Pa rt n e r s h i p I s s u e 速
Covenant partnership creates a divine connection in which the anointings of each party combine to accomplish more than either could ever do alone! Kenneth Copeland
“Nothing in my understanding of God’s provision for our walking in daily victory—especially in this generation—is more alive in me than His revelation of the
power of covenant partnership.” —Kenneth Copeland
Make The Partnership Connection with Kenneth Copeland Ministries
There’s a unique blessing available to believers when they join together. Covenant partnership creates a divine connection in which the anointings of each party combine to accomplish more than either could ever do alone!
Today, Kenneth Copeland Ministries is reaching the world with the bold message that “Jesus Is Lord!”— through worldwide magazines, farreaching television broadcasts, faithbuilding meetings and more—and it has happened because of Partners like you. Every time a child hears that God loves her or a believer enters the victory God has for him through KCM, we know it’s because of God’s faithfulness and the prayers and support of our Partners. For 39 years, Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland have seen the power of partnership impact the world—and lives—beyond all they could ever imagine. And you can count on the fact that each day we’re standing with you, too, praying for your victory and joining our anointing with yours for breakthrough. Standing with one another like this is a unique blessing…it’s The Partnership Connection! And with it, together, we’re changing the world! If you haven’t already, isn’t it time you made The Partnership Connection?
What Partners Are Saying… We became Partners with you three years ago and started believing the Lord for freedom from debt. It was 11 months later, feeding on the Word of God and watching BVOV every day, that God supernaturally delivered us from large house debt and into the hope of our calling…. Your support and encouragement are almost tangible and have helped us so much in our lives, in our marriage and in bringing up our three daughters in the ways of the Lord. Simon and Amanda Partners in New Zealand
Benefits of Partnership
We continue to be blessed by your
Prayer: Kenneth and Gloria, along with the entire KCM ministry family, pray for our Partners daily. You can count on strong prayer support from us for the rest of your life—until Jesus comes!
teachings. They have been instrumen-
Partner Letter: Kenneth says, “Way over 90 percent of the revelation I preach—the seed of it—begins in praying over my monthly Partner Letter.” And it will come right to your mailbox.
per even as our souls have prospered.
Connected Anointings: The God-given anointing on KCM joins with your anointing, and your anointing joins with the anointing of this ministry. With combined anointings, the effectiveness of all God has called each of us to do increases.
Tammy Partner in Tennessee
tal in our growth and our healing. Our lives are completely different now…God has truly caused us to prosHe is so faithful to guard His Word to perform it. Keep telling the world, keep declaring and proclaiming the truth!
Special Gifts and Mailings: As the Lord leads, Kenneth and Gloria provide special gifts and teachings to their Partners. Your Opportunity to Sow Seed: As God directs, you can sow seed into KCM’s many worldwide ministries…and have a direct part in reaching a mighty harvest of souls! Plus, every seed you sow into KCM is sown again, as 10 percent of your gift is given to other trustworthy ministries who feed, clothe and minister the love of God all around the globe. You will share in the eternal reward!
Make The Partnership Connection with Kenneth
To become a Partner or learn more about partnership: check the appropriate box
Copeland Ministries today and receive the
on the response form in the center of this magazine, call 1-877-480-3388, or
Partnership Package with complete information
about partnership, complimentary gifts and more. Or, if you’d like more information about getting connected, just let us know.
It’s time for your breakthrough! Make The Partnership Connection and join your faith with Kenneth Copeland Ministries today!
The Glorious Power of
partnership by
Ever since the year 2000, it seems to me the Spirit has been getting the world ready for the most irresistible display of God’s glory since A Look Back
the Day of Pentecost. The glory has
That day was the first day of the manifestation of the sons of God in the earth. It was the day the glorious power of anointed partnership was first placed into the earth. God and man were partners!
L et ’s look back for a been here all the time and has manimoment to the Day of fest in many ways, but seldom has Pentecost. On that day, the it been seen by everyone—sinner followers of Jesus waited as partners, praying and expectand saint alike—at one time. That ing to receive the promise time has come. Jesus had made to them. And then, as promised, God poured out the Holy Spirit onto the sons and Back to the Present daughters of the earth, young and old. The power to When A.D. 2000 began, the world sat on the edge of witness of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world was a its seat to see if man in all his technological power had complete power. Every word and deed that would be worked us into an inescapable disaster. Many prepared required to convince the world that God loved them was for the worst. When we woke up on January 1, some present in this group of partners. Each one possessed a breathed in relief and others in disappointment that particular part of the whole anointing—the part each “judgment day” had not arrived. Remember those days? would need to reach his assigned place and people with No, it was not judgment day. But it was the beginthe good news. ning of some remarkable days on earth. The earth has That world-changing power was abounding—first suffered much since then. At the hands of many misin the 120 partners gathered in that room and then in guided humans, and in the path of tumultuous natural everyone who joined them—with every gift to both tell disasters, the earth, and our relationship to it and one the good news and demonstrate the goodness of God. another, have changed a lot in the past six years. And change the world, it did! First in Jerusalem, then in In response to all that has gone on in these few years, the Lord has delivered physical supplies and emoJudaea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of tional help around the world. Whether organizations the earth (Acts 1:8).
were faith-based or not, Christian or not, people from all over the world have stepped up to help with goods and services in extraordinary ways. The needs have been great, and only a world working together could meet them. Shared Anointing in Partnership
During this time, we have experienced fulfillment and overflow. The seed that has been sown for generations has been coming forth as harvest. While judgment has come in many ways to stop the works of unrighteousness, and while the enemy has worked overtime to bring loss of life and hope, God has delivered His love and mercy through His partners. In times of war, turmoil and disaster, history has proven that people are more open to the gospel than at any other time in their lives. Is it because their physical needs are so great? Of course it is. Is it because their souls are filled with despair? Absolutely. But mostly it is because they are faced with their own mortality, and they become desperate to be assured of their eternal future. And because of the circumstances, they open the door and the Lord walks right into their lives! Now, this is where it gets good! In all that has taken place in the earth in recent years, the power of partnership has been proved over and over again. You see, that’s the heart of partnership. God partnered with us 2,000 years ago. We each said “yes” to the call to co- operate with Him, and He connected us with one another to reach our world! He joins us to the exact people with whom we will be most effective in giving the world the good news of His love. He knows how the anointing of the Holy Spirit in each person, and within an organization, will work together to complete the work of the ministry He has prepared for us to do. Through the power of partnership God has established Christian churches, ministries and organizations. Not only do we step up to meet physical and soulish needs, but we come with our hearts full of love and arms filled with Bibles and books and tapes and magazines! We bring the good news over the airwaves and through cyberspace. We come prepared to share the gospel! We have had great opportunities to see the glory of God work through this ministry over the years, because we are established on the principle of covenant partnership. We have asked the Lord for specific direction
about our part in meeting the great needs that have been presented around the world. He has given us specific instructions and we have shared them with our Partners. And, praise God, you have responded to every plan the Lord has laid out for us. You have joined us in fervent prayer. You have invested millions upon millions of dollars in reaching the world. And you have ministered right where you are. You have sowed precious seed of all kinds and the Lord has brought harvest both to your lives and to lives in every corner of the earth. I am so thankful for our Partners and for God’s principle of partnership. If we had been out there individually during these years of such great need, certainly we could have and would have responded. But, because we were in this partnership, we were able to respond together. And God has used us to make a huge impact wherever He has sent us. Days of Glory Ahead
You have sowed
W hen God partnered with precious seed of mankind on the Day of Pentecost, He gave His Spirit of promise all kinds and the without measure. Without meas- Lord has brought ure! Talk about exceeding abunhar vest both dantly above more than we can think or imagine—can we dare to to your lives imagine it? I say, Yes, we can! and to lives in That’s the glorious power of ever y corner of partnership. We’ve made what seem to be huge advances in God’s the ear th. plans for partnership in the Body of Christ. But I am convinced that in the days and years ahead, we’ll look back and today’s steps will appear small compared to the glory we’ll be walking in then. In my heart I know we will see people from all walks of life, from all religions, from all cultures—we will see them seeking the Lord with all their hearts. They may be driven by the troubling sound of some mighty rushing wind. They will be looking for the source of peace and relief from the world’s pressures. They will find the Body of Christ and hear us declaring the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11). They will shout, “What must we do to be saved?” Their hearts’ doors will be open, and we will be there to introduce them to the Savior of the world! V ictor y
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These Are My People
h e p l a n e s wo o p e d l ow ove r t h e ro l l i n g h ills
a n d v e r d a n t p l a i n s o f n o r t h e r n U g a n d a . J o A n n C o u n t s l o o ke d o u t t h e w i n d ow a n d f e l t a f a m i l i a r s t a b o f p a i n a s s h e l o o ke d a t t h e d e s e r t e d h o m e s t e a d s t h a t d o t t e d t h e horizon and the thought of the thousands of people starving to death in displacedpersons camps. The lush land of Kitgum, Uganda, had been named “The Blessed Land.� Indeed God had created it as a blessed place on earth, but for the past 19 years it had been a place of violence and death.
