Introduction to Psychology Virtual Conference - Fall 11

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A Word from the Conference Chair I want to congratulate you on being participants in the first Introduction to Psychology Virtual Conference. Your effective presentations cover a variety of topics in the field of health and help us to understand how culture, biology, pathology, physiology, psychology, behavior, and sociology play roles in psychology. These well prepared presentations in the virtual conference demonstrate that most students are able to choose a research topic, conduct individual research, select materials thoughtfully, and present it effectively to a scientific community. The experience, skills, and knowledge you have gained in this virtual conference will enhance your learning abilities in scientific studies. HSU has increased class sizes due to the continued cuts to education funding. One of the solutions is to share individual research in online virtual conferences. We are able to make this online conference become a reality because of Joan Van Duzer and Kimberly Vincent-Layton’s expertise in technical preparation of online courses, vision, enthusiasm and divinely inspired patience. Please enjoy this opportunity for intellectual engagement and thoughtful reflection on the cultures, psychology, and health represented here in the work of your student colleagues.

TABLE OF CONTENTS PSYC 104 Introduction to Psychology.............................................................................................................................................. 1 A Word from the Conference Chair.............................................................................................................................. 2 Aging............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Alzheimer’s Disease: What and Why........................................................................................................................... 5 Memory Training.......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Alzheimer’s Disease.................................................................................................................................................... 5 Alzheimer’s Disease.................................................................................................................................................... 5 Memory Exercises and Memory Loss.......................................................................................................................... 5 Exercising Memory Muscles........................................................................................................................................ 6 Alzheimer’s Disease.................................................................................................................................................... 6 Drug Use & Abuse........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Alcohol vs. Marijuana................................................................................................................................................... 6 Alcohol Use During Emerging Adulthood.....................................................................................................................6 What Can Cause Alcoholism and How Do You Deal With It?.....................................................................................7 Marijuana: A Gateway or a Dead End?.......................................................................................................................7 Early Adolescent Substance Abuse............................................................................................................................. 7 Hallucinogens & Stimulants......................................................................................................................................... 7 Alcoholism and its Effects on the Brain........................................................................................................................7 Alcohol and Violence................................................................................................................................................... 7 Alcohol use and Violent Behavior................................................................................................................................ 8 The Truth About Alcoholism......................................................................................................................................... 8 Marijuana as a Gateway Drug..................................................................................................................................... 8 Alcoholism and Its Effect Inside and Outside the Home..............................................................................................8 General Psychology........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Dreams: What Do They Mean?................................................................................................................................... 9 Creativity and Madness: Is There a Correlation?........................................................................................................9 Why Are My Dreams So Weird?.................................................................................................................................. 9 Dreams: What Do They Mean?................................................................................................................................... 9 Dreaming: A Gateway to Our Subconscious, a Psychological Tool, or a Biological Byproduct?.................................9 Dreams and What They Mean................................................................................................................................... 10 Dreams and What They Mean................................................................................................................................... 10 Dreams and Understanding their Meaning................................................................................................................ 10 Defense Mechanisms and How Individuals Develop Tendencies to Use Them........................................................10 Dreams and Their Meaning....................................................................................................................................... 10 Creative Genius and the Drive of Insanity.................................................................................................................10 Suicide....................................................................................................................................................................... 11 The Pursuit of Happiness........................................................................................................................................... 11 Genius and Madness................................................................................................................................................. 11 Discord of Dreams..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Health Psychology......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Insomnia.................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Science of Sleeplessness: Insomnia ........................................................................................................................12 America Overweight................................................................................................................................................... 12 Obesity: America’s Growing Epidemic....................................................................................................................... 12 The Obesity Epidemic: How is it Affecting Our Children? .........................................................................................12 Insomnia.................................................................................................................................................................... 13 “Fight or Flight” Or There’s the Other Option …........................................................................................................13 Insomnia.................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Insidious Causes & Deleterious Effects of Insomnia.................................................................................................13 The Placebo Effect..................................................................................................................................................... 13

The Placebo Effect..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Immortal Fruits: Religion’s Connection to Health.......................................................................................................14 Living Longer: Lifespans Amongst Terminally Ill Patients..........................................................................................14 Mind Over Matter, A Discussion on the Placebo Effect.............................................................................................14 Human Development..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom?....................................................................................................................15 Characteristics of Successful Relationships..............................................................................................................15 Psycho-Social Development During Middle Adulthood..............................................................................................15 Multiple Intelligences: What Are They and What Have They to Do with Learning?...................................................15 a Trail of Monogamy: One Man, One Woman for Life...............................................................................................16 Self-Regulation is Self-Empowerment.......................................................................................................................16 Stereotypes, Heritage, Language, and Ethnic Identity...............................................................................................16 Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Children.........................................................................................................16 The Psychology of Sex and Intimacy......................................................................................................................... 16 Attributes of Successful Relationships....................................................................................................................... 17 Parenting Styles and Children’s Behavior..................................................................................................................17 Children’s Imagination and Their Reality...................................................................................................................17 Are We Home Yet? Effects of Frequent Moves During Childhood............................................................................17 Autism........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 The Importance of Pretend Play in Child Development.............................................................................................17 Raising Kids to be Entrepreneurs.............................................................................................................................. 18 Through Thick and Think: Defining Characteristics of Successful Couples...............................................................18 Disorders & Therapies.................................................................................................................................................. 19 Anti-Social Personality Disorder................................................................................................................................ 19 Antisocial Personality Disorder.................................................................................................................................. 19 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder................................................................................................................................. 19 Do You Know Who You Are: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).............................................................................19 Obsessive Compulsive Behavior............................................................................................................................... 19 Parenting Styles......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors.............................................................................................................................20 Co-Occurring Disorders: Obstacles in Recovery.......................................................................................................20 Schizophrenia: What it is and it’s Growing Occurrence in Today’s World.................................................................20 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Who Gets it and How is it Treated?.......................................................................20 Social Psychology......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Prejudice in the World Around Us.............................................................................................................................. 21 The Psychology of Advertising: Learning and Memory..............................................................................................21 Mass Media: Its Influence on Our Behavior...............................................................................................................21 Media Influence on the Behavior of Children.............................................................................................................21 The Influence of Media on Women............................................................................................................................21 Prejudice.................................................................................................................................................................... 22


enhancement strategies beyond the scope of the book. The presentation will address particular techniques, and their scientifically demonstrated value.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Steven Childs Script: Alzheimer’s Disease

Photo by daveblume

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: WHAT AND WHY Arabelle Britton Script: Alzheimer’s Disease ABSTRACT Many people today suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease, usually it begins after the age of 64, but it can start as early as age 40. Alzheimer’s is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease where nerve cells in the brain degenerate and the brain shrinks in size. The disease is typically characterized by poor judgment, erosion of personality, mood swings, memory loss, language deterioration, and restlessness. The severity of the disease is different for everyone, but it progresses from only minor symptoms to more serious as time goes on. Alzheimer’s is the most common degenerative brain disorder.

