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Queen of King’s Page 23


Monday 15th October- Sunday 4th November 2012






IS STUDENT Vocal supporters of gay marriage have been compared to Nazis by Lord Carey, an alumnus of King’s College London.

London School of Theology has caused uproar after stating that gay marriage “should not be put on the same level” as “heterosexual relationships”.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury and cur- FULL STORY rent chancellor of the on page 4



September 17th - October 14th 2012

FEATURES ROAR! Matt Lever Features Editor

WELCOME TO ROAR! facebook. @roar_news



The Student Council Elections. Results are out on Friday 19th October! Gingers. Our very own Student Groups Editor, Catherine King made it onto the Craig Ferguson Show in America thanks to being a lookalike Merida from Brave. The Waterfront’s resident DJ, Freddie Patchwork Slaughter is also back every Wednesday night. Check him out. Black History Month. Turn to our Arts Section for our specially themed Photo of the Issue. The Roar! Newsroom. Literally. After three days in here we’ve consequently lost ten pounds in sweat. Air con anyone? Freshers’ Flu. You didn’t think you’d get it, did you? You can buy four packets of paracetamol legally at a time just incase you were wondering. And no, Lemsip does shit all. Lord Carey. Enough said. Waterfront Meltdown: Monday 8th October saw the grills go into shut down leaving dozens of students deprived of bacon rolls and curly fries. The problem was thankfully rectified later that same day and students were fully reimbursed.

Freedom of speech: the right of people to express their opinions publicly. It’s a wonderful thing in theory but one that also brings much conflict. In this month’s issue of Roar!, the pros and cons of this basic human right seem to be a running theme throughout the paper. As you’ll all have read, King’s alumnus, Lord Carey took centre stage earlier this month, at a

Conservative fringe meeting, where he publically declared that homosexual relationships would never match the same “level” as hetereosexual relationships. The Student Elections have also highlighted freedom of speech this issue. On the 8th of October, I attended the Candidate ‘Meet and Greet’ in the Waterfront. It wass wonderful to hear students talk

about their plans for change at King’s and what they felt the college needed to improve. It’s frightening though, what people are allowed to say. And while we’ve seen the beauty of it at King’s recently, our alumnus, Lord Carey has also proven what a dangerous right it can become. Do you have something to say about it? Email editor@ because you can.

HOME TWEET HOME Too lazy to check your twitter account? Here’s some of our favourite tweets from the last few weeks.

the @Raindance Independent Film Festival special in this month's issue of @roarnews. It's looking good!

‫@‏‬roar_news Bit cheeky of @LondonStudent to put their papers in our box. They were promptly removed and incinerated #rubbish

@_karan_ I spoke to Michael Wenzer about how growing up in a foster home inspired the concept of At Night I Fly. Writing it up for @roar_ news shortly.

@KCLSU_Charlotte I have to say how proud I am of @roar_news @ KCLRadio and@KCLtv for your hard work at the @KCLalumni games. You motivate me for 2m morning! katiesinclair20 Currently compiling

@LondonStudent @roar_news Thanks for handing us a copy of Roar! at the Fresher’s Fair today. Looked really excellent. @GKTMedSoc just read the first


News Editor Ben Jackson

Student Groups Editor Catherine King

Film Editor Katie Sinclair

Editor Laura Frater

Comment Editor Olivia Selley

Careers Editor Mary Davies

Music Editors Hannah Ewens & Will Davenport

Editor of Roar! Online Matt Lever

Features Editor Max Edwards

Fashion & Lifestyle Editor Eva Chaideftos

Sports Editor VACANCY

Roar! of the year and for once MedSoc thoroughly approves! Keep it up! @Jackson12th Just commissioned a @roar_news piece for @francheskyia.This ones got teeth! @LydiaMagic Off to the @KCLAlumni games tomorrow for @roar_ news @ChrisRodgers92 Just saw @thorrungovind in @roar_news-Tories writing in a Student Union paper? @thorrungovind I don’t confirm!

Chief Photographer Charlie Ding *** Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Richardson

"No child should g n i t c e p x e p u w o gr to do badly" ce Daniel Hall, taught scien now Head of Department

changE ThEir livEs and changE yOurs Teach First Employer Presentation Thursday 25 October 6.30 – 8.30pm Teach First National Office, London, SE1 2AU To sign up or to to find out more about the 2013 Leadership Development programme please email Selina Ulhaq: Teach First is a registered charity, no:1098294


Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012

NEWS Ben Jackson News Editor


CONTINUED from first page: In relation to homosexual couples he also added that, “We have to resist them. We treasure democracy. We treasure our Christian inheritance and we want to debate this in a fair way.” Carey’s comments came as he took a centre speaking point along with the former Conservative Home Office Minister, Ann Widdecombe at a fringe meeting at the Conservative conference in Birmingham Town Hall, on Tuesday 9th October.

what I did there?) could turn Britain into Nazi Germany. Calling Lord Carey a bigot is a perfectly legitimate response to his views on marriage equality. It’s a necessary truth! Indeed, a totalitarian regime does begin with name-calling. Like when effeminate boys are called abhorrent names in the schoolyard, like when a black person is apprehended in the street by a gang and sworn at, like when the Nazis called Jews “Untermensch”.

Lord Carey think he is to tell them they shouldn’t be allowed to do that? “It’s part of a slippery slope where the unintended consequences could be shocking.” The disgraced peer pedalled the old slippery slope argument out. The slippery slope trope is inherently offensive to people in the future, who should be trusted to make political decisions that are best for them. It’s a non-argument.

“Remember the Jews in Nazi Germany. What started against them was when they were called names. And that was the first stage towards that totalitarian state. A totalitarian regime however, does not originate in calling bigoted people bigots. It is not a question of whether Christian values are being upheld (this is supposed to be a secular society). Equal rights are far more important than preserving biblical policy. If a homosexual couple want their union to be viewed as a Christian marriage by the state, then who the Hell does

MARRIAGE APARTHEID IN BRITAIN “Same sex relationships are not the same as heterosexual relationships and should not be put on the same level.” That statement certainly doesn’t sound fascist at all, does it? Will someone give Lord Carey a lesson in history? There are countless testimonies from homosexuals who were abused in the Nazi extermination camps.


In a recent survey conducted by the website it was revealed that student satisfaction amongst the medical students at King’s was markedly lower than for other courses at the College. The news comes

The concerns of the protesters outside the conference - “You say Tory, we say bigots” and “Your son might be gay - and that’s OK” - were met with derision inside. And here we come to the crux of the issue. Lord Carey, in speaking out against equal marriage rights, has shown that he wishes for a world in which there are no gay people. He might not realise this, but it is the logical conclusion.

“People have been against movements for equality in the past - votes for women, civil rights to name but a couple - Lord Carey’s comments echo the outdated and defeated comments made before legal equality was reached back then.


Those are the words of King’s alumnus and former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, spoken at this year’s Conservative Party conference in Birmingham. Yes, calling someone who is strongly partial and biased to one’s own group a bigot (see


KCLSU Vice President Student Activities and Facilities, Kirsten Johnson said:

Carey likened himself to a persecuted Jew in Nazi Germany and said name-calling, such as when Nick Clegg called enemies of gay marriage bigots, leads to totalitarian regimes.

We have to resist them. We treasure democracy. We treasure our Christian inheritance and we want to debate this in a fair way.”

They’re too graphic to print here.

as King’s College London Student Union (KCLSU) was ranked as the best student union in London, scoring a 73% approval rate. However the 58% satisfaction rate from medical students at King’s is set to overshadow what should be a time

of celebration for the institution. The website ranked satisfaction based on questionnaires that current students filled in and sent back. It asked questions about how satisfied students were with things such as; access to IT resources, the qual-

The route to equality for all those lucky enough to fall in love has been a long one and is not yet complete, and I see it as a real shame that someone such as Lord Carey would compare the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany to the growing frustration at people who are against gay marriage. Unfortunately however, like Lord Carey, many people are against gay marriage, and do not see that it is unfair that some cannot show their love as others are entitled to. Many heterosexual couples choose not to marry, and many who are not religious get married. ity of library services, the quality of advice, the quality of staff and if the staff made the course interesting. Despite scoring good results on the above, the Medicine course suffered heavily on questions based on feedback of work and whether it was prompt and helped clarify points. For ‘feedback helping clarifying points that students had misunderstood’ the satisfaction rating was just 13% while for whether feedback was prompt, it was even lower, at a miserable 9%. Compare this with the 94% satisfaction rating medical students gave in response to the quality of IT and library services. It is clear where the problem lies, in the feedback that students receive on their work. Medicine is generally seen as one of the main degrees at King’s due to the access to quality teaching hospitals. It is also one of the most oversubscribed medical degrees in the country but the low satisfaction rating may turn some potential students off. If we compare Medicine with other courses the difference is quite dramatic. English Language & Literature received 83%, Physics 82%, French 93%, War Studies 91%, History 93%, Mathematics 83%, Biomedical 89%. Medicine is clearly doing something wrong! However, we all know how difficult Medicine degrees are and the sheer

I remember very few Christian teachings, but I do remember being taught that ‘God is love’.” Further, Megan Hector, a second-year English Language & Literature student, said, ‘King’s is for equality and diversity, not intolerance and bigotry.’ In light of the speech by Lord Carey at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham on 8th October, Roar! is calling on King’s College London to: • Remove the image of Lord Carey from the windows of the Strand campus. • Take away Lord Carey’s post-nominal letters (FKC) as a fellow of the College. The College’s motto is ‘With Holiness and Wisdom’. He is neither holy nor wise. • Release a public statement condemning his diatribe and supporting the LGBTQ community at King’s. To keep the image of Lord Carey at the front of the Strand campus as if he is an esteemed alumnus of the College is tantamount to supporting his bigoted views on marriage equality in Britain. Inaction on the College’s part amounts to tacit support. Roar! calls on you, our readers, to voice your concerns to the College and KCLSU.

amount of work medics have to do to keep up with the course. Roar! toured Guy’s campus and listened to the opinions of some of the medics there. One student informed us that ‘The degree is hard, work comes thick and fast and you simply don’t have the time to follow up on points or to redo work. I assume it is exactly the same for the staff who also work extremely hard to prepare us for the world of medicine.’ Another student suggested “I understand that the course is hard but we knew that when we signed up. I just feel it’s made even more difficult because it’s hard to get feedback on work.” Another stated, “I don’t mind the lack of feedback, it encourages us to become self-reliant, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to sit in the library with some course mates and try and solve the issues.” Finally, one student said, “We have email addresses and tutors, I’ve never struggled with getting feedback.” In the end it comes down to a simple fact; that the Medical Department need to look at how they handle the course and how they respond to students’ worries. They need to scrutinise the relationship with student and tutor and make it more accessible, whilst also ensuring that students don’t fall into the mire.

Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012




KCLSU ‘BEST IN LONDON’ Francesca Allfrey The end of last month saw the release of the NSS (that’s National Student Survey) Results. For newcomers, NSS is an annual survey of all final year students, which asks them how ‘satisfied’ they are with their uni experience. These results then feed into most of the major national and international league tables, for nervous sixth form students to pour over. And this year, for the first time ever, a league table of Students’ Unions has also been produced, and is available to view on the Guardian website (Google ‘league table students’ unions guardian’). Just to provide some further context, this follows the introduction of Question 23 into the 2012 survey:

Above: Wong is wrong.


Jen Izaakson’s position as Editor of London Student was put into question at the beginning of the semester. Her decision to publish transphobic remarks by public hate figure Jason Wong in The Great Debate piece caused a stir amongst London’s LGBT community. The article was in response to the issue of whether unisex toilets should exist on university campuses. Wong likened the introduction of genderless toilets at the LSE to a “cheap strip club in the alleys of Bangkok.”

Newspapers were temporarily removed from LSE campuses and a statement from the Union was inserted into every copy. Wong responded, “You couldn’t make this up. The Student Union has decided to censor my article by removing all copies of the London Student, where my article was published, from LSE. This kind of unprecedented, Gaddafi-like suppression of free speech once again proves that Alex Peters-Day will go as low as necessary and will stop at nothing to push forward her radical far-left agenda.”

Before we know it, the idea of “male” and “female” toilets will be an ancient concept. And before we know it, I’ll be forced to use the same toilet as Alex Peters-Day...”

LSESU General Secretary Alex Peters-Day responded to his open letter on her blog with, “Several of the comments you made in your article were transphobic and as such I will not be apologising nor will I be withdrawing my statement. I feel that the comments made in your piece were offensive and may be detrimental to the well-being of


The KCL Debating Society held a rapturous debate in the Old Anatomy Lecture Theatre this month. The proposition was, ‘This House regrets the increase in tuition fees to £9,000’ and the Labour contingent won by a slender margin, despite a large contingent of Tories being present. Highlights from the debate included the non-ironic use of the terms ‘proletariat’ and ‘class war rhetoric’ and a member of the audience requesting a

I will not be putting the issue of gender neutral toilets to an online referendum as accessibility does not require a referendum.” The debacle also provided opportunity for countless people to make public statements, all condemning Wong and London Student’s decision to publish his diatribe. Apart from outing the newspaper as disconcertingly LSE-centric, the Great Debate piece shows that Izaakson is willing to provide a platform for controversial views and simply offensive language.

In the aftermath, Wong remained staunch in his views and said, “Two toilets... that’s how it starts. The worrying thing is that both Alex PetersDay and LGBT Officer John Peart have repeatedly refused to rule out plans to convert more or all of the existing toilets into gender neutral ones. Clearly, the SU has plans to do so. I guarantee you, once the two genderless toilets are built, there is no turning back. We will only see more and more of the existing toilets transformed into genderless ones.

transgender students on our campus and as such would encourage you to consider the impact such comments will have in future.

point of information, only to be told the audience aren’t permitted to do that. KCLSU President Thomas Clayton was also present, making the case for the legitimacy of less prestigious universities and courses: ‘We at Kings are very fortunate to attend one of the most prestigious universities in the country. However, and this may come as a shock, there are other universities out there beyond the Russell Group. Such universities are under very real threat. They’re

However, Christopher Hares, PGT Campaigns Officer at KCLSU, responded on Twitter with, ‘Shame that the guy was given a platform but I’m sure students will have read the ‘Yes’ section. Think BNP on BBC Question Time.’ Alex Peters-Day, who is regularly criticised by Wong for her policies, said ‘It’s definitely a good thing that he’s getting so publicly derided and that trans issues have been given such a platform.’ suffering disproportionately from Government cuts to Higher Education and they’re made to compete in a market for which they did not ask. To make matters worse they are forced to play by different rules to their elite cousins thanks to the government’s decision to remove the cap on how many students each university can take, but only if those students achieve A-level grades of AAB or better. The old argument goes that such places are full of people who really shouldn’t be going to university. But that simply isn’t true. They’re full of people who haven’t had the advantages in life that some of us have had.