The worst had begun when the local witch doctor had decreed that he was God the Father, his nephew, Joseph Kony, was God the Son and his daughter was God the Holy Spirit. Joseph, in his new role, had collected a band of faithful followers and declared war on the government. His alleged reason for the war
was to reinstitute the Ten Commandments. He and his rebels regularly abducted children and forced them to be slaves or soldiers. They cut off the noses, lips and fingers of the more fortunate people. They slaughtered others and drank their blood. They forced families to kill, cook and eat their own loved ones.
by Melanie Hemry
Kitgum was one of the most dangerous places on earth. Now, Jo Ann Counts, a mother and grandmother from Hardy, Ark., was on her final descent to land there.
Now the once-productive Ugandan land lay desolate and unplowed. About 18,000 people crowded into each of the 20 displaced-persons camps where they lived in mud huts surrounded by raw sewage. Malaria ran rampant in the camps, and there was usually only one nurse for each camp. Worse, there wasn’t enough food to feed them. Kitgum was one of the most dangerous places on earth. And, as the plane nosed into its final descent, Jo Ann Counts, a mother and grandmother from Hardy, Ark., prepared to arrive there. Jo Ann’s journey to Kitgum had first begun years before during an early morning walk in 1994. The sun had just tipped over the Ozarks as she began her hike through the mountains. At the time, Jo Ann considered herself a very ordinary woman. She had married, raised three children and taught in children’s church. She had gone to college and earned a teaching degree and her master’s and was working on a doctorate. Despite her educational credits, however, Jo Ann’s life was nothing special. Even her name, she thought, was painfully ordinary. Once she had gone to her father, a pastor, and asked how he had come upon it, hoping to learn it had some spiritual significance. “Jo Ann was the name of a café in California,” he explained. On that singular morning in 1994, however, something extraordinary happened to Jo Ann Counts. As she trudged along listening to the cacophony of songs from the birds and feeling the same peace she always felt on her treks, suddenly every sound in the forest went still— and God spoke. How many degrees do you have to get before you stop feeling stupid? When will you do what you were created to do? As those questions reverberated in her heart, Jo Ann realized that while there was nothing wrong with education, she was using it to feel better about herself. Perhaps she even thought that her name, Jo Ann, would somehow be more meaningful with a Ph.D. trailing along behind it. In an instant, Jo Ann decided not to pursue her doctorate. Instead she purposed to find out what God had created her to do. A year later, she attended a conference and during early morning prayer, she had a vision of multitudes of people from every race, color, size and shape. She
could see the pain in their faces. Worse, she could feel the pain in their hearts. “God, help them!” she gasped. I can’t. “Yes, You can! You’re God!” I’ve done all I can do. Now I’m waiting on you. I’m sending you to take Jesus to them.
One Word From God
“I had no idea how a wife and mother from Hardy, Ark., was supposed to take Jesus to the nations,” Jo Ann admits. “I told the Lord that I didn’t even know where to start. He told me to start right where I was. So I began leading a Bible study in my kitchen. Later, I formed The Word Works Ministries and led a ladies’ Bible study at church. “What I taught in the Bible studies, I learned in part from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Back in the early ’80s, a church I attended broadcast the entire Southwest Believers’ Convention by satellite. Those sessions were my first introduction to KCM, and I was hungry to know more. Gloria’s Healing School changed my life. After watching her minister on healing, the children who attended the children’s ministry I led began getting healed ever y week. Shortly thereafter my husband, Larry, and I became Partners with KCM. We started by sending in $10 a month. That was a huge step of faith for us back then. “Now the thought that the Lord wanted me to take the gospel to the nations just boggled my mind. I helped prepare myself by devouring Kenneth and Gloria’s books, tapes, magazines, broadcasts and Partner Letters. In 1999, the Lord opened doors for me to travel with other ministries to Peru, Chilie, Spain and Morocco.” In August 2000, a man f rom Af rica asked Jo Ann to preach at his church. November 2001, she and her husband, Larry, flew to Kenya for a six-week crusade. Arriving in western Kenya, they found themselves without electricity, running water or a bathroom. After scoping out the church, Larry said, “Sugar, I’ve got to tell you something. In your honor, they’ve put down a fresh layer of cow manure on the church floor to keep down the dust and insects.” In 2002, Jo Ann traveled to China twice and made another trip to Kenya.
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Called to Kitgum
In February 2003, Jo Ann sat down in her study to read the special partnership issue of Believer’s Voice of Victory. The article “Grandmother Rescues Orphans in Africa” especially caught her attention. It told about Mama Irene, an Australian woman who sold her home and bought land in Kitgum, Uganda, to establish a home for orphans. Rebels had broken into her home and tried to kill her with bayonets while she whispered the Name of Jesus. I could never do that, Jo Ann thought. I would never go to Kitgum. Since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, she had ministered in many countries that were very anti-American, but she had never been afraid. Now, Jo Ann was afraid—of Kitgum and the atrocities that were occurring there. She laid the magazine down and walked away. Two days later, under deep conviction, she prayed. “Holy Spirit, I’m so sorry. I just don’t want to go to Kitgum and put myself in danger. But I yield to You.” I know the end from the beginning. To get to your destiny, you must walk through Kitgum. It was one thing to agree to go. Getting there was an entirely different matter. Despite the fact that Jo Ann had traveled back and forth ministering in Kenya and Uganda, no one wanted to talk to her about Kitgum. And nobody wanted to go. It wasn’t until she met a bold man who was a minister and held crusades in the war-torn area that she received an invitation.
Taking a Stand
The moment she stepped off the plane at Kitgum, Jo Ann felt the danger and oppression. They stayed at the same hotel that housed U.N. officials, which was wellguarded. Men with machine guns traveled on top of their vehicle. They visited displaced-persons camps and the orphanage operated by Mama Irene, who was on a visit to Australia at the time. With her host, Jo Ann participated in an outdoor crusade. Knowing full well that the crowd was filled with rebel sympathizers, they had taken a bold step of faith. Publicly the minister read the names of each rebel leader and decreed that they would repent or be judged by God. In June 2004, as they were about to board a plane for Kitgum, the minister said, “God must love you very much Jo Ann, because there is your friend.” Jo Ann looked at the white woman walking toward them and knew it was Mama Irene. The two women sat together on the airplane and shared their stories.
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“I brought $250 that had been collected back home and gave it to Mama Irene,” Jo Ann remembers. “She said that the displaced-persons camp we had visited before had just dropped 800 people from the feeding line because there wasn’t enough money for food. The $250 would purchase enough food for 5,000 people in that camp for three days.”
Freedom From Fear
In April 2005, Jo Ann returned to Kitgum alone. This time there was no military guard with machine guns. There was no room available at the nice hotel. Her local host found her a small guest house near a displaced- persons camp. While Joseph Kony still reigned, his second in charge was missing and presumed dead. The third man in his hierarchy had given his life to the Lord. Changes were coming to Kitgum. At the end of a long day, Jo Ann fell into an exhausted sleep. Sharp bursts of machine-gun fire jolted her awake at 1 a.m. It was close—very close. She reached for the flashlight, but the Holy Spirit stilled her hand. Don’t turn it on! She sat in the dark night and prayed as the machine-gun fire alternated with single shots. She could see the agony in the faces of the victims. She could feel their pain. This was the very situation she had wanted to avoid. Yet strangely, her heart wasn’t racing and her palms were dry. She was no longer afraid. For the first time she understood how Mama Irene could put her life in such jeopardy. It was love—pure unadulterated love—that conquered the fear. Jo Ann Counts had traveled a long way from Hardy, Ark., to Kitgum, Uganda. But her journey has only just begun. In addition to taking the gospel to the nations, Jo Ann and Larry Counts also pastor a church. “Jo Ann, do you know what your name means?” her minister friend from Africa asked recently. She sighed deeply and answered, “It’s the name of a café in California.” “Not in English,” he explained. “Do you know what it means in Luo, the language of the Acholi tribe in northern Uganda?” “No,” she said with a puzzled look. “If you take away one n, in Luo, Jo An means, ‘These are my people.’” Jo Ann Counts still hears the fearful cries of the people. She still sees their faces and feels their pain. Late at night she prays over the nations of the world. She hears them calling her name, and her response is always the same. These are my people. V ictor y
Pearl of Great Price I
r ene Gleeson’s dusty truck r ocked and cr eaked as she dr ove along a rutted path thr ough the bush of wartor n norther n Uganda. Slowing to a stop beside a simple mud hut, Ir ene br eathed a sigh. She knew even befor e she enter ed the hut, the heartbr eaking scene she would find ther e. Ducking inside she saw one of her students, a young boy, huddled against the wall weeping. His mother lay on a filthy mat dying of AIDS. No food, no water and no medicine were in sight. As the child’s shoulders heaved with silent sobs, Irene flashed back to memories of her own youth, a child of only 14 years trying her best to take care of her dying mother. She saw her seven younger siblings clamoring for food and attention, and herself struggling through her mother’s funeral in a haze of exhaustion. She felt the crushing weight of having to raise the younger children after her mother’s death, when she, herself was little more than a child. Somehow Irene had gotten through it, and had
lani e
grown up to have four children of her own. When they were grown, she followed her heart to care for children of war. In 1991, she sold her beach home in Australia and founded a charity called Childcare Kitgum. She then leased 18 acres of hot, hard land in Kitgum, Uganda. A schoolteacher, she recruited local staff and built a f ree school for orphans. Then she added a vocational college. She built a dormitory to house the children who had escaped from rebel terrorists, and she built a kitchen and a church. And because of hundreds of scenes like the one she was now witnessing, Irene eventually built an AIDS hospice. Irene knelt on the mud floor and took the woman’s frail hand into her own. “I can help you,” she said.
