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Dear Par tners and Friends, year. It’s a time when we celebrate Chr istmas is such a special time of done for us…and a time when we the birth of Jesus and all He has spec ial seas on toge ther, we desi re cele brat e fam ily. As we share this thin kin g of you , our Par tne rs and for you to kno w tha t we’ ll be family! We would like for you to Friends, bec ause you are part of our d—by the Lord and by us. know how very muc h you are love e of Believer ’s Voice of Victory will We pray this special Chr istmas issu se articles by our family are written touch you and your loved ones. The ngthen your faith. to bless you, encour age you and stre


e good things the Lord has in stor We are pray ing you receive all the be blessed, not only dur ing this seafor you—we are expecting you to all year long! son of giving and celebration, but r of O verf low her e at Ken net h 200 5 has cert ainl y bee n the Yea t overflow in many areas not the leas Copeland Ministries! We ’ve seen be will We the Citation X airplane. of which is the manifestation of more peo ple than ever ! We beli eve usin g this plan e to reac h out to illment, and we believe with all our 2006 will be the Year of Total Fulf for the Body of Chr ist than we can hearts that God has more in store So stand firm in faith, and keep even imagine—and that means you! e! in mind that the best is yet to com ious Chr istmas celebration. We love you and pray you have a glor Merry Chr istmas!



gift restored a Lost

The most challenging Christmas Gloria and I ever faced in the natural was December of 1966. We had recently moved to Tulsa, Okla., so I could enroll for the spring semester at Oral Roberts University. The move had taken nearly all of the limited finances we had. So when Christmas came, we had no money for gifts for the children or each other. I say it was challenging in the natural for a reason. In the spirit it wasn’t hard at all because we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt we were right in the middle of God’s plan for our lives. Nothing could shake us from that. And nothing could rob our joy. | But what would we tell the children? We called them in, sat them down and said, “Now you know Daddy and Mother love you with all of our hearts. And I tell you, things are going to be better around here. But right now we don’t have the money to spend on gifts for Christmas. So you pray with us and believe God with us, and let’s just get out here and have a good time.”

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AS YOU ARE BUSY obeying God , THE PATTERN AND PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE WILL BEGIN TO TAKE SHAPE. BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, YOU’LL FIND YOURSELF walking SMACK IN THE CENTER OF God ’s will FOR YOUR LIFE. Well, they jumped in and began to pray and restored gift. Or if they do, they don’t receive it and believe God with us. put it to use in their lives. They are not celebrating at all during this Christmas season. In fact, some people Children understand spiritual things. They need to be included when parents are using their faith in are suffering f rom depression. Others are getting these kinds of situations. They need to hear us say into debt by buying gifts they can’t afford. Satan’s goal in all this—causing depresthings like, “Jesus is the Christmas sion, debt and every other distracgif t. We ’re going to make this Salvation Prayer whole Christmas about Him. And tion—is to make believers lose If you do not know I’ll guarantee you, next year will be sight of one thing in particular. He different! We’ll still celebrate Jesus wants us to forget that the celebraas your but we’ll have gifts too.” tion of Christmas is the celebration Gloria and I were able to have that of a gift restored…and that gift is & , attitude because for the first time in the restoration of the purpose for simply pray the following prayer in our adult lives, we were in the perfect which man was created. faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! will of God. The Word had become Jesus told us that in His last Heavenly Father, I come to You so big in our hearts that everything words on earth. Just before He in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the else melted away. It didn’t matter ascended to His heavenly Father, name of the Lord shall be saved” and what was going on around us or what He said, “All power is given unto “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth was happening. We didn’t care me in heaven and in earth. Go ye the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him therefore, and teach all nations… because we knew that whatever it from the dead, thou shalt be saved” was, it was only temporary. to obser ve all things whatsoever (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9). You said Even though we were still about I have commanded you: and, lo, I my salvation would be the result of am with you always…” (Matthew a month away f rom hearing about Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, our authority as believers, the true 28:18-20). 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) and that if I meaning of Christmas had become He had gone into hell and browould ask, You would fill me with ken its power. Jesus had triumphed real to us. Your Spirit and give me the ability Christ means “the Anointed One over the grave, “led captivity capto speak with other tongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4). and His Anointing.” Mas means tive, and gave gif ts unto men” I take You at Your Word. I con“celebration.” Christ-mas is the (Ephesians 4:8). He “spoiled prinfess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe cipalities and powers” making a celebration of the coming of the in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into Anointed One and His Anointing. public show of them “triumphing my heart, for giving me Your Holy over them in it” (Colossians 2:15). And we were celebrating! We Spirit as You have promised, and for And now Jesus has commanded were discovering that God had being Lord over my life. Amen. restored a great gift to us. us to enforce that victory. How? If you have just prayed this prayer, please contact us and let us Through that same regained know of your decision. We have a authority and dominion, and by Not Debt or Depression, but free Salvation Package we would like Dominion manifesting His love and operatto send you to help you begin your ing in the gifts He has given us. Not everyone knows about this new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask

Jesus Savior Lord

for offer #50801, using the address on the back page or by calling 1-877480-3388.

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Notice Jesus didn’t say, “I’m going into all the earth to preach the gospel; come go with me.” Instead, He said, “ You go, and I’ll go with you.” That ’s why we read in the last chapter of Mark t the disciples obeyed His command to go into all the earth casting out the devil, speaking in tongues and preaching ever ywhere. And as they did, He went with them, working with and confirming the Word with signs following (Mark 16:15-20). They preached it; He confirmed it! They took authority; He backed it. They bound; He bound. They loosed; He loosed. From His exalted position of authority at the right hand of the Father, He “ever liveth to make intercession” for us (Hebrews 7:25). He is anointed and appointed High Priest over our profession, or confession, of His Word (Hebrews 3:1). The gift that had been lost—the dominion and authority God had created man to use to bless the earth—had been restored (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:5-6).

Our Gift



the 2006 Year of Total Fulf illment wall calendar

Be Busy Obeying

Receiving and administer ing this great gif t begins with you and me. We do it by confessing and ordering our lives according to Jesus’ command in Matthew 22:37-39: “Father, I love You with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. And I love my neighbor as myself. Reveal to me Your plan for my life. Whatever You reveal for me to do, I will do it.” T we stay in the Word and in prayer. We refuse to do anything until we know what God desires for us to do. We walk like Jesus walked on this earth: “I say nothing except what I hear my Father say. I do nothing except what I see Him do.” When He does tell you to do something, be faithful to do it even if it seems insignificant. Have the attitude that if He desires for something to be done, you’re going to be the one who is faithful to do it! Your obedience to His instruction is what will open the door to the next, and that door will lead to the next, and so on until you are continually following the Spirit of God. You’ll begin to hear His voice more clearly—in prayer, as you meditate the Word and as you are ministering to people. When you begin loving others—helping people, praying for them, laying hands on them, telling them Jesus loves them—I guarantee God will move

What a year 2005 has been! We’ve seen overflow like never before.

Now it’s time to get ready for 2006—the Year of Total Fulfillment! The 2006 Year of Total Fulfillment wall calendar features the dates of our meetings throughout the year as well as photos, encouraging quotes from Kenneth and Gloria and uplifting scriptures. This convenient calendar will help you keep track of all the things God has planned for you. And it’s a great place to jot down each time God’s fulfillment is realized in your life in 2006. Order your Free calendar today and prepare for the Year of Total Fulfillment!

