June 7, 2012 Gladstone Dispatch

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Local GOP prepares for June 22 celebration PAGE A5

5K yields $12,000 for educaiton foundation PAGE A12



Help your kids make healthy food choices INSIDE

Rotary Club gives 4 Norhtland students education funds PAGE A13

June 7, 2012 Volume 2 • Issue 29 75 cents Send your news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

A life of love and sports Paul Hendrickson celebrates 91st birthday

By Ryne Dittmer About a month ago, Paul Hendrickson celebrated his 91st birthday. The gathering, as has been the custom throughout his life, was shared with his family’s Mother’s Day celebration due to the close proximity of the two days. His birthday, May 13, actually fell on Mother’s Day this year. “It was a good celebration,” Hendrickson said. “That’s how it’s been all my life. Mother’s Day and my birthday were only a few days apart.” The dual holiday has never been a bother to Hendrickson, who shares his birthday with another holiday of sorts. Hendrickson was born on a Friday the 13th. “I always thought I was born on a Sunday. When I finally checked, I saw it was a Friday, but it doesn’t

bother me,” Hendrickson said. “I got to thinking that I bet my mother told me it was a Sunday because she thought I’d be worried.” Hendrickson has been too active in life to dwell on the bad luck associated with his date of birth. Born in 1921 in Pleasant Hill, Hendrickson has spent a majority of his life living in the Northland. He grew up on his family farm alongside his older brother before spending three years serving in the Navy. Hendrickson was then employed at American Can in North Kansas City, where he met his eventual wife, Helen. “She was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Hendrickson said. “I’m just so glad I had her.” Together, the couple shared more than 40 years of marriage stemming from their first date

in 1945. Hendrickson, who did not have a car at the time, arranged to meet Helen at Katz Drug Store in North Kansas City. Helen was to pick Hendrickson up but was faced with car troubles in an era where making a call on a cell phone did not exist. “She was late, but I just knew she would be coming, so I waited,” Hendrickson said. Eventually, Helen made her way to the drug store and, while delayed, the two started their lives together that day. “We liked to do everything with each other. As long as Helen was there, I had a good time,” Hendrickson said. “All my friends knew that I wouldn’t go out without Helen.” Helen and Paul raised two children in the area. Mita graduated from Oak Park High School, and Marla, who now teach-

es at Winnetonka High School, graduated from North Kansas City High School. “They both still live really close and I get to see them a lot,” Hendrickson said. The family, which now includes four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, have kept close through another one of Hendrickson’s passions: sports. If you ask Hendrickson to tell you about himself, he has a quick answer. He has always loved to play. From to dreams of playing in major league baseball to croquet and many other games, Hendrickson has kept a focus on sports throughout his life. “I always liked to play sports and I always liked to think I was better than average or average in everything except golf,” Hendrickson said with a

RYNE DITTMER/Special to Gladstone Dispatch

Paul Hendrickson holds the bowling trophies he won with his wife in 1992. The Gladstone resident turned 91 on May 13 and has always kept a focus in life on play and staying active. chuckle. Sports were something that Hendrickson could always share with Helen and his children. “She always liked to go to the game and she was a real good croquet player,” Hendrickson said. “Helen and I had never been beat by another team until Mita and the neighbor from across the street had grown older. Mita is

the best at croquet in the family. She took after her mother.” To this day, Hendrickson remains active, bowling with local leagues and exercising daily. Hendrickson is always proud to share the news of his latest bowling high score with family and continue to play the games that have been a central part of his life for so long.

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