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Soon the woman was admitted to Gloryland Junction, a beautiful building filled with paintings of Jesus and angels. She had five nurses, around-the-clock care, food, water and every comfort.
and tapes—that has kept them fed spiritually.” Although Childcare Kitgum has no electricity, land line phones, email or running water, it is an oasis in the midst of great suffering. Through the primary school, it opens its arms to 3500 children each day. At the school, students not only get an education, they receive medicine and are fed breakfast and lunch. Malnourished children are also given dinner. Another 1,000 youth attend the vocational college each day, while an additional 150 students—former abductees—are housed in dormitories. As a result, God is raising up a group of powerful young people to face the future in Uganda with faith. For 15 years, the Word of God has been instilled in boys and girls, many of whom are now reaching adulthood. Irene Gleeson prays and believes they will rewrite the course of their nation. She believes darkness is retreating before them as they wield the sword of the Spirit and wage spiritual warfare. They know how to achieve victory with the power of their tongue. They worship the Most High God, who binds up the brokenhearted and sets the captives free.
“The Lord told me that Gloryland Junction would be many people’s last stop on earth,” Irene explains. “We care for those dying of AIDS, cancer and other associated diseases. Many of our students are now bringing their dying mothers into our care. “When I started here in 1991, there were no children with AIDS—their nutrition was so poor they died in infancy. Now that they are nourished, some of them develop AIDS symptoms, and we care for them in private rooms in our dormitory.” Northern Uganda’s problems began with Idi Amin’s reign of terror and escalated as rebel troops murdered, tortured, raped and pillaged the people. Countless thousands of children were kidnapped, sold into the Sudanese slave trade or trained as soldiers. As a result of the chaos, 1.6 million people were removed f rom their farmlands and are now confined to camps. Five times, Irene’s child-care A Piece of Broken Glass | Irene’s organization was invaded at night by armed initial dream was simply to help children gunmen. Five times God rescued them. in a war zone—those that no one else “On one occasion, they shoved a bayowould rescue. And she has worked tirenet at my chest,” Irene remembers. “I lessly to do just that. Still, she has to turn closed my eyes and thought, The next children away. person I see will be Jesus. As I began whisEvery Tuesday she loads up her truck pering His Name, I could hear them with youth and visits the camps. The loading their guns…but nothing hapyoung people play drums, preach and pened. I opened my eyes and realized that minister to the people. It is there, in the 1.6 million people they were trying to kill me, but it was as midst of abject poverty and hopelessness were removed from though I was hidden behind an invisible that she confronts the great needs of the their far mlands and shield. They couldn’t touch me.” camps. It is there her heart cries out for Irene’s Peace FM radio constantly God to help her meet those needs. are now confined proclaims Jeremiah 33:6-14. God is On a recent visit she saw a little girl so to camps. intervening in northern Uganda and the hungry that she was chewing on a piece rebel raids have decreased dramatically. of broken glass. The camp was too far Although some people predict civil war, away for the children to trek to Irene’s Irene and her students stand in the gap praying for peace. school each day. Heartbroken, she pleaded with God for a Today their biggest battle is praying for the overwhelmway to help them. ing needs in the 70 camps in northern Uganda. He told her to build a satellite school across the road from the camp. The Army of God | “Two years after I started Childcare Irene walked the thorny, boiling-hot soil and prayed. Kitgum, I ran out of funds,” Irene recalls. “I cried out to “My precious Friend, Holy Spirit, I need You so God for help, and Kenneth Copeland Ministries responded. desperately.” Their financial support has kept the children fed. But Her Friend answered by sending money for more it is the Word of God they provide—through books beans and porr idge. S omeone else sent c lothing. The Last Stop
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Money drizzled in to build the classrooms. A waterbore (well) and eight classrooms are now under construction at the satellite location. They will feed and educate 800 children—an army of the Most High. Today at 61 and with 14 grandchildren, Irene Gleeson has no plans to slow down. “I pray and fast a lot,” she says. “I can’t ever let go of God’s hand.” Recently someone compared her to a pearl. “A pearl is formed because of an irritation inside the shell,” he said. “To protect against the irritation, layer after layer of pearl is laid down.” Transformation
Irene acknowledges that she had a troubled childhood. But over the years she has allowed the Holy Spirit to turn her pain and loss into a pearl of great price. Now she is offering that pearl of hope to every child in the vicinity. Ironically, Uganda is called “The Pearl of Af rica.” Ravaged by long years of war, Kitgum does not resemble a pearl. But God is using Irene Gleeson, and a host of children, to cover its pain with layers of the mercy and grace of God. He is using them to lift up Uganda with prayers of faith so that God can transform it. They are calling Kitgum back into its original position in the Pearl of Africa. They are calling themselves what God calls them—Pearls of Great Price. V ictor y
March B e l i e v e r ’ s V o i c e o f V i c t o r y B r o a dc a st C a l e n d a r
Sunday Broadcast
Kenneth Copeland
Daily Broadcast
Kenneth Copeland Forgiving Others to Remain Strife Free Harboring unforgiveness will cause strife in all your relationships and in every area of your life. Tune in to find out how to truly forgive and begin to walk in the peace only a strife-free environment can offer.
6 Mon
9 Thu
10 Fri
The Word Never Returns Void
Kenneth Copeland Learning to Live Free From Anger Anger is one of the most destructive emotions we can have. Left unchecked, it will bring heartache and strife. Discover how to take authority over anger and keep it out of your home and family.
8 Wed
Billye Brim
Join Kenneth Copeland for a powerful week in the Word that will strengthen your love walk and build your faith.
Kenneth Copeland The Peace and Rest of God’s Love God offers a place of perfect peace and rest that can’t be matched. Learn how to discover this place, and how to enter in.
7 Tue
Gloria Copeland
Discover the Word
Don’t miss this week with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim as they dig deep into God’s Word. 20
More From the First Ladies of Faith!
They’re back! Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim return for another week of in-depth study and revelation as they pore over the unwavering, unchanging Word of God. 27
Gloria Copeland Healing School Join Gloria for Healing School and get a boost of faith in your stand against sickness and disease.
Healing School Continues
Keep your mind renewed with the promises of God regarding health and healing as Gloria Copeland shows you the heart of God where healing is concerned.
Tune in to the BVOV broadcast Monday through Friday and on Sunday each week at online. Watch the BVOV broadcast again and again! in the center of this magazine.
CD Daily broadcast
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DVD Daily broadcast (one week) $15, Sunday broadcast $10
BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY VOLUME 34 NUMBER 3 March 2006 BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY is published monthly by Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. © 2006 Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., in the United States and international countries where BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY circulates. Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001 or sign up online at Because all BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Partner Development Strategy Manager/Kelly Weekly Publishing Manager/Glenda Bunkofske Partner Development Operations Assistant Manager/Julie King Managing Editor/Ronald C. Jordan Editor/Deborah Ide Writers/Karen Adlong Darlene Breed Rick Bunkofske Gina Lynnes Christopher Maselli Don Turner Proofreaders/John Caccomo Jean De Long Michelle Harris Eileen Hooley Senior Designer/Michael Augustat Production Manager/Lynette Lundy Type Coordinator/Joyce Glasgow
If you are a believer, the devil has declared war against you. It’s not a conventional war waged with armies you can see and easily identify. It’s a war of terrorism. It’s the war of the flea.
