design of devices while
outstanding scientists of [Fert’s] generation.”
opening new avenues for device development,” said Prof. Manchon, and it has “real potential” to be
Prof. Manchon stated that through “intense discussions” at the workshop, the researchers identi-
used in various electronic applications. An objective of the workshop, he explained, was to “estab-
fied various interconnected key mechanisms underlying the observations in experiments with SOIT
lish a common understanding of the complexity of the physics underlying the [SOIT] experiments.”
and spintronics. “The next step,” he explained, “is to understand these interconnections and find
Prof. Manchon also wanted to help the KAUST academic community place spintronics and SOIT
a way to probe and control their impact on device properties.” Because of the workshop’s success,
“into a broader picture, demonstrating [their] actual potential in terms of economic development as
“the tremendous developments [in spintronics] clearly call for a new workshop next year,” said Prof.
well as the beautiful fundamental physics.” The workshop was “a fantastic way to present [KAUST]
Manchon. It is his hope that the researchers can “regularly meet to carry on [their] common progress
to the spintronics community and expose our research,” he said.
in this fascinating topic.” In the future, as Prof. Fert noted in his lecture, spintronics may “take us
Visiting researchers from universities, companies, and research organizations around the world,
beyond the limits of modern technology.”
KAUST Brings Together Top Data Analysis Scientists
Professor Mikhail Moshkov
James Calvin, and Vice President for Research Jean Fréchet for
Rough Sets theory founded by
support of year-long book preparation and bringing together
Zdzisław I. Pawlak (1926-2006) in
leading experts in the field for a workshop at KAUST.
Poland at the beginning of 1980s
In June 8-11, 2012 KAUST hosted the International Workshop
focused on dealing with not only
on Three Approaches to Data Mining. Supported financially and
imperfect but also inconsistent
logistically by KAUST Global Collaborative Research, the work-
data, and extended essentially the
shop brought together, for the first time ever, top researchers from
areas of applications.
the three areas of data analysis. The publisher, Springer, espe-
Finally, the Logical Analysis of
An international group of leading data analysis researchers,
cially for this workshop, printed 10 exemplars of the book – six
Data, the youngest of the three
led by Professor Mikhail Moshkov of King Abdullah University
month earlier the official data of publication.
approaches founded by Peter L.
of Science and Technology (KAUST)’s Applied Mathematics and
The team of scientists who collaborated on the book is com-
Hammer (1936-2006) in USA at
Computational Science program, have recently published a book,
prised of: Mikhail Moshkov, Igor Chikalov, and Beata Zielosko
the second half of 1980s, added
“Three Approaches to Data Analysis,” examining the common
from KAUST (who focused on Test Theory), Hung Son Nguyen
to the data analysis power of the
approaches of three data analysis theories: Test Theory, Rough
and Andrzej Skowron from Warsaw University, Poland (Rough
theory of partially defined Boolean
Sets and Logical Analysis of Data.
Sets), as well as Vadim Lozin and Irina Lozina from the University
While all these three theories have much in common, as they
of Warwick, UK (Logical Analysis of Data).
We expect that the book and the workshop will stimulate
are all related to Boolean reasoning, “researchers active in one
The three famous approaches to data analysis use decision
research on new data mining methods based on combination of
of these areas often have a limited knowledge about the results
trees and decision rules for data representation and classification.
Test Theory, Rough Sets and Logical Analysis of Data, explained
and methods of the other two,” said Prof. Moshkov. In an effort
Founded by Sergei V. Yablonskii (1924-1998) in USSR during
Prof. Moshkov. Such methods should be, in particular, scalable for
to stimulate new theoretical results and real-life applications from
the 1950s, Test Theory was created for imperfect consistent data
large data sets and applicable to multiple domains.
the relationship between the three paradigms, Prof. Moshkov
study and applications ranging from military uses, to geology
approached Prof. David Keyes, Vice President for Education
(gold mining) and medicine.
Research SOFT MATTER | Continued from p1 KAUST’s Nano-biophysics Lab. A team of scien-
reach their chain-melting point. “Temperature
tists from Kent State University (Ohio, US) also
destroys the order via the ‘boundary condi-
contributed research and lab expertise for the
tions,’” explains Prof. Chaieb.
paper. It can be accessed at en/content/articlepdf/2013/sm/c2sm26771c.