MEMORY TRAINING Brooks Call Script: Memory Training ABSTRACT The ability to catalogue, retain and recall information forms memory. Memory is as natural a process as breath or ambulation for an individual, and remains untrained for most individuals. The use of memory enhancing strategies, either to increase the retention of individual bits of information, or adopting a wider systematic memory technique, can increase this natural ability. These strategies are addressed by two general types of training: strategy and core. This presentation will explore memory

ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s disease is a common form of dementia primarily found in people over the age of 65. Dementia is characterized by loss of memory and other intellectual abilities that can interfere with daily life, Alzheimer’s disease accounts for up to 80% of all dementia cases. Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease but there are many medications that treat the disease. There are also therapeutic treatments that focus on specific problems such as; sleep problems, behavioral problems, and coordination. There are also many treatments on the horizon however they are hindered by the lack of clinical trial volunteers and how long it takes to make a drug and have it approved by the FDA.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Ariel Farber Script: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease ABSTRACT This paper is a culmination of online and offline research aimed towards explaining the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods used for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Most people believe AD is simply a sign of old age, however there are many hypothesis, which hope to explain the actual cause (because symptoms can occur long before seniority). Because there are multiple hypotheses on the causation of AD, there are also multiple treatments, which are based off of them.

MEMORY EXERCISES AND MEMORY LOSS Tiffany Jensen Script: Memory Exercises and Memory Loss ABSTRACT Psychologist around the globe have been studying “Intimacy” for generations, some believe it is just out of curiosity, but the study of intimacy is greatly needed for research related to relationships, cultural influences, personality factors, differences between genders, love, and many more. Intimacy is a very broad topic related to everyday experiences and motifs among humans as a whole. I have chosen to discuss research regarding sexual intimacy, relationships, and attraction. Why is it that we

feel obligated to be in a relationship? Why is it important/”normal” to feel intimacy towards a partner? And what happens to us while having sex? It is difficult to discuss just a few areas regarding intimacy, but it may bring insight to those unknowing.

EXERCISING MEMORY MUSCLES Ben Nelson Script: Exercising Memory Muscles


ABSTRACT Aging is inevitable, but aging of the brain can be controlled through exercise and stimulation. Using a combination of mental exercises such as chess, and physical exercise, the brain is able to counter the damages of age and even physical damage to brain cells. High education and demanding jobs help prevent dementia in early Alzheimer's, and in combination with exercise can promote self-confidence and enjoyment in life.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Rachel Paulson Script: Alzheimer’s Disease ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that results in deterioration of memory, cognition, and behavioral skills. Although the exact mechanisms of the disease are not fully understood, research indicates that the build up of protein fragments between and inside nerve cells, which eventually lead to the death of nervous tissue, may be responsible. There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, however early diagnosis can slow the progression of the disease, as well as improve the quality of life for the patient as the disease progresses. The report will cover warning signs, stages and behaviors, and current treatments for the disease.

Photo by Alli’ Cat’

ALCOHOL VS. MARIJUANA Bree Drouillard Script: Alcohol vs. Marijuana ABSTRACT Overall, alcohol is way worse for humans than marijuana is. Alcohol can be very dangerous. About 3 million violent crimes occurred when the offender was drunk. Two-thirds of victims who suffered from physical violence reported that alcohol had been a factor. People are more likely to go wild and lose control under the influence of alcohol. Cannabis rarely causes any violent behavior. Marijuana is far less toxic and is non- addictive. Furthermore, alcohol abuse for a long time is a lot more destructive to the body than marijuana abuse for a long period of time.

ALCOHOL USE DURING EMERGING ADULTHOOD Jason M. Imamoto Script: Alcohol Use During Emerging Adulthood ABSTRACT Emerging adulthood refers to a variable time in every person’s life where they must make decisions that will affect their lives for a very long time. An important decision in an emerging adult’s life is whether or not they should use alcohol. The college years for any individual is an influential time that the paper will be focusing on in

order to describe the effects of alcohol in the social and individual aspects. There have been studies that have shown that impulsivity (also referred to as poor selfcontrol) coupled with environmental surroundings lead to either the beginning of usage or increased consumption of alcohol.

WHAT CAN CAUSE ALCOHOLISM AND HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH IT? Yasmeen Kateb Script: Life as an Alcoholic ABSTRACT The topic my presentation will be on is alcoholism. I am going to research and explore the mental and social effects of alcohol. I'm interested to find out what happens to the lives of people who become alcoholics. I want to know how alcoholics recover from being dependent on drinking, and what, if any, lasting psychological effects they have to deal with after ending their addiction.

MARIJUANA: A GATEWAY OR A DEAD END? Marcus Kessler Script: Marijuana as a Gateway Drug ABSTRACT The biggest deterrent used in anti-marijuana campaigns is that pot is a gateway drug. I believe this is not true, and in fact I feel as if there is a higher rate of not graduating up to harder drugs once smoking marijuana. This presentation will look into various studies that have conducted which prove this point. As well as explaining why the form of addiction which marijuana causes is directly related to the lack of “gateway” so to speak.

EARLY ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Katrina Lang Script: Early Adolescent Substance Abuse ABSTRACT Growing up is already hard enough to do without any added issues such as sexual abuse, physical or mental abuse from an adult, or bullying from other children. Peer pressure is something that children experience everyday during childhood, at school, while hanging out with friends, and many other social activities. A child can often be much more susceptible to peer pressure if they have any of the added issues mentioned above enter their lives. Sexual, physical, or mental abuse can make a child more vulnerable to early adolescent substance abuse, i.e.

drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, or taking prescription pills. Stability is the key to healthy development of children. When a child experiences an unstable childhood it can lead to instability for many years, even the rest of their lives.

