Believer's Voice of Victory – November 2022, Europe Edition

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Charles and Angela stood by helplessly, listening as doctors gave a grim prognosis for their 2-year-old daughter who had fallen and suffered a fractured skull. They had already lost their business, their home, their finances—even their marriage. Would they now lose their only child? God’s answer for them:


Restoration P. 18

7 Ways to Plug in to KCM Europe

The Believer's Voice of Victory

A daily broadcast, featuring Kenneth Copeland and his guests, who teach foundational principles for faith and whole-life prosperity. An archive of broadcasts can be found at

The VICTORY Channel

Unlike 99.9 percent of the TV out there, this is a network built on faith. Enjoy positive, 24/7 programming on healing, finances, relationships, finding peace and more to help you and your family find victory in life. Watch online at or download the app.


The Believer’s Voice of Victory audio podcast

The Believer’s Voice of Victory audio podcast can be accessed by going to the homepage ( – visit the Broadcast section and click on the headphones icon to listen to the daily teaching.


The Believer's Voice of Victory Magazine

The Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine is another FREE resource, in which you can grow in the Word of God, plus be encouraged by the marvelous testimonies that are shared each month by other believers, just like you. You can also read this online here:


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KCM Europe has a YouTube channel with old and new teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Visit the KCM Europe YouTube Channel.


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Editor’s Letter

From Milk to Meat

“Improving your world starts with improving someone else’s.”

When I heard those words not long ago, I immediately thought: That’s what we do every day at KCM as we are bringing believers “from the milk of the Word to the meat.” Actually, it’s what we’ve been doing as a ministry now for more than 55 years. Sure, we show people that the way to salvation is to give their hearts to Jesus. But just as important, we teach them the next steps—how to become mature Christians by applying the principles of faith found in God’s Word to their lives.

Kenneth Copeland explains it like this: “The Bible teaches that man is a threepart being: We are a spirit; we have a soul; we live in a body. When we were born again, our spirit was made new. It was instantly re-created in the perfect likeness of God. Our soul (mind, will and emotions) was not. It is being changed through a process the Apostle Paul called “the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). As we exercise our soul and train it to conform to His way of doing things, it is transformed more and more into His image.

“God has commissioned us, according to Hebrews 5:13-14, to bring people from religion to reality. He has called us to help believers renew their minds, taking them from the milk of The WORD to the meat, so they can become skillful in righteousness and their flesh can discern the difference between good and evil. How do we do that? By preaching the uncompromised WORD of God.”

Taking believers from religion to reality— from the milk to the meat—one message at a time. That’s what we do month in and month out, year after year, through the pages of this magazine and through every available voice God has opened to us— from TV and the internet, to various forms of social media. Along with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, we have readily accepted our God-given directive to preach and teach the uncompromised Word of God and let the world know Jesus is Lord.

We appreciate that you have joined us as Partners, and as Friends, in this great effort.

Enjoy this month’s issue as you read inspiring teachings that will encourage your faith. Then, consider sowing this magazine forward so others can be blessed. As believers, let’s do all we can to help improve the world, and the lives of others so they “become skillful in righteousness and their flesh can discern the difference between good and evil.”


4Uncompromising Faith by Kenneth Copeland

Reaching the World Through Television

Christmas Catalog

Total Restoration by Melanie Hemry

Go In Peace and Be Whole by Gloria Copeland

When The LORD first spoke to us about starting the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine, He said: This is your seed. Give it to everyone who ever responds to your ministry, and don’t ever allow anyone to pay for a subscription to it.

For 49 years it has been our joy to bring you good news through the teachings of ministers who write out of living contact with God, and the testimonies of believers who took God at His WORD and experienced His victory in everyday life.

Get your free magazine German edition French edition

Voice of Victory is published monthly by Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries, a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. © 2022 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Believer’s Voice of Victory and the JESUS IS LORD

logo are registered trademarks of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./ Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends.

in the United Kingdom. Because all Believer’s Voice of Victory issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts.

VOL. 50 : No 11 : IN PRINT SINCE ’73
“I must continue to feed on God’s Word. And we continually have supernatural breakthroughs and increase more and more.”
Charles Todd
Director of Communications/ Laura O’Brien Managing Editor/Ronald C. Jordan Assistant Editor/Debby Ide Writers/Melanie Hemry Gina Lynnes Proofreaders/Jean DeLong Michelle Harris Karen Wirkkala Senior Designer/Michael Augustat Project Manager/Deborah Brister Type Coordinator/Joyce Glasgow
—Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Pass this magazine on to a family member or friend.

Uncompromising FAITH

It’s the key to walking in THE BLESSING of God in the midst of an increasingly sin-darkened world.

At the very beginning of this ministry The LORD spoke to me so powerfully that, even today, His words still resound in my spirit. He said, I am coming so soon, I want this uncompromised message of faith on every available voice.

With that one statement He lit a fire in me that’s been burning now for over 50 years. He ignited in me a sense of urgency and identified for me the exact message He wants all His people to hear in these last days before He comes again.

He wants us to hear the uncompromised message of faith!

Why is that message so vital? Because uncompromising faith is the key to living in victory. It’s the key to walking in THE BLESSING of God in the midst of an increasingly sin-darkened world.

“But Brother Copeland,” you might say, “I’m not sure what uncompromising faith really is.”

It’s believing and acting on God’s WORD, no matter what the circumstances. It’s put ting absolute confidence in His “exceeding great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:4) and doing what He says, even when it looks in the natural like it’s going to cost you. It’s


the kind of faith you can see in action, for instance, in the book of Daniel. Talk about an inspiring picture of uncompro mising faith. Daniel and his three friends provided us with one of the most mar velous in the Bible! Time and again, they faced situations where trusting and obey ing God could literally put an end to their lives. Yet, they repeatedly stayed true to His WORD. They withstood the world’s pressure and refused to compromise.

You may remember their story: When they were just teenagers they were taken as Jewish captives from Judah to Babylon. Conscripted into the service of Babylon’s king, they were brought to his palace and thrust into the very heart of a brutal hea then culture. Immediately, they began to be confronted with challenges to their faith.

The first one arose when, as Daniel 1 records, “The king appointed them a daily provision of the king’s meat, and of the wine which he drank” (verse 5). Such foods were forbidden by the Old Covenant laws of God. Yet Daniel and his friends were told they had to eat them for three years to qualify to stand before the king.

To refuse would jeopardize their entire future.

“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the por tion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank” (verse 8). Instead, he asked the man in charge of the king’s ser vants for healthier foods that would line up with God’s WORD.

“My job is to fatten you up!” the man argued. “If I don’t, I’m going to look bad to the king. It might cost me my head!”

Right here is where Daniel put his first stake of no-compromise in the ground. Holding fast to his covenant with God, he said, “Please test your ser vants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our appearance be exam ined before you, and the appearance

of the young men who eat the portion of the king’s delicacies; and as you see fit, so deal with your servants” (vers es 12-13, New King James Version).

The man in charge agreed, and by the end of the 10 days, Daniel and his friends had proved that believing and obeying God doesn’t cost—it pays! Even after eating only vegetables and drinking water, “their features appeared better and fat ter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies” (verse 15, NKJV).