The chiral needle-like structures may be why pattern change takes place, the research-
The paper discusses how, as temperature
ers propose. As Prof. Chaieb notes, “Stripes are
increases, molecules of dynePE, a double-
inherent of the broader system, but the transi-
chained lipid, assemble to form stripes with
tion from spiral to target [pattern] is inherent
either spiral or concentric “target patterns”
to this kind of object.” The “domain centers”
when on the surface of a liquid (in this case,
of the claws enable radial packing at lower
water). DynePE molecules are chiral, a prop-
temperatures and curled packing at higher tem-
erty by which an object or molecule’s mirror
peratures, creating the two distinct patterns.
image cannot be superimposed upon itself. An
When the chain-melting point is reached, the
example is the right and left human hands:
patterns disappear as both configurational chi-
A left hand cannot be superimposed onto a
rality and chiral packing are eliminated.
right hand no matter which way the hands
“This paper is a model for self-assembly of
are turned or oriented. Chirality affects mol-
beautiful objects that is controlled by geom-
ecules from intra- to supra-molecular levels,
etry,” says Prof. Chaieb. But the patterns are
and in particular influences their self-assem-
not only pretty to look at: the mechanism that
bly. DynePE will self-assemble to form chiral
creates them may be a key to how stripes and
domains between 30 and 37˚C.
target patterns are produced in nature, where
The researchers discovered a unique property
they are found in our fingerprints, for exam-
of dynePE: unlike what was found in previous
ple. Lipid monolayers are also essential for
studies, dynePE’s domains grow in four different
forming the surfactant in lung alveoli, which
levels, beginning with long, thin, needle-shaped
is required to carry out proper breathing by
“claws” as the lipid film is compressed for view-
producing correct surface pressure in the alve-
ing using a special technique called Brewster
oli. Inhaling compresses the surfactant, which
Angle Microscopy (BAM). BAM was created in
lies on a surface of water. Surfactant is often
the lab where Prof. Chaieb did his PhD research
absent in premature babies and a condition
at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, France,
called Respiratory Distress Syndrome results,
and he himself had a part in inventing this tech-
causing labored breathing. The researchers
nique during his PhD work. Using BAM, the
believe these lipids may be able to replace the
claws bend counter-clockwise and, with fur-
missing natural surfactant, resulting in correct
ther compression, they form stripes. The stripes
alveolar surface pressure and proper breathing.
then transition from spiral to concentric tar-
As Prof. Chaieb points out, the chiral lipids
get patterns as the temperature increases. But
have “a relationship to many possible future
above 37˚C, the domains fall apart as the lipids
biological applications.”
ويقول البروفسور شايب "درجة الحرارة تدمر.الدهون ."النظام عبر الظروف الحدودية تغير األنماط قد وراء ويذكر الباحثون أن السبب ّ ويشير.يكون الهياكل الغير متناظرة الشبيهة باإلبرة البروفسور شايب إلى أن أنماط الخطوط متأصلة في نفس النظام لكن التحول من الشكل اللولبي إلى النمط المستهدف متأصل في هذا النوع من وتسمح "مراكز النطاق" الخاصة بالنمط.األجسام المخلبي من الربط اإلشعاعي في درجات الحرارة المنخفضة والربط الملتف في درجات الحرارة العالية وتتالشى األنماط.وبذلك تنتج لنا نمطين مختلفين عند الوصول إلى نقطة االنصهار بزوال كل من خاصية .التهيئة الالتناظرية والربط الالتناظري ويذكر البروفسور شايب بأن هذا البحث ُيعد نموذجًا تمهيديًا عن التجمع الذاتي ألجسام جميلة الشكل يتم وال تتركز فائدة هذه األنماط.ًالتحكم بها هندسيا تشكلها قد تكون المفتاح بجمالها فقط بل إن آلية ّ لمعرفة كيف تنتج هذه الخطوط واألنماط المستهدفة مثل تلك الخطوط الموجودة في بصمات،في الطبيعة والدهون أحادية.أصابعنا على سبيل المثال ال الحصر الطبقة ضرورية أيضا لتشكيل المادة الخافضة للتوتر السطحي في الحويصالت الهوائية في الرئة والتي تلعب دورًا مهمًا في عملية التنفس بإنتاجها ضغط سطحي صحيح داخل تلك الحويصالت وبالتالي القدرة على وال تتواجد أحيا ًنا هذه المادة.التنفس بصورة طبيعية وتسمى هذه الحالة بمتالزمة،الخدج ُ في األطفال ويلفت البروفسور.الضائقة التنفسية أو عسر التنفس شايب النظر إلى أن هذه الدهون الغير متناظرة سوف يكون لها عالقة بالعديد من التطبيقات البيولوجية .المحتملة في المستقبل
