July 12, 2012

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July 12, 2012 Volume 2 • Issue 34 75 cents Send your news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

County 4-H Fair Vintage vehicle this weekend By Ryne Dittmer

day) July 12 and 13 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.,” Elkins-Mense said. The horse show on July 15 is The Clay County 4-H Youth open to the public at 9 a.m. at Fair is set to run through Sun- no charge. day, July 15, at the Earnest Shepherd Youth Center in Lib- Clay County 4-H clubs erty. • 4-Corners 4-H Club — Organizers anticipate more meets on the third Thursday of than 100 area youth members each month at Earnest Shepherd will participate in the event, Youth Center, 610 E Shepherd which began Wednesday, July Road in Liberty. Club leaders: 11, from participating in pet Carol Kesler and Sherri Peters. shows to project demonstra- Website: www.4corners4hclub. tions. shutterfly.com. “This year we have a large • Golden Clovers Club number of kids doing working — meets on the fourth Mondemonstrations,” County Pro- day of each month at Franklin gram Director Nancy Elkins- Elementary School in Liberty. Mense said. “They are similar Club leader: Debbie Abend, to a show and tell. They show golden.clovers@yahoo.com. their project and have an hour • Happy Northeasterners from start to finish to complete Club — meets on the first the project. They are judged Monday of each month at the how well they are able to give Rogers home in Kearney. Club information and explain what leader: Jennifer Rogers, happy. they are doing.” northeasterners@gmail.com. • Ke a r ney K lovers 4-H Jeopardy will also make a return appearance after the Horse Club — meeting locaresponse the competition gar- tions, dates and times vary. nered from last year’s event. Club leaders: Lisa Keefe and Additionally, several outside Becky Silcott. Website: www. groups will be participating, Kear neyK lovers4H.shutterf ly. including Clay-Platte Elec- com. • Project 4-H Fun Club tric Cooperative, Jesse James Farm, Missouri Department of — meets the first ThursConservation and Liberty Fire day each month in members homes. Club leaders: Kahlea Department. “If the public wants to come Green, kahlea.green@gmail. and see demonstrations, they com and Alan Saunders, can do so (Thursday and Fri- joyall123@gmail.com.

MARK JOHNSON/Special to Gladstone Dispatch

Mike Adkins of Gladstone shows off his 1917 Willys Overland to visitors to the Liberty Car Cruise on July 4. Adkins said he bought the Overland several years ago at a farm auction in the Northland and had the now-95year-old car running a week later.

City Council approves electric fence, collar use to corral dogs The Gladstone City Council has approved the use of electric fences and collars to contain and restrain dogs. The ordinance specifically states that the dog is restrained

Ornament Premiere

when it is in a fully enclosed or fenced area, including an electronic fence or electric collar that controls the movement of the dog by emitting an electrical shock when the dog wearing the

collar nears the boundary of the owner’s, harborer’s, keeper’s or maintainer’s property. The amended ordinance can be viewed on the city website at www.gladstone.mo.us.

R E T A E H IT H P M A Y E N R A E K KearneyAmphitheater.com

Saturday, July 14 Sunday, July 15 Don’t miss out on this year’s Keepsake Collectibles

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Guests OUTLAW JUNKIES Advance Sat., July 14 Tickets: $25 7:00pm At the gate: $35

SEASON SPONSORS: First Missouri Bank KCB Bank Kearney Chamber of Commerce Kearney Trust Company NKC Beverage Remax Advantage Stables Grill St. Michaels Knights of Columbus Council #8915

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