2006 Year of Total Fulf illment Calendar Free! #B051217

To order in Canada call toll free (877) 480-3388 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. PT MondayFriday. To place an order by mail, please use the address on the back page.


your life right now — IT IS TIME TO RECEIVE THE GIFT JESUS SUFFERED, DIED AND ROSE FROM THE GRAVE TO GIVE YOU! with you! Jesus will work with His words spoken in faith from your mouth. He will confirm them with the manifestation of His life and love. As you are busy obeying God, the pattern and plan for your life will begin to take shape. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself walking smack in the center of God’s will for your life. A benefit of being in God’s will that you’ll imme ately notice is this: Any heaviness or troubling spirit that may have condemned and tormented you about being out of God’s will, will be gone. Next you’ll find that as you obey the Lord, He will confirm His Word with the manifestation of His life and love. With each success you experience, you will gain confidence in God’s love at work in you. As

f rom fellowship with the Lord, it’s time for you to come back to Him. Don’t be embarrassed—run as h as you can straight into His arms! He never left you; He has been right there with you all along— even while you were doing crazy stuff. Confess your sin, turn f rom it and get on with your life in Him. Pray this prayer right now: Oh God in heaven, thank You for loving me. I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Thank You, Jesus. I give You my whole life. I give You this

It is time to walk in the blessings of God’s love and be His instrument of blessing in the earth. fear loses its grip and is being flushed out of your life, love is being developed. W hen you increase in knowledge of how Love works, the gifts of the spirit will begin to manifest in greater power in your life. Soon you will be marked as a man or woman of authority. And authority will bring what it always brings: success, respect, advanced knowledge and joy!

You Become the Gift

I don’t care what ’s going on in your life right now—it is time to receive the gift Jesus suffered, died and rose from the grave to give you! It is time to walk in the blessings of God’s love and be His instrument of blessing in the earth. It ’s time to celebrate a gift restored—the gift of the believer’s authority and dominion. Don’t allow anything to keep you from celebrating! If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, now’s the time to do it. Or if you have walked away 6 |




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whole situation. I give You praise and honor. Right now, I rebuke you, Satan. Get out of my life! Shut up! I speak to you in the Name of Jesus! Oh Lord, f ill me with Your Holy Spirit. I thank You, in Jesus’ Name. God can take you f rom anywhere to total victory. He can give you success and bless you with abundance no matter what kind of mess you are in. You may owe so many people, they are looking for you on every corner. But God will help you, He’ll deliver you, He’ll get you out of debt. He’ll heal your body, if that ’s the problem. He’ll restore your marriage. He’ll bring your children into His kingdom. No wonder when Jesus was born that angel shouted, “I bring you good news!” Take it! Rise up right now with a renewed faith in the words of Jesus’ authority in your mouth. Put the devil on the run. Cast the mountain of debt into the sea. Take authority over sickness and disease.

In your mind “see” Jesus standing right behind you with fire in His eyes and a smile on His face. You are standing right in the middle of His perfect will for you and your life. You are on your way. To where? To victory! Overwhelming victory. Victory in the blood. Victory in the Word. Victory in the Name of Jesus.

Take back the authority that is yours. That is the way to victory in your life. Don’t throw your life away—give it away. Give it to Jesus and give it to other people. I Jesus and in His Anointing, this Christmas—celebrating the Anointed One and His Anointing in 2005! V ICTOR Y


people’s lives.

Read these testimonies and tune in to the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast to see how partnership is affecting people around the world.




God ’s protection surrounded our Partners in London! ? Steve was so ensconced in his Bible reading he was late for his train. He would have been on the one that was attacked. ? I should have been on the tube at or around the time of the attacks. My schedule was most unusually and unexpectedly changed at the last moment. I passed through about an hour before the incidents. ? My niece would have been involved in the disaster in the underground system had she not been delayed by so many mobile phone calls. At one point she nearly switched the mobile off until she got home. ? My train was two minutes ahead of the one that was bombed.

? Both places I needed to do research are situated in and around the three main bombing sites. I had decided the day before the bombings not to go to these places but to stay home and do research instead. ? My son did not get on his normally scheduled bus that morning. After the bombing, he phoned his wife to check on her. She didn’t go to work that morning but went back home as she did not feel well. They found out both their buses had devices put on by the bombers. ? Thank you for your phone message. It was a great support as I live exactly in the middle of the bombed areas. If you would like to become a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries or would like to find out more about partnership, call 877-480-3388 or visit kcmcanada.ca. God has great things in store for you!

Partners! Please send us your testimonies—we would like to hear and rejoice with you about the great things God is doing in your lives!

Heaven S TAY I N G C O N N E C T E D


Perhaps the greatest challenge we face as Spirit-f illed believers is learning

to accurately distinguish the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s not easy, but it is def initely

worthwhile. To abide in the Lord and maintain a living connection with Him, we must hear and obey Him.


God told Israel to obey His written Word and His voice. (See

Jeremiah 7:23.) He wanted them to know both His general and specif ic will.



the army of Israel invaded Jericho, they must have heard God’s voice. The strange battle

plan they used wasn’t written in the Law of Moses. And certainly no human being would suggest a seven-day march around a city as the most effective form of invasion!






Some people think they are smart enough or talented enough to do things on their own.

THOUGH THEY MAY HAVE SOME GOOD RESULTS, THEY’LL never see the supernatural results THEY WOULD IF THEY WERE DEPENDENT ON GOD. No, that was God’s plan. When He told Joshua His plan and Joshua followed it, there was victory. To walk in victory today, we must do the same. We must obey the written Word and also be able to hear and obey God’s instructions each day. Say for example, you are offered a job in another city. You can open the Bible and receive general instructions. But the written Word of God will not tell you whether to take that job or not. You must be able to discern the voice or the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You must be sensitive to His leadings in your heart. That kind of discernment and sensitivity can be cultivated in several ways. The first two are to pray daily—both in your own l and in other tongues—and to meditate on the written Word of God. The more familiar you are with God’s voice as it comes through the written Word, the more easily you will be able to recognize His voice in your own heart. Through the written Word, your mind becomes renewed to accept God’s way as the right way. Another major key to developing and maintaining spiritual sensitivity is to stay connected to the realm of the spirit throughout the day. Don’t just have your daily time in prayer and the Word and then forget about God. Stay tuned in to Him. Give Him praise. Consult with Him about things that come up. Pray in tongues on and off throughout the day. Carry a pocket New Testament with you and take a “Word break” instead of a coffee break. By making God your No. 1 priority and continually walking in love, you can stay connected to heaven 24 hours a day. You can rest in the assurance that you have all of heaven’s resources backing you! The Holy Spirit is constantly with you, ready to talk to you about anything you need to know. But remember, the Holy Spirit won’t force Himself on you. For Him to be active in your life, you must give Him place. You must be constantly looking to Him for guidance, instead of managing your life according to your own natural plans and ideas.

He will wait for you to draw near to Him—and when you do, He’ll draw near to you. In your car, put in a teaching tape or CD and listen to the Word of God. When you’re dressing for work, instead of listening to secular music, spend time singing songs to the Lord and praising Him. Little things can make a great difference in your day. I know that from experience. Some mornings I would rather do almost anything than tape the daily broadcast. But as I prepare to go to the studio, I’ll play a praise tape or just begin to worship God. By the time I arrive, my heart will be lifted and strong and I’ll be ready to preach! Learn to take advantage of such times throughout your day. Take a few minutes here and there to keep yourself strong and built up in the Lord.

