Anthropology of Religion Fall 2013 Virtual Conference

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A Word from the Conference Chair Congratulations on being participants in the Fall 2013 Anthropology of Religion virtual conference. Thank you for your many wonderful presentations and for providing all of us the opportunity to learn a little about your fascinating work on a vast range of religious beliefs and practices and the complicated ways that religious ideas shape our varied realities.. As scholars in an Anthropology of Religion course (a GE course with majors from all disciplines) we have been able to undertake individual research, explore our interests and grapple with the issues involved in ethnographic representation. Each scholar has been forced to confront how to present a critical glimpse of an aspect of a religious belief system, embedded in a particular culture, and raise questions about the relationship between the two. Continued cuts in education funding and the ever increasing class sizes which resulted, threatened to make such sharing of individual research impractical (if not impossible) and meant a huge loss of opportunities for intellectual collaboration, cross-fertilization of ideas, honing of critical thinking skills and this particular shared learning environment. Moving the Anthropology of Religion class online and taking advantage of the on-campus technical support and expertise has given us a solution to those problems and made regular online conferences a reality. Please enjoy this opportunity for intellectual engagement and thoughtful reflection on the cultures and religions here represented in the work of your colleagues. --Llyn Smith

TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION.................................................................................................................................. 1 FALL 2013 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE.............................................................................................................................1 A Word from the Conference Chair.............................................................................................................................. 2 THE PACIFIC ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 A Study of the Relationship between the Sacred, Profane, and Gender in Maori Culture...........................................5 Cargo Cults: when tribal religion meets materialism ...................................................................................................5 BUDDHISM...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Ever Growing Buddha........................................................................................................................................... 5 Journey to Enlightenment............................................................................................................................................ 6 Death Views of Buddhism and Christianity..................................................................................................................6 EGYPT AND THE AFRICAN DIASPORA....................................................................................................................... 6 The Magnificent Feline: A look into Ancient Egyptian Religion...................................................................................6 An In-depth Look into Female Circumcision - Hausa Tribe.........................................................................................7 The Zande: the Trials of Magic.................................................................................................................................... 7 Judaism........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Rinse and Repeat: Jewish Ritualistic Washing............................................................................................................7 The Sacred through Jewish Ritualistic Practice...........................................................................................................8 To Follow the Law or Not to Follow the Law................................................................................................................8 RELIGIONS OF INDIA..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Why Myths in the Hindu World Matter ........................................................................................................................ 8 Hinduism...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hinduism: Deities and Daily Life, The Intersection of Religion and Culture in India....................................................9 Transformation of Yoga throughout Indian History and the Hindu Tradition................................................................9 Ammachi: The Hugging Saint...................................................................................................................................... 9 Jainism......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Balinese Hinduism: a Unique Form of Natural Resource Management....................................................................10 Singaporean Hinduism - Persevering in a Diverse Culture........................................................................................10 ISLAM and the DIASPORA........................................................................................................................................... 10 The Politics of Religion: The Prophet Muhammad as a Political Leader...................................................................10 The Role Sufi Women Play in their Religion..............................................................................................................11 Islam in Mauritania and the Practice of Force-Feeding.............................................................................................11 ASIAN RELIGIONS....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Is Daoism a Model for Environmental Sustainability?................................................................................................11 Hmong Shamanism – The Call of the Spirit...............................................................................................................12 Structure, Syncretism, and Survival of Menstruation Rites in Sri Lanka....................................................................12 The Unification Church: holy or a hoax?.................................................................................................................... 12 PAGANISM & WICCA................................................................................................................................................... 13 The Norse Mythological Ties to Nature...................................................................................................................... 13 Romans and the Gods............................................................................................................................................... 13 The Persecution of the Romani................................................................................................................................. 13 Neo-Paganism, Wicca and Political Activism.............................................................................................................13 Germanic Neo-Paganism: Auf gut Deutsch...............................................................................................................14 The Old Religion in a New World............................................................................................................................... 14 RELIGIONS in NORTH AMERICA................................................................................................................................ 14 Joseph Smith’s Followers.......................................................................................................................................... 14 The Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses...................................................................................................................15 Church of Latter Day Saints: religious beliefs and Temples .....................................................................................15 The Amish Rite of Rumspringa.................................................................................................................................. 15 LATIN AMERICA........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Sacred Monkeys Among the Maya............................................................................................................................16 Bloodletting: The Tools, Ways, and Reasons the Mayans Became Closer to Their Gods........................................16

Mayan Architecture and Art Symbols........................................................................................................................ 16 The Yanomami: A Cultural Crisis............................................................................................................................... 16 The Coming of Maya: Culture and Religion...............................................................................................................17 The Dugu: Bringing Families Together and Reinforcing a Strong Sense of Cultural Identity....................................17 The “Violence” of Controversy: Cuban Santeria........................................................................................................17 CHRISTIANITY ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Popes and Politics: A Historical Evolution of the Roman Catholic Church................................................................18 The Annointing of the Sick......................................................................................................................................... 18 NATIVE RELIGIONS of the AMERICAS ......................................................................................................................18 World Renewal........................................................................................................................................................... 18 A World of Zuni: Adaptations After European Conquest............................................................................................19 The Complexities of the Kwakwaka’wakw of the vancouver islands.........................................................................19 The cautionary Tales within Inuit Storytelling.............................................................................................................19 SYMBOLS & RITUALS.................................................................................................................................................. 20 Love After Life: Ancestor Veneration and What We Can Learn From It....................................................................20 Islamic, Hindu and Jewish Religious Beliefs: The Evil Eye........................................................................................20 The Holy Grail Targets the Milestone of the Perfect Sport........................................................................................20 Joseph Campbell and the Hero's Journey: Information gained and lost in the study of comparative mythology......21


