LPS on the Move IN THIS ISSUE District Performance Update Nov. 5 Ballot Info Strategic Plan
650 Conistor Lane Liberty, MO 64068
PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion states, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force acts upon it. Similarly, if the object is at rest, it will remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.”
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This simple, yet incredibly important, law of the universe applies to so much more than just physical objects. This rule could easily be observed playing out in the behavior of organizations. Liberty Public Schools is an example of an organization that is currently “in motion” and must stay that way in order to best prepare our students for the future. In the pages that follow, one will discover a few important projects that have taken place in the last 12 months at LPS. These projects, as listed below, represent a significant amount of motion that is driving both the students in our system and employees who serve our student body to improve performance. First, this issue of the LPS Educator provides the community with a snapshot of the district’s most recent student assessment performance in the district report card. In what has come to be the norm for the LPS system, the district again attained high student assessment scores in many areas and remains one of the highest performing districts in the KC Metro region and the state of Missouri. While the system continues to perform well when compared to the state and national averages, it is necessary for us to benchmark our performance against school districts like Liberty in terms of demographics and community make up. Opportunities for improvement exist in many areas throughout the system, and these areas will remain the focus of our attention as we work to prepare our students to compete against the best and brightest students in this area and across our nation. Second, the facility master planning process that began over 12 months ago has resulted in a levy being proposed for voter consideration in November. After the 2011 levy proposal failed, the board of education listened to community feedback, went back to the drawing board, and designed a new plan to deal with the district’s over-crowded facilities and continuing growth challenges. With district enrollment at an all-time high and growing by an average of 300 students annually, and the state and federal government remaining unable to meet the legislatively created financial obligations, the LPS Board of Education approved a new facility master plan that helps control operational and facility costs as the system continues to grow. The plan includes the following goals: 1. Maximize the use of all existing facilities in order to drive resources into instruction and reduce operation expenditures per student.
2. Reduce square footage per learner by 10% by 2020.
3. Research and implement new instructional/learning/ scheduling practices that allow use of space and time more efficiently.
Working to achieve the established goals, the board of education unanimously voted to place a levy question on the November 5 election ballot that will provide both facilities and technology to help deal with the existing challenges. This edition of the LPS Educator will provide specific details concerning the upcoming levy question. Finally, this publication will introduce the community to the engine behind the motion that is playing out in the LPS system. The district strategic plan provides a vision of the future and mission-critical focus areas that help direct district faculty, staff, and leadership toward the system’s desired outcomes. The updated strategic plan is designed to be more manageable in size and scope and contain specific ways to hold district leadership accountable for improved performance. The two student-focused goals in our system are:
1. Every student will graduate college and career ready
2. Every student will develop personal, social, and civic responsibility. Multiple measures and timelines for improvement have been crafted for these goals and will remain the focus of our efforts for the days, months, and years to come. While often times the strategic plan becomes a document that collects dust as it sits on the shelf, this plan is already in motion and will be monitored by both the district leadership team and the board of education on a regular basis. As one can see, LPS is not an object at rest. With the significant amount of motion underway, it is necessary that a tight focus remain on coordination and collaboration. The work being done to help our students find success requires all stakeholders - faculty, staff, leadership, patrons, and community leaders be engaged in moving Liberty Public Schools from good to great.
Scott Connor, President Liberty Board of Education
Dr. John Jungmann, Superintendent Liberty Public Schools LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 • 3
DISTRICT PERFORMANCE UPDATE LPS Math 67.50% LPS Math Review 67.50% When the LPS Annual Performance data was State Math 53.80% State Math 53.80% received from the Missouri Department of66% Secondary LPS English LPS English 66% State English 56% State English 56% and Elementary Education in August 2013, many LPS Science 72.10% LPS Science 72.10% State Science 59.10% State Science 59.10% observations were made: LPS Soc Studies LPS Soc Studies State Soc Studies State Soc Studies
66.70% 66.70% 50.60% 50.60%
Liberty Public Schools continues to be a Attendance 89.70% Attendance 89.70%one high performing school district and Graduation Rate 90.80% Graduation Rate 90.80% that achieves at high levels in many areas. If the Distinction in Performance status were still presented to Missouri districts, LPS would easily be included in such company.
