Active Aging April 2024

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May 10th at 2:00 PM

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2 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Fraud Prevention

hit the road? Some

Areyoulookingaheadandmakingtravelplans forthisfallornextyear?Planningatripand tryingtodecidewheretogoandwhattodo?Are youreadytopackyourbagsandsetoutonnew adventuresthisyear?

It’s a new age!

If40isthenew30,70isthenew50!Today’s seniorsaremoreactive,moreadventurousand aresavvierwhenitcomestotravel.Therearea lotofdifferencesbetweentourcompanies,andit isimportanttochoosetheonethatisrightfor you.Don’tjustlookatthepriceandlengthofa tour.Therearealotoffactorstoconsiderwhen choosingtherightfitforyou–qualityofthe tour,paceofthetour,includedmealsandsightseeingandtheoverall“feel”ofthecompany.

Less ho-hum, more fun!

Fromyearsoftravelingontoursasapassenger andleadingmyowntours,Ihavelearnedthatif everyoneisonthesamemissiontohavefun–nothingisgoingtostopthem.Sometimeseven thebestplansdon’tpanoutasexpected–which meansthatthingsdon’talwaysgoasplanned.As thesayinggoes,“Iflifehandsyoulemons,make

lemonade”…well,wefeellikehavingtherightattitudeequatestobringingacupofsugarto sweetenupthelemonade!Afterall,lifeisanadventure!

What’s the real cost?

Lookingatthebrochurepriceisn’talwaysa clearpictureofthecostofatrip–makesureyou understandthedifferencebetweenprice,overall costandvalue.Howmanymealsareincluded? Arealloftheactivitiesincludedorwillyoube

Let Granite VNA help start the conversation about end-of-life wishes. We’ll have a Social Worker/Notary Public available to support any adult, at any age or stage of health, through the advance care planning process.

diggingintoyourpocketeverytimeyouhopoff thebus?

Takeacloselookatwhatisincludedinthe priceofthetour–alowerpriceonthebrochure doesn’talwaysmeanlowercosttoyou.

Final thoughts


Travelingwithagrouphasalwaysbeenagreat optionforme–Ilovethecamaraderiethat comeswithtravelingwithagroupofstrangers thatbecomefriends;Ilovesharingtheexperiencesalongthewaywithfellowtravelers;andI lovesittingdownattheendofthedayand sharingstoriesofouradventures.Mypassionfor grouptravelhashelpedmecreateanewkindof travel–agrouptourwhereafteryoutakethat “firststep”andgetonthebus,youareinfora fun-filledadventure,notsomestuffyoldbus tour.

KellyCookeistheOwnerofTerrapinTours,loves travelingandhas25+yearsofexperienceinthe travelindustry.YoucanlearnmoreaboutTerrapin Toursandtheexcitingplaceswewillbevisitingin 2024onourwebsitewww.TerrapinTours.comorby calling603-348-7141.

3 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Time to
tips travel COURTESY A Niagara Falls trip with Terrapin Tours.
Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room! This program is offered at no charge. For more information, call (603) 224-4093, ext. 85664 or visit GoodLife Programs & Activities 254 No. State St., Unit L, Concord Walk-In Wednesday Wednesday, April 24 10 a.m. - Noon NE-441454 Effortless Styles for Everyday, Travel & Events NH’s Favorite Boutique! 13 N. Main Street, Concord, NH • Open 7 Days 603-228-1101 • Shop at

The importance of staying calm

Sounds and colors of nature have been shown to foster relaxed state of mind


Thismightsoundconfusingorevenlikeacontradiction,butlet’sdigintowhatitmeansaswe age,tobehealthyandabletobeactive.

Whenwe’recalm,weareinahealthyframeof mind,whichisalsoidealforourbodiestorestore,renewandevenhealfaster andreducethedamagestress caninstigateonoursystems.


Beingcalm,withthisfocuson thedefinition,meanswearen’t ruminatingonproblems,anxiouslywaitingforwhat’snexton ourgrowingto-dolistsorbeing lostinthinkingaboutpastproblems.

Anticipatingfutureproblems meanswe’retakingtimefrombeinginthemoment.And,yes,anticipatingafutureproblem canbereframedbycallingthat“solvingafuture situationIseefacingme.”That’smoreconstructiveandatopicforfutureresearch!

What’sinourimmediateenvironmentcan holdtheansweronhowfindacalminginfluence –whichwillhavepositiveeffectssuchasreduce

inflammation,lowerbloodpressureandallow moreclearthinking.Thistypeofcalminginfluenceiscalled“softfascination.”Softfascination isfindingsomethingthatholdsourattentionbut allowsustoreplenishourbodyanditsown healingmechanisms.

Takingawalksurroundedbynatureisanexampleofwhereyoucanfindsoftfascination, whilewatchingatelevisionshow(whethera streamingfeatureyouarewrappedupinora trustystandbyonastandardbroadcastchannel) isanexampleofanactivitywhichrequiresmore processingbyourbrains,distractingfromthe inputofthecalmingeffectsofbeingabsorbedin thenaturalworld.

Yourquestionatthispointcanrightfullybe,“I havenoaccesstoatrailtomakeanaturehike,” or,“It’stoocoldoutside,andIdon’thave clothingadequatetobeoutdoorsforlong.”You mightbesurprisedtolearnthatresearchhas shownthecalming,restorativeeffectsofthenaturalworldcanbeinfusedinyourdailyroutine eventhroughobservingindoorplantsoreven fauxflowers!


research,andherexplanationsarereadilyunderstood.Herbook,“LeafYourTroublesBehind:HowtoDestressandGrowHappiness ThroughPlants,”isamust-readforpeopleinterestedinhowplantscanbebeneficialinourlives. FromtheviewpointsofavidgardenersinNew Hampshire,thisisanobviousnotion,while thosewhodon’tgardenmightseeplantsascreatingdrudgery.

Butconsidertheresearchindicatinghowthe colorgreeniscalmingbecauseitsshorterwavelengthsdon’tneedoureyestouseanyenergyto adjusttoseeingit.Thecolorgreen,formost people,makesusthinkofthenaturalworld–so wecenterandfocusonlessexternalstimulation. Herbalconcoctionshavelongbeenknownto helphealandcurecertainmaladiesordisorders, indicatingevenmorethatplantscanoffer.