Delivered From Sugar

It’s no accident that the first pressure Daniel and his friends confronted had to do with food! Food has been a BLESSING and a problem ever since the Garden of Eden. The first sin mankind fell prey to involved eating a forbidden food…and God’s people have been having trouble with food ever since.

“But Brother Copeland, as New Testament believers, we’re not bound by Old Covenant dietary laws like Daniel and his friends were.”

I know. But even so, God put those laws in the Bible for a reason. There’s a lot of sound, scientific wisdom in them. They were designed by God to enable His peo ple to live out the full 120-year lifespan set in Genesis 6:3. So, even though we’re no longer bound to keep them as a reli gious requirement, it’s still wise to pay close attention to them.

It’s also wise to note that during Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness, the first thing the devil tempted Him with was food. He waited until after Jesus had fast ed for 40 days, long enough for starva tion to set in, then pressured Him to turn stones into bread. Jesus knew He could do it. But to do so at the prompting of the devil would be to disobey God’s WORD, just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden.




Put absolute confidence in God’s promises and make His WORD your final authority, even when in the natural it looks like it will cost you.

(2 Pet. 1:4)


Make a quality decision not to conform to the ungodly pressures of the culture around you.

(Dan. 1:8)


When God BLESSES you with success and people praise you, give Him the glory and steer clear of pride.

(Prov. 16:18)


Put your faith in God in every situation and refuse to bow to the fear of man.

(Dan. 3:17)


Remember, if you stand up against temptation, your character will be strengthened and you will be promoted.

(Dan. 3:30)

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So, instead of compromising The WORD, Jesus used it against the devil. He said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4, NKJV).

It took me a long time to learn this lesson. As a very young man, I got into the habit of eating unhealthy food—and eating too much of it—and fought a losing battle with my weight until I was 30 years old. I weigh 165 now, but there was a time many years ago when I weighed 260. It’s dangerous for someone my size to carry that much weight.

In 1966, though, when I was about to become a student at Oral Roberts University,

I weighed 235. The LORD gave me an order from heaven. You start today getting that weight off you! He said.

By then, of course, I’d been born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. So, I’d already been set free from a number of things. Yet I couldn’t figure out how He was going to help me in this area. “LORD, You delivered me from smoking,” I said. “You delivered me from alcohol. But how can You deliver me from food?”

His reply was instant. I delivered you from smoking, not from breathing. I didn’t deliver you from drinking, just from drinking alcohol and other stupid stuff.

As I thought about that I began to see it: I didn’t need to be delivered from food. I needed to be delivered from the wrong kinds of food.

I can deliver you from sugar! The LORD said.

For some people, receiving such deliverance would be no big deal, but for me it was. Back then, it was a great victory if I could have just a couple of donuts and not the whole box. I used to get a hot loaf of unsliced bread from the bakery, put a stick of butter inside it, and eat the entire loaf! It hurt my health. But still, giving it up was hard.

How did I do it? The big key was making the initial decision and then making it again every time I was presented with an opportu nity to compromise. Because by His grace I’ve done that, at 86 years old I’m in better shape than I was at 30. I’m healthy, full of energy and traveling all over, preaching the uncom promised WORD of faith! Glory to God!

A Forgotten Dream and a Golden Statue

The second faith challenge Daniel and his friends faced in Babylon arose as the result of a dream the king had. He awoke from it knowing it had been important but couldn’t remember what it was. Calling on the wise men of Babylon to help, he demanded they

“Your victory over compromise makes you stronger. It builds your character and makes you harder for the devil to deal with.”

tell him both the dream and its inter pretation. “We can’t do that!” they said. “You’d better find a way,” the king replied. “Otherwise, I’m going to kill you.”

Daniel and his friends were consid ered wise men themselves and were fac ing the same fate as the others. So, they prayed and sought God for help. He revealed to them the dream and its mean ing, and Daniel shared it with the king. When he did, Daniel 2:46 says, “King Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel.”

Read that again. The king worshipped Daniel!

Receiving that kind of adulation is dan gerous. If a person is prone to compro mise, he’ll start making up dreams to keep the worship coming. He’ll start lording it over people and getting full of pride— which goes before a fall. But Daniel didn’t take that route. Uncompromising in his faith, he gave all the glory to God, and so did Nebuchadnezzar.

He said to Daniel, “Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret. Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon. Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, over the affairs of the prov ince of Babylon: but Daniel sat in the gate of the king” (verses 47-49).

Most of the time, when you stand up against the devil and refuse to compromise in one area, he’ll come at you with something else he thinks will be more tempting. If you stand up against that, you get pro moted. What’s more, something pow erful happens inside you. Your victory over compromise makes you stronger. It builds your character and makes you harder for the devil to deal with.

That’s what happened to Daniel and

his friends. It’s a good thing it did, too, because they needed that strength of character to deal with what king Nebuchadnezzar did next. He built a 90-foot-high golden idol for all the peo ple in his realm to worship! Apparently having forgotten what he’d said about God being the “God of gods,” he sent out a herald and issued this decree:

“To you it is commanded, O peo ple, nations, and languages, that at what time ye hear the sound of the cor net, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dul cimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: And whoso falleth not down and wor shippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace” (Daniel 3:4-6).

The Fourth Man

Think of the pressure Daniel and his friends were under in that situation. The king’s orchestra was playing, and everyone was bowing down to his stat ue—except Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They refused to violate their covenant with God by worshipping an idol.

When the king heard about it, he was furious. He commanded Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to be brought before him and told them that the next time the orchestra played, if they wor shipped the golden image all would be well. “But if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?” (verse 15).

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didn’t even have to think about their answer. They immediately replied, “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee,

BVOV : 7
Get your digital HERE CLICK For updated event information visit: KCM.ORG/EVENTS EVENTS 2022 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign Nov. 10-12 | Woodbridge, Va. 2023 Southwest Believers’ Convention July 31-Aug. 5 | Fort Worth, Texas Schedule is subject to change without notice.

O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (verses 17-18).

Those men had never heard of God deliv ering anyone from a fiery furnace. They believed and said He was able. But either way, it didn’t make any difference. Their attitude was, “We’d rather burn than dis honor God!”

This further enraged the king, so he ordered that the furnace be made seven times hotter. Then he commanded the three Jews to be thrown into the inferno. When he looked down into the pit however, he jumped up in astonishment and said to his counsel ors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?... I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God” (verses 24-25, NKJV).

Who was the fourth man in the furnace? Jesus!

He showed up for those three men of uncompromising faith so powerful ly that they walked out of the fire totally unharmed. They didn’t even smell of smoke. King Nebuchadnezzar was so impressed, he forbade anyone in Babylon to ever speak a word against God and promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to even higher gov ernmental positions.

The first time I heard a message about the fourth man in the fiery furnace, Oral Roberts preached it. He’s the one who sowed in me the seed of noncompromise. As my father in the faith, he drilled this into me: “If you bow, you burn. Whatever you compromise to keep, you will eventually lose.”

Remember that—and make a quality decision to walk in uncompromising faith in God’s WORD. Find out what it says about your spiritual life, your healing, your financ es and everything else. Then believe it and act on it—no matter what.

If you stick to that program, Jesus will show up for you when all the world seems to be against you. He’ll walk you through the fire, protect you and promote you—and victory will be yours!



