April 11, 2024 CI

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2 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024 The Concord Insider is published weekly by the Concord Monitor. Our offices are located at 1 Monitor Drive, Concord, NH. Our postal address is P.O. Box 1177, Concord, NH, 03302-1177. CONCORD MONITOR EDITOR JONVANFLEET(jvanfleet@cmonitor.com) NEWS EDITOR HANNAHSAMPADIAN(hsampadian@cmonitor.com) INSIDER NEWS TIPS (news@theconcordinsider.com) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR STEVEPARE(spare@cmonitor.com,369-3229) inside Insider Bookoftheweek................................9 Bulletinboard ...................................12 ThisweekinConcordhistory .......19 the theconcordinsider.com 16 comedy MajesticTheatrepresents “BirthdayClub”fromApril 12to14 5 stageshow Comedyexplores Greekmythology find it NE-441528 Concord’s HistoryA Story of How We Got Here Join us to learn about the history of Concord. Our presenters are Jennifer Kretovic and Jim Milliken. Presented by The Concord Historical Society 266 North Main St, Concord, NH www.Concordhistoricalsociety.org Thursday April 11 | 7pm Kimball-Jenkins Carriage House 266 North Main St., Concord, NH

Medieval Merriment is coming to town

TheFranklinOpera Housewillhostaspecial SpringGalaeventonSaturday,April27at5:30p.m. featuringasit-downmeal, fundraisingraffle,and musicbyTheScott SpradlingBand.Thisevent isbeingcelebratedwitha MedievalFeasttheme(costumesoptional).Someof theirfriendsfromthe neighboringKingdomof Footlight(FranklinFootlightTheatreCo.)willbe joiningthefunintheGreat ElksHall(theFranklin ElksLodge)forarousing goodtime.

AtickettotheSpring Galaeventincludessalad, sides,rolls,amaincourse (roastturkeyorstuffed shells),dessertandacomplimentaryale,wineor sodafromthebar.Glutenfreegravyandrollsare

availableuponrequestat purchase.EachLordor Ladywillreceivetheir drinkmedallionupon check-inandonecomplimentaryraffleticket!

Afterdinner,Scott Spradlingbringshis tremendous“modernbig band”(withlotsofhorns!) playingthemegahitsheard ontheradioovertheyears –fromthe50stothe90s. EnjoytunesfromChicago, BillyJoel,Sinatra,Michael Bublé,Huey,andmore!Attendeescansitbackand enjoytheshow,orfeelfree togetupanddance!

Allproceedsfromthis eventwilldirectlycontributetofundingtherenovationandreopeningof FranklinOperaHouse.


theCity.Everymemberof thecommunitycancontributetothiseffortin theirownway,since progressandgrowthcome fromthecollectiveeffort offorward-thinking people.

TheFranklinOpera Housebuildingwasoriginallydesignedtobeamultipurposebuildingforthe community.Fornearlyseventy-fiveyears,schools, churches,andlocalgroups suchasFranklinHook& LadderCo.,V.F.W.,the Elks,TheAmericanRed Cross,andothersgraced thestageandmainhall withplays,entertainment, dancing,andconventions ofallsorts.

Afternappingsincethe 1960s,aloyalarmyofvolunteerknightsbandedtogethertoformaRestora-

tionCommittee.Because oftheirdedicationanddeterminationFranklin’s “sleepingbeauty”awakenedfromherslumber. FranklinOperaHousehas beenringingwiththe soundsoflaughter,music andapplausesince2001. Effortscontinuetobuild ontheirlegacyandmake

theOperaHouseeven better.

Comejoininthefunat FranklinLodgeofElksfor anightoffeasting,frolic, andfrivolity.Ticketsare $49perpersonandmust bepurchasedinadvanceby April20,eitheronlineat www.FOHNH.org,orby calling(603)934-1901.

3 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
HEADLINE ALERTS... SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX DAILY. SIGNUPTODAYAT CONCORDMONITOR.COM CLICK ON EMAIL NEWSLETTER ON THERIGHTSIDE OFOURHOMEPAGE TOSIGN UP FOR LOCALS. BY LOCALS. Read Talk of the Towns in the Weekend Monitor. Monday - Friday: 9:30AM to 6:00PM Saturday: 9:30AM to 5:00PM | Sunday 11:00AM to 3:00PM  NHFurnitureStore.com in stock  and ready to deliver a You Need Help We Have ALWAYS FREE LAYAWAY & 0% FINANCING 603-753-6200  191 Village Street Penacook, NH EVERY FRIDAY AT 8PM 17 Depot Street Downtown Concord 603-228-0180 • CheersNH.com 1ST & 2ND PLACE PRIZES! 1ST & 2ND PLACE PRIZES! 1ST &

English choir Gregorian comes to Concord

Forover20years, morethanthree millionpeoplein31 countrieshavebeen enchantedbyGregorian’s liveperformancesblending ancientchantswithcontemporaryevergreensfora movingconcertexperience.

Theseeightclassically trainedEnglishvocalists, knownfortheirworkon “LordoftheRings,”“Harry Potter,”and“StarWars” soundtracks,neverfailto bringaudiencestotheir feet.

SeeGregorianonApril 20attheCapitolCenterfor theArtsinConcord.

“We’reallreallyexcited tofinallybringtheseshows totheU.S.,”saysGregorian brainchildandfounderand ownerofNemo-Studios andomeN-PublishingFrankPeterson.

”For23yearstheaudiences acrossallofEuropeand Asiahavebeenincredible andourhopeisthatthe Americansembraceus withthesameenthusiasm.”

Thegroup’sPURE CHANTSIalbum(released lastyear)featuresmainly classicalchoralworksand hymnsplussomefolkand popfavorites.

4 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
live music
Small local business and family owned. Special Offer 10% off your next Plumbing or Heating service. Just mention this ad 603-707-1175 | www.jenkinsplumbingnh.com $750 rebate on heat pump water heater (hybrid) install and up to 30% tax deductible • New construction • Remodels • Fixture Installs • Water Heaters • HVAC / Mini Splits / Ref • 24/7 Service Available • Boilers • Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning NE-440638 “Saved my life” 163 Manchester Street, Unit 2, Concord, NH 603-456-8294 • www.TrendAcupuncture.com
Gregorian, live in Greece, 2023.

Sound mastery with Gerry Putnam online class

Join foranexclusive webinarwithGerry Putnam,renownedsound producerandownerof CedarHouseSound& MasteringinNewHampshireonApril11at5:30 p.m.