Foronemoreangletounderstandtheresearch abouttheconnectionsbetweenacalmframeof mindandrestorativebenefits,considertheresearchofAvikBasuandJasonDuvall.Intheirarticle(alongwithotherco-authors)“Attention RestorationTheory:ExploringtheRoleofSoft FascinationandMentalBandwidth,”intheEnvi-

Whether you're considering downsizing, aging in place, or exploring other housing options, our seminar will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

Discover a range of possibilities and connect with experienced experts who can guide you on your journey. Plus, meet others in your community who are navigating similar paths.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain clarity and confidence as you plan for your golden years. Reserve your spot today!

4 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center 2 Institute Drive Concord, NH
to1PM save the date Wondering about your next steps in retirement? Register Your Spot At:

ronmentalPsychologyjournalfromMay16, 2018,AttentionRestorationTheoryisoutlined anddefined.

Thisarticle,alongwithotherpublicationsby thoseauthors,helpedsetthestageformany medicalpractitionerswhonowprescribe–yes prescribe–connectiontimefortheirpatientsto dedicatetoabsorbingnature!Theyacknowledge howmanyofushavepreciouslittleconnection withelementsofnatureandhowplantsandthe soundsofnaturecancalmusdownandallowus torenewandrecharge,withwhatisknown aboutsoftfascination.

Bringingupthesoundsofnature,alongwith benefitsofseeingplantsorbeingoutdoors,isanotherangletoconsiderabouthowbeingcalmallowsustostaymoreactive.Thecurrenttrend aboutnatureconnectionstoourhealthincludes understandingsongbirds’abilitytohelpus. Whetherinreallifeinyourownbackyardor surroundedbynatureinanenvironmentyou canvisit,hearingsongbirdshasbeenshownto loweranxietyandreduceinnateparanoia. Trafficnoisehastheoppositeeffectinseveral researchprojects.

Thebirdsongstapanancientreaction,where wesensedifbirdswerecalmandchirpinghap-



Justasit’sbeenproventhatseeingplantsand flowers,whetherindoors,outdoorsoreven “fake”triggerscalmsensations,hearingrecordingsofbirdsongscanhavethesamepositivereactionsonourmindsets.Whenwehearrecordingsofthesongs,breathbecomesmoreregular andwehaveliberatedpartsofourmindsforrelaxationandminimizingcortisolrelease.

Sohowdotheseideas,factsandresearch weaveintoourdailylivestohelpusstaycalm andthereforebeabletobemoreactive?Byreducinginflammationandtheachesandpainswe mayhaveascribedto“justgettingolder,”wecan feelmorelimberandenjoywalksoutsideor tasksinourgardensorlearningfirsthandwhat thepickleballcrazeisallabout!

Itcantakepractice,buttakesometimetosit inalawnchairorsetyourselfupcomfortably andlookoutawindowforafewminuteseach day.Workyourwayuptomakingthisahabit, andtry10minutesadayasaprescriptionfor whatyouneedtoaccomplishthatdayorthink backonwhatyoudidaccomplishorenjoythat day.

Whenyouseeorhearabirdonabranchorin abushyoumayhavezeroedinon,makethatthe

centerofyourthoughts.Chancesaregoodthat onceyouhearonebird,youwillhearanother–ofthesametypeorofadifferenttypeinresponsetothefirst.

Ifyoucan’taccessthenaturalenvironmentso easily,thenwedohaveanabilityinourhands, withoursmartphones.CheckouttheworldrenownedCornellLabofOrnithology’swebsite,,orexploreitsapp.Thereyou canhearbirdsongstopracticewithandseehow youfeelwiththistypeofpracticaltherapy.

Onceyoufindyourselfgettinginvolvedwith AttentionRestorationTherapyorsoftfascination,youmightenjoytheabilityyou’llhaveto recordbirdsongsyouhearwiththeapp’sability toidentifythebirdbyitssong.

Researchindicatesthatovertime,yourday willhaveabetterflowtoit,yourbody’sown healingmechanismswillkickinandyouwillfeel morecalmandabletoaccomplishmorewith moreenergythanyoumayhavehadintherecentpast.Beingcalmwillleadtoamoreactive lifestyle!

CrisBlackstoneisaNewHampshire-certified landscapeprofessionalandaUNHCooperative ExtensionNaturalResourcesSteward.

up the sounds of nature, along with benefits of seeing plants or being outdoors, is another angle to consider about how being calm allows us to stay more active.

Aging in Place at Home, with Extra Peace of Mind

• Does the dishwasher or computer break, and you don’t know where to turn?

• Are you finding it more difficult to do little (and big) tasks around the home?

• Would your life be easier if your groceries were delivered to you, or you got a ride to the doctor’s office?

If so, Monadnock at Home is here to help!

Join us for a free informational session for older adults (age 62+) who live independently at home but could use assistance around the home or are seeking stronger community connections.

Wednesday, May 22, 11 a.m.

Peterborough Public Library

Space is limited – register now! or call 603-371-0809

5 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
NE-415643 A New Hampshire Law Firm for Businesses and Individuals Elder Law
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breaking myths

Addressing ageism in the workplace

Assumptions are guesses we begin to believe

Forcontext:Institutionalageismreferstoa cultureperpetuatingageismthroughitsactionsandpolicies.Interpersonalageism referstosocialinteractions.Internalizedageism iswhenpeoplehaveageistbeliefsthatareappliedtothemselves.

Generalizingaboutolder peopleisnodifferentthan generalizingaboutrace, ethnicityandgender. Thankfully,wehavebecomemoreawareofthose other“isms,”butageismis somehowstillaccepted,expectedandcondoned,evenbypeoplewhofall intotheolderagecategory.

Thereare,ofcourse,plentyofexceptionsto thestereotype.However,callingthem“exceptions”impliesthatthey’retrue,exceptunder certaincircumstances.


ployeesofdifferentagesto“useeachother”in thebestsenseoftheterm.Ofcourse,notallnew employeesareyoungandnotallveteransareold. Yet,itisnotuncommonformosttofitwithin thoseagecategories.

Iworkedwithacompany(notontheEast Coast,sodon’ttrytoguesswhoitis)where peoplewerehopingalong-timeemployeewould leave.Hedidannouncehisretirement,andmany weredelighted.Noticingthatreaction,theleadershipteamdecidedtohavehimdevotehislast threemonthsoftenuretosharinginstitutional wisdom.