In a war of the flea, a small, relatively weak enemy attacks a much larger, stronger foe by strategically inflaming and irritating him. The purpose of the attacks isn’t to overwhelm and defeat the foe. (Terrorists know they can’t defeat the military forces of an entire nation, for example, by killing small groups of civilians.) The purpose is to get them so bitten with fear that they begin to self-destruct. | Fleas can’t kill a dog. But if they keep biting, they might eventually convince him to scratch himself to death. | How do you keep that from happening? How do you, as a believer, win the war of fear the devil is waging against you? How do you win the war of the flea?
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Ken n e t h
C o p e l a n d
The minute we start hating people,
we give the devil access to our hearts— our innermost sanctuary. Once he’s in there, he messes up everything.
By dousing yourself inside and out with the one substance the devil can’t stand—the love of God. If you will keep yourself in the love of God, the Bible says the wicked one won’t be able to touch you (1 John 5:18). Love will cause the fleas to flee! There’s really nothing surprising about that. After all, love is the most powerful component and No. 1 priority of the Christian life. It’s only by walking in love that we truly come to know—have an intimate relationship with—God. “For love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:7-8). What’s more, love is the key to answered prayer. The Bible tells us that when we believe on Jesus and keep the command of love, we receive whatever we ask from God (1 John 3:22). Clearly, in prayer and in life, love is our mightiest weapon and our greatest defense against the forces of evil. It’s Not Enough Just to Love the Good Guys
For that weapon to work properly, however, it’s not enough for us just to love the Lord and people who treat us kindly. God calls us to love everyone—even those who intentionally hurt us. Jesus said: Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:43-48). That can be a tough pill to swallow, especially these
days when there are seriously mean people out there. Enemies who will kill you just because you’re a Christian. Enemies who will maim the innocent for no good reason. Personally, I sometimes find that loving those kinds of people is hard. Back in July 2005, for example, I was getting ready to preach on the subject of love when I heard on the news that a group of terrorists had bombed several subway trains and buses in London. Honestly, when I first heard the report I was angry and I didn’t much care to love those terrorists. So I had to have a discussion with the Lord about it. “Father, Your Word says I should love my enemies,” I said. “I’m willing to do it and I know the Holy Spirit will make me able. But right now, I’m mad at the folks who did this and I need You to explain something to me. Am I just supposed to pray blessings on these guys for killing a bunch of people? “ That doesn’t seem quite right to me. Don’t we have any recourse? Doesn’t that leave us vulnerable to more attacks?” Quicker than you could snap your fingers, the Lord’s answer came to me. No, it doesn’t leave you vulnerable at all, He said. Vengeance is mine; I will repay (Romans 12:19). Stop Criticizing and Start Praying
Initially, those words didn’t encourage me much. After all, I’ve noticed over the years that the Lord is relatively easy on people. He also moves more slowly than I’d like. And that morning I thought He should get those terrorists immediately. I would have preferred some fast action. As I continued to fellowship with the Lord about it though, He assured me He has contingencies in His plan that allow for such fast action. He’s made provision for such perpetrators of violence to be dealt with—quickly and firmly. But that provision does not include us hating and resenting them. No, He told us to forgive them and pray for them. He said we’re not to hold anything against them. Why did He tell us that? Because unforgiveness and strife will damage our spiritual system. m a r c h
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The minute we start hating people, we give the devil access to our hearts—our innermost sanctuary. Once he’s in there, he messes up everything. He disrupts our communication and fellowship with the Lord. He brings in all kinds of turmoil and fear. As James 3:16 says, where strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. How does God intend to deal with harmful, dangerous people? Through the civil authorities. That’s why Romans 13 says:
Holy Spirit brings to your mind. God has ordained those offices and He’ll anoint the people in them to swing the sword of justice for the public good. But to do that, He needs believers who will lift them up in prayer instead of tear them down with criticism. Hold Your Breath and Jump In!
“Will my prayers really do any good?” you may ask. They will if you’re walking in love. Because, as we’ve already seen, when you believe in Jesus and keep the Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For commandment of love, you receive whatever you ask from there is no power but of God: the powers that be the Lord. are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth To successfully love the civil authorities, however, the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they you may have to turn off some of the television news that resist shall receive to themselves you’ve been watching. You may have damnation. For rulers are not a terto stop reading some newspapers. Salvation Prayer ror to good works, but to the evil. Most of them present information If you do not know Wilt thou then not be afraid of the in a way that’s meant to irritate you power? do that which is good, and and incite your anger. They subtly thou shalt have praise of the same: slant the facts in a way that draws as your for he is the minister of God to thee you into strife. & for good. But if thou do that which They leave you feeling like a dog simply pray the following prayer in is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not with fleas, scratching away at yourself faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! Heavenly Father, I come to You in the sword in vain: for he is the minon the inside because you’re upset the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, ister of God, a revenger to execute with some politician or political “Whosoever shall call on the name of wrath upon him that doeth evil. party, some government, nation or the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou Wherefore ye must needs be subject, special interest group. Then, if you shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart not only for wrath, but also for condon’t watch out, your irritation will that God hath raised him from the science sake (verses 1-5). spread. You’ll find yourself angry with dead, thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21; someone at the office or at church. So Romans 10:9). You said my salvation “Yeah, I know the Bible says that. you scratch a little more. Then you would be the result of Your Holy Spirit But the government is doing a lousy get crosswise with a member of your giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) job!” someone might argue. “They’re family. So you scratch a little more. and that if I would ask, You would fill not catching these guys. They’re always If you don’t do something about me with Your Spirit and give me the too busy politicking and looking out it, eventually you’ ll be completely ability to speak with other tongues for their own interests.” miserable. You’ll be like the guy my (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4). Then stop criticizing and comdad once told me about who was I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my plaining about them and start helping plagued with a terrible skin condiheart that You raised Him from the dead. them. Start doing what the Bible says tion. The doctors had no remedy for Thank You for coming into my heart, for to do and pray, “For kings, and for all whatever it was that ailed him and giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have that are in authority; that we may lead for months he itched so badly he promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen. a quiet and peaceable life in all godlialmost lost his mind. If you have just prayed this prayer, ness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:2). Because he worked as a ranch please contact us and let us know of Pray for the president. Pray for hand, the man occasionally helped your decision. We have a free Salvation the FBI and the CIA. Pray for milidrive herds of sheep through a dipPackage we would like to send you to tary leaders and police officers. Pray ping bath full of chemicals strong help you begin your new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask for offer #50801, for Congress and the Cabinet and enough to kill any bug or germ that check the circle on the response form ever y other government official the might be hiding in the wool. That
Savior Lord,
in the center of this magazine or call (604) 888-6301.
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sheep dip had DDT in it. It was strong stuff. One day, after they’d gotten all the sheep through, the man with the itch stood straight up, yanked his shirt off and dunked himself in that dipping bath. He came out screaming, hollering and running in circles because it stung so bad. But after about an hour, he was all right. And best of all, the itch was gone. That’s what the people of God should do. We should go through a Holy Spirit dipping bath and get rid of all the demons that have been hanging on to us. We should get ourselves so saturated in love that they run screaming in every direction. We should dunk ourselves in the Word of God that says: Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake
hath forgiven you. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour (Ephesians 4:31-5:2). Sure, it might sting a little at first. It might be hard to forgive some people who’ve done us wrong. It might be hard to release all bitterness and start loving people who’ve hurt us. But we need to do it anyway. Why? For Christ’s sake. For the sake of the anointing. We need that anointing intact. We need it to guide us and protect us in these dangerous days. Without it, we’ll fall prey to the devil’s devices. With it, we will be more than conquerors through Him who loves us. We will shake off every strategy of evil. We will live in victory. And we will win the war of the flea. Victory
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God Answered My Prayers I used and sold drugs for 23 years and have now been clean more than three years. I watch Kenneth and Gloria on TV every day and had been wanting to go to a Believers’ Convention. When you came to Green Bay in 2004, things just didn’t work out for me to get there. I kept praying and when I heard you were coming here again, I marked my calendar. Then God put you right here in downtown Milwaukee where I could drive, take a bus, walk or flag a ride. Now I have my own car with no car note. I was given $4,000 a n d c a r i n s u r a n c e p a i d fo r three months. Praise the Lord! Brenda Brown | Milwaukee, Wis.