CARGO CULTS: WHEN TRIBAL RELIGION MEETS MATERIALISM Jeff Williams Script: Cargo Cults: when tribal religion meets materialism ABSTRACT My presentation is about "cargo cults", a type of religious group mainly occurring on Melanesian islands in response to post-colonial socioeconomic conditions. Cargo cults seek to appease the divine in order to acquire Western goods, or "cargo". I explain what these religions are, how and why they form, and how they function from an anthropological perspective. This is followed by a short discussion of the "Jon Frum" cult, probably the most famous of the cargo cults, and I conclude with some of the views and criticisms of anthropologists on the whole concept of a cargo cult. To me the really interesting thing about this subject is the contrast between materialism as Westerners usually describe it (spending money on unneeded things) and materialism in a religious sense (placing value on things as sacred objects).

BUDDHISM Photo by Paloetic

A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SACRED , PROFANE, AND GENDER IN MAORI CULTURE Annie Brownwood Script: A Study of the Relationship between the Sacred, Profane, and Gender in Maori Culture ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Maori culture, and more specifically focuses upon tapu and noa and the rituals and beliefs surrounding the idea of sacred and profane within the Maori culture. Tapu and noa are also tightly bound to men and women as well as the body and its functions. Tapu and noa play roles in Maori myth, rituals, and every day life. This is an interesting topic because this semester we have learned about different cultural beliefs of the sacred and profane. By understanding more about the way the Maori view the sacred and profane, as well as tapu and noa, we can gain a better understanding about how Maori culture views the world.

Photo by Aleksander Dragnes

THE EVER GROWING BUDDHA Charles Rogers Script: The Ever Growing Buddha ABSTRACT

This presentation examines the origin of the Buddhist religion and how it has been adapted and changed to integrate with different cultures as well as modern society as a whole. The religion itself is based around the teachings of Buddha who is responsible for the idea of the four noble truths to which recognize suffering as well as an end to suffering through achieving an enlightened state called nirvana. These beliefs are the essence of the Buddhist following however modern day philosophies are being integrated along with the four noble truths to help keep the religion alive and relevant for today’s generation.


JOURNEY TO ENLIGHTENMENT Kori Gilley Script: Journey to Enlightenment ABSTRACT My presentation will examine how Buddhism rituals and practices intended to aid in the journey to enlightenment and bringing peace and blessings to ones self and others. This culture, religion, and way of living partakes in various rituals to better themselves and direct their path to transformation and improvement but the three this presentation will be examining is mental concentration and mindfulness through meditation, mantras which are sacred sounds to the Buddhist, and the Vinaya pitaka which is the code of conduct they live their everyday life by. By understanding the research shared in this presentation other cultures and religions may be more accepting to different spiritual ways and morals outside of their own because when you eliminate the lack of education towards a topic you eliminate ignorance towards it as well leaving people more open-minded to different rituals and practices such as those of the Buddhists.

DEATH VIEWS OF BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY Cindy Farren Script: Death Views of Buddhism and Christianity ABSTRACT I will be showing how Christianity views death as something to be afraid of. I will also show how Buddhism views death as a celebration of life and the beginning of a new life in a new body or reincarnation. The difference in how the two religions view death and how they react to it is interesting. Christianity will show that we fear death, nobody wants to die, we are afraid of the unknown. Buddhism does not fear death but looks forward to it as a new beginning and teaches this from birth. Buddhism believes in reincarnation and Christianity does not. I believe my presentation will educate the audience in the different views of how death is perceived.

THE MAGNIFICENT FELINE: A LOOK INTO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN RELIGION Amber Oughin-Doll Script: The Magnificent Feline: A look into Ancient Egyptian Religion ABSTRACT This presentation will examine Ancient Egyptian religious practices, by emphasizing on their view of felines and how they were worshiped as well as domesticated. The presentation will also cover the ritualistic viewpoints and practices surrounding Gods, Goddesses and deities,

particularly the Goddess Bastet who was the feline goddess. The goddess Isis will also be covered as well as the God Osiris, Isis and Osiris were brother and sister. These are very interesting topics to cover because not everything remained the same throughout ancient Egypt’s history. Many rituals and practices changed from dynasty to dynasty and it will be interesting to cover these variations.


AN IN-DEPTH LOOK INTO FEMALE CIRCUMCISION - HAUSA TRIBE Paige Hanzy Script: An In-depth Look into Female Circumcision Hausa Tribe ABSTRACT This presentation looks at the Hausa tribe in Nigeria located within Africa. It will be focusing female circumcision which is a common tradition within their culture. Female circumcision is an important aspect for young girls and can hinder the chances of marriage. It is an important step in becoming a women, enabled her to use her gift of fertility. Circumcision is a form of contraception and ensures she is a virgin when she is married. It is also a sign of purity and is redone after each birth. This subject is very controversial and is interesting to understand from their perspective. By understanding why the Hausa tribe preforms this ritual it can help us learn more about them and their beliefs.


Photo by Amanda Anderson

Jennifer Castillo Script: The Zande: the Trials of Magic


ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Zande people of Central Africa and the role magic plays in the community, focusing specifically on good (oracles and divination) and bad (witchcraft and sorcery) magic. The complex system of practices, values, and beliefs associated with magic derive from the need to explain unfortunate events, forsee the future, and re-establish order. By analyzing the Azande we find a group of people whose lives are dictated, not by a supreme being or some natural laws, but by the actions at the hand of another human being. Magic in the Zande culture is a reflection of the society and by analyzing this phenomenon we are able to understand the nature of social relationships within the group.