Hehadnoideahowmuchheknewbecauseit wassoembeddedinhisexperience.Oncehe starteddoingthat,peoplewerehangingonevery word,eventuallybegginghimnottoretire.They nowaskallretireestodevotethelastthree monthsoftenuretosharingaccumulatedknowledge:theirexperiencesandwhatworkedinthe pastandwhatdidn’t.

Are the following facts or myths?

Olderpeoplecan’tlearnnewthingsorways. Really?Youdon’tknowanyoneinthatgroup whousesacomputer,hasacellphone,drivesa newcar,hastriedanewrecipe,learnedanew

Where caring is a way of life...

At Scott-Farrar, we proudly carry forward our tradition of caring for local seniors of the Monadnock Region. Some of the great benefits of calling Scott-Farrar home include:

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• Transportation to medical appointments

Call us today to schedule your tour at Scott-Farrar.


Theyareresistanttochange.Well,justabout everyoneisreluctantatsomelevelbecausewith everychange,thereisatrade-off.Evenpositive changemeansgivingupwhatisfamiliarand comfortable.Toreferencetheworkplaceagain,I hearthat“newpeoplearen’thavingtroublewith thechanges.”Theydidn’tdoittheoldway!Orat leastnotforverylong.

You’reasoldasyoufeel.Talkaboutinstilling guilt!Doesthatmeanifyouhaveanache,you broughtitonbecauseyourleftlegfeltold?I’ve seenalotofyoungpeoplestruggling.Intheir case,weassumeit’stheresultofanaccident.

Olderfolksaren’tvaluabletosociety.Ifthat’s true,let’seliminateallhistoryclasses.Welearn fromwhathappenedinthepast.Whobetterto informusthanthosewholivedthroughit,especiallyifwedon’twanttorepeathistoricalnegatives?

They’velostasenseofpurpose.Isthattrueor aretheylistenedtoless?

Get beyond assumptions

Beyondacertainage,peoplearecreditedwith beingwarmandnicebutperceivedaslesscom-

6 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Non-profit 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care 603-924-3691 •
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and Hillsborough.
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petent.Ifthey’renotkind,theyfallintothecategoryof“grumpyoldperson.”Actually,it’sstill usuallydescribedas“grumpyoldmen.”Women aresometimessoignoredthatthey’renoteven describedasbeingcantankerous.

Nevercounteringwhatanolderpersonsaysis consideredrespectful.It’sactuallydismissive. Whendebatingsomeone,you’reatleastacknowledgingthem.

Olderpeopleareassumedtobesexuallyinactive.Thenagain,despitethebeliefthatit’snow anacknowledgedtopic,noonewantstoknow thataboutanyone,certainlynotabouttheir grandparents.

Beyond a certain age, if people are not kind, they fall into the category of “grumpy old person.” Actually, it’s still usually described as “ grumpy old men.” Women are sometimes so ignored that they’re not even described as being cantankerous.

Theyshouldworkveryhardatappearing young.Ioncetalkedwithawomanwhowasbaf-

• Help your neighbors with transportation to non-emergency medical and support services.

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fledthat(mostlyfemales)areencouragedtoact orsaythey’re10yearsyounger.Shetellspeople she’s10yearsolder.Herwords:“IfI’m65and sayI’m55,peoplethink,‘Wow!Shedoesn’tlook good.”IfI’m65andsayI’m75,theresponseis, ‘Youlookterrific!’”

Theolderyouare,thelessyoucancontribute tosociety.Ifwedon’tinvitetheircontributions, we’reindeepshit.Whoops!Wasthatnotappropriateorshouldthatstatementonlybereserved foryoungerpeople?


7 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Direct 603-491-0833 Office 603-228-0151 Masiello Group 4 Park Street, Concord NH 03301 Senior Real Estate Specialist SUSAN ROEMER
be your starting point when your weighing your options for your living situation.
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Susan’s 21 years of Selling Real Estate in the Capital Region and her Senior Real Estate Specialist Designation empowers her to be your source. Susan can guide you with grace, confidence and professionalism with difficult life choices, decisions to age in place or when to sell, where to go. Call or email Susan for a no-obligation consultation 603-491-0833 |
our Volunteer Driver Program. We serve Monadnock Region residents who lack access to transportation due to age, ability, income, or other limiting circumstances.
Tours Terrapin VOTED #1 TRAVEL DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO JOIN US! Our tours book up quickly - we have over 40 tours in 2024!

Another year, another challenge

John Burke celebrated his 81st birthday with his 81st straight day hiking up Pack Monadnock - now 82, he has new goals in mind


Now,hewillhavetocomeupwitha waytotoplastyear,whenhechallenged himselftocelebratehis81stbirthdayby hikingupPackMonadnockinPeterborougheverydayfor81daysstraight.

“Iwantedtodosomething,inmyown mind,tocelebrate,”Burkesaid.

Burkehasalwayslikedbeingoutdoors, andMillerStatePark,wherehebeganhis dailyhikes,hadaspecialplaceinhis heart,asheworkedtherepart-timeasa parkrangerwhileinhighschool.Hesaid itwasalreadyafavoriteofhis,withaccesstobothwoodtrailsandapavedvehicleaccessupthemountain.

Despite2023beingtherainiest summeronrecord,Burkesaidhewasde-

8 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
cover story
COURTESY SEE COVER STORYPAGE 10 Scan to learn more. Mind & Memory Care 603.931.4740 300 Pleasant Street | Concord At The Birches at Concord, residents experience countless opportunities to participate and engage. Here, life is lived through connections.
John Burke, left, receives a shirt with the number “81” to mark his 81st consecutive day hiking Pack Monadnock, for his 81st birthday.


Since opening their CBD store at 211 Loudon road, Concord NH , Rick & Laurie Smith have been nominated BEST CBD STORE 3 consecutive times by their loyal customers thru the Concord Monitor as well as the Union Leader. They attribute it to putting Education First and Retail Second. Smith says he was totally shocked at the need for a more natural alternative to common ailments such as pain, sleep, and anxiety. “In the world we live in today, it’s no wonder that more and more people are suffering from anxiety and sleep deprivation “the truth of the matter is people are stressed out and that sometimes can lead to poor sleep and even increased inflammation in the body. The response from the community has been outstanding and we truly appreciate each and every customer in the last 5 years. When a new customer comes in we first like to listen to what brought them in and try and get a true understanding of the underlying issues. Next we always offer free samples and education of how CBD works in our body and the potential benefits. Then we explain what products we have available and the difference between each one as well as the various applications. We always maintain a “No Pressure” atmosphere where education always comes first and I feel people appreciate that. Our Theory from day one, has been to treat each customer as they were family and to try our hardest to help them the best we can with whatever resources we have available to us. If we are successful in doing that then we know they will re-

turn. We truly do care about our customers.

