What are the facts? Chemicals are an integral part of textile and footwear manufacturing industries. Elimination of all types of hazardous chemicals from the supply chain entering through all possible pathways is generally termed as Detox. However, the “Detox” is not as simple as the word. I believe, most of the retailers/brands struggling to even find the entry point of detox implementation within the supply chain. My aim of this paper is to give some lights on those who really want to implement detox but do not getting right edge to start. Some points, I wanted to share before starting the main paragraph, assuming it will help to understand the current scenario
I am with textile and footwear industries since last 11 years and hardly find any textile or leather industries who manufacture their own chemicals rather they purchase. So what is the driving force for a textile/ footwear industry to use hazardous chemicals, price? Lack of knowledge? Or awareness? My observation is like- 60% lack of awareness, 20% lack of knowledge, 10% price and the rest 10% miscellaneous. In almost 90% of the cases, the decisions regarding the purchase of chemicals are taken by middle management of a factory, for textile industry dye house manager/ printing in-charge, etc. who are not very concern about the ultimate consequences of chemicals rather deeply focused on their day to day production.