Technology Bytes Newsletter - January 2014

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“Inspired Technology Leadership to Transform Teaching and Learning”



TECHNOLOGY BYTES Naomi Harm, CEO ◆ PO Box 188, Brownsville, MN 55918 ◆ (608) 386-2018 ◆ ◆

Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2014 is upon us and we are excited to see all the opportunities this year has to offer. We hope you have enjoyed lots of time with your friends and family this season. This time of year is great to reflect upon the years past and look toward setting goals going forward to improve mind, body, and soul. With the new year comes new resolutions, and Naomi and her dynamic team members are excited to share with you their 2014 goals. Goal #1 is all about COMMUNICATION. We want to make sure you are staying up to date with the latest and greatest edtech news. You will have the choice of receiving communication updates through email, social media streams of Twitter and Facebook, our new IEC mobile apps (see left), as well as this monthly "Technology Bytes" e-newsletter. It is our way of staying in touch with each of you by the personal communication method you prefer.

PO Box 188 Brownsville, MN 55919 Phone: (608) 386-2018 Email: #nharm

S TAY C O N N E C T E D ! Click on the appropriate app icon below to download our app! app/innovative-educatorconsulting/id737480444?mt=8

Goal #2 is building and nurturing collaborative RELATIONSHIPS. This goal will continue to grow from our success of existing collaborative partnerships we have formed over the past five years. We will continue to cultivate ideas, share conversations and build new solutions from a nationwide perspective. apps/details? id=com.conduit.app_2318c8d33 d6845f6824c2a14923576f9.ap Conduit-Innovative-Educator-

Goal #3 relates to DESIGN THINKING AND CREATIVITY. Our focus will be on helping educators to strengthen their technology literacy skill sets, while building their confidence in designing and delivering compelling technology lessons to impact student achievement. We will also focus on the physical classroom environment and how we can design and transform more conducive, motivating and creative learning spaces for ALL students.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Googly About Google .............................................................................. 3 Must Have App Collections ................................................................. 3 Ten Apps for Taking Selfies ..................................................................3 Website Warmups to Personalize Learning .............................. 3 Technology Tips, Tricks and Trends ................................................ 3 Keeping Up with the “Standards” ..................................................... 4


From the BLOG Shelf ............................................................................. 4 Show Me The Money: Contests and Grants ............................... 4 Genius Hour: Game Changing Moments ...................................... 5 An Eye on the Globe: Global Collaboration ................................... 5 The Digital Buzz Radio Show................................................................5 Chats with Deb ...........................................................................................5

J ANUARY AND F EBRUARY I NSPIRING P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT W ORKSHOP O PPORTUNITIES January 15 Smartboard Level II: Design and Delivery Host Site: Mauston High School Learn how to design creative lesson activities within the SMART Notebook collaborative learning software by adding style and incorporating interactive content at this full-day, hands-on workshop. By the end of our day of learning, you will be comfortable creating, organizing and sharing your new lessons with all attendees through a shared Google Drive folder.

January 22 Transforming Your Instructional Approach within a 1:1 Chromebook Environment Host Site: Mauston High School Attend this session to gain insightful professional development tips, tricks and classroom management strategies to focus on content delivery, personalizing learning for each and every one of your students, and mobile accountability best practices to lead and learn in a 1:1 Chromebook digital classroom.

February 4 Full “STEAM” Ahead with Google Chromebooks and Apps in the MS/HS Host Site: Portage High School Find out how you can incorporate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) into your Middle School or High School classroom, supported with Google Chromebooks and Apps.

February 5 iDesign: Creating Authentic Learning Centers in the Elementary and Middle School Environment Host Site: Portage High School This hands-on iPad workshop for intermediate and advanced users will have you creating rich content activities and digital products for dedicated learning centers to empower student learning.

Go to the following link to register: Enrollment is limited, so register early to save your spot!

COST Unless otherwise indicated, the cost is $125/person. If you register a team of three from your district, you can send a fourth person for FREE!