When asked about what separates SunMed products from other brands? Smith replies, well first of all, you have to be careful out there, not all CBD is the same. We believe in quality and transparency from soil to oil. That’s why every one of our products come with a scannable QR code with a specific lot number that links thirdparty lab reports. Our Stringent quality control process ensures our products deliver the best possible results for you and your family. I Think in the last 5 years we’ve been able to leave a positive mark in the community. Most new customers come to us with the understanding that you can’t stay in business for 5+ years (through a pandemic) unless you have superior products that are effective and helping people. Rick and Laurie invite you to stop by YOUR CBD STORE located at 211 Loudon Rd @ Courtyard Square TueSat 10-6. Come on in and get educated, get some free samples and enter our Free 100$ Store Drawing.


CBD, scientifically known as

cannabidiol, is a naturally-occurring compound found in the resinous flower and leaves of the hemp plant. Dating back thousands of years, this plant compound has been used as a natural wellness supplement for various mental and physical needs. CBD is the best- researched Cannabinoid, with its list of restorative wellness benefits constantly expanding. CBD and other plant compounds interact with the receptors in our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) known to be the largest system of receptors in mammals. This system places a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes. Essentially, Cannabinoids are crucial to how we (and our pets) experience everyday life.


The mother of all Cannabinoidscannabigerol (CBG) is the precursor for THC AND CBD in hemp plants. Without the production of CBGA (the acidic form of CBG), there would be no Cannabinoids. Aside from this major fact, this minor Cannabinoid is studied individually for its stimulating invigorating, and mood-lifting properties. Now, some hemp plants are cultivated specifically for CBG production. Just as CBD is the first cannabinoid produced in the hemp plant,

it is best to utilize this cannabinoid first thing in the morning. We use a CBGA-rich formula in our favorite immune+ tincture and other daytime products.


Cannabinol (CBN), the first cannabinoid to be isolated by scientists, also begins as CBG, Through exposure to heat, air and light, the CBG then degrades to THC, and eventuallybecomes CBN. This naturally occurring “sleepy” cannabinoid takes much longer to produce than its mother cannabinoid, but is well worth the wait. Exciting research continues to emerge on CBN’s relaxing sedative effects on the ECS. Therefore, it is best to take this minor cannabinoid about an hour before your desired sleep time. We utilize CBN, lavender and valerian root in our plant -rich nighttime formulas.

9 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
First Time Customers 20% OFF Your Purchase Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 5/18/2024 Learn more about how CBD can possibly help you or a loved one by visiting N.H’s Flagship Your CBD Store located in Concord N.H. Your CBD Store Concord 603-715-1153 211 Loudon Rd. Ste A Concord N.H. @ Courtyard SQ The product is
FDA. NE-441220
not intended to prevent, treat, diagnose or cure any condition or disease and has not been tested or approved by the

terminednotto“cheat”byskipping anydays.

“Ionlygotcaughtintheheavyrain threetimes–andthere’splentyof treestostandunderuntiltherain passes,”Burkesaid.“Ienjoybeing there,evenwhenit’srainingor snowing.”

Burkesaidingood,dryweather, he’lltacklethewoodedtrails,buthe usuallyfollowsthetollroadasasafety measure.Hesaidhehasmetmany otherregularsonthetrails–oneofthe thingshelikesmostaboutthehobby. “Youmeetalotofnicepeoplewho goup,”hesaid.“Therearequiteafew peoplethatgouptherealmostevery day.”

Burketookonhischallengeinthe firsthalfofJune,andcompletediton thelastdayofAugust.Whenhefinishedhishikethatday,hewasgreeted atthePackMonadnockbasebypark workers,whohadarrangedasurprise

10 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
UNH.EDU/OLLI 603-255-3553 Stay Curious! Join our community of active older adults who enjoy lifelong learning opportunities! LEARN FOR THE FUN OF IT with over 300 affordable noncredit courses annually in OLLI’s four statewide learning regions and online. NE-441867 An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Experience what active aging feels like at Spring Village at Summerhill. Call to schedule a tour today at 603-924-6238 183 Old Dublin Rd Peterborough, NH
John Burkeof Peterboroughwas joined onsomeof hishikesupPack Monadnock by hisdaughter, Lynsey, and her dog, Berlioz.

forhim–ashirtwithajersey-style number“81”ontheback,tomark hisachievement.

Burke,whoisretiredfromacareerinsalesinthedairyindustry, saidaftercompletinghis81sthike, he’sstillaregularatthepark,andit’s hisgo-tohikingspotmultipletimes aweek.Hesaidheoccasionallywill branchout,climbingMountMonadnock,NorthPackMonadnockor goingforwalksinthebackwoodsof SharonoraroundWillardPond,but PackMonadnockandMillerState Parkremainhisfavorite,forconvenienceandknowledgeofthetrails.

Hesaidnowthathe’scelebrated his82ndbirthday,he’llhavetocome upwithanewwaytomarkhislatest triparoundthesun.Hesaiditlikely won’tbeaconsecutivechallenge againbutwilllikelyinvolveafitness goal,suchastakingacertainamount ofstepswithin82days.

“Ithinkit’sbeenbig,health-wise, forme,”Burkesaidofhishiking hobby.“It’salwaysfunwhenyou’re outdoors,doingsomething.”

Forthoseinterestedinpickingup hiking,Burkesaidhismainpieceof adviceittotakeitasslowasyou needtoandenjoythehikewhileit’s happening.

“Doitatapaceyoucanenjoy,” Burkeadvised.“Don’tbeinahurry togoupanddownandgosomewhereelse.Enjoythetime.Thefirst timeIwentup[PackMonadnock],it tookmeanhour.Now,it’smorelike halfanhour.Youcansetyourown goals,butdon’tforgettoenjoythe moment.”

AshleySaaricanbereachedat603924-7172,Ext.244,orasaari@’sonX@ AshleySaariMLT.

Our experienced attorneys help individuals, families and business owners achieve their wealth management goals and the preservation and transfer of assets to future generations. Through comprehensive estate planning and active interaction with our clients’ financial advisors, our attorneys identify needs and implement flexible strategies designed to fulfill our clients’ objectives. We regularly accept clients by referral.

