2011 Best of the Northland Winners List

Page 1

Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

You picked them ...


People & Places | 4 Retail & Services | 10 Food & Drink | 23 Sports & Entertainment | 28 Medical | 32 Automotive | 34 Real Estate | 35 Schools | 37

Presented by

July 14, 2011

Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011



e are celebrating 21 years of living, shopping, learning and socializing at our favorite spots in the Northland with our favorite neighbors — and yours. Each year we ask our readers to vote for their favorite businesses and people in more than 120 categories. We tally the thousands of votes and name a Gold, Silver and Bronze winner in each category. This 40-page special section is a list of all of the winners. For the 2011 awards, we swapped a couple of new categories for some that haven’t garnered many votes in the past few years. For the first time, you voted on Best Tattoo Parlor and Best Massage Therapy along with the old standbys Favorite Northlander and Best Grocery Store, as well as new additions from 2010 such as Best-Kept Secret. A little shop in Liberty, La Tienda Chiquita at 121 W. Kansas St., is that secret, but the Gold-winning Mexican grocery probably won’t be secret for long. The Silver winner was Harley’s & Horses, 7210 N.E. 43rd St. in Kansas City, and Bronze went to the Kearney eatery Sparky’s BBQ at 192 Missouri Highway 92. Voting for the 2012 Best of the Northland will open up next spring. Look for paper ballots in the Gladstone Dispatch, Liberty Tribune, The Kearney Courier and The Smithville Herald as well as online at www.BestOfTheNorthland.net. In the meantime, keep up with all of this year’s and past winners on Best of the Northland’s Facebook page.

Liberty/Gladstone 781-4941 Smithville 532-4444 Kearney 628-6010


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

The feeling’s mutual

By Jesus Lopez-Gomez For Favorite Northlander Tammy McKenzie, it’s all about the community. “Everybody’s so friendly,” McKenzie said “It’s such a friendly, open community. The people are very laid-back.” Born and raised in the Northland, this year’s choice community member descends from two generations of natives: both she and her father graduated from North Kansas City High School. McKenzie moved to Dallas for a few years, but she returned to her roots north of the river 15 years ago. “It was too big of a city,” McKenzie said of the Texas town. “I tend to make eye contact with people a lot, and I always greet people with a ‘Hello.’ It’s different in Dallas. It was like moving to a different country sometimes when you’re used to

Community favorite has an affinity for her native Northland the way people are here.” McKenzie was also voted Best Waitress in the Northland in this year’s readers choice awards. She recently started working at the Brass Rail. Previously, she was at Harley’s & Horses for eight months, which is where she was waiting tables during Best of the Northland voting, and at Pizza Factory before that. McKenzie’s aptitude for waitressing comes down to a love of the people who sit at her tables. “I love getting to meet new people,” McKenzie said. “I don’t think I could ever have an office job and just sit behind a desk. I’ve made great friendships over the past six years.” Harley’s & Horses owner Jeff Knold remarked

how well-liked she was by patrons. “She’s a great waitress,” Knold said. “She was very popular with our guests.” McKenzie said she got into waiting tables when her oldest daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and she was looking for a flexible schedule. When neighbors learned of daughter’s illness, the community came forth to raise funds for the girl’s treatments. McKenzie has been trying to give back all she can since then. “I’m deeply honored to receive this award,” McKenzie said. “It’s a great compliment, and I do appreciate it.” Now cancer-free for three years, McKenzie’s daughter is attending the University of MissouriKansas City and plans to become a cancer nurse. In her free time, our Favorite Northlander enjoys attending concerts and spending time with her family.

Julie F. Hartung, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Karen K. Driskell, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Thank You For Voting Dr. Julie Hartung The Best OB/GYN in the Northland!! Women Caring For Women Our physicians are board certified by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Nancy A. Miller, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

To All Our Northand Customers, Thank you for all of your referrals

Cynthia T. Woollen, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Bridget M. Abney, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Kelly B. Nichols, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

- The Mr. Electric Team

Nurse Practitioners Shirley Goode, M.S.N., W.H.C.N.P. Christina Fullinwider, M.S.N., W.H.C.N.P. Melissa Pottebaum, M.S.N., W.H.C.N.P.