B Available

o sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, He will enable you to live as an overcomer and be a blessing to many people. You may not think you have the ability to do anything of consequence during your lifetime. But God isn’t looking for ability. He is looking for availability! All He needs is faithfulness. He doesn’t necessarily search out a shining star at some university and say, “That guy is a wonderful speaker! I think he would make a good preacher.” God is more likely to seek out someone like Oral Roberts. He was a 17-year-old boy who stuttered so badly that he could hardly say his own name. He was dying of tuberculosis. But he was available. So God cured him of stuttering, healed his body and made him one of the outstanding healing evangelists of all time. If you will remain constant in your fellowship with the Lord, it won’t matter what you are in the natural. You may be poor, uneducated or the biggest failure on your block. But those things make you a prime candidate for the calling of God. As the Apostle Paul wrote: Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For D E C E M B E R

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ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:25-31). The new birth is the great equalizer. It takes you out of your natural station in life and puts you in the Anointed Jesus and His Anointing. It makes available to you the wisdom and ability of God Himself. As you

impossible things. You are called to lay hands on the sick, for example, and deliver the healing power of God. You can’t do that without depending on the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus had to depend on the Holy Spirit to carry out His ministry. Although He was the sinless Son of God, He never did a single miracle until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Even after His baptism in the Holy Spirit, Jesus said, “I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, o My own accord—but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]…” ( John 5:30, The Amplif ied Bible). He could only live and minister in victory by living in total dependence on God. Jesus walked out His earthly life just the way you and I are called to. He would continually abide in the Father and His Word, be obedient and hear from heaven about what to do. Jesus didn’t live unto Himself. He lived every moment hearing f rom the Father and obeying Him. He would minister to people all day long, then spend all night alone with God. Jesus knew He had to receive direction from the Holy Spirit if He was to do what God had called Him to do. If that was true for Jesus, it is true for you too! So ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop such a habit of dependence on Him that it would be unusual to go more than 15 or 20 minutes without talking to Him and looking to Him for assistance. H the instructions in Colossians 2:6 and trusted Christ [the Anointed One and His Anointing] to save you, trust him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with him” (The Living Bible). Become so Holy Ghost-minded that when a symptom of sickness tries to attach itself to your body, the first thing you think about is not your doctor—but the Word of God and the power of His Spirit. B so dependent on Him that when you encoun ter financial trouble, you won’t run to your banker— you’ll run to Him. The more you depend on the Holy Spirit, the more you open the door for Him to be active in your life. It’s your dependency upon Him that clears the way for Him to move in your life. So don’t make decisions by yourself. You don’t know the future. Lean on the Holy Spirit. He knows what’s ahead! V ICTOR Y

By making God your No. 1 priority and continually walking in love, you can stay connected to heaven 24 hours a day. give yourself to Him, He will cause that ability to flow through you by anointing you with His Spirit.

Cultivate an Attitude of Dependency

| Some people feel self-sufficient. They think they are smart enough or talented enough to do things on their own. Though they may have some good results, they’ll never see the supernatural results they would if they were dependent on God. For me, self-sufficiency isn’t much of a temptation. In the ministry, everything you have to do is impossible, so I have to begin every day dependent on the Holy Spirit. I rarely do anything in the morning before I pray. I like to connect with God first thing in the morning. I talk to Him about the things I will face that day. If I have a business meeting, I don’t want to be dependent on natural knowledge. If I am ministering, I have to be anointed by His Spirit, or I might as well stay home. I can’t afford to step out of my house before I’ve spent time with God. The same is true for you. Even if you aren’t in the fivefold ministry, as a believer you’re called to do

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Adapted from Gloria Copeland’s book To Know Him. (Previously published as Living Contact.) For ordering information, please see page 11 in this issue of the BVOV.




“To know Him should be, without question, the No. 1 priority in every person’s life. It is the key that opens every door.” —Gloria Copeland

Beyond Religion—There’s Relationship! Living contact with God is not only possible…it’s something He desires!

> > > >

The role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual growth The importance of living in the Word The urgency of guarding your heart How God Himself will lovingly and masterfully teach you His ways

As you draw close to Him, you’ll find difficult situations in your life will begin to line up with His Word. Trusting Him for your every need will become second nature. Love, joy and peace will not just be something you’re striving to attain, it will be part of who you are.

When you have the desire and make the effort to know Him—you will!

This compelling book by Gloria Copeland will help you come To Know Him as never before! You’ll learn:

You will go beyond religion and enter into the most rewarding and fulfilling relationship you can ever have!

To Know Him To order in Canada call toll free (877)

8¾” x 5½” | hardback | 208 pages | CDN $ 18 | #B051201

480-3388 7 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. PT Monday-Friday. Charge card orders only please.

All major charge cards accepted. To place an order by mail, please use the address on the back page.

by Kellie Copeland



Principles of Discipline Isn’t parenting wonderful? I can honestly say that I have loved being a mother at every stage of my children’s lives—from infancy through college. In raising all four of them, I’ve learned an important truth: God’s grace is sufficient, no matter how old our children are. He always gives us the wisdom we need. ( James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” That’s a great scripture for parents. We’re not asking for wisdom from someone who won’t give it. God says, Ask and I’ll give you more than you need. The Amplified Bible says, “Ask of the giving God.” ( I recently asked the Lord what He thought about parenting, and He said something surprising: I want to help, but My people won’t let Me. They close the door on My wisdom and grace.

We do that by looking to the world for parenting instruction. Only God knows the best way to raise children. Remember God made us, and He made our children. He knows every little quirk and bent He put in them, so He knows what needs to be corrected in them. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it” (The Amplified Bible). I would like to share several principles the Lord has shown me about disciplining children that will work for you too. If you’ll allow Him to, God will give you wisdom to know how to handle each situation.

as punishment, and it’s important to recognize the difference. It will change the way we respond to our children. Punishment makes a person suffer for doing something wrong. Discipline trains a person to develop skills or orderly behavior. It helps them become successful in life. According to Prover bs 10:17, “People who accept correction are on the pathway to life…” (New Living Translation). However, Proverbs 1:7 says that “fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline” (The Amplif ied Bible). When we lovingly discipline our children, we are doing it for their benefit. Discipline creates needed boundaries, Do Things God’s Way | One of the biggest ways parhelps children develop self-control, and establishes order ents close the door to God’s wisdom is by thinking that and peace in our homes. His Word is archaic. Everything God says about parentAs parents, it’s our responsibility to explain the ing works—even what He says about discipline. concept of biblical discipline to our children. But we must choose to be doers of His Word. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “And these words, The Lord explained to me, It’s your responsibility which I command thee this day, shall be in thine to see that your child is a doer. If you’re not heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently disciplining your child, you’re not a doer. unto thy children.” Not only that, by not being a doer, you are Sit down and teach your children what sowing bad seed in your child’s life. God’s Word says so they will understand No discipline is enjoyable Matthew 7:26-27 shows the result of why they must be disciplined and how while it is happening…. not being a doer of the Word: “And every to repent. But afterward there will one that heareth these sayings of mine, be a quiet harvest of right and doeth them not, shall be likened unto Biblical Discipline, Repentance and living for those who are a foolish man, which built his house upon Forgiveness | To begin with, explain trained in this way. the sand: and the rain descended, and the that disobedience is sin. When a person Hebrews 12:11, New floods came, and the winds blew, and beat sins, they walk away from God and there Living Translation upon that house; and it fell: and great was are consequences for that. Romans 6:23 the fall of it.” says, “For the wages of sin is death.” Sin Temptations and pressures are great in the lives of opens the door to the enemy, and that enemy comes to children today. But if they have a deep foundation in the steal, kill and destroy ( John 10:10). Ephesians 4:27 says Word, and have learned to do what you say and what we are to give no place to the devil. God says, they will be able to stand. “Therefore whosoThrough discipline and repentance, a person is able to ever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will repent and turn back to the Lord. liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a But here’s something I should point out: Discipline rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and is not verbal. Proverbs 29:19 says a servant can’t be corthe winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: rected by mere words. Neither can a child. for it was founded upon a rock” (verses 24-25). According to Proverbs 22:15, “Foolishness is bound in Just praying for your children won’t make them doers the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive of the Word and certainly if you are not a doer you it far from him.” Foolishness is normal in the heart of a aren’t being a good example. It’s up to you to teach child, but if left there and not driven out as the Lord has them the Word and teach them to obey and to be a doer commanded it will pervert him or her. Proverbs 19:3 says, yourself. The Word says to discipline them. “The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lord.” Proverbs 13:24 says, “He who Discipline, Don’t Punish | Discipline is not the same spares his rod [of discipline] hates his son, but he who


