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“Architecture is the profession belonging to the field of fine arts dedicated to creating spaces that meet the needs of its users, creating beautiful works that provide welfare, adapting to its historical and geographical, functional, solidly built, with finishes that are appropriate to their nature and in its placement denote mastery of craft and


activities within planned time and cost.�





- Definition of Professionalism

- The Profession and Professionalism

Sierra Kayglevis

- Ten rules or steps towards Professionalism

- Professionalism synonymous with success

Matute Henry



- Definition of Professional Ethics


- Cadre Ethics ande Architect

Sierra Kayglevis


Matute Henry

- General code of Professional Ethics of the Architect


- Code of Ethics Professional Engineer, Architect an allied Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

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The term professionalism is used to describe all those practices, behaviors and attitudes that are governed by the established rules of respect, restraint, objectivity and effectiveness of the activity carried out. Professionalism is the direct consequence of being a professional, an individual who has a particular profession who exercise according to socially established guidelines for the same. Patterns of professionalism can be very varied and range from physical aspects and appearance (such as clothing) to moral and ethical attitudes (such as the line of duty in any situation and reality). The notion of professionalism is related, needless to say, with that profession. The profession is a profession type purchased legitimately by a person after a career of study or work as it provides the skills, knowledge and skills specific to the chosen activity. The attitude of professionalism, to act as a professional means that when that task or actividd exercise, the person functions according to specific parameters set for it as well according to general settings and moral conduct.

Definition of Professionalism

However Professionalism can exist in the case of people who do not have an official legal profession but still important traits show respect, commitment, dedication and professionalism in what they do. Professionalism is without doubt one of the most wanted features in establishing the job, but at the same time can be difficult to measure in quantitative terms. Obviously, there are some elements that can be clearly identified as lack of professionalism, such as tardiness, aggressive language and forms of communication or improper handling, lack of commitment to the activity, inappropriate appearance, establishing emotional ties with colleagues or clients when this is not allowed, etc.

Both terms may be identical in normal use, but if you dig in its literal sense are differences: Professional: Refers to those persons who exercise a particular activity, without the need to prove specific training level, but always ensuring the highest quality in their work. As an adjective, the professional can also be for doing their activity with the greatest possible personal demands and responsibility.

The Profession


Profession: Involves a specific academic qualification, can be divided into lawyers, doctors, engineers, technicians, doctors, teachers, etc... Profesionista The term also refers to the spirit of improvement work regardless of the obstacles that may arise


1. Specific technical training This continues to be the main and fundamental requirement. If the professional does not feel able to exert its function well, it can hardly get a seat. Good training, additional courses and experience in the function are important when competing for a job vacancy Two. overview Besides being good at what he does, it is important to understand what are the impacts of their work. Having a global vision helps in communicating in general, both with peers and with superiors and subordinates. Three. Being well informed Now we live in the information society. Who is informed always come to the front. Nothing better than talking to someone who dominates and know about the work exerted. Must be the benchmark in the business when the matter is related to your field. Now, you can also report today, economy, entertainment, arts, sports, internet, business, among other things, better yet. You become someone so much more open and much more likely to interact with others in the company. But do not forget: the principal must have knowledge that is related to their field of expertise. Four. Technology easily The computer and the internet are now essential tools of work and communication. It relates well to these technologies and are familiar with them, being a competitive advantage.

Ten rules or steps towards

five. Internet and social networks Who sails well online and use social networks correctly know how all this information can help, find answers and solve problems, and in this same way get points against the other competitors. six. Languages (including a good Portuguese) In an increasingly globalized world, have knowledge of another language and very important, especially English. Brazil is still a country without people who have dominion over other languages. Who has knowledge in English and Spanish has even more advantages. seven. continuing Education Workshops, short courses, conferences and graduate, among others. There will always be something valued by companies. But do not act in order to collect only the titles. Knowledge is valuable, so you have to commit and take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow personally and professionally. eight. volunteer work Having volunteer experience shows that it is a professional concerned with important values. Actions like this are not only well regarded in the professional field, but reflect a mature human being. nine. Elegance and warmth These qualities can be displayed in different waysthe way they dress, their speech, attitudes. Be smart and friendly always attracts. These features help to conquer and demonstrate maturity and sympathy. Everyone wants to be next to nice people.