GoodNews Gazette “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.” (Deuteronomy 28:2)
While Winds Were Gusting, Psalm 91 Was Working God is wonderful and His Word is so true. I claimed the 91st Psalm over my home and my family’s homes, including my children’s. I pled the blood over our houses, vehicles, jobs and everything God has blessed us with. We went through Hurricane Katrina and I never lost power or my satellite. I enjoyed watching Kenneth teach on love and light while the winds were gusting to 65-plus mph outside. We love you and thank you for your prayers. God is wonderful and worthy to be praised. Your Partner for years,
I enjoyed watching Kenneth teach.... Annette Hardeman | Alabama
Partnership Brings Revelation
I thank God for Jesus and
BVOV broadcast.
I thank God for Jesus and the BVOV the broadcast. I listen regularly to the Covenant Promises teaching Kenneth sends his Partners and I put myself in agreement with him, Gloria and the KCM Partners. I am a widow and when I heard Isaiah 54:4-5, “[Thou] shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name,” this revelation changed my life. On TV a Partner testified of being healed and mentioned a booklet, God ’s Creative Power for Healing. I was suffering from polyarthritis with excruciating pain in my fingers and wrist, and my knees were so swollen I could not see my kneecaps. I prayed the prayer in that booklet every day until one morning I awoke with absolutely no pain—my rheumatologist was amazed. Another time, I needed a kitchen shutter and drawer fixed. I tried about three hours to fix them and finally took them to a hardware store. A fellow there told me, “Buy the glue and I will fix them.” In no time, he had them repaired. Thank you, Kenneth and Gloria, for doing what God has called you to do. L.C. | New Jersey
Breakthrough Came—That Day! On Tuesday, May 3, 2005, I called KCM for prayer— I was ver y distraught. We had been without work for five months and had run out of money. My husband was almost out of hope. In April we had a very disappointing situation with a job he interviewed for. Anyway, on Tuesday morning when I called, this precious lady, full of faith, prayed and demanded a breakthrough that day. On that day we heard of a job opening. My husband got the job and has been there since. Talk about a word from God! I appreciate you! P.M. | Colorado
Partnership Brings Blessings
It is such a privilege to be Partners with you. We are reading your magazines and listening to your teachings for several years and it really changed our lives, our thinking and the way we live. I confessed the Word and God healed me of back problems. My husband and I were born in South Africa and God called us to go and preach the gospel. So we came to Belgium just after we got married in 1991. We can testify of how God provided for us in everything—food, clothes, cars and spiritual needs. Last year, I felt it was time to believe God for our own house—then I saw the article God Gives Sweet Sleep “Dancing With Faith” in the April I w ou ld lik e to th an k yo ur pr ay BVOV. It brought me such gladness, er gr ou p fo r agreeing with m e i n p r ay e r f because what God did for that lady, o r a permanent jo b an d fo r a pe ac ef ul ni gh t’s re I know He can do for me! The devil st . Pr ai se G od , sle ep pe ac ef ul ly I at ni gh ts no w. Pl keeps trying to talk me out of it, but ea se gi ve G od a sp ec ia l pr ai se of th an ks fo r w the scriptures that followed gave me on de rf ul , pe ac efu l re st fo r m e . Th an ks fo r yo ur courage to believe and receive it in pr ay er s, bo ok s, le tt er s an d w on de rf ul w or ds of Jesus’ Name. en co ur ag em en t an d ad vi ce . Th ey gi ve m e ho pe an Thanks for sharing things with us, d st re ng th to go on ev er y da y. and for being obedient to the Lord! A.J. | Norway
Esther Smit | Belgium
Her Test Results Were Normal! Freedom Behind Bars I am currently a prisoner in Santa Rosa, N.M. I was locked down in segregation for 18 months with no physical contact with my wife and daughter. About four hours after I was released from segregation, I was involved in a fight and put back into segregation. I was very depressed when the prison chaplain walked by my cell, so he just slid one of your Voice of Victory magazines under my door. I didn’t have anything else to read, so I read it front to back—ever y page. I read how I could have a better life through the Lord and His Son Jesus. I was never a religious person, but as I prayed the salvation prayer in your magazine, I felt like everything was going to be OK—me, the three years I have left and my family. I plan to take advantage of my new life in the Lord and I look forward to a new and better life when I get out. Thank you for helping me see what I was missing—it has changed my life. T.M. | New Mexico
Previously, I requested prayer for my mother who had fallen ill. When she returned to hospital a couple weeks later for test results, they were all normal. The doctors had suspected cancer, but the test results confirmed no cancer or tumor. Praise be to God! Thank you also for your letter and booklets on healing. I had never thought seriously about intercessory prayer. I thought it was a special ministry, and I did not realize I could adopt that role—especially for my family. I now have a guide in the Word of God that helps me pray on point. Though my family may not know to pray, I can pray for them and others. Y.B. | England
healing! Y Believe You Receive...
ou can make the decision to live in divine health right now, in the same way you made the decision to accept Jesus as Savior. First, you must decide to be well. Then, believe you receive health and healing in your body. | Just as salvation is offered to “whosoever” will accept it (John 3:16), so is healing offered to whosoever will believe it is available to them.
The Greek word sozo, translated this moment, my body is saved, healed, “saved” in Romans 10:9, is the same made whole and delivered.” Greek word translated “healed” in the Gospels. In Mark 5:23, Jairus said to Stand Fast | Now, resist the tempJesus, “My little daughter lieth at the tation to be sick just like you resist the point of death: I pray thee, come and temptation to sin. That may sound too lay thy hands on her, that she may be simple, but it works because the Word healed [sozo]; and she shall live.” To says, “…Resist the devil, and he will the woman with the issue of blood, flee from you” ( James 4:7). “Therefore I say unto Jesus said, “Daughter, be of good com Satan is the source of sickness. When you, What things soever fort; thy faith hath made thee whole he attempts to put sickness on your ye desire, when ye pray, [sozo]” (Matthew 9:22). body, refuse it in the Name of Jesus believe that ye receive When Jesus was raised f rom the because it is against the will of God for them, and ye shall dead, He purchased soundness for your you to be sick. As soon as you have the have them.” (Mark 11:24) spirit, soul and body. You have been slightest thought Satan is trying to put made whole. sickness on you, turn to 1 Peter 2:24 To get results, you Right now, by faith, confess Jesus as and read aloud what Jesus has done for your Healer in the same way that you you: “Who his own self bare our sins in mu st believe that made Him Lord over your life. Make his own body on the tree, that we, being you receive your Jesus Lord over your body according dead to sins, should live unto righteoushealing when you to Romans 10:10 which says, “For with ness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” the heart man believeth unto righteousReceive it in faith and thank God that pray—not after ness; and with the mouth confession is by Jesus’ stripes you were healed. you are well . made unto salvation.” The Bible tells us to “Stand fast Make this your confession: therefore in the liberty wherewith “According to the Word of God, I confess with my Christ hath made us free” (Galatians 5:1). With His mouth that Jesus is Lord. I confess Him now as my Name, His Word, His Spirit and Jesus as your Healer, Healer. I make Him Lord over my body. I believe in you can enjoy divine health. That ’s liberty, and my heart that God raised Him from the dead. From that’s freedom!
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To get results, you must believe that you receive your healing when you pray—not after you are well. You are to be like Abraham, who “considered not his own body,” but instead considered what God said (Romans 4:19-20). The symptoms of sickness may continue to linger after you believe that you receive. But this is the time that you must hold fast to a fearless confession of the Word. “Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36, The Amplif ied Bible). Do not allow your fearless confidence in God’s Word to be snatched away from you by Satan. You’re walking by faith and not by sight.
not healed. Don’t fall for his lies. Instead, stand fast in the knowledge of God’s Word, and believe you have received.
| God’s mercy goes forth in accordance with His covenant, the Word. Because He has bound Himself by His Word, He can move freely only toward those who put themselves in a position to receive. Acting on the Word puts you in this position. Jesus told the nobleman whose son was at the point of death, “…Thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.” The Bible says that the boy began to amend from that hour ( John 4:46-53). When you believe that you receive healing, you may be healed instantly or you may have to act on the covenant of healing, even though your body does not feel healed. One thing you do know: When you believe that you receive, healing begins to take place in your body. God cannot keep His covenant without healing you—if you have met the conditions of that covenant. You are learning to be moved by the Word, instead of by what you see or feel. This is how faith operates. You are becoming that faith man or woman you have yearned to be. Your faith gets stronger as you use it to act on God’s Word. As you learn to stand against Satan and so do we! That’s why we want and his symptoms, you will find it to offer you a special pamphlet continues to become easier. But there by Gloria Copeland titled You Are is no formula that will work effecHealed. It will arrive free of charge, tively unless you continually exert no strings attached, when you order the force of faith through feeding on today. Inside, you will find: the Word. • A special healing prayer If you will continually feed on God’s Word, you will come to the • Powerful healing confessions place where you simply go to 1 Peter • A list of scriptural healing 2:24, enforce the Word that you were promises to stand on healed, thank God for His Word of • A mini-teaching by Gloria Copeland: “10 Steps to Exercise Your healing and go on about your busiFaith for Your Healing” ness. Make the decision to be well. Believe you receive! V ictor y Get in Position to Receive
God wants you healed...