Withover37yearsof experience,Gerryoffers unparalleledexpertisein soundproduction,mastering,andarangeofservicesincludingtracking, editing,mixing,andmore. Situatedonapicturesque 45-acrefarm,CedarHouse providesauniqueandinspiringenvironmentfor artiststocreate.


info@cfanh.org.Nonmembersmaypurchase ticketsathttps://centerfortheartsnh.org/performing-arts-series. Ticketsarefreeformembers,$10fornon-members.

Comedy explores Greek mythology stage show

SKIT’s“OlympusOn MyMind,”acomedic off-Broadwaymusical exploringGreek mythologyandthe naughtysideofgods, willtakethestagenext week.ThecastincludesJudyThackaberry,AngelaTarleton,KristiUpton,

SusanSchott,KevinTarleton,LarryFuller,Dave Munn,SullyGonyawand BenGonyaw.Showtimes areApril12and13that 7:30p.m.,April14at 1:30p.m.,April19 and20at7:30p.m.,and April21at1:30p.m.

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Tickets:$20,$15forstudents/seniorsandare availableatMainStreet BookEnds,MorganHill BookstoreandTatewell Gallery,skitnh.org,and thedoor.ProceedssupportSKIT’sscholarship fund.

5 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
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Social media star to Grand Marshal Walk For Sight

Sam Seavey hosts ‘The Blind Life’ on YouTube

SocialMediaStarSam Seavey,hostofTheBlind LifeonYouTube,will GrandMarshaltheWalk ForSightonSaturday,May 18thindowntownConcord.Thisyearmarksthe 21stanniversaryofFuture InSight’ssignature fundraisingevent.Future InSightisanonprofitorganizationthatprovidesservicestochildren,adults andelderlyinNHwhoare blindandvisuallyimpaired asaresultoftrauma,disease,andthenaturalprogressionofage.Manyofthe individualsthatFutureIn

Sightservesareconsidered low-incomeasaresultof theirvisiondisability and/oragingoutofthe workforce.Fundsraised duringtheWalkForSight enableFutureInSightto continueofferingservices regardlessofone’sability topay.

The21stAnnualWalk ForSightwillconsistofa1mileloopthroughdowntownConcord,startingand endingontheCapitollawn.

InadditiontotheWalkitself,therewillbespeeches fromsomeexcitingindividualsincludingMr.Seavey,

funphotoopportunities,a puppykissingboothwith puppieswhowilloneday beguidedogs,andaliveDJ tokeeptheenergyup.

Everyonewhoregisters fortheWalkForSightwill receiveadrawstringbag filledwithgoodies.All walkersareencouragedto leveragetheirparticipation tohelpFutureInSight fundraise.Topfundraising individualsandteamswill winapizzadeliverytocelebratetheirfundraisingsuccess.

Thepubliccansupport the21stAnnualWalkFor Sightbyregisteringtowalk asanindividualor starting/joiningateam, volunteeringtoworkthe event,orbymakingadonationtotheevent.Corporate sponsorsarealsowelcome.

Formoreinformation, visitfutureinsight.org/walkforsightto register,donateorlearn more.


Daniels Electric Corporation VicePresident Thomas Milligan, proudlypresents HeidiSmith, philanthropyofficer, andKevin McCarthy, chiefadministrative officerof ConcordHospital –Laconia with a $10,000 check to support the Concord Hospital – Laconia Golf Classic as Presenting Sponsor.

DanielsElectricCorporationwillbethe presentingsponsor oftheConcordHospital–LaconiaGolfClassictobe heldMonday,May20,atthe LaconiaCountryClub.

ProceedsfromtheConcordHospital–Laconia GolfClassicwillsupport emergencyservicesinthe Capital,LakesandThree

Riversregions.Asaregional healthsystem,Concord HospitaliscentralNew Hampshire’schoicefor comprehensivehealthcare. Assuch,thehospitalworks toassurepatientcareisdeliveredattherighttime,in therightlocation,andwith therightresources.

“Wehavesponsoredthis eventforseveralyears,so weareproudtoincrease oursupportthisyear,”commentedTomMilligan,vice presidentofDanielsElectricCorporation.“My familyhasastrongconnectiontothehospital.MychildrenwerebornthereandI receivemycarethere.Supportingatruecommunity hospitalisnotonlyimportanttome,it’sessentialto ourorganizationaswell.”

SponsorshipopportunitiesfortheConcordHospital–LaconiaGolfClassic providesexposuretoover 150cause-orientedcommunitymembers.Contact HeidiSmith,philanthropy officer,at603-737-9752or heismith@crhc.orgforadditionalinformation.Sponsorshiplevelsrangefrom $350to$10,000.

6 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
Monitor file Then-7year-old Delaney Kelly (center) attends the 2017 Walk for Sight in Concord. SUMMER DAY CAMP LOCATIONS • Concord • Goffstown • Manchester • Hooksett • Londonderry • Derry • Windham • Rochester • Greenland • Newington OVERNIGHT CAMPS • Camp Foss in Strafford, NH • Camp Mi-Te-Na in Alton, NH DISCOVER SUMMER Friendship, fun and a world of adventure beneath a golden sun. Summer day and overnight camp registration is now open! SCAN HERE TO LEARN MORE! THE GRANITE YMCA • www.graniteymca.org The Ultimate Junior Golf Experience! Ages 7-16 Beginner to Advanced Choice of weeks from April - August Check out our After School Program Spring ! Details on Website 603 622 1553 www.fostersgolfcamp.com Celebrating 31 Years! Registrations are in full swing Register today! Ages 7-16 Beginner to Advanced April vacation week and all summer long! Ages 7 2024

summer camps

2024 ‘Flights of Discovery’ aviation summer camp registration now underway

Registrationisramping upintheAviationMuseum’s2024‘Flightsof Discovery’summercamp program.Whatyousee aboveisanadrunningin theHippoPressweekly newspaperthroughout March.

Registrationcanbe startedonlineonthe SummerCamppageof ournewwebsite.Choose betweenthreetwo-week programsfromJune throughAugust.Tuitionis $1,100for10daysofintenseexplorationofall thingsaviation;generalfinancialaidofupto75 percentofthecostis availableforfamilieswho qualify.

Fieldtripsincludea visittothecontroltower atManchester-BostonRegionalAirport,behindthe-scenestourofthe N.H.AirNationalGuard baseatthePeaseairfield inPortsmouth,andmore. Ifthere’sayoungaviation-loverinyourlife, makesuretheyknowall aboutthisgreatprogram. Seeyouatthesummer camp!

