2009 Medical Guide

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2009 Health and Medical Guide

“Union County’s Largest Community Newspaper Network” The Enquirer-Journal • Indian Trail Trader • The Waxhaw Exchange

r-Journal The Enquire

SUNDAY October 4, 2009


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Today’s temp

Brevard Saturd its d off unbeaten to 2-0 and up Wingate knocke conference record on the season. to improve its to 4-1 overall mark Page1B

County asks for rodeo injunction



low 80s and Highs in the sunny skies high 70s with ek. through midwe


Indian Trail


High: 81 Low: 49 Page 15A Full report:


Charters sue over capital funding BY TIFFANY


Strong D lifts Pirates past Central Cabarrus Sports 1B


, September Wednesday

30, 2009

LLINGS K and STA LAKE PAR Also serving

abandons Powwow g steep fees Concord, citin

Indian Trail

Ira Whitebreast traveled from Tama,

Iowa, to MONROE compete in y is suing Union Academ lotthe ‘Men’s a share of the state for and corporate Fancy’ tery money Indian Trail.� John category at Mayor income taxes. held at Indian a estabTown BY JASON deBRUYN the the Indian wow was North Carolin said he and tary, but the schools in Staff Writer Trail Elemen county and Quinn Council are trying MONROE Trail BY JASON deBRUYN lished charter the funds om Town officials rate to rent Powwow in sites in- to get the powwow back. jdebruyn@theej.c 1996, but limited school Union County that TRAIL public a permasense INDIAN September they could year. Emrich “It makes are seeking ion to shut Powe than a quar- creased this from $350 the Indian Trail 2008. by receiv After more the Indian nent injunctde Toros Rio rent went Indian in the in said d , be File photo from ter century w will not re- for the whole weeken first wow should down Plaza going Rick Crider state. Charhe said. “It’s for the Trail Powwo Trail. Grande. � Marsh 2009 to $280 and an ad- Trail,� .� Crider ter schools to Indian missed Rick be turn by Thomas “Pinky to the town some hearts four hours E-J staff photo dly and admitfee after are public, “It broke we weren’t Quinn said on a parks has repeate county offiditional hourly flaming house. tuition-free working to know that there,� said that in 2009. escaped the was tedly bucked rodeos and s provide l o people still o be could Eight held sch we were going to on project that cials and on survivors. “We wish Native Ameriat his farm funded by Emrich said, firefighter check Metrolina saddle clubs , tion board back there,� was prohibiOW / 10A ing the blaze, Road in Marshederal Associa f POWW ord contain orSee can Landsf After to and Davis powwow but the price state were partial member and Emrich. ville. tive. “We May 7, 2007, local taxes ganizer Zeddie the powAfter a Adjustfor of and to pay For 26 years, county Board g, Marsh textbooks teachers, being noonal costs. ments meetin a special-usel some operati y’s operatified Satwas granted LANE t “specia $7 BY TIFFANY Union Academ urday. permit to conduc are about type activitional costs year, accordStaff Writer G r i f events/rodeong to a court MONROE 42, million per officer Lynn fin, d and a ties� accordi tions include Two adults died in a ing to finance said Edna file. Restric ed number boy Kroeger. 4-year-old Starnes seeks monthat, “‘Limit year; before dawn in The lawsuit to four per one house fire was g. of rodeos state’s capital 60s limited to ey from the which comes Saturday mornin lives in her each event (N.C. to m Robert Griffin outlay fund, sources. The the and had orday’ and ‘confor g behind of Transp from two a buildin the looked Building Department and knew ions and Sheriff EdPublic Schoolreceives 14 property after him was Edna tation) regulat recommendaCapital Fund money coldie Cathey victims. One for more specific the woman Grifng two road 20 percent of Starnes, a step-mother, said the fire than tions, includi the Special the N.C. Educato lected by fin calls his was not ac- apparently years afaccesses , and about area.’� his tion Lottery of corporate although she to him. started in the ter Event rodeo 2007, t 7.25 percen although the September tually related parents County kitchen. sIn use admini It is Union income tax, divertd i e d . policy county land Jensen ruled l Assembly contri’s Office er, ’ Genera Sheriff Lee daught d ’s victims tax trator woman had violate and ed the income not to releasefamily is The that Marsh use permit 2011. Starnes, 32, ’s Belinda Britt who was bution until names until y headby Rick Crider the special a citation for ld The Sheriff Union Academ E-J staff photo notified. the 4-year-o son also died in LANE nd Reinsant and issued ns on Oct. 12, of the vicBY TIFFANY not release not her master Raymo Office did el tend to one two violatio 25, 2007, the of that money deadline Sat- the fire, he said. up,� tlane@theej.com medical personnRoad fire Saturday. censaid a share names by reEmergency STALLINGS 2007. On Oct. provide a Griffin offered “I’m just shook Adjustment use folfire Plyler Mills could help for all its stuurday, but Board of will not tims of the n of those who H ARRIERO s special Stallings tral locatio the names BY ELISABET 16A ’s footsteps Page / voked Marsh’ FIRE See low in Marvin cart ordidents. died. earriero@theej.com y’s goal rs were permit. golf Union Academ ts from Family membe to adopt a g residents MONROE studen / Page 16A Old nance allowin on public is to move hunger. See RODEO campus on its l Satiate their to drive carts its lower to businesses. Town Counci Highway roads. The Charlotte Support localfortunate. ously Mons on North less campu d voted unanim upper Help the King Jr. could consuch an ordiwho attende don said she it was a Residents day to deny Martin Luther Union no capithat Taste of ard. With , there first to a firm only nance. Boulev the could BY JASON deBRUYN in but it’s going asked , though r “I think human femur, d to tal funding event multi-t Staff Writer for anothe Police Depart MONROE not say if it belonge Saturday. and burden our is no money noble way totaling nt said. a human Councilwoman or female, s season. Proceeds ment,� building, Reinsa and the Hunter founday morn- a male it was an adult said before families this ‘I can’t do this,’� Thoma the event, that l Union CountyBoard of Renee Hartis out to the $14,563 from sed more femur Saturd ry that only “I thought, Other counci had to reach gh she County showca LANE discove vote. never as a bone. conthe Union TIFFANY which BY ing, Althou no conclusaid. “I’ve are named . shared her county restaugators comband for help.� “I come to members Education than 20 had investi Staff Writer community t, Thomas signed up from s family said, and saida in the lawsuity toward Opera-MONROE t sions,� she am cerns. defendants rants, went ing the William and EmAcadem was hesitan to a sponsor couple will conduc by Ed Cottingh s bought Out, a 25-year ted didn’t Shannamara among the Staff photo her office Some Union tion Reach Tracy Thoma started a farm. and was connec ation. s’ nephlisted as plainare fit in Monroe sity. The couple 2007, with grape erald Lake parents are old non-pro s grocery and Sally William up a full examin s said she said, but a home in that asked Wingate Univer a serving area chance setting 2008 and lost money, either,else for ChristSally William Trail set up g, subdivisions nce, although tiffs. that provide visitors the ew was new job in e to have much on the North Carory was unsetts of Indian nce, clothin ticket gave months later. Six other schools are help someon for an ordina ts did not added $14,563 fuel assista proe Food Concep Saturday night. A $20 hunting stand between the discove it a few wanted to and other with Creativ looked slim and an auction ser farm as of raffle some residen lina charter lawsuit, listNichols she said, fundrai counseling a resie tling. tive 90-acre kind ld Christmas Chad ome Union sales, other,� mas. restric Wingat just of as the 8-year-o each Ticket and “You’re Greg Wren and want one parties in Both grams to low-inc tta at the Taste Her son got restaurants. Monroe for her now “We all need counties and ’s Office she said. proposed. to her eyes. cheese bruschebeverages from 20 local she rethe town ing their own dents. Susan near the Sheriffthe bone like, ‘Ew,’�s added that as defenson. s have golf tears coming and new shoes; could buy goat and loss of in- Haney William Residents in to sample food neighborhoodseveral resithat school boards was filed in The sudden Sganga when he found coloring books bowls and “the neatest Out’s coffers. the event suit ed to her bed. Depuwith a new had courses, and to drive golf dants. The mixing tickets for $20 and for Operation Reach by near a creekthe area for it appear come coupled t “kind of with Stone County. replacementbone, uwasn’t ceived ook.� of shoes signed dents want their homes Mecklenburg superintenadvance for g, a hip ties combed dity distrib s house paymenyou,� she said. It Table organi- pair elo Williams of door. In return, d at pocketbalso heads a commo the mornin done on the Ed Davis, er Ipapo, the carts from neighborhood DeAng $25 at the rs much of hu- been 1,300 familie mom enrolle immobilizes DSS an examin restaurant nced an eve- Kathy Union County president. the Carolina Panthe no other the single the College, m. Just over in May; meaning to dent for they experie and diverse zation’s board but found s. is s long before pool, Town , said North y determine Community ned the tion progra age of the program or about prepare nt s free use possibl Schools of excited clubho Public ning man remain was taken could 1,700 familie belonged Matthews South Piedmo friends mentio have took advant has no proviform local “What I’m tastes . Thomas to almost these people ion A sample of who the bone not Manager Brian Carolina law food, music The bone where some Union County - that increased and a chance that all Operat l examiner’s to, but Gordon could test Bureau of Jefferson Depart : ber. said. musicians Haney exa 42- never heard of to a medica y adopt8A Christmas � Union County raffle for as in Septemon those numbers, Mecklenburgl confirm that before from theBLEnight sweet See SUIT / Page Marvin recentl to enter a on and a $500 Reach Out before. LASAGNA Run by the Services, the Christm office in as to be higher Based Medica returned. golf cart ordifrom the s 6EGETA sponat Christm g results are potato ed its own inch televisi card. There County. Union s Bistro A few notes ment of Social on donors and e Thursday. pects the need People begin applyin Carolyn Gorfrom Mucci’ ,E g, . nance, effectiv grocery gift biscuits last year. gifts for Union Examiner Bureau counts scene: the meetin silent auction s #AKE FROM s to provide children to the than Prior to gs’ was also a with an Opsor familie said Stallin / Page 16A ts, from donashould be Chateau Sucre Modene Howie, mirMatthews See DONORS ROTISaccepting County residen roasted Out board Children a birthday today, ordinance s 0ERUVIAN bureau is 2,000 t is celebrating proposed eration Reachits co-foundfrom elderly. The to assist more than ’s “almos pork and Sarah Rogers, and heard: everyone who serie chicken rored Marvin rie Anne Stover, member and extended to Taste seen Union Symphony are Perry, tions, hoping relish for Rotisse ’s red wishes idea Sandra word.� Best Genaro The l word for er, got the GOAT CHEESE Ball, Bob McCoy, Hannah Moore. tra Ensem similar to for Taste of from a Minera s 'RAPE AND a birthday Youth Orches Neese “It was very ,� he said, and especially: Billy of Union from Creiser known is celebrating Rodger Staton Union. with Austin bruschetta rs and what we needed Springs fundra to everyone who Wanda Bivens, Largest ble Menelic Concepts 5A,7A Carroll Chambe Staff photo Carolina friends are extended ative Food on violin andpiano. as The World’s Ashleigh Spruiell, GS / 10A Letters by Ed Best wishes also A pair of North alligator in Lake asked resiy on 12A ng? 2A See STALLIN ly: Martha Hasty, waiti t Buffet, which food dish- Cannad to the Cottingham in especial , ries 13-foo names a Brides Saint Monday your Obitua out bagged Mother 11A .com to add dents to supply 4A ess: “She’s the Carolina. Find ds went toward Shoe busin Heather Purser. 8 or e-mail birthdays@theej that Business Opinion es. Procee Marion in South Tom Robinson’s ement projauction item buzz 261-227 Insert 15A The (704) improv 4A / Call in s it local Comic See TASTE ted the most Weather landscaping. s birthday list. how they did 6B ects such as finally got genera Enqirer-Journal’ ) was a Friday. (and bidding Classified “Modene column next iser,� said 10-11A ns her big fundra Staff Writer