HALLUCINOGENS & STIMULANTS Jason Lauck Script: Hallucinogens & Stimulants ABSTRACT New plants change people and their society. Each culture sees a plant as being good or bad based on their morals and experience. For example, ergot infestation of rye food supplies in the American Colonies during the Salem witch trials led to wild hallucinations of hellish scenes which may have caused the trials in the colonies due religious beliefs. Opium’s introduction led to war in China during the 1830’s. My presentation focuses on social stigmas and how they affect our view on certain plants.

ALCOHOLISM AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN Wesley Paden Script: Alcoholism and its Effects on the Brain ABSTRACT Alcoholism is a problem that affects many parts of the brain and in turn affects their emotions, health and many other aspects of their lives. The Causes for alcoholism are unknown but the things that raise the risk of becoming dependent on alcohol are fairly understood and there have been many studies to support genes and habits may have something to do with it. The symptoms can be subtle to spot which can make diagnosis hard especially if the person is trying to hide it. Treatment is the goal and it can be difficult.

ALCOHOL AND VIOLENCE Michael Powell Script: Alcohol and Violence ABSTRACT Alcohol use and violence is a devastating aspect in everyday life and affects more than just in a physical manner. Alcohol use can lead to depression, or be used to “treat” depression as well as other psychological conditions. Also, not only can alcohol lead to psychological issues it can also lead to violence which in turn can lead to emotional trauma that can last a life time. This abuse can occur in the household or in public, which can emotionally scar the family or even your self-leading people to go down a path of destruction. As alcohol use

becomes more prevalent so does the potential for violence.

ALCOHOL USE AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR Rebecca Ramos Script: Alcohol Use and Violent Behavior ABSTRACT This presentation will be talking about alcohol abuse and its effects on human behavior. A more focus on how someone can become an alcoholic and what the effects are. Also how alcohol influences others within their families and so forth. What makes people use alcohol and how it affects our brain activity? Research will contain statistics, articles, and information about alcohol and its use within the United States.

THE TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOLISM Lauren Ruiz Script: The Truth About Alcoholism ABSTRACT Alcoholism will be the main focus. It will start out with the proper definition of alcoholism and common myths surrounding the subject. Then it will discuss the different types of alcoholism and how functional the individuals are in society. Also there will be a demonstration of the deferent ways people try to cure alcoholism, including 12 step Alcoholics Anonyms, detox programs, and medication. But the meat of the presentation will be on the causes, psychological, genetic, behavioral, and environmental causes. There will also be case studies included in the presentation.

MARIJUANA AS A GATEWAY DRUG Nicholas Tito Script: Marijuana as a Gateway Drug ABSTRACT Marijuana’s casual abuse and widespread acceptance nationally is what causes this drug to be a gateway drug. Smoking marijuana is becoming almost as acceptable as it was in the sixties among today’s youth. This drug is widely underestimated due to its easy growth and potential for such great profit. This in turn has lead to its casualness among this nation. However once a drug becomes too casual, where the user can no longer obtain the same high, marijuana’s addicting properties enable the use and then abuse of other narcotics.

ALCOHOLISM AND ITS EFFECT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE HOME Paco Willard Script: Alcoholism and Its Effect Inside and Outside the Home ABSTRACT Alcoholism is a very common disease throughout the world. Many people who have problems confide in the altering affects of alcohol to cope with their real world problems because when a person become intoxicated they feel that all the problems no longer apply and that they can be happy in that instance. However studies have shown that the drunken state only enhances the pain a person feels if they were sober. Take a person who is stressing and work and is angry with the way their current situation is going, instead of being a happy drunk they're every likely to become belligerent when intoxicated. Also the effects that alcoholism can have on structure of a family can be detrimental to the parent’s relationship, and the children's home life as well as their education.


thought as irrevelant, has been associated with psychosis, but could also be linked to creativity. This presentation will look at the recent research associated with this topic to determine if a correlation has been shown probable, or whether this conjecture has little scientific basis.

WHY ARE MY DREAMS SO WEIRD? Shemicka Bluitt Script: Why Are My Dreams So Weird? ABSTRACT Have you ever wondered where dreams come from? Why do we have dreams and what exactly do they mean? How are dreams developed and how come we sometimes get dreams that we wish were reality or wish we never would’ve dreamed about? The goal is by the end of this project is to find out the real reason behind dreaming and is there a way to figure out why we are having these dreams or if there is a way to avoid dreaming about certain things.

DREAMS: WHAT DO THEY MEAN? Chelsea Brunett Script: Dreams: What Do They Mean?

Photo by Mohammad A. Hamama

DREAMS: WHAT DO THEY MEAN? Shannon Adams Script: Meanings of Dreams ABSTRACT Dreams are a fascinating part of life; whether you remember them or not, you constantly dream when you are sleeping. This presentation will cover three principle aspects of sleep and dreaming. First, the theories of why we dream will be discussed. Following that will be the key differences between REM and non-REM sleep and the dreams that go along with the two different types of sleep. Lastly, common, and not-so-common, dreams will be talked about, as will each of their hypothesized meanings.

CREATIVITY AND MADNESS: IS THERE A CORRELATION? Brian Apple Script: Creativity and Madness: Is There a Correlation? ABSTRACT Many historical creative people have suffered from mental disorders which lends the question as to whether there is a correlation between creativity and ‘madness’. Latent inhibition, the capacity to screen previous stimuli originally

ABSTRACT According to Sigmund Freud the “Royal road to the unconscious” is interpreted through symbols and desires expressed in our dreams. There are ongoing investigations exploring the connection between REM sleep and memory processing attempting to find the purpose of our dreams. Recent evidence found through neuroimaging shows how our conscious mind goes through three unique experiences in our dreams: that of our past, our present situation, and preparation of the future (Macduffle, Mashour, 2010). Tons of theories are created on the purpose of dreams and it is possible we may never find the perfect explanation.