AviationMuseumof N.H.|www.aviationmuseumofnh.org603.669.4820


NH Destination Imagination

TheNewHampshireInnovationandCreativity Connection(NHICC)isa 501(c)(3)non-profitorganizationthatpromotes teamwork,creative problemsolving,andinnovationinNewHampshire.NHICCworkswith studentsrangingfrom preschooltocollegeand sponsorsprogramssuch asNewHampshireDestinationImagination®

(NH-DI)tohelpyoung peopleinNewHampshire becomefutureleadersand innovators.NHICCadministerstheDestination Imaginationprogramin NewHampshire.NHICC alsooperatesoneofthe oldestcreativitysummer campsinthecountry, Aboutourcampprograms:

Ifyourchildloves hands-onprojects,tacklingunusualchallenges, andmakingnewfriends, they’llloveCampGottalikachallenge!“Gotta Camp”isachancefor campersfromacrossthe countrytospendaweek togetherworkingoncreativeproblemsolving,interactivelearning,and makingnewfriends.

AtGottaCamp,ourmissionistoempowerour camperstoapproachlife’s challengeswithconfidence.GottaCampcreatesasafe,structured, caring,andsupportiveenvironmentwherecampers areencouragedtoshare theirtalents,totakerisks, torecognizetheirsimilaritiesanddifferences,tobe inclusive,becomeleaders, andtohavefun!

Theweekisamixof outdooractivitiesand classicsummercampfun, combinedwiththemore

offbeatactivitiesthat GottaCampisknownfor. Eachmorning,campers workintheirGotta Groupstocomeupwitha solutionforthissummer’s GottaProblemwhichthey presenttothewholecamp attheendoftheweek.

Everyafternoonthere arefreechoiceactivity periodsthatrangefrom swimmingandfield gamestolearningto screenprint,orplaying improvgames,creatinga scavengerhunt,or learninghowtousepower tools–thesesessionsall comefromouramazing staffers.Weencourage themtobringtheirskills andpassionstoCamp,so theseofferingsarenew anddifferenteverysession,everyday!


7 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024

What:Learntocreatea storagebasket,wovenwitha Cherokeestyledesign.The patterniscreatedbyspecific placementofthedyedvs. naturalweaversandstakes. Studentswillweavethebase bytwining,whichresultsin asolidbottom.Studentswill thenupsetthestakes.The sidesarewovenusing start/stoprows.Oncethe sidesarecompletestudents will“downstake,”measure andscarftheirrim,andthen lashtherimtothebasket. Thisstoragebasketclassis beingtaughtbyRuthBoland atSanbornMillsFarmin Loudon.Thisclassisappropriateforalllevelsof weavers,beginneraswellas thosewithexperience. All materialsandtoolswillbe provided.

When:April13and14, from9a.m.to5p.m.

Where:SanbornMills Farm,7097SanbornRoad, Loudon

Seesanbornmills.org/product/roundcherokee-style-storagebasketformoreinformation.Thecostis$60,paid directlytotheinstructor

8 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
loudon Courtesy Basket weaving in Loudon Country Carpet & Oriental Cleaning When Quality Counts Call (603) 526-8485 or Text (603) 746-2240 NHCARPETCLEANERS.COM • Carpet Cleaning • Rug Washing • Upholstery Cleaning Free Pickup & Delivery! NE-441474 802-499-2141 802-499-2141
Boland teaches Round Cherokee Style Storage Basket weaving

‘Mother-Daughter Murder Night,’



LanaRubiconisa wheeler-dealerinthe L.A.realestatemarket andshemakeslotsof money.Sheisalwayswell dressedandsheknowshow tomanipulate people,especially men.She’sevenreceivedachamberof commerceaward forbeinga“fearless realestatemogul.” Sheistoldshehas cancer,andneedsto recoverwherethere issomeonetotake careofher.Lanagoestolive withherdaughterBeth,and hersmallbutdetermined granddaughterJack.Bethis anurseatanursinghome, andasinglemothertoJack. BethlikesthatitisjustherselfandJackathome.They liveonElkhornSlough,a marshyareaonthecoast, fivehoursfromL.A.Jack lovesthewater,andworks atakayakrentalshop.She wantstobuyausedsailboat.

Jackisleadingakayaking tourwhenabodyisfound, andsheissuspectedof murder.Lanadecidesthat thelocalpoliceareimbeciles.Sheisusedtoworking hard.Soshegetstowork. Insteadofwatchingotters andshorebirds,sheisgoing tosolvethiscrime.Lana preparesforameeting,and dresseswithcare.“She pulledoutaclosefittingskirtsuit,one thatmadeherlook likeasharkcrossed withakitten.”

Thecoverofthis bookmakesitlook likeacomical murdermystery,but itisnot.Thereare somefunnyparts, butitalsohasdepth.Readit forthemystery,butalsofor thewonderful,believable charactersofLana,Bethand Jack.JackcallsLana“Prima” becausethingsusuallyare allaboutLana.Butnotwhen Lana’sfamilyisthreatened. Thenthesharkcomesout! VisitConcordPublicLibraryatwww.concordpubliclibrary.net

9 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
book of the
THE OUTSIDE STORY. Every Monday from Northern Woodlands Magazine in When Should You Sell Your Home? Ask Sue Susan Roemer is Specially Trained In Senior Transitions With 20 Years  of Capital Region Knowledge Call or Email for a Confidential Consultation 603-491-0833 | SRoemer@masiello.com Senior Real Estate Specialist Call TODAY for Your FREE QUOTE! 603-420-2590 Begin Your Spring Home Transformation *Extra $1500 off for first 15 callers excluding gutter projects. All financing offers pending credit approval. Down payment required for all financing offers. Monthly payment pricing includes base products & labor at project minimums with10 years financing. **For 12 Months No Payment, No Interest Program, financing is billed during promo period but will be waived if the amount financed is paid in full before promo period expires. Restrictions apply to all offers. Some additional charges may apply. Not valid on previous sales. Call for details. Offer Expires 6/8/24. GET A NEW TUB OR SHOWER WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS... IN ONLY ONE DAY* NEED NEW WINDOWS BEAT THE SEASON’S RUSH... GET ON OUR SCHEDULE NOW! BEFORE AFTER Locally Owned Financing Available Begin Your Spring Home Transformation 25% OFF ALL PROJECTS + NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR A YEAR* - FIRST 10 15 CALLERS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $500 $1,500 OFF - X X The installation team was AMAZING!!! These guys (and girls) worked HARD and long hours and yet provided excellent work, completely to our satisfaction. - Arthur Y. of NH BEFORE • Say Goodbye to Mold and Mildew • Easy to Clean & Maintain • Safety & Accessibility Features • Installed by Trained Professionals • Affordable Options to Meet ALL Budgets PAYMENTS AS LOW $125/AS MONTH* AFTER PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $55/ MONTH
The inside scoop.

Gallery features water-themed artworks

IntheupcomingexhibitionatTwoVillagesArtSociety(TVAS)inHopkinton, threeartistsexplorethe

Medicare Options are Complicated. Understanding them shouldn’t be.

