How have recent advances in computer technology effected story telling in artwork? In this essay I will be exploring the way that advances in technology have affected story telling within artwork. I will also be exploring how narratives were typically represented in the past; media, setting, mood and how that compares with narratives created today. Before the technological revolution, well back into the 19th century, narratives were typically hand painted. These paintings were often used by the state to communicate with the mainly illiterate public, to represent laws that had been created and state policy etc. Furthermore, narratives were also used to represent subjects of a religious or moralizing nature. Examples of narratives of this style were Pre-‐ Raphaelite paintings, which were created by a group of young artists who made up the pre-‐Raphaelite brotherhood. The paintings reflected on an art of late medieval and early renaissance Europe, characterized by a palette of bright colors that linked to paint used by medieval artists. I will be looking at the work of John Everett Millais who was prominent figure of the pre-‐Raphaelite movement. With the rapid advancement of technology, the way in which narratives are represented has changed dramatically with many represented in the digital form. Although hand drawn/painted narratives still exist, digitally created narratives have grown more popular, with a range of young artists publishing their work on sites such as Flickr and Instagram and Tumblr. This change in how narratives are created and why, can be seen through the artwork of the young artists; Alex Stoddard and Kyle Thompson who as self-‐portrait photographers both use camera equipment and software such as Photoshop to edit and manipulate their images but use this equipment in different ways to create narratives with very different meanings and concepts. I have chosen to explore the work of artists, John everlett Millais, Alex Stoddard and Kyle Thompson in order to reflect on the difference between narratives which were created in the past and those made in the present and how the advancement in technology has influenced these narratives. John Everlett Millais an artist before the advancement of technology, creating narratives through paintings, which held a religious nature. In contrast to Artists Alex Stoddard and Kyle Thompson, who create narratives digitally through taking pictures and editing them on Photoshop. Has the advancement of technology improved the way narratives are represented or are narratives from the past more appealing/effective? Are the works of the pre-‐Raphaelite brotherhood still influential to modern artists of today or has their legacy died out? With the ease in which narratives can be created through the use of technology today, are the works of artists still greatly appreciated by critics and the public?