DREAMING: A GATEWAY TO OUR SUBCONSCIOUS, A PSYCHOLOGICAL TOOL, OR A BIOLOGICAL BYPRODUCT? George Case Script: Dreaming: A Gateway to Our Subconscious, a Psychological Tool, or a Biological Byproduct? ABSTRACT Theories about dreaming can be grouped into three categories: subconscious manifestations, psychological mechanisms, and the byproduct of bodily functions. The first theory suggests that dreams result from the subconscious acting out its wishes, and that interpreting

their content reveals an individual’s true feelings and desires. More recently, some research suggests that dreams serve an evolutionary purpose by preparing the mind for stressful events, as well as coping to stress. Finally, some propose that dreams are a byproduct of random brain activity during sleep. A survey of various papers suggests that dreams result from a combination of all three theories.

DREAMS AND WHAT THEY MEAN Montana Clunies-Ross Script: About Dreams and What They Mean ABSTRACT This presentation will talk about dreams and some of the different types of dreams and what they mean. There are many different types of dreams that all of us humans have. Even some animals dream too. All of our dreams may vary in context but there are some common dreams that most of us have experienced before like falling dreams, dreams of us being chased by something, dreams where you can fly and dreams of horrible things like death. They all have a meaning and can somehow be explained to how you are feeling and dealing with life in the “non sleep” world. There are different theories and interpretations of dreams. For example there is Sigmund Freud’s interpretation of dreams and different theories suggesting the evolutionary function of dreams like the threat stimulation theory and a biologically based theory called the activation synthesis theory.

DREAMS AND WHAT THEY MEAN Dana Deagro Script: Dreams and Their Meaning ABSTRACT I am going to be discussing the meaning of dreams. I have always been interested in this topic because I have had some insanely vivid dreams and many people I know have too and we do not know what they could possibly mean. Do dreams indicate something that has happened in the past or something that will happen in the future? Is it possible for a person to control their dreams? These are questions that I will research and find answers to. With this information, it will make one’s dreams more clear. It is something that everyone can relate to.


For my Psychology project I am going to explore dreams, and what they mean to us. Carl Jung was one of the main founders for theories about dreams, and much of his information is still relevant and used in today’s psychology. There have been researchers who have taken up where he left off and I’m going to explain what they have come up with. There’s a theory by Christina Sponias that dreams are here to protect you from your anti-conscious, and if you lose your human side of consciousness you will lose your identity and personality.

DEFENSE MECHANISMS AND HOW INDIVIDUALS DEVELOP TENDENCIES TO USE THEM Danielle Durkin Script: Defense Mechanisms and How Individuals Develop Tendencies to Use Them ABSTRACT “Defense mechanisms are the automatic and unconscious way in which people lessen the effects of our emotions.” According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used to reduce anxiety and keep positive self-image. They’re used to maintain a functioning reality and remain functioning within it. By using these coping techniques stimuli stressors are dealt with when the individual can handle the emotional repercussions of facing the reality that they’re a part of. The events and situations that individuals have been through directly influence the defense mechanisms that they favor. This is from witnessing the use of reactions and defense mechanisms in others.

DREAMS AND THEIR MEANING Mengting Huang Script: Dreams and Their Meaning ABSTRACT As for dreams and their meaning, either Western or Chinese scholars and psychologists enjoy some similarities. Nevertheless, ancient Chinese developed the connections between dreams and destiny. In this case, dreams are predictions, and certain items and contents are given to exact meaning, such as body, creatures, supernatural beings, daily life, and natural phenomena. It will be a quite different perspective to interpret dreams. Moreover, through the research of the distinctions between two systems, culture and history will be tested and verified whether and how much influencing these two systems.


Script: Creative Genius and the Drive of Insanity ABSTRACT Ideas. Epiphanies. Enlightenment. Where do these fractions of thoughts come from? Are they built on the shoulders of concentration, or do they lie dormant in our subconscious, just waiting to erupt? How can two nations, on opposite sides of the world and with zero contact, bring rise to the exact same philosophical advances and ideologies? Or two people? What is the collective consciousness? These questions and more will be discussed in my exploration of creativity, consciousness and the human mind, this time in Discovering Psychology.

SUICIDE Angela Nguyen Script: Suicide ABSTRACT Whether they may be in high school or college, teenagers deal with stress, depression, and confusion. This can be a result from peer pressure, being uncomfortable with their sexuality, family issues, etc. Teenagers, compared to other age groups have a higher chance of worsening their depression rather than coming out of it. This can result in suicide or an attempt of it. Suicide ranks third in the leading cause of death among teenagers. Although many do not follow through with the attempts, there is still a high number that either consider suicide or take part in it.

THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Chiem Saechao Script: The Pursuit of Happiness ABSTRACT “What is happiness?� Happiness can be defined as an emotional state, characterized by intense joy or contentment. Being happy is viewed as a life-fulfilling achievement in many cultures and religions. In the US, many people view being happy as being wealthy, in love, in power, etc. The problem is that many people are willing to give up many things to achieve an emotion that is placed far too high on a pedestal. When they finally reach the top of the pedestal, they tend to become disappointed in the results and end up in a state of depression or sadness, and sometimes even anger.

GENIUS AND MADNESS Isabella Wotherspoon Script: Genius and Madness ABSTRACT This presentation focuses explicitly on the concepts of genius and madness, and the very thin border that separates the two. This presentation provides detailed

characteristics of those who are considered geniuses, and those who are considered mad, as well as the evolution of the definitions of the two terms. This presentation will also provide a few famous and infamous examples of figures in history that are widely considered to be geniuses, or madmen. Finally, this presentation includes the vast array of similarities shared by geniuses and madmen.

DISCORD OF DREAMS Wayne Zhong Script: Discord of Dreams ABSTRACT The meaning of dreams is a topic that is controversial. Theories range from Sigmund Freud's latent content; which states that dream have a symbolic meaning, to threat simulation theory; which suggests an evolutionary function of dreams, to activation-synthesis theory; which suggests that dreams are just a firing of random neural impulses. This presentation focuses on the symbolic, evolutionary, and biological interpretation of dreams.