T hose were some of the first words coming from an excited and energetic young Kenneth Copeland when, on May 27, 1971, he welcomed viewers to The Word of Faith, a one-hour television program that, over time, would evolve into what is known today as the Believer’s Voice of Victory television broadcast.

Within weeks, however, faced with challenges that included time restraints and insufficient finances, the program would be placed on hold. A second opportunity at television, through a half-hour syndicated program called The Prayer Group, that began airing in 1972, would prove to be significantly more successful. But once again, the strain of operating an ongoing TV ministry while maintaining a rigorous schedule traveling and speaking proved to be too much for such a young ministry. By 1974, for a second time, plans for a television ministry were set aside. Instead, in 1976 all efforts and resources were focused on radio, which took off like a rocket. TV wasn’t part of the conversation. It

“The WORD will energize your faith, and faith will energize your prayers.”

just didn’t look doable—until 1978.

One weekend while heading home to Fort Worth from a trip to Arkansas, Kenneth and Gloria stopped for breakfast. They ordered their food, prayed, and then, as they ate, they began to discuss going back on television. “We just couldn’t see how we could possibly do it,” Kenneth has recalled. But suddenly, God’s plan for the television ministry just dropped into Kenneth’s heart, and snapped into place like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. He looked at Gloria and knew from the look on her face she had heard the same “snap.”

In that moment, they both knew that Jesus was saying to them, OK, let’s do it!

“Gloria,” Kenneth said, “tomorrow is Monday. Let’s go home and get on TV!”

“OK!” Gloria agreed.

New Direction

During the month of March 1979, airtime was bought across the country with a onehour special aimed to introduce Kenneth Copeland to a TV audience. By May 1979, a new one-hour Sunday program called the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast was launched. The setting was simple—just show the people at home this fiery young preacher from Texas as he opened the Word of God in meetings across America. The new TV audience loved it. In less than 2 years the BVOV TV broadcast was in the top 10 among religious broadcasters.

But God had even greater plans for KCM— and its TV ministry.

As Kenneth explains, in 1988, while he and Gloria were ministering in Australia, the Lord reminded them of a command He had given them in 1976: I told you then that I was coming so soon that I wanted this uncompromised message of faith on every available voice. I haven’t changed. I have not released you from that assignment.

Now, the Lord was adding another voice— giving them an assignment that would be the biggest step of faith they had taken up to that time. He told them:

I want you to begin airing daily, 30-minute

broadcasts through which you will teach believers who they are in Christ Jesus. Bring them from religion to reality. Use these programs to teach, not preach. Continue your weekly broadcasts on Sunday and do your preaching there. While the ministry still lacked the money to go on daily television, the personnel, the equipment and a studio to operate a TV ministry, what Kenneth and Gloria did have was that one word from God. And they had their faith.

That was all God needed!

Speaking about the commission God had given them, Kenneth said by faith in 1988, “That’s what God has told us to do, and we’re going to do it.… Gloria and I are already totally committed to fulfilling this assignment The LORD has given us. We’re going to give everything we have to see to it that this job gets done. We’re going to help arm believers across this nation with the mighty weapons of spiritual combat. We’re going to teach them how to put on the breastplate of righteousness and how to wield the shield of faith. We’re going to see believers turn on the devil and run him and his gang out of their lives, out of their families, out of their churches, and even out of their communities.

“God has commanded us to launch a major offensive, to aggressively attack the forces of darkness. And we are committed to taking that step, no matter what the cost. We will see the wounds that have been inflicted on the Body of Christ in recent times begin to heal. We will see individual believers set free from the bondage of sickness, sin, poverty and fear. We will see the Church truly begin to glorify the Name of The LORD!”

Those early efforts to get the uncompromised Word of God onto daily television were a resounding success, and laid a solid foundation for KCM’s television ministry and its availability around the world today. Kenneth explained it so well: “So how did we jump from weekly television to a daily broadcast? By faith. We meditated The WORD. We confessed our success. We built our faith. We called those things that be not as though they were. We did all the same things you’ll have to do to reach your next faith goal...

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“So how did we jump from weekly television to a daily broadcast? By faith. We meditated The WORD. We confessed our success. We built our faith.”
—Kenneth Copeland

we looked to God. As always, God was faithful to His WORD.”

Produced by the KCM television department, the BVOV broadcast is often a newcomer’s first glimpse into KCM’s mission to “preach the uncompromised Word of God through every available voice from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle.” The BVOV broadcast helps believers grow in the things of God by teaching and introducing them to the Word of God. From there, the teaching materials and connections with KCM bring them to a deeper understanding of God’s Word and the practical application of spiritual principles for everyday life.

Reaching Around the World!

Today, the BVOV Sunday and Daily broadcasts are available around the world via streaming to more than 318 million potential viewers in the U.S., and another 3 billion internationally. Some of the areas reached outside the U.S. include Africa, Australia, Canada, Europe and Latin America. The weekly broadcast is aired in Spanish in the U.S., and all across Latin America, Puerto Rico and Spain.

But why stop with two programs? Why not 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?! In 2015 that very opportunity came. The door opened and KCM and its partners stepped through

The weekly broadcast is aired in Spanish in the U.S., and all across Latin America, Puerto Rico and Spain.

with the Believer’s Voice of Victory Network®, which became VICTORY Channel™ in 2019. A Word of Faith centered TV network, VICTORY Channel offers 24/7 programming of God’s Word taught by some of the most trusted Bible teachers, including Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, George and Terri Pearsons, Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, Keith Moore, Bill Winston, Keith Butler, Mac Hammond, Andrew Wommack, Billye Brim, David and Nicole Crank, Gary Keesee, and many others. To ensure the network stays focused on the mandate to preach the uncompromised Word of Faith, each of the VICTORY Channel programmers are chosen because of their same faith calling. To see a full list of programmers, go to about.

VICTORY Channel has a viewing audience of more than 34 million on DISH®, DIRECTV® and Spectrum, with millions more via streaming platforms that include Roku ® , YouTube®, Rumble, Apple TV®, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, iHeartRadio and TuneIn, as well as, and the Go Victory app.

KCM’s VICTORY Channel doesn’t just preach faith—it is on the air by faith!

VICTORY is not supported by advertising and none of the programmers are charged for their airtime. Provision flows through the generosity of its viewers.

Television is powerful. Its signal knows no boundaries. It reaches the darkest, most remote locations on earth. And over the last 43 years it has transformed so much of the Body of Christ, bringing them from spiritual milk to meat, from religion to reality!

Kenneth and Gloria, by their faith and the faith of their Partners and Friends, continue to declare that Jesus is Lord—from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle!

10: BVOV


A. THE BLESSING of the Lord Paperback book by Kenneth Copeland

Stop Living Less Than Blessed

THE BLESSING of The Lord is God’s original plan for man. It has been since the beginning of time. Contrary to popular belief, He doesn’t want His people sick, broke and lonely. He wants to make them rich in every area of life: health, finances, relationships and more. Gain a clear understanding of this revelation and how you can experience everything God has for you today.