Tribes move to

women die Boy, 4, and two

in 5 a.m. fire

r a cause Cooking fo

‘Taste of Union’ raises $14,563

BUREAU merry CHRISTMAS to make holiday

Stallings votes no on golf carts

Electric vehicles ed are not allow s on local road

e.com awexchang www.waxh


s femur Hunter find the jail r on farm nea





Index Churches Classifieds Editorial Local Obituaries Schools Sports

# ! # ! #

Page 8A Page 3B Page 6A Page 3A Page 10A Page 2A Page 1B

Trader The Indian Trail paper is a free, weekly published by Journal The EnquirerP.O. Box 5040 Monroe, NC 28110 enquirerjournal.com 2215 Delivery: 704-261- 2205 Ad sales: 704-261- 2223 Editorial: 704-261-

hers shuffles teac UCPS hires, re

g offs. positions left 92 teachin The extra a “cushvacame from for underns that were unfilled provide said. more people and keep positioby retiring teach- ion� to avoid that, he ine schools cated been will determ anticipated. assis- staffed nel at overstaffed ers, or had not yet nal The state LANE r to cut additio said. David Clarke, t for person if that overage tenden filled, Clarke tract teach- whethens by the 40th day tant superin es, called schools No full-con and positio resourc was slight. have that ers lost their jobs, held of school. n MONROE humanprojections “soft the concer “We don’t s the the Right now, now,� Davis other positions were stuof teacher they were system ng out the flexibility A handful ned to numbers�; estimates of in case the to give is balanci open reassig ratio. be best ’ ns said. asked positio will soon dent-teacher is un, and three schools was again students they Final allotted other schools how many ions “If a school ns back. are actual enrollbe hired. have. Project depend on the 20th day positio now has about derallotted, where for more might would stuseveral ng UCPS taken greatest needs After analyzi at the are often made school ment, North Caroli-s 1,730 teachers. ent is a their s?� Clarke said. before of school. dent enrollm said there Union months teacher kinder1,849 teacher Davis school, before state allotted of and na later that the 20th day this year, Schools is starts registration. possibility for UCPS to cut more County Public from garten RS / 2A for projec- asking the school system will ask UCPS teachers See TEACHE fundbut doesn’t It’s normal shuffling a chunk of to underoff, Superin positions, to mean layoverstaffed tions to be Davis said, to revert to the state. . expect that staffed schools y, there tendent Ed past, UCPS ing back of those cuts Most As of Tuesda ts in and in the studen able to hire were 39,068 fewer than has been UCPS, 1,261



" # #

UA seeks portion


Start now


ty, state hools sudse coun Charter sc fun ital cap S of UCP


Educaby the N.C. about and local lected , state and rs, tion Lottery, corporate by federal for teache percent of LANE gh the taxes to pay some oper- 7.25 tax, althou and bly diverttextbooks Acad- income costs. Union costs General Assemtax contriMONROE ational ional the income y is su- emy’s operat million per ed 2011. $7 bution until Union Academ y headof are about / Waxhaw Exchange for a share ing to finance Union Academ Ed Cottingham Reinaccord ing the state nd Union and corpo- year, Lynn Kroeger. master Raymo that for the day at lottery money officer mona share of leaves school add a building taxes. sant said lawsuit seeks provide Second-grader Nick Smith is developing plans to on The rate income help estabcapital a state’s the media center money could n for all Academy. The charter school North Carolin schools ey from the nd left, with r which comes a central locatio the gym, backgrou funds from the state. lished chartelimited the outlay fund, sources. The capital that would join students. does not receive g its from two in 1996, but the right, but could receive Public School Buildin funds they SCHOOLS / 2 receives 14 Charter Fund state. l Capita colfrom the public, tu- percent of the money schools are schools funded ee ition-fr



powered Weddington Ridge in through Porter Thursday. straight sets See 13

TEACHERS New Fast-growing tary will Town Elemen teachers get two new s. despite cutback See 3

mission Quilters on 7th Barnful of Quilts aids Presbyterian outreach

Hospitals ban kids to fight H1N1 BY TIFFANY



MONROE the age Visitors under from be barred unof 18 will hospitals several area treatreceiving less they tlane@theej.com ment. HealthWAXHAW Carolinas and Novant loves her Care System owns PresValerie Fox simply can’t Health, which horses, but in the barn by t e r i a n allow them d – not when HospiInside this weeken disquilts to tals, anA llist of there are nounced health care play. ban in Waxhaw the facilities Fox Farms anits seventh on on Monenforcing will host l of Quilts day, citing nual Barnfu the ban Way Money raised ongoing See 9 First-time United Saturday. ions dodeep to efforts through admiss misvolunteers dig to prego to ed charity. nations will outreach at help embattl vent the See 7 sions and Presbyterian of spread swine Waxhaw virus, or the H1N1 Church. rule will take tion of flu. The new ay, “It’s a celebra arts,� fiber effect ThursdWallenhaupt, quilting and“The whole Stephen president Fox said. given over to vice said executive barn is just t Health, URDER of Novan the quilts.� raised $7,000 should protect the policy n and adults, their The event Prosecutors open both childre staff last year. will Jamez patients, l of Quilts case against including Barnfu s, visitors. grisly l quilter members and this change Hunter with feature severa er Mchow his e Fletch “We know including details about inconvenienc . McNeil poses an with patients was Neil of Lenoir s grandmother g at the age to familie es, but it is began quiltin84, she will faciliti killed. area this in See 9 of 65. Now of her own to make l important now to have severa effective . display imchange on and es quilts spread also includ limit the The event s, Wallenhaupt. yarn vendor pact of flu,� release a bake sale, ’ guild, lace press said in a ts, particu embroiderers silent aucnt “Many patien HE DEA makers’ guild, quilt rns, pregna raffle. A larly newbo patients with tion and be on hand women and immune syshistorian will e quilts suppressed larly vulto date antiqu Waxhaw Exchange s the history tems, are particu Rick Crider / and discus Rose patterns. nerable.� McWhorter and , a spokesbehind their Walker, Karen which will are for show, Byron Pouges as MediJewell, Joyce benefit show, Some quilts for sale. and quilters Judy the 2009 Barnful of Quilts are man for Carolin , said it of Fox Farm, in the and some owner -Union of entries Fox, discuss of Valerie cal Center While many over quilts and every part I quilters are n a nester. will affect from waiting Giacchetta look Waxhaw on Saturday. contributing tte and othl, “I became a project,� in The battle betwee the hospita retired be at Fox Farm your from Charlo to have ter, S.C., McWhorter, your interests, began had orter’s ers from Lancas and 9 Bell South, from Union weekly in McWh HOSPITALS / doctor’s liability, the from g in 1983 while she several are industry’s room� above quiltin with her the insurance QUILTERS / 11 County. orter is “bonus Two are from pregnant Karen McWhQuilters, garage. and three are was profits. son. UCo See 4 Waxhaw part of of five Union from Monroe. a group who meet women County