We accept most insurance plans. To schedule an appointment, call

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Favorite Northlander

Waiter/ Waitress



Linda Faris

Tammy McKenzie

Allison Tolle

Karen King

Marlo Ireland

Brock Winkelbauer

The Landing 1189 W. Kansas St., Liberty 792-5230 www.landingeatery andpub.com

Tammy McKenzieHarley’s & Horses

Dave DelongChip Shot Bar & Grill

Red Robin 1919 Star Road, Liberty 792-3030 www.redrobin.com

Doe KellyHarley’s & Horses

CharlieHarley’s & Horses

Weston Vet/Animal Clinic of Boardwalk Square 6302 N.W. Barry Road, Kansas City 640-3155 www.westonvet.com

Kyle JohansonBarry Road Animal Hospital

Antioch Dog & Cat Hospital

Thank You Northland for Voting Lamar’s Donuts the Best Donut Shop in the Northland! 1183 Kansas St. Liberty, MO



Computer Repair – Custom Built and Upgrade PC

Thank You For Voting Us the Gold Award Winner of Computer Repair in the Northland 943 W. Liberty Drive Liberty, MO 64068

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One Dozen Doughnuts

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Thank You For Your Support!

Voted one of the

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Insurance Agent

Hair Stylist/Barber (tie)


Jimmy Porter JC Rupp Insurace Agency

9 Victory Drive, Liberty 792-5560 | jcruppagency.com

Shane Devolt

Harvey Seely

Harvey’s Barber Shop 6 W. Kansas St., Liberty 781-2039

Casey Presko

8424 Farley 913.642.6503


7036 Nieman 913.631.6121


830 W Liberty Dr 816.781.0001

Beauty Brands

Teresa RaneyTree’s Barber & Styling Shop

Thanks for voting us the best!

Overland Park

Ashley Hays

Cates Auction

Steve Ritter

T hank You For Voting Us Best Grocery Store

40% off

any one regularly priced item not valid with any other offer coupon must be present to receive discount good at the liberty location only expires august 31st, 2011

169 Hwy. Smithville 816-532-0883


Kearney Commercial Center 816-532-0883 HOURS: MON.-SAT. 6 AM - 10 PM SUNDAY 8 AM - 10 PM


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Auto Mechanic

Pet Groomer

John Patee

6010 N.E. Antioch Road, Kansas City 455-7297

Animal Attic

Goodman Auto 14405 Missouri Route 92, Platte City | 858-5544

Dave McKahan- Curt WendtDave’s Foreign Curt’s Automotive & Welding Car Repair

Susan DelisleBriar Clippery



Personal Trainer

Dice Photography

1400 N. Missouri Route B, Liberty 781-2956 www.dicephoto.com

J. Kent Bixler

Reed Portrait Group

Robert Quinn

Anytime Fitness 2303 Higgins Road, Platte City | 858-7007

Mindy Shriver

Bobby PinonImpact Fitness


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Best-Kept Secret

Hair/Nail Salon

Tanning Salon

Day Spa

Celsius Tannery

8504 Church Road, Kansas City 415-3733 www.salonoasisand dayspa.com

XO Nails

La Tienda Chiquita

8644 N.E. Flintlock Road, Kansas City 415-1717

121 W. Kansas St., Liberty 792-4414 www.latiendachiquita.com

Harley’s & Horses

Sparky’s BBQ

Beehive Salon

Beauty Brands

Salon Oasis


Island Tan

Venetian Tan

Spa Tuscano


Cakes, pastries, and cookies for birthdays, showers, weddings, anniversaries and graduations.

Thank You for Voting Us


in the Northland

cake shop • bakery supplies

Fresh breads on Tuesdays and Fridays.

113 W. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 415-4777 www.acescakeshop.com


Riverside, Missouri Kansas City, Missouri




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Call to make an appointment for a private tasting and consultation

Cinnamon rolls and pies on Thursdays.