B. Spirit-Led Prayer: A Compilation of Articles Magazine by Terri Copeland Pearsons

Revolutionize your prayer life and see more results in prayer by understanding the concepts presented in these articles. Experience the process of faith and the abiding power of God’s love in your life. Tap into mysteries about the realm of the spirit as well as mysteries of your natural world

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Christmas Every Day Music

Home for Christmas

G. Who Is This King Music

music release: two of his alltime favourite love songs to Gloria: “You’re the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me” and “Misty.” His desire is that young men will be inspired to play these love songs while proposing marriage to their forever love! £ 4 #52-0041 D. E. F. F.
Music CD In this inspiring recording of traditional Christmas songs, Kenneth Copeland sings favorites such as “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “Away in a Manger” and seven more. £ 7 #52-1310
CD This Christmas worship album, performed by the Eagle Mountain International Church choir, is a great way to celebrate the Lord! Includes “King of Glory,” “Jesus Our Noel” and many more. £ 7 #52-2002 E.
CD Celebrate Christmas Every Day with this inspiring album by Kenneth Copeland including songs such as “Bethlehem Morning,” “Emmanuel,” “O Come Let Us Adore Him” and others. £ 7 #52-0021 The liner notes include the heartfelt story of Brother Copeland’s connection to these two songs. 12: BVOV

H. Limitless Love—

Put Your Words to Work:

Faith Project Devotional Paperback book by

Discover how to consistently speak God’s Word and make it your way of life. Develop the confidence that your words—His Word in your mouth— spoken from a heart full of faith can make things come to pass in your life.

your words can change your

J. Your Promise of Protection—

Power of the 91st Psalm Paperback book by Gloria Copeland

In Your Promise of Protection, Gloria Copeland, provides a detailed description of “the secret place of the Most High” found in the 91st Psalm. Outlined in this powerful chapter in the Bible is a  plan for those who trust in the Lord.

K. Walking In the Fruit of the Spirit Paperback book by Gloria Copeland

how to develop and walk confidently in the fruit of the spirit, in order to live the overcoming life God planned for you and to be a light and blessing wherever you go!

Commemorating 50 Years: God’s Will for You Hardcover book by Gloria Copeland

A 31-Day
Gloria Copeland
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£ 9 #30-0584 K. KCM.ORG.UK/PROMOTION Offer prices valid until Dec. 31, 2022 +44 (0) 1225 7873109 a.m.-4.20 p.m. FREE UK standard shipping included. Please allow 28 days for delivery (UK orders). See order form for Euro prices. BVOV : 13

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Take hold of God’s plan for prosperity and enjoy a debt-free lifestyle.

Prosperity Promises


T. Over the Edge Paperback by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland This resource challenges teens to fulfill their destinies, accomplish their dreams, let go of the past and discover who they are in God. £ 9 #21-0008 TEEN DEVOTIONALS J. Family Promises Scriptures and testimonies Kenneth and Gloria Copeland used to stop Satan from destroying their family. £ 5 #30-0705 You don’t have to talk God into prospering you. Scripture clearly reveals it’s His will for you to thrive and be successful. He wants you to enjoy well-being and experi ence His abundant provision— spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. offers clear insights into God’s perspective on prosperity through four translations of Scripture including: King James Version • The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition • The James Moffatt Translation • New International Version Don’t wonder anymore if it’s God’s will for you to prosper and be God’s Word is full of prosperity promises...and Prosperity is full of God’s Word—to increase your faith and develop your confidence that God is not only able, but also willing to meet your needs in every area of your life. copeland publications 9781575 620367 PROSPERITY PROMISES Kenneth & Gloria Copeland PROSPERITY PROMISES KENNETH & GLORIA COPELAND PROTECTION PROMISES KENNETH & GLORIA COPELAND PROTECTION PROMISES Are angels watching over you? you’re a child of God, they fact, Psalm 91 says God commands His angels to keep safe. They have a special commission: They enforce from danger and harm. work, on vacation—God of safety in Protection specifically about protection Word to give you ease. Plus, promises cited from multiple find chapters on protection, You’ll even find verses that family today—discover publications 9781575 622507 > Kenneth & Gloria Copeland FAMILY PROMISES KENNETH & GLORIA COPELAND FAMILY PROMISES Kenneth & Gloria Copeland ew would deny the intense attack on today’s families. Rather than having the closerelations they dream of, by little, people from all walks fo life are seeing their families torn apart. But God’s offers hope and solutions. why Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have created Family nuggets of truth especially scriptures you can stand on for in-laws, brothers and sisters in study, prayer time or even the truth of God’s Word established in your heart, nothing Meditate on God’s promises for Stand on them in faith and act around to try to destroy your resist him with the Word—’As Lord’ (Joshua 24:15). copeland publications 9781575 621180
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may encounter.

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Instant Answer

I had literally just sent in a prayer request for my daughter’s tuition, when I got a text saying that she had won a scholarship. While I was yet speaking, God heard and provided for her in a miraculous way! His answer to my prayer gave me hope when I was feeling hopeless. It encourages me to keep praying and keep trusting God.


Treading on Disease

I am a Partner with Kenneth Copeland and an EMIC eMember. I have an amazing testimony of how God healed me of COVID-19.

When I felt the virus go into my lungs, I got my Healing & Wellness LifeLine Kit and confessed the scriptures, letting the devil know that “No plague comes near my dwelling.” Suddenly, Luke 10:19 was downloaded into my heart in power, so I began to say it and claim it, even acting like I was treading on that evil disease! Soon the anointing came—I was well and knew it.

I lay down for a nap, which I couldn’t do before because of all the pain in my lungs, fell asleep, and had no more symptoms! Thanks be to God who gives me the VICTORY through Jesus! I share this for someone else’s hope and healing.

M.L.B. | Michigan


‘The Favor of God’

Totally Restored

I had major surgery on my right shoulder. After completing rehab I still had limited range of motion and was unable to reach straight above my head.

Tornadoes Calmed Uneasy due to approaching storms, I called the prayer line. I’m usually not afraid, since I chase them away like Sister Gloria does, but needed a partner to agree. There were storm warnings where my family and friends live. I kept standing on the Word. Suddenly the meteorologist let out

Healthy Baby

a whoop and said all tornado warnings were canceled. Praise the Lord— no damage! Another warning came across our weather radio so I prayed. There were tornadoes that affected friends in towns near us but thank You, Jesus, no loss of life. God is good!

P.B. | Wisconsin

I wrote requesting prayer for my daughter because she did not hear a heartbeat at her baby’s first ultrasound, and said I would write back with a testimony. The baby’s heartbeat is 82, and baby is looking very healthy! J.G. | Minnesota

‘The Right Direction’

I want to thank Kenneth and Gloria Copeland for their TV broadcast. When I was in prison, learning my story of redemption, I was able to watch. I read From Faith to Faith front to back for two years straight, and still read it today.

My whole life was lived in wickedness because I was

I called and asked for prayer and agreement for protection as we were traveling to pick up our adopted child from the Philippines.

Praise God, all went well and

Quick Turnaround

I called for prayer about high cholesterol. I had a follow-up checkup and it was down to normal in just three and a half weeks. Praise God!

R.J. | Saint Louis, Mo.