Index Classified Editorial Letters Local news Movies Obituaries Schools Sports

15 4 5 3 9 8 2 13

Exchange The Waxhaw is published by: urnal The Enquirer-Jo P.O. Box 5040 Monroe, NC 28110 261-2251 Advertising: (704) 261-2215 Delivery: (704) 261-2223 News: (704)

g districtsrd l rejects couvontytin to boa commissioners County pane two mmend adding

tance commi n the govern say he saw tee and said a decisiots Deese did not for many distric at we need to the committee’s desire on how “I feel like will be looked g. ates purely entalarge candid west issue to draw endation on have district repres the next meetin ne can at vs. final recomm seven should tion so that everyoented,� as an east , though said durings they will consider ttee how those g one disin the county The Factor The commi equally repres om House of be elected. the possibil- be a small part.Mon- include allowina majority. “Our jdebruyn@theej.c plays it in of on he said. ated towns east ed 3,191 trict to votele, if there are MONROE elimin having no at large Representatives is elec- two of have a combin while For examp ts and three our state er. governance ity districts, senate roe A county voters, dis- members, howev four distric four ance comhouse and If it’s registered rejected a of Monroe at large members, n The govern up of rep- tions committee ts. 11 towns west representatio ed. are on distric trict-only mittee is made for the fed59,423 combin Tracy each of tives from r good enough ment and have format. Commissione as a nonttee agreed resentas 14 towns. govern The commi COUNTY / 12 the Union’ Mayor eral enough for the state Kuehler serves end that oman of good is it not Marshville to recomm Board of voted in fament why voting chairw Union Countyrs be in- Frank Deese seven dis- govern for us?� enough issione having good of Comm seven mem- vor creased to its current tricts. bers, from not made a five, but has

reco Committee will N BY JASON deBRUY

" # ! #

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

November 2009 - 1

2 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

Advertiser Index Ballantyne Medical Group Group Page 4 BC/BS Linda Vibbert Vibbert Page 3 Carolina Digestive Health Health Page 14 Carolina Endoscopy Centers Centers Page 14 Carolina Bone & Joint Joint Center Spread Spread Carolinas Medical Center-Union Center-Union Page 1 Carolinas Medical Center-Union Center-Union Back Page Charlotte Eye Ear Nose Nose & & Throat Throat Inside Back Page Page Faulkner’s Drug Store Store Page 11 Franklin St. Pharmacy Pharmacy Page 5 Home Instead Senior Senior Care Care Page 12 Hospice of Union County County Page 7 Indian Trail Pharmacy Pharmacy Page 8 McKee Internal Medicine Medicine Page 10 Monroe Family Medical Medical Center Center Page 16 Neighborhood Nurses Nurses Page 9 Piedmont Family Dentistry Dentistry Page 7 Presbyterian Hospital Matthews Matthews Front of Center Spread Spread Presbyterian Bariatric & General General Surgery Surgery Page 13 Razzano Chiropractic Chiropractic Page 16 Rehabilitation & Nursing Nursing Center Center Page 3 South Piedmont Community Community College College Page 10 Superior Home Medical Medical Page 6 Union County Women’s Women’s Care Care Page 15

The Enquirer-Journal

Addiction Counseling \

Matthews Hypnosis & Training Center 1805 Sardis Road North Charlotte 28270 (704) 845-5705 www.matthewshypnosis.com

Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center, PA 1995 Wellness Boulevard, Suite 200 Monroe 28110 (704) 289-3900 1-800-862-7328 appointments www.carolinaasthma.com Dr. Peter L. Loper 3535 Randolph Road, Suite 210 Charlotte 28211 (704) 442-1740 http://www.carolinarespiratory.com

Anesthetists Carolinas Medical Center-Union 600 Hospital Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 283-3100 Southeast Anesthesiology Consultants, PA 927 East Boulevard Charlotte 28236 (704) 377-5772

Assisted Living Facilities Clare Bridge of Monroe Square 919 Fitzgerald Street Monroe 28112 (704) 225-9556 Elizabethan Gardens Assisted Living Facility 1812 New Town Road Monroe 28110 (704) 283-6992 Hillcrest Baptist Church Rest Home 4123 Hillcrest Church Road Monroe 28110 (704) 292-1145 Monroe Manor Rest & Retirement Home Inc. 1101 Baucom Road Monroe 28110 (704) 289-1552

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Monroe Square Assisted Living 918 Fitzgerald Street Monroe 28112 (704) 225-0200 New Testament Adult Day Care 2603 Goldmine Road Monroe 28110 (704) 283-5606 ntadc@carolina.rr.com Summit Place of SouthPark 2101 Runnymede Lane Charlotte 28209 (704) 525-5508 www.summitplaceofsouthpark.com Union Park 1316 Patterson Street Monroe 28112 (704) 282-0530 Weddington Park 2404 Plantation Center Drive Matthews 28105 (704) 847-9477 Woodridge Assisted Living Facility 2515 Fowler Secrest Road Monroe 28110 (704) 225-0011

Rehabilitation and Nursing Nursing Center of Monroe A Kindred Healthcare Healthcare Community Community

November 2009 - 3

Audiologists Hear USA 114 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 296-0801 Manna Audiology and Hearing Center 542 West John Street Matthews 28105 (704) 845-1717 krtwright@aol.com Miracle Ear Sears Hearing Aid Center Monroe Crossing 2115 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 292-1059 Dr. Daniel Pearce

Behavioral Health Centers Carolinas Healthcare System Monroe 1623 East Sunset Drive Monroe 28111 (704) 283-2043 McLeod Addictive Disease Center 2208 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 289-9869

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4 - November 2009

//0&1 "1.&1 1

Health and Medical Directory

The Enquirer-Journal

)*,*0 )*,*0 ".1")". ".1")". Robert L. L. Robert $ /.",% $ /.",%

needs Illness and other medical needs appointments.. don’t schedule appointments either.. Now you don’t have to either && /.& /' /41 %/$3/12 6*3)/43 ". "00/*.3-&.3 /. " '*123 $/-& /. " '*123 $/-& && /.& /' /41 %/$3/12 6*3)/43 ". "00/*.3-&.3 ",+ *. )/412 /''&1&% " - ".% ".% '*123 2&15&% #"2*2 ",+ *. )/412 /''&1&% " - 0 - /.%"8 3)1/4() 1*%"8 0 - /.%"8 3)1/4() 1*%"8 Ballantyne Medical Group Group offers offers hours for for those those who who convenient walk-in hours Ballantyne area. area. work and live in the Ballantyne board-certified Care is provided by board-certified internal medicine physicians physicians who who are are treat patients patients from from specially trained to treat senior years. years. the teen through senior Ballantyne Medical Group Group comprehensive healthcare healthcare specializes in comprehensive treatment of of acute acute for adults, including treatment and chronic illness.

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The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Chiropractic Bess Chiropractic 813 East Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite K Monroe 28112 (704) 225-1918 Dr. Mark Fishel Dr. Amanda Y. Bess-Fishel Bovard Chiropractic Center 8918 Blakeney Professional Drive, Suite 110 Charlotte 28277 (704) 544-6880 Carolina Family Chiropractic Center 1934 Weddington Road Weddington 28104 (704) 321-0656 Dr. George Limbanovnos

November 2009 - 5

Franklin Street Pharmacy 610 E. Franklin St. St. 704-289-1523 We’ve got the history in Union Union County, we’re old fashioned fashioned in in our beliefs of customer service service and taking the time with with each person so they know know we we appreciate their business. business.

Chandler Chiropractic Center 1340 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 103 Matthews 28106 (704) 845-8499 Dr. Susan G. Chandler Chavis Chiropractic Clinic, Dr. Matthew Chavis 2204 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 283-5599 Cheuvront Clinic of Chiropractic 9940 Monroe Road, Suite 101 Matthews 28105 (704) 841-2200 Dr. Timothy S. Cheuvront www.cheuvrontchiropractic.com

John Sink

Collins Clinic of Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, PA 526 North Broome Street Waxhaw 28173 (704) 843-5045 Dr. Galen Collins Curtis Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Dr. Kenneth Curtis 2548 Plantation Center Drive Matthews 28105 (704) 849-9320 Dr. Kenneth Curtis Foltz Family Chiropractic 1736 Dickerson Boulevard, Suite F Monroe 28110 (704) 635-7727 Dr. Thomas R. Foltz www.foltzchiropractic.com Idlewild Chiropractic 3525 Matthews Mint Hill Road Mint Hill 28105 (704) 847-3335 Indian Trail Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, PA 100 Park Road East Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-3222 Dr. Andrew Evec Dr. Jennifer Tkachak

Joe Black Black We offer the same low prescription prescription generic generic options as other big box pharmacies pharmacies and and are completely F.S.A. and H.S.A. H.S.A.compliant, compliant, so you can use your medical medical spending spending account cards with us! You can can rest rest assured assured when you leave our pharmacy pharmacy not not only only will will you get better, but you will will know know what what to to expect from your medication, medication, and and not not feel feel overwhelmed from a long wait. wait.