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Place to Work

Law Office

John Chick



Harley’s & Horses

Kendallwood Hills Estates

The Law Offices of John E. Chick Jr. 2601 Kendallwood Pkwy., Ste. 103, Kansas City 455-2525

Farley Law Office

Dougan Law Firm

Employment Charitable Agency Org./Nonprofit


218 South Street, Ste. 201, Excelsior Springs 888-324-9869 www.labormaxstaffing.com

A-1 Staffing

Labor Ready

Liberty Women’s Clinic 11 N. Gallatin St., Liberty 415-9415 confidence2choose.com

Hillcrest Transitional Heartland Housing Presbyterian Center


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Plumbing Company



Roofing Company

Ever-Ready Pest Control

Westland Plumbing

Mar-Jen Electrical Service

7105 N. Locust St., Kansas City 468-4002

Liberty 781-6383

891-0639 www.acordroofing.com

Liberty 792-0505

Spirit Plumbing

Patriot Plumbing

Mr. Electric

Mike Hagen Electric

Acord Roofing

All-Pro Pest Control

Terminex Pest Control

Better Roofing

Liberty Roofing

Thank you for voting us Best Used Cars in the Northland Pete Franklin’s

Best Cars


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THOUSANDS! BestCarsKC.com 816.283.6900


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Home Exteriors Company

Shopping Center

Art Gallery

Appliance Store Sears


Kelly Siding & Window Co.

5325 N. Byfield Ave., Kansas City | 587-6661

Kent Mohler Exteriors

Home Exteriors

Zona Rosa

8640 N. Dixon Ave., Kansas City | 587-8180 www.zonarosa.com

Shoppes Tiffany Springs at Boardwalk Market Center

River’s Bend Gallery

201 Main St., No. 8, Parkville 587-8070

Gallery Off Broadway

Northland Exposure Artists’ Gallery

Best Buy



Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Massage Therapy

Place to Buy Lawn/Garden Equipment

for voting u Lawn Thank you Carpet ServiceBest ofCleaner the Northland 816.880.3737 Sears www.searsclean.com

Back & Body Works 7618 N. Oak Trfy., Gladstone 420-8800 backandbodyworks.com



Green Grass Lawn

880-3737 www.searsclean.com

5510 N.E. Antioch Road, Kansas City | 453-5453 greengrasslawnsprinklers.com

Mention This Ad For

Salon Oasis & Day Spa

Message Envy Spa

Home Depot


Presko Lawn & Lands

10% OF Ryan Lawn & Tree

Pratt Carpet Cleaning

Stanley Steamer

Offer also good on sale prices


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Grocery Store

Convenience Home Store Improvement Service

Garden/ Nursery Center







Price Chopper

Big V Country Mart

Pour Boys


Kent Mohler Exteriors

Romancing the Home

Family Tree Nursery

830 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty 781-0001 | familytree nursery.blogspot.com

Green House on the Hill



Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Antique Store Timeless Treasures Antique Mall

433 E. U.S. Highway 69, Kansas City 455-9400

Bradford’s Antiques

Liberty Antique Mall

Home Accessories Store

Furniture Store

Shoe Store


Crowley Furniture


8654 N. Boardwalk Ave., Kansas City 505-3300 www.kirklands.com

Pier 1 Imports

Nell Hill’s

200 N. Missouri Highway 291, Liberty | 781-8002 www.crowleyfurniture.com

Kay Furniture

I. O. Metro

8679 N. Stoddard Ave., Kansas City 505-1940 www.dsw.com

Famous Footwear

Payless Shoe Source

4713 NE Vivion Road Kansas City, MO 64119 Phone: (816) 453-1314 We welcome patients of all ages.

Thanks For Voting Me #1

James B. Marx, D.O. Board Certified, Family Practice

My Heartfelt Appreciation for Voting Me One of the Best of the Northland Dave’s Foreign Car Repair 6208 NW Bell Road Parkville, MO 64152 (816) 741-1498

Voted 2011 2010 “Best Voted “Bestof ofthe theNorthland” Northland” Best Bank Best Bank Best Mortgage Mortgage Best Best Place to Work Best Place to Work Best Online Bank