Thinking of all the services, including support, activities and academic representation provided by the Students’ Union (Association or Guild) at your institution, to what extent do you agree with the following statement: I am satisfied with the Students’ Union (Association or Guild) at my institution Options: Definitely Agree – Mostly Agree – Neither Agree nor Disagree – Mostly Disagree – Disagree – N/A The question caused many debates within the NUS, HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council England), and students’ unions around the country whilst it was being conceived: what’s the point of ranking SUs? Who will benefit from the result? Can all elements of a union be reduced to a single question? How can the NSS make the question understood by all students (when many students are known to not understand fully what their SU does)? Despite protests on many sides, Question 23 went ahead, and KCLSU was ranked 26th in the country. This means that 73% of King’s students are at least ‘satisfied’ with their SU. That’s first in London (if you ignore Brunel and St Mary Twickenham), and well ahead of UCL and LSE, 67th and 90th respectively. But the question is: do students know what to do with the results? Judging from the comments below the Guardian’s article, readers were mainly arguing about how good their SU’s bar is, and how this isn’t accurately reflected in the league table. Indeed, the top unions

– Loughborough, Sheffield, Leeds and the like - are known for their excellent entertainments and sports facilities: it seems students don’t care about the other union functions. However, Thomas Clayton, KCLSU’s President thinks that King’s students at least do recognise what their students’ union ‘really’ does, which he believes explains KCLSU’s relatively high score: “We make sure our students have fun, we’re there to offer advice when you need it and we have a history of campaigning on issues that are important to our students”. Whilst he notes that KCLSU’s London location may count against it – and neighbouring unions - ever being anywhere near the top of the table, as “the majority of SUs above us are from campus universities where the Student Union provides a lot of the services that London already offers”, Clayton remains optimistic that KCLSU can get better. He’s pledged that feedback from the NSS will be used to help direct the Student Officer team’s work for further improvements but that “ultimately this is a great result.” KCL’s students’ reactions to the results were mixed, with many unaware of the table, or just completely disinterested in the results. James Bulman, King’s SSPP 2012 graduate, says ‘”it will not affect my choice for my Masters university in the slightest” (his MSc university of choice? LSE. I won’t mention their ranking again). Evaluating the purpose of league tables for SUs, Freya Pascall, Philosophy Graduand told Roar! “I worry that SUs would be more worried by discrete categories, than helping students”. Final year medic, Lauren Taylor recognised that for future students, the SU ranking is ‘Not as important as the rep of the uni, but social life & cv-boosting opportunities [are] important so it’s good to have this recognised”. So what does this table mean for you as a KCL student? If you’re not really interested in sports, campaigning, volunteering, or you never need advice or help with feeding back complaints about your course to King’s, then not much. But, if you are one of those get involved, change-making types, now’s the time to challenge KCLSU to support you even further.

Study after study has shown that more than anything else it is parental income that affects A-level grades most. A-levels are simply not a good enough way of measuring academic potential or even intelligence.

After the event, the cliquey Conservatives were found in the Knights Templar pub on Chancery Lane, where prominent members of the Conservative Societies of KCL, UCL and the LSE congregated for a few rounds.

It is a scandal that, with the notable exception of a few courses, King’s doesn’t tailor its grade-offer to each individual’s circumstances.

Later however, a French student attempted to infiltrate the group as a faux-Tory, declaring his love for ‘peasant-shooting’ and a general dislike for poor people.

It is for this reason that we must continue to invest in non-elite universities, for it is there that bright, yet disadvantaged, students can make something of themselves.’

Before a scene could break out, the Conservatives made a quick departure and a potentially embarrassing situation was averted.


Monday October 15th - Sunday 4th November 2012

COMMENT Olivia Selley Comment Editor


James Sharpe

Every four years the US election bombards our television screens, allowing us to observe a political system far more politicised than our own. The evidence is everywhere: a string of partisan 24-hour television services, erstwhile students devoting the best years of their lives to campaigns, and literally billions of dollars spent. Here, almost every attempt to inject more politics is greeted with scepticism or apathy: earlier this year elected mayors

were voted down, the move towards open primaries by the Conservative Party has been quietly dropped, and people are hardly enthusiastic about Police Commissioners. Americans certainly care a lot more about who is in power rather than simply complaining about it. It is right to decry many people’s lack of interest in politics, but this is not the same as the sort of excessive commitment to the political process

that exists in the US. The octopoid claws of politicisation do not stop at candidates and political questions; they latch onto questions of morality and fact that ought rightly to be distinguished. Even worse, these questions become indistinguishable from a political party. This makes it impossible for a debate to be progressed and creates the division of party membership rather than conscience.

The abortion debate is long and complex. It rests on the philosophical questions of when life begins and whether it is possible to privilege one life (the mother’s) over another (the foetus, which may well not be a ‘life’ at all). These are not political questions. It is perfectly possible to be a socialist and still be pro-life if one concludes that life begins earlier than the current 24 week limit. However, since the 1980s it has become impossible to detach the abolition of abortion from the Republican Party, so much so that Mitt Romney had to perform one of several political somersaults to become pro-life to get the Party’s presidential nomination. In fact Romney’s conversion was prefigured in the way that several prominent Democrats including Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Ted Kennedy suddenly became pro-choice. Romney may be a Republican through and through, but an issue of conscience (abortion) has been thrust upon him not because of any change to his thinking but because the Party required it. In this environment, the progress of debate over ethical questions is stymied by the party-political machine. Ironically, it is the Republican Party’s rabid moral monopoly over abortion that makes its abolition in the United States impossible. By extension, Democrats are thrust into a position of opposition because the language of abortion is, effectively, “If you are pro-life, you are a Republican.” One of the least recognised effects of the Labour Party’s adoption of hitherto Tory economic policies in

the mid-1990s was that it meant those who were economically liberal no longer had to associate themselves with the Conservative Party. It liberated many from a narrow partypolitical position and, in turn allowed the Conservative Party to be criticised internally for its social policies. Many Conservative MPs are now strongly socially liberal, which is why it is possible for the Party even to contemplate legalising gay marriage. It’s why advocates and opponents are spread across the party divide in a way that is not possible in the US. It is only when politics and parties do not monopolise moral questions that they can be debated freely without incurring the slur, “If you believe that then why aren’t you X?” This does nothing to move on a debate, but only shuts it down. It is necessary to engage in these questions independently of your party to be able to wade through the complexities of an issue before reaching a compromise. Bill Clinton, in his speech to this year’s Democratic Convention, was striking when he said, “I actually never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate our president and a lot of other Democrats.” Arguably, it works both ways. Because politics has infected every sphere of life, and the parties have monopolised the alternative positions in non-political debates, it is no longer possible for Republicans and Democrats to talk to each other. Politicisation has simply created more party and less thought.


Wow isn’t it great being back at Kings? I love Kings. I love the pillars, the netting round the pillars. I love the chapel and the organ and I love the pews and the men in dog collars and the lady pushing the trolley in Chapters. But, and I’m sure I speak for the entire student community in this, most of all I love the smiling faces on the Strand-side windows, welcoming me, and thousands like me, inside every morning. I think on them as friends. My friend Lord Carey (everyone’s homophobic archbish). My friend Lord Steel (everyone’s favourite Lib Dem failure). My friend Keats (now everyone’s favourite e-learning resource). I love Ryan Wain. You know Ryan Wain. Ryan Wain ex-KCLSU president. Ryan Wain the law

graduate. Mr Wain achieved a great deal in his time at KCL. We should rightly celebrate his achievements. After all, how many of us were once in the junior air cadets? How many of us aspire to someday work in a think tank? Ryan Wain showed us that such dreams are possible. But, there is one smiling face I miss. Derek Jarman, I miss your face. You know Jarman. Derek Jarman, filmmaker, artist, actor. Derek Jarman who bar none is the KCLSU graduate to have made the largest cultural contribution of the last 50 years. The Jarman whose face was scraped of the windows to make way for outgoing KCLSU president Ryan Wain. When first I came to Kings, they were celebrating 30 years of AIDs research. I recall attending a lecture on the role of vaginal detergents in

AIDs prevention. This was a great lecture. King’s has doubtlessly made a great many valuable contributions to the field of AIDs research. Why then, if King’s is so proud of its role in combating AIDs, was its highest-profile AIDs sufferer erased from the college’s most public face? Jarman is a figure significant enough to have deserved a space on the windows in his own right. But King’s crowing about its support for the AIDs community makes this oversight all the more egregious. Anyway, please email kclsu@kclsu. org, and vent. I want Jarman’s face restored, but I’d settle for a statute.


10 Monday

October 15th - Sunday 4th November 2012





With the upcoming student council elections on the 10th - 12th of October and the barrage of indiscriminate and aggressive campaigning that is about to sweep over The Terrace and Waterfront, Roar! casts a light into the dark and murky corner that is ‘student politics’. KCLSU President Tom Clayton stated that student politics was the awkward and sexually frustrated little brother of real politics at a speech he gave during the Debating Societies first meeting; so is student politics a worthwhile pursuit? Is it just a platform for arrogant toffs to feed their own egos or is it a worthwhile pursuit that benefits the college? Is an election consisting of one nominee who happens to be a left wing nutcase and who writes half their manifesto on how they want to free Palestine a good thing? Two King’s students gave us their opinions!

BEN JACKSON - YES In life, everyone has to start somewhere. No one is born an expert, a professional. If you want to be a surgeon, you can’t just pick up a scalpel and start cutting into a patient the moment you’re out of school. If you want to be a builder, you can’t just pick up those massive pieces of glass and attach them to the Shard without first observing and studying the science (and art) of building. You have to practice and test out your skills at a preliminary level. Politics is no different to other professions in that it is good to prepare early. It’s probably more important in politics actually. The stakes in politics are so high that practice and preparation is paramount.

12th October. Once elected, the Council will meet fortnightly to discuss issues that you want discussing. Whether you want an ATM at the Strand campus or universal digital essay submission, the student representatives will debate issues such as these and put policy into practice. If we didn’t have student politics at King’s and if there weren’t student representatives bound to listen to your views and act on them, there would be no safety net between you and the College. It is KCLSU that has your best interests at heart, not necessarily the College. Student poli-


"The stakes in politics are so high that practice and preparation is paramount."

No. Of course it isn’t! I mean, how many of you can name even one of the so-called student officers? I can name two of four, and only because I’m personally acquainted with them. And I don’t think I’m an accurate representation of the student population; I think most, like you, couldn’t name one. And what do they do? They have these elusive names that mean so little – “Vice President of Academic Affairs”, “Vice President of Student Media and Engagement” – what do they actually do that really has an

That’s why student politics is worthwhile. The universities of this country are incubators for the leaders of tomorrow and student politics is the ideal institution for future politicians to grow and learn about policy, campaigning and a whole host of other skills vital to becoming and being a Member of Parliament and perhaps even Prime Minister.

The Student Council elections are taking place this month, from 10-

On top of this, there is the scandals that occurred last year – for those who don’t know, last year’s voting for student officers was cancelled, and then restarted due to allegations of corruption and forced voting. Even the turnout was awful – around 15%, despite the ridiculous waste of my life that was taken up being accosted by “candidates”. I haven’t even got around to the “student council”. I didn’t know we had a student council. Apparently 44 people with very little else to do are “at the heart of the Student Voice within KCLSU and the College”. I couldn’t care less. You couldn’t care less. Black students, do you know who your Black Students Officer was last year? LGBT people, yours? No? How about you people studying humanities? Or dentistry? I didn’t think so. That’s how much people care. They don’t. Monday 8th October saw the Student Council representative meet-andgreet in the Waterfront. Ten people turned up. 8 of those were candidates, for 22 positions. Now student politics might have a future, but with pointless wastes of times like this, that are indicative of the failure that this outdated institution represents.

Being a member of a political society at King’s simply isn’t enough to give you the skills required for a career in politics. Thus, we have committees and elections and campaigns and ballots and representatives and manifestos and debates and messages and marches etc. etc. etc. Student politics carves students into politicians and this is wholly positive and worthwhile because we need well-trained leaders in Parliament. The elected student representatives at KCLSU are living examples of why student politics is worthwhile. Don’t believe the myths; they work full-time jobs representing you and serving as arbiters between the students and the College. They also make themselves readily available for consultation and with the added benefit of Twitter it is now easier than ever to get in touch with them. They are bound to support you, so don’t hesitate to contact them. They’re also really nice!

cians”. I don’t see any other changes from the student representatives.

tics is a worthwhile pursuit because it will train the leaders of tomorrow to lead betteer. The institution of student politics exists to improve your experience at the College and the union continually proves that it does this, with marches and the brilliant Rant Week that occurs every year. Vote, campaign, and get involved.

"I couldn’t care less. You couldn’t care less."

impact on the life of me and you, the students? I’m sure there is something, somewhere, but I don’t see it. I’ve been a student at KCL for a year now, and the biggest, and in reality, only, major change to my university life is the ATM in the Strand reception. To the best of my knowledge, that had been mooted for years, and was decided on high, not from the “student politi-

KCL needs a new system, a revamped life to its politics. It needs to be modernised, publicised and made accessable to the everyday student. Now whether this is possible in a non-campus university is another question, but it is clear by the apathy of the general student population that Sudent Politics is failing, and isn’t worth a damn. Now sod off with your campaigns taking over my Twitter and Facebook, my walk to lectures and lunch in the terrace. I don’t care, I won’t care, and you ultimately don’t matter.

Consider yourself a bit of a writer? Want to get involved with the student paper? Roar! is always on the lookout for up and coming journalists. The Burning Issue is a perfect way for you to get your foot in the door! All we ask is for to write a 600 word agument on either side, that it is well structured and that in the end it is enjoyable to read. If you’re interested please send an email to to be added to the mailing list. Each issue you will be emailed by each section editor with stories for you to pursue, research and write. It looks great on the C.V as well a chance to hone your writing skills. Plus we’re a friendly old bunch! So don’t hesitate to get in touch. Anthony Shaw Editor of the Burning Issue


February 14th - March 5th 2012

FEATURES Max Edwards Features Editor



Amelia Tait

Aries, March 21 - April 19 Ultimately, you will fail and die.

Taurus, April 20 - May 20 You will return to your hometown for a weekend of peace. At the pub, you will ignore people from your year-group, refuse to make eye contact with the guy you shagged in Year 12, and not even say ‘hi’ to the girl who gave you the ‘Luv’ on Bebo every day for three years. Gemini, May 21 - June 21 This month your life will be full of dramatic and traumatic transitions; try to stay calm as King’s attempts to transfer your modules to KEATS. Cancer, June 22 - July 22 You will lose the end of the Sellotape, and the will to live Leo, July 23 - August 22 You are the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord; born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. The Dark Lord has marked you as his equal; you have the power the Dark Lord knows not. Neither of you can live while the other survives.

