June 13, 2013 Gladstone Dispatch

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June 13, 2013 Volume 3 • Issue 31 75 cents Send community news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

Councilman Barry McCullough resigns Gladstone Councilman Barry McCullough has announced he will step down from his elected post, effective Aug. 1. “It is with mixed emotion that I announce my resignation from the City Council,” he said at a recent council meeting, citing the purchase of a new home

and subsequent move to another Northland community as the reason for leaving city government. McCullough still owns a business in Gladstone and plans to remain engaged and active with the community. He was first elected to the Gladstone City Council in

2009 and served as mayor in 2011. Before holding elected office, he served as a member of the Gladstone Planning Commission. “Barry will be missed,” Mayor Jean Moore said. “He has provided a great example of leadership and has been a friend to the community.”

Open seat

The City Council has begun the process of seeking a replacement to fill the seat vacated by McCullough until the next regular election in April 2014. To be considered for the seat, applicants must meet the qualifications of a council member: be

at least 21 years of age, a U.S. citizen, a resident of Gladstone for one year prior to appointment and a registered voter. Interested qualified residents are encouraged to submit a resumé and letter of interest indicating their reasons for wanting to serve, experience in the

Farmers market to relocate

Gladstone’s happy to sing the blues

Amy Neal/Staff Photo

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Music lovers fill Oak Grove Park during the 17th annual Gladstone Summertime Bluesfest on Saturday, June 8. The two-day festival co-hosted by the Gladstone Area Chamber of Commerce and the city of Gladstone returns to the park’s amphitheater each year in early June. This year’s presenting sponsor was Capitol Federal. More photos from the event appear on Page A10.

Colt Ford

Customize With Your Favorite Ice Cream and Cake

Gunnar & The Grizzly Boys

Simply fill out the entry form below and drop off or mail to the Gladstone Dispatch Dispatch. Entries must be re received by NOON on Thursday, June 20. Winners will be determined through a drawing and winners will be notified Friday, June 21. Entries received after deadline will not be eligible for drawing. Advance tickets are also available at KearneyAmphitheater.com or Kearney City Hall for only $20.00.*Winners names and photos may be used in future publications.

Sponsored by La Fuente Mexican Restaurant and Big V Country Mart THANKS TO OUR 2013 SEASON SPONSORS

Dad’s Shirt Cake ©2 201 0 3 BR R IP PH Ho old llder d LLC. LC C. All A l rig iights ghts hts rese reserved. erved. d Pric Pri ricce and dp part par pa a art ar rrttiic icip icipa ici ccip cipa iipa pa ation t ti tio may vary ma ary. y. LLimit y Lim Limi mitte m ed d ti time me o on nlly ly. y.. y


The Gladstone Farmers Market is changing locations to make way for The Heights. The weekly outdoor market will move to the parking lot at the Gladstone Hy-Vee to accommodate construction of the mixed-use development at Northeast 70th and North Locust Streets. Fresh produce and other items will be available at the new site starting Wednesday, June 26. Market hours will remain the same: 2 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays through the end of October, rain or shine. “Only if there is a severe weather alert will the market be forced to close,” according to the city’s website. The grocery store parking lot, at Northeast 72nd Street and North Prospect Avenue, offers more parking and easier access for shoppers, a press release from the city said. “The vendors think this is a good move for the market and are excited to get started,” the release said. “Everyone is excited about being able to let a much larger part of the community become aware of the market and see how it could evolve and grow.” Shoppers can make their purchases with EBT, credit and debit cards at the Gladstone Farmers Market.

Make Your Father’s Day.

with Special Guest:

KEARNEY AMPHITHEATER Sat., June 29th • 7:00 PM

municipal government process, civic involvement and any other related experience. Resumés will be accepted until 5 p.m. Monday, June 24. Resumés should be sent to City Clerk Cathy Swenson with a copy to Mayor Jean B. Moore at 7010 N. Holmes St., Gladstone, MO 64118.

Tool Box Cake

Don’t Don o t Forget o get the t eG Graduate


$ 00



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$ 99 DOUBLE DIP ICE + Appl. Tax


*Waffle cones extra.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: _______________________

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2 FOR $999 PRE-PACKED ICE CREAM Stop by any of these locations

Email address: ____________________________________________ Mail or drop off this entry form for FREE Colt Ford tickets at the

• 7711 N. Oak Street Trfwy, Kansas City, MO • 118 N. Conistor (in front of Lowe’s), Liberty, MO • 3600 NE Randolph Road, Randolph, MO • 4555 S. Noland Road, Independence, MO

104 N. Main Liberty, MO 64068 816.454.9660 75005821

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