Our pharmacists are here for you

6 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

JP Chiropractic & Posture 101 East Matthews Street, Suite 700 Matthews 28105 (704) 841-1701 Dr. John Kasler 2101 Sardis Road North Charlotte 28227 (704) 846-3300 Keith Clinic of Chiropractic 2606-A West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 291-9000 Dr. Keith Pittman, DC Matthews Family Chiropractic Clinic 9808 Northeast Parkway Matthews 28105 (704) 845-0699 McCoy Chiropractic 1201-I North Broome Street Waxhaw 28173 (704) 243-3835 Monroe Acupuncture & Chiropractic 4612-F West Highway 74 Monroe 28110 (704) 282-9988 Dr. Paul Elniowski Monroe Chiropractic 1009 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110

The Enquirer-Journal

(704) 283-7444 Dr. George Ring, DC monroe_chiropratic@carolina.rr.com Murphy Chiropractic Clinic 600 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Suite C Matthews 28105 (704) 847-8308 Dr. Michelle Murphy Singleton Pageland Chiropractic 114 East McGregor Street Pageland, SC 29728 (843) 672-2045 rpicolet@shtc.net Dr. Ralph A. Picolet Pierce Family Chiropractic 6315 West Marshville Boulevard Marshville 28103 www.spinalaid.com (704) 624-0116 Dr. Marcus Pierce Razzano Chiropractic 1007 Skyway Drive, Suite C Monroe 28110 (704) 296-0999 Dr. John Razzano www.razzanochiropractic.com South Charlotte Chiropractic 1903 Walkup Avenue Monroe 28111 (704) 238-9960 South Charlotte Chiropractic 8179 Ardrey Kell Road, Suite 102 Charlotte 28277 (704) 841-1122

Courtney Courtney Union County’s Stevens-Garrison Stevens-Garrison Home Medical Store C. C. Ped Ped We Offer You Personal Attention Attention To Meet Individual Needs Needs



We Accept Medicare, Medicaid Medicaid & & Blue Blue Cross Blue Shield And Do Do All All The The Filing Filing Hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 9am-5pm


Market Square 1900-A 1900-A West West Roosevelt Roosevelt

Upper Cervical Health Centers of America 14015-D East Independence Boulevard Indian Trail 28079 (704) 882-1488 Dr. Corinne E. Weaver Weddington Chiropractic Wellness Center 13655 Providence Road Weddington 28104 (704) 847-7200 Lisa A. Merritt, DC, NMD www.weddingtonwellness.com

Clinics - Mental Health Daymark Recovery Services 1190 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 296-6200 Dr. Devendra Shah Dr. Chin Ho Pak Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare 201 North Main Street, Suite 109 Monroe 28112 (704) 289-7111

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Dentists Dr. John Lee Bates 207 West Wilson Street Wingate 28174 (704) 233-5545 Dr. Randall W. Cline, DDS, PA 2208 Commerce Drive Monroe 28110 (704) 283-2998 Dr. J. R. Gibson 104 Lydia Street Monroe 28110 (704) 283-8893 Dr. Leonard A. Hess, DDS, PA 2160 Commerce Drive, Suite A Monroe 28110 (704) 289-3161 Dr. Monique Hudson, DDS 2200 Walters Division Road Monroe 28110 (704) 289-1105 Dr. U. Phillip Igbinadolor, DMD & Associates, PA 701 East Roosevelt Boulevard, 800 B Monroe 28112 (704) 238-8727


November 2009 - 7

Indian Trail Family Dentistry 251 Post Office Drive, Building A-1 Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-3019 Dr. Jed E. Levitas, DMD Dr. Robin D. Johnson, DDS 102 East Windsor Street Monroe 28112 (704) 292-1642 Dr. M. A. Kazemian, DDS, PA 1414 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-5233 Landmark Dentistry 1230 Mann Drive, Suite 100 Matthews 28105 (704) 845-5538 Dr. Jennifer Slaughter, Dr. Mark Tripp Miracle Dental Center, PA 1329 Patterson Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-1993 Dr. Jerry Miracle, DDS Dr. Robert C. Phillips Jr., DDS, PA 106 East South Main Street Waxhaw 28173 (704) 843-3952

Don’t You Deserve A Beautiful Smile?

of Union County Your Hometown Hospice 700 W. Roosevelt Blvd. Blvd. Monroe, NC 28110 704-292-2100 www.houc.org

In-patient care now available available

Caring Hearts… Touching Lives… Here at Home.

Images and dentistry by Dr. Dr. Butogwa Butogwa M. M. Tiagha Tiagha

PIEDMONT FAMILY DENTISTRY DENTISTRY Butogwa M. Tiagha, DMD DMD www.piedmontdental.com www.piedmontdental.com (704) 225-8555 1736 Dickerson Blvd., Monroe Monroe New Patients Welcome! Welcome! Emergency Appointments Appointments Available Available Saturday Hours By Appointment Appointment

8 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory Sun Valley Family Dentistry 6640-A Old Monroe Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 282-0600

Larry F. Perkins Family Dentistry 5922 Weddington-Monroe Road, Suite A-2 Wesley Chapel 28104 (704) 843-5757 6915 East W. T. Harris Boulevard, Charlotte 28215 (704) 568-5481

Dentists - Cosmetic Dentistry

Piedmont Family Dentistry 1736 Dickerson Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 225-8555 Dr. Butogwa Tiagha www.piedmontdental.com Dr. Richard Powell, DDS 4612 West Highway 74, Suite D Monroe 28110 (704) 289-8366 powelldental@aol.com

The Enquirer-Journal

Forrest & Forrest Family Dentistry 7900 Stevens Mill Road Matthews 28104 (704) 882-1113 Dr. M. Brad Forrest, DMD Dr. Stacy Oller Forrest, DMD drbradforrest@windstream.net

Dentist - Implant Specialist Dr. Steven R. Patty, DDS 901 Oak Forest Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 291-7333

Dr. Roy W. Richardson III, DDS, PA 1276 Stafford Street Monroe 28110 (704) 289-4505

Dentists – Orthodontists

Dr. Daniel R. Sassano, DDS, PA 704 South Sutherland Avenue Monroe 28112 (704) 289-9519 Dr. Lawrence A. Sladek, DDS, PA 7322 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Charlotte 28227 (704) 545-3243 lasladek@bellsouth.net

Burrow & Case Orthodontics Eastover Medical Park 2711 Randolph Road, Suite 600 Charlotte 28207 (704) 334-7202 7922 Rea Road, Suite A Stonecrest Shopping Center Charlotte 28277 (704) 334-7204 Dr. S. “Jack� Burrow III, DDS, MS Dr. J. “Chip� Case Jr., DDS, MS ww.charlotteorthodontist.com

INDIAN TRAIL PHARMACY Your Independent Community Pharmacy for 40 years!



/0%. $!93 ! 7%%+

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

November 2009 - 9

# ! !

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10 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

David L. Evans, DDS, PA 103 Wilkes Drive (satellite address) Monroe 28110 (704) 283-1467 Dr. Frank D. Pattishall, DDS, MSO, PA 103 Wilkes Drive, Suite E Monroe 28112 (704) 283-5560 George F. Pinsak, DMD, MSD, PA 1102 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-9473

Dentists – Pediatric Dr. Charles H. Crawford Jr., DMD, PA 1236 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 (803) 324-7540 Dr. Perry L. Jeffries, DDS, and Associates, PA 1307 Dove Street Monroe 28112 (704) 282-9961 Pediatric Dentistry of Matthews 1340 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 201 Matthews 28105 (704) 847-4717 Dr. Scott D. Goodman, DDS, MS, PA Dr. Margaret E.

Presbyterian Novant Novant Medical Medical Group Group

2EMARKABLE 0RIMARY #ARE FOR !DULTS 2EMARKABLE 0RIMARY #ARE FOR !DULTS John Holevas, Holevas, MD MD and and Allen Wong, Wong, MD MD are are board-certified board-certified internal internal medicine medicine physicians who who provide provide primary primary healthcare services services for for adults. adults. John Holevas, MD

Our services services and and special special conveniences conveniences include: include:



The Enquirer-Journal

Lochary, DDS, MS, PA Dr. Jason D. Sperati, DDS, MS www.pediatricdentristryofmatthews.com

Dentists – Periodontists Carolina Periodontics 7751 Ballantyne Commons Parkway, Suite 101 Charlotte 28277 (704) 544-7033 Dr. Shannon Parsons, DMD Matthews Periodontics 1320 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 101 Matthews 28105 (704) 847-5657 Dr. Kiya Green Dixie

Drug & Alcohol Testing Jeskri Associates, Inc. 1821 North Rocky River Road Monroe 28110 (704) 291-9991

Drug Abuse & Addiction CD & CS CDS (Chemical Dependency Services) 308B West Windsor Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-4777 (800) 939-5911

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Drug Intervention & Treatment Daymark Recovery Services 1190 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 296-6200 Dr. Devendra Shah Dr. Chin Ho Pak

Endodontists (Root Canal) Tom J. Kleitches, DDS 510 West John Street Matthews 28105 (704) 845-3008

Health Agencies American Red Cross 608 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 283-7402 Community Health Services of Union County Inc. 415B East Windsor Street Monroe 28112 (704) 296-0909 Living Water CDC Inc. 105 Winchester Avenue Monroe 28110 (704) 292-7566

Health Care Equipment Priority Health Care Equipment 128 North Maple Street Pageland, SC 29728 1 (866) 606-9973 We Come To You!