Brian Amparan Script: Rinse and Repeat: Jewish Ritualistic Washing ABSTRACT The Jewish people have a certain set of rules that may seem strange to others. There are many different times a day when a Jewish individual must ritualistically wash their hands, feet, or other parts of the body. The reason behind this is that to be able to interact with their god, they must feel clean both physically and spiritually. There are different names for different types of cleansing, one called netilat yadayim requires just the washing of the hands while the ritual of mikveh requires the full body immersed in the water. It is the particular nature and rules of these rituals that interest me. The process of the different types of ritualistic washing and the reasoning behind them will be the core of my presentation.

THE SACRED THROUGH JEWISH RITUALISTIC PRACTICE Jessica Brunskill Script: The Sacred through Jewish Ritualistic Practice


ABSTRACT The many Jewish people that populate the world today consider many things sacred. Durkheim describes sacred as something that is, “…Superior in dignity and power to profane things.” Something that is sacred is of great importance to a society, culture, or religion. There has been a significant migration of the Jewish population due to immigration and exile, which resulted in different branches of Judaism. These separate branches of Judaism are related but can differ in what is sacred to them and the importance of certain rituals. Jewish people hold many things as sacred in their religion. Held among the sacred is the land of Israel and many rituals. Rituals are an intricate part of the Jewish culture and include Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Passover, Yom Kippur, and the Sabbath. There are also many other sacred symbols that are intertwined with traditions and ritual daily life such as prayer, how prayers are performed by followers, Rabbis, and the Torah.

TO FOLLOW THE LAW OR NOT TO FOLLOW THE LAW Susanne Thompson Script: To Follow the Law or Not to Follow the Law ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Jewish Culture and while specifically focusing on the dietary laws within the Jewish culture. Kashrut is the Jewish name for the “Jewish dietary practice”. The Kashrut includes the dos and don’ts of keeping kosher. However, Kashrut is often misunderstood. The do's and don’ts are derived from the Bible. The purpose of the Kosher law is not health but holiness. This presentation will also examine the affects and the accommodations on the Jewish people who live in America. In America, second and third-generation Jews promoted an eating revolution by rejecting the kashrut. This change permeated every aspect of the Jewish culture for Jews in America.

Photo by Graham Hills

WHY MYTHS IN THE HINDU WORLD MATTER Leslie Pekari Script: Why Myths in the Hindu World Matter ABSTRACT This presentation will look into the certain myths in the Hindu world, specifically the importance of the gods Shiva and Rama, two of the higher ranking gods in Hinduism. The presentation will also examine Ganesha, a famous deity, and his contributions to Hindu mythology. What exactly makes these particular gods so respected and praised? The main focus is to find what exactly makes these stories important.Shiva- the god who represents death and dissolution and the most complex deity. His temples are separate from others because of that. Ramasupreme protector of Vishnu, symbol of chivalry and virtue, believed to be an actual hero of India. Ganesha-

son of Shiva and Parvati, the lord of success, destroys obstacles and god of knowledge, wisdom and health. Many of their stories are retold over and over again to explain things about the world. Also I ask why they are important to worship.

HINDUISM Ashley Neale Script: Hinduism ABSTRACT Hinduism is a religion of profound elements ranging from their practices’ persistence to their personal ethics. In my research I will explore the many different aspects of being Hindu and how they go about their everyday living and life. The importance of their Sacraments and Holy Days is a depth topic that will be discovered as well as how their life is so much different than those of the western world. Another area of research that will be described is how gender roles are portrayed in this religion and how their different ethics are used in dealing with normal human feelings and behaviors such as greed, cravings and selfishness.

HINDUISM: DEITIES AND DAILY LIFE, THE INTERSECTION OF RELIGION AND CULTURE IN INDIA Thor Ballew Script: Hinduism: Deities and Daily Life, The Intersection of Religion and Culture in India ABSTRACT This presentation will be an analysis of the Hindu religion and its gods, with an emphasis on the caste system as it intertwines with every day Indian culture. The caste system has been present in Hindu life for ages but is believed to have morphed as a result of British colonization. The ancient caste system was much more lenient than the system implemented today and some believe it is an oppresive form of subjugation for some classes. This will be a fascinating journey because there are quite a few parallels between the Hindu caste system and the socio-economic classes found in Western culture. These similarities are often overlooked due to their covert nature...until now!


Script: Transformation of Yoga throughout Indian History and the Hindu Tradition ABSTRACT This presentation explores the different definitions and representations of yoga throughout the Hindu tradition in India. Our westernized concept of yoga as a form of physical activity is merely a fraction of what it has represented throughout history, it is something much larger. The yoga we see today is most closely related to Hatha Yoga, which arose around the 10th century. However, the Sanskrit word yoga held many definitions previous to this. We will travel through history starting with the Vedic period (1500-500 BCE) and ending with a deeper look at the origins of Hatha yoga.

AMMACHI: THE HUGGING SAINT Sara Lindsey Script: Ammachi: The Hugging Saint ABSTRACT This presentation examines Amma, or Mata Amritanandamayi, as a religious leader. I will focus on her teachings and guidance to her devotees while achieving her life mission of alleviating human suffering. The following she has acquired from a vast array of countries and backgrounds is very interesting to me. Her appeal comes from the freedom a devotee has to individualize their religion. In order to realize the guru she has become, a brief history of Amma's life, and the transformation of her beliefs will be included. She is known as “the hugging saint” because of a ritual that she continuously demonstrates called darshan, a motherly embrace given to everyone who attends her public, free programs. Spreading the word of unconditional love is the main reason for this presentation.

