ent Clark
1101-1955 Haro st. Vancouver BC V6G 1J1
Objective: To find employment within an organization that will both exercise my creativity as well as encourage me to study and participate in online social organizations.
Experience: Notes: when implemented, increased traffic by over 40%
increased web site traffic by over 400% designed the interface with which producers would create their own mini sites.
Marketing and Design - NewCityEntertainment / Movieset Inc. Redesigned all Movieset stationary Developed online marketing strategies Engaged in forum based community building Developed interaction design specifications
Web and Graphic Design - Telsen Global Solutions
rewrote entire catalog in order to improve library efficiency and ease of use
May ‘05–Sept ‘05
Developed graphics for customers
using HTML, CSS, and Python languages
engaged with customers, discussed designs and implemented customer critiques and requests.
Sept ‘06–Jan ‘07
Designed and developed web pages Communicated with customers
Library Assistant - King George Secondary Library
June ‘01–July ‘01
Created Excell spreadsheet databases Organized the book and card systems Helped students and teachers
Education: Simon Fraser University - Communication Studies
Sept ‘01–April ‘08
Focuses: Sources of social influence, technology, and design.
Extracurricular Activities: Editing and Design Support - The Radical
May ‘05–Present
Application training Technical and Design support Assistance with editing and design
Photography and Photomanipulation Digital and film photography Image production and enhancement references available upon request
Digital editing
Sept ‘04–Present