Turning 65

Turning 65 is a big milestone in a person’s life. For most, it’s also the time to apply for Medicare. Most commonly now you apply for Medicare Part A and/or Part B on the Social Security website.

I’m told by my clients who are new to Medicare that they feel fortunate to have me “hold their hand” and help them through the process. I will hold your hand too if you want my assistance as you face this dilemma of decisions.

subjectofwaterinallits guises,fromtidestotears.

TheexhibitopensSaturday, April13atthegalleryat846

MainStreetinthevillageof Contoocook.Theexhibit openswithareception,free andopentothepublic,at from12to2p.m.Lightrefreshmentsareavailableand musicisprovidedbyBrad Myrick.

Much of my consultation time is going through the appropriate steps of someone just getting their Medicare active. But this seems to be the most daunting step for most that I meet with. You can enroll in Medicare online by going to SSA.gov. Medicare alone is not enough, and that's where I come in to help you understand your Medicare options. Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement (Medi-gap) plans and Medicare Drug plans are complex and the fact that you can have my knowledge (at no cost to you) to help you decide the right choice for you at this milestone in your life will give you peace of mind.

Well, that’s what my clients tell me at least.

PainterAnnSaunderson andphotographersSher

KammanandJohnHoglund workedwithcuratorRick Luggtocreatetheshow,titled“WaterWorks.”All threeexhibitwidelyinthe Concordareaandcollaboratedonapreviousexhibit atTwoVillagesArtSociety called“NoStraightLines: theNatureofHope.”

“Wateristheessenceof ourplanetandourlives.It runsthroughallourdays, whetherintheformof tears,ice,snow,steam,fog, clouds,andrain,”saysLugg. “Watercancarryusawayor letusfloat.Itcancarveits owncourseorshowusthe patternofthewind.”

Eachartistinvitesviewers toexplorethesubjectof waterinhisorherownway. Theirworkincludesabstractandrealisticpaintings andartisticphotographic compositions,inbothvibrantcolorsandsubtle tones.

JohnHoglund,ofBow, trainedandworkedasan engineerandshiftedhis focustophotographyafter takingcoursesatwhatis nowtheNewHampshireInstituteofArtandDesign. Heisfascinatedbythelines ofdams,millbuildings,and otherstructures,aswellas thedelicatelinesandshapes ofnature.

AnnSaunderson,aformer artteacher,nowpaintsfulltimeinherLoudonstudio. Sheworkswithavarietyof mediumstocreateexpressive,texturalpaintingsthat

10 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
COURTESY Copyright © 2011 Sher Kamman Sher Kamman Visit : www.concordmonitor.com/celebrations to place your own ad! Choose a milestone to create your announcement NE-369579
not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

togglebetweenabstraction, landscape,andfigure.

SherKammanisdrawnto themagiccreatedaslight toucheslandscapeandordinaryobjects.Asaphotographerandpsychologist,she aimstobringinthelightto

exposethehiddenbeautyin bothpeopleandlandscapes.

TwoVillagesArtSociety’s galleryisopentothepublic freeofchargeThursday throughSundayfrom12to 4p.m.The“WaterWorks” exhibitclosesMay11.

11 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
CONCORD AVIATION SERVICES WE CAN TEACH YOU TO FLY! 71 Airport Road Concord, NH 603-228-2267 www.confbo.com Find us on Facebook /ConcordAviation NE-439200
Ann Saunderson

Vernal Pool Adventure Walk

Canyouhearit?Springis finallyintheairandamphibiansalloverarecalling outastheyemergefromour wetlandsandvernalpools. Grabyourmuckybootsand yourcuriosityandcometo TheJohnHayEstateatThe FellsinNewburytodiscoverthemagicofaNew Hampshirevernalpool.

We’llbelookingfortheeggs ofournativesalamanders andfrogsandmaybecatch sightoftheseremarkable creatures.Freeandopento all.Noregistrationrequired. MeetsatTheFellsGatehouseonSunday,April21, at1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitthefells.org.

Famous author to visit Bow


welcomefamousyoung adultauthorGordonKorman(“TheUnteachables,” “TheFort”)onTuesday, April16.Kormanwillgive twopresentationstofifthandsixthgradersand seventh-and eighthgraders,plus hostawriter’s workshopfor selectstudents.The eventbeginsat 9a.m.and endsat2:30 p.m.

Author visit

OnApril18at6:30p.m., Gibson’sBookstorewill welcomebacklocalauthor MargaretPorter,withher

firstcontemporaryromance,“AChangeofLocation.”Hernewestrelease followsapublicity-averse locationscout whofearsher relationship withanEnglisharistocrat,ownerof theestate whereher filmis shooting,will drawpressattentionand exposearelative’scriminal past.Porteris theawardwinningand bestsellingauthorofauthor of16novelsinmultiple genres.Aformerstageactress,shealsoworkedprofessionallyinfilm,television,andradio.Sheandher

husbandliveinConcord, N.H.Gibson’sBookstoreis locatedat45S.MainSt., Concord.Nopre-registrationisrequired.

Understanding climate change

ThePembrokeHistorical Societywillpresent“ClimateChangeforDummies” onThursday,April18at7 pminthePembrokePublic Library.Localhistorianand EcologicalScientistAyn Whytemarewillillustrate thesciencebehindthephenomenoninstraightforward termsandshowwhywe knowforcertainthatitis humancaused.Shewillalso addressalternativetheories andpossiblesolutionstothe problem.Thispresentation isbasedontheIntroduction toEnvironmentalScience

taughtbyWhytemareatthe NewHampshireTechnical InstituteinConcord.From 2010-2022shewasanadjunctinstructorofPlantBiology,EnvironmentalScience,Ecology,andSustainableAgriculture.Sheisalso amemberofPembroke’s ConservationCommission andPresidentofthePembrokeHistoricalSociety. WhytemareoperatesFound WellFarminPembroke, producingcertifiedorganic vegetableseedlingsandnativeplants,sowecanbetter protectournaturalworldin theyearstocome.The eventisfreeandopentothe public.Thisprogramand othersintheseriesarecosponsoredbythePembroke TownLibrary.Formoreinformation,call603-5661031.