JAINISM Richael Volheim Script: Jainism ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Jain religion, and examines the ideology behind multi-layered universe, rebirth by eliminated karma and their nonviolent out look within the cultures in which Jainism thrives. Jainism was derived form twenty-four teachers known as tirthankaras with the last of the teachers, Mahavira, deemed the founder of Jainism. Nonviolence as a fundamental goal withing a religion is an interesting and controversial topic because religion seems to spark lots of heated debates and could be blamed for past and current wars. By researching and further understanding the belief system behind Jainism and the ideologies they practice to live a

nonviolent life, I think the world and myself can only benefit.

BALINESE HINDUISM: A UNIQUE FORM OF NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Bradley Hansen. Script: Balinese Hinduism: a Unique Form of Natural Resource Management


ABSTRACT Bali is an island in Indonesia that has existed for centuries by diverting streams into paddies used for the production of rice. Traditional Bali belief and Hinduism creates an egalitarian system of water management that combines religious ritual and spiritual belief to create one of the most unique systems on earth. A balance between men, God, and the environment must always be upheld not just for personal enlightenment, but for a system that allows for maximum food production with the fewest limited supplies used. This system has appeared bleak through times, but the traditional way of resource management has survived and is still very much alive today in Bali.

SINGAPOREAN HINDUISM PERSEVERING IN A DIVERSE CULTURE Natalya Jackson Script: Singaporean Hinduism - Persevering in a Diverse Culture ABSTRACT This project explores cultural barriers to Hinduism's prosperity in Singapore and responses these disadvantages have prompted among local adherents. Both the obstacles and the proposed solutions are often rooted in Hinduism's close affiliation to Tamil identity in Singapore. Tamil Hindus in Singapore are sometimes described as having a “culture of poverty” because many are descendants of diaspora Tamil who came to the region as indentured servants. This shapes many of the challenges to – and the mechanisms of – preserving Hinduism in Singapore. When the perceived threat is from another religion, occasionally tactics are adopted from these "successful" faiths to help Hinduism maintain its place in Singaporean society. The government also plays a role, having adopted policies emphasizing the value of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity in Singapore.

Photo by seier+seier

THE POLITICS OF RELIGION: THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD AS A POLITICAL LEADER Jodie Smart-Maize Script: The Politics of Religion: The Prophet Muhammad as a Political Leader ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Specifically, it will address the political and military leadership of Muhammad. Islam shares a spiritual heritage with Judaism and Christianity. They are the “big three” Western Religions. All share the same creation stories, theme of good versus evil, and succession of

prophets. The unique thing about Islam is that the life of Muhammad can be more accurately scrutinized than that of any figure in Judeo-Christian tradition. As a result, we can look at the political maneuvering of the prophet and how his sacred texts, the Qur’an and Sunnah, were used to justify his actions. The presentation will focus on Muhammad’s desire to control the vital trade center of Mecca, thus controlling the cultural exchange that came in and went out of his homeland. And how this served his purpose of converting all those he could to Islam.


THE ROLE SUFI WOMEN PLAY IN THEIR RELIGION Megan Gardner Script: The Role Sufi Women Play in their Religion ABSTRACT Sufi women have endured a veiled belief that they were insignificant in the Muslim tradition, but that attitude is starting to change. Sufi women are slowly being allowed to become independent and to participate in social occupations that were once considered for males only. Sufi women are becoming participants in Brotherhoods, spiritual leaders, mystics, community leaders, shrine protectors, and oral ritual historians. These women are working their way to playing a significant part in Muslim Sufi history. They are paving the way to becoming influential participants in a male-dominated society and religion.

ISLAM IN MAURITANIA AND THE PRACTICE OF FORCE-FEEDING Chelsea Larue Script: Islam in Mauritania and the Practice of ForceFeeding ABSTRACT Mauritania, a country found in Northwest Africa, has a population that almost fully identifies with Islam. The culture in Mauritania that has been rooted significantly in the Muslim faith supports certain rituals that women perform in order to succeed in society. Mothers in this country force-feed their daughters in order for them to gain weight and eventually make them obese. Men prefer obese women, because it is seen as a beautiful and fertile trait. An overweight woman is a sign of prosperity and wealth. Nearly 20% of the nations population lives in poverty, so there is a large initiative for the mothers of young girls to find their daughters husbands so they will have a good life. Religious, Cultural and economic issues as well as gender roles all contribute to the practice of force-feeding in Mauritania. All which stem from the Islamic religion.

Photo by Topinambour

IS DAOISM A MODEL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY? Jonathan Sheahan Script: Is Daoism a Model for Environmental Sustainability? ABSTRACT The focus of this presentation will be on the religion of Daoism and, specifically, the current intellectual debate on whether Daoism gives a practical human model for environmental sustainability. Daoism is considered to be a religion and philosophy that puts a good amount of emphasis on the subject’s environment, and possibly

insists on living in accord with nature. According to some theorist, Daoism is an ideological model that if adopted by industrial societies, would correct environmental pollution. Others, on the contrary, have concluded that Daoist ideological models would not correct environmental problems. With careful consideration of the interpretation and evidence used by both types of theorists, I will sparingly introduce Daoist concepts as they are presented by scholars outside of this debate. The aim of my investigation is to understand the validity of each argument.

there I will reflect on how the difference between the rituals slightly changes the symbols for each religion. Lastly I will show the variance in each ritual as syncretism between the current culture, and the culture from which the religion originated.


