My brief : Alzheimer's About Alzheimer's; Alzheimer's is a disease of the brain and affects the memory, thinking, problem solving and language. It is the most common form of dementia and affects around 800,000 people in the UK. This disease has no cure and as it progresses (worsens), ends with death.
Artists; In my brief, I have selected 3 artists that have produced work which can be associated with Alzheimer's. the following artists are: Sean Dack John Baldessari William Ultermohlen
Sean Dack Sean Dack uses his own hand written script on software to distort and shows flaws in modern technology i.e.; photographs. This can relate to my brief as to an Alzheimer's suffer in the late stages of the disease, many of their memories become distorted and blurry as their brains begin to deteriorate…
John Baldesarri Long term artist who has done a range of exhibitions using a variety of medias. Best known for using coloured dots in images; described as sexy, appealing… Had burnt all early art work promising to never do boring art again Very charismatic is in his 80’s still producing art. I will make response pieces based on his work with coloured dots – using them to cover faces of loved ones of a sufferer who has began to lose their memory….
William Ultermohlen Was an actual sufferer of the brain disease.
Made it his mission to show the development and affect on the brain the disease has by drawing a self portrait every few years during his life Sadly died of the disease at an old age
Posters Here I have selected the most appealing posters I could find when researching posters relating to illness, health and disease Themes similar:
All of the posters selected stay to mostly two colours in their design
Colours are contrasting against each other Designs are mainly basic; with limited text. Most important information in bold and large font. Other details in a smaller font.
All of the posters show the represented society or organization who has created the poster Position is also a key element to the design and there is limited free space
Key features;
Use of Bold words – questions
Use of one main image
Use of large picture – simply layout. Small text – Contact deatails
Logo for Charity Displayed Clearly
Society's/organizations/charities Alzheimer’s Research www.alzheimers
Alzheimer's society –
Alzheimer's association
I looked into some key charities/organizations concerning support for those with Alzheimer's. The top key organizations found were the following. Each of these organizations use graphical advertising for the awareness and support of the illness/disease through posters, badges, ribbons and videos. Here are some examples of their media.
Research into logo
Here is an example of an logo used for an Alzheimer's charity… This logo is very simple and is known as the logo for the Alzheimer's association.
Many of the logos for leading organizations are plain using merely text or shapes like the following. The logo of the Alzheimer's society, however, is of an elephant – this is because elephants are animals which retain their memories throughout their lives. For my logo, I will be incorporating a meaningful image or representation of something associated with Alzheimer's as well as the organization name.