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IT ’S YOUR responsibility TO SEE THAT YOUR child is a doer. loves him disciplines diligently” (The Amplif ied Bible). Did you notice how strongly that is worded? Most people would tell you that the Bible says, “Spare the rod, you spoil the child.” But it says “Hate!” The world would have us believe that we shouldn’t spank our children. But if we don’t, and I can’t emphasize this enough, we “hate” them. If we refuse to discipline our children God’s way, we are setting them up for failure. Spanking teaches a child that there is a sting to sin. It teaches them to repent quickly. That will carry over into their adult lives. Now there is a right way to spank a child. Never should a child be beaten, abused or spanked in anger. Never use your hands, but rather use a “reedlike” rod as Proverbs 23:13 says in The Amplified Bible. I use something like a switch or a wooden spoon. When my children were young, I explained that in the Old Testament, an altar was made of wood and a sacrifice was placed on that altar. The sacrifice was burned up, and then the people’s sin was gone. When Jesus died on the cross, He died on a wooden altar and our sin was gone. When a child willingly submits to discipline and repents, it is like an altar of forgiveness. He is forgiven by his parents and by God. The sin is gone, and there is no place for the devil to get in to his life. Explaining this will help your children understand the point of discipline so they can come into agreement with what you are doing and not resist it. You can also show them the benefits of being obedient with scriptures like Ephesians 6:1-3: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” The whole point of disciplining your children is that you want them to learn to repent, turn to God immediately when they sin, and close the door on the enemy. After being disciplined, when a child truly repents and is forgiven, it sets him free. His heart is cleansed. After spanking your child, pray a positive, restorative prayer. Hug him and let him know how much he is loved. Your child should leave the experience with a smile on his face! As we discipline our children, we are teaching them 14 |




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how to quickly repent in the future when God admonishes them with words. That is something they need to understand in order to have a strong relationship with the Lord. Aside from this, discipline is so much more effective when Jesus, parents and children are on the same page and in agreement. Say Goodbye to Excuses | Once when my children were still small, I was asked to teach about parenting. They were generally well-behaved but were still challenging me. I didn’t feel qualified to teach on the subject and gave God excuses for why I shouldn’t. He responded by saying, If you make excuses for your condition or the condition of your home, you will not change. He then added, If you make excuses for your children, you won’t discipline them and they won’t change. That statement really struck me! How many of us have been at a restaurant with friends when our little Suzie has thrown a fit? Rather than discipline her, we made excuses like, “She’s just tired.” Instead we should tell our child, “That behavior is not acceptable,” and deal with the situation according to the Word. Proverbs 29:17 says, “Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest.” That isn’t easy or convenient at times, but it is necessary. No matter where we are, we must take the time to correct our children. As we sow seeds of discipline in their lives, we will reap a harvest of rest. Parenting is one of the most important jobs we’ll ever have. If we do it correctly, our children will grow up knowing the Lord and walking according to His Word. God has a plan for the lives of our children and it includes discipline. We must base that discipline on God’s Word, stop making excuses for poor behavior, commit to practicing discipline—not punishment, teach them to repent and offer them forgiveness. By disciplining our children God’s way, we are setting them up for success! V ICTOR Y

Kellie Copeland is the children’s pastor at Eagle Mountain International Church and actively guides KCM’s children’s ministry. Her role in the Commander Kellie and the SuperkidsSM series has enabled her to reach children worldwide through videos, music and Shout! The Voice of Victory for Kids magazine.

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C. Dig into the riches of God’s Word like never before! This beautiful King James Version Bible features:

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just “ say

no to One more pound! C

an you believe Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner? Soon it will be time to enjoy holiday goodies…attend parties…juggle hectic schedules…and eat on the run. And for many people, that means potential weight gain is also just around the corner! v For years it has been believed most people gain between five and 10 pounds during the holiday season. But according to a more recent study done by researchers with the National Institutes of Health, that is not the case. Only 10 percent of the 195 study participants gained five pounds or more during the holiday season.




Most people, however, only gain approximately one pound per year, and they gain it during this sixweek period. That doesn’t sound nearly as alarming, does it? But in reality—it is! Here’s why: Most people who gain this weight tend to never lose it. Perhaps it’s because they don’t even realize they’ve gained an extra pound. Or if they do know it, they may think, Why should I be concerned about one pound? Well they should be concerned because over the years

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the weight slowly but surely accumulates. Researchers have determined this pound-a-year factor likely contributes to the substantial weight gain noted among adults. That yearly added pound can become compounded as a person gets older and becomes less active physically. As you can see, adding even one pound a year can be a recipe for significant weight gain served up with a heaping plate of potential health problems associated with being overweight. So what’s the solution?

NIH researchers discovered only two things influenced weight gain during this study. “Levels of hunger and levels of activity.” Knowing the answer is half the battle! Proverbs 27:12 gives us some sound advice to follow. I really enjoy the way it’s stated in The Message Translation. It says: “A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered.” The dictionary defines a prudent person as someone who “uses good judgment to consider the consequences and to act accordingly.” That kind of person sees the trouble (weight gain) ahead and ducks (takes precautionary steps) so he or she will not get clobbered by an extra 15 or 20 pounds of fat down the road! We are armed with the information that in order to keep our weight down, we need to control our hunger and make sure we get enough exercise. Being prudent people, we are going to get a plan in place to do just that. Make Up Your Mind | The first step in developing a plan to avoid gaining weight is to make a concrete decision that you will do whatever it takes to not accumulate an extra pound during the holiday season. Remember we are talking only about maintaining your present weight. It isn’t a good idea to begin a weight-loss program during this time of year. Save that resolution for after the holidays. Now I do realize making the right nutritional choices on a day-to-day basis can be challenging for many people. I also realize it can be even harder during the holidays when it seems everything is calorie rich and tempting. The greatest challenge for many overeaters is simply to stop eating once they begin. This is especially true when Auntie Mae is compelling them to eat more of her famous pecan pie! So if you have a problem with overeating, even maintaining your present weight may seem insurmountable…but I want you to know it isn’t! The Bible tells us: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not


suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). To escape means, “to get away, to avoid a threatening evil.” God can give you a way of escape when you come up against any temptation—and that includes overeating! So when temptation stares you in the face at Thanksgiving dinner, know that it can be outsmarted. Here are five proven strategies that will help you avoid gaining weight during the holiday season. | Scheduling physical activity is an effective way to prevent weight gain because it decreases your appetite. That’s right. Exercise is actually a natural appetite suppressant. You won’t be as hungry after physical activity. In addition, exercise burns calories and boosts your metabolism so you continue to burn more calories even after you’ve finished exercising. So schedule time for exercise. If you don’t purposefully plan it, your schedule will fill up and you won’t have time for it. Based on your fitness level, decide what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it. Then write it on your calendar. Preferably schedule some sort of exercise at least three times a week. Remember exercise not only accelerates weight loss, but it also encourages weight control. Plan on it! No. 1: Schedule Exercise

| Drinking water before you eat a meal is an excellent way to control what you eat by making you feel fuller. In fact it’s a natural appetite suppressant! I recommend drinking one to two glasses before a meal. That will help fill you up and at the same time help you consume your daily water quota, which for most people is approximately 64 ounces. Also, keep in mind, water helps flush the fat out of your system and is essential for many other body functions. You must drink adequate amounts of water to be healthy. Drinking water is an easy, healthy way to rein in your appetite and prevent weight gain! Grab a bottle

No. 2: Drink Up


When you are spooning food onto your plate,

pretend you are preparing this plate for a friend who is hungry yet trying to eat healthy.

of water every time you head out the door, and drink it all before you come back in. The more you drink water, the more you’ll want to drink it. You will become naturally thirsty for water—a natural appetite suppressant. | Taking the time to avoid being overly hungry is an excellent way to ward off an uncontrollable appetite. So don’t starve yourself before Christmas dinner! Feast or famine is not a good strategy. My experience has been that not eating throughout the day in anticipation of an evening meal can be a goal-breaker. Either from not eating enough calories during the day, or from the smells and visual stimulation of party buffets, my physical desire for food would overcome my mental desire not to overeat. No matter how much self-control you have, it is not wise to show up at a big feast feeling as though you are starving and wanting to eat two of everything you see! My favorite tip for avoiding this kind of pitfall is to drink a small protein drink or eat half a sandwich with a bottle of water one-half to one hour before dinner. You won’t be as hungry so you’ll be better able to make intelligent decisions on what and how much food you should eat at dinner. You—not your appetite—will be in control of the situation. No. 3: Eating to Ward Off Uncontrolled Eating

Drinking water

is an easy, healthy way to rein in your appetite and prevent weight gain! | Another great way to avoid overeating is this: When spooning food onto your plate, pretend you are preparing this plate for a friend who is hungry yet trying to eat healthy. This simple exercise will help you be more objective about portion sizes. Instead of letting your appetite determine how much you eat, you’ll let an awareness of sensible eating govern your actions. If you’ll start practicing this technique before the holidays get into full swing, it will help you get into a habit of thinking this way. You will begin to develop more self-control as you practice making the right choices. Eat the things you really want (within reason), just slowly eat small portions and savor every bite. Stop eating when you’ve finished what is on your plate. No. 4: Fix a Plate for Me!

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If you really want a second helping, remind yourself that you are going to stick to your decision not to overeat. Then think about the fact that it takes 10-20 minutes for your head to know your stomach is full. When you want to eat more, the best thing you can do is delay! No. 5: Devise an Escape Route | To avoid the temptation to continue eating after you have finished what is on your plate—escape. Don’t go back for seconds, but rather flee the eating environment! Have a preplanned escape route in place. Think it through, taking into account where you will be at the time of the big dinners. Here are several ideas about ways to escape: • Establish ahead of time that after eating a big meal the whole family is going to do a specific outdoor activity. • If possible, when you are finished eating, move to a different room. • Go outside and take a walk. Invite family members or friends to go with you. This will not only get you away from temptation, but it will also help burn the calories you just ate! • If you are in a restaurant, go to the bathroom or walk around outside for a few minutes where you can remind yourself of your goal to not overeat. With a thought-out plan firmly in place, avoiding weight gain during the holiday season is possible. Your goals are really pretty simple: Increase your physical activity and decrease your appetite. You can say “no” to one more pound by utilizing these five techniques! And these strategies will work year round. When practiced faithfully, they can assist you in maintaining your present weight or achieving weight-loss goals. Remember too that God will help you with any situation if you’ll just ask Him! He loves you and desires for you to be blessed in every area of your life, including your health. The Bible says: “God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)” (1 Corinthians 1:9, The Amplif ied Bible). I pray for you and your family to have a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I pray you grow in love, strength and self-control. V ICTOR Y

Certif ied by the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas, Marty Copeland is a personal trainer, nutritional counselor, author and minister of the gospel.








a Loving Exchange A nd

the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him someone to talk to. That’s the “Pastor George” version of Genesis S God created us to talk to each 2:18. other. There is a desire within every person to share his or her greatest dreams, deepest desires, innermost thoughts and heartfelt needs. When a wife says to her husband, “Talk to me!” she is pleading for intimacy. She wants him to share from his heart. And she also wants him to listen. Every relationship needs open communication. It’s a primary way we can walk in the love commandment—but it takes effort. Unfortunately, it’s an effort many couples don’t make. A recent report showed that 86 percent of the divorced couples surveyed believed their marriages failed due to a lack of communication. Successful families don’t just happen. They are the result of investments of time, effort, study and practice. Effective communication is one of the essential skills every family needs. It involves not only knowing how to talk to each other, but also knowing how to walk in love. The foundation

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scripture for our lives is: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, T shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). Your neighbor includes the person closest to you. Loving your neighbor begins at home by loving those you are in contact with every day. | God planned for couples to live with and love each other. He didn’t intend for them to merely put up with each other. Colossians 3:18-21 gives us specific instructions about how families are to function in love. It says: “ submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is wellpleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” Let’s examine what we are saying, and the way

God’s Communication Plan

we are saying it. Are we harsh and critical? Or are we speaking words of encouragement, life and love? G cares about how we talk to each other. First 3:8-10 says: “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him ref rain his tongue f rom evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.” Verse 9 in The Amplif ied Bible says, “Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing….” Arguing and yelling are not acceptable forms of communication—neither is silence. I believe this kind of communication is what Ephesians 4:29 calls “corrupt communication.” God’s plan is for us to talk to each other and communicate in love. Good Words Make Good Families | Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” We have a responsibility to draw out the best in each other. One of the major ways that happens is through quality, loving communication. Proverbs 15:23 tells us, “A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” When we speak thoughtful, welltimed words to each other, we produce and reap joy! The Bible also talks about the effect of bad words and attitudes. Proverbs 21:9 in The Amplified Bible says, “It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop…than in a house shared with a nagging, quarrelsome, and faultfinding woman [or man!].” Negative attitudes and behavior will crush the spirit of a marriage or a relationship. Positive words will nurture our marriages and families. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Families thrive in an environment where healthy communication is practiced.

| We must work at communication. It doesn’t happen by osmosis, which is defined as “a gradual, unconscious process of assimilation or absorption.” That is not how we understand what another person is feeling or thinking. No, we have to talk to each other. You Can’t Communicate by Osmosis

Effective communication occurs because of a deliberate, conscious decision to respectfully talk to each other.

