Girl Rising was launched by award-winning journalists at The Documentary Group with founding production partner Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Productions, along with strategic partner Intel Corporation.
Educating girls can break cycles of poverty in just one generation. Yet, millions of girls around the world face barriers to education that boys do not. Removing barriers such as early marriage, gender-based violence, domestic slavery and sex trafficking means not only a better life for girls, but a safer, healthier and more prosperous world for all.
From Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, Girl Rising spotlights the unforgettable stories of nine girls living in the developing world, striving beyond circumstance and overcoming nearly insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams. The narration talents of renowned actors and the moving words of prize-winning authors combine and give voice to the girls’ stories and this powerful truth: educating girls can transform families, communities, countries and eventually, the world.
Girl Rising unites girls, women, boys and men: all those who believe every girl has the right to go to school and the right to reach her full potential. The movement uses the power of storytelling to build a global community. The film, behind-the-scenes videos, advocacy trailers and free standardsaligned school curriculum are designed to raise awareness and inspire individuals to act on behalf of every girl.
SHARE HER STORY Individuals, organizations, corporations and schools can share her story by bringing the film and/or curriculum to their communities and campuses and spreading the word about the value of girls’ education. To date, tens of millions of people around the world have seen Girl Rising. The film opened in March 2013, and was seen in 173 Regal Cinemas and more than 700 crowd-sourced theatrical screenings across the U.S. CNN & CNN International brought the film to millions of television viewers, domestically and overseas. Private, corporate, NGO, community and campus screening events continue worldwide. Girl Rising has generated nearly 1,000 articles and over 4 billion earned media impressions to date.
Now Girl Rising, in partnership with Intel, CIEE and USAID is launching a 3 year initiative in India, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo to spread the message of girls’ education and push for policy change. Girl Rising will make the film available in local languages to be screened on television, in theaters, on campuses and in grassroots settings. It will support community programs run by NGOs on the ground and will engage the leadership in each country to promote policies that will lead to more girls beginning and completing a quality education.
Each and every one of us can help fuel the movement:
INVEST IN HER People can invest in her by driving resources to organizations that deliver life-changing services to girls every day, services that help girls go to school and stay there. Girl Rising has so far inspired over $2.1 million in donations, including more than $1 million to the Girl Rising Fund. The Fund is distributed among Girl Rising’s NGO impact partners: A New Day Cambodia, CARE USA, UN Foundation’s Girl Up, Partners in Health, Plan International USA, Room to Read, and World Vision. STAND WITH HER Girl Rising supporters stand with her by joining the movement and helping to motivate global leaders to take action. Girl Rising works to identify how policy-shapers can support and protect girls. From a rally at the World Bank to a conference in Kuala Lumpur to high-level screenings worldwide at UNESCO, the Irish Parliament, the Pentagon, the Peace Corps, the U.S. State Department and an ever-growing list, Girl Rising consistently engages the attention of global leaders and those who can influence them.
On International Day of the Girl 2013, Girl Rising supported more than 2000 events in 158 countries on 6 continents, with major events in Washington, Tokyo, Sydney, New Delhi, Hong Kong, Capetown, Addis Ababa, Toronto, Bogota and beyond.
Girl Rising will be widely available on DVD and digitally beginning on March 7, 2014. An educational version of the film, complete with extras and agespecific discussion guides, will be on sale beginning November 15, 2013. For more information on the film, the movement, the curriculum and the fund, go to girlrising.com.
GR www.girlrising.com