I watched a message from last year’s Omaha meeting, “God’s Prescription for Life and Health,” and after praying along with Mr. Copeland, he said to do something I had not been able to do. So I raised up my right arm and to my surprise, had no difficulty! I then moved it every which way I could and now have full range of motion, no pain or stiffness. I even lifted a 5-pound weight above my shoulder, which I could not do even with no weight, and was able to send it straight up. I’ve been moving my arm, doing windmills and stretching; and have no problem moving it any way I want!

Thank you for making those meetings available for us.

R.H. | Mississippi

lost, but prayer led me to where I needed to be and God sent me in the right direction. I’m very grateful for your ministry because it taught me what the love of God can do in my life. This year I have learned to focus on gratitude thanks to BVOV.

A.J. | Indiana

the quarantine days were even lowered down to seven days instead of the original required 10. The favor of God was upon us, as the Ministry of Health allowed my husband and me to stay in one room instead

Ever-Growing Faith

Your ministry has been a blessing to me; my faith has increased and my personal relationship with Jesus has kept me in total peace.

J.H. | Illinois

of separated.

Thanks so much, KCM, for your ministry and your anointed prayer warriors.

C.G. | Vancouver, B.C.


‘Having Done All’ America Stands and FlashPoint have been so encouraging and motivating.

I had never contacted my legislators. Last week, I sent them emails to encourage them to be brave for such a time as this, and to do the right thing. You challenged us to pray and call our legislators concerning the importance of upcoming events. I have been faithful to praise and pray, but because I emailed them last week, I considered not calling.

However, I did, and after leaving them messages, the anointing hit me so strong! I realized I was putting action to my faith, “having done all, to stand”! Glory to God!

R.B. | North Dakota

If you do not know Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord!

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9). You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit and give me the ability to speak with other tongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4).

I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen.

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Read more inspiring testimonies. Order Real People. Real Needs. Real Victories. KCM.ORG.UK/PROMOTION

Total Restoration

Charles Todd listened to the joyous sound of his 2-year-old daughter, Parris, laughing. She’d climbed onto the back of one of Charles’ friends and pretended he was a jungle gym.

Watching as they played, Charles ran his hands through his hair wondering how he’d made so many bad decisions. An entrepreneur, he had been a partner in nightclubs in Arizona. Nightclubs provided a good stream of income.

However, after he and Angela had married and had Parris, he realized that the life of a nightclub owner wreaked havoc on a family.

Angela and Parris lived in the daylight. Charles’ day began at twilight.

Putting his family above his job, he’d walked away from the business. He and Angela had packed up and moved back to California. After all, he’d never had trouble finding a deal before. Until now.

With no income, they got further in debt each day. Their cars were repossessed. Behind on taxes, the IRS and the state of Arizona seized all their bank accounts. Even after moving in with Angela’s parents, they didn’t have the money to buy diapers. What they did have was a boatload of stress as they declared bankruptcy.

Most people going through bankruptcy come out of it with no debt. Not Charles and Angela. Back taxes couldn’t be wiped out through bankruptcy. Neither could student loans.

The stress destroyed their marriage, and in 2000 they divorced. Charles felt like a failure. His parents had divorced and remarried three times each. He’d hated those experiences so much that he’d sworn that he’d never divorce.

Parris’ scream pierced the air as she fell. Her head hit the ground with a sickening crack. In the emergency room, Charles paced beside his wounded child.

He’d failed to provide for his family.

Now he’d failed to protect his daughter.

When Angela arrived at the hospital, they listened to the doctor’s report. Parris had a fractured skull. She had fluid on the brain. They weren’t sure if she was going to come out of this.

Charles and Angela looked at one another’s agonized faces. They’d lost their finances, their cars, their home and their marriage. Were they going to lose their daughter too?

Doing Things God’s Way

“Angela and I were nominal Christians,” Charles admits. “During our marriage, we’d been pew warmers. It’s amazing how all that can change when your 2-year-old child suffers a skull fracture with a questionable outcome. We got serious about seeking God.

“Together, we prayed that Parris would live and be whole. Within a couple of days, they did another CT scan. They couldn’t see a skull fracture. There was no sign of injury. She was completely healed and restored.

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Though they rejoiced in their daughter’s miraculous healing, Charles and Angela still faced concerns over how they were going to pay the hospital bill. But that’s when they saw a second miracle.

“We didn’t have insurance at the time,” Charles recalls, “but the hospital never sent a bill. Ever!”

“Even after our marriage fell apart, I never believed it was over. My mother had become a powerful Christian and she was praying that our marriage would be restored. I suspect she had all her friends praying for us as well.

“That may have played a part in what happened. The week our divorce was final, we started dating. Now, Parris’ healing and the miracle of the hospital bill were two catalysts that prompted us to remarry. Two years after our divorce, on April 25, 2002, we married for the second time.

“We wanted to get it right this time, so we went to see a Christian counselor. She gave us the tools to really communicate. I thought if this marriage was going to work, we needed to do it God’s way—even in our finances. The problem was that we had no idea what that meant. We’d never been taught what the Bible says about finances.”

The Todds went online to search for who taught biblical finances, and Creflo Dollar’s name came up.

“We had no idea who he was,” says Charles, “but we decided to fly to Georgia to attend one of his meetings. We got plugged in and became partners. I ordered every teaching he offered on finances. We immersed ourselves in the Word.

“That changed our lives. It changed the way we looked at our finances. It changed what we believed about money. It got us to a place where we were tithing and giving offerings. That was a miraculous turning point.”

The IRS Comes Calling

Determined to make sure they had an income, Charles took a job with a bread company. Working in commercial real estate, Angela started a business as the marketing

arm for several engineering firms. She became so busy that after Charles’ day job, he spent late afternoons and evenings helping her.

In time, Angela needed Charles’ help full time. “OK, here’s what I think we should do,” Charles said. They discussed changing the business from a marketing firm to having their own in-house people and becoming an engineering firm. On a walk one day, Angela heard the Lord confirm that decision.

Through Creflo Dollar, Charles and Angela learned about the different Believers’ Conventions that were held each year by Kenneth Copeland Ministries and started attending. They listened to teachings by Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, Keith Moore and Bill Winston, and eventually decided to partner with each of those ministries.

Soon, the new business provided a way to buy their own small condo. Competition was so stiff that there was a lottery system to get one of the new condos. When they filled out the paperwork, more than 300 people had already applied. Only three names would be chosen to buy the condo.

Their name was the second to be called.

One day Charles got a call from the IRS. “You’ve got to take care of these taxes,” the woman said.

“I promise you that I’ll have the money to you in 30 days,” Charles replied. He had no idea how he’d do it. They prayed for the money.

Soon afterward, he realized that in the year since they’d bought their condo, real estate prices had soared. Their equity had doubled. They took out an equity loan on the property and paid off his student debts.

Charles walked into the IRS office 29 days after the call and handed the woman a sixfigure check. She stared at it as though she’d never seen anything like it.

“This is the first time in 18 years that anyone kept their word when they said they were going to make a payment,” she told Charles.

“Make a copy of the check and pin it up in your cubicle,” Charles suggested. “It will remind you that there are still people who keep their word.”