12 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024 bulletin
Share what’s happening in your community. Email snapshots to communitynews@cmonitor.com. For a complete season schedule, visit www.WalkerLecture.org  Why  Calvin Coolidge  Matters  Today FREE 102 Fisherville Rd, Concord NH • 603-224-3522 Limited Store Hours, Please Call Ahead ✃ 15%OFF ANY ONE FULL-PRICED ITEM EXCLUDES SALE ITEMS Offer good through June 1, 2024 Please bring this coupon — one coupon per customer •Bird Feeders •Birdbaths •Bird Houses •Bird Seed and Suet •And Much More

Florian’s ‘Those Were the Days’ at Concord Audi

TheConcordCommunity ConcertAssociationpresentsfamedfolkartist WilliamFlorian’sshow, ‘ThoseWeretheDays’at ConcordCityAuditorium onSaturday,April13,at 7:30p.m.Theperformance ispresentedbytheConcord CommunityConcertAssociationasthefinalshowof its93rdseasonpresenting nationallytouringartistsat thehistoricmunicipaltheatre.Ticketsavailableonline atccca-audi.organdinfoat 603-344-4747.

WilliamFlorianisno strangertofolkmusic.Asa formermemberofthefamous60sgroupTheNew ChristyMinstrels,henow travelstheUnitedStates sharingmessagesofpeace throughsongs.

Hisshow–“ThoseWere theDays”–sharesajourney throughAmerica’sgreatest folkandpopsongsofthe ‘60s,includingsongsFlorian performedwithTheNew ChristyMinstrels,along withthemusicofPeter,Paul &Mary,PeteSeeger,John Denverandmore.

Inanticipationofhisperformance,theConcord CommunityConcertAssociationhadaconversation withFlorianoveremailto learnmoreabouthisexperienceasamusician.

How – and when –did your interest in music begin?

“Mymotherplayedpiano andhadabeautifulsinging voice.Shewouldhaveher friendsoverforsing-alongs, butIdidn’tpayattentionto musicmuchuntilIwas11.I sawtheBeatlesontheEd SullivanShow,heardallthe girlsscreaming,andthat’s thenightIdecidedtomake musicmylife.”

What inspires you the most as a musician?

“Bringinglaughterandjoy toaudiencesinspiresme greatly!Itkeepsmegoing!I lovetoseepeoplegoing throughfeelingsduringa songandlaughterduring thecomedybits.”

13 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
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What are your hobbies and passions – outside of music?

“Drivingmymotorhome aroundthecountryforperformances,visitingstate andnationalparks,hiking, beinginnatureandatthe beach!”

Your mission is to travel the globe, spreading goodwill and messages of peace through music. How does your music and performances help

accomplish this goal?

“Duringashow,audience membersleavealltheir thoughtsandchatterbehind andweareallinthemomenttogetherraisingthe energy!Thisbringslotsof loveandpeacetoeveryone. There’sasongIwroteabout 18yearsagocalled‘I’m DeclaringPeace.’People aroundtheworldare singingthatsong.Iproclaim myselftobethe‘American MusicalAmbassadorof Peace.’Ihavesunginforeigncountriesandgot peoplesingingmysong.I tellthemthatthereactually arehundredsofmillionsof Americansthatwantpeace

ontheplanet.Theysmile andthankmefortelling themthat.”

You are a former member of the famous 60s band

The New Christy Minstrels. Can you explain more about this experience, along with any favorite memories?

“Itwassuchagreatexperiencebeingamemberof TheNewChristyMinstrels. MysisterandIbothjoined atthesametimeinthe70s. Itwassoexcitingforus.We

wereveryyoungandallthe suddenontoursinginghit songsinfrontofthousands ofpeople.Ihavealotofinterestingstoriesaboutthat time.Isingthehitsongsand tellsomeofthestories duringtheshow!”

What performances of yours have stood out as favorites over the years, and why?

“EveryshowIdo–it’sa wonderfulexperience.The audienceandIalwayscreate anecstaticenergy.Onethat comestomindisasayoung memberoftheChristys

singingsoloonthebiggest hitsong…‘Today.’Ialways gotgoosebumpssingingthat song.I’dsingthefirstline, andthousandsofpeople wouldrecognizethesong andapplaudforalongwhile andthenI’dgetintotherest ofthesong.Everyonealwayssingsalongtoevery songintheshow–andespeciallythatone.”

Your show will include some of America’s greatest songs of the ‘60s. What do you love the most about music from this time period?

“WhatIloveaboutthe songsofthe‘60sisthewonderfulmessages,great melodies,wonderful thoughtfulness,interesting chordchangesandsongs thatyoucanremember–andsingalongto!Peoplealwaystellmethatthesongs bringupmemoriesandfeelingsofwheretheywereand whattheyweredoing duringthattime.”

14 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
Q&A FROM PAGE 13 EVERY SATURDAY 9AM TO NOON  30+ Vendors and Live Music 7 Eagle Square Downtown Concord Behind the Clock Tower DowntownConcordWinterFarmersMarket.com EV 30 Be Do nto nCo cord int Affiliates in Podiatry, PC Dr. Jeffrey Davis Dr. Thomas Detwiller Dr. William McCann Dr. Joseph Weaver DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEEL PAIN? Affiliates in Podiatry is utilizing the latest technology in the treatment of chronic heel pain. We are pleased to offer Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (EPAT) for patients who have been suffering from prolonged heel pain.  This non-surgical procedure helps to heal painful ligaments and promotes the body to heal itself. This and other conservative treatments eliminates the potential for surgery. If you, a family member, or friend have been suffering from heel pain (arch pain), it is important that a proper evaluation be performed by one of our trained Doctors. Please call our office for an appointment to determine whether these treatment options are right for you. CONCORD    248 Pleasant Street Suite 203  603-225-5281 MEREDITH    169 Daniel Webster Highway   603-279-0330 www.FootDoctorsNH.com Host your own event at Red River Theatres! Private Movie Screenings Corporate Events Fundraisers info@redrivertheatres.org (603) 224-4697 ext. 17 We want to hear from you! RedRiverTheatres.org bigjimsnh.com 603-227-9571 287 South Main St. Concord Kitchens-Bathrooms-Flooring-Windows-Doors-More Truckloads of Unique Inventory Arriving Weekly

If you could collaborate with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

“Beatles!I’vealways wantedtosingBeatles songs.Ididspendaday workingwiththecrewona musicvideowithGeorge Harrison.Thatwasexciting meetingandtalkingwith him.Itwouldbeexcitingto sing‘AllMyLoving’with PaulMcCartneyandsing theharmonywithhim.That probablywon’thappen–so nowI’mdoingthenextbest thing Ihavemyownnew showcalled‘Beatles AcousticSing-Along.’Ihave suchawonderfultimedoing thatshowwitheveryone singingalong.”

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received while working as a musician?


tryingtoshowoffthevoice somuchandjusttellthe story!Ijustrecentlyturned 70,andforyearsnowIhave beendoingboth!Peopletell methatmyvoiceisbetter thaneverandIalsogetthe storyacross.”