I think Craig Ferguson may be the greatest man who ever lived. Perhaps that’s an exaggeration. Maybe Jesus would top that list. Even if he is a bit preachy. I would even go so far as to say Craig is better than Jesus. No offense intended. But I would seriously like to travel the lands with my disciple friends and spread the word of Craig. One of the first times I ever watched him was when I stumbled upon one of his monologues on the glorious YouTube. They are a regular feature on his show; he begins with the line ‘it’s a great day for America everybody’ and then goes on to discuss the events of the day and occasionally even talks about events in his own life. The reason it caught my eye was the title: “Craig Ferguson Speaks From The Heart.” His name rang a bell- I knew he was a talk show host and was quite surprised at these words. “Speaks From The Heart”… really?! That would suggest that this man is an American talk-show host, on a multi-million dollar annual salary, who isn’t a phony with a massive ego and doesn’t stare at the breasts of every female guest below (and often above) the age of 25. Really?!

and I believe him. The audience are bewildered and you begin to hear the laughter eventually subside with his next comment; “People are falling apart. People are dying. That Anna Nicole Smith woman died. No - it’s not a joke. It stops being funny- she’s got a six week old kid… what the hell is that?” I couldn’t quite believe it. The Scottish accent was thicker than ever and his eyes were earnestly glaring into the camera. He was speaking with such sincerity it was almost uncomfortable to watch. But I didn’t. I carried on.

He then started talking about his own struggles with drugs and alcohol. This is one of the many reasons why I think he is utterly brilliant - his complete honesty. The man has been in rehab twice and has professed to being a black out drunk throughout the whole of ‘the eighties.’ In this monologue, he reveals that at twentynine he decided to commit suicide on Christmas morning. He was going to jump of Tower Bridge in London. But then he forgot after the bar man offered him another glass of sherry. . Yet, moments later, he counters this with a story about his priest roommate in rehab and in a mock English accent mimics his words; “Yes well the thing is Craig, the parishioners were complaining that all the com-

Virgo, August 23 - September 22 Honey will come in and catch you red-handed, creeping with the girl next door. Picture this: you’ll both be butt naked, banging on the bathroom floor. How could you forget that you had given her an extra key? All that time, she’ll be standing there, she’ll never take her eyes off you Libra, September 23 - October 23 The alignment of Mars and Uranus suggests that this month will be highly erotic for you. Caramel will get EVERYWHERE. Sagittarius, November 22 - December 21 Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200. Scorpio, October 24 - November 21 Someone is watching you do your aerobics videos at night. Capricorn, December 22-January 19 You will think of something-you-should-have-said five hours after you should-have-said-it.

Aquarius, January 19-Feburary 18 Simply mix the 40g of oats with 275ml milk or water. Stir. Microwave oats uncovered on high (minimum 800w, category E) for 3 ½ minutes. Pisces, February 19 - March 20 You will wait patiently for your friends to compliment you on your new coat - the one you paid £65 for and thought would win you great admiration. Despite meeting up with people, no one compliments, or even mentions, your coat. You begin to worry about your choice. When the opportunity arises, you slyly mention your coat, and its newness. Your friends choose this moment to mention how lovely it is. You will be satisfied. But they didn’t mean it. They didn’t mean it at all. To read more of Amelia’s writing, please check out her personal blog at

I was relieved to say the least. I have always hated David Letterman, the hailed ‘King’ of late night television in the U.S. This is a man who, after being blackmailed with the revelation of his sexual relations with female staff members (he’s married), opens the show with an apology for his behaviour. But then manages to condemn the blackmailers, saying they committed a crime and should be held accountable. The audience applauded. A lot. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, what?! How extremely fitting. Millionaire famous man does bad thing. Millionaire famous man apologizes to the masses. Millionaire famous man stamps on nasty blackmailers. Millionaire famous man wins. Again. Oh and he’s not funny. He’s about a hundred and he grunts too much. Be quiet now David. Shush. So you can see why I was intrigued by this Craig Ferguson man. I clicked play. I was, for the next twelve minutes and thirty-one seconds, hypnotized. This monologue was filmed in the days following Britney Spears’ infamous head shaving incident. And shockingly, he opens by saying that he will not be making jokes about it, followed by confused laughs from the audience. He goes on, “I don’t just do this job for the money, I assure you”

munion wine was going missing and an old lady said that there was a hobo sleeping in the church grave yard I had to pretend to go and look for him but it was meeeeee!” This is why Craig Ferguson is, really, indestructible. He is relatable. He does represent the everyman. Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t. Jay Leno doesn’t. David Letterman certainly doesn’t. Craig is different. He is a lyricist and a poet. He ends his speech with, “Now what I have found is this. You can’t beat it with money. If you could beat this rap with money, rich people wouldn’t die. You can’t.” The stillness in the audience following this says it all. Now, I do English Literature. I have pretended to read a lot of books. And from the very few pages that I have actually read of Dickens, Austen, hell, even Shakespeare, I would daringly say that this comes close and even tops all three of them put together. Forget them. Forget them all. “If you could beat this rap with money rich people wouldn’t die.” Wow. The sheer gravity of this statement is held more in the way in which he says it; his tone deepens and he drags out every word, so that they really reverberate in your head. I was lucky enough to meet him recently. It was the 25th June and I now

regard it as one of the best days of my life. Not because he is ‘famous.’ Not because of the free meal the CBS network gave us as a result. Definitely not because I was on T.V. Because I was able to speak to him, face to face, and realised that everything I had ever thought about him was true. He was not a Hollywood asshole. And he really was that funny, and that brilliant. I’ve only seen it once. And that was when I was forced to and watched it through my fingers as I cringed at my stupid self. But what I remember vividly, is that he seemed so, and I hate this word, ‘real.’ And not ‘I’m still Jenny from the block’ real. I mean genuine, normal person REAL. This man talks to shark puppets on screen. He dances with two men dressed in a giant horse suit. He has dressed up as a magician and chopped Kristen Bell in half. Desmond Tutu calls him “crazy;” “a different kind of crazy; you send [some people] to asylums. No, not you. We want you; we want your crazy.” He asks James Lipton, the interviewer on ‘Inside the Actors Studio,” whether he agrees with him that actors can be self-involved. After Lipton’s lengthy response that “they are the most vulnerable people in the world… they are not vainglorious… they’re brave, honourable and they are very thin skinned, not thick skinned. That is a popular myth, it’s wrong, ” Craig Ferguson looks him dead in the eye and responds simply, “no.” He talks to the audience members as if he or she is the only one in the room. He has spoken at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner- and he was actually funny. He’s been to hell and back in his fifty years. On his show, he has said to the viewers, whilst laughing u n c o n t r o l l a b l y, “Do you know what I think is really funny? This is my job! How awesome is that?!” He does not think he’s better than you and he doesn’t really think he is anything all that special. Now, I know I may be beginning to sound like a broken record and I know that 3 minutes and 29 seconds is the longest and only conversation I will ever have with him. But these are not the obsessive ramblings of an infatuated University student; far from it. I have tremendous amounts of respect for Craig Ferguson… we need someone like him. I could honestly talk for hours about this man… except it wouldn’t even come close to his awe-inspiring speeches and he would probably be embarrassed by the attention. So, to wrap this all up, some of his own words taken from his Father’s eulogy which, naturally, he did instead of his opening monologue to the show in the days after his death: “And the relationship that I had… that I have with my Father, is not unlike the relationship I have with the old country, you know with Scotland, you know I complain about it I grumble about it, I can… I can be mean about it sometimes, but… but I love it beyond reason; it’s where I’m from, it’s what I am.” Watch him. Listen to him. Talk about him. I’m sure he’s going to be around

February 14th - March 5th 2012





I have a confession to make: I play video games. I know that this sounds like such a typically male thing to do, but I really play video games. They are more than just a bit of fun to me – more than a quick game of FIFA here or Call of Duty there - they are a hobby, a major activity in my life. I know an awful lot about what’s come out and what’s coming out. I have a love of turn-based strategy. And if you don’t know what that is, welcome to 95% of the population. For the longest time, for some reason I was embarrassed by this. Someone would ask me back in sixth what my evening was like, and I’d say I spent it watching TV, or a movie, or reading, when actually I was playing Europa Universalis III. Even now, there is a residual embarrassment there – look at the first line I wrote in this article: “I have a confession”. A confession. An act of telling someone of an implicitly illicit act. There is no love lost between the “real” world and that of a gamer; they are judged, thought of as “sad” or “unsociable”, branded with the negative colloquialism “geek”, so recently taken up and celebrated by those to whom it applies. But what really is the problem? I’ve come to the conclusion that my passion is something to be encouraged, expounded on, told to people as though I had a passion in modern art, or parkour, or vinyl records. What really is the problem with video games? The common conception of the video game is that it is mindless, merely shooting others, or playing football; it is associated with violence and harm in the media, with the power to show that those who engage with it are somehow “less” than others. In recent weeks, the Democratic candidate for the State Senate in Maine’s District 25 has been called out for playing World of Warcraft, with her Republican opponents claiming that it raises questions about the “maturity and ability to make serious decisions” that Coleen Lachowicz can employ. And yet she is not alone – nearly 50 million people have played World of Warcraft. Over 9 million play the

game steadily, a game which came out 8 years ago. However, the popularity of a game, or of gaming itself, is by no means the only factor in why it should be taken seriously. Games can be an art form in and of themselves. With the emergence of simple methods of online sale such as Steam and GamersGate, the independent games market (“Indie Games”) is enjoying its biggest boom ever. Independent of publisher pressure, indie games are free to take whatever direction they choose, and can be overnight successes through word of mouth alone. This freedom from responsibility, from pressure, from a desperate need to feed a company’s bottom line results in games such as Limbo or Dear Esther, in which the game world itself is a work of art. In Limbo, the user takes control of a silhouetted character faced with various challenges in a superbly stylised land situated on the liminal spaces of reality. With a background of forest, or the wasteground of industry, the user is faced with brutal and vis-

ceral deaths, portrayed in a startlingly beautiful way. By placing Limbo in this twilight world of silhouettes and startling contrast, the player is at once removed and yet at one with the game he is playing, able to appreciate the beauty of each death, while still feeling its brutality.

with detail, the user has no start point, no obvious end point, and is free to roam the Island at will. While he does so, and on discovery on various points of interest, the tale of the protagonist is told in voiceover as flashes of memory come back. It is an exercise in storytelling, in non-linearity, in beauty and perception, in how one

The bold stylings of Limbo create a visceral imaginary world Dear Esther, on the other hand, is a game without plot. Situated on a beautifully rendered island, littered

approaches an open space, a blank canvas. In short, it is art.

While Dear Esther and Limbo show that gaming can become art in the traditional sense of a visual perception of beauty, “bigger” games like Skyrim or Minecraft give a different sense of art; that of storytelling. The blank canvas of Dear Esther is given a literal meaning in Minecraft, where one can construct and destroy, create and kill with impunity in a curiously beautiful 1990s block world. Procedurally generated worlds (generated randomly, using various algorithms) produce a different experience wherever one is, and can create moments of unscripted beauty in and of themselves. I’ve seen some astonishing landscapes in Minecraft, things that have made me go “Oh, wow!” in a way that nature in the real world does as well. However, the real draw that this freedom brings is storytelling – the user creates their own story, brings it to life their own way. Skyrim allows this freedom as well, though in a more scripted way – with over a million words of text and a hundred hours of voice recording in the game, it is estimated to take up to 150 hours to complete in its entirety, all the while telling of the world it imagines in glorious detail, aided and abetted by the visual as well the aural. This brief overview of the art of videogame creation only takes in two forms of art – those of presentation and storytelling. However, the real wonders of videogames are that they are infinite. As long as there is an audience to appreciate what hs been created, as long as there is an element of challenge and competition, anything can be created – these can be as diverse as an ultra-realistic fortress simulator (Dwarf Fortress) or a procedurally generated racer based on the music that you are currently listening to (Audiosurf), and millions more in between. So next time you talk to someone you know who enjoys gaming, don’t dismiss it out of hand. Approach it as you would someone who enjoys fiction, or military history, of Celtic pottery – as a hobby every bit as engaging as one of yours, and with all the potential and ability to be and become a work of art.


Niel Jones Whisper it gently, but as of now King’s has its own version of the NME. It’s the KCLE. Only, as its editors say, “like the NME, but not shite”. The KCLE-XPRESS, named in such a way as to make this play on words possible, is to be published and distributed within King’s on a monthly basis from November, and as such is seeking an outrageous cast of dandies and drunks to write for it. There are also a few delectable editing positions available for the particularly feisty. You might be able to spot a few copies of the first run (printed in September for Freshers’ Week) of the paper around the Strand being thrown as paper aeroplanes. But if

not, and you’d like to get your hands on one, you can email the editors at the addresses below. They’ll be happy to send you a PDF copy. The KCLE has a flexible policy regarding content and actively encourages creativity and freedom in writing style from contributors. No previous experience is necessary, and editorial guidance is given if requested. The paper will publish articles on everything arts-orientated from classical music through indie to gypsyswing and burlesque. Amongst other things, it will feature columns on culinary delights and the

latest art cinema, up-to-date news on the ongoing copyright wars from the darkest innards of the entertainment industry, cultural and political news, and a regular listings section that will draw attention to the most brilliant and diabolical of London events. As with Roar!, the perks of writing for the KCLE are of course are the odd freeby, but it hopes its writers will still take a critical stance towards those who offer them bananas and blowjobs, so that puff pieces never surface. Anyone whose interest is piqued enough to want to inquire further can email the editors at: neil.n.jones@ or anna.siemiaczko@kcl.


Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012


Eva Chaideftos Fashion Editor

THE OTHER SIDE OF FASHION why there is so much analytic interest in it: as much as they may be created from imagination they are inspired by life. Fashion as a reflection of circumstances is also something relevant to us as individuals. A certain outfit will have a certain effect; wearing something that you are comfortable in will influence your mood and attitude. Fashion is also an art form in its own right. For example, the Burberry trench coat mentioned above dates back to World War I. It is therefore an historical piece, telling a story way beyond Rosie Huntington-Whiteley squirming around on the floor in one of the latest Burberry Nude perfume ads.

