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Theme: “End VAW Now! It’s Our Duty!”


Since 2002, the Philippines has been actively joining the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence that is being observed globally from November 25 to December 10. Said campaign calls for the elimination of all forms of violence against women through awareness-raising about genderbased violence, strengthening local work and establishing a clear link between local and international work to end VAW, among other undertakings. * In 2006, through Presidential Proclamation 1172, the Philippine campaign was extended to 18 days, to include December 12 which is known as the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day.


* This year, the country's commitment to the

observance was strengthened as President Benigno S. Aquino III signed the Republic Act 10398 declaring November 25 of every year as the “National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children.� The law also raises the standard by which this campaign is observed by mandating key agencies to undertake activities designed to raise public awareness on VAW.


* With the theme: “End VAW Now! It’s Our Duty!” the call will emphasize the importance of having a functional mechanism, operated by competent and capable duty-bearers with a sense of responsibility and accountability originating from a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of gender-based violence and the provisions of VAW laws.


* To increase support and commitment of duty holders particularly government agencies, at the national and local level, in eliminating violence against women and children.

* To sustain and improve policies, laws and mechanisms addressing VAW.

* To forge partnerships among stakeholders in addressing VAW.


* The 2008 National Demography Health Survey

(NDHS) revealed that one in five women aged 15-49 has experienced physical violence since age 15. The survey also reported that 14.4 percent of married women have experienced physical abuse from their husbands and more than one-third (37%) of separated or widowed women have experienced physical violence, implying that domestic violence could be the reason for separation or annulment.


* From January to September 2013, the

Philippine National Police (PNP) documented a total of 9,985 violations of RA 9262 or the AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (VAWC) nationwide. The nine-month report is around 87% from last year’s 11,531 reported cases and is expected to exceed the eleven-thousand mark by the end of the year.


* Among the four VAWC categories, Physical

Abuse tops the rank with 5, 728 (57%) reported cases. It is followed by Psychological Abuse with 2,031 (20%); Economic Abuse with 1,483 (15%) and Sexual Abuse with 743 (7%) reported cases.


* Among the sixteen regions, ARMM excluding, Region

VII (Central Visayas) is the number one region with the most number of reported VAWC cases at 2,762 (28%). Region VI (Western Visayas) comes in second with 1,704 (17%) followed by Region XI (Davao Region) in third with 1,123 (11%). It should be noted however that during the period, there were regions with no reported VAWC cases. These regions are I, III, IV-B, V, XIII, CAR and NCR.


* The least number of reported VAWC cases for the same period was recorded in Region II (Cagayan Valley) with 318 (3%) cases only. It is followed by Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) with 490 (5%) cases and Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN). * The consolidated report also provides information on the different actions taken by concerned agencies on the reported VAWC cases, among which is the Referred to PNP which ranks first with 3,439 (29%) referrals. It is followed by Referred for Medical Treatment with 3,163 (26%) referrals; Referred to LSWDO with 3,671 (22%) referrals; Issued BPO with 1,744 (15%) issuances; and Referred to Court with 930 (8%) referrals.


* Again, Region VII (Central Visayas) is the top region

with the most number of actions taken on the reported VAWC cases with 3,220 (27%). Region VI (Western Visayas) is next with 1,960 (16%) actions taken and Region XI (Davao Region) in third with 1,643 (14%) actions taken. * The top three regions with the least number of actions taken on reported VAWC cases were Region X (Northern Mindanao) with only 541 (5%) actions taken followed by Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) with 675 (5.6%) and Region II (Cagayan Valley) with 737 (6.2%) actions taken.


* VAW is a human rights issue. It strikes at the

personhood of women and limits human development. * Violence against women is rooted in historical and structural inequality in power relations between women and men, and persists in every country in the world as a pervasive violation of the enjoyment of human rights. * Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination that seriously violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women and girls of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.


* VAW is characterized by the use and abuse of power and

control in public and private spheres, and is intrinsically linked with gender stereotypes that underlie and perpetuate such violence, as well as other factors that can increase women's and girls' vulnerability to such violence. * Addressing VAW is a serious challenge as it requires a look into the interaction of psychological, social, cultural and other factors. * • Service providers and duty-holders are expected to at least observe some ethical considerations in addressing VAW including, but not limited to, maintaining the confidentiality of VAW victims, usage of gender-sensitive language, respecting the decision of the victim, respecting the victim’s emotional state, and taking care not pressure the victim in a decision.


* Policies, laws and mechanisms addressing VAW

have been put in place, the need now is to sustain and improve on the initial gains. * • Implementation of National Strategic Action Plans to address VAW including Anti-trafficking in Persons should be ensured. * • A more cohesive and strategic approach is needed for all stakeholders, including government and civil society to address VAW.


* The President, as a duty-bearer himself,

is calling for all duty-holders to be committed in eliminating VAW. * • The need to strengthen these mechanisms is aligned in PNoy’s “Daang Matuwid” and Social Contract No. 13: “From a lack of concern for gender disparities and shortfalls, to the promotion of equal gender opportunity in all spheres of public policies and programs.”


* 1. Share the campaign videos in your Facebook and Twitter page. Campaign videos will be uploaded by November in PCW's Youtube Channel.

* 2. Link the official campaign video in your agency’s website.

* 3. Change your Facebook and Twitter display picture and cover photo throughout the campaign period (November 25 to December 12). Official campaign photos will be uploaded by 2nd week of November.


* 1.Air radio plugs regarding the campaign. * 2. Air the official campaign videos in TV stations

* 3. Feature stories and documentaries regarding violence against women.


* Hang campaign streamers and posters in your agency or organization.

* Write articles about the campaign to end violence against women.

* Include in your agency publications or

newsletter the 18-day campaign to end VAW.


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