“WhenIwasabout21 yearsold,Iwenttoseean operasinger.Shewashappy andsmilingthroughoutthe wholepiecethatshewas singing.Icouldn’ttakemy eyesoffher.Iwasjustglued toherradiance,anditreally mademefeelgood.That wasagoodlesson.AndIstill dothattothisdaymyself whenI’mperforming.”

What makes your show – “Those Were the Days”–stand out, from your perspective?

“‘ThoseWeretheDays’is afunshowwithavarietyof sing-alongfavorites,stories andhumor.Iwillbesinging thesongsofPeterPauland Mary,JohnDenver,NeilDiamond,Beatles,thehitsI sangwithTheNewChristy Minstrelsandmore.People oftencomeuptomeand say,‘Iforgotaboutsomeof thosesongs…Ilovethem!’”

What can people expect from your


“Peoplecomingtothe showcanexpecttoseealot oftheirfriendsthere.We willallbesingingalongtogether,smiling,havinga greatpartyandhavingfun. For90minutes,wewillall forgetwhat’shappeningon TV andonceagainlivelife asweshould–inecstasy!”

Ticketsare$20atthe dooror$23online.Youthto 18arewelcomeatno charge,makingthisaperfectfamilyconcert.Info 603-344-4747.Furtherinformationabouttheartist: william@florianmusic.com andwww.thosewerethedays.org

15 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
239 Loudon Rd Concord NH Tue - Sat 11am - 8pm | Sun 11am - 7pm Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/people/Koung-Sushi-Mart2/61554516652585/?mibextid=LQQJ4d 2 (603) 715-9243 FRESH SUSHI DAILY New/Used Cars-Service-Parts 175 Manchester Street, Concord, NH 603-224-1300 www.concordnissan.com Nobody does it like... We are interviewing applicants for all positions  Contact us at HRDirector@PresidentialOaks.org "We Have A Great Team Environment" “ Why I Like Working at Presidential Oaks” 200 Pleasant Street, Concord • 603-225-6644 • PresidentialOaks.org "Everyone supports each other with a focus on providing the best care to our residents."
Courtesy WilliamFlorian comesto Concord in April.

Majestic Theatre presents ‘Birthday Club’ comedy

Fivewomenget togetherfor theirbirthdays inBirthday Club,aplayby PhilOlson,eachwith herownstory,todrink, celebrate,commiserate andsupporteachother astheynegotiate throughmarriage,work, divorce,birthandkids, whilesolvingtheproblemsoftheworld.

Cheryl,Karen,Monica andAbbiestarted BirthdayClubfiveyears agowhentheirfriendJenniferwasdiagnosedwith cancer,asasupportgroup tohelphergetthroughit.


16 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
Heroes (603) 736-3120 • ShapiroBathrooms.com Proud Sponsor Of Installing Better I Innssttaalllliinng g B Beetttteer r Bathrooms B Baatthhrroooomms s Girl's Hockey 91 SHEEP DAVIS RD, PEMBROKE, NH (603) 228-8294 nicolesgreenhouseandflorist.com Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm • Sun 10am - 4pm April is National Garden Month & the start of our 15th Season! Follow us on Facebook as we’ll be running 15% OFF different items each week chosen by staff members. Discover sleek, stylish, and modern apartment living at Cranmore Ridge! These 1-2 bedroom/1-2 bath units have contemporary cabinetry, upgraded flooring, stainless steel appliances, and smart features including USB outlets, Nest thermostats, motion-sensor lighting, keyless entry and multiple onsite amenities. Animal friendly Swimming pool Fitness center Basketball court Tennis court Community room On-site laundry Resident parking Contact us TODAY for your personal tour. 603.836.8460 | 169 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH | cranmoreridge.com
Birthday Club, L-R: Jennifer Gagne, Rachell Kerr, Carole Bilodeau, Natashia Da Cunha-Lund and Lisa Colburn

passedaway,theyhadan openingforanew member.However,it’s noteasytojoinBirthday Club.BirthdayClubis veryexclusive,and there’sathree-year waitinglist.

TheybringinSarahasa potentialmember,but firstSarahmustmakeit

17 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
SEE COMEDY PAGE 18 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS NEWSLET TER NEWSLETTER 124 Storrs Street, Concord  •  WeedFamilyAutomotive.com  •  603.225.7988 Maintenance & Repair for all makes & models EasywithSchedule  real  human response Schedule i h l Family friendly service at a fair price Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE 603-718-3776 / fixmyhomenh.com Basement Waterproofing Foundation Repair Crawl Space Repair Concrete Lifting & Leveling Radon Mitigation Humidity & Mold Control 94 Silk Farm Rd, Concord NH PMSPCA.org 603.856.8756 Saturday April 13th S A PMSPCA.org/DirtyPaws5kRUN PMSPCA. r D DiirrttyyPPaawwss55kkRRUUN N
Birthday Club, L-R: Jennifer Gagne, Rachell Kerr, Carole Bilodeau, Natashia Da Cunha-Lund and Lisa Colburn


April11,2002:Thestate SupremeCourtrulesthat NewHampshire’spublic schooltestingsystemand minimumschoolstandards aretoothlessandtherefore failtoguaranteestudents theadequateeducationto whichtheyareentitled.

April11,2001:New HampshirePublicRadioreportsithascompletedits mostlucrativespringpledge driveever.Thisfundraising successfollowsadecisionto dropclassicalandjazzprogramminginfavorofnews andcall-inshows.

April11,2000:Gov. JeanneShaheenannounces shewillnominateSuperior CourtChiefJusticeLinda Dalianistothestate SupremeCourt.Dalianis willbecomethefirstfemale justiceonthestate’shighest court.

April11,1986:Chosenby theNewYorkYankeesfive yearsearlierasa19th-round draftpick,BobTewksbury ofConcordmakeshisfirst majorleaguestartatYankee Stadium.HedefeatstheMilwaukeeBrewers3-2.

April11,1941:AttheUniversityofBristolinEngland, onthenightafterasevere bombingofthecity,Prime MinisterWinstonChurchill confersanhonorarydegree onJohnG.WinantofConcord.Winant,aformerNew Hampshiregovernor,isthe newU.S.ambassadorto


April11,1984:Fireravagesthe125-year-oldSt. Paul’schurchinConcord, leavingonlythewalls,bell towerandhalftheroofintact.Firefightershaveto smashacentury-oldstained glasswindowtoventilate thebuildingandthefloor beneaththealtarcollapses.

April12,2003:Thepolice arrest90peopleandtwice firepeppergastodispensea bottle-throwingcrowdof about4,000thatspillsinto downtownDurhamstreets afterNewHampshireloses theNCAAhockeychampionshipgame.