LPS received an overall MAP Performance Index (MPI) of 383.2, which ranks 41st of Missouri’s 562 school districts (top 93rd percentile for performance in Missouri).
3) LPS was pleased to see growth and improvement from its students across the district. 4) LPS scored above the state average on all 19 exams. 5) LPS provided the ACT to 98% of all graduating seniors, by far the largest percentage in district history. 6) Largest exam gains were in the subject of science. Below is a breakdown of the exam subject areas and accompanying highlights:
Liberty Liberty PPublic ublic SSchools chools vvs. s. SState tate oof f M Missouri issouri EducaDonal EducaDonal AAnnual nnual PPerformance erformance SScores cores 22013 013 80.00% 80.00% 70.00% 70.00%
72.10% 72.10%
67.50% 67.50%
66.70% 66.70%
66% 66% 53.80% 53.80%
60.00% 60.00%
59.10% 59.10%
56% 56%
50.60% 50.60%
50.00% 50.00% 40.00% 40.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00%
LPS LPS M Math ath
State State M Math ath
LPS LPS EEnglish nglish
State State EEnglish nglish
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State State SScience cience LPS LPS SSoc oc SStudies tudies
State State SSoc oc Studies Studies
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Liberty Liberty PPublic ublic SSchools chools EducaDonal EducaDonal PPerformance erformance IIndicators ndicators 22013 013 100.00% 100.00%
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“The district continues to use state and national accountability achievement data as a flashlight towards improvement, not a hammer.” -Marlie Williams, LPS Executive Director of Secondary Education
“While we are certainly a high-quality system, we also have room for improvement and we will continue to work hard to get better.” -Dr. John Jungmann, Liberty Public Schools Superintendent
English Language Arts (ELA) On the English Language Arts (ELA) assessment, the district made a 1% improvement in the number of students scoring at the proficient or advanced level. Math Algebra 1 district-wide received a 66.5, a 4.5% improvement over the previous year. Science Overall, LPS showed a 9% increase in the area of science of students proficient and advanced. The district received an 84.3 in Biology 1, a 28.5% improvement over the previous year.
Social Studies Government assessments received a 75.5, or a 2.5% improvement over the previous year.
LPS EDUCATOR • Fall 2013 LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 •• 5
Maximizing Our Impact On November 5, 2013, voters in the Liberty Public School District will be asked to consider a 36-cent levy issue. The levy would provide $28 million in funds for additions to multiple district schools and additional annual dollars to be allocated towards technology and instructional programming at the K-8 level.
TAX PAYER IMPACT The proposition would increase the district tax levy by 36 cents for every $100 of real and personal property assessed valuation. The estimated impact for a patron who owns a $200,000 house and $20,000 in personal property would be $161 per year or $13.50 per month. 6 • November 2013 • LPS EDUCATOR
This levy issue is designed to improve learning opportunities and learning spaces for our growing population in a more financially sustainable system, as well as address safety and security concerns.
Why Now? •
The State of Missouri is currently underfunding K-12 education. Nearly $4 million is being withheld annually from the LPS budget. This levy issue will help fill the gap being created by these withholdings.
The district of 11,600 students is growing approximately 300 students per year and already has nearly 1,000 students being educated in mobile classrooms. Attendance is projected to eclipse 14,000 students by 2020.
• Create an additional elementary site at the current district office and relocate those offices to existing space at Blue Jay Tower
The tax base in the district is lower today than it was in 2008, generating no new local revenue while increasing enrollment by over 1,000 students.
• Increase anytime/anywhere learning with mobile technology, allowing for more flexible and efficient use of space
How is the new plan different from the 2011 proposal?