9 Convenient Northland Locations to Serve You Including Shoal Creek, Gladstone, and Parkville

For the Pursuit of Perfection in Foreign Car Repair



Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Men’s Clothing Store

Women’s Clothing Store

Children’s Clothing Store

Thrift Store




Men’s Warehouse







7201 N.W. 86 Terrace, Kansas City | 746-6410 www.shopjustice.com

The Children’s Place


6241 N.W. Barry Road, Kansas City 505-2252 www.dittokc.com

The ReSale Shop

Hillcrest Thrift Shop

515 N. State Route 291, Liberty, Mo 816-781-2900 www.mcknighteyecenters.com

Thanks for Voting Us Best Sports Bar for the Third Year in a Row! Come Visit Our New Indoor/Outdoor Patio Voted Gold Award Best Place to Hear Live Music

17th Anniversary Celebration Labor Day Weekend Smokers Welcome

Voted Gold Award Best Bartender, Marlo

Southeast Corner 152 & 191 • 792-5230 OPEN DAILY Mon-Sat 11am-1:30am • Sun 11am-Midnight

We at McKnight Eye Centers are truly humbled to be voted Best Eye Surgeon in the Northland. Our motto is “Where We Treat You Like Family” and we really try to live by it! So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, to our family of patients.


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Gift/Card Shop

Music Store

Dry Cleaner

Bed and Breakfast

Pride Cleaners


Crybaby Farm 9 N. Water St., Liberty 429-7021

The Rock Inn

Best Buy

400 S. Jefferson St., Kearney | 903-4010 www.kearneyrockinn.com


Rod’s Hallmark

Bette’s Hallmark

Antioch Music

Meyer Music

We’d Like to Thank You for Voting Us the Best Furniture Store in the Northland. It has been our privilege to serve you for 57 years. —Greg, Beth & Laura Crowley

At Highways 291 & 152 in Liberty Experience The Difference



Foster’s Cleaners

Mayfair Cleaners & Laundry

The Inn at The Terrance Crescent Lake Avenue Inn

would like to thank the Northland for voting us

#1 Best Grocery Store in the Northland for the 7th straight year. We are also thrilled to be voted one of the best Salad Bars and Bakeries in the Northland. 109 N. Blue Jay Dr., Liberty, MO • 816-792-3210 7117 N. Prospect Ave., Gladstone, MO • 816-452-6500 8301 N. St. Clair Ave., Kansas City, MO 64151 • 816-505-1000 207 N.E. Englewood Rd., Kansas City, MO 64118 • 816-454-4776

Watch for Our NEW Store Opening July 19th 5330 N.W. 64 St., Kansas City, MO 64151 • 816-505-1311


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Hardware Store

Jewelry Store

Florist Shop

P&G Hardware

The Polished Edge


6264 Lewis Drive, No. 4, Parkville 741-1731

Westlake Ace Hardware

14 E. Franklin St., Liberty 781-6360 www.thepolishededge.com


Meierotto Midwest Jewelers

Helzberg Diamonds

Heating & Cooling Co.


Charlie’s Comfort Services 721-7656

Shackelford Botanical Designs

Gladstone Flowers

Climate Control Heating & Cooling

Family Practice 9411 N. Oak, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64155-2233 (816) 436-1800 • fax (816) 436-4241 www.gashlandclinic.com We Would Like to Welcome Rozella Ranes M.D. to Gashland Clinic

D.E. Wilson, M.D. M.A. Kanne, M.D. J.A. Luerding, M.D. G.R. Kirkpatrick, M.D.

T.L. Wilkins, M.D. T.E. Fox, M.D. M.J. DiBernardo, M.D. D.A. McCormick, M.D.

B.J. Krumm, M.D. A.A. Albers, M.D. S.A. Haupt, M.D. R. Ranes, M.D.

OPEN: 7:30-5 M-F • AFTER HOURS WALK IN CARE: 5:30-8 M-F; SAT 9-3; SUN 10-3

Steve’s Heating & Cooling


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Barber Shop

Harvey’s Barber Shop

Beauty Salon

Pet Store

Travel Agency

Beauty Brands


Moore Travel



902 W. Liberty Dr., Liberty 800-444-5177 mooretravelagency.com

6 W. Kansas St., Liberty 781-2039

Hess Style Shop

Tree’s Barber & Styling Shop


Salon Oasis

Fins & Foliage

Go Pet Go

AAA Travel

Comfort Tours and Travel

$20.00 We appreciate you voting us


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EverReady service: Pest Control Termite Control Carpet Cleaning Air Duct Cleaning Holiday Lighting