ABSTRACT While looking specifically at the Unification Church of South Korea, this presentation tackles the broader religious argument around the dangers of established religions that claim to have a single founder and ruler. The sole founder of the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon stated on his own personal account to have been visited by Jesus in 1935 and from there claimed to be “the messiah of the second coming”. Today, his 59 year old Church has 3 million followers who believe in Moon’s great divinity. In 2012, Moon passed at the age of 92 and the transition of power has largely been given to his multiple sons. Since the Church’s establishment in 1954, the Unification Church has not only stirred up controversy with other religious groups (largely mainstream Christian denominations), but also with governments and economies worldwide!

Rebecca Helms Script: Hmong Shamanism – The Call of the Spirit ABSTRACT My presentation examines Hmong Shamanism, focusing in depth on the ritual called ua neeb. The Hmong are an Asian ethnic group, who are descendants of peoples in China, Laos, and Thailand. Traditionally the Hmong practice Shamanism and ancestor veneration. Shamans are healing practitioners who act as intermediaries between the spirit world and the real world. The Hmong believe that when a person gets really sick, or when bad things are happening to a person, that a bad spirit has taken over their body and a Shaman must intervene to rid the person of the bad spirit. This is when the ritual called ua neeb takes place. I personally found Hmong Shamanism to be a very interesting, magical, and unique religious/cultural belief. I think that people can benefit from learning about Hmong Shamanism because it will open their minds to different beliefs and practices that they may not know much about.

STRUCTURE, SYNCRETISM, AND SURVIVAL OF MENSTRUATION RITES IN SRI LANKA Sionijane Martin Script: Structure, Syncretism, and Survival of Menstruation Rites in Sri Lanka ABSTRACT Menstruation rites rituals are very important in Sri Lankan culture. This ritual has survived the influence of Christianity, Islam, and Catholicism. While the basic structure and symbolism of the ritual stays the same only the details vary between religions. Beginning with an overview of the basic structure of the ritual, I will then compare the subtle differences of Muslim, Catholic, and Christan religions, as they pertain to this specific rite. From

THE UNIFICATION CHURCH: HOLY OR A HOAX? Leah Gordon Script: The Unification Church: holy or a hoax?


their culture and how they relate back to the mythology that most of them grew up with.

ROMANS AND THE GODS Kori Mansell Script: Romans and the Gods ABSTRACT This presentation will explore the religions of the Romans during the reign of the Roman Empire. I will explore how certain gods gave certain rulers a sense of power and how their form of paganism influenced the civilians. As well I would look at if there were laws against practicing other religions and what the practices associated with certain gods. This research presentation can help understand one of the most successful empires of humankind's religious beliefs and see how they possibly shaped the way the empire rose, as well looking at how politics were influenced. By looking at the religions of the Roman Empire we can look at more potential reasons this empire was so powerful.

THE PERSECUTION OF THE ROMANI Treasure Spear Script: The Persecution of the Romani

Photo by MarcelGermain

THE NORSE MYTHOLOGICAL TIES TO NATURE Laurel Leuders Script: The Norse Mythological Ties to Nature ABSTRACT This presentation examines the mythological ties of the Norse religion and how those ties lead to the close they have to the land. In this the main discussion will be explaining the family tree of the Norse Myths and why they are important. Each major god or goddess will play a role in this discussion and it will tie into the roles they played on establishing and strengthening the Norse cultures ties to the land. When most people think of the Norse culture they tend to think of the ruthless culture that gave birth to the Viking explorers. However the aim of this discussion is to look more in depth on the environmental influences on

ABSTRACT In my presentation I will be describing the history of the Romani, or Gypsies, who were first recognized in Europe. The common theory is that they migrated from India and Persia in the mid fifteenth century as a group of musicians. The main focus of this presentation will be on their turbulent history of persecution and how it has affected the structure of their beliefs over time. Gypsies have been driven to the outskirts of society for hundreds of years. This has caused them to break into different groups that have gradually drifted away from their origin. This separation has led to many variations of gypsy beliefs and a fragmented culture.

NEO-PAGANISM, WICCA AND POLITICAL ACTIVISM Nicole Pina Script: Neo-Paganism, Wicca and Political Activism ABSTRACT This presentation explores some of the core beliefs of Neo-Paganism traditions in the United States and the correlation to political activism and resistance. NeoPagans and Wiccans possess a spiritual viewpoint that the Earth is a part of a holistic living organism and all of life is in balance with one another. Wicca also stems from older goddess traditions and belief systems of matriarchal

cultures where the female is spiritually empowered alongside the male. Neo-Pagan traditions exploded in the counterculture movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s alongside active political movements involving women’s rights, social justice, and environmental protection. Some people in these movements were first exposed to these traditions through their political movements and remain active. Politically active Wiccans and Neo-Pagans consider their political commitment as an extension of their spirituality.


GERMANIC NEO-PAGANISM : AUF GUT DEUTSCH John Gentry Script: Germanic Neo-Paganism: Auf gut Deutsch ABSTRACT My research will look into Germanic Neo-Paganism. This Neo-Pagan movement (local to the Germanic regions) has its own unique history. I will bring these unique features to the forefront in my presentation allowing us to grasp the intricacies of the movement and also understand how truly unique each Neo-Pagan movement is. I will explore the roots of the religion, and the current status of it today in hope we will understand why people in the present have begun to look towards the past for a new religion. The research will show specific rituals, beliefs and people that have been involved in the religion. I look to illuminate why any form of Neo-Paganism exists today, and through that I will further our appreciation for this specific type of religion that is becoming so common in our world today.