Agree With the Word
| E.W.
Kenyon teaches that there are three witnesses in receiving healing: the Word, the pain or sickness and you. You are the deciding factor. If you join your confession with the pain, you are crossing the Word that says you are healed. If you align your confession with God’s Word, you will have to cross the pain. The Bible teaches that by two witnesses a thing is established. You make the choice. Agree with the pain and sickness will rule. But dare to agree with the Word and healing will be established. The circumstances will follow your action and confession. Steadfastly and patiently know that God’s Word does not fail. Refuse to be moved by what you see, and be moved only by the Word and by your confession of Jesus as Healer. The Word will change what you see. Satan will try to tell you that you are not saved. Or his symptoms of pain or sickness will suggest you are
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Change Yo u r I m a g e , God wants all His children to live in abundance.
Sadly, many are not liv-
ing an abundant life—the kind of prosperous lifestyle God has planned. Why? Because of vision. They don’t see themselves as anything other than poor and in lack, or “just getting by.”
That sounds harsh, I know, but it is reality.
Change Your Life the children of [God]” (Luke 16:8). They are using Most Christians today are living beneath their their system and working their way to the top, while privileges, and not up to what God has promised at the same time gaining respect from the world. and expects of them. They know they are saved, What I’m saying is that the devil has a system for and they understand they have an inheritance that getting his people ahead and keeping them there. includes eternal life when they leave this earth. But when it comes to manifesting what we have been given here on the earth, the vast majorA Prosperous Image ity has missed it. Why? Because they Well, God has a system, too. But His have a poor self-image—a distorted system doesn’t involve deception nor mental picture of themselves. is it corrupt or dishonest in any way. Meanwhile, the ungodly are It involves you seeing yourself as God increasing…“Behold, these are the sees you and recognizing that your ungodly, who prosper in the world; they inheritance of the abundant life is here increase in riches” (Psalm 73:12). Look and now. around and take note of what’s going Working God’s system begins with Most Christians on in industries such as entertainment, you developing a prosperous image today are living inside yourself, according to His Word. gambling, real estate, oil and in busibeneath their ness, and who has most of the wealth In Matthew 12:34, Jesus said, talking privileges, and not in the world. I heard recently that there to the religious leaders, “You offspring up to what God are 33 billionaires in Russia alone, and of vipers! How can you speak good has promised and I would dare say most of them are not things when you are evil (wicked)? expects of them. Christian. In the book of Jeremiah the For out of the fullness (the overflow, prophet asked, “Wherefore doth the the superabundance) of the heart the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore mouth speaks” (The Amplif ied Bible). are all they happy that deal very treacherously?” That’s where your prosperous image begins—in your heart or spirit. ( Jeremiah 12:1). I’ll tell you how they are prosper As I studied carefully God ’s ways and the ing—by understanding and working the corrupt and failing world system. Jesus said, “For the chilkingdom-of-God system, I saw that Jesus didn’t dren of this world are in their generation wiser than spend time trying to get men out of poverty. He
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God’s idea of being rich is having more than enough in every area of your life—so much you can be a blessing and give generously to others.
got the poverty out of them and they did the rest. If Christ were here today, He wouldn’t move people out of the slums…He’d simply get the slums out of them. Their new inner image would eventually change their surroundings to match the new prosperous image on the inside. God’s way of changing your world is by first changing your self-image through His Word and the work of His Spirit on the inside of you. Jesus teaches, “The sower soweth the word” (Mark 4:14). When you acknowledge or confess God’s promises, you are sowing the seed of His Word into the soil of your heart (spirit) where it begins to develop and bring to pass what you have spoken. Out of that seed good things will grow. Jesus goes on to say, “A good man out of the good [deposit] of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil [deposit] bring- eth forth evil things” (Matthew 12:35). The abundant life is already yours right now. Jesus saw to that a long time ago. He was rich in all things, but became poor so that you could live an abundant, prosperous, rich life (2 Corinthians 8:9). Abundance, or p ro s p e r i t y, i s so much more t h a n m o n e y. God’s idea of being rich is having
more than enough in ever y area of your life— so much you can be a blessing and give generously to others. Where Is Your Wealth?
The question still arises for the Body of Christ, If God wants His people to abound in every area of life, and He has already made provision, why are so many believers not walking in that prosperity? When the 12 spies came back f rom spying out the land of Canaan, 10 of them had what the Bible calls an “evil report.” What they all observed was a pretty impossible situation in the natural. Joshua and Caleb, however, had a “good report.” “Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30). Joshua and Caleb’s report was different not because of what they observed with their natural eyes, but because of how they saw themselves on the inside. They saw themselves and their situation in the light of God’s Word and not according to what had been programmed into them during their years of bondage in Egypt. The Word, “the good deposit,” in their hearts, was coming out of their mouths and God was bound to honor it. God said, “For I am
alert and active, watching over My word to perform it” ( Jeremiah 1:12, The Amplif ied Bible). Do you see how bold Joshua and Caleb were? The Bible says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.” It was illogical to believe they could fight a nation of giants, win the battle and take their land. But the image the two spies had of themselves and their confidence that God was on their side caused them to declare the impossible: “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” This is where most Christians fear to tread. It’s where we must walk by faith and not by sight. The other 10 spies had witnessed the miraculous parting of the Red Sea when God delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptian army. He was leading them into a “land of milk and honey,” but the image they had of themselves as grasshoppers gave them a sense of inferiority and powerlessness. Their confession was…“We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we,” which sounded logical. However, it was not in agreement with God’s Word and the promise He made to the seed of Abraham. They died in the wilderness without receiving their inheritance. This shows that your outlook is based on what you’re looking out from. The 10 spies had an image of lack and inferiority from 400 years of being brainwashed. Remember, the key to our performance and achievement in life is our self-image. The poor image of the 10 spies caused what made perfect sense to Caleb and Joshua seem impossible to them. Come Out From Behind Your Fence!
Inside every one of us is an image I call an “invisible fence,” which dictates how far we can go and what we see ourselves doing and being. It is an invisible wall between you and God, holding you back, and keeping you f rom stepping out and doing what seems impossible. If you attempt to go outside this fence, your subconscious mind brings you back. I call it your “autopilot.” It’s designed to keep you on course at the level of your self-image. Another barrier (fence) to possessing your inheritance can be condemnation. Satan uses it to get you to look at your past and destroy your faith for something you need or desire. Perhaps you lived a sinful life or have something in your past the devil is accusing you about. Well, here’s the good news. God does not remember it! When you got born again through the precious blood of Jesus, your past was expunged 22 |
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f rom His records. He said, “I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember thy sins” (Isaiah 43:25). If He doesn’t remember them, why should you? In this situation, the invisible fence is nothing more than condemnation which brings a sense of guilt, shame and inferiority, and absolutely destroys faith. It is a disease that weakens your spirit so you cannot receive from God. Instead of going to God in faith, you find yourself crying, whining and begging. Nothing delights the devil more than to bring up the past to get you off track when you are about to step out in faith and allow God to bless you. Paul says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8:1). God will convict you, but He never condemns. For Him to bring up your past would be a violation of His Word. He forgets, and so should you. Forgetting your past is a major step in rooting out your old self image. Joshua 1:8 is the success formula I used to break through barriers in my life. God told Joshua as he was about to lead the children of Israel into the land of abundance: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” This is God’s way of changing what you believe and making what is impossible possible. The Apostle John wrote, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2). God’s way of prospering His people is from the inside out. If you’re living below your privileges, if it seems like you’re going around the same mountain and not making any progress, don’t complain or start blaming. Get into the Word of God, allow it to change you on the inside and experience God’s best for your life. You’ll no longer be working for the system—but the system will work for you. The change begins with you. You can change your image with the Word and change your life. V ictor y Bill Winston is founder and pastor of Living Word Christian Center, a 15,000-member church located in Forest Park, Ill. He is also the founder and chairman of The Joseph Center® for Business Development. For more information or ministry materials write to Bill Winston Ministries, P.O. Box 947, Oak Park, IL 60303; call (800) 711-9327; or visit his Web site at
Azusa Street
Turning the World
UpsideDown “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” (Acts 17:6, New King James Ver sion)
t didn’t look like a place that could be used to help turn the world, or anything else , upside down. The structure at 312 Azusa St. had been an old, whitewashed church in the ghetto, later a dilapidated stable and finally just an abandoned building. Doors and windows were shattered or missing, floors piled with trash.