(May not be used with any other offer.) Expires: 09/30/11


(816) 468-4002


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Credit Union

Disposal Service

Computer Repair


Community America

Countryside Disposal

Houston Computers



Commerce Bank

US Bank

Mazuma Credit Union

KC Police Credit Union

17815 Foster Road, Liberty 407-1600


Platte Valley Sanitation

943 W. Liberty Dive, Liberty 781-7030 houstoncomputers-llc.com

Northland Computer

Best Buy

Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

PHOTO: Peter Yankowsky


Body art meets religious imagery with Illustrated Man By Jesus Lopez-Gomez When I met Jack Cox, the owner of this year’s Best of the Northland among tattoo parlors, he was putting ink on a young woman with her mom and sister close by. “People bring their kids in all the time,” Cox said. “We have more of a family-type atmosphere. You’ve always gotta think about the people.” Unusual as the phrase “family-friendly tattoo parlor” seems at first, atypical is a defining motif of The Illustrated Man. In the room where Cox works at 7504 N. Oak Trafficway, a plethora of possessions, memories and mementos adorn the wall. A picture of a friend’s full-back tattoo of a Vietnam map, which Cox said was one of his most difficult jobs, shares

space with vintage photos of Al Capone. Black-and-white tragedy and comedy masks hang next to a large depiction of Jesus, which sits over an image of the Last Supper. Cox explains that the Christian iconography is an homage of his renewed faith. “I went with a friend who was a drug addict,” Cox said. “He wanted to get saved, but he didn’t want to go alone, so he asked me to go with him. I went and I got saved, too.” Ever since then, Cox has tried to run a business with an eye on the divine. He sports a large cross tattoo and refuses to do any satanic art. “I do a lot of religious tattooing,” Cox said. “People feel comfortable being tattooed in a Christian tattoo shop. But we try not to be too fuddy duddy.”

Tattooing has come a long way since Cox opened his first shop in 1972 at Main and 31st streets. “When I opened, I was one of four tattoo parlors,” Cox said. “Now, there’s practically one on every corner.” Cox moved to the Northland to get away from a rough Kansas City crowd, but also to be closer to a community to which he’s grown close. “People in the Northland are different,” he said. “There’s a trust. They relate to how long the business has been open.” New category The category Best Tattoo Parlor was added to the Best of the Northland ballot this year. To suggest new categories for the 2012 readers choice awards, find Best of the Northland on Facebook.


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Tattoo Parlor

Illustrated Man Tattoo

7504 N. Oak Trfwy., Kansas City | 468-7760 theillustratedmantattoo.com

KC Ink Tattoos


Serendipity Boutique & Day Spa

1516 N.E. 96th St., Liberty 781-7677 serendipityboutiquespa.com

Dark Lotus Tattoos

Lavish — A Boutique Marketplace

Blingz -NThingz

Celebrating 25 Years

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

PHOTOs: Jesus Lopez_Gomez

Leaving Fido and Fifi in good hands

By Jesus Lopez-Gomez Anyone could keep an eye on your dog. But how many people would meet with you and your beloved pet ahead of time to get an idea for the animal’s routine? How many of those would want to know where your breaker box is in case your air conditioning goes out on your dog while you’re away? And of those, who would hold on to a spare key for you in case you ever lock yourself out of your house? No Worries Pet Care, the Gold winner of this year’s Best Pet Resort/Sitter Service, will do each of these for you. “We attribute all our efforts to what the animal needs,” Randy Langle said. “We want them to be able to go away and have no worries. That’s where the name comes from.” No Worries Pet Care is owned and operated by Randy and Christie Langle. In the nine years they’ve been in business, they’ve garnered chamber of commerce and Better Business Bureau awards. No worries also has a Triple-A rating from the BBB. What has gained the family business national recognition is how thorough the Langles are. A quick look at the checklist