11 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Trusts, Estates, and Probate Administration
Views along PackMonadnock in Peterborough.
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alcohol or drugs, or abusing medications to cope with life will always just be a temporary fix. Get A Free Drug and Alcohol Counselor or a Recovery Coach WWW.REALITYCHECKNOW.ORG • OFFICE 603-532-9888 VETERANS
Laura M. Dudziak

“It started out as a normal outing. My wife and I had to run to the grocery store. We were driving down the road casually going over our shopping list when the car ahead of me started to slow down anticipating the yellow light. I started to move my foot from the gas to the brake as any normal person would do when they see brake lights in front of them, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t feel my foot. The car kept moving forward and I just couldn’t get my foot on the brake and CRUNCH! I finally came to a stop when I hit the Car in front of me.”

This tragic story was shared with us by Mike S., a New Hampshire resident who has Peripheral Neuropathy. While no one was hurt in this accident, Mike S. had suffered almost every day of his life with tingling and burning in his feet until numbness set in, and he could no longer feel even the brake pedal beneath his foot.

“The first stage is pain.” Shares Dr. Kristen Markwith of Trend Acupuncture & Integrative

That’s where Dr. Markwith and her staff at Trend come in. “About 80% of our current patients come to us suffering from the same condition as Mike,” tells Dr. Markwith. “They’re in constant pain from neuropathy and it prevents them from not only living their lives but more importantly, it prevents them from enjoying it. Depending on the severity of their nerve damage, we typically see tremendous progress in 3-4 months of treatment. I like to say we’re in the business of making your golden years golden.”

“I can’t lie,” confides Mike. “I was skeptical at first. So many specialists told me there was nothing that could be done and then there’s a doctor right here in Concord tells me she can help. Turns out she was right! About three months after treatment I was able to confidently drive myself to my appointments! My wife and I celebrated by buying ourselves a new car. It’s hard to put into words how incredible this is, quite frankly [Dr. Kristen] gave me my life back.”


Local clinic has a modern, medical solution to treat your Peripheral Neuropathy And is seeing incredible results!

Medicine. “You feel burning, tingling, sharp pains, or you feel like you’re walking on tacks or marbles. This pain eventually subsides and the numbness sets in. Unfortunately, the numbness brings with it a whole other host of problems.”

This was the case with Mike. “I said I wasn’t going to drive again. What if that had been a pedestrian?”

It is terribly common that peripheral neuropathy and its debilitating symptoms interfere with a person’s ability to live their life. Mike was now reliant on his wife to drive him around, even the simple pleasure of cruising downtown or taking her to dinner was outside his capabilities. And even more common, Mike’s general practitioner and several specialists told him there was nothing they could do other than to prescribe him pills that would ease the pain of his neuropathy.

While Trend Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine specializes in acupuncture and it’s definitely part of their protocols in treating neuropathy, the real secret is in a more modern medical solution called ATP Resonance BioTherapy™. “This technology was originally developed by NASA to expedite healing and recovery,” shares Mikayla, Director of Patient Care at the clinic. “It’s like watering a plant. ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ stimulates the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerve and provide them the proper nutrients to heal and repair.”

If you’re ready to schedule a complimentary consultation, call (603) 456-8294 and a care coordinator will be happy to assist you.

You can learn more about Dr. Markwith and Trend by visiting

We blend the time-tested with innovative medical so you can

12 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
(603) to schedule a 163 Manchester Street,

time-tested science of acupuncture solutions to treat your pain, LIVE your life.

Peripheral Neuropathy is the pain, discomfort and numbness caused by nerve damage of the peripheral nervous system. Dawn explained that daily tasks like opening doors and using the bathroom were overwhelmingly painful. “How can you live for the next 30 years when you don’t even want to get out of bed and do simple things?” She was experiencing the burning, numbness, tingling and sharp pains that those suffering with neuropathy often describe. “The way I would describe it, it’s equivalent to walking on glass.” Dawn hadn’t worn socks in five years and was wearing shoes two sizes too big so that nothing would ‘touch’ her feet. Unfortunately, Dawn’s story is all too familiar for the over 3 million people in the U.S. suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy.

Medicine in Concord, NH., is using the time tested science of Acupuncture and a technology originally developed by NASA that assists in increasing blood flow and expediting recovery and healing to treat the debilitating disease. “Now when I go to bed at night I don’t have those shooting pains. I don’t have that burning sensation. I don’t have pain coming up my legs,” Dawn enthusiastically describes life after receiving Dr. Kristen’s treatments. “I can wear socks and shoes!”

Dawn and her sister now operate a successful dog walking business, sometimes covering up to 5 miles a day.

“It’s life altering. As far as I’m concerned Dr. Kristen saved my life!”

Dr. Kristen Markwith has been helping the senior community for over 10 years using the most cutting edge innovative

“My feet and legs were extremely painful and my doctor told me there was nothing they could do. That I would have to take Gabapentin for the  rest of my life.”


If you’re unfortunate enough to be facing the same disheartening prognosis, you’re not sleeping at night because of the burning in your feet. You have difficulty walking, shopping or doing any activity for more than 30 minutes because of the pain. You’re struggling with balance and living in fear that you might fall. Your doctor told you to, ‘just live with the pain’ and you’re taking medications that aren’t working or have uncomfortable side effects.

Fortunately, four months ago Dawn read an article about Dr. Kristen Markwith, Licensed Acupuncturist, and the work she was doing to treat those suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, without invasive surgeries or medications.

Dr. Kristen Markwith, founder of Trend Acupuncture and Integrative

integrative medicine. Specializing in chronic pain cases, specifically those     that have been deemed ‘hopeless’ or ‘untreatable,’ she consistently generates unparalleled results.

What was once a missing link in senior healthcare is now easily accessible to the residents in and around Concord.

If you’ve missed too many tee times because of pain or you passed on going for a night out on the town because you are afraid of falling, it’s time to call Dr. Kristen Markwith and the staff at Trend.

It’s time you let your golden years be GOLDEN!

To schedule a complimentary consultation, please call (603) 456-8294, a patient care coordinator will be happy to assist you.

To learn more about Dr. Markwith and Trend Acupuncture, please visit us at

13 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
(603) 456-8294 a consultation! Street, Unit 2,
Concord, NH

Documents protect loved ones planning

Estate preparation is important, for you and those who will inherit your assets

Itisincrediblyimportanttohaveproperestate planningdocumentsinplacetoprotectyourself andyourassetsintheeventofyourincapacity, andsoyoucancontrolwhathappenstoyourassetsafteryoudie.