Eva Chaideftos “I think what I often see it that people are frightened about fashion. Because it scares them or make them feel insecure they just put it down ... I think that’s usually because they feel, in some ways, excluded or, you know, not a part of ‘the cool group’ so as a result they just mock it.” Anna Wintour As the days neared the much awaited London Fashion Week, having previously been occupied with ideas on how to best cover and present the multitude of shows and exhibitions, I suddenly found myself facing a different question: Why is this important? Having already dedicated a fair amount of time to the coverage, this query caught me by surprise and the potential of an “it really isn’t that important”-epiphany was distressing. For me, the fashion world has two faces: one side is the one that is imposed on us through glossy magazines and celebrities. This side is based on commerciality, exclusivity and image; it is the reason a Burberry trench coat costs more

than the average person can afford to spend and the creation of a much coveted product, available only to a handful of people. This way luxury brands stay in control of who wears their products and who becomes a brand representative and in that way they uphold an elitist image. The response is three-fold: there are those who

Rosie clearly prepared for war will strive to achieve this image regardless of whether they are a part of the “elite”, those who will mock it and those who will simply not care. If this was the only thing that fashion was about then indeed it isn’t important. Well, at least not to me. The other side is about aesthetics,


personality, climate, art and culture. The fashion landscape reflects current circumstances, likes and tendencies. For the first time in a long time the Spring/Summer catwalks for 2013 were dominated by dark colours and heavy fabrics, a reminder perhaps, on the current economic climate. This is why trends are interesting and


It was all in the detail: the cute flower-shaped buttons, the exquisite, classical Mulberry bags that the models were carrying down the catwalk, the eye-catching collars, the giant poodle… Despite all the small elements, the show at times had a minimalist feel to it with monochrome outfits and clean lines, only to be contradicted in the head-to-toe prints and strappy embellished sandals. We love the looks for their wearability, in particular the oversized coats and casual leather trousers. Mulberry’s creative director Emma Hill stays true to the sweet/sophisticated brand image.




Jessica Cooper

B y Eva Chaideftos

ByJessica Cooper

By Manuela Scirro

The first model strutted out wearing a light, flowing dress made of silk and gauze that ‘floated’ down the catwalk. The Japanese inspiration was identifiable with flowered, abstract prints creating flowing silhouettes. Suddenly the flowing, gauzy dresses were transformed to an edgier, darker collection. Solid cut, pointed edges and asymmetric tight fitting trousers and distressed leather created a tough and daring image. A successful collection in my eyes, as once the sensuality of the flowered prints became repetitive suddenly a whole new persona of clothing emerged.

Things that pop into your head when admiring Mary Katranzou’s latest collection: symmetry, architecture, shoulders, more shoulders, postcards, escapism, road-trips in Southern France… and of course the reaffirmation of Miss Katrantzou’s position on the throne as the Queen of prints. Few designers can make such heavy and detailed patterns seem so refined. There is a subtle sexiness present: bare shoulders, flowy, soft materials and deep V-neck blazers creating a contrast between masculine and feminine. The wet-look back comb and slightly smoky eyes conveyed a relaxed look.

Fashion is therefore not necessarily an obsession with underweight models, six inch heels and celebrities. It is a form of expression, a way to convey a feeling or a message, a piece of history, art and culture, but most of all a source of inspiration. This is why it’s important. London Fashion Week has made a few suggestions which we are presenting below – now it is up to you to decide what to do with it.

All black ensemble and heeled biker boots at the ready, it was that time of the year again: London Fashion Week. Walking (or rather in my case, slightly staggering) into LFW can be a daunting experience at times: you can sense the fashionistas judging your outfit, camera crews and photographers glancing if your outfit is good enough for a feature all this set in the vast and beautiful Somerset House. The bold, outrageous and bizarre come to flock here. A bald gentleman walks by me, Swarovski crystals covering his entire head and a girl with a head piece bow twice as big as her head approaches me asking where the toilets are. It’s a surreal experience. A large white tent sits centre of the square. This is the Courtyard Show Space, where most of the high profile designers (Jasper

Conran, John Rocha etc) are featured. Elsewhere there are showrooms showcasing the up and coming designers, new talent whose designs are bold, daring and so different from one another. This year there was a Rock Vault where exquisite jewellery sat inside glass boxes to be gawped and admired at. Heading over to the Press Lounge (there is a lot of walking to be done at LFW!) there is a fridge filled with (free!) unlimited drinks: water, juices, and sodas. In need of a makeup touch up? No problem a MAC make up room with makeup artists will work their magic on you. Bad hair day? Just saunter to the pop up Tony and Guy salon next door and they can cut, style or just wash your hair for you. Did I mention all of these services are for free? My, my- the fashion crowd really have it hard!

Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012





SARTORIAL POINTERS JAMES SHARPE In From Russia with Love a Russian agent tries to pass himself off as an English gentleman. However he has a wide knot. Since a wide knot is ‘that mark of a cad’, our hero James Bond is able to identify him as a fraud. It is by such minute details that we can distinguish one from another: a McEwan from a McDonald, an emo from a goth, an Anglican from a Catholic, a Whig from a Tory, and a cad from a gentleman. Only he who knows all the rules may survive wilful attempts at bucking the norm. Until that time comes, here are some of those details that may well be of help in the near future:

We know why you’re sad.

Holly Newson The recent opening of the latest Hollister shop on Regent Street has sparked a debate as to whether their employment philosophy is in any way ethical. The shop has been sued repeatedly for alleged discrimination against people with ethnic backgrounds and those with disabilities Former shop managers have revealed how they were only supposed to hire “9s” and “10s”. Yet, the company has enjoyed considerable success over the past few years, spurring other businesses to take the same approach in order to boost sales and popularity. Holly Newson gives us her view on the matter. There’s a man walking past outside wearing a Hollister shirt. I know how to fold that shirt. Even looking at him makes me angry. This is what a friend revealed capriciously to me during a catch up over coffee, having been employed by Hollister for three months. The day of being scouted to work in the store

whilst casually out shopping must have been a great one – everyone knows they only ask the pretty people – but the reality of working at a shop in which only appearances matter turned out to be something quite to the contrary of pleasant. What struck me the most was the way in which she had been confined to the stock room, with the ‘front of house’ jobs reserved apparently only for those possessing a true ‘Abercrombie’ look; this is despite her eyecatching beauty and stunning smile. Perhaps in the eyes of her employers she was a ‘7’, and it is alleged that managers could get “called out on conference calls for putting a ‘7’ in the front room”. I can confirm that she is at least a ‘9’ or a ‘10’. This leads to a realization that maybe a more visible role was denied her due to her Iranian heritage. Not only do the Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister and Gilly Hicks brands employ based only on appear-

ances, it has further been revealed to me that staff welfare is of next to no consideration. There is described a cliquey playground superiority complex among the ‘front of house’ staff towards those in the stock room, and beyond worker relations, the company’s constant hunt for ‘new faces’ sends shift patterns awol. Once a position has been held for multiple months some staff begin to be phased out, offered less and less hours. It can’t possibly be ethical to discriminate both before and during employment in such a shallow way. The result? An attractive, but fragmented and often unhappy, body of shop assistants, given a sense of rank based on physical differences opposed to training or experience. Couple this with overpriced clothes; a dark, loud and almost painfully overfragrant shopping experience; and a distinct lack of awareness in fashion, and one wonders how the company can continue to grow.

BEAUTY WITH A PURPOSE? Our Fashion Editor, Eva Chaideftos, talks to Miss Singapore 2012, KCL student Karisa Sukamto. She recently got back from the annual Miss World competition, where 13 judges issue points to the contestants based on stage presence, talent, charity work and questions and answers. Why did you decide to apply? Joining Miss Singapore was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I’m glad I tried than regretted not trying at all! What is the purpose of Miss World? The Miss World organization mainly focuses on the ‘charity’ aspect – spreading awareness, aiding the underprivileged, raising funds and morale. What is your response to people who think Miss World is superficial?

When we think of ‘beauty pageants’, a stereotypical extreme would be a bunch of ditzy, catty girls fighting for a crown! This could not be more false! They were mostly fun, friendly, talented, smart, ambitious women. Not only does Miss World celebrate the confidence and qualities of a woman, but it also encourages charitable works. At the end of the day, many representatives at Miss World. are active in helping their respective countries. Did you get the impression that their confidence was derived from being labelled a beautiful woman or from other achievements? I don’t think being labelled a ‘Miss’ immediately makes you feel any more different or confident, but rather the actual obstacles overcome through several challenges that create this stronger sense of self awareness, which in turn builds that self-confidence. This journey definitely has helped me become more comfortable with who

I am. I’ve always been able to laugh at myself, so I’ve learned to be thickskinned. The competitionwas incredibly character-building... In that sense, I do feel more secure now than before. Child beauty pageants have become a multi-million industry. What are your thoughts on them? Oh no- can I admit that I might just be in love with Honey Boo Boo child! Entertainment nowadays has become quite controversial… with child beauty pageants, I think parents have to be extra grounded... it’s an easy industry to get lost in and the media is known for exploitation… be careful! What did you enjoy most about the competition? The best part of Miss World was meeting girls from 115 other countries. Sharing backgrounds and stories reminds us of the lack of boundaries in this world.

Hats Hats are still important. It may be annoying for gentlemen to have to continually take them off to greet and converse with women, but it is a fair price to pay. Just beware, do not listen to the new Debrett’s guide when it tells you that a backward facing beret is acceptable. Designer labels No single piece of clothing should ever draw attention to itself. In this respect, a ‘G’ for Gucci is as bad as ‘Tesco Value’. Breaking the rules If you detest the Establishment and want to show it, all you need to do is break one rule only. Breaking all of them will just make you look like a prig. Of course, whether you look rebellious or just plain naff will depend on how you carry it off. Wing collars Some people think that wearing a wing collar with black tie is ‘fun’. Be under no illusions: it is simply wrong (unless you are an American). The only time when a wing collar should see the light of day is for white tie; and even then the collar should be detachable. Jeans and Jacket Distressingly, the most recent edition of Debrett’s also chose to commend the ‘effortlessly cool’ jeans and jacket

look. While I concur that times have moved on – jeans are no longer just for prospectors and archaeologists – it is still not acceptable to go to a smart-casual do without proper trousers. Pocket handkerchiefs When a man wears a breast pocket handkerchief, it should never be white. No man should be so pure to justify the wearing of a white handkerchief; and any man who is that pure should not be so arrogant as to flaunt it. Watches A watch should always be discreet. No one wants to be subjected to the visual representation of their encroaching mortality. A pocket watch may seem a little affected, but at least one can only see the chain. Ties In recent years, the tie has come in for quite a lot of criticism because of its apparent lack of utility. However, this is to neglect the psychological effect of a well-tied tie. If done correctly, the tie can give you a gravitas and authority that is so vital in the workplace. But, be warned, the current fashion is for small knots, so the Shelby is in, and the Windsor is out. It is also worth mentioning that a loosened tie with an undone collar is associated with bankers after a long day trading; that is to say that it should be reprimanded. Socks Socks are a wonderful invention saving all and sundry from the horror of exposed calves. This is why suspension is so important. If your socks ride down, you should invest in some sock suspenders. Before I leave you, however, one final piece of advice. In one of Dorothy L. Sayer’s books, Lord Peter Wimsey turns to his butler and asks ‘How do I look?’ The butler replies, ‘Perfect. That is to say, slightly flawed – the sign of a true gentleman.’


FILM Katie Sinclair Film Editor

Raindance is an independent film festival which runs at the Apollo Cinema in London. It’s the UK equivalent of Sundance, only unlike Park City, Utah, it rains here. All the time. Raindance supporters include heavyweight directors Christopher Nolan and Guy Ritchie, and it showcases over a hundred films from dozens of countries across the globe. With a range like that, the next big thing in film could be right on our doorstep. Roar! Film set its roving reporters to scope out the competition.



Taking a brief dip into the festival scene can be a strange experience. It could be the closest one gets to seeing a film in a true vacuum. We pick something we don’t know, arbitrarily by name, and go with our gut. So do as I did at Raindance, and pretend you turned to this page just for this review. About a Pink Sky begins with a wallet of 300,000 yen at the foot of Izumi, (Ai Ikeda) a Japanese high school student who ponders what to do with the money. The charming simplicity of the plot legitimises a meandering story in which Izumi and her friends come to know the wallet’s owner. Characters occasionally talk in a bizarre played out fashion not unlike a children’s TV show, making me wonder if it’s a product of awkward acting, or of the world seemingly devoid of authorial adults. The washed out quality of the black and white has a calming effect, but settings rarely become relevant to the story, and there are few events to propel it. In fact, About a Pink Sky relies heavily on dialogue. Everything is done through what characters say. I found myself stuck to the bottom of the frame to keep up, and I usually enjoy the quaint character that subtitles bring.

Amanpreet Paul

One of the most painful questions in life is to ask why. Raindance documentary The Lottery of Birth invites the idea of challenging the circumstances in which we are born in to and what we become: to undergo selfscrutiny and that of society, however painful it may be. The film is the first part of a duo entitled ‘Creating Freedom’.

The film’s strongest asset by far is Izumi. Ikeda has a charisma I can’t quite label. This is a girl who utters such brilliance as “shut up or I’ll hate you” and has no qualms about bullying and threatening friends and acquaintances, quickly becoming a lovable tyrant. There’s an undeniable charm to the powerless position Izumi holds, and the high and mighty persona she adopts when she gets even the slightest chance of changing her world. Think Amelie, but more sociopathic. The film is actually quite loud, with anything Izumi does - her voice, her footsteps, even touching paper - amplified, which gives a piercing boisterousness to her interactions with the world. Despite its stiltedness, it’s hard not to admire the film’s characters, its simplicity, and its truly brilliant ending moment. About a Pink Sky doesn’t pull any punches, and maybe that’s exactly the point.


It is no surprise that with a painter and a documentarian, Raoul Martinez and Joshua van Praagas, as creators and directors the cinematic experience is less like a dry documentary and more like following a piece of art. The film is abundant with powerful imagery and images, complimented perfectly by a beautifully written script. The narration manages to present my personal floating, haphazard thoughts in a coherent and concise way. Those thoughts you may have about the injustices of the world and your personal role in it are captured and expressed with the help of an allstar cast of interviewees. The documentary takes an inter-disciplinary approach to understand personal and

political freedom, the education and employment systems and obedience. The late historian, Howard Zinn, economist Michael Albert and linguist Noam Chomsky all appear and offer controversial, yet, interesting views on the issues we are too often too afraid to consider. If Lottery of Birth makes the intended impact it will highlight the limitations of our knowledge: how easy it is to live unquestioningly, shaped as immediately as birth by our environments, taught to be conformists and to remain unaware of our lack of freedom. The documentary is not despairing, however, but hopeful. We can understand the world for all that is bad and beautiful and in recognizing the beautiful we will be inspired to create freedom: for it and ourselves. I feel this documentary is vital at a time when society is questioning the motives of the political and economic powers that dominate. The KCL Film Society will show The Lottery of Birth, with a possible Q&A with the directors, soon. Check out their Facebook page for more information.