THE OLD RELIGION IN A NEW WORLD Asmara Ghebreyesus Script: The Old Religion in a New World ABSTRACT In this presentation Wicca or the Old Religion will be examined not only in context of what it once was in ancient European cultures but also in the form it lives through today, as Neo-Paganism. The Old Religion and modern day Wicca are closely related. Wicca practiced today derives key aspects of its teaching and beliefs from the Old Religion and also creates new ones that are more closely related to the people and times it is associated with. This is a subject that garners interest at those who are just passing by Wicca, those who have found it and are actively participating and those whose families have practiced for decades and can trace back Witchcraft through their ancestors.

Photo by Drew Zanki

JOSEPH SMITH’S FOLLOWERS Claire Derksen Script: Joseph Smith’s Followers ABSTRACT What comes to mind when you hear Mormons? Most people would say the Mormon missionaries, the men in suits and the walking door to door preaching The Book of Mormon to strangers. Why do these young men and women dedicate a part of their lives to preach their beliefs and The Book of Mormon? My presentation focuses on

the Mormon missionaries, the men and women who sacrifice a part of their lives and become the followers of Joseph Smith. My research has included the origin of the Mormonism and how it grew to become a universal religion, the works of Joseph Smith and why Mormons view him as famous figure in the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS), and the rules and practices that all Mormon missionaries must follow and perform. A Mormon missionary is a significant characteristic that defines the Mormon religion itself, and my presentation will address why it is.

THE SOCIETY OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Jacquelyn Northup Script: The Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses ABSTRACT This is a presentation about the religion, beliefs, and culture of Jehovah’s witnesses. This presentation focuses on the beliefs that Jehovah’s Witnesses hold that conflict or contrast with the way society is around them. The presentation will go over a few of their main beliefs and why they believe in them in order to achieve a better understanding of how life is in this distinct religion. This is a curious topic because there are many perceptions and assumptions that some people see as outsiders looking in. In addition to my research, I am also using direct information from a Jehovah’s Witness, whom I had the pleasure to interview, in order to obtain an ‘insider view’ looking out at the contrasting world they live in.

CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS : RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND TEMPLES Sheila Hammond Script: Church of Latter Day Saints: religious beliefs and temples ABSTRACT In this presentation we will look at the Mormon religion and focus on the Temples of the Church of the Latter Day Saints. The temples within the Mormon religion are sacred symbols ‘to provide a dedicated place where sacred ordinances needed for eternal life, can be performed.’ The ordinances that are followed have been sacred to the followers and are available for those who follow the word of the Lord and have been proven to be worthy of entering the temple. In this presentation we will brief the beliefs of the Mormon religion and how they tie into the temples. Baptism is a high priority in the Mormon religion and we will learn why this takes place within the church before attending the temple.

THE AMISH RITE OF RUMSPRINGA Jennifer Aiello Script: The Amish Rite of Rumspringa ABSTRACT The Amish are a unique sect of Anabaptist Christians that live in the United States and Canada. Certain Churches within the Amish faith follow an Ordnung that practices a rites of passage into adulthood, called Rumspringa. This ritual marks the liminal stage before an individual's entrance into adulthood; however becoming an adult means different things to different Amish communities. Among the Amish, Rumspringa is carried out in different ways, has different purposes, and reincorporation happens at different points in an individual's life. Popular media has established polarized views that juxtapose the traditional romanticized view of the Amish and their avoidance of technology with conflicting images of Amish youth and drug use in films such as Devil's Playground. One questions how to identify the Amish faith and define the practice of Rumspringa, but the reality is that the Amish are a pluralistic society, just like any other demographic and they do not conform to any one identifiable stereotype. There are variations in the rite but the exaggerated views of Rumspringa, as seen in popular media, do not define the entire Amish faith. In my presentation, I hope to deconstruct the stereotype of Rumspringa by discussing the history, beliefs, and common myths that surround the Amish religion.


looking at the different ways that humans interact with and view non-human primates.

BLOODLETTING: THE TOOLS, WAYS, AND REASONS THE MAYANS BECAME CLOSER TO THEIR GODS Blake Hubbard Script: Bloodletting: The Tools, Ways, and Reasons the Mayans Became Closer to Their Gods ABSTRACT There are numerous ways that the Mayans performed their non-lethal sacrificial ritual of bloodletting, and there were numerous reasons why as well. In this I will talk about the tools used, and the reasons why this spiritual ritual were performed. Some of the most common tools were knifes made out of stingray barbs, which would cut a vein allowing for the sacrificial being to bleed for the gods. The blood was their giving and I will talk about what they believed were the paybacks or reasons they would do this.

