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Club Summaries

Club Summaries

F e b r u a r y D C M f e b r u a r y d c m

This was quite a fun dcm and actually wasn’t like the other that we’ve had, there was a trivia that all clubs got to participate in and even though it wasn’ t something too big, I still enjoyed it a lot. We ended up winning club of the month and I’ m super proud that we were able to have that achievement! There was pizza, boba, and other goodies sold and everything was so good. I do feel like this was one of the best dcms in my opinion, everything just went so nicely!! -Alex Cada


February DCM was so fun. I loved making cards with Sheila and Frances, and it was super nice meeting new friends from carlmont. Also Teannas lemon thingies were so freakin good -Katie Hang

9The February dcm was great! I had fun in trivia event though i blanked out on the questions lol. it was a fun activity hehe :) -Alicia Kim

As a participant at Mr. Key Club, my experience was wonderful. The participants get to know each other and enjoy coordinating their group performances and encouraging each other over their individual performances. Participating allows for Key Clubbers and other people also participating to express themselves as well as possibly reach out of their comfort zone and extend their ability to do things in front of an audience. The turnout was great and there were many people that made this event marvelous. -Chris Tse

Mr. Key Club was undoubtedly one of my favorite events ever. It was an amazing experience to meet so many new people from south and work with some friends from north. Backstage I was dying of


nervousness and cringe but everyones love and support truly made it an unbelievably fun night. Highlight of the show was definitely at the end when all the guys came on stage to entertain the crowd as the votes were tallied. Overall, it was one of the most memorable nights of my Key Club career and I’ d definitely do it again if I weren’ t a senior. So if there’s any guys out there on the fence about doing it next year, because if a talentless guy like me can have a great time, so can you. -Jacob Lee

For me, Mr. Key Club was very entertaining to watch! The contestants had a blast being on stage, whether it's answering questions or making up pick-up lines. The best part of the entire event was the contestants' talent performance because I got to learn what their special talent was. I enjoyed every single one. On the flip side, the other performers did a wonderful job with their performances. This was a great event to bring Division 34 North and Division 34 South together and enjoy a good time. -John Carlo Manuel

m r k e y c l u b m r k e y c l u b

E n d o f t h e Y e a r B a n q u e t E n d o f t h e Y e a r B a n q u e t During the month of March, I had the honor of attending LTG Emmanuel’ s banquet. As soon as I walked in, I was overwhelmed with the fancy decorations, the smell of the food ready to be eaten, and people’ s happy faces. Overall, the banquet seemed very fancy and organized. As I got comfortable, I felt sad listening to a variety of farewell speeches knowing that I was a Key Clubber that would be leaving next year. However, it was also fun listening to Emmanuel lead his last Division Council Meeting as well as pass out awards to the respective members. I definitely did not regret attending Emmanuel’s banquet as I was able to gain a very fancy and memorable experience all while supporting Emmanuel through his last events as the Lieutenant Governor. -Tony Hong (D12E IP LtG)

Last weekend I attended the End of the Year banquet for my second time as a key clubber. It’ s crazy to have seen so many familiar faces considering I last year I barely knew anyone. The table I was sitting at had a such a mix of

Hillsdale, Lowell, SI, Jefferson, Burlingame, to SSF. I loved the positive energy it’ s amazing to see so many people with a passion for service coming together. -Gwen Arzaga

Ruby Red Academy Awards Gala

Our club volunteered at the Academy Awards Gala, an event organized to help raise funds and award donations to assist a variety of HIV and AIDS organizations. We arranged flowers, set up furniture and seating, decorated the walls, and helped clean to prepare for this amazing event. It was amazing to see people of all backgrounds unite and work together to set up an event dedicated to one of the most important causes in today's society. And we got a little peek at the beautiful red carpet set up for the attendees to walk on and glimpses of what a blast the gala would be. Since we were underaged, we could not stay but I am happy that we as a club got to partake in the making of the gala. -Frances Lin

The Saint Anthony’ s Foundation volunteer event was only my second ever Jefferson Key Club event besides one beach cleanup in which we didn’ t do much, due to the lack of trash from prior events. At Saint Anthony’s, we were able to help out with organizing the donated clothes and watch the donation front. While we were in the front we were able to direct any individuals who needed help and or assistance. It was really reassuring to know that by simply organizing clothes or pointing out specific things to people we as Key Clubbers could make a difference. -Citlali Sierra

Saint Anthony’ s was extremely fun, made easier by being able to volunteer with my her (Citlali) This for me made volunteering way easier! That is the sole reason why I enjoy being apart of Jefferson Key Club. We were treated very nicely by the other volunteers and the St Anthony employees. The feeling of helping others was extremely satisfying. -Alexa Diaz

Saint Anthony's Foundation

On the first day of the festival, we spent a lot of time setting up and organizing all the prizes for the kids. Some of the members were blowing up balloons in the back and others were prepping the games and prizes. As the festival actually began, we started playing the games with the kids and parents, then handing out the prizes. It was a fun day since we didn’ t really know what to expect and we got to meet new people as well. The volunteer event helped us get to know more about each other and the new friends we met since it was a long event and we had some free time. -May Cho

The first day of the Chinese New Year Festival was very exciting, I went last so I knew how much fun and tiring this 13 hour day is going to be. I help set up booths and games for the little kids that pass by, and I love the smile and excitement they get from a little balloon. The little kids would always come back not only for the prizes, but for the joy of games. It is my favorite volunteering ever, and I really hype it up for my members, and I didn’ t let them down. Everyone had an amazing time, and I can’t wait for tomorrow. -Anni Zhang

Today 2/8/2020, was another day volunteering for the CNY festival. I was very excited since the previous fair was so much fun, and I was looking forward to another enjoyable fair. Sadly not many volunteers or people in general were coming to Chinatown, so it wasn’ t as busy as we expected. We mostly did the same thing, setting up booths and games. Even though they were wearing masks you can still see the smile on their faces when receiving a balloon. It was so heartwarming I can’t wait for next year. -Anni Zhang

Chinese New Year Festival

Today I passed out some posters, newspapers, and pamphlets. My favorite part was that I got to talk to people I didn’ t know. I also liked seeing the smile on the people’ s faces and the super nice grandmas were very cool. Most people threw away the paper we passed out so that was a waste and they didn’ t give dinner. Getting food required sneaking which was irritating. There was this one kid that kept throwing these loud ass poppers, it was really annoying and it scared a little dog. And all I did was sit in a chair all day in the cold. My leader person tried kept asking me if I had friends just because I didn’ t know the sophomores. -Christina Chan

Today I walked around avoiding a girl yelling at my group and it was kinda boring. Then we got chairs and finally sat down. The entire experience was very cold, and we were constantly hungry. The best part was getting lunch, but then again, they didn’t feed us dinner. All in all, would not recommend this event. -Clark Nguyen

We got to compete against each other to see who could pass out flyers the fastest and was allowed to basically bond and eat the entire day. It was great roaming around the festival since I’ ve never actually been before this event. Also, we were allowed to establish our dominance over pedestrians in order to stop them from getting hit by cars at a crosswalk. CNY festival was super fun minus the fact that we had to endure the stench of portapotties whenever we had to go. -Jennifer Phan

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