HOW DO WRITE A JOE SCHERRMANN SONG? Laura Jessop How do you write a Joe Schermann song? is not a documentary explaining the compositional process but in fact a musical drama. Joe lands the opportunity to write for an off-Broadway musical and is torn between casting his newly discovered muse or the love of his life in the process.


Ruby Guyatt

A collaboration of writer/directors Mathieu Dennis and Simon Lavoie, Laurentie tells the story of Louis (Emmanuel Schwartz), a twentyyear-old Québécois with few friends and even fewer social skills. Shot in a ‘fly on the wall’ style, the film offers an unabridged and all-pervasive view of every aspect of Louis’ life, from the painfully mundane to the intensely private. Struggling to make and sustain normal human relationships, Louis’ difficult relationship with his surroundings is at odds with the romantic connotations of the film’s title; ‘Laurentie’ being the ar-

chaic poetic name for Quebec. Louis’ extreme social and psychological detachment is brought chillingly to life by Emmanuel Schwartz’s outstanding performance, whilst clever and direct cinematography forces the audience to partake in Louis’ sinisterly habitual voyeurism. Long, slow shots are frequently employed to transfer Louis’ feelings of discomfort and anxiety to the audience. This effect is exemplified by the lack of dialogue during an atmospheric ten minute long scene which depicts Louis and his two friends silently listening to a piece of classical music. Interspersed with equal amounts of Canadian-French poetry and uncomfortably blunt sexual scenes, Laurentie represents a bold attempt to address the darkest recesses of the

human condition. The film, however, lacks a certain subtlety, perhaps as a consequence of Dennis and Lavoie’s direct style. For instance, the juxtaposition of Louis’ strangeness and social ineptitude with his co-worker’s banality and neighbour’s popularity is effective yet almost farcically obvious. Despite the transparency of some of its characterisation, Laurentie remains a thought-provoking film full of tension. Schwartz’s performance as Louis is enthralling, and he is well supported by a cast including Eugénie Beaudry, who plays Louis’ onoff girlfriend. The film’s devastating final moments provide an explosive release to its two hours of muted tension, ensuring that Laurentie will stay with you long after its credits roll.

Joe’s apartment is the stage for his struggling relationship with aspiring actress Evey and his frustration of his lack of creativity. Initially the film’s point seems unclear but the final scenes expose its all-important message: aspiring for fame can have a destructive nature. Actor Joe Schermann sustained an ironic humour throughout the film

but I felt the best performances came from the supporting actors DiConzo and Lees, surprisingly for a musical as they sang the least. Although the music is weak, the audience isn’t over-burdened with songs unlike other musicals. Director Gary King uses visual effects to bring the film to its climax in the final titular song. Despite the music and obvious budget limitations, the film is engaging especially through the cinematography and turn of events later in the film. Although fame aspiring programmes such as Glee are everywhere, How do you write a Joe Schermann song? seems to turn these on their head by showing the often unsavoury consequences of a unquenchable thirst for fame.





ON THE ROAD Katie Sinclair

THE CAMPAIGN Catherine King

Will Ferrell punches a baby in the face. Seriously. I died. Now, don’t get me wrong. I realise that this film will not be for everyone. The guy next to me in the screening remained silent throughout whilst everyone around him was erupting in hysteria. There was clearly something wrong with his soul. But The Campaign is no way near as offensive as say, The Hangover 2 or indeed any of Sacha Baron Cohen’s fims. The director, Jay Roach, is mostly known for Meet the Parents and the Austin Powers films. And you can definitely see that here. At times, it really is just madness and carnage. The plot centres on Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) and Marty Huggins (Zach Galifanakis.) Cam Brady is a democrat running for congress, Marty is a director of tourism for their local town of Hammond. Cam is driven, it seems, by his ruthless womanizing and narcissism, whilst Marty is funded by two siblings who need power to fuel their dirty dealings. With Marty, imagine Alan circa the first Hangover but with a lisp and the bustling walk of a tiny but very determined dwarf. Oh, and his voice will most likely

The Campaign starts off very strong. Ferrell delivers a stellar performance,and, of course, Galifanakis is superb. It’s clever, though. Roach could have played it simple for us. He could have thrown in a few more punching scenes, a couple more f-bombs, perhaps a few clips of Ferrell screaming like a little girl. And just, really, left it at that. But he didn’t. Amidst the outrageous debauchery, the lies, the scheming and the general absurdity, there is a definite jab towards the American Political system. Yet it never becomes too screamingly obvious, nor does it get forgotten in the madness. As each of their campaigns gets into full swing, each contender tries to set the other up for ridicule in front of the nation. There is something to be said for both Roach and Galifanakis’ ability to present a man who has gone from squeaky clean North Carolina husband to a practically ruthless politician, who is now almost on a par with Ferrell’s Brady in his treachery.

The film poses interesting questions, without appearing too cliché or screamingly obvious; how far will you go for success and fame? Who will you leave behind in the process? How much should we really trust, respect and believe the leaders of our country? And, most importantly, how much do we respect our own integrity and others around us? My one issue with The Campaign, was that the ending is almost too sentimental to fit in accordance with the previous scenes of the film. It was frustrating. Roach had created the perfect equilibrium between sincerity and hilarity until the final 15-20 minutes, when it feels as though he becomes slightly lost and uncertain in the main purpose of his final product. That is not to say Ferrell and Galifanakis don’t pull this off well because they do. They do a fine job. But, ironically, it was more that their final comedic performances actually saved The Campaign from falling flat.

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the lust palpable. The cold of the beat-up vehicle the gang travels in is so visceral, I expected to see my icy breath in the cinema. The audience takes the journey with the artists, assuming the role of another member of the drugged-up yet switched-on group. On The Road is full of desire in all its forms, from sexual lust to bromantic intellectuality. Drugs are everywhere, but more than addiction its the craving to create, to leave a mark before burning out, that dominates.

Sal Paradise (Sam Riley) is young and creative but has no direction. He decides to embark upon a journey across the United States of America alongside his charming friend, Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund). Together, they form and witness the Beat movement in all its glory: its love, drugs and artistic genius.

The only sense lacking in this film is sound - the sound of the beat. Jack Kerouac’s electrifying novel is penned to the beat generation, defining it in representing its major founders and ideals. Some of this purpose is lost in the aimless representation of moving from place to place: little resounds. But the cinematography is gorgeous. The rolling countryside of the United States is desolately beautiful, and its cities are vibrant with talented youth. The syncopated soundtrack is to be expected, but the film never really finds its beat amidst the jazz.

Sam Riley delivers a solid performance as the man who is, essentially, Jack Kerouac. You see the other characters through Sal as Kerouac read them, from the intoxicatingly charismatic Dean, base on Beat generation icon Neal Cassidy, to Kristen Dunst’s winning Camille, blinded by her love for Garrett. Kristen Stewart doesn’t feature as heaving as the film’s marketing would have you believe, but her performance as tag-along sexual temptress Marylou is believable. The film Walter Salles has made is a two-hour window on the Beat world. More than that - it kicks down the doorway to the 1960s American generation. The aimlessness is tangible,

The task of adapting ‘On The Road’ is no mean feat, and Salles is visually spot-on, only faltering in terms of a clear rhythm. But the film’s aimlessness is fine by me because we already know the terminus of Sal, Dean and their friends. They have arrived as the embodiments of Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy and the Beat generation, artistic legends and youth icons. The point is, On the Road, isn’t about the destination. It’s the journey.

#1 RUST AND BONE Starring Oscar-winner Marion Cottilliard; from the director of A Prophet. A killer whale trainer suffers a horrific accident and is brought back from the brink by an unlikely aid, an ex-bouncer.

#4 FRANKENWEENIE Tim Burton’s remake of his own short, Frankenweenie is a dog brought back to life by his loving owner, Victor. Shot in 3D stop-motion, the festival is also offering drop in workshops on the making of the film.

#2 MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN Based on the modern classic by Salman Rushdie, the film depicts India’s struggle for independence in parallel to the changing lives of one family.

#5 GREAT EXPECTATIONS Adaptations of Dicken’s epic masterpiece abound, and the latest stars Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes. Directed by Mark Newell.

#3 GINGER AND ROSA Elle Fanning stars alongside Annette Benning and Christina Hendricks in this coming-of-age tale set in 1960s London.

For infomation on all festival films, screenings and workshops, visit:

Overall? Excellent. A near perfect formula of humour and profound moral messages that don’t make you want to puke. It makes you laugh and it makes you think a little. That’s all you want from a night at the movies, really.


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make you explode. It’s like a mid western hick on helium. If any of you die-hard Galifanakis fans have ever seen him impersonate his fake cousin, Seth Galifanakis, you know what I’m talking about. You know.

I don’t envy Walter Salles. Sure, he’s a famous film director, see: The Motorcycle Diaries, he schmoozes with the best of the industry and he even gets to call Francis Ford-Copolla, hands down one of the best directors of all-time, his producer. And those facts might make me tinge a little green with jealousy. But the task of bringing to the screen, finally, one of the best acclaimed and most loved works of fiction in the 20th Century, Jack Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’, to screen? I don’t begrudge him that.

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Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012

MUSIC Will Davenport Music Editor

FROM LOS ANGELES WITH LOVE Lotus graced the listening world with a gilded landmark in his metaphysical gemstone, Cosmogramma, a galactic odyssey through space-jazz, hip-hop and the universe. The humble beat giant has since returned to terra firma. Following a summer in waiting, Flying Lotus appears again from between the Mount Washington hills bearing trunks of wonder for us mortals earthly. Bow thy head, open your earholes.

Will Davenport FLYING LOTUS Until The Quiet Comes Warp


Steven Ellison has reached a quiet place. Little can touch him right now. One overexcited Mary Anne Hobbes has even knighted him the ‘Jimi Hendrix of our generation’. Let it be said, Flying Lotus is atop the crest of a very important wave in alternative music. From his lowly beginnings as a Stone’s Throw intern, Ellison is now widely considered a standardbearer for forward-thinking electronic music in the 21st century. For years a cultish buzz has clamoured around the Los Angeles’ underground beat-club, Low End Theory, the modern beathead’s Mecca and spiritual HQ for Ellison’s label Brainfeeder. Two years ago, however, the hype reached fever pitch: in 2010, Flying

James Reilly THE GASLAMP KILLER Breakthrough Brainfeeder


I’ve always liked to imagine it would be a case of if rather than when the wider world would finally muster the courage to really consider the gravity of William ‘Willy’ Bensussen, aka. The Motherf**king Gaslamp Killer. A bit of courage indeed was due: Brainfeeder’s very hyperactive homie has risen phoenix-like from his early beginnings clearing dance floors in dive bars around the Gaslamp District, San Diego. His esoteric and downright unsettling vinyl collection has seen his name rise to ubiquity in a scene which is producing some of the most innovative and mend-bending music around today. If you’ve never seen The Gaslamp Killer before it’s hard to get across the sheer enthusiasm and energy he injects into everything he does. Channelling a deranged, bespectacled, Jew-fro’d Rasputin and wearing Ni-

Where Cosmogramma was farreaching and ambitiously dense – in places difficult – UTQC turns inward, its effect meditative. From its outset, the journey is a wide-eyed dreamwalk through mystic lullabies, plaintive nocturnes and rising strings, a blunted reimagining of all

the escapism and innocence of the Never Never Land. In an interview with The Wire, FlyLo actually refers to the album as ‘a children’s record, a record for kids to dream to’. Born of an infusion of warped loops, old film snippets and live instrumentation, the record swoons in the richness of its own lifeblood. Familiar and foreign voices climb through the mix: Erykah Badu arrives at the album’s middle, and later a ghoulishly repitched Thom Yorke croons in the mist of Electric Candyman. After the astronomical vision of his last album, Ellison would have been misguided to stretch any further in the same direction; the product would have wound up overly wrought. Instead, these here pastures have been found by plumbing inward. Every track of-

fering is an open-hand into a wombing enclave, each interconnected by inviting portals in an unfurling narrative. What we receive is something deeply personal, an emotional dignity that is imaginably rooted in the recent passing of his mother and, indeed, his illustrious great-aunt, Alice Coltrane. Ultimately, it’s a record best received in one sitting, but the songs have legs enough to stand for themselves. Indeed, the more accessible Putty Boy Strut and Sultan’s Request have been mainstays in FlyLo’s live sets over the course of the summer. If Cosmogramma was his coronation, Ellison has just added another cluster of jewels to his crown. After plating his armoury with further gold, only one question remains: where next shall the Lotus fly? In interviews Ellison has conceded to be sitting on a treasury of .zip files for potential future release. More often than not

etzsche’s moustache, he malingers in DJ booths wiry and coiled like a wild animal. Witnessing The Gaslamp Killer for the first time in an old converted pub in inner city Birmingham was eye-opening to say the least, shaking the rafters with early offerings from then-Brainfeeder-labelmate Hudson Mohawke back to back with ‘II’-era Led Zeppelin. The tremendous energy of his sets have only ever been matched by his epileptic whig-outs on stage, everything from the whirling dervish of frantic hair spinning to iPad stabbings and shouting deranged mantras of personal and spiritual enlightenment between every other bar. This is The Gaslamp Killer that audiences have been lucky to see from his resident sets at Low End Theory to festivals and club nights worldwide. His physical releases on the other hand have always steered closer to the introspective – percussive journeys and drawn out Eastern-influenced forays into world music. Not so much a musician but a sample-master of the Madlib mould, GLK blesses a new generation of listeners with long-forgotten treasures from Turkey, Lebanon and further afield. The temptation to describe Breakthrough as ‘like nothing you’ve ever

heard’ is strong but it wouldn’t be fair. It would be more fitting to describe it as sounding like the amplified sum total of everything we’ve heard from him before: part dark-edged electronica and part ode to the heaviest psychedelia of yesteryear. He never has, and hopefully never will, make ‘club music’, or even ‘dance music’;

his is, by his own confession, ‘head music’ or ‘third-eye music’. Never to be accused of lacking courage, his entire musical career has revolved around testing and pushing the boundaries of what people are willing to lose themselves to in the heat and the darkness, nothing is off-limits and no stone is left unturned. Stand-out track and also his first proper single release through Brainfeeder Flange Face surmises everything we’ve come to expect from Bensussen and is more than just towering drums and spasmodic bass shuffles. Just as soon as we are thrown into the midst of snare shells detonating on a post-apocalyptic battleground, the hauntingly lofty string arrangements of label-mate Miguel Atwood-Ferguson rise through the cataclysmic beat. He really isn’t holding back here: Breakthrough is starkly more brutal than we foresaw, while still retaining that uniquely ethnic flavour and attention to melody found in his work with rapping Mojave guru Gonja Sufi on the excellently received A Sufi and A Killer. Dead Vets, a balls-to-the-wall psych-soaked juggernaut, conjures Them Crooked Vultures sharing a studio hotbox with King Crimson. Keep It Simple Stupid with Shigeto is a free-form doom-jam that seems to represent the entire aesthetic here: haunting and powerfully raw, with no regard to hi-hats and snare-heads destroyed along the way. Other tracks featuring long-time buddies Mophono, Samiyam, Computer Jay and the ever-thrilling Dimlite offer thunderously abrasive ‘dirtwave’ constructions and provide the meat of the al-

bum. A real gem amongst the ruckus is Nissim (named after Bensussen’s late brother), a tender reworking of an old Turkish folk song that wraps the album into a more balanced, emotional and surprisingly personal work. Coming through the ranks of the Brainfeeder label today almost guarantees respect and success. In recent years the likes of Lapalux, Mono/ poly and Thundercat have demonstrated that there’s definitely something in the water over there when it comes to prodigious début releases. As one of the old guard in the Brainfeeder camp and with two stellar extended plays in the bag already (The Death Gate and My Troubled Mind),

these collections are either dirtysouth bangers ready for the floor or rap beats he’s knocked out for fun in between projects. During the summer he has also played a productive hand in the work of rapper Captain Murphy, a nebulous shadow-figure whose identity remains obscured behind a web of PR (‘I don’t want to know who I really am either’, reads his Twitter). Rumours suggest the Captain Murphy persona is a three-headed rap-colossus cut of the collected lyrical power of Odd Future’s Tyler the Creator, Earl Sweatshirt and Flying Lotus himself... The blogosphere salivates.