Butequallyimportantishavingtherightdocumentsinplaceforwhileyouarestillliving.If youbecomeincapacitated,whoisgoingtomake decisionsonyourbehalformanageyourfinances?

Thefollowingaretwodocumentsthatcan greatlyimpactyouranswersandshouldbediscussedwithyourestateplanningattorney,your financialadviserand/oryourdoctor.


Adurablegeneralpowerofattorneynamesan individualtoactforyouintheeventofyourincapacity.Thispersonisknownasan“agent.”Itis

importanttonotethatthistypeofpowerofattorneycanbevalidupononsigningorupon yourincapacity.Additionally,theword “durable”impliesthatthisdocumentisvalid untilyoueitherrevokeitorpassaway.

Finally,whilethisdocumentoftencontains broadpowers,sothatyouragenthastheability toactonyourbehalfinalmostanysituation,itis importanttonotethatthisdocumentdoesnot typicallyallowyouragenttoactwithregardsto anyassetsheldinatrust(ifyouhaveone).Instead,atrusteewoulddealwithalltrustassets. Insomecases,theagentandtrusteearethesame person,buttheyarenotrequiredtobe.

Advancedirectiveforhealthcare (durablepowerofattorneyforhealthcare andlivingwill)

Anadvancedirectivenamessomeonetomake healthcaredecisionsonyourbehalfifyouare unabletodosoyourselfandtoallowapersonto


Whilethisdocumentallowsyoutochoose whomakesthesedecisionsandalsodictatewhat typeofcareyouwantinspecificsituations,this documentisnotaDNR(DoNotResuscitate order),whichcanonlybecompletedbyyour doctor.

Additionally,itimportanttonotethattheNew HampshireLegislaturemostrecentlyupdated thesedocumentsin2021.Thatdoesnotinvalidateapreviouslyexecutedadvancehealthcare directive,butitisalwaysrecommendedtohave themostcurrentversion.Assuch,youmaywant todiscussupdatingthesedocumentswithyour estateplanningattorneyordoctor’soffice.

StephanieJ.Thomsonisanattorneyfocusingon estateplanning,probate,businessrepresentation andresidentialandcommercialrealestatetransactionsatUpton&HatfieldinPeterborough.

An advance directive names someone to make health care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so yourself and to allow a person to die with dignity and not be kept alive by a machine under certain conditions.

14 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Engage as you age. To learn more, visit or call 603-924-2144 The care you need, close to home. Arthritis? Joint injury? Living with pain? You need care you can trust to address your problems and regain your strength, independence, and good health. Monadnock Orthopaedic
A service of Monadnock Community Hospital
Associates is
for you.
“This is the community I’ve been waiting for.”

We broke the mold when we broke ground. And now The Baldwin is open and introducing a fresh, new perspective to senior living. This all-new community for modern seniors incorporates cutting-edge knowledge about what it means to live well and age well — with services and amenities that bring more convenience and more fun to life. No sequestering here, The Baldwin is a walkable, intergenerational environment designed to keep you active and fully engaged in life. We invite you to check it out and see if The Baldwin is the community you’ve been waiting for, too.

The Baldwin is now open!

A limited number of brand-new apartment homes are available and shown by appointment. To learn more and schedule a tour, call 603.699.0840 or go to

15 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
| Londonderry,
The Baldwin

Choosing an executor or trustee

Ifyou’vemadeawillorcreatedarevocable trusttoorganizeyouraffairs,Iapplaudyou. You’reaheadofabout50%ofyourfellowcitizens.

Still,keepinmindthatsomeofthemostimportantbutoftenpoorlyconsideredestateplanningdecisionsarethoseaboutwhotodesignate tomakeheadsortailsoutofyourfinalestate/trustwishesandtoworkonthoseissues withtherestofyourfamilymembers.AndI knowthatbecausewe’vejustexperienceda coupleof“unfortunate”choicesforthosecritical rolesthathavemadetheestateandtrustadministrationprocessforthosefamilies“unpleasant,” shallIsay.

Youmaybethinkingthattheworstchoicefor importantjobslikeexecutorortrusteewouldbe thechildofdecedentparentswhohasverylittle businessorfinancialexperienceandcouldn’ttell agooddecisionfromabadone.Conversely,you mayalsobethinkingthatthebestchoicewould bethechildwho’salawyerorinvestmentadviserandworksinthelegalorfinancialarenafor

aliving.Sorrytosay–especiallyaboutlawyers–butthatthinkingisoftentherootofadisaster ahead.

Andwhenyoureallythinkaboutit,thereason issimple.That’sbecauseveryfewofthesesituationsrequirethelegalorfinancialacumenyou’re countingonyourmostbrilliantchild,brotheror niecetobringtobear.Whatyouneedinsteadof theknow-it-alls,whomayhavegottenwhere theyareintheirpersonalorprofessionallives throughaggressive,take-charge,evenarrogant

MOs,arethoseraresoulswhocangetalongwith alltheplayers,whoarefairandreasonableand whomeveryoneelsetrustsandrespects.

Theycanhirethelawyersandfinancialwizardsiftheyneedthem,buttheyaren’tnearlyas likelytoneedthemaswheneveryonefeels they’rebeingtakenadvantageof,bullied, cheatedorliedto–andeveryonefeelstheneed tolawyeruptoprotectthemselves.

So,lookedatfromthisperspective,youmay wanttomakeanentirelydifferentchoicefor yourexecutorortrusteethanyoufirstthought. Thesituationsthatpromptedthislamentcertainlywouldhavebeenbetterservedbythis counterintuitiveapproach,aswouldthewell-intentionedparentswhowouldhaveavoided rollingoverintheirwherevers.

Here’sasuggestionabouthowtotesttheapproachI’mrecommending.Haveafamily meetingwhereyoutalkabouttheconsiderations I’madvancing.Assembleyourcandidatesand raisetheissuesamongthem.Tellthemhow you’rehopingtheprocesswillgo.


16 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Don’t be swayed by who’s eldest, who’s most educated or who takes charge planning SEE PLANNING PAGE 18 603.224.3368 CONCORDORTHO.COM Your local experts keeping you on the go Foot & Ankle Care | Hand Surgery | Orthopaedic Trauma | Pediatric Orthopaedics Spine Surgery (Physiatry/Spinal Injections) | Sports Medicine | Total Joint Surgery 603.224.3368 Hover over our QR code to access online self-scheduling: Accepting new patients AIC walk-in clinics Concord & Londonderry

69% of seniors will need some sort of long-term care.

