5 minute read
The Simmental Trail, by Jennie Rucker
NCSA Annual Meeting. The N.C. Simmental Association Annual Meeting took place on September 3 at Shuffler Sale Facility in Union Grove. The crowd may have been a little smaller than usual, but everyone had a great time and enjoyed the beef prepared by Roy Swisher with

The cake for the annual meeting.
By JENNIE RUCKER Executive Secretary N.C. Simmental Association

Nate Bowman is presented with the Outstanding Junior Award.
potatoes and beans, followed by a great locally made cake and even some banana pudding! The meeting was called to order by President Charlie Thomas, and an invocation was given by Jeff Broadaway. This past year the consignors of the top SimAngus and Simmental bulls at Waynesville were Nicholson Livestock. The Jim Graham Junior Simmental Scholarship was given to Lynae Bowman of Germanton. Lynae is the daughter of Neil and April Bowman.
Junior Advisor Amy Thomas talked about youth activities and presented Nate Bowman with the Outstanding Junior Award. Our very own Cara Smith of Pleasant Garden has served this past year as President of the American Junior Simmental Association, and she talked about what the AJSA has done this past year. She reported that they had a wonderful Junior National in spite of being in the middle of a pandemic. Cara Smith received a huge round of applause

Jeff Broadaway is presented with a plaque for serving as a director by President Charlie Thomas.

Fred Smith is presented with a plaque for serving as a director by President Charlie Thomas.
N.C. Simmental Association 1341 US Hwy 21 • Hamptonville, NC 27020 336-468-1679 • www.ncsimmental.com • NCSA@yadtel.net Like us on Facebook!

American Simmental Association
1 Genetics Way • Bozeman, MT 59718 406-587-4531 • www.simmental.org

Nathan Long meets fellow Simmental breeder Bruce Cuddy 20 years after he exhibited cattle on Bruce’s farm as a child.
for doing such a great job representing our state as President of the AJSA.
Fall Harvest Sale Manager Doug Parke talked about the great sale offerings and also talked about some of the history that happened here in North Carolina. He had Bruce Cuddy talk about the Eastern Regional Classic that he hosted at High Ridge Farms back in 1991. There was a youth at that Eastern Regional, Nathan Long, who did very well. It just so happens that Nathan Long is now a professor of animal science at Clemson University and was in attendance at the annual meeting as a Fall Harvest Sale consignor. It was pretty special to see that investing in our young people

Some of the bulls offered at the Fall Harvest Sale.
now is an investment in the cattle industry for the future. Other first time consignors recognized were Lynae and Neil Bowman, Darryl Freeman, Adam Andrews, Jason Blackburn, Will Crump, and Jeff Welsh.
Our outgoing directors were recognized with a plaque for their service to our association. Those directors were Fred Smith, Myra Neal Morrison, and Jeff Broadaway. Jeff Broadaway was able to serve another term, so he was nominated, again along with John Langdon and Marvin Hutchison. These directors were all elected by the members in attendance. The meeting was adjourned for the auction of donated items, and many great items were sold. The top selling item was a German Chocolate Cake made by Teresa Swisher of Crescent Goodies, and it sold for $235 to Ray Brewer of Lexington. The next top selling item was a vintage Simmental Sweatshirt and Simmental’s American Journey book donated by Jennie Rucker. This combination item sold for $170 to Cara

Marty Perry studies the sale catalog.
Smith. The auction raised $1,010. Then the excitement built as the raffle ticket was drawn. Director Zack Moffitt of Concord won the Stihl 271 Farm Boss chainsaw that was graciously donated by Erin Beth and Preston Pinkston of Pinkston’s Lawn Mower in Wadesboro, North Carolina. Thanks to the Pinkstons and to everyone that bought raffle tickets.

Young Jonathan Massey bids on a bred female…
Fall Harvest Sale. The Saturday of the Fall Harvest Sale was a beautiful day, and many people were in attendance to bid on the quality cattle, semen, and embryos that were offered. The top selling lot was Lot 64A, a red heifer

…and happily wins the bid!
calf sired by W/C Fort Knox 609F out of HILB Miss Versace E57C and her recipient mama. This lot brought $6,000 and sold to Nicholas Impagliazzo of White Wing Simmental of Arkansas. This lot was consigned by Erin Beth and Preston Pinkston of Silver Springs Angus in Norwood, North Carolina. The second top selling lot was Lot 65, a bull consigned by Shuffler Farms Simmentals of Union Grove. This bull is sired by JBS Big Casino 336Y and was bought by William Hill of North Carolina for $4,600. The top selling bred heifer was another Shuffler Farms consignment, SFS Rosalie XG52, sired by KCF Bennett Fortress and safe to KCF Bennett Assertive. She was purchased by Parks Helms of Monroe for $4,400.
The sale grossed $154,785, with 69 lots selling for an average of $2,243. The bulls grossed $14,600 to average $2,433 and the open heifers grossed $25,480 to average $1,416. The bred females grossed $93,150 to average $2,272. Cattle sold to buyers in ten different states, including as far away as Illinois and Montana. Thank you to everyone for a successful sale, and it’s time to start planning for next year!