May 12, 2011 Gladstone Dispatch

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STRIVE TO THRIVE Iniative to help build a healthy community to begin May 18 PAGE A3




MO CHIP will provide free ID program for children up to age 18 this Saturday at Winnetonka High School PAGE A2

Homeschool team claims international title under direction husband and wife PAGE A13

4-hour drug take-back fills 5 large trashbags with outdated, unused prescriptions PAGE A13 May 12, 2011 Volume 1 • Issue 25

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Councilman Les Smith resigns Legacy of service to be left after family move Gladstone Councilman and former Mayor Les Smith announced his resignation this week, effective June 30. Smith and his wife Laura, assistant city administrator for the city of Mission, Kan., are moving to Shawnee, Kan. Smith has served four consecutive terms on the Gladstone City Council and recently concluded his third term as mayor. In Gladstone, the council selects a mayor each April from among its members. Smith has two years remaining in his term as councilman. The council would fill Smith’s vacancy by appointing an interim council member to serve until the next municipal election in April 2012, according to City Manager Kirk Davis. He said Smith’s departure from the council would leave big shoes to fill. “His innate decency and ability to deal with everyone has earned him the affection and respect of many, many people, and his leadership will be missed,” Davis said.

of Gladstone Bowl, which his family opened in 1958. Smith first served on the council in the mid-1980s and has served on more than a dozen area boards, commissions and advisory committees in a public career spanning more than 30 years. Smith’s involvement in Gladstone politics is no accident. His father, Everett Smith, served on the City Council in the 1960s and 1970s and served as mayor from 1963 to 1964. Giving back to the community was a value instilled in Les Smith from a young age. “Since shortly before our city’s inception in 1952, either my father or I have had the honor and privilege of representing our community in one way or another,” Smith said. “I grew up talking Gladstone politics and city business at the dinner table. My mother, Carmelina, has endured it all … she must be a saint.” The city manager described Smith as an invaluable member of the city council because of Smith’s 40-year hisA history of service An advocate for regional cooperation tory of involvement in the community and neighborhood initiatives, Smith as well as his knowledge of institutional is a lifelong city resident and owner history at City Hall.

Come Celebrate Opening Day May 18 • Door Prizes • Kids Activities • Kettlecorn • Oak Park High School Band • Dominics Italian Express • 12 Vendors • Goody bags for the first 200 Shoppers Special Guest Judith Fertig, Cookbook Author, will be at the market with her latest cookbook, Heartland, filled with prairie-theme recipes. Sponsored by Jeff King, Edward Jones Co. and KC Tint Works

Market Hours are: Every Wednesday 2 to 6 p.m. located on N.E. 70th Street (2 blocks east of North Oak).

“He is also politically very savvy,” Davis said. “Les’ leadership and consensus-building capabilities have resulted in numerous successes, including the citizens-based strategic planning process we call Gladstone on the Move Citizens Making a Difference, the recently passed Public Safety Sales Tax, and several bond issues that have resulted in significant investment in our infrastructure.” Smith has played a key leadership role in initiating citizen visioning processes that produced long-range goals for Gladstone, named an All-America City in 2008. His effort to coordinate the largest single-day signing of The Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement in 2007, which he signed on behalf of Gladstone’s Council, helped usher in many of the sustainability initiatives included in Gladstone’s long-range planning. Most recently, Smith was an outspoken advocate for the Public Safety Sales Tax and water/sewer/street bond issues, CONTRIBUTED PHOTO both of which were approved by voters by overwhelming margins. Les Smith addresses the Clay County Economic Development Council as the mayor of Gladstone at the 2007 State of the SMITH/Page A5 Cities Luncheon.

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