Husbands and wives, I know this can be difficult at first if you are not in the habit of doing it. But to have a healthy relationship, you must make time to sit down and have eye-to-eye contact. Forget past failed experiences where communication is concerned. Determine to pull down the walls between you by being willing to talk and patiently listen. Here are three tips on how to become a better listener: 1. Pay attention 2. Don’t interrupt 3. Respond in love An interesting statistic reveals that women speak approximately 25,000 words a day, while men only speak 10,000-12,000 words. It ’s easier for women to talk. Men often have trouble listening as well as expressing themselves. Given these facts, it’s easy to see why couples must work at communication. Effective communication occurs because of a deliberate, conscious decision to respectfully talk to each other. You must not argue or yell. Harsh, critical words cause a person to shut down on the inside. A husband and wife can experience days of heaven on earth when they choose to communicate in love. It’s worth the effort it takes to develop this skill! This confession can help you get started. Say: I make a deliberate, conscious decision that we are going to have quality, loving communication in our home. Quality, loving communication is a heartfelt dialogue. It’s two people sharing their thoughts, desires, feelings, experiences, observations, dreams and ideas with each other in a safe, non-threatening, non-hostile, friendly environment. Communication is an exchange—not a monologue. Each person feels as though what they have to say is valid, important and respected when this kind of communication takes place. So talk, listen and respond in love! V ICTOR Y George Pearsons is the senior pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, located on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. For information or ministry materials write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001.


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Faith is actually very simple, and when applied it has the power to affect anything and everything in our lives. Hebrews 11:1 explains that faith is the substance of things we hope for, and the evidence of what we do not see. Faith is the force that gives substance—or tangibility—to the intangible. Faith makes real to us what we otherwise could only hope for. Let me give an example. The Lord says He is our provider (Philippians 4:19). But until faith gives substance to that provision, we can’t see it, feel it, eat it or spend it. Faith—which means trusting in, believing in and relying on the living God as our provision— causes His provision to become tangible. Faith may give substance to provision in the form of a raise, unexpected income, debt cancellation, etc. The realities of the unseen come into the reality of the seen through faith. Faith is alive and relevant. It is also spiritual



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law so it operates with all the same precision and predictability of natural laws, like gravity. The difference between spiritual laws and physical laws is this: Spiritual laws control natural ones. The force of faith finds its parameters in the “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:2). When activated, it will trump the “law of sin and death” and give substance to life, every time! That means healing over sickness, love over hate, peace over fear.

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The Wright Brothers Had the Right Idea | It’s

similar to the way the law of lift, if accurately applied, overrides the law of gravity and…Voila!...we have flight! But just knowing lift exists without the development of that knowledge leaves little evidence of flight. Just ask Orville and Wilbur Wright. They only flew for 13 seconds! It took time and dedication to the learning process to harness the natural laws of gravity and lift with the evidence of a 747 in flight.

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Keep in mind, no one becomes a master of anything, including spiritual things, overnight. We may face a situation where we’ve done all we know to do and it doesn’t work. But it could be we don’t know enough. In that case, we need to go back to the textbook for more information. Then sometimes we may think we’re “doing it all right,” but we aren’t. We may need more light to shine on both what we know and what we are doing. Years ago I found myself in just such a situation when both children were sick with different but alarming symptoms. I too was having ongoing problems like I’d never had before. It didn’t just seem we were running from doctor to doctor—we were! One day, we left one doctor’s office where my daughter had been seen, and were signing in at another for my son. Our health had never been challenged like this! Frustrated and beginning to panic, I called my dad from the receptionist’s desk. “What is going on here?” I asked him. “Terri, I don’t know what the problem is,” he said. “But I do know that wisdom is the principal thing.” He was exactly right! We needed wisdom—or light—on what we knew and what we were doing.

The Amplif ied Bible, “He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses).” I chose to “look at” and believe that Jeremy’s sickness was in that Body, Aubrey’s sickness, George’s and mine were all in that Body as it hung on the Cross. After His body was laid in the tomb, the spirit life of those sicknesses—sin and death—clung to His spirit as He was banished to hell. There death dealt its greatest blows expecting to hold Him—as well as you and me—in bondage for eternity. But glory to God, Jesus arose! There in my mind’s eye, He arose. As He came out of the grave, all that had gone with Him into that grave was shaken off and left in hell below. There was nothing left in that Body but victory! And the victory that was in that Body belonged to us! I “looked” again to see Him give that victory to each of us. I repeated that process until I knew I believed. Then where my confessions had been empty and religious, now they were full of faith. Every time I said “by His stripes we were healed,” real faith was released, and it only took a little light from the Spirit and a little time meditating in the Word. The outcome, however,

The force of faith finds its parameters in the “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” When activated, it will trump the “law of sin and death” and give substance to life, every time.

So George, my husband, and I agreed in prayer asking for the wisdom of God to enlighten us and we took Communion to settle by faith that the answer was ours. About two days later, while sitting in the kitchen, the light suddenly came on. A realization, or a knowing, came to me. You don’t really believe that by Jesus’ stripes you are healed. Now I certainly thought I believed that. But as soon as I heard those words, I knew they were true. Had I really believed that we were healed by Jesus’ stripes I would not have been in fear. If I had actually been in faith, faith would have given substance to healing. I was only acknowledging healing instead of releasing faith so healing could come. At that very moment I set all else aside and went to work on my believer. It was in need of critical adjustments. I went to 1 Peter 2:24 and began to choose to believe. I meditated on that verse by first visualizing Jesus on the cross. And then slowly I “looked” for the stripes that covered His body. Those stripes were for us, I thought. Then I remembered what Isaiah 53:4-5 says in

was life changing—if not life saving. The whole process I just described is found in Hebrews 11:6. It says: “He who comes to God must believe….” That’s first. “that He is…” God. That means He is what you need and He is all you need. “and that He is a rewarder….” He is Love—Love doesn’t hold back the provision He has for you. “of those who diligently seek Him” (New King James Version). People who don’t quit but continue to look to Him while looking into the Word are enlightened to the spiritual law of faith. Those kind of people, like Or ville and Wilbur Wright, can fly higher and farther with every enlightened discovery they make. And we can be those kind of people. V ictor y Terri Copeland Pearsons is the eldest daughter of Kenneth Copeland. She and her husband, George, pastor Eagle Mountain International Church located on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. For information or ministry materials write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001.

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t’s amazing to think that Jesus left the glory

of heaven to come down to earth to reach man with God’s love. The Bible tells us He preached to the people everywhere—on hillsides, in houses, even on boats.

Jesus demonstrated that the life of every person is important—no matter what the cost to reach him or her.

And not only that, He expects us to be of the same mindset. “Go ye into all the world,” He commands, “and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). From America’s beginnings, Christian missionaries have taken that commission literally. Using every means available, they have carried the good news of the gospel to the common man. Early preachers and missionaries traveled on foot, on horseback and by wagon to reach people in wild and remote places. By the 1890s, the railroad connected the country as never before. This resource provided a great opportunity to reach more people with the gospel. The railroads agreed to allow Sunday services to be held onboard. It was just a glimpse of things to come.