March 2013
تابع استكشاف أمناط الدهون أحادية الطبقة
الفيزياء الحيوية النانوية (بتقنية النانو) في جامعة .الملك عبداهلل للعلوم و التقنية – وهيdynePE وتناقش الورقة كيفية تجمع جزيئات على األسطح- عبارة عن دهون مزدوجة السلسلة السائلة (الماء في هذه الحالة) بارتفاع الحرارة لتشكل خطوط "أنماط مستهدفة" إما لولبية أو ومن خصائص هذه الجزيئات أنها.متحدة المركز أي ال يمكن أن تتناظر صورة،غير متناظرة في المرآة ومثال على.الجزيء في المرآة مع أصلها في الواقع ذلك اليد اليمنى واليد اليسرى لإلنسان والتي ال وتؤثر خاصية عدم التناظر في.يمكن أن تتناظران المرآة على الجزيئات من المستوى الجزيئي البيني كما تؤثر بصورة خاصة على عملية،إلى السطحي بالتجمعdynePE وتبدأ جزيئات.تجمعها الذاتية الذاتي لتشكيل النطاقات الغير متناظرة عند درجة . درجة مئوية37 و30 الحرارة بين dynePE واكتشف الباحثون خاصية فريدة لدهون ،تختلف عن ما تم التوصل إليه في الدراسات السابقة حيث،وهي تشكل أنماطها في أربع مستويات مختلفة تكون في البداية على شكل إبرة رقيقة وطويلة تشبه "المخالب" و يتم ذلك بضغط شريط الدهون لعرضه باستخدام تقنية خاصة تسمى الفحص المجهري بزاوية وهي التقنية التي شارك البروفسور،)BAM( بروستر شايب في ابتكارها في المختبر الذي أجرى فيه بحث .درجة الدكتوراه في مدرسة األساتذة العليا في باريس وباستخدام هذه التقنية تنحني "المخالب" عكس وبزيادة الضغط تبدأ بتشكيل،اتجاه عقارب الساعة خطوط والتحول من أشكال لولبية الى أنماط متحدة لكنها تتفكك عند الوصول.المركز بارتفاع الحرارة درجة مئوية وهي نقطة انصهار37 لدرجة حرارة
Shocking Chaos “For decades, physicists and mathematicians have searched for a simple model to predict chaotic shock waves,” said Aslan Kasimov, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science in the Division of Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and
Aslan Kasimov (front row, second from right) and his team of PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Engineering. His team has recently proposed an equation that captures almost all of the com-
that it provides a convincing demonstration that behind the complicated chaotic solutions seen
plex chaotic dynamics of explosion shocks.
in simulations of detonation waves, there is a simple mechanism hidden, so simple in fact that it
Professor Kasimov heads the University’s curiosity-driven Physical Mathematics Laboratory. “I
can be captured by a single scalar partial differential equation,” he said. Difficulties with analysis
am very fortunate to have a talented and diverse group of postdocs and students,” he said. “In this
of detonation shocks have led some researchers to even speculate that the detonation may be a
particular research, the key contribution was made by my PhD student Luiz Faria.”
“no-theory” phenomenon, that we may be unable to describe it – even in principle – by anything
The new equation is perhaps the simplest partial differential equation to predict chaotic solu-
simpler than the full set of equations of gas dynamics. “Our model is an example refuting such
tions, but simplicity does not imply triviality. “It’s simply one scalar equation that has one time
pessimistic view and motivating search for simpler theories. We have shown that the secret is
derivative, one space derivative, and that’s it. But it has an extremely complicated set of solutions
there, the secret is simple, and it just needs to be found,” Prof. Kasimov concluded.
– extremely complicated,” Prof. Kasimov said. “We expect that its richness will be of interest to scientists specializing in shock waves, dynamical systems, and the theory of partial differential equations. Perhaps, its biggest significance is
Dragon TIS Spotter: an Arabidopsis-derived predictor of translation initiation sites in plants
The research was done in collaboration with Dr. Rosales from MIT. The paper, “A model for shock-wave chaos,” will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters, doi:10.1103/ PhysRevLett.110.104104.