What’s included in the plan? IMPROVED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES and LEARNING SPACES • Provide additional classroom, science lab, and physical education space at multiple, overcrowded school sites • Provide technology upgrades for K-8 students and staff
• Create online and blended learning environments to help prepare students for college and careers A MORE FINANCIALLY SUSTAINABLE SYSTEM
• 16 percent smaller than the last proposal (seven-cent reduction) • Reduces overall projected construction costs by 37% between now and 2020
• Maximize use of current facilities in order to control operational cost increases and drive funds to instruction
• Helps control operational costs by targeting additions to existing facilities instead of new sites
• Provide a 10% reduction in square footage per learner by 2020
• Phases in the need for facilities over the next seven years
• Restructures space usage at all district facilities
• Upgrade entryways for secured, controlled access • Remove mobile classrooms at Shoal Creek, Warren Hills, Kellybrook, and Liberty North High School
• Removes the district stadium component • Calls for no immediate boundary changes
“This is important to keeping our district at the high-performing level that it has been. I think we’re at a crossroads with state funding being where it is. We’re doing everything we can to reduce square footage and costs and to keep our educational opportunities where our community expects them to be.”
Lori Tritz, Vice President
“The reason I voted yes was mainly because I think we have done a terrific job of due diligence and trying to drive the right balance to deal with the growing population and with kids. I thought so in the last election, but unfortunately that did not turn out. I think studying it for another couple of years was the right thing to do, and I think we hit it on the mark.”
Bren Abbott
“I started feeling really good about the process last fall when we all realized we could think out of the box to do this. I saw the plan come together with the superintendent and architects working together to allow us to meet our needs with less money.”
Charlene Armitage
“The big piece is we worked on this for about a year. We worked on how we can have an education system that will prepare kids for the 21st century and not spend all that money. I wish we had another way to fund education, I really do. I felt very comfortable since we worked on it so long and pared it down.”
David Evans
“From my perspective, the energy that was put into the plan to make the most out of taxpayer dollars is what convinced me it would be a good time to go and invest in infrastructure, both buildings and technology, that will support a more efficient way to deliver education in our community. A lot of thought has been put into it, and a lot of folks in the community got to share their values along the way.”
Kim-Marie Graham
“We have 20 trailers, 40 classes of kids, sitting in parking lots right now. We have kids in the high school having physical education in music rooms and hallways, and we can’t continue to provide the education we need to, given how much funding the state is withholding. This is a solid plan. I wish that we didn’t have to ask our patrons to contribute more.”
Andy Roffmann
“I voted ‘yes’ because I think that the master plan presented is going to allow us to provide better facilities for the kids in the district now and in the future, as well as allow us to increase technology, so the kids that we’re educating are ready for college and careers as they leave Liberty Public Schools.” LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 • 7
inspire invest innovate innovate
Mission Critical Commitments
Inspire and equip all learners to discover their voice and unlimited potential Goal I
Every student will graduate college and career ready.
A future-focused community with a passion for lifelong learning
CORE VALUES Excellence Integrity Collaboration Innovation Growth
Annual Performance Targets
8 • November 2013 • LPS EDUCATOR
Instructional Innovation
Personal and Social Growth in a Safe and Secure Environment
FutureFocused Professionals
Community Partnerships and Communication
Fiscal Responsibility
The district will provide all students access to a vertically aligned curriculum that prepares students for college and career.
The district will provide all students with access to a technology-enhanced curricular and instructional program. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of responsible and appropriate use of various tools and platforms.
The district will provide all students opportunities to contribute to their local and global communities within a safe and secure learning environment, as well as, access to a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities.
The district will recruit, develop, and retain highly-qualified faculty, staff and leadership who possess the skills to support students in academic, personal, and social growth.
The district will expand relationships and partnerships with parents, patrons, and businesses in order to ensure greater opportunities for real world application of learning. The district will provide effective communication to all district stakeholders.
The district will administer an annual budget that ensures effective and efficient use of resources to provide for fiscal stability.
• Increase graduation rate 1% • Increase percentage of students reaching the college and career readiness benchmarks 2% (ACT and/or COMPASS) • Increase percentage of students earning a score of 3 or higher in AP courses or earning college credit 2% • Increase state assessment scores for each grade and content level area 1% • Increase percentage of students meeting annual growth targets on district KPI (Key Performance Indicators) measures 2%
Vertically Aligned Curriculum
Continuous Improvement Strategies 1. Develop and maintain a digital interdisciplinary framework that vertically and horizontally aligns curriculum with a focus on college and career readiness.