GRADUATE CREDIT One graduate credit is available for all workshops through Marian University for an additional $175

CONTACT INFO For questions regarding registration, please contact Kim Berg at (608) 781-5280 or email For questions regarding workshop content, please contact Naomi Harm at (608) 386-2018 o r email

Western Wisconsin Education Conference Friday, February 21, 2014

at the La Crosse Center in downtown La Crosse, WI The WWEC is partnering with Naomi Harm's Innovative Educator Consulting Company to bring a technology focus to our conference. This year’s theme is “Ready... Set... Mobile! Transforming Education with Technology”. Over 30 different mobile technology related breakout sessions are planned for the day. The conference is still only $15 per person to attend. Onsite/day of registrations will increase to $20 per person. To view all session offerings and register for the event starting on January 8th, go to All conference attendees must register for breakout sessions. Session availability is on a first come, first served basis. *This is a BYOD "Bring Your Own Device" conference. Please bring a fully charged device, such as an iPad/Android tablet, Chromebook or laptop to meet your personal learning needs for the day. For questions regarding the conference and registration, please contact Stephanie Fraase at or call 608-796-0355.


Googly About Google The Google Chrome browser has a lot to offer in regards to education and productivity for everyone. Refer to this this document to view the differences between a Chrome app and an extension. We have also included a great list of must have apps and extensions for your classroom.



50 Best Education Apps for Androids


Android Apps For Schools

Cool Finger Faces


Everyday $1.99

Common Sense Media App Reviews



Facetune $2.99

Google Play Education


iPad Apps By Subject, Task and Blooms!

Perfect365 HD


Shots of Me

Smart Apps For Kids


Top Free Google Play Education Apps

Visage Lab



WEBSITE WARMUPS TO PERSONALIZE LEARNING Differentiated Instruction Binder Google Presentation Templates to Offer Your Students Choice Invention At Play The Differentiator Options for Creating Screen Captures


Trend #1 - Google Glass in Class - Check out all the innovative ideas and resources! Trend #2 - Google+ for Schools Guide Tech Tip #1 - Sometimes being overwhelmed by work can hinder productivity. Here are some fun “Zen-friendly” websites to tap into when you need to renew over the winter months. Tech Tip #2 - Winter is in full effect, and freezing temps can be just as dangerous—if not more so—to gadgets as the summer heat since there are hidden dangers you can't see. Check out these six winter-weather tips that will help ensure your gadgets see the light of spring this year. Keep them out of the trunk: Keep your laptops, cell phones, and tablets out of the trunk for extended periods during cold days to prevent damage to screens and to keep your hard drive from freezing. If you must trunk it, keep it bundled up: If you absolutely must leave your gear in your car in freezing temps, wrap it up in layers—like a jacket or sweater—to keep it warm. You can also find laptop warmers (which are specifically made for laptops) to keep them from getting icy if you live in cold conditions. Turn them off: Letting your laptop or tablet remain in sleep mode may keep it warmer (since it is still working), but it also increases your chances of damage if you're on the move. Be sure to power down all the way to keep your data safe. Warm up before booting up: If your machine is on the cold side, let it warm up to room temps slowly before turning it on. This will keep condensation and dew at bay, which can ruin your computer's sensitive guts. Carry a charger: Cold weather sucks the life out of your batteries, so be sure to carry extra chargers in your car for emergencies. Watch out for sensitive screens: Cold weather makes a smartphone screen extra sensitive, so be sure to keep it close to your body if you're out in the snow, or consider a warm accessory—like a smartphone wallet, sock, or sleeve—to keep it cozy.






Standards are everywhere. We all have them. Administrators, Teachers, and Students. When you look at them all spread out across your curriculum map they can seem quite daunting. Common Core, State/District, International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) to name a few… they all have standards to add to the pile. When focusing your efforts on student learning outcomes it is important to remember as we see all the technology that enters classrooms globally, it is just a TOOL. A tool just the same as the paper pencil we used years ago. It is important to know the outcome you expect your students to reach and then provide them the proper tools to get that job complete. Sometimes technology may provide a creative solution, while other times it can slow down the process. So let’s find a creative solution through a variety of web resources to cover the standards in an engaging way for all students. Check out “Playing With Media” - a website of mapping media with the Common Core in a very fun and inspiring way. When is the last time you have explored PBS Learning or Thinkfinity? Both of these fantastic websites allow you to search for an activity, lesson or video resource aligned to Common Core, or a particular grade level, subject specific, or content collections. It will amaze you with all the new resources that have been recently added.