This was hardly a step up from the little house on Bonnie Brae Street where God had begun to move on April 9, 1906. But this was His next step. Before Rev. William Seymour and some dedicated volunteers began holding services in the building, they went to work cleaning and making repairs. They spread sawdust on the floor, and used empty barrels topped with boards for seats. The barrels were turned facing each other, forming a square around a pulpit built from two empty crates. An “upper room” was saturated with prayer day and night, as many sought God for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing. Discarded crutches, canes and tobacco pipes testified of God’s life-changing power. At first the activity at Azusa Street went relatively unnoticed. Few in Los Angeles had any idea that their city was about to be rocked to its core. O n A p r i l 1 8 , 1 9 0 6 , a m o n u m e n t a l e a r t h q u a k e d e v a s t a t e d San Francisco and the surrounding area, claiming hundreds of lives and
All worshiped together
on equal footing—men, women, children, rich and poor of every race.… One reporter noted that “the color line was washed away in the blood.” A number of people testified they learned about the revival through dreams or visions. It seemed God Himself was calling those who were listening, and many had been praying for this day. From the beginning, prayer was the catalyst for the services. They usually began with Seymour bowed behind his crate pulpit. Then as the Spirit came on someone in the crowd, they would sing or give a testimony. There were no songbooks or musical instruments—just voices praising God. At times the praise swept into a harmony of heavenly language that left the listeners awe-struck. At some point one would stand and give an inspired message. The speaker One Body—In Love could be young or old, male or female, W illiam S ey mour ’s lifelong quest The power of from any race or walk of life. Tongues for racial equality and Christian unity God was often and interpretation flowed freely. People had found a home. In this unlikel y f rom other lands reported being saved place the Body of Chr ist appeared so strong that after hearing exhortation to repentance to be finally coming together around in their native language. They were t h e B a p t i s m i n t h e H o l y S p i r i t droves of people amazed to learn that those who spoke (1 Corinthians 12:13). Denominational approaching the had no idea what they said. barriers were crumbling. As the Spirit moved over the congre The love of God was paramount here building were at Azusa. These seekers had learned gation, a few or even hundreds might felled like trees. that in order not to grieve the Holy be “slain” in the spirit—falling to the Spirit, they must humble themselves sawdust floor under the power of God. and prefer others. No ill was spoken of Some lay there for hours. anyone. Self-promotion and pride couldn’t survive Many were healed or baptized in the Holy Spirit. At any moment in the service a mass of seekers in the presence of God. No flesh would glory here might suddenly rush to the altar. (1 Corinthians 1:29). Other times people shouted and danced wildly. All worshiped together on equal footing—men, Then there were seasons of stark silence, as a divine women, children, rich and poor of every race. There presence seemed to permeate the very air in the room. were no great ones or small ones. One reporter noted No one knew what would happen next. God was leading. that “the color line was washed away in the blood”— an anti-establishment ideal that, in 1906, brought hot opposition. The press called it a “disgraceful interA Real God mingling of the races.” Not all agreed that God was In the tangible presence of God, even strong men behind it. and veteran preachers surrendered, broken and humbled. God was doing a transforming work. The power of God was often so strong that droves of Holy Spirit in Charge people approaching the building were felled like trees. These were not your familiar, starched prayer meetMany arose convicted of sin or speaking in tongues. ings. They had no regular leader or particular order. The fire department was called when people heard The Holy Spirit was said to be in charge, and He was explosions and saw a glow coming from the building. not limited by man’s ideas. leaving scores homeless. That same day, a spiritual earthquake rumbled through Los Angeles with the first shocking report about what was happening on Azusa Street in the Times newspaper. Front page headlines charged it was a “wild scene” with a “weird babel of tongues.” A prophecy warned of “destruction to the city.” The next day, an aftershock from the earthquake brought many to their knees in fear and repentance. Suddenly, Azusa Street became a magnet. God’s presence there was drawing people f rom all races and walks of life and many religious backgrounds.
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But there was no fire. Was this the glory of God? The police, fire department, health department and others tried to stop the meetings because of the crowds and the disruption and noise they were causing at all hours. Three ser vices a day had turned into 10-, 12-, then 24-hour marathons. Thousands came through the doors of the tiny chapel and more pressed to get in. Although media from Los Angeles to London usually reported the events with disdain, this free advertising drew the curious and the faithful from all over the
world. They arrived daily, hoping to catch a glimpse or experience for themselves this sweeping move of the supernatural power of God. Then as now, people were hungry for the real thing. From 1906-1909 scores carried away a life-changing experience and went on to impact their world. The lessons they learned are just as vital for us today: Revival only comes when man gets out of the way and, with a repentant heart, diligently seeks God—praying, walking in love and humility. Only a real experience with a real God can turn the world upside down! V ictor y
Join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Frederick K.C. Price, Jerry Savelle and Creflo A. Dollar at the Faith Convention in the Faith Dome for
Tuesday-Friday, April 25-28 Los Angeles Convention Center Four days of ministry opportunities: • Praise and worship • Workshops • Bible study • Historical site tours • Many more activities around the city! Saturday, April 29 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
Two Great Gatherings!
International Centennial Assembly (1-5 p.m.) Assembly will open with a dramatic procession of spirit-filled believers from around the world, carrying their flags and dressed in their national attire. The assembly will focus on three areas: remembering the rich history of the Pentecostal Movement, lifting up the present move of the Spirit, and looking to the future of the Movement with an emphasis on prayer for personal and corporate revival and renewal. International Youth Convocation (7-10 p.m.) Young people will be forever changed as they are challenged to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. A specific call will be made for those willing to commit themselves as living sacrifices to the cause of the gospel. A massive anointing service will launch this army of young warriors into the next century of Pentecostal witness. Centennial Office
P.O. Box 26157
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-4520
For more information, log on to or call (213) 989-4520.
Get Totally Immersed at Kenneth Copeland Ministries
2006 Meetings
Branson Victor y Campaign March 2-4
| Faith Life Church | 3220 Falls Parkway | Branson, MO 65616
It’s Your Year of Total Fulfillment! I b e l i e v e o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s G o d h a s c a l l e d u s t o d o i s t o m e e t t o g e t h e r. A s y o u j o i n i n t h e c o r p o r a t e a n o i n t i n g a t t h e s e m e e t i n g s , t h e i n t e n s e e x p o s u r e t o t h e Wo r d o f God will r enew your mind so you will become prosperous-minded, healed and well. —Kenneth Copeland
is here!
West Point
Christian Fellowship
| April 7-8 Spring Revival
Gold Coast Victory Campaign |
October 5-7
Sponsor: West Point Christian Fellowship Service
Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre
Location: Thayer Hall in Robinson Auditorium
Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach
West Point, N.Y. 10996 | Contact: Chaplain Albert Downing
Queensland, Australia
(845) 938-3412 | Open to the public—photo ID required.
West Coast
Believers’ Convention |
Per th
Victory Campaign | July 3-8
Anaheim Convention Center | 800 West Katella Ave.
October 10-11
Victory Life Centre | 1 Neil St. Osborne Park, WA 6917 Australia
Anaheim, CA 92802
Believers’ Convention |
Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign | July 31-August 5
Fort Worth Convention Center | 1201 Houston St.
November 9-11
Hylton Memorial Chapel | 14640 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Great Lakes
Believers’ Convention | U.S. Cellular Arena | 400 W. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203
August 21-26
Unable to attend? Join us via a live video or audio broadcast at!
April 25-29
September 1-3
Azusa Street Centennial
Thunder Over Texas
Los Angeles, Calif.
Jerry Savelle Ministries International
Texas Motor Speedway 3601 Hwy. 114
Justin, TX 76247
May 7
(817) 297-3155
Cathedral of Praise
I-30 at N. Fielder Rd. Arlington, TX 76012
September 17-22
(817) 265-3333
Days of Refreshing
Terri Copeland Pearsons will be in
Europe and Australia March 20-April 1 (hosted by KCM Europe) May 22-June 5 (hosted by KCM Australia)
Eagle Mountain International Church
June 16
Kenneth Copeland Ministries Headquarters
Annual Word of Faith
14355 Morris-Dido Road
International Christian
Newark, TX 76071 (not a mailing address)
Center Conference
(800) 600-7395
Word of Faith International Christian Center
October 25-30
20000 W. Nine Mile Road
Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks
Southfield, MI 48075-5597
Billye Brim Ministries
(248) 353-3476
P.O. Box 40 | Branson, MO 65615 (417) 336-4877
Admission is FREE! Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call (877) 480-3388. One Word From God Can Change Your Life Forever! Be a voice of victory...Bring a friend!
o r i a
o p e l a n d
D i d Yo u E v e r S e e
I don’t know how many times I’ve sat and looked out the window at a bird in the cold of winter and thought, God has put Himself on the line to provide for that bird. Then I went out and threw him something to eat. . In all the times I’ve done that, I have never seen a bird looking wor r ied about where his next meal would come from. God said He would provide for the birds, and He keeps His Word. He’s a good God. Psalm 145:9 sums it up this way: “The Lord is good to all.” . What about you? Are you wor r ying about whether God will take care of you? Or are you following Jesus’ instr uctions in Matthew 6 to receive the good things God has laid up for you? . Unlike the birds, many people who believe God is good spend their time wor r ying instead of receiving. I was one of those people . I had come by wor r y natur ally, having been r aised in a church where they didn’t really think God was interested or would get involved in their lives. They wor r ied about ever ything—and they taught me to wor r y. It had become such a habit that it seemed to be ir responsible not to wor r y.