that Randy puts forth for each employee is evidence of that. “Going into the house, we look the home over. Everyone gets a lesson in what to look for,” Randy said. “We leave one light — a different light — on each night, so we check to see if the same light is on. Is the front door ajar? Are you being followed?” And this is all before the No Worries pet sitter even gets into the client’s house. “We’re over-thorough according to some,” Christie said. “We’re just doing what we feel like you should do. The animals are No. 1 here.” The animals are the top priority, but clients’ homes are attended to with the utmost degree of attention. Each No Worries client has home insurance contact information on file and at least three people an employee can call in case

there is an emergency at the house. An employee also will know where the water main is located in case the client’s home floods,. All this is done at a flat fee of $12.50 per visit for one dog, and $15 per visit for one cat. Customers pay extra for more pets, but for nothing else. “One thing that sets us apart is that we don’t have any extra ‘gotchas,’” Christie said. “We charge a flat fee per animal. No suprises. We don’t charge extra for holidays or summertime.” While No Worries’ national recognition is an honor, Randy said what really counts are the accolades from neighbors. “The national awards are nice, but the local awards are what’s important for us,” Randy said. “It’s from the Northland, and that’s really what counts. That means we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing.”



Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Family Restaurant

Breakfast Restaurant

Corner Café

Corner Café



Deli/ Sandwich Shop

Pizza Place



Schlotzsky’s Deli 9300 N.E. Barry Road, Kansas City | 781-7099 www.schlotzskys.com

Summer Schedule



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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Hamburger Joint

Fast Food Restaurant

Seafood Restaurant

Red Lobster

Five Guys


BBQ Restaurant


450 N.W. Barry Road, Kansas City 468-6116 www.redlobster.com

Smoke Box

Bonefish Grill





Red Robin



Wabash BBQ

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Texas Roadhouse

168 N. Stewart Court, Liberty 781-9899 www.texasroadhouse.com

Hereford House

Longhorn Steakhouse

Chicken Best Oriental Italian Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant

Hunan Garden


5410 N.E. Oak Ridge Drive, Kansas City 454-9600 stroudsrestaurant.com



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Olive Garden


Bo Lings

Ming Dragon



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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Mexican Restaurant


Doughnut Shop

Golden Corral


Rancho Grande Cantina

LaMar’s Donuts 1183 W. Highway 152, Liberty | 792-8630 www.lamars.com



Los Compas

Hometown Buffet


Donut King

6902 N. Oak Trfwy Gladstone, MO 64118


Aces Cake Shop & Baker’s Supply 113 W. Kansas St., Liberty 415-4777 www.acescakeshop.com

Judi’s Bakery

Judi’s Bakery

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Ice Cream/ Frozen Custard

Salad Bar

Ruby Tuesday

Sheridan’s sheridansfrozen custard.com

Maggie Moo’s

Cup of Coffee



Baskin Robbins


Caribou Coffee

THE ReSALE SHOP 6289 N. Oak Trafficway • Kansas City, MO 64118



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Jason’s Deli

Sports Bar

The Landing Eatery and Pub

1189 W. Kansas St., Liberty 792-5230 landingeateryandpub.com

Buffalo Wild Wings

Liquor Store Olive-or-Twist


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Bubbles Wine & Spirits

Harley’s & Horses

Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Gym/ Workout Facility

24 Hour Fitness www.24hourfitness.com


Anytime Fitness

Place to Bowl

Retro Bowl

906 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty 781-1998 retrobowlfuncenter.com

Gladstone Bowl

AMF Pro Bowl Lanes

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Place to Play Pool

Golf Course

Side Pockets

Staley Farms

600 N.W. Englewood Road, Kansas City | 455-9900 www.sidepockets.com

Brass Rail

Harley’s & Horses

10310 N. Olive Ave., Kansas City | 734-3839 www.staleyfarms.com

Shoal Creek Golf Club

The National

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Martial Arts Studio

Fast Kick Martial Arts & Fitness Center 106 S. Forrest Ave., Liberty 781-3800 www.fastkicktkd.com