MAYAN ARCHITECTURE AND ART SYMBOLS Maricela Cardenas Script: Mayan Architecture and Art Symbols

Photo by Leonardo Pallotta

SACRED MONKEYS AMONG THE MAYA Lauren Hennes Script: Sacred Monkeys among the Maya ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on the spiritual significance of non-human primates within Mayan cosmology and myths. The genera Aloutta (howler monkeys) and Ateles (spider monkeys) are endemic to regions associated with the Maya people group and have both similar and differentiating depictions within the Mayan religion. Monkeys are symbols of intelligence, art, luxury, as well as immorality, and play an important role in Maya iconography. In Mayan cosmology monkeys were the first and failed attempt at creation of humankind. Studying the role of monkeys in the Maya religion is important for

ABSTRACT The Maya were an advanced society which thrived in Mesoamerica for thousands of years. Much like the Egyptians, the Mayans built great pyramids which are not recognized as equally extraordinary for their time. Till this day evidence of their great architecture still remains. This presentation will focus on the architecture of the Mayans which will feature a couple of iconic sites such as the Great Ball Court’s in Chichen Itza and Cancuen, (Place of the Serpent) in Guatemala. The elaborate design and skills of the Mayan can be seen throughout Mesoamerica. Each building has elaborate symbols that represent a moment in Mayan history. This will pave the way to a new understanding of the Mayan world.

THE YANOMAMI: A CULTURAL CRISIS Myra Kennedy Script: The Yanomami: A Cultural Crisis ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Yanomami social existence with a particular focus on how westernization has threatened and altered their community. Yanomami live in the isolated Amazon, and prior to 1967 had no

contact with the outside world. The existence of this culture relies heavily upon the environment and recent factors such as mining, outside human contact, and deforestation pose a tremendous threat upon the Yanomami beliefs, health and cultural existence.

THE COMING OF MAYA: CULTURE AND RELIGION Jilma Guinea Script: The Coming of Maya: Culture and Religion ABSTRACT The Popol Vuh is considered the “bible” of Quiche-Maya because it gives the birth and formation of the gods, men, species, and other organic matter. It explains the relationship that humans and deities have and what humanity’s place is in the world. The beginning of QuicheMaya falls into place with the Popol Vul, and is in fact the first traces of human on this continent that goes back thousands of years before the Christianity era making this a primitive religion The Popol Vuh connects to the Maya culture because it showed them that they were made of maize, making it a staple food of their culture. Understanding the Quiche-Maya religion can provide a light onto the Maya people erasing misconceptions about their Pre-Columbian religion and culture.


THE “VIOLENCE” OF CONTROVERSY: CUBAN SANTERIA Laura Walton Script: The “Violence” of Controversy: Cuban Santeria ABSTRACT After identifying many key elements of Cuban Santeria ritual and mythology, this presentation will focus on what some in the US view as the “violent” or “cruel” aspects of certain Santeria practices—namely, animal sacrifice. I will relate some historical information as to how such ceremonies, primarily concerned with healing, took shape in the Santeria religion. I will then explore why such animosity might now exists toward followers in the US. While revealing key elements of Santeria ritual, I will also attempt to uncover why commonly-used terms such as “violence” or “obscenity” can never fully describe the rituals within such a complex religion. With ordinances that threaten to eliminate elements of Santeria--such as animal sacrifice--many Santeria communities must choose between openly embracing their culture and keeping it secret.


Blanca Ponce Script: The Dugu: Bringing Families Together and Reinforcing a Strong Sense of Cultural Identity ABSTRACT In this presentation I will examine the Garinagu dugu ritual performed for the purpose of appeasing the neglected ancestors of the Garinagu people. More specifically, I will be looking at how the ritual ceremony serves as a method of control by bringing extended families together and reinforcing cultural values. Furthermore, i will be exploring how ritual reinforces a strong sense of ethnic identity amongst the Garifuna speaking people. This conclusion is based off of the hypothesis that the dugu system embodies the traditional worldview of the Garinagu and their religious practices which are deeply rooted in West African and Amerindian beliefs. Consequently, any discussion of the Garinagu dugu warrants a look at the history of the garinagu and how it creates a strong sense of cultural identity to further understand the dugu system

Photo by Wendy Longo

POPES AND POLITICS: A HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rachel Brewer Script: Popes and Politics: A Historical Evolution of the Roman Catholic Church ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Roman Catholic Church. Specifically, it looks at the historical evolution of the Church’s political views on major decisions. Beginning with Henry the VIII’s split from the Church in order to gain the right to divorce his wife, thru the present Pope and his desire to steer the Church away from such judgmental politics. Separation of Church and State is not necessarily a new thing. Religion and politics are nearly condemned to be intertwined. This is a relevant topic because the current Pope is making some very radical requests of his Catholic followers that have never been truly expressed from the Catholic Church. By examining the historical evolution of the Church’s politics, one can better understand and perhaps support the new direction Pope Francis wishes to lead it.


THE ANNOINTING OF THE SICK Andrew Codagnone Script: The Annointing of the Sick ABSTRACT This project intends to look at the Seventh Sacrament of the Catholic Church, the Anointing of the Sick, its ritual and reflection of Christian stories of Jesus Christ. The practice is a comforting ritual performed for ill and dying believers in order to prepare them for continued life, either temporal or eternal. Douglas Davies describes funerary rites as a way to confront death and to help people commit to continuing life and not despair, and the Anointing of the Sick is a way to promote life through Jesus.

Photo by Smithsonian Institution

WORLD RENEWAL Merris Obie Script: World Renewal ABSTRACT

This presentation of Hupa World Renewal Ceremonies proposes to give the viewer insight, understanding, and appreciation of the Hupa people’s religious world view. The White Deer Skin Dance and Jump Dance occur in a two year cycle. The ceremonies include aspects of the pure and profane, gender roles, headman (dance leader) role, and connection to environment. These dances do not occur anywhere else in the world. The Hupa’s have been conducting them the same way since time “immemorial.” The collective prayers cut into the supernatural world dimensions and aim to rebalance the world by stomping out the profane.