Health Maintenance Organizations Community Care Partners of Greater Mecklenburg 1224 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 226-1910 Superior Health Care Givers (providing services in Union, Anson, Mecklenburg, Stanly and Cabarrus Counties) 109 Winchester Avenue Monroe 28110 (704) 289-5390

Home Care Services Home Instead Senior Care 118 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 296-5070

November 2009 - 11

12 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

Hospices Hospice of Union County 700 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 292-2100 Hospice Services of Anson County 205 West Morgan Street Wadesboro 28170 (704) 694-4880

Hospital Equipment, Supplies American Home Patient 386 East Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite B Monroe 28112 (704) 283-7051 Griffin Home Health Care 4231 Monroe Road Charlotte 28205 (704) 347-1993 www.griffinhomehealthcare.com Superior Home Medical, Inc. 1900-A West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 225-0285 Courtney Stevens-Garrison, C. Ped.

The Enquirer-Journal

Uniforms Plus 1310 Skyway Drive Monroe 28110 (704) 289-1066

Hospitals Carolinas Medical Center-Union 600 Hospital Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 283-3100 Presbyterian Hospital Matthews 1500 Matthews Township Parkway Matthews 28105 (704) 384-6500 Presbyterian Orthopedic Hospital 1901 Randolph Road Charlotte 28207 (704) 316-2000

Insurance - Health and Accident Allan Presson Insurance 3021 Monterey Lane Monroe 28110 (704) 283-5950

#$ ( % % $% ) #$ ( % % $% ) % ! % ) % ! % )

! !

Whether you need someone to help a few hours a week % # ) & $ % ! ( &#$ ( # # or need more comprehensive assistance, Home Instead % # ) !# $ ' $$ $% # # ! & $ We % $% ! ( &#$ ( # # # in Senior Care can help. offer personalized and custom ! #$ * &$% # $ #' $ # $ #$ ' #$ # !# $ ' $$ $% $% # # ! # ' & ) $ % $ % !# # $ home services for seniors. CARE Givers are individually ! #$care * &$% # $ #' $ # $ #$ ' #$ # ' & ) $ % $ selected based on client % !# # $ preference and needs.

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www.HISC578.digbro.com Ž Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated. Š 2009 Home Instead, Inc.

“Meet Our Physicians� Our physicians are Board Certified Orthopedists, Rheumatologists, and Pain Specialists. We are a multi-specialty medical office specializing in total joint replacement, back care and spine surgery, pediatric orthopedics, fracture care, industrial medicine, foot surgery, hand and upper extremity surgery, arthritis care and management, sports medicine, arthroscopic surgery, bone density, pain therapy, drug studies, physical and occupational therapy.

Dr. Chason Hayes Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Patrick Box Rheumatologist

Dr. John Babich Rheumatologist

Dr. Seth L. Jaffe Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Jane Herron Box Rheumatologist

Dr. Ashrito Kumar Dayal Rheumatologist

Dr. Thomas C Friedrich Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Neil M Goldberger Pain Specialist

Dr. Robert Nantais Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. William Moose Hand Surgeon


Charlotte Office

Monroe Office

10460 Park Rd 704-541-3055

701 E. Roosevelt Blvd, Bldg. 600 704-289-4595

Greensboro Office

Lancaster, SC Office

1124 N. Church St., Ste. 100-A 336-274-6718

1228 Colonial Commons 803-289-2663

The Pain Stops Here! We Stop Pain From Stopping You! If you’re sick of suffering with pain - any pain - it’s time to bring your problem to a fully-accredited pain specialist who understands what you’re going through.

Dr. Neal Goldberger Dr. Neal Goldberger is board certified in both Pain Medicine and Anesthesiology. After serving as a Lt. Colonel and anesthesiologist in the Army, he completed pain fellowships at University of Cincinnati and Vanderbilt University in Nashville and trained future physicians at Vanderbilt and University of Connecticut. Dr. Goldberger has practiced pain medicine for over 21 years. “Pain is very personal,” says Goldberger. “We begin with a workup to find out specifically what’s generating the problem. It could be nerves, muscles, joints, or a combination of sources.

Unparalleled Integration of Care Because sources of pain frequently involve other specialty areas, patients at The Center for Pain Relief benefit from its close affiliation with four orthopedists, four rheumatologists and a hand surgeon through the integrated practice of Carolina Bone & Joint. “For example, if someone comes in with back pain that radiates down the leg, but also has trouble with their hip, there may be an orthopedic issue involved. If they have total aching throughout the body, they may have an underlying rheumatologic disorder. I’m able to promptly crossrefer within the practice, and integrate their care with one of our other specialists,” says Goldberger. Patients visiting other physicians within the practice also benefit from Dr. Goldberger’s expertise. “We refer to each other as needed, and sort out how much is joint pain versus spine pain. Our patients receive very specialized, individualized care.” Always motivated to stay on the leading edge of medicine, Carolina Bone & Joint also offers physical and occupational therapy and operates one of the largest clinical trial centers in the southeastern US. For appointments, call 704-289-4595. Or visit the websites: www.drgoldberger.com and www.bonesrus.org Monroe Office:

Charlotte Office:

Lancaster Office:

701 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 200-A Monroe, NC 28112

10420 Park Rd. Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28210

1228 Colonial Commons Lancaster, SC 29720




• Union County’s most complete and up-to-date local news web site • Unequaled comprehensive high school sports coverage • Post your news and events • Share your photos and videos

• Post your comments and blog • Business directory with more than 600 healthcare related businesses • Business owners, upgrade your listing and improve your internet search results. Contact us at 704-261-2251.


The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Austin Insurance & Financial Services 106 Avon Street Monroe 28110 (704) 225-8177 austininsurance @verizon.net Blue Cross/Blue Shield 11300 Lawyers Road, Suite L Mint Hill 28227 (704) 545-2454 Linda Vibbert

Laboratories, Dental Brantley Dental Laboratory 195 Winchester Avenue Monroe 28111 (704) 283-5222 Mangum Dental Restorations 5325 Highway 74 West Monroe 28110 (704) 282-6205

Brokers Source of NC Inc. 1661 Walkup Avenue Monroe 28110 (704) 282-0000

Laboratories, Testing

Robbins and Associates Insurance Agency Inc. 500 North Church Street Monroe 28112 (704) 226-1300 www.robbinsandassociates.com State Farm - Chad Hannon 13803 Independence Boulevard Indian Trail 28079 (704) 882-3855

November 2009 - 13

MISTRAS Services Division 1721 Williams Road Monroe 28110 (704) 291-2360 Ncops@qslplus.com

Massage Therapy A Massage for Wellness 615 West South Main Street Waxhaw 28173 (704) 254-6514

What Could You Gain by Losing? What could you do with extra years added to your life? Play on the swing set with your kids? Ride a roller coaster? Bariatric surgery can help prevent or even cure diabetes and reduce your risk for heart disease. Weight loss can also dramatically improve symptoms of joint disease and give you the energy to live your life again!

Renew hope at our next FREE SEMINAR. 4HE SECOND -ONDAY OF EVERY MONTH s P M Register now by calling 704-384-CARE. *ON 2 0IRELLO -$ &!#3


14 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

Medicare Supplement - Long Term Allan Presson Insurance 3021 Monterey Lane Monroe 28110 (704) 283-5950

The Enquirer-Journal

Quality Health Care Services 11535 Carmel Commons Boulevard, Suite 105 Charlotte 28226 (704) 225-7745 ResCare Home Care 4530 Park Road, Suite 420 Charlotte 28209 (704) 523-7884

Sease Insurance Agency 4917 Albemarle Road, Suite 200 Charlotte 28207 (704) 806-4977

Nursing Homes Autumn Care of Marshville 311 West Phifer Street Marshville 28103 (704) 624-6643

Nurses Bayada Nurses 304 East Phifer St. Monroe 28110 (704) 289-6000

Brian Center Rehabilitation and Nursing of Monroe 204 Old Highway 74 East Monroe 28112 (704) 283-3066

Interim Healthcare 141 Providence Road Charlotte 28207 (800) 234-8230 www.interimhealthcare.com

Oncology (Cancer)

Neighborhood Nurses Health Care Services, Inc. 1821 Rocky River Road North Monroe 28110 (704) 292-1234 neighborhoodnurses@carolina.rr.com

Blume Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Clinic 301 Hawthorne Lane, Suite 100 Charlotte 28204 (704) 384-1900


Dr. Anthony Colvin Colvin Dr. Pascale Anglade Anglade CarolinaEndoscopyCenters.com CarolinaEndoscopyCenters.com

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Metro Medical Campus

1663 Campus Park Drive, Suite Suite DD Monroe, NC 28112

(704) 291-2488 CarolinaDigestive.com CarolinaDigestive.com

Office in Waxhaw coming coming soon! soon!