Bill Brown Karate

Karate 4 Kids

Place to Hear Live Music

The Landing Eatery and Pub

1189 W. Kansas St., Liberty 792-5230 landingeateryandpub.com

Harley’s & Horses

Kearney Amphitheater

Thank You…



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Place to Sing Karaoke

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Stables Grill

Gator’s VIII Bar & Grill

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Bike Night/ Best Car Show

Roller Skating Rink

Stables Grill

Winwood Skating Center

607 W. Missouri Highway 92, Kearney | 903-3000 www.stablesgrill.com

Harley’s & Horses

4426 N.E. Winn Road, Kansas City | 452-1171 www.winnwoodsk8.com

Cruise Night on Liberty Square

Northland Rolladium

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Dance/ Gymnastics Studio

River Roll

Ibsen Dance Theatre


Studio 10

Edge Gymnastics


8504 N. Church Rd.

Open Monday-Saturday


Thank You

for Voting us The Best in the Northland for… Best Day Spa Best Hair / Nail Salon Best Massage Therapy

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Off to a good start Harley’s & Horses owner Jeff Knold pulled no fast ones to pull in his nine Best of the Northland awards. “We’ve worked our butts off to give our place a friendly atmosphere,” Knold said, starting with a personal greeting for each patron. “Everyone gets a ‘Hi’ and a ‘Bye.’” The hard work certainly paid off. Northland newspaper readers voted H & H among their top three favorites in multiple categories: Best-Kept Secret, Best Place to Sing Karaoke, Best Place to Hear Live Music, Best Place to Work, Best Place to Shoot Pool, Best Waitress (two spots) and Best Bartender. Knold explained that some of the success at H & H is due to the level of personal care patrons get at a smaller restaurant. “There’s a level of sincerity at a mom-andpop place that you can’t produce in a chain,” he said. “We really care.” But Knold said its really all about the staff. “It comes down to hiring,” he said. “Customer service is everything. (In potential new-hires) we look for personality, someone able to have a conversation, a good listener Like I always tell my kids: two ears and one mouth.” Knold’s push to be the best that has made H & H this year’s big winner. “I want the best service in town,” he said. “I want the best servers, best cooks. I hate coming in second, so I keep my standards high. We want to make people feel like their dollar’s well-spent and still worth something here, especially in these times. Which is why we do things like let kids eat free.” New in town H & H is still a baby by most standards. Knold opened the restaurant 17 months ago with his wife. But it’s already something of a child prodigy. The restaurant took home four Best of the North-

PHOTOS: Peter Yankowsky

By Jesus Lopez-Gomez

land awards last year, including in two of the same categories as this year: Best Kept Secret and Best Place to Hear Live Music. Behind the bar This year’s winner of Best Bartender is also no stranger to accolades. The Northland’s Best Bartender Charlie Adamson received the same award last year. Like H & H, he has no tricks to great service: Adamson is a great bartender because he likes what he does. “I just enjoy people,” Adamson said. He also credits the staff for making H & H a great restaurant, both for guests and employees. “It’s a good place to work. Jeff’s a good boss,” Adamson said. “Everybody tries to help everybody and work together, which is great. The staff has to click as one or doesn’t do very well, you know?” Adamson has worked behind a bar at other places before, but he said that H & H is unique because the restaurant pulls in a such a varied crowd.

“It’s like a different place every weekend,” Adamson said. “The restaurant brings in different people all the time.” Taking orders The Northland’s Best Waitress, Doe Kelly, also relishes the crowd H & H draws. “We’re very family-oriented, so the customers are very fun,” Kelly said. “I just talk to my customers and have fun with them. I treat them the way I want to be treated.” Kelly has been with H & H since it opened. She grew up in Overland Park, Kan., and lived in south Kansas City before she moved north for a change of pace and scenery. Though she has waited tables for the past 15 years, Kelly was still humbled by the award. “Getting this was a surprise,” she said. When she’s not waiting tables, Kelly enjoys being outdoors and going to the pool. She describes herself as a “summer girl.” She loves going to Cheifs games and kicking back on the patio with a margarita.