and Haitham Ashoor, and Senior Research Scientist Dr. Boris Jankovic. The CBRC project was led by the Center’s Director, Prof. Vladimir Bajic. “Recognizing TIS signal motifs in genomic DNA sequences is much more complex than recognizing them in mRNA or cDNA sequences. Methods and tools that can solve this problem are important for gene discovery and genome annotation,” Prof. Bajic said. “The high-accuracy prediction tool that has resulted from the new methodology we developed is, to the best of our knowledge, the only publicly available predictor of TIS motifs in plant DNA sequences.” The research team hopes that the tool will aid the studies and annotation of plant gene properties, and provide a further insight into the mechanisms of translation initiation. The web-based tool is freely accessible at The paper, “Dragon TIS
The Computational Bioscience Research Center (CBRC) team has developed a new method-
Spotter: an Arabidopsis-derived predictor of translation initiation sites in plants,” is available at
ology and a web tool to predict translation initiation sites (TISs) in plant genome sequences.
The application was published in the leading Mathematical and Computational Biology journal Bioinformatics, with three equally contributing researchers: PhD students Arturo Magana-Mora
March 2013
The Beacon
photos of the month
Sunset Concert at the University Library
KAUST’s talented Sunset Concert performers pose at the February 9 event.
The latest Sunset Concert featured a collection of pieces performed by
my university GOWRY HODGE
the community’s talented musicians, featured works by Handel, Vivaldi, and Beethoven, and included one of the most famous pieces of Chinese music for violin, Butterfly Lovers. Perhaps the most touching pieces of the program were three works written and composed by KAUST community members, all
Gowry Hodge joined KAUST in January 2009 as one of the University’s founding mem-
of which featured lyrics honoring love and friendship, commemorating the
bers. “We worked from the interim office on Prince Sultan Street in Jeddah, and lived at the
library’s founding director, Joseph Branin, who passed away in December.
Sierra Compound,” she said. “I had never worked outside of London so this was indeed a
Professor David Keyes, a performer in the concert, noted that the “perfect”
change. I arrived with six recruits from London and Ireland, and we felt togetherness, not
Library venue was made even more ideal because it was Branin himself who
alone in our new job, new city, and new culture.”
first suggested concerts should take place there once a month. “The program
Gowry is the Senior Executive Secretary to General Counsel William Stamm. “Why KAUST?
was somber in terms of the music and lyrics,” Prof. Keyes said, “but at the
Why not? At this point in life I could travel, change jobs, do whatever I felt like doing. I
same time celebratory of the life of the mind and heart that [Branin] culti-
enjoy my work, and the team I work with. I also like the location.”
vated personally and professionally.”
Gowry joined KAUST from a Scottish law firm in the City of London, UK. She is a professional, a mother,
Branin’s positive influence will be lasting at KAUST. As Amy Stoll, a
and an athlete. She has five national (England) titles in Women's 400 meters hurdles, and has represented
KAUST Schools teacher and concert performer stated, Branin stood for “the
England in World Championships, Commonwealth games, and the Olympics. She reached her personal best
actualization of talent and commitment and making a difference in the
(54.63s) in the 1992 Barcelona Olympic game semifinals, and won silver at the 1998 Commonwealth Games
world, and he will continue to be a role model for us all.”
in Malaysia. In 1992, she qualified to represent not just England but the whole of Europe at the IAAF World Cup in Cuba, and won silver. Outside of work, Gowry’s time is spent with her Australian Shepherd, Red. “I take Red out on the bike, spend
Assist. Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain Selected To Be Distinguished Lecturer
time with friends, and do sports. KAUST is an ideal place to do sport!”
Professor Sigurdur Thoroddsen Elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society
Muhammad Mustafa Hussain, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and
Mechanical Engineering Professor Sigurdur Thoroddsen (Physical Sciences
Engineering Division), has been selected to be a Distinguished Lecturer for
and Engineering Division) was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) for 2013 and 2014. EDS is a vibrant
He received the honor “for the development and use of high-speed imaging to
professional community of researchers from semiconductor industries like
understand the dynamics of small-scale multiphase and interfacial flows, leading
Intel, IBM, Global Foundries, Samsung, Toshiba, Panasonic, HP, and Texas
to fundamental new understanding of the behavior of bubbles and drops, breakup
and coalescence, cavitation, splashes and other free surface flows.”
The IEEE sponsored EDS Distinguished Lecturer Program provides EDS
Additionally, he and his group had a strong showing at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid
chapters with quality lecturers who are experts in their fields. The lectur-
Dynamics in San Diego, CA, held in November 2012, where he and his collaborators presented research results
ers travel to various technical and regional groups to present at events.
in seven separate talks.
This is the first time an assistant professor has been selected for this honor by IEEE EDS.