professionalism The professionalism born of deep desire to succeed in what we decide to do. No intention there is no desire, no desire is not strong intent. No WORK PLAN NO RESULTS DESIRED. Many people who start with promising careers professionals aspiring to become successful in their lives. Some succeed in meeting this goal while others fail to meet their expectations. Most successful professionals have several features in common, some are learned and others are innate. Traits such as ambition and flexibility to help tenfold. good values professionals achieve their goal. The character and values are the most valued by recruiters. Sometimes you are born with them, other times they learn at home, but can also be grown through the perception and assessment of these qualities. Whatever the form of absorbing, it is important to have good values. With them becomes not only a Useful tips: professional, but in a large human 1 Do your profession or career for a serious road 2 You must have ambition 3 You must be more flexible 4 Improving your communication skills 5 Adopt a positive attitude 7 Collaborate and cooperate with others 8 acts as a leader 9 Collaborate and cooperate with others

Professionalism synonymous with success

THE ARCHITECT AND REALITY What is architecture?, The text tells us the following definition: "Architecture is the profession belonging to the field of fine arts dedicated to creating spaces that meet the needs of its users, creating beautiful works that provide well, adapting to its historical and geographical, functional, solidly built, with finishes that are appropriate to their nature and in its placement denote the domain of practice and activities within planned time and cost. " There are many definitions of architecture, some more vague and other more objective, which may be exalted with vocabulary use or misuse of it, though the architecture has been and is so far the human activity that involves knowledge create properly and create the space for man. So in a way we can say that the concept of universal architecture is even in each region may have variations derived from the culture.

Definition of Professional Ethics In the text you can see that was clearly made on the basis of the time, and if you can consider that its release date is apparently not very far from the present day, and even then we could have it now Thus, the current architect must be a professional who can successfully meet the needs of users, and for which it needs adequate preparation, both technical

knowledge and humanists, who are supplemented with appropriate ethical basis. And with that can provide services to the society in which we live in the most suitable.

Cadre Ethics ande Architect THE ARCHITECT AND MORAL VALUES In the text under study are listed a series of values which he calls: basic architectural work that, of these is given a definition and also how they relate to the architect. This list of values is as follows: Commitment: obligation or liability acquired based on an agreement. Architect is expected to be committed, ie their activities with the user or society are always directed to the pursuit of mutual welfare, working their input and ideas are directed to promote the development of the architecture and the same society, and the architect's personal growth. Reliability: Ability to respond satisfactorily to the responsibilities. Architect is asked to be careful in their activities, in their decision-making, as well as resource management that meets the needs of the user or society successfully. For this to be possible it is necessary that the architect has the ability to solve the previous problem to avoid improvisations and increased risk of error. Consistency: Harmonic Correspondence between the idea and the act. It is expected that the architect acted consistently, ie conceptual ideas formed to carry out their work are reflected in the same work

clearly, which is necessary for binding of the team concept completely. So the architect must adhere to the agreement from the beginning between the customer and Discretion: sense and professionalism to receive or give information. It is the duty of the architect to maintain the professionalism of all information exchanged between him and his client, as well as make use of it in an appropriate and sensible, understanding customer requests and directing them respecting the client's choices and avoid falling into errors that could affect the rights of a third party. Honesty: Capacity to act based on the truth. The architect must be honest, must always act in line with the agreement, and never hide any act outside the view of those who may be affected later, it is important that the architect Eastern customer properly and recognize their limitations or those that could affect their work somewhere.