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Carolinas Cancer Associates 1650 Faulk Street, Suite A Monroe 28112 (704) 225-8966 Dr. Gregory M. Brouse Tara B. Greer, ANP Carolinas Cancer Care 1401 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 208 Matthews 28105 (704) 321-1002 Matthews Radiation Oncology Center 1400 Matthews Township Parkway Matthews 28105 (704) 845-8800 Dr. Steven Plunkett CMC-Union Radiation Oncology Department 600 Hospital Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 225-2826 Dr. Thomas Trautmann

Optometrists Aycock Eye Associates 120 East Phifer Street Monroe 28110 (704) 283-2179 Dr. C. B. Aycock Dr. J. David Aycock

November 2009 - 15

Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat 1632 East Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28112 (704) 295-3725 Dr. Scott Jaben Dr. Mark Sikes www.ceenta.com Christenbury Eye Center 3621 Randolph Road, Suite 100 Charlotte 28211 (704) 332-9365 1 (877) 702-2020 www.christenbury.com Eye Care Center 1007-A Skyway Drive Monroe 28110 (704) 289-1547 Dr. Perry Patel Dr. Matthew Bailey Eyecare Center 1419A Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews 28105 (704) 847-1030 Dr. Andrew Hahn First Choice Eye Care 7800-A Stevens Mill Road Matthews 28104 (704) 893-0090

UNION COUNTY WOMEN’S CARE P.A. ./7 !##%04).' .%7 0!4)%.43 (%,0).' 4/ 3!&%'5!2$ 9/52 &5452% 3ERVING #AROLINAS -EDICAL #ENTER 5NION

/BSTETRICS .ORMAL (IGH 2ISK 0REGNANCY -ANAGEMENT $ELIVERY GENERAL GYNECOLOGY: PAP Smears, Postmenopausal Management, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Contraceptive Management, Breast Exams, Incontinence Management, HPV Screening, Menstrual Disorders, Management of Fibroids, Infertility GYNECOLOGICAL SURGERY: Laparoscopy, Bilateral Tubal Ligation, Total Abdominal & Vaginal Hysterectomy, Bilateral Salpingo-Ooprectomy, Hysterscopy. Pelvic Surgical Exploration, Endometrial Ablation, Colposcopy, LEEP, Cryosurgery, Incision/Drainage, Removal of Lesions, No Incision Permanent Sterilization (ESSURE), Weight Loss Management INSURANCE: Aetna, BCBS, Medcost, CIgna Healthcare, United Healthcare, (!",! %30!./, NC/SC Medicaid, All SC Managed Care Plans And Other Plans Accepted After Hours %MERGENCY #ALL (704) 283-3100

Millicent A. &RANCIS ,ANE - $

Monroe Location %AST &RANKLIN 3TREET s -ONROE .#

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Mon-Thurs 8:30-5:30 Wed 8:30-12:30 Fri 8:30-4:30 Pageland Office: Wed. 1pm-5pm


(843) 672-3828

16 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

The Enquirer-Journal

Indian Trail Optical 622 Indian Trail Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-6700 Dr. Samuel Spoto

Waxhaw Family Vision 3909 Providence Road South, Suite H Waxhaw 28173 704-843-3053 Dr. Robert Cureton

Metrolina Eye Associates 630 Comfort Lane, Suite E Monroe 28110 (704) 289-5455 4101 Campus Ridge Road Matthews 28105 (704) 234-1930

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Drs. Barts and Moore, PA Charlotte Oral Surgery 1718 East Fourth Street, Suite 804 Charlotte 28204 (704) 358-8898 Dr. J. W. Barts Dr. Kent E. Moore www.charlotteoralsurgery.com

National Vision (inside Wal-Mart) 2406 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 226-0884

Mark M. Petryna, PA 1348 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 101 Matthews 28105 (704) 847-7799 drpetrynaoffice@windstream.net

Dr. Joel L. Penegar 1207 Skyway Drive Monroe 28110 (704) 296-0818 vpenegar@aol.com

Robert L. Seymour, DDS 2711 Randolph Road, Suite 510 Charlotte 28207 (704) 377-9065

Dr. John T. Phifer 510 South Sutherland Avenue Monroe 28112 (704) 289-6300

Union Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center 901 Oak Forest Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 291-7333 Dr. Steven R. Patty, DDS



Dr. Dr. John John Razzano Razzano


Now Offering Spinal Decompression For the NON-SURGICAL NON-SURGICAL Treatment Treatment for Neck and Low Back Back Injuries Injuries

Call for more information information Dr. John John Razzano, Razzano, Chiropractor Chiropractor


David Allison, MD MD Jeffrey Hutchings, MD MD Paul Kitchin Jr., MD MD Joseph McShea, DO DO Scott Sweeney, DO DO Tracy Black, PA-C Services Include: Include:

Physical exams for sports, sports, school school and and employment employment Occupational medicine and worker’s worker’s compensation compensation injuries injuries Bone density density testing testing


Accepting new patients!. patients!.

1007-C Skyway Skyway Dr. Dr. (Across from Brown Derby Derby Restaurant) Restaurant)

%AST &RANKLIN 3TREET -ONROE s .# %AST &RANKLIN 3TREET -ONROE s .# Call 704-289-8427 to schedule schedule an an appointment appointment today. today.


The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Oxygen Medical Apria Healthcare 2630 Nelda Drive, Suite H Monroe 28110 (704) 292-7556 Lincare Inc. 1969 Old Charlotte Highway, Suites J, K and H Monroe 28110 (704) 225-9996 Monroe Home Medical 1402 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-9479

Pharmacies Bi-Lo Pharmacy 1642 Dickerson Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 289-8583 CVS Pharmacy 2501 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 283-1506 Faulkner’s Drugs 215 East Jefferson Street Monroe 28112 (704) 283-8131 Franklin Street Pharmacy 610 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-1523 Indian Trail Pharmacy 106 Indian Trail Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-7617 Kmart Pharmacy 2120 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 289-8569 Medicap Pharmacy 751 East Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28112 (704) 291-7070 Rite Aid Pharmacy 396 East Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28112 (704) 289-5041 Sun Valley Pharmacy 4833-A Old Charlotte Highway Monroe 28110 (704) 226-9030

November 2009 - 17

Target Pharmacy 2901 West Highway 74 Monroe 28110 (704) 282-1445 Walgreens Pharmacy 1993 Dickerson Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 296-5080

Physical Therapists Carolina Physical Rehabilitation Services 507 Jones Street Marshville 28103 (704) 624-0346 Taiwo Bada, Physical Therapist Carolinas Rehabilitation 1106 Reynolds Street, Suite 200 Monroe 28112 (704) 291-7755 1100 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte 28203 (704) 355-4330 CMC-Union Rehabilitative Services 600 Hospital Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 283-3277 www.cmc-union.org Select Physical Therapy 1630D Metro Campus Park Drive Metro Medical Campus Monroe 28112 (704) 283-9422

Physicians and Surgeons Bariatrics Presbyterian Bariatric & General Surgery Matthews Presbyterian Hospital Matthews 1500 Matthews Township Parkway, Community Rooms A & B Matthews 28105 (704) 384-CARE

Physicians and Surgeons Cardiology Hawthorne CD Surgeons 301 Hawthorne Lane, Suite 200 Charlotte 28024 (704) 289-8944 Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute 1550 Faulk Street, Suite 3100 Monroe 28112 (704) 283-6953 www.sangerclinic.com

18 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

Physicians/Surgeons Colon and Rectal Charlotte Colon and Rectal Surgery Associates, PA 2015 Randolph Road, Suite 201 Charlotte 28207 (704) 333-1259

Physicians/Surgeons Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery Charlotte Plastic Surgery 11220 Elm Lane, Suite 106 Charlotte 28277 (704) 688-7501 2215 Randolph Road Charlotte 28207 (704) 372-6846 Dr. Michael E. Beasley Dr. Stephan J. Finical Dr. Kevin L. Smith Dr. Paul A. Watterson Dr. Felmont F. Eaves jpike@charlotteplasticsurgery.com Matthews Plastic Surgery, PA 1450 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 270 Matthews 28105 (704) 845-9800 Dr. William J. Bicket Info@MatthewsPlasticSurgery.com Vein Center of Charlotte 10502 Park Road, Suite 120 Charlotte 28210 (888) 834-6287 Dr. James W. Altizer www.veincenterofcharlotte.net

Physicians/Surgeons Dermatology Arboretum Dermatology 3111 Springbank Lane, Suite J Charlotte 28226 (704) 541-6001 Dr. Stane Gurp Charlotte Dermatology, PA 101 Matthews Street, Suite 800 Matthews 28105 (704) 847-7969 Gary B. Slaughter Jr., MD Daniel M. Lewis, MD Hazem El-Gamal, MD Coleman E. Altman, DO Mary Cummins, PA-C

The Enquirer-Journal

Dermatology Associates 101 East Matthews Street Matthews 28105 (704) 321-1595

Physicians/Surgeons Diabetes Carolina Diabetes & Endocrine Clinics 1501 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 225-0400 Dr. Alfred E. Okeke