2. Establish criteria representative of the LPS PLC model with regard to expectations for student achievement.
1.Increase student engagement and anytime/ anywhere learning opportunities through expansion of digital learning environments.
1. Provide opportunities for all students to annually experience community connections through community service and academic programs as developmentally appropriate.
1. Build capacity in district instructional staff and leadership to identify and apply innovative and effective instructional techniques.
1. Increase opportunities for students to experience relevant realworld learning both inside and outside the school setting.
1. Develop and implement systems that review true costs of departments and analyze the return on investment of all expenditures.
2. Provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students.
2. Develop reliable processes to recruit and employ candidates who possess and can apply effective instructional and leadership skills.
2. Upgrade district communication plan to ensure all stakeholders are being reached on a regular basis.
2. Develop and implement a long-range facility plan that maximizes the use of all current facilities and reduces the need for additional construction.
3. Provide opportunities for all students to participate in coand/or extracurricular activities at the secondary level.
3. Assess and evaluate HR systems, policies, and procedures to ensure the most efficient use of resources that maximizes a return on investments.
Goal II
Every student will develop personal, social, and civic responsibility.
Annual Performance Targets
• Students will demonstrate success in personal, social, and civic responsibility as measured by locally developed tools (measure to be determined). • Increase the number of students participating in civic-oriented projects at all levels (baseline to be determined) • Increase the number of secondary students engaging in a co- or extra curricular activity 2% (baseline to be determined in 13/14).
3. Develop and implement processes and practices that reduce and/or control growth of instructional and/or support cost per learner.
inspire – invest – innovate
LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 • 9
The Northland’s Only 1
August 22, 2013 It was an exciting day, as many local dignitaries gathered for the official Flintlock Flyover Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony. This overpass will greatly benefit LPS by providing a safer and more efficient means of travel for our car riders and buses. Did you know LPS buses make over 300 trips across I-35 every day? September 3, 2013 For the third time in four years, Liberty Public Schools welcomed Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to the district. While at Liberty High School, Governor Nixon visited several classrooms and praised LPS for its academic excellence. September 20, 2013 Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies (Northland CAPS) students had the opportunity to attend President Barack Obama’s visit to the Ford Stamping Plant on Friday, September 20, 2013. LPS students in attendance included Graham Armistead (far left), Chase Hill (second from left), and Jordan Clark (4th from left). This is the first year for the Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies. The program’s goal is to provide high school students in the Northland with a pre-professional, innovative, and entrepreneurial education through career-oriented experiences that are both hands-on and real world. Northland CAPS students are immersed in professional environments engaging in curriculum developed by industry professionals and program instructors – ensuring that what is taught in the classroom is relevant to the workforce. Learning is enhanced by project work direct from industry partners who engage to mentor students and ensure timely, accurate, and real project results. Learning at Northland CAPS is real-time, real-world, and handson. Emphasis is placed on developing professional skills, such as communication and collaboration, which employers deem highly important to individual success. Northland CAPS is open to students from the school districts of Kearney, Liberty, North Kansas City, Park Hill, Platte County, and Smithville. October 18, 2013 LPS concluded another successful United Way campaign week. All buildings within the district participated in various fundraising activities and netted over $50,000 for the local non-profit organization. Our district’s campaign is viewed by United Way as one of the signature campaigns by any local organization!
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10 •November 2013 • LPS EDUCATOR
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August 14, 2013 Liberty Public Schools welcomed over 11,600 students for the first day of classes. With the addition of over 300 students again this year, LPS remains one of the fastest growing school districts in the state. Pictured is LPS Superintendent, Dr. John Jungmann, who spent a few minutes with students at Alexander Doniphan Elementary.
LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 • 11
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LPS EDUCATOR • November 2013 • 13
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14 • November 2013 • LPS EDUCATOR
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