April12,1990:Charles SimicofStrafford,longtime EnglishprofessorattheUniversityofNewHampshire,

winsthePulitzerPrizefor poetryfor“TheWorld Doesn’tEnd.”

April12,1917:Sixdays aftertheUnitedStatesdeclareswarontheAxis powers,theLegislature passesalawprohibiting walkouts,strikesandlockoutsinNewHampshireindustriesthatproducewar materiel.AstateCommittee ofPublicSafetyisestablishedtoreportanyunionor otherradicalactivitytofederalagentsbasedinConcord.

April12,1827:OnFast Day,Rev.NathanielBouton, 27,deliversthefirsttemperancesermoninConcord. Bouton’swordsattheOld NorthChurchignitelocal participationinasocial

movementthatwilllast morethanacentury.Bouton assertsinhissermonthathe hasinvestigatedandfound that“theuseofardent spiritsinConcord”is“universal.”Heclaimsthatthe 1,400meninConcordconsumednearly14,000gallons ofliquorin1825.TheConcordTemperanceSociety willbeformedthreeyears later.By1843,nearlyhalfof thecity’sadultresidentswill havesignedaprohibition pledge.

April12,1719:Underan oaktree,Rev.JamesMacGregorpreachesthefirst sermoninLondonderry.His aimistoproduceapure ScottishPresbyteriancommunity,andhisfollowers havequicklyestablisheda linenindustryasaneconomicbase.Fortheremaining10yearsofhislife, MacGregorwillcarrya loadedmuskettohispulpit toguardagainstIndianattacks.

April12,1776:ConcernedaboutToriesintheir midst,NewHampshire’s CommitteeofSafetyprepares“theAssociationTest,” apledgeofallegiancetothe patriotcause.Signers promise“totheutmostof ourPower,attheRisqueof ourLivesandFortunes,with Arms,(to)opposetheHostileProceedingsofthe BritishFleetsandArmies againsttheUnitedAmerican Colonies.”Allsanewhite males21andolderarerequiredtosignorrejectthis

19 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
NE-431142 287 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE#3 CONCORD NH 03301 • 603-440-0271 DERMAL FILLERS XEOMIN INJECTIONS LASER TREATMENTS www.sansagemedicalaesthetics.com SUNRISE HEATING & COOLING (603) 507-2600 Family Owned • Fully Licensed/Insured Contractors sunriseheatingac@gmail.com Call us for all your HV C needs! Call us for all your HVAC needs! NE-439728 The Best Gift Ever! Purchase a gift certificate or prepay for a friend so they can schedule SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR DEEP CLEANING! Scan here for more info! MOBILE AUTO DETAILING - SERVING MAJORITY OF MERRIMACK AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FULLY INSURED TEL: 603-333-5600 IN-DEPTHMOBILE.COM WE OFFER SENIOR CITIZEN & MILITARY DISCOUNTS! Follow us on Facebook @2HomeFitness Follow Us Concord’s Premiere Functional Strength Training Facility www.2HomeFitness.com 2 Home Ave., Concord, NH 03301 • Pdubois@2HomeFit.com 603-219-7224

oath.Inensuingmonths, 8,567menwillsignand781 willrefuse.Manywho refusefleethestate,leaving theirpossessionsbehind.

April12,1934:Twoyears afterscientistsbegindaily weatherobservationson MountWashington,observersrecordthegreatest windspeedevermeasured onearth:231mph.

April13,2003:Afire breaksoutinanapartment buildingoffEastSideDrive inConcord,attractingthe attentionofKyleBissonnette,12,MatthewPeters, 12,andNateBell,10.Seeing flamesshootingfroma downstairswindowinthe RegencyEstatesapartment building,thethreepulltheir bikesoverandflagdowna passer-by,whocallsthepolice.KyleandMatthewhead intothebuildingandstart knockingondoors,making sureeveryoneisoutand rousingresidentswhodon’t hearthesmokealarms.Nate waitsoutsidetomakesure hisfriendscomeoutokay. Oneapartmentisdestroyed intheblaze.Nobodyisinjured.

April13,2001:Thestate SupremeCourtrejectsan appealbroughtbyconvicted murdererJamesDale.He willcontinuetoservea60yearprisonsentenceforthe rapeandmurderofa6-yearoldHopkintongirl.

April13,1945:Respondingtothedeathof PresidentFranklinD.Rooseveltthepreviousnightin WarmSprings,Ga.,JohnG. WinantofConcord,theU.S. AmbassadortoEngland, says:“ThegreatestAmericanofourageisdead.”

April14,1865:Edwin BedeeofMeredith,acaptain inthe12thNewHampshire VolunteerInfantryRegiment,goestoFord’sTheater.HecanseePresident Lincolnfromhisseat.After JohnWilkesBoothjumpsto thestageandflees,Bedee climbsoverseveralrowsand entersLincoln’sbox.He holdsthepresident’shead whileasurgeonsearchesfor Lincoln’swound.Bedeesuddenlyfeelsthepresident’s bloodrunningintohishand. “Hereisthewound,doctor,” hesays.

April14,1865:At5p.m., CongressmanEdwardH. Rollins,aConcordRepublican,stopsbytheWhite Housetoseekapassfora constituenttovisithis woundedsoninanarmy hospital.PresidentLincoln comesdownstairstooblige Rollins,writinganotetothe secretaryorwar.Itisthelast officialbusinessLincolnwill conductbeforegoingto dinnerandthetheater-and possiblythelasttimehewill signhisname.AfterLincoln isassassinatedatFord’sTheatre,Rollinskeepsthedated, signednote.

April14,1945:InresponsetoGov.Charles Dale’scallforadayof mourningforPresident Roosevelt,theMonitordoes notpublishandallbusinessesclose.

April14,1993:TheConcordFireDepartment,generallyinthebusinessofextinguishingfires,startsone: Environmentalistshopea controlledburnon10acres ofgrassattheConcordAirportwillimproveconditionsfortheendangered


April15,2003:Thestate approvesplansforanew children’scenter,aparking lotand10acresofnewski trailsattheMountSunapee SkiResort.

April15,1861:Threedays aftertheConfederateattack onFortSumter,thefirstcall fortroopsreachesConcord bytelegraphfromWashington,D.C.,at8a.m. Friendsrushacrosstothe PhenixHoteltoawakenEdwardE.Sturtevant,apopularpoliceofficerand formerprinter.Sturtevant rushestotheStateHouse and,fulfillinghisfondest wish,becomesNewHampshire’sfirstCivilWarvolunteer.

April15,1928:Augusta PillsburyofManchester makeshistory,becoming thefirstlegislatorinthenationtohaveababywhilein office.