Physicians and Surgeons Family Practice AmeriCare Health Family Medical Center 7204 East Marshville Boulevard Marshville 28103 (704) 624-9200 Anson Regional Medical Services 203 Salisbury Street Wadesboro 28170 (704) 694-6700 Ballantyne Medical Group 15825 John J. Delaney Drive, #200 Charlotte 28277-3147 (704) 384-1925 Carolina Family Health Care 1932 Weddington Road Weddington 28104 (704) 847-4000 Dr. Dino P. Kanelos Circle Medical Associates, PA 1111 Circle Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 289-8537 Dr. Gwendolyn M. Perkins Pete Polyzos, PA Community Medical, PA 520 West Main Street Marshville 28103 (704) 624-3388 Dr. Gary W. Henry Family Medical Center 303 West Main Street Marshville 28103 (704) 624-3790 Dr. Brian Outen Franklin Street Ambulatory Clinic 412 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-9461 Srimathie I. Perera

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

Physicians and Surgeons Family Practice Indian Trail Family Medicine 4503 Old Monroe Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-6900 Dr. Donald E. Cook Jr., MD Dr. Maria Dichoso-Wood, MD www.indiantrailfamily.org Indian Trail Medical Clinic 301 South Indian Trail Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-7056 Dr. George Tsai Lake Park Family Practice 6208 Creft Circle, Suite 222 Indian Trail 28079 (704) 882-1666 Dr. Douglas S. Chen, MD Marleen Traywick, FNP Medical Group of Waxhaw 524 North Broome Street Waxhaw 28173 (704) 243-2254 Dr. Paige Tomcho, DO Dr. Susan Syphard, DO Monroe Family Medical Center 1420 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-8427 Dr. Alvin Kitchin Dr. David Allison Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings Dr. Joseph McShea Dr. Scott Sweeney Tracy Black, PA Pageland Family Medicine 301 North Van Lingle Mungo Boulevard Pageland 29728 (843) 672-6127 George Butler, MD Sun Valley Family Physicians 1480 Wesley Chapel Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 316-3616 Dr. David M. Hockey Dr. Susan S. Lester Union Family Practice 1106 Reynolds Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-5443 Dr. Jancy Utoh, MD 905 North Pearl Street Pageland, SC 29728 (803) 672-3100

November 2009 - 19

Waxhaw Family Physicians & Sports Medicine Center 3614 Providence Road, Suite 200 Waxhaw 28173 (704) 384-8640 J. Mark Collins, MD Howard M. Guthmann II, MD William G. Martin III, MD Eric T. Warren, MD Sherry L. DeMaison, FNP Anthony Q. Walker, DPT, CSCS Weddington Family Medicine 1928 Weddington Road Weddington 28104 (704) 841-2175 Dr. Susan Ladd-Snively Dr. Anuj Sharma Dr. Tara Branton

Physicians/Surgeons Gastroenterology Carolina Digestive Health Associates 1633 Campus Park Drive, Suite D Monroe 28112 (704) 291-2488 Dr. Anthony Colvin Dr. Pascale Anglade Carolina Endoscopy Centers 1321 East Sunset Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 261-1220 Dr. Anthony Colvin Dr. Pascale Anglade

Physicians/Surgeons General Dr. Edward B. Bower 900A East Sunset Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 289-2561 First Care Medical Clinic Inc. 404 South Sutherland Avenue Monroe 28110 (704) 291-9267 Dr. Okwara Dr. Ibrahim Dr. Arain Dr. Sutherland Dr. Okoki Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk Street, Suite 3100 Monroe 28112 (704) 667-3410 Philip J. Iuliano, MD Ravi Rao, MD www.sangerclinic.com

20 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

The Enquirer-Journal

Physicians/Surgeons General

Physicians/Surgeons, MD Nephrology (Kidneys)

Southern Piedmont Primary Care 1995 Wellness Boulevard, Suite 110, Building B Monroe 28110 (704) 291-7111 Roy C. Blank, MD Camille A. McDonald, MD Jacques P. Laguerre, MD Robin S. Cook, FNP-C Sarah H. Small, FNP-C www.southpiedmontprimarycare.org

Metrolina Nephrology Associates 1338 East Sunset Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 225-1408 Dr. George Hart

Surgical Specialists of Charlotte 1450 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 360 Matthews 28105 (704) 841-1444 Dr. Winston Godwin Dr. Eric Wallace www.ssclt.com

Physicians and Surgeons Internal Medicine Carolina Medical Associates 7108 Pineville-Matthews Road, Suite 102 Charlotte 28226 (704) 542-2191 Maher S. Agha, MD Susan C. Echterling, MD Jeanea R. Hundley, MD Avinash D. Shah, MD Jennifer D. Lentz, PA-C Dove Internal Medicine 1423 East Franklin Street, Suite D Monroe 28112 (704) 289-6474 Dr. Angela R. Barron Dr. Michael S. Camp Dr. Luis D. Velasco Kelley Rosebrock, FNP Maleah Simpson, PA-C McKee Internal Medicine 3330 Siskey Parkway, Suite 200 Matthews 28105 (704) 316-2127 Union Medical Associates 1303 Dove Sreet Monroe 28112 (704) 282-0488 Dr. Charles H. Hoover

Southeast Renal Associates 1640 Campus Park Drive, Suite C Monroe 28112 (704) 226-0366 Dr. Steven Haigler Dr. Andrew O’Connor

Physicians/ Surgeons Neurology Mecklenburg Neurological Associates 1900 Randolph Road, Suite 1010 Charlotte 28207 (704) 334-7311 Mid-Carolina Neurology, PA 1423 East Franklin Street, Suite A Monroe 28112 (704) 291-2500 Dr. Sarise Freiman The Neurological Institute 1315 East Sunset Drive, Suite 201 Monroe 28112 (704) 372-3714 Dr. T. Hemanth Rao Dr. Paul MacDonald Dr. Ryan Conrad Neurology and Sleep Center 1220 Mann Drive Matthews 28105 (704) 847-1641 Dr. Urvi G. Desai Neurology, Neurodiagnostics & Pain Clinic 1414 Ellen Street Monroe 28112 (704) 283-8811 United Sleep Medicine 1630 Campus Drive, Unit C Monroe 28112 (704) 377-5337 Andrea Rinn, DO

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

November 2009 - 21

Physicians/ Surgeons OB/GYN

Physicians/Surgeons Ophthalmology (Eye)

Dr. Gregory Bracewell 1928 Randolph Road, Suite 216 Charlotte 28207 (704) 332-8800

Optometric Eye Care Center 9129 Monroe Road, Suite 120 Charlotte 28270 (704) 321-1515 Dr. Steven Mascher

Bradford Clinic 1450 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 200 Matthews 28105 (704) 246-1846 www.bradfordclinic.com Carolinas Complete Care for Women, LLC 1025 West Meeting Street, Suite 204 Lancaster, SC 29720 (803) 286-5400 Dr. Kenneth J. Baker Carolina Obstetrics & Gynecology 1424 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-2944 Dr. Latika Patel Southeast OB/GYN 1450 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 300 Matthews 28105 (704) 321-1077 Dr. Todd M. Kopczynski Dr. Larry W. Craddock Dr. Kelly Meek Dr. Philomena Salvemini Union County Women’s Care, PA 1424 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-8129 Millicent A. Francis-Lane, MD Heather F. Leslie-Brown, MD, FACOG

Retina Institute of the Carolinas 701 East Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 300A Monroe 28112 (704) 238-9900 Dr. Arman Farr Dr. Nasi Samiy Dr. Charles Tucker

Physicians/Surgeons Orthopedic (Bones and Joints) Carolina Bone & Joint 701 East Roosevelt Blvd, Building 600 Monroe 28112 (704) 289-4595 OrthoCarolina 808 Circle Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 226-9550 Dr. Jeffrey M. Daily Dr. John B. Meade Dr. Adam Fosnaugh

Physicians/Surgeons Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat)

Union Obstetrics & Gynecology 1550 Faulk Street, Suite 2100 Monroe 28112 6030 Highway 74 West Indian Trail 28079 (704) 289-2553

Cornerstone Ear Nose and Throat 1107 Reynolds Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-8220 Richard R. Gillespie Jr., MD William A. McClelland, MD FACS Daron J. Smith, MD Nicholas Lukacs, DO

Physicians/Surgeons Ophthalmology (Eye)

Physicians/Surgeons Pain Control

Metrolina Eye Associates 630 Comfort Lane, Suite E Monroe 28110 4101 Campus Ridge Road Matthews 28105 Dr. Dara Khalatbari Dr. Russell L. Fry Dr. Ivan Mac

Carolinas Headache Clinic, PA 1450 Matthews Township Parkway Matthews 28105 (704) 844-6615

22 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

The Enquirer-Journal

Physicians/Surgeons Pain Control

Physicians/Surgeons Pediatrics

Southeast Pain Care at Carolinas Medical Center-Union 701 East Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 300 Monroe 28112 (704) 291-9360 Dr. Felix R. Muniz Dr. Sung K. Chang Dr. Zachariah Gerger Dr. Richard Park

Kids First Pediatrics 8169 Ardrey Kell Road Charlotte 28277 (704) 542-5540 www.charlottekidsfirst.com