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| Migrant workers, who were literally building America, had been more or less forgotten by mainstream religion. By night they huddled together in tents or makeshift shacks. By day they poured out their lives to lay the tracks and build the factories that were making America a new world of promise. But God never lost sight of these people—and He loved them enough to make sure they would hear His good news. Innovative missionaries had railroad cars converted to chapels on wheels. This novelty was a great drawing card for the curious. Music from phonographs and records donated by Thomas Edison added to the appeal. Not every community could build a church, but Churches on Wheels



CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES HAVE TAKEN JESUS’ COMMISSION LITERALLY. USING EVERY MEANS AVAILABLE, THEY HAVE CARRIED THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL TO THE COMMON MAN. thanks to the rail cars, the church could come to them. As the rails and workers moved forward, so did saloons, gambling houses and everything that came with them. A dark, godless atmosphere often prevailed in desolate areas not yet reached by the gospel and “civilization.” As chapel cars rolled into towns, many lives were rescued f rom the immorality and lawlessness that had earned the “ Wild West ” its name. Colored light streamed through stained-glass windows as waves of organ music invited the empty and hurting to come and partake of God’s love. Chapel cars became a welcome sanctuary both to the lost and also to believers starved for Christian fellowship on the lonely frontier. Of course, there was opposition, at times punctuated by vandalism and even arson. But determined missionaries who dared endure the hardships saw their efforts rewarded. As scores of souls came to the Lord, permanent churches and communities were birthed along the frontier and a new stability was born. America’s Chapel-Car Era Begins | The idea of using railroad cars as chapels was not new, but it was new to America. Over time it has become unclear who first promoted the concept here. W hen Episcopal Bishop W illiam D. Walker of North Dakota visited Russia, he saw chapel cars in operation. In 1890, he had a Pullman car converted and it became known as “ The Cathedral Car” or “Church of the Advent.” This chapel car is reported to have traveled more than 70,000 miles over a decade. A chapel car was outfitted like a church, with seats or pews, an altar, an organ, a pulpit and sometimes even a baptistery. It was adjoined by small living quarters for the missionary. Others who caught the vision of using railroad cars as chapels were Baptist Sunday school superintendent G.H. Herrick and the Rev. Boston W. Smith

of Minnesota. Following the success of a Sunday school held in a borrowed, sidetracked rail car, the Baptist Publication Society funded the construction of “Evangel,” the first Baptist chapel car. Dedicated in 1891, it was Smith’s dream. He and others found favor with the railroad, which transported their chapel cars free of charge for a number of years. The Baptist Publication Society provided Bibles and Christian literature in 17 languages. Attendees were grateful that these publications were distributed at no cost. Equally amazing was the “come as you are” invitation of another Baptist chapel-car missionary. To the unwashed, working people, this demonstrated how much God really did care about them. As the Baptists and Episcopals continued building chapel cars, they were soon joined by a third denomination. In 1905, Father Francis Clement Kelley helped found the Catholic Extension Society. Their first chapel car, dubbed “St. Anthony,” was put into service in 1907. America’s chapel cars were funded by the contributions of ordinary people as well as wealthy benefactors such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller and others. Eventually the Episcopals had three cars, the Catholics three and the Baptists seven. | Chapel cars continued to carry ministers up and down America’s rails until new regulations during two world wars were instituted that affected rail travel. Transport of troops and supplies became a priority. The advent of the automobile also made churches more accessible and chapel cars less necessary. The era of America’s chapel cars eventually came to an end, but they had forever changed the nation’s spiritual landscape. Jesus taught us that every person is worth reaching. It’s up to each of us to do our part and see that His command to “Go ye” and reach “every creature” is carried out—by whatever means possible. V ICTOR Y A Changing World


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GoodNEWS “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with

Call for Protection— Ahead of Time We received a call from KCM on Saturday, August 27, 2005, telling us that KCM was standing with us in prayer during the threat of Hurricane Katrina. I thought at the time, I live in Georgia. Katrina is not supposed to come our way. Why did they call me? Last night, Monday, August 29, I discovered why. Due to storm cells that spun off Katrina, we had very severe weather. Tornadoes touched down all around us. Buildings were destroyed, trees downed and the power was out—all in our area. But praise the Lord, I had no fear! Even though I had been totally unaware of any danger, God knew and moved through the prayers of KCM for our protection. Thank you, KCM, for being there! Linda Jackson | Warner Robins, Ga.

Psalm 91:15

THE keeping power OF GOD

during Hurricane Katrina Total Destruction—With One Exception Thank you so much for your message on Hurricane Katrina. I am a bornagain, Spirit-filled Partner who has followed your ministry since 1978. I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and my family evacuated to Oxford, Miss. to be near my daughter in college. We stayed in a motel with many people from Louisiana. We knew our home in Ocean Springs was spared despite floodwaters coming up two steps outside our home, which is elevated 27 feet. Every famWe are ily we know who lived on or near the water completely lost their homes. We were eager to return home and assist our neighbors, but Thursday mornand ing, September 1, I awoke with FEAR. I those around us. prayed knowing I needed to be equipped with FAITH! What a wonder to hear you open your message by praying and rebuking fear. We are home, functional and assisting those around us. We are so blessed by God! Thank you for the continued prayer, encouragement and strengthening of our faith. Know that as we look around at the total destruction of our hometowns on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, we are able to praise JESUS, WHO IS STILL LORD!


functional assisting

C.R. | Mississippi

I Have Never Seen Anything Like It! Please join me in praising the Lord for having a roof over my head after Hurricane Katrina. Having lived on the Gulf Coast all my life, storms are nothing new. But I have NEVER seen anything like this. Homes two blocks f rom me in both directions were flooded and torn. Houses on my street were flooded out. Some places were obliterated leaving only mud and leaves where homes once stood. My home, however, survived with water coming within a foot of the f ront door before stopping. We evacuated before the storm, but were able to see the waterline when we returned. It is nothing short of a miracle! Praise God and blessed be His Name. By His grace we were spared. Join me in praising our Father for His mercy and miracles. L.M. | Mississippi

Gazette him in trouble; I will deliver him….” There’s Light in the Land of Louisiana! KCM, thank you so very much for your continual declaration of the WORD, and up-to-date instruction concerning the Year of OVERFLOW. I have been saying all year, when there is darkness in Egypt, there is light in Goshen. There is no darkness in Him so I choose to live in the light, in love and in life. During and after Katrina, most of my city was without electricity. Many homes still do not have power restored. In my home, we never lost power. We have lived in light the entire time. I have been able to cook and care for a large number of people. Praise God for His faithfulness! We love and appreciate you. JESUS IS LORD. Your Partner,

Cathy Costanza | Baton Rouge, La.

Blessed to Be a Blessing We live just northwest of Mobile, Ala. During Hurricane Katrina, both my home and my mother-in-law’s home were virtually untouched except for a few shingles being blown off the roof. A portion of a large tree fell on my truck but did minimal damage, not even a window was broken. We now have power back and are counting our blessings that come with being in covenant with God. We are using our resources to bless others, which is what it is all about. Thank you for your prayers and concern as well as your relief efforts for others who were devastated by the storm. May God bless you, and Jesus is Lord. D. and K.L. | Alabama

Knocking the Devil in the Head! Praise the Lord, we are blessed to be alive and healthy! Thank you, Brother and Sister Copeland, for everything that KCM is doing for us. We have not seen the broadcast in a while down here and we miss it. Brother Copeland, please continue to teach on the ramifications of this storm. We were in the northeast eye of Katrina and God allowed us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty. I prayed Psalm 91 so much that I hope God didn’t get tired of hearing it! I had to continue to “knock the devil in the head” (as you would say!). I kept reminding God that this is the year of overflow, and to my knowledge, I did not sow any hurricane seeds! M.C. | Louisiana

God Sounded the Alarm! Thursday, August 25, we lost power due to Hurricane Katrina, so my husband and I went to bed at 10 p.m. Around 4 a.m. the neighbor’s car alarm sounded. My husband looked out the window and saw our neighborhood was completely flooded. Our backyard looked like an ocean. He noticed water was starting to come in by the back sliding door so we put towels at the base of the doors. Before our house was built I stood on the land and dedicated it to God. As it continued to rain, we did not I claimed the Word of God. I said, “Lord, You sustain any have promised us that damage You would never flood the earth again. According to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus, I ask You to stop the rain so our things will not get ruined.” In less than five minutes, the rain subsided. Thank God we did not sustain any damage to the furniture or house. Later on that day we found out the majority of our neighbors had water come in their houses and ruin many things. I believe God used the car alarm to wake us up and get our attention! Thank You, God. You work in miraculous ways. Lissette Gonzalez-Toledo | Homestead, Fla.