Photo by Tobyotter

INSOMNIA Quintin Aguilar Script: Insomnia ABSTRACT Insomnia is a condition where a person has trouble either staying asleep or falling asleep. Insomnia is a common condition that effects 30% of the population. This sleeping condition can either be chronic (ongoing) or acute (shortterm). There are two types of insomnia, which are secondary and primary. The type that is found most common is secondary which is often caused by depression, anxiety, and stress. Although 10 million of the people in the United States are prescribed sleeping drugs, one way to cure insomnia is by practicing better sleeping habits.

SCIENCE OF SLEEPLESSNESS: INSOMNIA Kaley Andrews Script: Science of Sleeplessness: Insomnia ABSTRACT It is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia, a condition that may result in altered mental states, fatigue, cognitive impairment, anxiety, and physical complications such as high blood pressure and poor immune system function. Causes of chronic insomnia range from mental disorders to drug abuse. Individuals suffering from chronic insomnia experience delayed reaction time and perceptual illusions

that place them and others in danger in everyday situations, i.e. driving or operating machinery. In using accumulative research, this project will examine the various causes, dangers, and treatments of chronic insomnia.

AMERICA OVERWEIGHT Isa Brayfindley Script: Obesity in the United States ABSTRACT With a society invested in technology and advertising, we have become a slave to our culture with the phone in our pocket, the iPod in your ear and to the television at your home. 2/3 of the U.S. population is overweight and with the coming change in living standards due to the economic decline and technological burst where will we find our answer for obesity? This presentation will cover how obesity is thriving so well in a society advertising health and how the American public is coping with the problems of money and technology stealing our traditional way of life.

OBESITY: AMERICA’S GROWING EPIDEMIC Cassandra Carpenter Script: Obesity: America’s Growing Epidemic ABSTRACT Because obesity has major health impacts and is so prevalent in America, a literature review was conducted to understand its causes. The causes of obesity are complex and require a multidimensional approach to examine. It was determined that how individuals come to be obese includes biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Biological factors include genetics and how our bodies process food. Environmental factors include how our surroundings influence an “obesogenic” society and lifestyle. Psychological factors include how emotions and our perception can influence eating and exercise behaviors. With all of these considered, it has been concluded that obesity’s causes for affliction are far more complicated than simple over-eating, contrary to popular belief. Recommendations for decreasing obesity’s incidence are discussed.


Obesity has reached epidemic proportions internationally. In the United States, two thirds of adults and nearly one third of all children are overweight or obese. Research has shown that genetic influences clearly make some individuals more prone to obesity. However our toxic environment that subtly discourages physical activity while clearly encouraging the consumption of supersized portions of high-fat, high-sugar foods is also a cause to the epidemic. Obesity is associated with many diseases and health disorders and contributes to about 300,000 deaths each year, it is considered the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking.

INSOMNIA Andrea Chavez Script: Insomnia ABSTRACT Insomnia is one of the most common sleeping disorders in the United States. About 30 percent of the nations population is diagnosed with insomnia. The causes of insomnia usually include stress, anxiety, using a smart phone in bed, and not getting enough exercise. About 10 million of those are prescribed with sleeping drugs. Besides the prescribed drugs insomnia can be cured by better sleeping habits. There are two different types of insomnia, one being primary and the other being secondary; also there is acute insomnia and chronic insomnia.

“ FIGHT OR FLIGHT” OR THERE’S THE OTHER OPTION … Garrett Costello Script: Human Defense Mechanisms: Fight or Flight ABSTRACT When confronted with a very stressful or life threatening situation our body reacts to protect ourselves from danger. In my project I will demonstrate how and why we respond to stressful situations. I will show the passage of information from the brain to the body, focusing on the sympathetic nervous system and its relationship to the endocrine system and explain the reasoning behind the “flight” or “fight” alarm reaction.

INSOMNIA Malva Gillespie Script: Insomnia ABSTRACT This presentation will embody the common sleep disorder we all know as insomnia. It will explore the types of insomnia, acute vs. chronic insomnia, causes of insomnia, symptoms of insomnia, diagnosing insomnia, as well as

treating insomnia. A majority of the portion of the presentation will focus on the variety there is in insomnia-it varies in how long it lasts and how often it occurs. The most disheartening aspect to insomnia that will be explored in this presentation is its ability to sap energy levels/moods, but also health, work performance, and quality of life.

INSIDIOUS CAUSES & DELETERIOUS EFFECTS OF INSOMNIA Mark Henson Script: Insomnia ABSTRACT The implications of the far-reaching malady of insomnia can affect many different aspects of a persons’ life. It can reach into a person cognitive processing’s and muddle the mind as well as implant within the body many different problems. The possibility of developing a psychological problem such as depression and anxiety increase with severe loss of sleep as well as physiological issues including but not limited to heart disease and diabetes. The details contained heretofore will outline some common issues that arise from insomnia, as well as some possible ways to “cure” this affliction.

THE PLACEBO EFFECT Cheyenne LeBlanc Script: The Placebo Effect ABSTRACT The use of placebos was first seen in the 18th century and they continue to be used today. Placebos include such things as sham surgery, sugar pills, and sham injection. These different placebos have been used throughout history to help with the symptoms of a large number of ailments but have best results with pain, depression, and fatigue. This presentation will look at the history of the placebo effect, how it has been used, whom it affects, and the negative and positive effects of its use.

THE PLACEBO EFFECT Craig Lorenc Script: The Placebo Effect ABSTRACT A discussion of the placebo effect begins with an introductory phase, in which, the placebo effect - and whom it affects - is defined; justification for studying the placebo effect is reasoned. The discussion flows from personal relevance to historical relevance, offering a brief synopsis of the scientific community’s view of the topic over time. This leads to a discussion concerning modern

day research, including case studies that demonstrate the validity of the placebo effect. Research is introduced at the end of the discussion that indicates that the placebo effect can even work on people who don’t believe in the phenomena.

IMMORTAL FRUITS: RELIGION’S CONNECTION TO HEALTH Michael Masser Script: Immortal Fruits: Religion’s Connection to Health ABSTRACT There has been much debate as to why humans from all over the globe, though in an infinitely differing amount of ways seem to choose to express themselves religiously. It is only within the recent few decades that studies have been advanced enough to begin to measure and explore the connection between religious and spiritual practices and health and longevity. It has been shown through differing studies, concerning both psychological and physiological wellbeing, that there is a consistent connection between religious activity, and long life, as well as a general state of healthiness.