Flying Lotus is scheduled to play The Troxy with special guests on 16 November 2012.

the growing anticipation surrounding Gaslamp Killer’s freshman long player has been almost unbearable. Breakthrough’s release comes on the eve of Flying Lotus’ game-affirming Until The Quiet Comes, a record that may well cement the Brainfeeder stamp into the annals of music history. The timing couldn’t possibly be better for this Bay Area bass-beatnik to make his mark. His inspiration and innovation will only continue to advance now that the word is truly out.

Brainfeeder’s scheduled all-nighter in London has been postponed until early 2013. Keep your ears to the ground to see the Gaslamp Killer in the new year.

Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012





Will Davenport DAPHNI Jiaolong Jiaolong


Canadian Dan Snaith – better known for his work as Caribou - has gathered the fruits of his side project Daphni and released them as an LP on his label of the same name. Snaith first built the Daphni name back in March 2011 when Ye Ye appeared on a split 12’ with folktronic crackerjack and good friend Kieran Hebden (Four Tet). The two are often likened for their deftly organic approach to electronic musicmaking but recently their musical flights seem to be running in closer tandem than ever. When usually twinned for being dilettantish producers of carefully crafted headphone albums, both are now enjoying a revived lust for making dance music. ‘I’d fallen back in love with moments in small, dark clubs,’ muses Snaith at the outset of the Daphni project, ‘when a DJ puts on a piece of music that not only can you not identify but that until you heard it, you could not have conceived of it existing.’ The product of their passion sees Hebden release Pink, a collection of darkly meditative house numbers, and Snaith, Jiaolong, an album of much fierier club-ready intent.

are arrestingly immediate floor-bangers. They are sketches of Snaith’s momentary flair, often hinged on a unique sample dug from his deep and worldly crates. One of the openers, Jiao, for instance, lifts a jangling Eastern guitar-line and rubs it up against a pulsing 4/4 that canters through the thick gumdrops of Snaith’s homemade analogue synth. More vibrant still is Yes I Know, which plucks the wailing soul from Buddy Miles’ The Segment and pulls it tight over fatly wrought synth-lines. This writer’s album highlight, however, is the devastating edit of Cos-Ber Zam’s Ne Noy, a wild percussive freak-out that loops a hypnotic African vocal sample to a crescendo so ruinous that Snaith has been lambasted for the aggressive recolonization of indigenous Tongan artistic property. Hell breezy does it bring down a floor though. So, sure this isn’t an album with an especially coherent narrative, but never was it released under such a pretense. Jiaolong is a collected home to some of the most formidable dancefloor A-bombs that Dan Snaith has churned out over the past year. Play them loudly.

Go and see Daphni play back to back with Four Tet at Keiran Hebden’s curated night at Brixton Academy on Friday 02 November 2010. Special guests Ben UFO, Floating Points, James Holden, Pearson Sound.

Alice Lewis One night in July I found myself on the outskirts of the ironically named Pleasure Gardens trying to cram myself into a cab away from a scene where 16,000 people had witnessed Bloc’s spectacular failure to relaunch itself in the big city. I sat in the rain and started to feel a little anxious about the ticket I’d just bought to Dimensions. After the popularity of Outlook, the festival’s organisers had slowly been nurturing a new brainchild. When the exceptional Dimensions line-up was announced it transpired that this was a festival that would lean further to the deeper end of house and techno than its dub n’ bass big brother. Alongside Bloc, it had been earmarked the electronic event of the year. Having just watched one of them fall flat, my feelings remained uncertain towards another newcomer who’d been told it

Jake Colvin Ross-on-Wye’s proudest export and one of KCL’s very own talks us through the three records he’s had on rotation this month.

LES SINS Fetch EP Jiaolong

TUFF CITY KIDS Bobby Tacker EP Unterton

EJECA Horizon EP Needwant

The title track of Toro Y Moi’s latest EP under his Les Sins moniker, Fetch, sets out with an eerie warped-recorddug-out-from-the-crates melody. Kept floor-friendly by bubbles of filtered bass and well-tuned kicks, the intro builds to a stripped back drop at the two minute mark, treating you to the kind of gloriously restrained piano stabs and cheeky vocal samples that have been putting smiles on faces in main rooms since day. Bside Taken is a less functional affair, exchanging driving rhythms for offthe-grid trickery and contemplative harmonies. Good for hazy-bedroomlistening, but the A-side is the one to draw for.

Berlin boys Tuff City Kids land a 3-tracker on German institution Ostgut Ton’s offshoot Unterton. Sfs is a slow burner, opening the filters gradually on a hypnotising, if a little too consistent, synth pattern. EP-closer Begger is a camp analogue excursion, whipping back a hard groove for the Panorama Bar contingent. However, second-track Bias is where shit gets serious. Old skool string holds, a sickly sweet female vocal plea to “love me,” and a chunky disco bass converge to form something for fans of deep house with a tuffened up, distorted drum-machine edge.

The title track on this EP is absolutely essential stuff for anyone getting into the ’90s garage/house revival being pushed by everyone from the Feel My Bicep lads to Skream and Benga (in their 130BPM sets at least). A perfect cheesy throwback, Horizon paints a London lick on classy New York 4/4. The eyes-closed stomping potential of this one has to be heard to be believed. The B-side is less impressive. First cut, Dazed, takes on a moody swing. It’s slick, but doesn’t get going until the 3-minute mark. Final track See Through You trundles along like a skippier Julio Bashmore. Trust me though it doesn’t matter, ’cause once you’ve heard Horizon you’re not gonna care.


WHAT? Oxjam is Oxfam’s month-long festival that boasts a glut of grassroots events all across the UK, all put together by volunteers who treasure their local music scene.

Snaith conceived the majority of Jiaolong of rushed afternoons before an evening’s DJ set. As a result the tunes


NKC’s Big Three of the Month

could run before it could walk. Luckily when I arrived, felt the buzz surrounding the place and met some of the guys running the operation it became clear that the expertise from Outlook had helped alleviate many of the teething problems it had suffered in its first years. As the week unfolded without a hitch I was happy to be proven wrong and was treated to a truly special experience. Many others seem to have shared in my sentiment too: Dimensions finds itself nominated for Best Overseas Festival, Best New festival and Best Small Festival for the European Festival Awards. Dimensions is lucky enough to share its unique location with Outlook. It’s campsite sprawls down the Adriatic coast and circles the bottom of Fort Punto Christo, a crumbling nineteenth-century outpost perched above the sea, housing a maze of arenas within its walls. During the days before the festival the campsite managed to stay mercifully shady, its tents overlooking the cool ocean. Days were spent drifting down the beach, dipping into the turquoise waves and recovering from the string of beach parties preceding the festivals opening night. Thursday night’s action kicked off in

the Fort arena with stand-out performances from Nicolas Jaar and Four Tet. More exciting still were the rainbow sounds of everyone’s favourite Swedish wondergroup, Little Dragon. Bringing a live band to the stage, the intriguing Yukimi Nango and friends delighted the crowd with extended improvised interludes between their most anticipated album material. The fort’s crumbling bricks and mortar played as a warm acoustic confine to the stage’s exceptional sound system. The Moat - the neighbouring arena dug out at the foot of the fort - also offered a similar sensory experience, its towering walls deep-lined with speakers. The following night Machinedrum’s eclectic footwork, juke and jungle hybrid was enough to bring the crowds to fever pitch. The more subdued Gold Panda, who performed outstandingly at Outlook on a smaller stage, took to the Leisure System stage out the fort and shone. Endearingly geeky Derwin Lau spent his set intently staring at his mixers tending to every note, giving the audience a set where the melodies swam above those watching, harnessing intimacy within a large crowd. The runaway highlight of the festival was a five-hour stint on Satur-

All proceeds are channeled into alleviating global poverty. WHEN? Throughout month of October.



WHERE? Everywhere across the UK. Visit the website to find out about an event near you. Organise one yourself if you like. day night courtesy of the exceptional Moodymann and Theo Parrish. The Detroit duo started with Theo’s own brand of funk-splattered Chicago/ Detroit house, casting crowds into a bump-and-grind stupor. Within the smooth blend of funk soul and hiphop, he even threw down Nirvana curveball Smells Like Teen Spirit. The arena’s fantastic visuals decorated the stage with monitors splitting sound into pictures and pixels. Moodymann followed with a playful set laced with charisma, intermittent microphone ramblings and a hilarious entourage on stage who looked

KCL Event METAMORPHOSES: Parody Masses, Contrafacta and Acts of Musical Homage Presented by the Choir of King’s College London at the Chapel, Strand Campus. 17 October 2012, 18.30-19.30 like they were enjoying themselves as much as we were. Those torn up over Bloc’s dive into administration should suck up their refunds and book for Dimensions 2013. Putting your faith in this emerging festival will not yield dissapointment. Further improvements on its already stirling foundation and the promise of another outstanding line-up makes sure of that. Outlook’s baby is the new kid on the Bloc.


Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012

ARTS Adam Taylor-Smith Arts Editor

DON’T MISS AT THE TATE THIS MONTH... ANTHONY SHAW Tino Sehgal - These Associations Turbine Hall 24th July - 28th October At first I didn’t notice it; I just thought it was a busy day at the Tate. It was raining outside so everyone had retreated indoors. I stood in the Turbine Hall with a coffee when a woman approached me. She’s an American, she tells me a story of how she used to

work at a soup kitchen and that despite the fact that all the people she met there where kind and good people she could never be friends with them. She could never go and get a beer with them and she explained how this made her feel - a personal and emotional story told with real passion. Then she stops. A complete silence as I stare at her bewildered. I struggle for words and then she says “Tino Sehgal – These Association,” then turns suddenly and walks off. It’s then I notice it, uniformity within this mass of people. Around 30 people walking up and down the Turbine Hall in unison. They are only disrupted when one occasionally veers off

ADAM TAYLOR-SMITH William Klein + Daido Moriyama 10 Oct– 20 Jan 2013 ‘Explore modern urban life in New York and Tokyo’ examines the relationship between the photography of William Klein, an important twentieth century photographer and filmmaker, and Daido Moriyama, a prevalent photographer who emerged from the Japanese Provoke movement in the 1960’s.

and begins talking with an onlooker. I watch in a trance. Another woman comes to me, and she tells me of how she had felt when her sister had been diagnosed with cancer. A very intimate conversation ensues, I share with her how I felt when my grandfather passed away with cancer. She talks about what the future holds, about the shortness of life about how her sister has embraced life. And then, just as the first lady did, she stops, she says “Tino Sehgal – These Associations” and rejoins the group. Another older man talks about when he used to get on the bus to school and did his homework in candlelight because of the miners’ strike; another

discusses when she got her first detention at school. All the stories are extremely personal and deep. I find myself embracing this and sharing with complete strangers very emotional things that have affected me; some cases that I haven’t told my dearest friends. The lights flicker, the group sits at the far end of the hall, they begin chanting, it’s low and quiet but it builds and soon I’m surrounded by noise as they chant and then they rise and begin walking once again... I stay for another hour, I don’t want to leave. My mind is blown, as I walk back over Waterloo Bridge I find myself going over every detail in my head. I can’t quite get to grips with

what has happened. This is the new live artwork at the Tate Modern by Tino Sehgal. Instead of staring at a sculpture or portrait the art comes from interacting with people. It throws you into what is the perfect social situation. There is no pressure on you to respond, there is no bad feeling but only the joy of sharing. Of going somewhere and being free and open with strangers, the joy of communication and the joy of the intimacy that you are thrown into. The uncomfortable feeling quickly leaves you and you find yourself completly at ease as these strangers tell you their fascinating stories.

The exhibition will boast a display of 300 works including vintage prints, contact sheets, film stills, photographic installations and archival material presenting the work of both artists from 1950 to the present day. Both photographers refuse to shy away from the sinister and unsettling in their depiction of urban life on the streets of New York and Tokyo. These arresting photos are dark and grainy, conveying a sense of a snatched glimpse of a forbidden moment.


Ayed Tadros is a lawyer from Jordan who joins King’s this year in order to commence an LLM in International business Law. He reflects of the power of photography and his compulsion to visually capture moments in time...

AYED TADROS My passion for photography centres on my love of life and people. Having a serious and demanding profession often turns you away from enjoying the simplicity of life and the joy and calmness that people around you can offer. Being a thorough professional often deprives you from expressing simple emotions. Then

photography happened, and I realized that I was good at it. Over the years, photography has taught me quite a bit about life and the way you “see” it. Thanks to photography, I started to see things differently and look at people from a whole different perspective. Suddenly, I realized I have the power to stop time, give myself and others the luxury of examining a moment carefully and fully. Through my lens I can make others imagine the reality of people, societies and faraway places, the beauty of such, or sometimes the marginalization. My photos tell stories about place, people and even emotions. I can take you back in time to places you’ve been to and to people you miss. Pho-

tography can make you see things you might never have noticed on our own. It shows the world in many different versions. Photography is my passion. It is through photography I can show the world what I think, feel and believe. Apart from my profession, it is my best, and often my preferred, way of communicating. When I take a photo my heart brings to my mind all the pictures I have seen, the books I have read, the music you have heard, and all the people I have loved. Photography is “a way of feeling, of touching, of loving”. To me it’s about being the light in the eyes of someone you love! Read on to see Tadros’ photogrpahy make our ‘Photo of the Issue’.