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Then when I read Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6
that God was even interested in the birds, I knew He must care about me! I received the revelation that we are not to worry:
become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed” (The Amplif ied Bible). Replace Worry With the Word
Now understand, just because I received revelation about worry doesn’t mean the temptation to worry Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually immediately left me. When I took hold of these uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, scriptures, I had to learn not to worry. I had to learn what you shall eat or what you shall drink; how to reject worried thoughts that came at me or about your body, what you shall put on. f rom every direction, “casting down imaginations, Is not life greater [in quality] than food, and and every high thing that exalteth itself against the the body [far above and more excellent] than knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they thought to the obedience of Christ” neither sow nor reap nor gather (2 Corinthians 10:5). into barns, and yet your heavenly At the time, Ken and I were in desFather keeps feeding them. Are perate need of all kinds of things. We you not worth much more than were drowning in a sea of debts and they? And who of you by worrytrouble, and the Word became our ing and being anxious can add life preserver! I had read in Matthew one unit of measure (cubit) to 6:33 that if I would seek God first, his stature or to the span of his He would take care of the “things.” If life? Therefore do not worry and we want to live the good life God has be anxious, saying, What are we for us, the Word must be the center going to have to eat? or, What We replace of our focus. It has to be No. 1. are we going to have to drink? worrying with I would like to say this is always or, What are we going to have to easy. But it’s not. We can become wear? For the Gentiles (heathen) believing what so caught up in the cares of daily wish for and crave and diligently life that we don’t make time for seek all these things, and your the Word says. God and His kingdom to be first heavenly Father knows well that place. As a result, “the cares and you need them all. But seek (aim anxieties of the world…creep in at and strive after) first of all His and choke and suffocate the Word, kingdom and His righteousness and it becomes fruitless (Mark 4:19, (His way of doing and being The Amplified Bible). Worry can literally take over and right), and then all these things taken together stop the Word from producing any fruit in our lives. will be given you besides (Matthew 6:25-27, So how do we stop worrying? We replace worrying 31-33, The Amplif ied Bible). with believing what the Word says. We refuse to worry. We run to the Word of God and feed on it day and night. This scripture put great faith in me and brought We find scriptures that apply to each situation and keep the change that comes not by head knowledge but those scriptures in front of our eyes, in our ears and out only by revelation from the Word of God. Revelation our mouths until that truth gets in our hearts. is truth that becomes so real to us as the Holy Spirit Joshua 1:8 says meditate on the Word day and shines light on it, that it becomes a part of our lives. night “for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, When this passage became a revelation to me, I asked and then thou shalt have good success.” Meditation God to take my life and do something with it. is more than just reading; it’s fixing your mind on I found out that when you give God just a little the Word so that you do all that is written therein. In opening, He will come right in. Proverbs 16:3 says: meditating God’s Word, you allow the Holy Spirit to “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust make it a reality in your heart. You ponder how this them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to
So how do we stop worrying?
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Word applies to your life and changes your situation. And you place yourself in agreement with what God says about you and see yourself as He sees you. Most importantly, you seek the kingdom first instead of yielding to worry. You have a covenant with a loving Father who delights in taking care of His children. He wants every area of your life to overflow with good. Not Subject to What You See
God wants us to trust Him for everything we need. Look at Psalm 31:19: “Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!” When we trust Him, we can receive the good things He has laid up for us. To build that trust, we have to keep the Word as the center of our focus: “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). That’s what happened to me all those years ago when I first read that God cared about the birds—faith came. Without the Word, I didn’t have faith to receive. To receive God’s goodness and mercy, we have to agree with what He has said. You see, as believers we really don’t have the option whether to choose to believe God by faith or choose to worry. Hebrews 10:38 says, “The just shall live by faith.” If you’re a believer, that is referring to you. Romans 14:23 goes on to say that “whatsoever is not of faith is sin”—and worrying is definitely not of faith. When we worry, we are in little or no faith, and that’s no place for a believer. Matthew 6:30 says, “If God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?” Now I know any of us can be tempted to worry when the circumstances are screaming in our ears and staring us in the face. That’s the time to choose 2 Corinthians 4:18: “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Second Corinthians 9:8 will also act as that life
preserver I was talking about earlier, just like it has done so many times for Ken and me. It says, “God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]” (The Amplif ied Bible). Instead of worrying, remind yourself that as a believer, your life is no longer limited to what is common to man. You are not subject to the “facts”—the circumstances or what the devil tries to bring—but to God and the truth of His Word ( James 4:7). As a believer you should not be worried about anything. The Amplif ied Bible puts it very plainly: “Do not f ret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in ever ything, by prayer and petition…with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God” (Philippians 4:6). Refuse worry and “[cast] the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully” (1 Peter 5:7, The Amplif ied Bible). Casting your cares on God is an act of faith. It may not be easy at first, but it is necessary if you want to live in victory.
Many people believe God is good, but they are worrying instead of receiving.
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Winning the War in Your Mind
Whether we like it or not, we’re in a war—but God has equipped us to win. We can’t be overcome if we follow the orders in Ephesians 6 and use all the equipment He has given us: Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take
“But we all, with open face beholding as in a [mirror] the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day…. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (verses 10-13, 16-17). Lift up what The Amplif ied Bible calls “the [covering] shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one].” Those flaming missiles include worry. Let the powerful sword of the Spirit fight your battle—keep the Word going in your eyes, in your ears and coming out of your mouth. The result will be what Isaiah 26:3 says: “Thou [God] wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” Jesus confirmed that when He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” ( John 14:27). Don’t believe the circumstances or what the devil says. Replace worrying with believing what the Word says. Make the Word the center of your life and it will keep you in peace. That’s what I have done all these years, and I hardly ever have a worried thought anymore. I walk in the peace that passes understanding. It doesn’t make sense to the natural mind, but I’m not living a natural life. When a concern or a worry tries to come at me, I have a scripture waiting for it, ready to rebuke it. I tell that worry, “I don’t believe you. I believe God. I believe if God cares for the birds, He cares for me.” I don’t have to figure out how He’s going to do it. Whenever you are tempted to worry, just look at a bird. Does it seem worried? No, it has a heavenly Father who cares about it. Well, you have that same Father, and He delights in providing for you. Remember, the Lord is good to all. That includes you. So why worry? V ictor y
Ladies! Join us for the
2006 Copeland Girls Ladies’ Conference . . . F ro m G l o ry to G l o ry
Speaker Schedule: Friday, April 21 7 p.m. Gloria Copeland Saturday, April 22 9 a.m. Marty Copeland 11 a.m. Kellie Copeland 1:30 p.m. Terri Copeland Pearsons
April 21-22
All services will be held at Eagle Mountain International Church, on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Tickets are $30. Register by March 21 and receive a FREE gift! Registration ends April 2. Register at or by calling (800) 600-7395.
G o d h a s a s p e c i a l wo r d f o r YO U !
April 7&8
the Glory is here!
One Word From God Can Change Your Life Forever!
Get Totally Immersed in God’s Word at the
WestPointChristianFellowship Spring Revival
Speaker Schedule* Friday, April 7 7 p.m. Kenneth Copeland
Unable to attend?
Saturday, April 8 10 a.m. Gloria Copeland 1:30 p.m. Kenneth Copeland
Join us via live video or audio broadcast at! Sponsor: West Point Christian Fellowship Service | Contact: Chaplain Albert Downing (845) 938-3412 Location: Thayer Hall in Robinson Auditorium, West Point, N.Y. 10996 Open to the Public – Admission is FREE | Be a voice of victory...Bring a friend! No child care provided. | NOTE: To gain access to the military base, attendees must present the following items to the front gate guard • One form of photo ID (i.e. a driver’s license) • Vehicle registration • Proof of vehicle insurance | No firearms or weapons will be allowed.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries PO Box 3111 STN LCD 1 Langley BC V3A 4R3
*Schedule subject to change.
Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call (877) 480-3388.