4 minute read
by Steven E. Meadows Ph.D
members the opportunity to collect feed yard performance and carcass data while gaining a broad knowledge of the cattle feeding and packing industries during the comprehensive educational contest.
Blake Bruns, North Platte, Neb., participated in the 2021 NJHA Fed Steer Shootout and attended the inaugural educational field day hosted at HRC Feed Yards. “It is very important for youth to get involved in programs like these because they learn more about the cattle industry,” Bruns says. “This teaches them so much more about the feedlot, nutrition, feeding steers and caring for them, and opens more career paths for them.”
All cattle will be delivered to HRC Feed Yards from December 11-15. To properly prepare cattle for the feed yard, interested participants are encouraged to review and follow the suggested preparation protocol developed by HRC Feed Yards.
More information, the enrollment form, and the specific protocol for the Hereford Feedout program can be found at hereford.org/genetics/breed-improvement/ feedout-program/. To learn more about the NJHA Fed Steer Shootout, visit hereford. org/youth/njha-fed-steer-shootout/.
Contact Trey Befort, tbefort@ herefordbeef.org with any questions about the programs.
About the American Hereford Association. The AHA, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., is one of the largest U.S. beef breed associations. The notfor-profit organization, along with its subsidiaries — Certified Hereford Beef (CHB) LLC, Hereford Publications Inc. (HPI), and American Beef Records Association (ABRA) — provides programs and services for its members and their customers while promoting the Hereford breed and supporting education, youth, and research. For press releases and photos, visit Hereford.org/media.
2022 Clemson University Bull Test 28 Day Weigh Report
By STEVEN E. MEADOWS, Ph.D., Clemson University
I am happy to report a great set of bulls were delivered to the Clemson University Bull Test on August 3. A nice, cool day greeted the bulls and consignors from Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. After the two week warm up period, the bulls started the test on August 17.
The performance and health of the bulls have been great! This past 28 day weigh period, the bulls gained 4.9 ADG/day, which is outstanding for the first period taken on September 14, 2021.
A breakdown of individual performance saw the Lot 15 bull posting a 7.01 ADG and WDA of 3.23. The bull is a son of EXAR Denver 2002B and is consigned by Bridges Beef Cattle in Shelby, North Carolina. Following close behind was the Lot 11 bull, also consigned by Bridges Beef Cattle, that posted a very strong 6.61 ADG.
The junior Angus bull division had some standouts as well, with Lot 42, a Shuffler Angus Farm consignment of Dr. Eugene Shuffler of Union Grove, North Carolina. This young son of SS Niagara pounded the scale with an ADG of 6.57 and a WDA of 3.55 pounds.
The senior and junior Simmental division had a very tight race as all bulls performed well. The top senior Simmental was consigned by Rick Wood of Woodland Farms in Clarksville, Georgia. The junior Simmental division saw a son of CLRS Dividend 405D, consigned by Shady River Farms of Calhoun, Ga., post a 3.86 ADG in that division.
Never let it be said the SimAngus bulls were not in the hunt. Lot 68, a son of KBHR High Road E283 and consigned by Cooks Cattle Service in Buckhead, Ga., averaged 5.27 WDA and ratioed 128 in the senior division. The junior SimAngus division saw the consignment from AK/NDS in Six Mile, S.C., ring the ADG bell with a strong and impressive 5.71.
In other breed divisions, Larry Cantrell had the top two Red Angus bulls for both senior and junior divisions, while Misty Hill of Walhalla, S.C., garnered the top Balancer ADG categories. Andy Montgomery of Blacksburg, S.C., saw his Hereford bulls top the ADG category. The 56 day weights and ultrasounds for senior bulls were done on October 12.
All performance for the bulls is listed at www.clemson.edu/extension/bulltest/ clemson/2022-files/28-day-weigh-report.pdf. 4B FARMS, LLC Shelby, NC
Bryson, Wren, Beau, Belle, Bonnie & Bennet Westbrook 980-230-4868 • brysonw@thewestbrookco.com

Check out the North Carolina Hereford Advantage
at www.nchereford.com
McCOY CATTLE FARM Cove City, NC Myron & Charlie McCoy 252-229-4602 mccoycattlefarms@gmail.com
4K RANCH Nelson, VA Rick & Linda Kern 919-272-6124 4kranch@bellsouth.net
AWC CATTLE COMPANY Winston-Salem, NC Andie & Wes Carpenter 336-970-1655 • jcarpenter@alphagraphics.com www.windmillacresfarms.com
MITCHEM’S FARM 3C Vale, NC Wayne, Crystal, Regan & Jordan Mitchem 704-472-4369 mitchemsfarm@bellsouth.net
NORTH PINO LAND & CATTLE COMPANY Mocksville, NC Kevin Robinson 336-940-2547 • kevrob1@aol.com
BLINSON POLLED HEREFORDS Lenoir, NC Keith & Peggy Blinson - 828-310-4526 Bryan & Beth Blinson - 919-422-9108
DOUBLE J FARM Traphill, NC • Earlysville, VA
John Wheeler 910-489-0024 • doublejfarmllc@yahoo.com www.doublejfarmllc.com
J. Brent Creech 919-801-7561 tmfherefords@icloud.com
TERRACE FARM Lexington, NC Jim, Linda & Chad Davis 336-247-1554 jgdavis101@yahoo.com
Jody & Angela Standley
Kim Prestwood (Manager) • 828-320-7317 - Kim
Scott, Pam, Hailee, Lillee & Elizabeth Bissett 919-482-1176 Bissettsp1@gmail.com
W&A HEREFORDS Providence, NC
George, Tammy, William, & Andy Ward 434-251-3637 waherefordfarm@comcast.net
HEREFORD HILLS Greensboro, NC Bill Kirkman III 336-382-9635 ST Genetics Representative
Reggie, Patty, Tyler & Noah Lookabill 336-240-2142 rlookabill6015@gmail.com
Myron McCoy
NCHA Secretary/Treasurer 252-637-4995 nchereford@yahoo.com www.nchereford.com