More examples can be found on the facebook fan page: Ayed Tadros Photography

Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th November 2012





LAURA FRATER In light of October being Black History Month, Roar! has decided to feature KCL’s Ayed Tadros’ ‘picture of a picture’, which shows Martin Luther King expressing his pledge of allegiance in the foreground of the American flag. Black History month creates quite a stir around London, especially amongst artistic and cultural insitutions. They come together every year to celebrate great figures in the history and events made important by people of African diaspora.

So what’s happening in London for Black History Month? Here are some of our personal must-sees. Museum of London Docklands The Museum of London Docklands will be holding special talks and events this month. Their criteria? All speakers and organisers will be looking closley into black history, music and culture in London. Speakers will include Historian, S.I. Martin, who will be presenting an insight into the slave trade at West India Docks. There will also be a special screening of the 1980s film Babylon.

Feel free to also get incolved in a debate on Fair Trade in Africa which will be looking specifically at how it works. Or if that doens’t appeal to you, head along to the drama fuelled retelling of Queen Nanny of the Maroons. For more information go to docklands. Lewisham Events Lewisham is one of the many locations in London that will also be celebrating Black History Month. The local authorities are already putting on a variety of diverse event that particularly celebrate the culture of black

history. Lewisham Gospel Project This year, Blackheath Hall is running a gospel choir project. This is being led by a local gospel choir and seems like an inventive and lively way to get people involved. Nadia Maddy Meets Lewisham Lewisham will also play host to author, Nadia Maddy. Maddy will be talking about her writing in the Lewisham Library, focusing on her novel The Palm Oil Stain. The Downham Library film club will

also be hosting an event. This year they will be playing special screenings throughout the month. What’s happening at KCL for Black History Month? If you’re interested in celebrating within the college, then feel free to contact socieites like the African and Caribbean Society at You can also get in touch with any of the other KCLSU societies and clubs who are taking part. You can find them on the KCLSU website at



February 14th - March 5th 2012

Catherine King Student Groups


Cameron Carr

King’s College London’s all-male a cappella group was established by Freshers during their first week of term after seeing a gap in the list of societies. The success of the group started in earnest at the end of that year with their first tour to Edinburgh. In February 2011 the Men embarked on their first USA tour. This year’s success began with winning the London regional round of the Voice Festival UK and a week later the group jetted off to California for a west coast tour visiting L.A, San Diego, San Francisco and Stanford. On their return the group then competed in the final of the VF-UK where they were crowned Voice Festival UK Champions 2012, the first non-Oxbridge group to receive the accolade. Winning such a coveted title meant the Men could go for even greater success. With a week until the exam season began All the King’s Men flew to New York with an invitation to

compete in the International Champships of Collegiate A cappella (ICCA) finals. Up against the six best groups from around the US, 350 other candidates entered this competition. All the King’s Men were the best group to represent Great Britain, Europe and KCL at the Olympics of the a cappella world. In front of an audience of 1500, in a venue where Whitney Houston had performed, All the King’s Men did what they do best and were awarded third place, making them the best all-male collegiate a cappella group in the world. The summer months were therefore a busy period for this now international multi-award winning group and the next tour of the year took the Men to Scotland. Here at the Fringe Festival work has to be put in to selling the show to the discerning public on the Royal Mile. At the end of the busy week the Men had attracted sell out crowds and they were awarded the Edinburgh Fringe Festival wreath for their show, “It’s Reigning Men”. A week spent with family and friends

NEUROSCIENTISTS was soon interrupted with more rehearsals in London before flying out to South-East Asia to become the first British collegiate a cappella to tour in this continent. First landing in Singapore the group visited schools to take conduct workshops and perform as well as answering questions about KCL. The group also performed at the National University of Singapore, one of King’s global partners, where all students were treated to free beer and a pyrotechnic display on the stage. The next stop on the Asia trip was Hong Kong where our tour of Asia was taken to the next level. With the generous support of our sponsor, Fringebacker, we visited countless schools and universities, including performing to over 1,000 students at Chinese University. On one day an open top tour bus was provided to help us with trying to sell our first self-promoted gig in Asia at the prestigious Fringe Club, which finished up as a total success. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has helped over the past year: our Founder and Musical Director Henry Southern; various Departments of King’s College London; the eclectic mix of societies we have sung with; our patrons Paul Phoenix and Michelle Carlin and of course every single student who has come and supported us over the past year. All the King’s Men will be performing at the Greenwood Theatre on 26th October at 7pm. Tickets are available at Students £5/Adults £10. If you are interested in All the King’s Men performing at your event please do get in contact with our Manager, Cameron Carr at:


Jessica Broadbent

versial and their writing is considered outspoken. This is unacceptable.

KCL English PEN is a campaign group working to salvage the voices of journalists and other writers in countries where their voices are suffocated. A registered charity, PEN gathers the information of such journalists and political activists all over the world, particularly in countries such as Vietnam, China and Sri Lanka. These writers are mainly either imprisoned or captured, or in many tragic cases, have merely disappeared. This happens for no good reason except for the fact that their opinions are contro-

At KCL PEN, one of our main methods of helping these people is to lobby Governments, raising their awareness of the injustice these people are facing and to hopefully bring the lost citizens to their attention. This is done through our weekly letter-writing sessions where members of the charity write to presidents or prime ministers, political ministers and so on. It is uplifting when we hear news such as earlier this year, when the prisoner, Albert Santiago du Bouchet, was released from Cuba and returned to Spain. This leaves no more imprisoned writers in Cuba, a country that just over a year ago had more writers in prison than anywhere else in Latin America!

At Christmas time we also send Christmas cards to imprisoned writers who are separated from their families and lacking in hope and inspiration. The aim of these cards is to let them know that they are being thought about, and to bring some little joy into their lives at a time where they feel most alone and isolated. Student Pen provides a great chance to flex those campaigning muscles and to get involved with the brilliant work that English PEN do. Over the summer we also held the very first Student Pen summit, where groups from universities all over the country came to London and discussed how to make student pen a larger, betterknown and more productive force. If anyone would like to know a little more about the running of the group then please send us an email at It’s never too late to get involved.


Haruka Yuki Ever felt your brain wasn’t in tiptop condition after Wednesday night drinking? Or did you ever wonder just how a genius is created? Neuroscience addresses all of these, with applications, not just in biomedical science, but also in Philosophy, Anthropology, Maths, and even Economics. The KCL Neuroscience society is still green. Founded just over three years ago, it’s an up and coming society within the Biomedical community at King’s. World leading experts have come in to talk about topics ranging from Art and Colour, Mindfulness and Tibetan monks, IQ and Social Cognition, and even Pain and Pleasure. But we have big plans this year. NeuroAid, our charity division, have decided to fundraise to build a new health centre in Sierra Leone - a project spearheaded by our own Clementina, a Neuroscience undergrad. The current aim is £300K, of which £3k has already been raised. Although it will be a general health centre, there will be a mental health aspect-currently global mental health is a hugely underfunded area but especially so in the developing world. Back at home, we’re launching a new blog entitled “The King’s Brains” and creating an active network with Neuroscience alumni. In addition, we are also holding talks by leading experts on the creative, musical brain, aggressive personalities, as well as careers and course related informal advice sessions.

Of course we still plan to carry on successful ventures such as the introduction of the global Brain Awareness Week to KCL. We will also continue raising money for Parkinson’s research. We’re rapidly growing and are looking for equally enthusiastic people who are passionate about mental and neurological health, to join us at this exciting time. So, whether you’re a neuroscience fresher, a PhD student or just interested in how the mind works- we want to make YOUR brain BUZZ! We’re also having a NeuroAid Halloween Three Legged Pub Crawl on 29th Octoberso stumble by and see what we’re all about! Drop us a line at uk, tweet us @kclneuroscisoc, or find

February 14th - March 5th 2012






It’s really, very simple. All you need to do is send the student groups editor, aka glorious me, three reasons why you think your society is the greatest society of all time!

Do you love your society, but feel like it needs some exposure? Do you feel that your society is an unborn child that needs to flourish and blossom in the way that only YOU know it can? Do you want take this tiny foetus and make it into a full grown walking giant society of a man?!

Oh, three reasons you say? easy!



Wrong! It’s got to be THE BEST reasons. We want you to make your society sound like it is run by gods-BY GODS I SAY!


So get your game face on and use that beautiful, pea sized brain of yours. WHAT YOU WIN: We will send a reporter AND a photographer to your next event, both of whom will not only cover the event itself but will also interview and photograph various members of your society. All of this leading to.... drum roll please.... a 1000 word feature in the next issue! Not to mention lots of tweets n ting. DEADLINES: All submissions have to be in by the 19th of October. This gives us time to pick a society, get down to the event on the week beginning the 22nd of October, all in time for the next issue.

This year at Roar we are launching a competition so that everyone gets to see your baby shine in all its holy glory.



ARE YOU OBSSESSED WITH FILMS? Peter Flyn Well, here’s another plug for a society. Yeah, they’re everywhere, but I have a feeling we’re at home in this here section. We’re Film Soc, and we’re proud to invite everyone along to our events this year. People with better taste than I have picked a wide range of films to show every Thursday at 6pm in the Arthur and Paula Lucas lecture theatre. That basically makes us an on-campus cinema, but you’ll only need to pay £5 for a year membership, AND you can come and go as you please, PLUS we don’t hold you hostage with awkward Orange ads for half an hour. On a side note, many thanks to anyone who attended our collaboration with Tutu’s on 4th October, where we screened 28 Days Later. It was a great evening, despite committee members

appearing a little keen by dressing up, and we hope to have many other screenings like it. Our listings are a mix of things people actually pay to see, and the kind of artsy things film courses drop you in.

cinematographer, editor, or just someone who dreams of unmonitored student film production, come along. We hope to give you the contacts, equipment, and expertise to get something made.

But don’t be put off little minions!!

We meet at 4pm in S-1.06 on Wednesdays, so drop by, and we’ll see what we can get going.

It’s all about expanding interests, and besides, us film students barely have a clue either. We just take out student loans to fuel our pretention. Whatever you’re into, our next screening will be Leon on 11th October (Spoilers: Jean Reno looks weird, Gary Oldman chews the scenery, and Natalie Portman is just downright inappropriate.) There’s also the filmmakers club for those of you power hungry enough to actually shoot something (me included.) Whether you’re a director, writer,

Film Soc has the luxury of being a simple set up. We’re friendly, undemanding, and we’re here every week to show you a film. Keep up with news by joining the Facebook group,, or following our Twitter @KCLFilmSoc. We’re very excited for this year, and look forward to meeting you all. Many thanks, Peter Flynn (now the most undeservedly famous member of Film Soc)


Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th Novmeber 2012

CAREERS Mary Davies Careers Editor

CONVERTING TO THE DARK SIDE: LAW Mary Davies There may well come the day, in the near, near future, when you wake up and realize that you do a humanities degree. WHAT?! WHY HADN’T I REALISED THIS BEFORE?! Because you like books. But liking books doesn’t actually get you a job. OH HELL NO. It’s a dark day for all of us. You’re paying up to £9,000 a year to read books. Why not just join the British Library for free? I may seem like a sadist that likes taking joy in other people’s financial or otherwise misery. I’m actually a humanities student too (I worryingly sound a bit like I’m at a Humanities Anonymous meeting). However, whilst I may seem to be saying YOUR DEGREE IS A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY, it’s not. You’ll probably have some of the greatest years of your life and find enlightenment in Jeremy Bentham, and failing that reasons for why Utilitarianism is a load of old codswallop. And books are important because words are important. But sometimes when people ask why you chose X-degree, words fall short. So, as I’m finally come to the point of this article, you may decide you want to take up a profession that will justify your years of lavish bookish indulgency. You may decide to convert to law. Hey, you could end up on Silk?

So first things first, your best friend is going to be Legal Week, beginning the 8th October. Make sure you ear-mark 13th October 13.00, Law for Non-Lawyers, that’s you, YAY! Run by none other than Allen and Overy, and no, that’s not an optician, go Google. It’ll help you decide if law’s for you. Join the Debating So-

ciety or the King’s Mooting Society. Just don’t forget the ‘t’ or that could be potentially embarrassing: “I’m looking for the Mooing society?” And if you enjoy that you need to actually get some legal experience. Start volunteering with a local Citizens Advice Bureau to get those transferable skills and begin

FAMOUS LAW-DING OVER US Aoife Dowling Question: what do Law School and the X-Factor have in common? Answer: famous alumni. While many Lawyers keep a low profile, a surprising number make their way to the dizzying heights of worldwide fame. Here’s five famous Law graduates. So, in no particular order: -Gerard Butler. Also known as the

guy from 300 who yells ‘Sparta!’No, he’s not Irish, he just put on a very dodgy Irish accent in P.S. I Love You. He’s Scottish, actually. Before he turned to acting, he studied Law at the University of Glasgow. He was president of the Law Society and graduated with honours. After two years of practicing Law, he turned to acting. He later claimed in an

interview that he “wasn’t the most academic of guys”. Uh, if you say so! -Barack Obama. Yes, before this man had the job of running the USA, Barack ‘Barry’ Obama studied Law at Harvard. He was president of the Harvard Law Review, and went on to work as a junior Lawyer on civil rights issues. He discusses his Law studies in his book Dreams From My Father. He wrote: “Law is...

undertaking some serious research. What area of law interests you? Commercial, criminal, shipping? Do you want to become a Barrister or a Solicitor? Maybe you’ll become a Human Rights lawyer for the UN and go and save the world and that, GO YOU! Use King’s Careers & Employability

Library to do more research or use the tag ‘law’at

memory, the Law records a long-running conversation, a nation arguing with its conscience.” -John Cleese. One of Britain’s best-loved comedians, John Cleese, actually has a Law degree from Cambridge. He never practiced, though while he was there, he joined the Footlights Theatrical Club, where he met his future writing partner, Graham Chapman. Cleese caught the theatre bug and never looked back. He’s been at the helm of countless successful productions, including Monty Python and Fawlty Towers. -Henri Matisse.The renowned twentieth-century impressionist artist initially studied Law in Paris. Recieving little encouragement to pursue his artistic aspirations, he passed his Law exams and took up a job as a Law office clerk. Sickness drove him to paint – when he suffered appendicitis, his mother bought him art supplies to pass the time. When he returned to work, he took drawing lessons in his free time before abandoning the Law in favour of his new, consuming passion, art. -Jerry Springer. Sometimes, the hit U.S. Jerry Springer Show can seem a bit like a pantomime version of a courtroom – audience booing, angry cross-examination, brash accusations and tearful confessions. Perhaps, then, it should come as no surprise that the host was formerly a Lawyer. Before becoming a politician (then scandal journalist) Jerry Springer earned a Juris Doctor degree from Northwestern University.

