3 minute read
Applauds Bill to Allow
Livestock Auction Investment in Small and Regional Packers. Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) applauds Congressmen Mark Alford (R-Mo.), Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) for introducing the Amplifying Processing of Livestock in the United States (A-PLUS) Act. If enacted, the bill would remove an outdated regulatory barrier and allow livestock auction market owners to own or invest in small and regional meatpackers.
The Administration, Congress, and the livestock industry agree there is a need for increased packer competition and additional processing capacity. Currently, livestock auction owners are not able to own, invest, or participate in the operation of a packing plant or meat marketing business due to dated Packers and Stockyards Act restrictions. This prohibition falls under a 102-year-old law and predates the current, transparent method of selling livestock at an open auction to the highest bidder. The A-PLUS Act is essential in removing this unnecessary barrier to cattle industry investment in the packing sector. The bill would allow livestock auction owners to own or invest in cattle and hog packers smaller than the current ten largest packers.
“We greatly appreciate Congressmen Alford, Panetta, and Johnson introducing the A-PLUS Act,” said LMA President and owner of Kentucky-Tennessee Livestock Market Mark Barnett.
“Livestock auction markets, like mine, are in the competition business. Allowing livestock auction owners to invest in small and regional packers will create competition against large packing entities that already exist. The A-PLUS Act could spur additional capacity and especially additional packers to increase competition and improve profitability for producers.”
If you have questions about the A-PLUS Act, please reach out to Chelsea Good, Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs & Legal, at cgood@ lmaweb.com or 816-305-9540.
Livestock Marketing Association Announces New Scholarship Program. The Livestock Marketing Association is pleased to announce the release of a new scholarship program. With the goal of investing in the next generation, the program is designed to award five $2,500 scholarships to individuals who are interested in or display knowledge of the importance of the agriculture industry and its supporting entities, with plans to use their career to advocate for or advance the livestock marketing industry.
“We are excited to launch this new scholarship program to encourage and recognize the next generation of leaders in our industry,” said LMA President Mark Barnett. “We are always looking for ways to get the younger generation involved, and I believe this is a step in the right direction.”
Applicants must be a graduating high school senior and/or currently enrolled at an accredited, post secondary institution and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. A letter of recommendation from an active LMA member must accompany the application at the time of submission. LMA members may not recommend more than two (2) applicants for the LMA scholarship in the same academic year. Applications will remain open until March 31 at 5:00 p.m. Following the deadline, scholarship applications will be reviewed by a panel of LMA leadership, LMA membership, and allied industry relations.
For more information on the LMA Scholarship Program, visit lmaweb. vercel.app/About/scholarships or contact LMA at lmainfo@lmaweb.com
About the Livestock Marketing Association. LMA, headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., is North America’s leading national trade association dedicated to serving its members in the open and competitive auction method of marketing livestock. Founded in 1947, LMA has more than 800 member businesses across the U.S. and Canada and remains invested in both the livestock and livestock marketing industries through support, representation, and communication efforts. For more information, visit www.LMAWeb.com

Shelby, NC
Bryson, Wren, Beau, Belle, Bonnie & Bennet Westbrook 980-230-4868 brysonw@thewestbrookco.com

Nelson, VA
Rick & Linda Kern 919-272-6124 4kranch@bellsouth.net
Winston-Salem, NC
Andie & Wes Carpenter 336-970-1655 jcarpenter@alphagraphics.com www.windmillacresfarms.com
Lenoir, NC
Keith & Peggy Blinson - 828-310-4526
Bryan & Beth Blinson - 919-422-9108
Traphill, NC • Earlysville, VA
John Wheeler 910-489-0024 doublejfarmllc@yahoo.com www.doublejfarmllc.com
Clayton, NC Jody & Angela Standley
Kim Prestwood (Manager) 828-320-7317 - Kim jodystandley@gmail.com
Bullock, NC Scott, Pam, Hailee, Lillee, & Elizabeth Bissett 919-482-1176 Bissettsp1@gmail.com
Greensboro, NC
Bill Kirkman III 336-382-9635 ST Genetics Representative
55th Annual N.C. Hereford Classic Sale

***NEW DATES for 2023***
May 12 - NCHA Annual Banquet
May 13 - N.C. Hereford Classic Sale

Shuffler Farm Sale Facility
444 Union Grove Road • Union Grove, NC
Lexington, NC
Reggie, Patty, Tyler & Noah Lookabill 336-240-2142 rlookabill6015@gmail.com
McCOY CATTLE FARM Cove City, NC Myron & Charlie McCoy 252-229-4602 mccoycattlefarms@gmail.com
MITCHEM’S FARM 3C Vale, NC Wayne, Crystal, Regan & Jordan Mitchem 704-472-4369 mitchemsfarm@bellsouth.net
NORTH PINO LAND & CATTLE COMPANY Mocksville, NC Kevin Robinson 336-940-2547 kevrob1@aol.com
P and J FARMS Monroe, NC Andy Smith 704-400-3436 pandjfarmsherefords@gmail.com
QUAIL RIDGE FARM Rutherfordton, NC Mark Brewer 828-329-2074 markbrewer65@gmail.com
TAYLOR’S MILL FARM Zebulon, NC J. Brent Creech 919-801-7561 tmfherefords@icloud.com
TERRACE FARM Lexington, NC Jim, Linda & Chad Davis 336-247-1554 jgdavis101@yahoo.com
TRIPLETT POLLED HEREFORDS Statesville, NC James Triplett 704-902-2250 triplettmarble@bellsouth.net
W&A HEREFORD FARM Providence, NC George, Tammy, William, & Andy Ward 434-251-3637 gwwardjr@comcast.net