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Chiropractor Optometrist

Foster Chiropractic Center

124 N Prairie St., Liberty 781-2700

Bruce Rippee

Julie Holtz

Ann Waterman

15 W. Franklin St., Liberty 781-2100

Curtis Myers

Glen PateDiscover O



Robert G. Marx

Kurt Kavanaugh Orthodontics

Robert G. Marx, D.D.S. & Associates 5708 N. Broadway St., Gladstone | 452-2000 www.robertgmarxdds.com

Alan Fashion

Joe Evans

8407 N. Main St., Kansas City 420-8100 www.kavanaughortho.com

Ed Kavanaugh

Steven Billings

Thank You for Voting Us Best Home Builder in the Northland



Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Eye Surgeon

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816.628.5303 (greater metro) ��������������������� Weight Watchers

John Hertenstein

Scott McKnight

515 N. Highway 291, Liberty 781-2900 mcknighteyecenters.com

Andrew Moyes

Susan Carney


Liberty Hospital

2525 Glenn Hendren Drive, Liberty 781-7200 www.libertyhospital.org

North Kansas City Hospital

Saint Luke’s Northland Hospital

Health Care for Children 9051 N.E. 81st Terrace, Suite 100, Kansas City 792-1170 healthcareforchildrenkc.com

Paul Lively

Fatima Mirza

Medical Clinic

800-651-6000 www.weightwatchers.com

628-5303 www.focusedhealth.com


Metabolic Research Center

Family Physician

The Gashland Clinic

9411 N. Oak Trfwy., Suite 100, Kansas City 436-1800 www.gashlandclinic.com

The Liberty Clinic

The Urgency Room

Focus HealthCare Solutions

James Marx

Foxwood Family Medicine 4716 N.E. Vivion Road, Kansas City | 453-1314 foxwoodfamilymedicine.com

John Bean

John Barth

Interim HealthCare

NorthCare Hospice & Pallative Care


Julie Hartung

Northland Womens’ Health Care 5844 N.W. Barry Road, Suite 310, Kansas City 741-9122 | nwhcpc.com

David Myers

Northland Obstetrics & Gynecology


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

New Vehicle Used Vehicle Dealership Dealership

Gary Crossley Ford

8050 N. Church Road, Kansas City 800-818-7276 www.garycrossleyford.com

Northtowne Auto Group

Thoroughbred Ford


Precision Collision

Northland Auto Body

Auto Repair Shop

Best Cars KC

2520 Burlington Ave., Kansas City 283-6900 www.bestcarskc.com

Gary Crossley Ford

Auto Body/ Collision Repair Shop


Tire Dealer

Thoroughbred Ford

National Tire & Battery www.ntb.com


Oil/Lube Shop

Jiffy Lube




Tires Plus

Goodman’s Auto Repair

14405 Missouri Highway 92, Platte City 858-5544

BNL Auto

Dave’s Foreign Car Repair

Car Wash

Green Lantern

220 N. Church Road, Liberty 407-7195 greenlanterncarwash.com

The Better Wash

American Pride


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011


Real Estate Agency

Home Builder

Mortgage Company


Brian Hill


Keller Williams 7915 N. Oak Trafficway, Kansas City 716-6666 www.movingkc.com

Joe Presko

Ron Henderson

Hearthside Homes

6601 Royal St., #A, Pleasant Valley | 781-0234 www.hearthside-kc.com

Reece & Nichols

Keller Williams

Kevin Green Homes

Giltner & Sons



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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Apartment Complex

Timberland Village 8803 Newton Ave., Kansas City | 761-7771

Woodland Trace Apts.


Assisted Living Complex

Kendallwood Trails Retirement Apartments 2801 N.E. 60th St., Kansas City | 454-7755

The Gardens at Barry Road

Westbrook Care Center

Thank you!

Senior Retirement Living


Kendallwood Hills Estates

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Best In-Home Care


Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Parochial/ Private School

Oak Hill Day School

7019 N. Cherry St., Gladstone 436-6228 www.oakhilldayschool.org

St. James Catholic School

Liberty Montessori Center


University/ College

Disa Rice

Siegrist Elementary School, Platte City Platte County R-3 School District 858-5593 www.plattecountyschool district.com

William Jewell College

500 College Hill, Liberty 888-2-JEWELL www.jewwll.edu

Lori Dameron/ Jenelle Graber/ Oak Park High, Alexander Doniphan Elementary, Liberty Gladstone

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Gladstone Dispatch • Liberty Tribune • The Kearney Courier • The Smithville Herald July 14, 2011

Preschool/ Day Care

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Liberty Montessori Center

La Petite Academy

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