Old Testament New Testament

Tue 1 Jer. 33-35 Heb. 13

Wed 2 Jer. 36:1-38:13 Jas. 1

Thu 3 Jer. 38:14-41:18 Jas. 2

Fri 4 Jer. 42-44 Jas. 3

Sat 5 Jer. 45:1-48:25

Sun 6 Ps. 119:137-176; Prov. 27:23-28:14

Mon 7 Jer. 48:26-49:39 Jas. 4

Tue 8 Jer. 50:1-51:19 Jas. 5

Wed 9 Jer. 51:20-52:23 1 Pet. 1

Thu 10 Jer. 52:24- 1 Pet. 2 Lam. 2:22

Fri 11 Lam. 3 1 Pet. 3

Sat 12 Lam. 4:1-Ezek. 1:21

Sun 13 Ps. 120-126; Prov. 28:15-28

Mon 14 Ezek. 1:22-4:17 1 Pet. 4

Tue 15 Ezek. 5-7 1 Pet. 5

Wed 16 Ezek. 8:1-11:13 2 Pet. 1

Thu 17 Ezek. 11:14-13:23 2 Pet. 2

Fri 18 Ezek. 14:1-16:34 2 Pet. 3

Sat 19 Ezek. 16:35-18:9

Sun 20 Ps. 127-132; Prov. 29:1-14

Mon 21 Ezek. 18:10-20:32 1 Jn. 1

Tue 22 Ezek. 20:33-22:16 1 Jn. 2

Wed 23 Ezek. 22:17-23:49 1 Jn. 3

Thu 24 Ezek. 24-26 1 Jn. 4

Fri 25 Ezek. 27-28 1 Jn. 5

Sat 26 Ezek. 29-31

Sun 27 Ps. 133-136; Prov. 29:15-27

Mon 28 Ezek. 32-33 2 Jn.

Tue 29 Ezek. 34:1-36:15 3 Jn.

Wed 30 Ezek. 36:16-38:17 Jude

BVOV : 19

A year later, they’d outgrown their condo. Without telling Angela, Charles put down a deposit on a larger home. When he told her the news, she cried.

“How can we afford to do that?”

“We’ll sell the condo and put that money toward the new house,” Charles explained.

That year, while attending KCM’s West Coast Believers’ Convention in California, the Lord spoke to Angela: Don’t sell your condo, sow it. Use it to bless people who need a place to stay.

This time it was Charles who almost wept. How could they afford to do that?

There was only one answer: It would take faith.

When they moved into their new house, Charles and Angela left everything in their condo. All they took were their clothes and personal items.

There was seldom a day when the condo was vacant. Sometimes people in financial hardships lived there for a few months. Some pastors stayed there to study, pray or attend meetings. Other people getting out of the hospital after cancer treatments stayed there to rest. Charles and Angela kept it clean and did laundry for whomever stayed there.

By God’s grace, every month there was supernatural supply to take care of all their bills and those who they purposed to bless.

Taking a Stand of Faith

“In 2010, I was wearing fuzzy socks while walking down the stairs with my hands full,” Angela recalls. “On the bottom step, my foot slipped and I fell on my back. The pain was excruciating. I remembered a story I’d heard Kenneth [Copeland] tell. Something was wrong with his legs, and Gloria sat praying in the spirit over him. Someone brought him a wheelchair, but Kenneth said, ‘Healthy men walk.’ He stood and walked, and shortly thereafter he was totally healed.

“X-rays showed that my back was broken in three places. I was told that I needed surgery and would be bedridden for months. I said no and went home where I prayed in the spirit for three days.

“That’s when the Holy Spirit overtook me. When that happened, I popped up and started kicking my legs. I put on my stiletto heels and wore them to Parris’ tennis match. I was used to doing martial arts, but now that I was healed I did them in stilettos. I decided that if the devil tries to take me out, I’m only coming back stronger.”

We started Todd Worldwide Ministries to support pastors, leaders and heads of nonprofit organizations.

In time, Charles and Angela bought a third home in the mountains. They had two guest houses, and a spare bedroom in their home that was almost always in use. They never knew how they would pay the bills each month, except by faith. As they tithed and gave, the money always came pouring back to them. God always provided.

“Eventually, we sold our condo. Then, in 2006, the Lord directed us to start our own ministry,” Angela remembers. “We started Todd Worldwide Ministries to support pastors, leaders and heads of nonprofit organizations. They pour out and pour out, but who pours back into them?

“Many pastors and ministry leaders give until they get burned out. The Lord had us position our ministry to pour back into them. When the Lord highlights someone to us, we pray and ask what He would have us give. It’s not like they’ve ever told us, ‘This is what we need.’

They pour out and pour out, but who pours back into them?

“For one family the amount we gave was exactly what they needed to pay their son’s college tuition for a year. Another family said it was to the penny what they needed to get out of debt. When we pray, we each write down what we get. Most of the time the numbers agree. If not, we pray until we get into agreement.”

A Distribution Center

In their journey to financial freedom, Charles and Angela immersed themselves in George Pearsons and Gloria Copeland’s teachings on The Prosperous Life. Each day, as Charles worked out in their home gym, he watched at least two episodes of the broadcast.

From the moment that he learned the power of his words, Charles confessed each day, saying, “Thank You, Lord, that You have increased me more and more, me and my children’s children.” Little by little, those words were coming to pass.

Kenneth Copeland had taught them that faith-filled Christians were to be distribution centers. Pastor George Pearsons taught, “It’s not about getting finances in and keeping them for yourself. It’s about getting them in and distributing them to others.”

That was how God was forming their ministry.

One Saturday afternoon, Charles sat in the backyard reading The Laws of Prosperity by Kenneth Copeland, the one book he considered to be the foundational book on prospering God’s way. He’d already read it at least 20 times.

The Lord interrupted his reading. I want you to start teaching finances to the Body of Christ.

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“No way,” Charles said. “I’m not qualified.”

Silence. Charles knew silence was God’s way of saying, “That’s the wrong answer.”

“OK, I’ll make a deal,” Charles said. “I won’t go looking for opportunities, but if You bring an opportunity to me, I’ll do it.”


Teaching Others

The next day after church, one of the leaders caught Charles. “We’re getting ready to launch our school of discipleship,” she explained. “We have courses on a variety of subjects that go for 10 weeks. We want to start one on finances, and we want you and Angela to teach it.”

Charles almost laughed. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since he’d made that deal with God.

“If I’m going to do it, I want total freedom to share everything I’ve learned through Kenneth Copeland Ministries,” Charles said.

Later, she got back to him. “Pastor is a big follower of Kenneth Copeland. You have complete freedom to do what you want.”

“When I started working on the curriculum, I incorporated different teachings from George and Gloria,” Charles recalls. “In the first class, I explained that while you must know what the Bible says about finances, you also need to pray in the spirit over them. The Holy Spirit will have you praying about things you couldn’t even imagine. So the first thing we did was invite everyone who didn’t have a prayer language to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.”

During the two semesters that they taught 10-week financial courses, they were astounded by the testimonies, breakthroughs and advancements their students were having. Parents kept asking if they could bring their children into class to learn supernatural financial increase.

During the last class, COVID-19 hit. Within a couple of weeks, the entire nation had come to a standstill. The phones weren’t ringing. Meetings weren’t being held. Earlier, God had given Charles a series of financial books for children that he’d never had the time to write. Now, he did. During that time, Charles wrote four books in a series called Money Mike and The Gang™. The first book, Money Is Easy, was released in 2022.