An Island of Peace on a Crazy Night I am an executive in charge of assets protection. I was knee deep in overwhelming storm preparations on the evening of August 29. Much had to be done in little time and I had no help. Just then my cell phone rang. I answered it expecting more to be added to my alreadytoo-full plate. Glory to God, instead I heard Brother Copeland’s booming voice praying for me and my family’s protection. What a blessing! God’s timing is awesome! What an island of peace that created on a crazy night. Thankfully, the storm lost deadly potential before it arrived here. God bless you for caring that much.

Deborah Hughes Nashville, Tenn.

DC-3 co-pilot Bill McNease and Kenneth Copeland.


AID GULF COAST OVERCOMERS From the earliest hours after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries have been right in the middle of emergency relief and recovery efforts.

“Please tell Brother Copeland what you guys did in the first couple of days was massive,” said Ron Oates, managing director of Katrina relief for Operation Blessing International. In the first days after the storm’s landfall August 29, KCM donated $150,000 to Operation Blessing and other relief organizations. The KCM Katrina Relief Fund was set up to receive Partner donations and Brother Copeland secured the services of a DC-3 cargo plane to fly in emergency supplies. KCM team members at the Fort Worth headquarters made daily calls from the Contact Center to locate and determine the needs of 7200 Partners, 29,000 Friends and 271 churches. “Faith doesn’t work until you get into action,” Brother Copeland told the Partners in an Internet message. “We have Partners and ministries in that whole Gulf Coast that we are close to, and who need our help.” In addition to private donations of $100,000 to

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Operation Blessing and $50,000 to other relief efforts in the first days after Katrina made landfall, KCM established the Katrina Relief Fund to funnel 100 percent of donations into the relief effort. Partners responded immediately. On the first day, gifts came in from 49 states and more than 20 countries. Soon donations from all 50 states and 37 nations had exceeded $800,000 and were climbing daily. With highways shut down and no way for larger aircraft to land inside the area of destruction, Brother Copeland turned to former military pilot and Partner Glen Hyde, who owns a DC-3. “About a month ago I was praying about what to do with the plane,” Hyde said. “The Lord said fix it up and get it ready.” While some KCM team members were trying to get calls through to Partners and Partner churches in the impacted area, others began loading Hyde’s DC-3 to

KCM staff help load water onto DC-3.

provide some of the first emergency supply drops into the interior of the recovery zone. Early airlifts were made possible by Partner gifts and donations from businesses. They made the difference between life and death in many cases, said KCM Chief Relationship Officer Chris Clem. “We were some of the first support to fly into Slidell, La.” he reported. “We were flying in medical supplies that have been estimated to have saved more than 1,000 lives, among them babies who were going into insulin shock.” In Slidell, the plane was offloaded by U.S. Marines for delivery to the Salvation Army, hospitals and other distribution centers. Before returning, the KCM team secured lists of needed items from relief workers such as Salvation Army teams in the area. In the early days, prescription medications were a priority. That included the needs of Marines also, who requested help getting additional vaccines and other medical supplies for their men and women. In one week, Hyde and KCM team members delivered more than 24,000 pounds of bottled water and nearly 35,000 pounds of medical supplies, as well as food, diapers, toiletries, camping equipment, Bibles and ministry materials. On one trip, KCM connected with the ministry of Larry Rocques, pastor of Joy Fellowship in one of the hardest hit areas of Slidell. The fellowship whose members had lost nearly everything, some even their homes, had opened up their church property on Interstate 90 to Pastor Larry Rocques and Chris Clem. partner with the Salvation Army in distributing emergency supplies and 2,000-2500 boxed meals a day. Two days after meeting Pastor Rocques, road openings allowed KCM to send in a 53-foot trailer filled with supplies for the Joy Fellowship and Salvation Army relief effort. KCM also sent staff members to assist the Joy Fellowship outreach. When they arrived the facility was still without power and had no waste management services to remove the huge mounds of trash the feeding operation created. KCM staff and Marines bagged trash and loaded it into the empty KCM trailer. Marines also helped clear fallen trees so electrical power could be restored. The importance of the early efforts by many faith-based organizations did not go unnoticed by one member of the

KCM team. Accompanying Pastor Rocques on a visit to check on a church family, they discovered there was no longer a house at the address. Where some houses were still standing, nearly all personal property, furniture, appliances, clothing, trees and ruined power equipment filled the front yards of house after house. “Most of the people I met were still very positive,” one KCM team member said. “They were thankful to be alive. Thankful for Glen Hyde volunteered his DC-3 aircraft what they were getting. I to transport supplies. didn’t see any conflicts or negative outbursts. Everyone I dealt with had a very positive attitude…. The quick response from our Partners and others was extremely important because it set precedent in a spiritual sense. It gave a positive first impression and put those people in a place to receive.” KCM began receiving daily reports of gratefulness for the financial and physical support—our Partners were determined to see the outpouring of God’s love overwhelm the devastation of the storm. Reports also expressed deep appreciation for teaching materials and ministry that has helped them resist fear and stand in faith through the recovery process. With restored communications came new opportunities to assist the long-term recovery efforts. The KCM Contact Center began to receive needs updates from churches that had more needs than resources, and was able to begin matching them with Partner churches that were able to help. Through it all, Brother Copeland exhorted Partners to continue to be a source of strength both to those affected by the storm and those who are in the area to assist: “Absolutely don’t get in fear! You stay in faith. You are the vital spiritual connection between the people you know and love who are in that mess down there—and the delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are in the middle of a shock wave both spiritually and mentally, physically and every other way. Be a source of prayer and strength for those who are working down there. “There are a lot of people who need a lot of help, and we are going to be right in the middle of it.” V ICTOR Y


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Tuesday-Friday, April 25-28 Los Angeles Convention Center Four days of ministry opportunities: • Praise and worship • Workshops • Bible study • Historical site tours • Many more activities around the city!

Saturday, April 29 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Two Great Gatherings! International Centennial Assembly (1-5 p.m.) This assembly will open with a dramatic procession of spirit-filled believers from around the world, carrying their flags and dressed in their national attire. Following that, the assembly will focus on three areas: remembering the rich history of the Pentecostal Movement, lifting up the present move of the Spirit and looking to the future of the Movement with an emphasis on prayer for personal and corporate revival and renewal. International Youth Convocation (7-10 p.m.) Young people will be forever changed as they are challenged to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. A specific call will be made for those willing to commit themselves as living sacrifices to the cause of the gospel. Then a massive anointing service will launch this army of young warriors into the next century of Pentecostal witness.

For more information, log on to

www.azusastreet100.net Centennial Office


P.O. Box 26157


Los Angeles, CA 90026


(213) 989-4520


Kenneth Copeland Ministries PO Box 3111 STN LCD 1 Langley BC V3A 4R3


or call (213) 989-4520.

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