June 28, 2012 Gladstone Dispatch

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June 28, 2012 Volume 2 • Issue 32 75 cents Send your news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

25 years on stage — and outside

‘Hello, Dolly!’ at amphitheater July 6, 7, 8

Theatre in the Park hits quarter-century mark this summer By Kathy Crawford Gladstone Theatre in the Park is gearing up for the season and planning a celebration to mark its 25th anniversary, including raffle drawings at each of the six summer performances. “The Gladstone Theatre in the Park is special in so many ways, but to think that is has been around for 25 years is unbelievable,” Director of Parks and Recreation Sheila Lillis said. The 25th Anniversary Committee, made up of 10 former performers and band members, has been working on celebration plans since last fall. This year’s theme is “We are a Family.” “The number of cast members, band members and audience members who have grown up going — this is very special for the community,” Lillis said. Anniversary Committee member Julie Crawford said the public and past performance members who KATHY CRAWFORD/Special to Gladstone Dispatch served in any way during productions in the past 25 Heidi Uptegrove and Clifford Hubbard practice their roles as Dolly Levi and years are encouraged to Horace Vandergelder for the upcoming musical “Hello, Doll!” The performances are scheduled for Friday to Sunday, July 6 to 8, at the Gladstone Amphitheatre ANNIVERSARY/Page A2 in Oak Grove Park. Shows begin at 8:30 p.m. and last about two hours.

By Kathy Crawford The director for this year’s performance of “Hello, Dolly!” has been involved with the Gladstone Theatre in the Park since 1989. Director Jennifer Kessler teaches middle school speech and theater in the North Kansas City Schools district. “Hello, Dolly!” is the third play she has directed for Gladstone Theatre in the Park. The first two were “Footloose” in 2009 and “Annie Get Your Gun” in 2010. This year’s show will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Friday to Sunday, July 6 to 8, at the Gladstone Amphitheatre in Oak Grove Park. Kessler said the play, which is a retelling of “The Matchmaker,” has three major scenes that take place in New York: the Harmonia Restaurant, a hat shop and a feed store. The character Dolly Levi, played by Heidi Uptegrove, is the matchmaker in the play. “She does all sorts of interesting things,” Kessler said. But this ensemble play doesn’t rely on just one leading woman and man. “There are a lot of lead characters with several stories going on at one time,” Kessler said. And all of the different songs and

Gladstone’s July 4th festivities Gladstone will celebrate the Fourth of July with a big bang by providing family fun and entertainment for all ages. Music, fireworks and lots more will be offered, including concessions. Admission is free and the festivities will begin at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 4, at Oak Grove Park, 76th and North Troost. The evening includes a concert by the North Star Community Band with presentation of colors and to cap off the evening a magnificent fireworks display will be provided at dusk. Bring blankets and lawn chairs and don’t forget the picnic baskets, to enjoy the Spirit of Patriotism and community in the park. Parking is available at Oak Park High School. To ensure safety, Gladstone Public Safety Officers will be directing traffic. Gladstone ordinances prohibit discharging fireworks within city limits. For questions or concerns regarding the celebration, contact the Gladstone Parks & Recreation Department at 423-4091.


Easton Corbin with Special Guests Outlaw Junkies

KEARNEY AMPHITHEATER Sat., July 14th • 7:00 PM 25 in advance - $35 at the gate startin at 6:00 pm starting


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Simply fill out the entry form below and drop off or mail to the Gladstone Dispatch. Entries must be received by NOON on Thursday, July 5. Winners will be determined through a drawing and winners will be notified Friday, July 6. Entries received after deadline will not be eligible for drawing. Advance tickets are also available at KearneyAmphitheater.com or Kearney City Hall for only $25.00.*Winners names and photos may be used in future publications.

Sponsored by La Fuente Mexican Restaurant THANKS TO OUR 2012 SEASON SPONSORS

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104 N. Main Liberty, MO 64068 816.454.9660

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