LIVING LONGER: LIFESPANS AMONGST TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS William Robinson Script: Living Longer: Lifespans Amongst Terminally Ill Patients ABSTRACT The quality of life for terminally ill patients is examined. I will be assessing several key variables in regards to their q.o.l (quality of life). This includes aspects of education, employment, human rights, income recreation and more. The key terms, issues and themes of terminally ill patients are pain, autonomy for recreation, drug dosage, recovery and rehabilitation for their overall awareness and demeanor or attitude in light of their potentially debilitating condition. As a result, fostering general awareness of potential consequences in living longer lives.

MIND OVER MATTER, A DISCUSSION ON THE PLACEBO EFFECT Robert Speers Script: Mind Over Matter, A Discussion on the Placebo Effect ABSTRACT

What causes the Placebo effect? Does it affect animals as well as humans? How many kinds of placebos exist in your daily life? This virtual conference, should give an answer to these kinds of questions, and discuss the types of placebos people use sometimes more frequently than they initially thought, such as the expected medicinal placebo, to rather surprising ones like the walk button at a cross walk, or close door in an elevator.


and naturalist. Educators have expanded on his theory, and have created many different ways to put the theory to work in classrooms.

CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS Paul Benjamin Script: Characteristics of Successful Couples ABSTRACT Have you ever laid eyes on someone you feel is the one, but later hate everything about that person? Have you ever wondered what could have been, or why it did not work out? Nearly everyone goes through this phase, in which we try to argue to ourselves how we can change to be part of a working relationship or envision characteristics of success in couples. For the most part, evolution and biology plays a major role in today’s relationships; not to mention societal impressions. Even the views of different cultures show different variants to success between couples. This presentation caters to the major underlying issues mentioned.

PSYCHO-SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DURING MIDDLE ADULTHOOD Staci Cibotti Script: Erik Erikson and Psychosocial Development

Photo by BuckDaddy

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN THE CLASSROOM? Stephanie Anderson Script: How Can the Theory of Multiple Intelligences Aid Teachers and Students? ABSTRACT For years, the idea of “general intelligence” (or g) was the most well-known theory of intelligence, until Howard Gardner challenged this idea that there was only one kind of intelligence. He developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, which states that humans possess several types of intelligences, and can excel in some, while remaining weak in others. Gardner pointed out eight types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal,

ABSTRACT German-American Developmental Psychologist Erik Erikson is most well-known for his belief that there are a certain number of stages every human being goes through to in order to reach their full development. These stages, spanning from infancy well into adulthood, are collectively referred to as Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. Erikson’s theory states that at each of the eight stages an individual experiences during their life they encounter a fundamental conflict, for which a successful resolution will result in a favorable outcome.

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: WHAT ARE THEY AND WHAT HAVE THEY TO DO WITH LEARNING? Darcy Drago Script: Multiple Intelligences: What Are They and What Have They to Do with Learning? ABSTRACT This presentation seeks to explain the origin and subsequent history of Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple

Intelligences. A detailed account of the nine different intelligences will precede the history. Gardner’s theory is meant to be used as a way to understand how best to teach a person, so an exploration of the current ideas of how to incorporate Gardner’s theory into the school environment to better educate children will conclude the presentation.

A TRAIL OF MONOGAMY: ONE MAN, ONE WOMAN FOR LIFE Christiane Gamage Script: Characteristics of Successful Couples ABSTRACT Discusses the standard definition for what a successful couple is and clarifies the definition to be used for the purposes of this discussion. Discusses the current state of modern couples, heterosexual and homosexual, in the model of presumed monogamy and the institute of marriage. Integrates a discussion of the failures of monogamy through examples pulled from the public spectrum and addresses the evolutionary progression of relationships through findings published in “Sex at Dawn.” Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of nonmonogamous couples and the characteristics and ethics associated. Recommends future consideration of the strength in non-monogamous couples and the issues around the necessity for monogamy as a characteristic of a successful couple.

SELF-REGULATION IS SELFEMPOWERMENT Jason Grayson II Script: Self-Regulation is Self-Empowerment ABSTRACT Self-regulation is the ability to control one’s emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward later. The ability to self-regulate has been viewed as a desirable quality throughout history because of its positive effects on behavior and the acquisition of skills. Successful people and learners use self-regulation to effectively and efficiently accomplish a task. This capacity is associated with various positive life outcomes, such as happiness, adjustment and several positive psychological factors. However, using one's self-regulation impairs the ability to control one's self later on. Self-regulation or willpower is an exhaustible resource.


Script: Heritage, Language, and Ethnic Identity ABSTRACT This presentation will be researched under the focus, Heritage Language and Ethnic Identity. A decline in heritage language will potentially result in psychological insecurity within the individual and a lost of social connection due to the misinterpretation of his or her ethnic identity. This presentation will also discuss the benefits of actively learning a native or foreign language during an early window of a child’s life. Many results have concluded that the ability to naturally speak the heritage language will contribute positive relationships to the ethnic minorities’ sense of their identity and increase in social interactions.

PARENTING STYLES AND THEIR IMPACT ON CHILDREN Kaitlyn Hanson Script: Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Children ABSTRACT How much of an influence does a parent’s method of discipline have on a child’s development? Are parents really to blame when their kids turn out bad? These are questions that developmental psychologists have tried to answer through decades of research, case studies and surveys. There are four different components of parenting: Disciplinary strategies, warmth and nurturance, communication styles, and expectations of maturity and control. Combinations of these result in four major parenting styles: Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Most parents utilize a combination two or more parenting styles. Individual parenting styles are influenced by personality, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, the child’s responsiveness, and the parent’s own upbringing.

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX AND INTIMACY Corinne Ingram Script: The Psychology of Sex and Intimacy ABSTRACT Psychologist around the globe have been studying “Intimacy” for generations, some believe it is just out of curiosity, but the study of intimacy is greatly needed for research related to relationships, cultural influences, personality factors, differences between genders, love, and many more. Intimacy is a very broad topic related to everyday experiences and motifs among humans as a whole. I have chosen to discuss research regarding sexual intimacy, relationships, and attraction. Why is it that we feel obligated to be in a relationship? Why is it important/”normal” to feel intimacy towards a partner? And

what happens to us while having sex? It is difficult to discuss just a few areas regarding intimacy, but it may bring insight to those unknowing.