Physicians Pathology Carolinas Pathology Group Carolinas Medical Center-Union 101 East Harris Boulevard, Suite 1212 Charlotte 28234 (704) 549-8444 Dr. Elton T. Smith, Jr. Dr. Lewis W. Bartles Dr. Carol Weida Dr. Marie-Claire Marroum Dr. Peter Banks Dr. Harkiran Adlakha Dr. Sanford P. Benjamin Dr. Samuel L. Orr Dr. Edward H. Lipford

Linderman Pediatric Associates, PA 167-L South Trade Street Matthews 28105 (704) 847-0572 James A. Linderman, MD Hala A. Elhemaily, MD Jennifer Willard, MD R. Alan Goins, MD Monroe Children’s Center 1307 East Franklin Street, Suite B Monroe 28112 (704) 289-2556 Dr. Paul Erckman Union Pediatrics 1328 Patterson Street Monroe 28112 (704) 283-2000 Dr. Susan Duncan-Butler Dr. Antonia Emezie Chanda Guptill, PNP

Physicians/Surgeons Pediatrics

Physicians and Surgeons DPM Podiatry (Foot)

Dr. Lisa Bracey 212 South Rutherford Street Wadesboro 28170 (704) 694-3599

AM PM Foot Clinic 506 Sutherland Avenue Monroe 28112 (704) 289-3338 Dr. Paul Keane

Center for Child & Adolescent Medicine 1404 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 384-8460 Indian Trail Family Medicine 4503 Old Monroe Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 821-6900 Donald E. Cook Jr., MD Maria Dichoso-Wood, MD www.indiantrailfamily.org Indian Trail Pediatrics 6030 West Highway 74, Suite F Indian Trail 28079 (704) 246-2900 Dr. Reema Puri Dr. Robert Kadijevic

Eastover Foot and Ankle 428 Sam Newell Road, Suite 100 Matthews 28105 (704) 841-4000 Dr. Christopher R. Fuesy Dr. Ronald V. Futerman Dr. E. Kent Picklesimer Foot & Ankle of the Carolinas 1630 Campus Park Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 292-1380 Dr. Eric V. Ward Dr. Blaise C. Woeste Matthews Foot Care 534 West John Street Matthews 28105 (704) 847-9788 Dr. Kevin L. Killian Dr. Brian L. Killian

The Enquirer-Journal

Health and Medical Directory

November 2009 - 23

Physicians/Surgeons Radiology

Physicians/Surgeons Urology

Charlotte Radiology-Breast Center Carolinas Medical Center-Union 1550 Faulk Street, Suite 1200 Monroe 28112 (704) 292-2272 www.charlotteradiology.com

Providence Urology 1428A Ellen Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-4361 Dr. Theodore Stamatakos Dr. Arthur Lim www.providence-urology.com

Physicians/Surgeons Radiology – Diagnostic Presbyterian Imaging & Breast Center Monroe 2000 Wellness Boulevard, Suite 110 Monroe 28110 (704) 316-1180 Union West MRI Center 6030 West Highway 74, Suite C Indian Trail 28079 (704) 246-2992

Physicians/Surgeons Thoracic/Vascular

Union Urology 1503 East Franklin Street Monroe 28112 (704) 289-5402 Dr. Richard G. Sowden Urology Specialists of the Carolinas, PLLC 1450 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 350 Matthews 28105 (704) 841-8877 Dr. Thomas Phillips Dr. Bradley Weisner Ami Mohr, PA www.urologyspecialistsnc.com


Metrolina Surgical Specialists 1338 East Sunset Drive, Suite C Monroe 28112 (704) 226-0531 Dr. Obinna Eruchalu

Carolina Physical Rehabilitation Services 507 Jones Street Marshville 28103 (704) 624-0346 Taiwo Bada, Physical Therapist

Metroview Vascular & Surgical Specialties, PA 411 Wendover Road Charlotte 28211 825 Majestic Court, Suite F Gastonia 28054 (704) 864-6500 Dr. Augustine R. Eze Dr. Ramesh M. Sharma 7800 Providence Road, Suite 209 Charlotte 28226 (704) 544-7535 The Main Vein sharma@btitele.com

Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

Union Surgical Associates 1550 Faulk Street, Suite 1100 Monroe 28112 (704) 289-3024 Dr. James D. Whinna Dr. Virgilio Ipapo Dr. James W. Cook Dr. Tiv A. Johnson Dr. John V. Cattie Dr. Carolyn S. Menendez

Lake Park Nursing & Rehabilitation 3315 Faith Church Road Indian Trail 28079 (704) 882-3420 Rehabilitation and Nursing Center of Monroe 1212 East Sunset Drive Monroe 28112 (704) 283-8548

Substance Abuse Treatment Daymark Recovery Services 1190 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 296-6200 Dr. Devendra Shah Dr. Chin Ho Pak Monroe Addictive Disease Center Main Office 145 Remount Road Charlotte 28201 (704) 332-9001 Monroe Clinic 2208 West Roosevelt Boulevard Monroe 28110 (704) 289-9869 www.mcleodcenter.com

24 - November 2009

Health and Medical Directory

The Enquirer-Journal

AMA’s Doctor Finder offers information

Q. What is AMA DoctorFinder? AMA DoctorFinder provides comprehensive information on individual physicians from which you can select a physician or verify the credentials of a known physician. AMA DoctorFinder includes more than 814,000 AMA member and non-member doctors of medicine (MD) and doctors of osteopathy or osteopathic medicine (DO). AMA DoctorFinder does not include other licensed health care professionals such as dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, nurses, or allied health personnel. Physician listings are based on data maintained in the AMA Physician Masterfile, the nation’s most comprehensive and unbiased physician database. Visit the Physician Education, Licensure, and Certification section of our web site for additional information. Q. I searched for my physician by name and didn’t find him/her. Maybe I am doing something wrong when I enter the information. Do you have any suggestions on how to use the Search function effectively? Physicians are listed in AMA DoctorFinder by the proper spelling of their full name. Nicknames or shortened first names are not included. Use the last name and the state in which the physician resides to search by name. If your search produced too many results, try again, adding his or her first name. Use the “*” (the asterisk symbol, which acts as a “wildcard”) when adding the first initial of the first name: L* Smith. It will search on all “Smiths” that begin with “L”. You may also want to perform a “soundslike” search, by checking the box provided on the search page, if you are unsure of the exact spelling of a name or city. Q. How do I search for a physician by name or medical specialty if I am not sure in which state he/she practices? AMA DoctorFinder requires that users know the state in which a physician is located when conducting a the search. The following Web sites may help you find a person and determine in what state they are located before searching on AMA DoctorFinder: Switchboard (http://www. switchboard.com), Yahoo People Search (http://www.yahoo.com/search/people) and ClassMates Online (http:// www.classmates.com). (The American Medical Association is not responsible for the accuracy of the content on these other Web sites.) After you have found the state in which the physician is located, use AMA DoctorFinder to complete your search. Q. Why are AMA members and non-member physicians’ listings in AMA DoctorFinder displayed differently? The comprehensive listings for AMA member physicians are one the benefits of membership in the AMA. In many instances, the members’ listings provide you with more than twice the practice information you would receive when viewing a nonmember page. Added information includes office hours, a map to their office location, health plans accepted by the physician, and much more. Make sure the doctor you choose supports quality patient care and the very future of our nation’s health.

Choose an AMA-member physician, or encourage your non-member physician to join the AMA today. Q. I searched for my physician and found that the city on his/her listing is not the city where his/her office is located. Can you please explain? Physician addresses included in AMA DoctorFinder reflect either an office or residential location. Your physician’s office address may not have been available when the listing was most recently updated, and his/her city of residence may have been used instead. Consult a local telephone directory or call directory assistance to verify or obtain your physician’s office location Q. I am looking for a physician in training (a resident) but can’t find him/her. Are residents not included in the AMA DoctorFinder database? AMA DoctorFinder lists only licensed physicians with full and unrestricted licenses. Many residents are not licensed until after completing at least one full year of residency training. He/she will be listed in AMA DoctorFinder after receiving licensure in one or more of the U.S. licensing jurisdictions. Q. My doctor recently moved and AMA DoctorFinder does not provide his new office location. How does the AMA DoctorFinder information get updated? Your physician may send updates to the American Medical Association by using the Online Data Collection Center. Q. Can I search for a deceased physician? AMA DoctorFinder does not maintain information on deceased physicians. You may want to contact the U.S. Census Bureau, as well as your state and local medical societies. Q. Did my physician pay a fee to be listed in AMA DoctorFinder? AMA DoctorFinder includes all U.S.-licensed physicians, and there is no fee to be listed in this service. Q. What is a self-designated practice specialty? A self-designated practice specialty does not imply certification by the American Board of Medical Specialties or indicate special training or competence. A self-designated specialty does not warranty special skill to practice in that specialty. Q. I need to find a specialist. What is the best way to search by specialty? Select from one of the specialty categories listed, or click the “search from an expanded list of medical practice specialties” link for more choices. Choose a specialty and provide as much additional information as you can in the “State,” “City,” and “Zip Code” search boxes Q. What can I do if I think my physician may have committed an ethical violation? Potential ethical violations should be reported to the state medical society or licensing board of the state in which the physician is practicing. The AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has information on Reporting Ethical Violations including a list of state medical societies.

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