2 minute read
Ho’ohuli, a time of Returning
By Māhealani Wendt
This has been an extraordinary time of ho‘ohuli, of returning, reformation and reconciliation; of a circling back to our great traditions and wisdoms of the past. On the global stage, there has been no greater Hawai‘i example than that of Höküle‘a and its historic voyage, Mälama Hönua. Our wa‘a embarked on an epic journey and came home safely!
Ho‘ohuli is also an apt word for the story of taro restoration in East Maui, for its literal root word, huli, is also the name of the taro plantling. This past year, in a historic development, the spirit of returning, of ho‘ohuli, pervaded as wai was finally returned to Ko‘olau Moku, Maui Hikina, Ke‘anae-Wailuanui after more than a century of diversions to feed the thirsty sugar barons of Central Maui.
As a result, Mälama Häloa caring for Häloa or kalo has also seen an historic resurgence in our community. This portends well for communities like Ke‘anae- Wailuanui whose inhabitants possess the ‘i‘ini, the strong desire, to perpetuate traditions that will keep our people vibrant and healthy.
It has taken East Maui taro farmers organized as Na Moku Aupuni o Ko‘olau Hui (“Na Moku”), with the help of attorneys from the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, nearly two decades of legal battles and many more decades of struggle to accomplish this historic return.
While a decision on exactly how much wai those who, for centuries, have gorged and profited from it will have to restore, the unprecedented return of wai to East Maui in the interim has signaled a new beginning and great optimism for the future, as new generations of farmers return to land that, once dried and cracked, is momona once more.
While we embark upon these new beginnings, many obstacles and challenges must overcome the wounds and trauma the diversion of billions of gallons of water annually inflicted on generations of Hawaiians:
• The loss of many küpuna practitioners with their deep knowledge of the ‘äina and traditional farming, fishing and gathering practices;
• The opportunity lost to several generations who came into adulthood when farming was no longer viable due to lack of water;
• Devastation caused by the thick overgrowth and proliferation of invasive plants and animals throughout the East Maui watershed during the decades when there weren’t a sufficient number of farmers to carry out maintenance on a regular basis;
• Severe degradation of the historic lo‘i (taro patches) and auwai (traditional ditch) systems caused by invasives as well as unchecked erosion, segments of which are many miles in length along steep cliffsides along the Häna coastline.

The return of wai to East Maui has allowed new generations of farmers to work land that is momona once again. - Photo: Courtesy
In facing these challenges and obstacles, one of the greatest blessings to the farmers has been the partnership with the Häna-based non-profit, Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike, and its affiliate organizations, Mälama Häloa and Mähele Farms.
Participants in the Mälama Häloa (Ku‘i) Program have cleared lo‘i and planted thousands of huli.