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Ka Wai Ola - News For The Lāhui
Our new interactive Ka Wai Ola website is now available online. Besides our monthly articles, catch bonus content like videos and photo collections that were not in our printed version. Search through decades of past archived articles and share them via social media. Please visit https://kawaiola.news Ka Wai Ola is a free, monthly newspaper of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ola effectively serves the Hawaiian community by reporting on critical issues that impact not only Hawaiians, but the community at-large, and is posted online. Ka Wai Ola is mailed each month to homes statewide and on the continent. Copies are available at all public libraries, and are distributed to Hawaiian agencies and offices throughout the Hawaiian islands. Annual readership surveys help to shape the publication with public input, ensuring its optimum effectiveness as a communication tool for all Hawaiians.