What’s your plan to pay for it?

• Could I lose my home and life savings to a nursing-home stay?

• What if my adult child divorces or dies?

• What if my adult child is battling creditors/addiction and inherits my estate?

If these, or questions like them, are keeping you up at night, don’t miss this powerful educational session with key steps you can take to create a lasting legacy. Planning early is critical.

Tuesday, May 14, 1:00-2:30 PM Hooksett Public Library, 31 Mount St. Mary’s Way, Hooksett

Wednesday, May 15, 1:00-3:00 PM Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Ave., Concord

Wednesday, May 22, 6:00-7:30 PM Hooksett Public Library, 31 Mount St. Mary’s Way, Hooksett

Thursday, May 23, 1:00-3:00 PM Nashua Senior Center, 70 Temple St., Nashua

Tuesday, June 18, 10:00-11:30 AM Hudson Senior Center, 19 Kimball Hill Rd., Hudson

To register, go to or call 1-800-370-5010

Check our website for additional seminars being offered throughout the state.


Concord, Bedford, Nashua, Exeter (NH) and North Andover (MA)

* Legal Only.

Attorney Edward Beasley Attorney Advertising Special Guest: Greg Gagne, ChFC
* *

hastheJDorMBAorbywhoseems tobethetake-chargetype.And don’tcopoutbynamingeveryone toserveasco-executorsorcotrustees,atleastunlessyouroffspringaremorelikelytohaveeach other’sbacksthantoengagein powerplays.Anyotherco-sibling scenarioisjustkickingthecan downtheroadandsettingthemall upforpotentialconflict.Ofcourse, yourlifehistorywiththemwill countforalot,andthewaythey handlethemselvesduringthe familydiscussionwillalsoberevealing.

Then,inordertoavoidanawkwardconclusiontothemeeting, don’ttellthemwhatyou’vedecided.Youdon’twanttocreateconflictorhardfeelingsthatmayaffect theirownrelationships–ortheirs withyou–beforethetimecomes, andifyoutellthemandthenchange yourmind,thatcanaddthepotentialforseriousdiscord.

Instead,onceyoumakeupyour mind,composeathoughtfulside lettertoexplainyourthinking.You maybeabletosoftenachild’sdisappointmentbyexplainingthatone seemedtoobusytotakeonthead-

ditionalresponsibilitiesorlivedtoo farfromhometodevotethehandsontimetocompletetheworkefficiently.You’llknowwhattosayand howtodoitdiplomatically,inthe interestsofpreservingfamilyharmonyonceyou’renottheretobe thepeacemaker.Andthat’sgoalNo. 1,inmyhumbleopinion.

Onefinaltidbitisnottohavethis kindofmeetingwhenyou’reall gatheredforaholidaycelebration. Thosearesupposedtobejoyousoccasions,andtheyhavetheirown stresses.Plus,youdon’twant someonetoassociateturkeyorbarbecuewithchallengingconversationsanddecidenottocomeback nextyear.

Look,Iknowthiscanbeadifficultprocess,butsoisalotofparenting.Andifyou’reachildwho’s readingthismessagewithyourparents,rememberthatthisistheirdecisionandrespectthembybeing theteamplayeryouknowisthe rightwaytohonorthem.

L.PhillipsRunyonIIIhaspracticed estateandtrustlawinPeterborough forthepast50years.Hewasalsopresidingjusticeofthe8thCircuitCourt for27years.

18 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
PLANNING FROM PAGE 16 NE-441707 Locally owned and operated, caring for your family with compassion Peace of mind worry free cremations The only green crematorium in New Hampshire Compassionate Cremation Services of New Hampshire 603-654-2900 32 Maple Street, Wilton, NH 03086 Phone: (603) 654-6524 •Fax: (603) 654-9645 32 Maple Street, Wilton, NH 03086, P.O. Box 746 NE-442230 PETERBOROUGH FAMILY DENTAL & IMPLANT CENTER DR AINSLIE, DDS | DR RAHIM, DMD Accepting New Patients! Call for an appointment today! 21 GROVE STREET, PETERBOROUGH 603 924 3664 Dentistry Focused on Quality & Care Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority
19 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024 Meet. Learn. Enjoy. Discover a new vision of aging! Learn More About GoodLife Email: Website: Phone: 603-228-6630 Address: 254 N State St, Unit L, Concord, NH 03301 Not Your Average Senior Center… GoodLife is a 50+ health and wellness center. We have everything from Cardio to Yoga and even Trips, Art, Tai Chi and Educational Seminars - tailored to the community we serve. Commit to getting in shape, staying mentally engaged and connecting with your peers! Our classes are both in-person and via Zoom so everyone has the opportunity to participate. We have both low-cost and FREE classes and you don’t have to pay for a membership! Call today for a personal visit and tour: 603.934.3718 24 Peabody Place,Franklin, NH Peabody.Place "A place for all seniors, we welcome diversity." • 85 years ofexemplary care • No entrance fee with all-inclusive amenities • Pet Friendly • Beautifully well-appointed suites • Not for profit organization Assisted Living NowAvailable! Best value in the Lakes Region INDEPENDENT LIVING -ASSISTED LIVING - MEMORYCARE "My mom became a
by all
has been wonderful. My sister
I couldn't be
safe environment.
NE-441341 Your mouth is a window to the rest of your body. Good health is a function of participation! 603-532-8720 Tel 603-532-5618 Fax 123 Main Street Jaffrey, NH 03452 NE-441639 NE-442196 603-715-1153 • HTTP://WWW.GETSUNMED.COM OPEN TUE - SAT 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CLOSED SUN & MON CBD PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE. FOR ADULTS OVER 18+ MIND: Gummies | Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble Bath and Beauty Mushroom Gummies BODY: Topical Gummies Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble | Bath and Beauty Mushroom Gummies SLEEP: Gummies Long Lasting Tincture RISE: Gummies Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble Mushroom Gummies PET: Treats and Chews Long Lasting Tincture TRIM: Long Lasting Tincture Soft Gel Capsule Trim Gummies COME FIND US UP ON THE HEIGHTS AT COURTYARD SQUARE, ACROSS FROM SUGAR RIVER BANK! MADE IN THE USA FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS EXPIRES 5/18/2024 CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. 20% OFF FREE SAMPLES! COME EXPERIENCE THE SUNMED DIFFERENCE AT 211 LOUDON R D., SUIT E A Voted #1 CBD Store 3 years in a row! WHERE WE ARE REDEFINING EXCELLENCE THROUGH QUALITY AND TRANSPARENCY!
resident of
of 2023.
happier and of course relieved that
in a beautiful
Thanks to all the staff for making mom feel right at
- Lise D.

