July 19, 2012 Gladstone Dispatch

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July 19, 2012 Volume 2 • Issue 35 75 cents Send your news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

Lots of names on primary ballot


Despite a few contentious races, more than 85% of voters expected to stay home Aug. 7 By Angie Anaya Borgedalen

be Missouri’s next U.S. senator, incumbent Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill is considered If Clay County voters follow the underdog. She faces no the trend set in the August pri- opposition in the primary. mary four years ago, less than Three leading Republicans 15 percent of the county’s reg- candidates, Congressman istered voters will go to the Todd Akin, former Missouri polls Tuesday, Aug. 7. state treasurer Sarah Steelman According to Patty Evans, and businessman John BrunDemocrat director ner, are duking it out for of elections, 12.5 the opportunity to percent of the take McCaskill out county’s regin the November istered voters election. cast ballots in Statewide August 2008. offices Reg ist rat ion While Demofor the primary crat Gov. Jay Nixon ended July 11, faces token opposiwith 152,248 elition in the primary, he gible voters on the is not considered to be in roster. “We anticipate a big surge trouble, according to political for the November election,” pundits. Of the four RepubliEvans said. “Registration dead- can candidates, David Spence line for the Nov. 6 election is of St. Louis and Bill Randles of Kansas City North have been Oct. 10.” the most active campaigners. U.S. Senate The winners of both parties Although there are 10 can- will face off in November. didates from three parties at In the most crowded race, the top of the ticket vying to eight Democrats, four Repub-

lican, one Libertarian and one Constitution party candidate are running for lieutenant governor. The best known of the bunch on the Democrat ticket is Susan Montee, former state auditor. The top GOP candidates are state Sen. Brad Lager and incumbent Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder. State Rep. Jason Kander is hoping to keep the secretary of state’s office in Democrat hands after current Secretary of State Robin Carnahan decided not to run for re-election. Best known on the Republican side of the race is state Sen. Bill Stouffer. There are two Democrats, three Republicans, a Libertarian and a Constitution party candidate seeking the office. Of the four candidates running for state attorney general, the best known are incumbent Attorney General Chris Koster and Republican Ed Martin.

U.S. House

Hoping to oust Democrat 5th District U.S. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, who faces

no opposition in the primary, are four Republican and one Libertarian. Among the GOP contenders is state Rep. Jerry Nolte of Gladstone. Republican 6th District U.S. Congressman Sam Graves faces token opposition in the primary. Three Democrats and one Libertarian have also filed for the office.

Missouri Senate

Democrat Sandra Reeves, a former Clay County collector of revenue and a former state representative, is running against Republican state Rep. Ryan Silvey for the 17th State Senate District seat. Neither candidate faces opposition in the primary.

Missouri House

Running for a House seat in the 15th District, which represents Gladstone, are Democrats Jon Carpenter, Shon Adamson and Carol Suter. The winner will face Republican contender Kevin Corlew in November.



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