A WORLD OF ZUNI: ADAPTATIONS AFTER EUROPEAN CONQUEST Brianna Boyd Script: A World of Zuni: Adaptations after European Conquest ABSTRACT The people of the Zuni are but one clan of Pueblo Indians among the Hopi, Apache, Navajo, Yuma and more that reside in the Southwest region of the United States. They are widely known for their agriculture, architecture, ceramics, language and religious traditions that have withstood the ages and better part of European conquest. In my presentation I will address Puebloan culture and life that continues to be honored in today’s Southwest as well as its past. While emphasizing the importance of the customs of the tribe’s religious culture, my presentation will be focusing in particular on the Zuni tribe and how Spanish Conquest had altered religious and overall Zuni tradition and customs. An understanding of how Zuni culture with European influence has formed will also be provided.

THE COMPLEXITIES OF THE KWAKWAKA’WAKW OF THE VANCOUVER ISLANDS Denise De Los Santos Script: The Complexities of the Kwakwaka'wakw of the Vancouver Islands ABSTRACT Emile Durkheim’s belief that religion reflected society was a revolutionizing way of thinking and brought about new anthropological aspects that have helped shaped Anthropology today. The Kwakwaka’wakw of the Vancouver Islands is a thriving culture that exhibits great potential in not only the Durkheimian way of thinking, but also other theories that entail symbolism. This presentation will analyze the culture of the

Kwakwaka’wakw while entailing the aspects of religion reflecting society and the complexities of symbolism.

THE CAUTIONARY TALES WITHIN INUIT STORYTELLING Roxanne Crawford Script: The Cautionary Tales within Inuit Storytelling ABSTRACT Storytelling amongst the Inuit was a form of recreation for the people living in the vast arctic in ordre to pass time. An important part of storytelling was to reinforce moral precepts of the society and to warn against certain kinds of behavior. The cautionary nature of these stories warns of physical dangers associated with living in the arctic as well as the dangers of straying from the culturally idealized personality traits. Specifically, the taboo of doing something too hastily and increasing the chances of mistakes will harbor consequences such as death. Understanding the dangers of living in the artctic allows us to realize the importance of these stories that warn against risky behavior within their society.


on the West Coast of California, ways of ritualizing the transition from life to death are of important cultural significance, of even greater importance is the way we process our grief. For most, death is a time of mourning. By contrast, in the religious practices of Buddhism and other eastern religions, the transition from mortal to ancestor is celebrated. As we learn more about alternative commemoration rituals, the Syncretism between eastern and western views may cause life and death to become harmonious and bring us increased psychological stability during times of loss.

ISLAMIC, HINDU AND JEWISH RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: THE EVIL EYE Jessica Lilley Script: Islamic, Hindu and Jewish Religious Beliefs: The Evil Eye ABSTRACT This presentation examines religious beliefs in the Islamic, Hindu, and Jewish religions, and more specifically focuses upon the presence and difference of the interpretation of the belief of the evil eye. The evil eye is a belief based on the idea that individuals have the power to cause harm to another individual or their property by looking at or praising that individual or property. This is an interesting topic because it looks at a religious belief, based in witchcraft, which is shared by multiple religions that is still present today. By understanding religious beliefs and then looking at their evolution in between religions and within religions throughout space and time, we can learn how society can change religious beliefs.

Photo by guccio@文房具社 (

LOVE AFTER LIFE: ANCESTOR VENERATION AND WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM IT Audrey Blair Script: Love After Life: Ancestor Veneration and What We Can Learn From It ABSTRACT Ancestral veneration is threaded throughout time and extends around the globe. From the Far East to right here

THE HOLY GRAIL TARGETS THE MILESTONE OF THE PERFECT SPORT Kenneth Pocasangre Script: The Holy Grail Targets the Milestone of the Perfect Sport ABSTRACT This presentation examines the world of football (soccer) as a secondary religion that involves people all over the world sharing a common language and culture, which is to move and kick the ball. The ball symbolizes love, sacrifice, passion, culture, challenges and so much more to 95% of the Earth's population. Having the World Cup every four years symbolizes the love for a ritualistic sport that is considered to be the oldest sports of man kind. It also outlaws discrimination and anyone is welcome to join.

This topic examines key figures and the fact that so many people are involved creating a balance of caring more for their culture and country by gathering in large groups to support their country make some history. There's a reason why all soccer field stadiums point to the sky, it's there for the God[s] to view the sacrifices (goals scored) in their honor; by understanding the sport, it will only allow men to crave both technique and religion that will serve a great function that will be spoken for ages to come and the uncertainties will only test the future generation to learn from.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL AND THE HERO'S JOURNEY: INFORMATION GAINED AND LOST IN THE STUDY OF COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY Nicholas Ponvert Script: Joseph Campbell and the Hero's Journey: Information gained and lost in the study of comparative mythology ABSTRACT Joseph Campbell is a scholar and writer who has spent his career studying mythologies from around the world. Many of his works focus on describing myths in terms of their basic attributes and comparing myths from different cultures. While Campbell's cross-cultural comparisons have been praised by many, other scholars feel that a large amount of cultural information is lost when myths are reduced to their basic constituents. My presentation will focus on what we can learn by drawing comparisons between similar myths from two different cultures, and also on the cultural information that can be derived from the differences between two myths.

Thank You.

Photo by Belgian Chocolate

You are searching the world for treasure but the real treasure is yourself If you are tempted by bread you will find only bread What you seek for you become. Rumi - Hidden Music

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