Your favorite blanket: time-tested, cozy, and a great place to be. Sounds just like our community. Please call for more information. Then prepare for warmth and comfort all year round. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, we have been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations plan for the expected and unexpected. As Ameriprise financial advisors, we remain true to our vision of always putting clients’ needs first. Discover how you can benefit from the strength of a global leader and the heart of a one-to-one relationship.

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Warner, NH 03278
What a family-run senior living community

Benefits of enrichment learning

OLLI at University of New Hampshire offers classes of all types and varieties

OLLIattheUniversityofNewHampshire (OLLIatUNH)standsasanengaging,memberdriveneducationalinitiativetailoredforindividualsaged50andover,fosteringaspiritof “learningforthefunofit.”

Rootedinvolunteerism,thislifelonglearning programoffersadiversearrayofover300 coursesannually,extendingbeyondtheclassroomtoencompassevents,trips,socialactivities andvolunteeropportunities,allaimedatenrichingtheexperiencesofitsmembers.

Sinceitsinceptionin2004,OLLIatUNHhas beenacatalystforintellectual,socialandculturalenrichment.Ithascultivatedanenvironmentwherefriendshipsflourish,andideasand lifeexperiencesaresharedmutually.Theadvantagesoflifelonglearningforolderadultsare manifold,rangingfromheightenedsocialconnectednesstoimprovedcognitiveandphysical healthalongwithareducedriskofdementia.

ThecourseofferingsatOLLIatUNHvary eachterm,spanningartsandhumanities,history,personalenrichment,scienceandtechnologyandsocialsciences.Thesecoursesare

30coursesintheConcordarea.Amongtheseofferingsaretitlessuchas“Spies,Lies,&Sunken Ships,”“OldNorthCemeteryWalk&Talk,” “LewisHayden:FugitiveSlave,Underground RailroadLeader,StateLegislator,”“Tourof FranklinFallsDam&Lighthouse,”and“Shakespeare’sMuchAdoAboutNothing:What’sItAll About?”

TheOLLIexperienceextendsbeyondformal courseswiththeinclusionofSpecialInterest Groups(SIGs),offeringanadditionalbenefitto members.TheseSIGsprovideaplatformfor like-mindedindividualstogatherregularly, whetheritbeforbookandmovieclubs,craft groups,oroutdoorandcommunityadventures.

conductedinperson,eitherinaclassroom,atan offsitehostfacilityoramidstthepicturesque landscapesofNewHampshire.Additionally,a selectionofcoursesisavailableonlineviaZoom, accommodatingdiversepreferencesandschedules,spanningfromsingle-classsessionsto multi-classprograms.

Duringourspring2024semester,OLLIat UNHispresentingacaptivatinglineupofover

AnannualmembershiptojoinOLLIatUNHis pricedat$40,withcourseregistrationfees startingat$20.OLLIatUNHispartofabroader network,beingoneof125OsherInstitutesaffiliatedwithcollegesanduniversitiesnationwide, allpartiallysupportedbyfundingfromthe BernardOsherFoundation.

Formoredetails, contact(603)255-3553.


21 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
classes Newly Renovated Retirement Living Rooms! Contact Mikyla Pixos to set up a tour! 603-724-6100 or Enjoy 3 meals a day, Activities, Entertainment, Housekeeping, and Laundry. Access to medical staff at Presidential Oaks. A great value just minutes from downtown Concord.  Call for your private tour. Senior Residential Care Apartments  Right Here in Concord NH!
Noted OLLI at UNH presenter Dave Hess discussing the presidential primary season last February.
22 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024 9 Vose Farm Road, Suite 110, Peterborough | 603-532-8353 312 Marlboro Street, Keene | 603-352-2253 | HCS Helps You Stay at Home Visiting Nurses Rehab Therapies PT/OT Hospice at HCS Palliative Care Meals on Wheels Friendly Meals in Jaffrey Foot Care Clinics Bereavement Support Caregiver Support Group NE-441359 At Brattleboro Hearing Center your hearing healthcare is our top priority. Our Doctors of Audiology keep up with the latest technology and our research-driven practices provide the best possible outcomes in the treatment of hearing loss. We’re proud to offer personalized, patient-centered care. We look forward to hearing from you! Swanzey, NH • 603-354-3325 Brattleboro, VT • 802-254-3922 Greenfield, MA • 413-773-5119 We offer easy to operate blinds and shades! Call 603-369-6597 for your FREE in-home consultation Are you looking for affordable Assisted living options? John H. Whitaker Place is an affordable 55+ assisted living community that provides an unparalleled combination of private apartment living and personal care services that facilitate independence. Learn more ... Visit us online at or call 603-753-9100 to arrange a tour. NE-441865

Despite leading all health care sectors in wage increases, and offering the nation's best care, New Hampshire nursing homes seeking to hire staff are held back by unregulated out-of-state staffing agency price-gouging, and delays in finalizing Medicaid applications. And they're further threatened by an unfunded one-size-fits-all federal staffing mandate that would close facilities and deny care access to frail Granite Staters, especially in rural areas.

For more information, see

23 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
MORE HELP in Concord is needed so facilities can recruit, and retain, their own staff to serve the most vulnerable Granite Staters. Paid for by the N.H. Health Care Association

Call 1-800-457-6833 to schedule a tour or visit to learn more!

Havenwood Heritage Heights is a vibrant, friendly and unpretentious community on two campuses filled with resort-style amenities. Here, you’ll find an appealing selection of maintenance–free homes, including nine new cottages. The community offers an outdoor sports complex, fitness centers, indoor and outdoor pools, movie theater, Main Street and a variety of dining options.

This continuing care retirement community offers accommodations for assisted living, memory care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing should the need arise. All this in the company of friends.

24 ACTIVEAGING S a t u rd a y , April20 , 2024
Live in Good Company.
Havenwood 33 Christian Avenue Concord,
Heritage Heights 149 East Side Drive Concord,
NH 03301
NH 03301 Toll

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