ATTRIBUTES OF SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS Rasa-Lila Lagares Script: Characteristics that Define a Healthy and Sustaining Relationship ABSTRACT The virtual conference presentation will be on the subject of characteristics of successful couples. The theme of this presentation will focus on the characteristics that make up and define a healthy and sustaining relationship. Some concepts and questions to be explored are as follows. Does one's age at which they marry or become involve in a serious relationship help to determine a couple's success rate? Do shared lifestyle interests and goals lead to greater success rates? Does sharing equal footing on educational and career status aid in creating successful couples.

PARENTING STYLES AND CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOR Audrey Legg Script: Parenting Styles and Children’s Behavior ABSTRACT The way in which parents choose to raise their children has direct and indirect effects on the development of the children. A parent’s actions are an example for the future behavior of grown children since those examples are how the child learns to behave. Parenting styles are often most influential during infancy and adolescent years, times when our brains are developed the most. Different parenting styles can be considered as variables and each variable used will have a different effect on a child.

CHILDREN’S IMAGINATION AND THEIR REALITY Jazmin Marentes Script: Children’s Imagination and Their Reality ABSTRACT Young children are raised on fairy tale stories and believing in holiday figures such as Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. At one point in their lives they come across the realization that fairy tales are not true stories and Santa Claus does not bring presents Christmas Eve. This is because the child’s brain is not developed enough to understand what is true and what is false. Children respond to positive and negative stimulus whereas adults

base their decisions on experiences and memories from their childhood years.

ARE WE HOME YET? EFFECTS OF FREQUENT MOVES DURING CHILDHOOD Jessica Snow Script: Effects of Frequent Moves During Childhood ABSTRACT As someone who moved frequently during childhood, I have always been curious about how my outcome compared to others. Of all the studies I found, hypermobility (defined as moving more than six times in six years) during childhood tends to have a negative affect. Thankfully, I fared much better than others did. Studies have found that children who have moved eight or more times are more likely to be suspended/expelled or be at the bottom of their class. Each additional move “increased the odds of having problems in school by almost 85 percent.”

AUTISM Joshua Sullens Script: Autism ABSTRACT The developmental disease known as “Autism” or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) has seen a dramatic increase over the last 20 years. The focus of this presentation will be an overview of Autism to help spread awareness. This will include symptoms, treatment methods, myths about Autism and possible causes. Currently Autism afflicts 1 in 150 children born in the United States and the number of children continues to grow.

THE IMPORTANCE OF PRETEND PLAY IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT Meghan Walsh Script: The Importance of Pretend Play in Child Development ABSTRACT Psychologists agree that pretend play is crucial for the development of children. It has been found that children comprehend morals from a story better if the story has a magical theme rather than a realistic theme. Pretend play improves a child’s artistic ability. Studies show that children who watch fantastical movies comprehend the difference between real and fantasy better than children who watch realistic movies. This presentation will explore advantages of imaginary play for children, how to scaffold

that play, and if and how a child distinguishes between the real world and the fake world when that play is encouraged.

RAISING KIDS TO BE ENTREPRENEURS Taylor Ward Script: Raising Kids to be Entrepreneurs ABSTRACT With the economy in shambles, could parenting strategies be at fault? Currently we raise children to be doctors, lawyers and dentists. This is because in traditional schooling, skills such as good test taking, memorization and the ability to follow directions are emphasized. Instead we should be teaching our youth to become entrepreneurs. With qualities like creativity, leadership, and people skills, we give our children the necessary skill set to not only function in the current world, but also strive to make it better.

THROUGH THICK AND THINK: DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL COUPLES Emily Wood Script: Characteristics of Successful Couples ABSTRACT Successful couples exhibit certain characteristics, (friendship, humor, communication, chore sharing, sexual intimacy, affection, mutual and separate friends, reliability and relationship vision) which help establish and maintain a healthy lifelong relationship. Couples who display these key characteristics have been shown to be happier and more fulfilled because these characteristics are the foundation of a sound relationship. This presentation focuses on the importance and effect that each characteristic has on couples and why they help to create and sustain successful relationships.


Photo by Jessia Hime

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Kelsey Harter Script: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ABSTRACT Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that is classified as an anxiety disorder that causes mental and physical distress. PTSD results from an event that was life threatening, catastrophic and/or traumatic. People who suffer from PTSD are generally more likely to experience depression and anxiety. Approximately 3.5% of United States adults are diagnosed with PTSD in a given year (Kessler, Chiu, et al, 2005). Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is hard to handle for a lot of people but many treatment options such as cognitive therapy can be successful in helping patients mentally heal.



Christiana Lawhorn Script: Bipolar Disorder

Paige Chittenden Script: Anti-Social Personality Disorder

ABSTRACT We all have our ups and downs, our "off" days and our "on" days, but if you're suffering from bipolar disorder, these peaks and valleys are more severe (Smith, pg 1). This presentation or paper is on bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is known as maniac-depressive disorder, in which describes a category of mood disorders/swings defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels and moods with or without one or more depressive episodes. I wanted to discuss the symptoms, affects, medications, and emotional problems people face when being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder can affect one’s workplace and schooling performance, relationship, and disrupt your daily life. I am hoping to gain more knowledge on bipolar disorder and why people who have this disorder go through the different stages that they encounter with disorder, as well as passing that knowledge to my classmates.

ABSTRACT My virtual conference will be on antisocial personality disorder, a chronic mental illness in which a person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are abnormal and destructive. I will be discussing some of the ways the psychopathic patients act, and how to diagnose and treat the disorder. I will also be talking about their appearance and mannerisms in society.

ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Cesar Escamilla, Jr. Script: Antisocial Personality Disorder ABSTRACT It is described in the DSM as the pervasive disregard for, and violation of the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. Its terms are related to that of psychopathy and sociopathy but they are not to be mistaken as identical. The goal of this presentation is to understand what Antisocial Personality Disorder is, at what stages of development signs may begin to show and hopefully if it can be prevented and how and if not what else can be done.