God also instructed Charles and Angela to start filming their own show. In obedience, they started a YouTube ® channel sharing supernatural secrets to success. When the Lord directed them to move to Florida, they built a studio in their home.

“Partnership with KCM is a give-and-take,” Charles explains. “You sow into their ministry

and you receive instruction and are continually fed, encouraged, uplifted and supplied. Most people think that when you give, you are depleted, although that may be the world’s system, when you sow into good ministries like KCM, there is multiplication back to you. Today, 20 years after we started this journey, I still make the same confessions. I work out and watch The Prosperous Life with George and Gloria. I listen to Kenneth on the podcast and through their app. I still listen to Creflo and all the others, because I must continue to feed on God’s Word. And we continually have supernatural breakthroughs and increase more and more.

“Our marriage has been restored. Our daughter has been restored. Our business has been restored. Our lives have become richer through having our own ministry and through prosperity. We live in THE BLESSING.”

That’s an abundant life.

“I must continue to feed on God’s Word. And we continually have supernatural breakthroughs and increase more and more.” HOW TO USE THEIR FAITH.

Go In Peace and BeWhole

God has made thousands of wonderful promises to us in the Bible. All of them belong to us in Christ, and the blessings they make available to us are too numerous to count. But after studying them for more than five decades now, if I had to sum them all up in a single word, I know exactly the one I would choose.


The Hebrew word for peace, shalom is among the most powerful words in the Bible. Absolutely packed with meaning, it’s used in the Old Testament to describe the new covenant. It’s the word God used in Isaiah when He called the coming Messiah the “Prince of Peace.” Prophesying about the new day He would usher in, God said to His people that after the Messiah comes, “With everlasting kindness will

I have mercy on thee…for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace [shalom] be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee” (Isaiah 54:8-10).

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I learned from my friend Billye Brim, who spent time years ago studying the Hebrew language in Israel, shalom means “to be made sound, to be whole, perfect, with nothing missing, and nothing broken.” It speaks of a condition of completeness that includes health, well-being, safety, tranquility, material abundance, fullness, rest, harmony, and the absence of agitation or discord.

Think of it: Every one of those things (and more) are promised to us, as New Testament believers. God included them all in the “covenant of His peace.”

Many times, you’ll find in your Bible that where the word peace is used, in the margin it says prosperity. Those two words go together because you can’t truly be whole without having your financial needs met. Some people claim us modern-day “prosperity preachers” came up with that idea. But really, it’s God’s idea. He knows better than anyone what it means to be at peace, or to have shalom, and He says that financial abundance—having plenty to meet your own needs and plenty to give and be a blessing to others—is an indispensable part of it.

One of my favorite definitions of peace comes from W.E. Vine’s expository dictionary. It says peace is “everything that makes for man’s highest good.”

That’s what God has always desired for His people. Even under the Old Covenant, He didn’t want His people to be subject to the evil results of the curse that got into the earth through sin. He wanted His people to walk in THE BLESSING, so He told them to hearken diligently to His voice and do what He commanded.

If they did that, He said, “All these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee” (Deuteronomy 28:2). You’ll be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. Your children will be blessed. Your livestock, crops and everything you own will be blessed. You’ll be blessed when you come in and when you go out.

When enemies rise up against you, they’ll be defeated before you. They’ll flee from you in every direction. The Lord will command the blessing on your bank accounts and savings accounts, and everything you set your hand to. “The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow” (verse 12).

God’s Will for All Mankind for All Time

Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful peacefilled way to live? Certainly it does! Sadly though, God’s Old Covenant people never managed to live that way very long. Since the new birth wasn’t available back then, they still had a fallen spiritual nature. So, instead of hearkening to God’s Word and being blessed, they kept disobeying Him and falling prey to the curse.

Every broken condition man can possibly suffer

is the result of the curse. You can see that from reading its description in verses 15-68. Listed there you’ll find such miseries as sickness and disease, poverty and lack, defeat, sorrow, depression, failure, fear, anxiety, and more.

Those things have never been God’s will for His people. He made that clear when He put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Before they sinned and messed things up, everything there was perfect. Nothing was missing. Nothing was broken.

There was plenty of food to eat, and it didn’t have to be cooked. It grew on trees! The temperature was just right.

Adam had a perfect wife. Eve had a perfect husband. And God was there to walk and talk with them. Created in His image, they were clothed in His glory and had nothing to fear because He’d given them dominion over the whole earth.

That’s a picture of God’s perfect will not only for Adam and Eve but for all mankind—and His will hasn’t changed. It’s still the same today!

“But Gloria, even if that’s true, we’re in a different situation than Adam and Eve were. We’re not living in the Garden of Eden. We’re living in a fallen world where ‘all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.’ Isn’t that what Romans 3:23 says?”

Yes, but read the next verse! It tells us that’s not the end of the story. It says that, as born-again believers, we’re no longer just sinners doomed to continually fall short. Under the new covenant we are “justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace…through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus” (verse 24, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).

Unlike the Israelites in the Old Testament, our spirits have been re-created in God’s image. We have His nature on the inside of us and His laws written in our hearts. We have what it takes to continually hearken to His Word and obey Him because now, as Titus 2:11 says, “The grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people” (New Living Translation).

The New Testament word salvation means the same thing shalom does in the Old Testament. Translated from the Greek word soteria, it can be defined as “preservation, material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension; pardon; liberty, healing, restoration, soundness, and wholeness.” Most Christians today have yet to realize this, but Jesus secured all those things for us. When He went to the Cross, He paid the price there for our full salvation.

As believers, we are a saved people. We are a healed people. We are a blessed and prosperous people. We’ve been redeemed from the whole curse of the law because Jesus took upon Himself that curse in its entirety. He left nothing out. He bore it all so that THE BLESSING of Abraham can come on us, and we can be whole and live in peace!

As Isaiah wrote, looking forward in time and seeing Jesus’ crucifixion:


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Oct. 31-Nov. 4 Faith for Prosperity Kenneth Copeland

Sun., Nov. 6 Faith Connects You to God’s Covenant Promises Kenneth Copeland

Nov. 7-11

The Prescription for Healing Kenneth Copeland

Sun., Nov. 13

How To Receive God’s Promises by Faith Kenneth Copeland

Nov. 14-18

Faith In God’s Covenant Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens

Sun., Nov. 20 Jehovah Rapha— The God Who Heals You Kenneth Copeland

Nov. 21-25

Living As a Covenant Christian Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens

Sun., Nov. 27 Follow God’s Instructions To Receive Your Healing Kenneth Copeland

Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Following God’s Plan for Your Life Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland Greg Stephens
Broadcasts subject to change without notice BVOV BROA DCAST CALENDAR DAYSTAR Network
KCM. ORG.UK amazon prime video podcast
BVOV : 23

“Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment]…. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole” (Isaiah 53:4-5, AMPC).

The Apostle Peter, looking backward in time at that event after it happened, also wrote about the healing Jesus secured for us. Only he wrote of it in the past tense and said, “Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24, New King James Version).