FROM THE BLOG SHELF ~ Best of 2013 ~ Local Wisconsin Bloggers: Matt Renwick’s Read By Example Pernille Ripp’s Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension National: George Couros’s The Principal of Change Eric Klein’s Kleinspiration



Communication Action Grants Due Date: January 15, 2014 Special consideration will be given to projects focused on K-12 and community college girls' and women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). Win up to $2,000-$10,000

M ONEY : C ONTESTS StudentCam 2014 Due Date: January 20, 2014 Annual national video documentary competition that encourages students in grades 6-12 to think seriously about issues that affect communities and the nation.150 student prizes totaling $100,000



Christopher Columbus Awards Due Date: February 3, 2014 The program challenges students to work in teams (with an adult coach) to identify a problem in their community and apply the scientific method to create an innovative solution to that problem. Win up to $25,000.

Solve For Tomorrow Contest Due Date: April 14, 2014 The Contest challenges entrants to describe how STEM can help improve the environment in their communities. Samsung will select 15 schools to receive $35,000 technology grants.


GENIUS HOUR: GAME CHANGING MOMENTS Hour of Code: Computer Programming If you missed out on the classroom movement known as the Hour of Code, you’re not too late to tap into the resources that were utilized across the globe. The hour of code was officially held from December 9th-15th during Computer Science Education Week as a movement to encourage at least 10 million to take the Hour of Code Challenge and teach that anyone can learn to code; computer or not! http:// provided some great tutorials featuring many celebrities to get the project up and rolling, starting at the

very youngest of students. There are, aside from the website, other iOS and Android apps to challenge users at every level from beginner to advanced. Over 20.5 million individuals have taken the challenge to learn the basis behind computer programming. After the movement so much talk has surrounded continuing the forward motion of offering Computer Programming to every student. All it takes is a simple spark in a child and they will take off and learn more on their own.

Check out this large collection of coding apps and websites Gamification: If you want to continue this gamification journey and coding projects with your students, look to “The Gamification on Education Project.” “Gaming Can Make a Better World” This Ted Talk by Jane McGonigal will provide for you as an educator the importance of gaming in our society and the impact of education for the “epic win” to solve current and futuristic real-world problems.

A N E YE ON THE G LOBE Jen Wagner is at it again. Check out this awesome research/literacy project. The National Park Project allows a presentation of a National Park of your choice. Research and Create a dynamic web display and Connect/ Collaborate with other classrooms around the nation to share your learning. HOW COOL! You can check out other awesome Projects by Jen. Help Meg Wilson and her students co-author a Global iBook about shelters around the world using the Book Creator app by January 15th. Join the movement and celebrate Digital Learning Day, February 5, 2014, in your classroom and school.

THE DIGITAL BUZZ RADIO SHOW "Happy New Year - Redesign Your Classroom" The January radio broadcast is celebrating the new year with an edtech goal focus and discussing the importance of breathing new life into your classroom's physical learning environment. Naomi will share with you how you can add new game changing- physical design layouts to your classroom, to energize your physical teaching space. She will also provide tips of how to keep your new holiday tech gadgets safe from the frigid temperatures of the winter season.


CHATS WITH DEB Welcome to the debut of "Chat with Deb". In this video Deb Norton will be talking about Kahoot, a really easy to use student response system to support your 1:1, BYOD and blending learning initiatives. Click here to watch the “Chat with Deb” You Tube video! Resources shared from this video: and Sharing Technology blog post Deb's email:

Happy New Year from the Innovative Educator Consulting Team! We hope 2014 provides for you a wealth of opportunities for inspiration, happiness and gratitude! #TogetherWeAreBetter

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