Honesty: Righteousness in resource management. It waits for the architect to be honored, showing uprightness in all his actions and procedures, particularly in the management of economic resources must be scrupulous and always show clear accounts and always seek the best options for it serves, for his client, the which the architect must report truthfully on the resources invested as he is providing. Justice: receiving and giving what is deserved. The architect must be fair, properly valuing the work of staff involved, you must show respect for the dignity and welfare of those who in some way depend on or are affected by its decisions or actions, you must show respect for the context historical, cultural and physical environment in which it operates in order to give back to society what it has received in solidarity for search and mutual development. Loyalty: Linking individuals based on trust. Architect is expected to be fair and that their actions are in hand with the interests of his client or the agency for which you work, you must always look to give a good image of them as of himself, you should also avoid competition with features unfair or corrupt, and seek to influence their employees to develop a sense of loyalty, as a continuing obligation. Prudence: Sound judgment in decision-making. The architect must act prudently, carefully managing information and respecting that which is confidential, bede also based on the analysis, validate the information on which to base its decision-making and recognize the successes of others and themselves, must

also be careful to communicating emotional situations that may affect your team considering and anticipating the consequences. Responsibility: Taking obligations and comply with them. The architect must always act responsibly and take the consequences of the decisions you make or accept, respect the commitments and perform them satisfactorily always complying with the quality, quantity, characteristics and time agreed, and when adverse situations arise should respond above their personal interests, the responsibility is also to respect the community and the environment and all those who may be affected by their doing. Truth: relationship of truth and all acts. The architect should always be a faithful follower and seeker of truth, acting and thinking always agree to this and thus always remaining under its aura and away from any action that will lead to falsehood, corruption, opacity or bias.

General code of Professional Ethics of the Architect Code of Ethics of Architecture 1.Actuar honorably, respectable virtues of honesty, integrity and truthfulness in full exercise of our profession. Good customer 2.Anteponer their ideas, that is, if you as a professional should know that you do not project your client is asking you, do not make. 3.Evitar that violate laws, ordinances and regulations of professional practice. 4.Cuidar the maintenance and improvement of buildings.

5.Ofrecerse only to perform functions for which they have ¬ ing ability, training and experience. And take care works only if you have made all the necessary technical studies for proper implementation 6.Dispensar by friendship, convenience or coercion, compliance with provisions requires ¬ tory, when the mission of his office is that of respect and obey them. 7.Elaborar projects or prepare reports without negligence, lightness or unduly optimistic criteria. 8.Firmar drawings made by others only consultamente and full review, and take responsibility for the people who work directly with you. 9.Evitar undue actions for privileges in the practice. Attempting 10.Evitar the reputation or the legitimate interests of other professionals. 11.Evitar act in any manner that enables or facilitates contracting with foreign companies, studies or projects, construction or inspection of works, when in the opinion of the authorities there Mèxico the ability to perform them. 12.Evitar contribute directly or indirectly to the destruction of natural resources identified in the law governing the matter

Code of Ethics Professional Engineer, Architect an allied Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela CODE OF ETHICS ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND RELATED PROFESSIONALS It is considered unethical and incompatible with the exercise of the profession worthy, for a member of the Association of Engineers of Venezuela,

1. - To act in any way which would undermine the honor, responsibility and the virtues of honesty, integrity and truthfulness that should form the basis of full exercise of their profession. Two. - Violate or permit violate the laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the proper practice. Three. - Neglecting the maintenance and improvement of their skills, confidence and belittling that society attaches practice. April. - Offering to the performance of specialties and functions for which they have the capacity, expertise and experience and reasonable. May. - Dispensing, for friendship, convenience or coercion, compliance with mandatory provisions, as the mission of his office is to respect and obey them. June. - Offering, soliciting or providing professional services paid less than minimum established as the College of Engineers of Venezuela.

CONCLUSIONS The study of ethics is a door to freedom, is to unveil his eyes and see the big picture of life in order to act freely, or remain tied to slavery, but always under our own decisions. Ethics is simply the light that enlightens society, and morals, his shadow. The study of ethics allows us to observe this society and this morality, from outside, and thus gives us the ability to see through them and analyze them, thus forming a judgment and a stance toward life

itself. When you live under the morality of a society and you can not see or understand its origin, then it lives in the shadow, away from light ethic that is the source of freedom and only freedom to choose, and will depend on each person choose their own path. Ethics as a science that is universal, and morale is particularly characteristic of human groups, morality is questionable, and can be for or against it, philosophers like Nietzsche or Kierkegaard are considered immoral because considered the moral attacks freedom, and pointing norms and values that are based on equality of men being that every man is different, however, the theory of ethics is unquestionable, and which says nothing, we only taught as is the behavior of the society in which we live. The study of the basic principles of ethics opens the door to further study of this interesting science.

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