Jesus’ Peace Is Yours

Study the Gospels and you’ll see Jesus has always been against sickness. When He was ministering on earth, everywhere He went, if people would receive Him and believe the Word that He preached, they got healed and delivered. Some of them had been sick and in desperate conditions for years and had no hope at all in the natural, yet when they put their faith in Jesus, they were made whole.

Take, for example, the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. In addition to having suffered physically for 12 years, she’d suffered financial devastation. Desperate to get well, she’d spent all her money on doctors, but instead of getting better she kept getting worse. Then something happened in her life that changed it forever. She heard about Jesus!

What did she hear? She heard He was healing people, and she believed it. She didn’t shrink back in doubt and think, Well, I might not qualify for healing, or I’m too far gone; even Jesus probably couldn’t heal me.

No, she declared, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” Then she acted on her faith. She pushed her way through the crowd that surrounded Jesus and touched the hem of His garment.

What happened? She got exactly what she said. “Straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague…. And [Jesus] said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague” (Mark 5:29, 34).

In addition to receiving healing, I think that woman received financial restoration as well. Why? Because according to Jesus, her faith had made her whole. And as I’ve already said, scriptural wholeness (or shalom) includes financial prosperity.

Jewish people in Jesus’ day understood this. That’s why the statement He made to His disciples in John 14:27, when He was about to go to the Cross, carried so much weight. “Peace I leave with you,” He said, “my peace I give unto



you.” The disciples knew the Hebrew language. So, they understood what Jesus meant better than most Christians do today. He was saying, “My shalom, My wholeness, My completeness, I leave with you. My protection, My deliverance, everything I am and everything I have which makes for your highest good, I give you!”

Jesus said that because it’s the heart of our heavenly Father. He doesn’t want anyone left broken. He doesn’t want anyone left sick or in lack. People in some Christian circles have taught that He does, but they’re mistaken.



God used the word shalom to describe to His Old Covenant people the marvelous new covenant He would establish with us, as believers.

(Isa. 54:10)


Salvation means the same thing shalom does and in Christ it’s available to all.

(Titus 2:11)


Jesus paid the full price for our salvation, which includes pardon from sin and deliverance from its power, healing, prosperity, restoration, soundness, and wholeness.

(Isa. 53:5, AMPC)


As a believer, you can walk in the same peace Jesus did when He was on earth.

(John 14:27)


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”(Hos. 4:6), so open your Bible every day and find out more about your covenant of peace.

(John 8:32)

They have a different picture of God than the one the Bible presents. It doesn’t portray Him as harsh and demanding, as someone who is stingy with His blessings and hard to please. It says God’s nature is just the opposite. That “the LORD is gracious, (or disposed to show favor) and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works” (Psalm 145:8-9).

God is not hard to please! You’ll never catch Him on a bad day. He is good and He wants good in your life. He does require you to do things His way, but that’s because He knows best. Everything He wrote down for us in His Word to believe, say and do, was written for our benefit. The only reason He commands us to listen to and obey Him is because His way works.

The world’s ways, on the other hand, do not work. Under the dominion of sin and the devil, the world is in the dark. If you walk in darkness (or in disobedience to God) there is no way you’re going to be whole. Things will always be missing. Things will always be broken.

If, however, you walk continually in the light of God’s Word, there’s no way you can stay broken. As you keep living according to the light you have and seeking more light, like the woman with the issue of blood, you will be made whole!

It’s your choice. You get to decide. What do you want to do?

God has already made His choice. He wants you to take Him up on all His exceedingly great and precious promises. He wants you to enjoy all that’s yours in Christ Jesus, walk in His covenant of peace, and keep increasing in every area of life.

For you to do that, though, you must delve into that covenant and find out what belongs to you. Otherwise, you’ll be like someone who has money in the bank but doesn’t know it. God said about one group of His Old Covenant people that they were “destroyed for lack of knowledge.” But you don’t have to be like those people.

You can put God and His Word first place in your life. You can open your Bible every day and read His promises and His life-giving instructions. You can hearken continually to the voice of the Scriptures and the voice of His Spirit in your heart that’s saying: “Peace belongs to you. Healing belongs to you. Deliverance belongs to you. Everything that makes for man’s highest good belongs to you. Believe it. Say it. Act on it.”

Go in peace and be whole!

24: BVOV

Thankful To Belong

It’s wonderful to be settled in who you are. This is important to what we’ve been talking about lately—identity. Knowing who you are, your identity, gives you the sense of belonging everyone is looking for. True belonging comes from knowing God, and when He’s part of your family life, you don’t have to be perfect, you can be yourself! In fact, what I love most about kids is that they know how to just be themselves without thinking about it. I love it that you’re goofy, smart, creative and funny; and I wish I could meet every single one of you! When you belong to God, you can run to Him in trouble and talk to Him anytime, trouble or no trouble. The Lord wants you to know He is there with you all the time and He REALLY likes to talk to you. As we found out last month, He answers back. He wants to settle all your concerns and questions as you sit and talk together.

I want to say something to you that I want you to really think about. It’s a simple thing but we all, adults and kids, need to be SETTLED in our hearts that we are His. Read it more than once if you need to until it sinks in:

When you hear Jesus tell you that you are His, you won’t have to try to remember you are a child of God, you will begin to just BE a child of God!

Let me explain. Think about your parents. Do you have to remind yourself that you are your parents’ child? Do you have to remember to BE their child? NO. You probably don’t even think about it!

Kids don’t have to worry about what to eat, how to pay the bills or where to live because good parents help their kids be at peace about the details of life. Even when families may not have enough food or money or they go through hard times, godly parents do their best to make sure their children don’t worry about it. When scary things happen, good parents bring peace just by being there! That’s why kids run to their parents’ room during a storm!

Children with good parents and families don’t have to remind themselves they are safe; they’re just at peace knowing mom and/or dad will take care of any trouble.

This is how knowing your identity affects your life. For a child without that good parent figure, the storm is scary and there is nowhere to turn. Your identity in a safe home, tells you that you belong to something and someone bigger than you and you are safe. It’s the same with our heavenly Father and your big Brother, Jesus.

Kids, if you don’t have that kind of home, never forget that you have a heavenly Father and you belong to Him! You have a BIG Brother who is always there to talk to! Let’s take some time today and express our thanks to the Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit. Think about how you belong to God. Ask Him to settle your heart that you know you are His child. Ask Him about your worries. He wants to give you His peace.

Superkid, one more thing, let’s stop and thank Him for our parents and our families. Maybe they need to hear us say that we love and appreciate them for being faithful to care for us and love us. Let’s look around at all the gifts the Lord has placed in our lives and be settled in His goodness!

Thank YOU for sticking with me, Superkids. I’m thankful for you. My life wouldn’t be the same without you!

Superkids, this time of year I think about being thankful on purpose (a good idea all year long). I have so much to be thankful for. First, I’m thankful to be a child of God, to be loved by Jesus! He’s given me a beautiful life. I’m thankful to have a great family and wonderful friends. I know I am loved. You could say, I am thankful to BELONG.
Commander Kellie Commander Kellie’s Corner ® Kellie Copeland is responsible for Covenant Partner Relations at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and is the developer of the Superkid Academy curriculum. Through her ministry and as “Commander Kellie,” she fulfills the mission of drawing people of all ages into a personal, growing and powerful relationship with Jesus Christ.
BVOV : 25


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