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOR Tori Lopez Script: Obsessive Compulsive Behavior ABSTRACT Obsessive-compulsive behavior is an anxiety disorder, which causes a person to obsess over certain fears and thoughts. The person will repeatedly preform rituals to

ensure something bad wont happen to them. The main symptoms of this disorder are obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. There is no proven cause for Obsessive Compulsive Behavior and the treatment is generally therapy and medication.

PARENTING STYLES Alondra G. Rios-Cervantes Script: Learning through Reinforcements and Punishments ABSTRACT Many people justify that they are who they are and are where they stand in life because of who raised them and how. People speak about learning from the experiences that they’ve been through. The types of reinforcements and punishments that they received though their early stages and in general play a major role. This presentation focuses on the learning from consequences of our action, which can occur during Grandparents raising their Grandchildren as their own.

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE BEHAVIORS Paige Rowley Script: Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors ABSTRACT The act of obsessive-compulsive behaviors are everywhere throughout the general population. Some of these acts are harmless, while others are unwanted, even damaging. The areas of compulsive and obsessive behaviors are broad; they can occur in all types of people, and sometimes in animals. Obsessions are constantly reoccurring thoughts, and a compulsion is a repetitive behavior typically performed in response to the obsessive thought. These behaviors can range from mild to extreme depending on the person. Whatever the case may be, it is apparent that obsessive-compulsive behaviors are greatly distributed among all of society.

CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS: OBSTACLES IN RECOVERY Shannon Tobin Script: Co-Occurring Disorders: Obstacles in Recovery ABSTRACT Co-occurring disorder, also known as dual diagnosis, is when a person has one or more mental health disorder, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, anxiety, or depression—as well as a substance abuse problem. It is important to be aware of symptoms and feelings, which come up from each diagnosis. Stigma, emotional and physical symptoms, and the everpresent danger of relapsing addictive behaviors are some

of the barriers that prevent sufferers from experiencing full recovery. The purpose of this presentation is to inform and educate viewers on these and other factors involved in treating co-occurring disorders.

SCHIZOPHRENIA: WHAT IT IS AND IT’S GROWING OCCURRENCE IN TODAY’S WORLD Molly Tuttle Script: Schizophrenia: What it is and its Growing Occurrence in Today’s World ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is a severe, debilitating brain disorder that is characterized by sensory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and- in some cases- movement disorders. Schizophrenia dramatically affects the afflicted person’s life, as well as those around them. Researchers do not know schizophrenia’s exact cause, although research points to genetic, environmental and physiological influences. The disease primarily presents itself in young people, usually between the ages of 15-25. Although diagnosing schizophrenia is difficult, doctors are seeing a significant increase in the number of both potential and confirmed cases in the US.

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: WHO GETS IT AND HOW IS IT TREATED? Sarah Zarchin Script: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Who Gets it and How is it Treated? ABSTRACT Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs when someone is exposed to trauma of some kind; in this case, being exposed to war and all the traumas that are associated. There are many cultures in which seeking psychological help is taboo. Unfortunately, the American military is one of these cultures. The purpose of this presentation is to inform viewers of the overwhelming commonality of posttraumatic stress disorder in American veterans, different types of treatments available, why it is so under diagnosed, and some ramifications of living with undiagnosed or untreated PTSD.


ruins of Pompeii and Arabia. With dawn of the 19th century advances in the psychology of advertising, society has seen "Mr. Whipple", "The Golden Arcs", and of course "Big Boy". However what influences society to buy these products, how does the mind process the transformation of desires and dreams into a "Big Mac"?

MASS MEDIA: ITS INFLUENCE ON OUR BEHAVIOR Jack Heimburge Script: Mass Media: Its Influence on Our Behavior

Photo by Shy@n


ABSTRACT From a very young age we are all exposed to the media. Mass media includes the Internet, television, newspapers, radio, film and other forms of communications. With an increasing accessibility to the media, kids are being exposed to the media at younger ages and for longer periods of time per day. In return it has an increasing influences on our image, sexuality, aggressiveness and violence. Through propaganda, confusion, scapegoating and other techniques many media outlets have also developed a way of influencing our political and moral views.

Julian Davlin Script: Prejudice


ABSTRACT Describe what prejudice is in broad terms. Give the exact definition of prejudice. Describe where it comes from. Past experiences, media portrayals, or culture that people are brought up in. Explain how it affects our judgments and interpretations of the world around us. Show negative effects of prejudice, and how it can make us have assumptions about people that may be false. Explain how prejudice can be beneficial in some situations. Give examples of both. Give some ideas on how to avoid letting personal prejudice cloud judgment and dictate our everyday actions. Present a brief summary of points.

Shawna Lourenzo Script: Media Influence on the Behavior of Children

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADVERTISING: LEARNING AND MEMORY Shawn Dean II Script: The Psychology of Advertising: Learning and Memory ABSTRACT Even before the invention of the printing press, people have used advertising as a means to communicate the desire to buy what they are selling. Advertisements and political campaigns messages have been found in the

ABSTRACT The media has a strong influence over people of every age, but the age group it has the biggest effect on is children. As their minds are growing and developing they absorb everything that they see and hear. There has been much study and research done to show that the media can alter a child’s behavior dramatically. This presentation will demonstrate the many different ways in which the media has an influence over children and how it changes their behaviors forever.

THE INFLUENCE OF MEDIA ON WOMEN LeeAnn Mellick Script: The Influence of Media on Women ABSTRACT Today, media is accessible to large amounts of people, varying in age, sex, and ethnicity. Media can be found in magazines, all over the internet, on television, and through various forms of advertisement. With media making its way into to the daily lives of people, there is a very high chance it will influence their behavior, and not always in a

good way. Research and experiments have been done to reveal the influences of media on behavior. A few examples of this are the news and its impact on opinion, diet or beauty commercials targeting women, and violent video games targeting men.

PREJUDICE Crystal Silveira Script: Prejudice ABSTRACT Prejudice is a terrible thing. Whether its racism, stereotypes, sexism, or anything else, I just cant imagine anyone being ok with themselves while being prejudice. By just what I’ve been through throughout my life, I can already certainly say that a person can not be judged regarding their family, clothes, race, sex, religion, and so on. All of these things can have absolutely nothing to do with who they are as an individual or how important their role is in society. In my presentation I want to try and explain all the reasons why I believe being bias is an awful thing and why it should stop

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