-Mahatma Gandhi. Political and spiritual leader of Indian Nationalism, Mahatma Gandhi studied Law here in London – at University College London. He studied Indian Law and Jurisprudence, training as a barrister at the Inner Temple. Law provided a foundation for Gandhi’s life-long passion for political and social justice.

For more inspiration for Humanities students, see

Admittedly, these people shot to fame in the disparate fields of politics, tv, acting - not in Law. Regardless of their disparate positions and pursuits, there is one thing they share in common: a passion for their chosen sphere. Passion is what brought them success in the study of Law, and it’s what brought them fame in other spheres. In the 2001 film Legally Blonde, girly Lawyer-in-training Elle Woods (played by Reese Witherspoon) discovers that Law is not ‘reason free from passion’. In the closing graduation scene, she tells her classmates:“On our very first day at Harvard a very wise professor quoted Aristotle,‘the Law is reason free from passion.’ offense to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of Law...and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world.” Cheesy it may be, but that speech sums it up: Law students are a pretty passionate bunch.

Monday 15th October - Sunday 4th Novmeber 2012





Katie Sinclair

So you want to do Law but not in the UK? America perhaps? The Careers Department at KCL can help with that too! You might want to check the ins and outs of American regulations first though. (see left). Only in America, right? WRONG. We Brits have a few loony laws of our own, significant enough that top lawyers want them gone. (A well paid job that might be worth converting for!) The Law Commission for England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission has recently put together a repel bill, with 817 acts and 50 partial acts heading for the legal dustbin. ‘We are committed to ridding the statute book of meaningless provisions from days gone by and making sure our laws are relevant to the modern world.’ said Sir James Munby, chairman of the Law Commission for England and Wales. So what are these archaic British Laws anyway? Here is my top five... 1) It is illegal to flag down a London cab when you have the plague. 2) It is illegal to stick stamps on an envelope upside-down 3) It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. 4) It is legal to kill a Scotsman inside York’s city walls if he is carrying a bow and arrow. 5) It is illegal to ‘riotously demolish a hovel.’ Whatever that means.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO Mary Davies As I was flicking through my Facebook feed of a morning, I came across a post with a cute picture of some pandas. It was not some panda obsessed friend, but an advertisement for a job as a Panda ambassador, or shall we say, Pandassador (wow, I should totally work for their marketing department). Once I had gone through the initial, “awww pandas…wait, aren’t they actually

quite vicious, I’M SO TORN?!”, I came to thinking how narrow minded the job market can seem to many of us. Finance, law, consultancy… okay, sure they probably pay well and it works for some, but there are many of us who that doesn’t appeal to. For me, personally I visualise myself as the figure in The Scream by Edvard Munch. With the caption of Mark Corrigan,

“I’ve entered the abyss. I’ve bought a house in the abyss. I’m having my post forwarded to the abyss.” Then I remind myself that I’m not Mark and I haven’t got a failed marriage, so it could definitely be worse. So take that box filled with JP MORGAN and Deloitte and have a little look around that box. When they say you can do anything with your degree, they mean it. Margret Thatcher studied Chemistry. Elton John sings about being a rocket man for crying out loud. (Alright, perhaps he was punching above his weight there a tad, but hey, it’s ambitious, you gotta hand that to him.) I for one am sick of “So, you want to become an English teacher then?” If you’re looking for some inspiration, have a gander on, type in a vague field of interest and it will provide you with routes into that career, possible jobs, funding opportunities etc. EASY AS PIE. You might want to also have a cheeky listen to some people who, unlike Mark, actually know what job they’re doing: http://www. DON’T BE SHY, speak to a Careers Advisor: Strandies can book a fifteen minute appointment Monday to Thursday by calling 02078487134

and booking an appointment for that day. THAT VERY DAY?! FANTASTIC.And you guys GUYS (HAHA!) can just drop the hell in whenever it tickles your fancy provided it’s between 12.00 and 16.00 Monday to Thursday, of course. Whether you’re a first year, last year, somewhere in-betweener, go to the King’s Careers Fair on the 23rd and 24th October at 12.30-15.30 in the Great Hall, Strand Campus. There are different companies each day so check out the list on http://www.kcl. events/fairs.aspx. Get chit chattering

to the people in the know, there may even be some free choccies!! You can’t say no to some free choccies! (So what if I’ve been to the fresher’s fair every year and I only end up eating the free chocolate, the rest stays in a bag under my bed.) And if you’re feeling like really keen, pre-register yourself at for the London Graduate Fair on the 16th October. You’ve probably seen the posters at tube stations sandwiched between bladder incontinence and… IT’S ALL GOOD FUN!


Monday October 15th - Sunday 4th Novemeber 2012

SPORT Liam Jackson Sports Editor



Liam Jackson

KCLA GAMES two alumni teams and one team from both KCL and GKT. The KCL team came out victorious on the day, winning all their matches and finishing with a tight match against the alumni. One fresher in particular stood out, Katie Gothan, playing centre, who played consistently throughout the matches and was personally commended by her older counterparts. Lacrosse were also part of the games, this being their first time to enter, an example of how well the games are progressing. They fielded a student and alumni team that contained players from both Strand, Waterloo and Guy’s campus, a squad that increases in size every year and continues to have steady, progressive development. The alumni came out on top and Phil Birkett was named man of the match. Special mention goes to Annushka Amar, who helped referee and bring the alumni team together.

The 4th annual KCLA games. The day starts at Waterloo, faces old and new await at the platform, the lads once your university elders look that ever bit plumper (or as they like to call it... healthier) from the new years of eating well instead of the student diet they have left far behind. Friendly exchanges are made with the retelling of old stories on the train up to Berrylands. The tales of that Wednesday night in LSE student union, the countless nights in Walkabout which can only be partially recollected, that Saturday morning when half the team couldn’t function after a Fabric all-nighter and of course that winning of the league in your first year that the old boys seem to behold was solely due to their superior athleticism, with that all-famous quote of “the quality was a lot better when I was here.” This is the start of what will be a much talked about and rewarding day. Registration on entry to the sports ground saw a record of over 350 athletes, growing larger every year, most notably by the women’s teams who now field as many squads as their male counterparts. All are accompanied by family and friends, coming to watch what has become to known as the number one event in the King’s sporting calendar. The barbeque was on, the bar was open for business, and most surprisingly, the sun was shining! Friendships are then put aside, every team means business and no-one wants to carry the burden of defeat until next year. After a ferocious day of sport, packed with tackles and goals, joy and heartache, lasting well over five hours, the results were as follows: Men’s Hockey: Students 5 – 6 Alumni Women’s Hockey: Students 4 – 4 Alumni Lacrosse: Students 10 – 12 Alumni Rugby: Students 71 – 24 Alumni Netball (Final Positions): 1) KCL 2) KCLA Netball 3) KCLA Netball 4) GKT Men’s Football Group 1 Winners – KCLFC 1’s Group 2 Winners – KCLMS 3’s Women’s Football KCL Lions 4 – 3 KCL Golds (Results recorded by Lydia Gray) The football kicked off first, with KCLFC fielding their whole squad of six teams, with three old boys’ teams

and a strong collective GKT side. The alumni came prepared, warming up more like it was a Premier League title race, looking determined and winning the mental battle over the fresh faced first year students, which resembled more of a David versus Goliath legend. There were two groups of five teams, with the overall winners of the groups to play each other in the final. However due to deteriorating lighting conditions, or as the captain of the old Strand Academicals, Gio Asserati liked to put it, “a conspiracy to make us joint winners, typical GKT bias, could have played longer!” This comment reflects how even after years away from King’s, the intense rivalry between the two entities of KCL remains strong, backing up the right decision to keep these clubs separate and enjoy the controversy these days bring! The rugby squads were as always a strong presence, both physically and verbally, the all too familiar bellow-

ing of the King’s version of “Que Sera Sera, Whatever Will Be, Will Be” rattling around the sports ground as they beat the alumni convincingly. Social Secretary Tom Welham described the day as, “A great match, full of intensity. And a cracking evening to follow. We can proudly say we ran circles around the old boys on the pitch, (but perhaps not at the bar!) with some superb flair of personal skills, especially from our new fresher intake. A great day of rugby all round.”

alumni teams have a very strong and successful relationship with the current students, playing a brutal match on the grass pitch at Berrylands, that always poses much scepticism and often excuses when missing the ball, a change from their usual haunt on the hard ground pitches down at Honor Oak Park. Although both games were very close, the men’s alumni managed to beat the students by that one goal, heard using the phrase after the game, “showed them how it’s done!”

A thank you is extended to Fergus Harrington, one of the rugby alumni, who works with the sports teams to fund money back into the clubs by organising their sports nights each Wednesday through his business Wicked Student Nights. Over the past three years, over £20,000 has been raised for the societies to fund further socials and develop a stronger squad spirit.

The women’s game was a stalemate, acclamation going out to Fiona Lockwood, described as “the cat” in goal after making an acrobatic save in the first few minutes in an unfamiliar position. It seemed the hockey squads were out for the long haul, passing around two beer funnels and consuming copious amounts of snakebite throughout the day that would have more resembled the occupants of the Hofbräu-Festzelt beer-tent at Oktoberfest.

Hockey always demonstrate how their

Netball also had a strong turnout, with

In terms of the collective results, all games were highly competitive and fought over, with the oldies dusting off their boots and producing performances that made you wonder which team really were the older age and supposed less fitter of the sides. The day was attended by: the principal of King’s College London, Professor Sir Rick Trainor; head of KCLA, Andy Parrish and none other than Katherine Grainger, the new patron of the 2012 KCLA games, (managing to acquire an interview - see right) visiting the grounds to promote the development and reiterate the importance of sport at university, not forgetting taking time for the hundreds of photographs and questions from the students and show off her new gold medal from the London 2012 Olympics in the double sculls rowing. There were four awards given out on the day by the patron Katherine Grainger. The Profumo cup, given to the overall winners of the tournament, was won by the students, who by team points won 4-2. The award for most successful team on the day was in fact joint honours between KCLFC 1’s and GKT 3’s, a conclusion that neither team hoped for. As long as history will go back, the chance of these teams gracefully sharing this title is non-existent. Both teams were presented with the Principal’s Helm as a prize. The UCL wooden spoon was given to the most defeated team, which was grudgingly accepted by the rugby alumni team and lastly the veterans bowl was awarded for the team with the oldest average age, taken with pride by the Hockey men’s alumni. A massive thanks needs to go out to all the organisers of the day, in particular Matt Ricketts and April Barry, who spent the day rushing around dictating the times of play and without whom there would have been chaos. And finally a big thanks to all the athletes and support from both KCLA, KCLSU and the groundsmen at the event who made the small details happen for the bigger picture.

Monday October 15th - Sunday 4th Novemeber 2012





KATHERINE GRAINGER First things first, most student’s will be dying to know; how an earth did you manage training and winning a gold medal with your studies for a Law PHD at King’s? If you speak to my supervisor she will probably say I don’t manage to balance it-at all! It does take a lot of time, it is not easy and I guess you have to choose when to focus on certain things. So clearly in an Olympic year I focus on my sport. Then there are other times when I have deadlines in my PHD so I have to prioritise that. I am constantly monitoring and making sure that I am doing what I need to do for both of them. Have King’s been understanding with deadlines and so on for you this year? I have always had fantastic support from King’s. I know I have been able to do certain things because of the support from King’s. I know as far as far as my PHD is concerned I cannot cut any corners, I still need to produce a certain amount of work and my feet are firmly set on the ground because of that. I don’t get any extra favours because I am an Olympian. But I get a lot of support and understanding that certain things may take a little longer-especially at certain times! What do you make of the brand spanking new Dickson Poon School of Law? I have one meeting with my supervisor at Somerset House, such a beautiful building! When I used to go to the Law building I would go past it everyday and sometimes go in for a drink. Now I go inside to study and it is so sleek and modern and updated. So tell us, why did you choose King’s? Oh! Why not-for goodness sake! (We like this answer Katherine!) How does it feel to have your face on the front of King’s? I must a d -

mit I tend to hurry past it. I don’t really want to hang around and point “Ooo, there’s me!” It’s ok when I am coming from one end of the Strand because there are only a few faces, come from the other end and walking past all these big names in history – then it is a little bit unnerving. You, think should I really be there amongst that amazing company? It is a huge honour, it is just nice now it has been updated to gold medallist! So, ‘fess up-have you had a photo with your photo? No, but I have had so many friends send me photos of them next to my photo! So what next is for Katherine Grainger, what are you looking forward to doing next? Well, of course, the correct answer is finishing off my Phd. I really can’t wait to get back into the library and crack out few more words. I don’t know, it is an impossible time to be clearheaded right now. It’s only been a month since the games, so everything is going at 100 mph, there are so many people to see and talk to and share the Olympic experience with. Continuing to row is an option, retiring is an option, doing something in law is an option, doing something within sport but another area is an option, doing something completely different – travelling for the next 10 years is an option! I look forward to taking a second to think about what I want to do next and what I want my passion to be. Do you have your sights set on Rio 2016? I’d love to go-at least as a holiday for goodness sake! Copacabana beachI’ve never been to South America before. I would love to be there in one form or another. Whether as an athlete, or if I am not still rowing, then I’d love to go there still as part of Team GB. I’d love go there as t o part of the Olympic m o v e -

ment, whatever my role is.

Anything you’d like to say to the student’s of King’s College? I started playing sport at uni for the social side of it-and I loved it. If you enjoy uni level, if you want to take it further-just enjoy it. I got better year on year and it was only when I graduated in my final year of my undergrad that I applied to be part of the British team and made it through trials. You’ve just got to love what you do and be passionate about it and you enjoy it. If you want to take it further and compete for your country that is always an option. Just take it to what level you can push it. I didn’t start and everyone thought “Wow, she’s great”, they looked at me and just thought “Mmm-put her in the bottom boat” Really, just follow your dreams and put everything into it because as I have proven anything is possible.” Have you ever been to the KCLA Games before? This is my inaugural visit to the KCLA Games-and the first of many,

especially if you keep having beautiful days like this! I haven’t done much exercise at all since I crossed the line two months ago- shamefaced! But I am looking at sports matches today and thinking I’d like to get involved. And we notice you haven’t got a pint of snakebite in your hand... There have been many snakebites

in my distant past and I have got good at knowing when to keep my distance! One thing’s for sure, Katherine might not have indulged in a pint of snakebite at the KCLA Games but many drinks were toasted in her honour and will continue to be for a very long time.

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