April15,1865:At2a.m., thetelegraphattheEagle HotelbringsnewsthatPresidentLincolnhasbeenshot. At7:22a.m.,Lincolndiesin Washington.Wordspreads quicklyinConcord,and crowdsgatherinthestreets. At9p.m.manydriftto formerpresidentFranklin Pierce’smansard-roofed homeonMainStreetnear ThorndikeStreet.Alantern illuminatinghisface,Pierce expresseshis“profound sorrowandregret,”telling thecrowd:“Mybestwishes toyouallandforwhatwe oughttoholdmostdearourcountry-ourwhole country.”

April16,1965:Aftera majororganizingandfundraisingeffortby,among

others,DudleyOrr,Russell Martin,MalcolmMcLane andfigure-skatingPolice ChiefWalterCarlson,constructionbeginsontheice hockeyrinkthatwillbecometheEverettArena.

April16,1967:ThegovernorandExecutiveCouncil approvethestate’sacquisitionof224.5acresofmarshlandoffHoitRoadinEast Concordforafishand wildlifepreserve.

April17,2003:Attorneys calledtheirlastwitness againsttheRev.GeorgeRobichaud,whoisontrialin BelknapCountySuperior Courtfortwosexualassault charge,rapeandattempted rape.Robichaudisthefirst priesttobetriedonsexual assaultchargessincethe clergyabusescandalbroke inNewHampshirelastyear.

April17,2002:Three NewEnglandPatriotsand teamownerBobKraftattendarallyatthestate houseinConcordtocelebratetheteam’sSuperBowl win.PlayersDavidPatten,

AntowainSmithand RichardSeymoursignfootballsforfans.“Wewerered, whiteandblue,”Kraftsaid. “WewerethePatriots.We wereunderdogs.Butmostof all,wewerewinners.”

April17,2001:TheLaconiaSchoolBoardvotes,61,toeliminatethecartoonishdepictionofan AmericanIndianpaintedon thewallofthehighschool gym.Alsooutisthepractice ofsomeonedressingupin Indiangarbandcheeringat schoolsportingevents.For now,theboarddemurson thequestionofchangingthe schoolnicknamefrom Sachems.

April17,2000:State prisoninmatesarepaying particularattentiontothe crisisattheNewHampshire SupremeCourt.Oneinmate sayshehasspokentoatleast 20otherswhoareclosely monitoringnewsofthe court’ssupposedwrongdoing,hopefulthatanexaminationofcourtpractices willhelpsetthemfree.

20 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Make it the month you commit to advocating in court for a child who experienced abuse or neglect.
Are you looking for affordable senior living options? John H. Whitaker Place is an affordable 55+ residential community that provides an unparalleled combination of private apartment living and personal care services that facilitate independence. Learn more... Visit us online at whitakerplace.org or call 603-753-9100 to arrange an inperson tour. NE-438310
21 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024 NOW THROUGH APRIL 30th Spring Break SALES EVENT IRWIN’S PRICE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Bisson & Union Ave Laconia NH 603-524-4922 | irwinzone.com NEW 2024 LINCOLN CORSAIR Stock # RLT006 RLT006. MSRP ($49,050) 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $7,986 due at signing ($6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LMCJ1DA1RUL01278. Expires 4-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $2,575 OFF MSRP Lease for only $486 For 24 Months NOW AVAILABLE FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY FOR SERVICE CUSTOMERS For service at our 51 and 59 Bisson Ave Locations. See dealer for complete details. AVAILABLE FROM HOME OR WORK ALL MAKES AND MODELS NEW 2023 LINCOLN NAUTILUS Stock # PLT027 PLT027. MSRP $61,955. 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $7,918 due at signing. $6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing. Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 2LMPJ8K91PBL13850. Expires 4-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $7,929 OFF MSRP Lease for only $418 For 24 Months NEW 2023 LINCOLN AVIATOR Stock # PLT032 PLT032. MSRP ($69,495) 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,046 due at signing ($6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LM5J7XC2PGL22368. Expires 4-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $5,087 OFF MSRP Lease for only $546 For 24 Months NEW 2024 TOYOTA COROLLA LE NEW 2024 TOYOTA RAV4 LE AWD NEW 2024 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER XLE AWD NEW 2023 TOYOTA TACOMA Double Cab TRD Sport 4x4 SAVE UP TO $1,410 OFF MSRP Lease for only $107 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,599 OFF MSRP Lease for only $205 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $4,303 OFF MSRP Lease for only $328 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,500 OFF MSRP Lease for only $237 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,151 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing available for 36 months, MSRP: Corolla-$23,584, Rav4-$31,824, Highlander-$44,773, Tacoma-$2,859. Subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. *TFS financing is required. Expires 4-30-2024. Stock # RJT6953 Stock # RJC121 Stock # RJT252 NEW 2023 FORD ESCAPE Active AWD NEW 2023 FORD EXPLORER XLT AWD Stock # PFT451 NEW 2024 FORD BRONCO SPORT Big Bend 4x4 Stock # RFT006 NEW 2023 FORD F-150 SAVE UP TO $5,156 OFF MSRP Lease for only $128 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $5,659 OFF MSRP Lease for only $209 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $5,706 OFF MSRP Lease for only $94 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 7,500 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,156 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. FMCC financing may be required. * See dealer for complete details. Expires 4-30-2024. NEW 2024 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LS AWD NEW 2024 CHEVROLET SILVERADO Crew Cab LT 4x4 Low lease: 24 mos 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $695 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $3,648-Equinox, $3,389-Trailblazer, $2,888-Trax cash or trade equity due at signing. $0 security deposit due. Subject to credit approval. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Silverado Save Up To includes $1,000 trade assist rebate to qualified customers. See dealer for details. Manufacturers programs subject to change without notice. GM Financing required. 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Two bedroom gardenstyle and townhouse apartments in a beautiful country setting
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The Newfound Area School District is seeking its next Business Administrator to oversee district functions and operations of budgeting, facilities, food service, and transportation with a July 1 start date.

Interested candidatesshould provide a letter of interest, resume, transcripts, job application, and three (3) current letters of recommendation to be considered. Newfound Area School District offers a competitive benefits plan and provides professional development opportunities for all staff. Interested individuals must apply through SchoolSpring (www.schoolspring.com) no later than Friday, April 30, 2024.

Current State of New Hampshire Business AdministratorCertification or Ability to Obtain Certification

Please direct inquiries to: Steven Nilhas, Interim Superintendent of Schools, Newfound Area School District, 20 North Main Street, Bristol, NH 03222, Email snilhas@sau4.org or call 603.744.5555

23 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , April11 , 2024
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examine your spine and make a plan. We’re not about a quick fix. We take time to examine your spine, analyze the results and make a plan to correct the problem. Our results speak for themselves.

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