13 minute read
Calendar of Events
february CALENDAR
No part of this calendar may be reproduced in print or web format. Please call to verify event details. PJ Masks at Sea Life Aquarium
On Feb 2 enjoy
Discover Nature: Naturalist Hour
at Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. Go on an adventure with a naturalist to make amazing discoveries as you explore. Pre-reg at MDC.mo.gov/events.
See the PJ Masks at Sea Life Aquarium. Enjoy PJ Masks seathemed trails and activities, meet and greet on select days and much more! VisitSeaLife.com/ kansascity
Visit Ernie Miller Nature Center on Feb 17 for Animal Tales Story Time. Join a park naturalist for animal stories and surprises geared for preschool age children. Pre-reg at 913.826.2800.
Head to Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm on Feb 20 for a Maple Sugaring Workshop. Learn how to tap trees and how to process sap into syrup. Pre-reg at Mahaffie.org.
On Feb 26 visit the Overland Park Arboretum for
Night at the
Arboretum. Come roam the trails with your flashlight and look at the stars after dark. ArtsAndRec-op.org/ arboretum
1 Monday
Round-Up Enrollment 3:30, Whitefield Academy. Learn why families choose to educate their children at KC’s top-rated Christian school. Pre-reg at WhitefieldAcademyKC.org.
Discovery Kits 9:00, Overland Park Arboretum. Visit the arboretum and pick up a monthly kit for your family to enjoy and be creative. ArtsAndRec-op.org/arboretum
The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Feb 28, streaming. The Coterie presents Mesner Puppets’ production of The Snowy Day and Other Stories. TheCoterie.org
2 Tuesday
Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air. A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
PJ Masks Thru Feb, Sea Life Aquarium. Enjoy PJ Masks sea-themed trails and activities, meet and greet on select days and much more! VisitSeaLife.com/kansascity Outdoor Ice-Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice-skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
Discover Nature: Naturalist Hour 2:00, Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. Go on an adventure with a naturalist to make amazing discoveries as you explore. Pre-reg at MDC.mo.gov/events.
3 Wednesday
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, enjoy a game, shoe rental and drink. SummitLanes.com/specials
All School Virtual Open House 11:00, the Barstow School. Meet faculty, learn about academic, artistic and athletic offerings and much more! Pre-reg at BarstowSchool.org.
Disney on Ice: Dream Big Thru Feb 7, T-Mobile Center. Share magical moments filled with breathtaking ice-skating and beloved Disney stories! DisneyOnIce.com/tickets
4 Thursday
Little Critters Day Out 9:00, Ernie Miller Nature Center. Enjoy a snack, make a craft, play games and meet and animal visitor. Ages 3-5. Pre-reg at 913.826.2807.
5 Friday
Scout Night! 6:00, Johnson County Museum. Groups will encounter a hands-on look at history, community and creativity. Receive a KidScape patch. Pre-reg at 913.715.2570.
Among Us: A Murder Mystery Game 6:00, Gladstone Community Center. Join groups of 10 for an online, private game to figure out who the imposter is. Ages 7+. Pre-reg at Gladstone. MO.US.
6 Saturday
Winning the Call-Back 10:00, Leawood Community Center. Learn tips and techniques to help you feel comfortable and confident in the call-back process. Pre-reg at LeawoodStageCO.org.
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Valentine’s Day Pop-up Market Noon, Kansas City Design Collective. Shop local artists and makers for Valentine’s Day gifts, and enjoy food trucks. KansasCityDesignCollective.com
Daddy Daughter Dance 6:00, Vesper Hall (Blue Springs). Event includes a catered dinner, dessert, dancing, photo booth pictures and raffle prizes! Pre-reg at BlueSpringsGov.com.
Daddy Daughter Under the Sea Swim Party
6:30, Merriam Community Center. Channel your inner mermaid and join us for a fun evening of swimming. Pre-reg at 913.322.5550.
7 Sunday
Sunday Family Series 1:00, Ernie Miller Nature Center. Enjoy programs presented by park naturalists, park police officers and volunteers. Pre-reg at 913.826.2800. 8 Monday Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCityZoo.org
9 Tuesday
Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air. A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
Happy National Pizza Day 10:00, MCPL virtual. Join Mr Stinky Feet for songs celebrating pizza, cookies, pickles and much more! Pre-reg at MyMCPL.org.
Discover Nature: Naturalist Hour 2:00, Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. Go on an adventure
with a naturalist to make amazing discoveries as you explore. Pre-reg at MDC.mo.gov/events.
10 Wednesday
Outdoor Ice-Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice-skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com. �, MID-CONTINEN'l'
PUBLIC LIIAAR.Y PJ Masks Thru Feb, Sea Life Aquarium. Enjoy PJ Masks sea-themed trails and activities, meet and greet on select days and much more! VisitSeaLife.com/kansascity

11 Thursday
Toddler Time 10:00, Ceramic Café. On Thursdays from 10:00 to 2:00, toddlers 5 and under can paint one selected item for just $10! CeramicCafeKC.com
The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Feb 28, streaming. The Coterie presents Mesner Puppets’ production of The Snowy Day and Other Stories. TheCoterie.org
12 Friday
Family Field Trip Days Daily, Johnson County Museum. Families will get a tour from a museum educator, participate in activities and play in KidScape. Pre-reg at 913.715.2570.
Sweetheart Bingo 1:30, Shawnee Town 1929. B-I-N-G-O! Prepackaged refreshments served with 10 games of bingo. Everyone loves to play! Pre-reg at ShawneeTown.org.
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Sweetheart Run 9:00, Fiorella’s. A great chance to get out and run with your loved one! Children’s fun run participants receive a kids medal. KCSweetheartRun.com
Kids Club 10:00, Colonial Gardens. Kids Club will teach kids how to plant and maintain herbs and ways to preserve them. Learn recipes and take home a plant. ColonialGardensKC.com
Relax and Restore Yoga Noon, Lenexa Community Center. Enjoy a vinyasa yoga flow into restorative poses. Ages 16+. No registration, but space is limited. 913.477.7529
14 Sunday Valentine’s Day
Early Explorers 9:30, Science City. Bring the younger set to visit the new Early Explorations areas designed for babies and toddlers. Pre-reg at ScienceCity.com.
Visit Incredible Pizza 11:00, Incredible Pizza. Bring the family to enjoy the buffet along with indoor rides and lots of games! Visit KCParent. com for a coupon! IncrediblePizza.com
Child Development Center EE ORKSHOP W W “Where Your Child is Special”
Ages 2 weeks to 12 years Child Development Center
6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.“Where Your Child Is Special” Ages 2 weeks to 12 years 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Two Convenient Locations: 127th & Antioch 913.681.2190 162nd & Metcalf Ave 913.681.2191 Child Development Center “Where Your Child is Special” 10% OFF infant room for first year with new enrollment.
Family Owned and Operated since 1990 weeworkshopchildcare.com Ages 2 weeks to 12 years 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Part-Time Preschool (Ages 3-5) 9:00-11:30 or 9:00-3:00
Mother’s Day Out (12 mos-3 years) 9:00-3:00 Two Convenient Locations:
127th & Antioch 162nd & Metcalf Ave Two Convenient Locations: 913.681.2190 913.681.2191 127th & Antioch 162nd & Metcalf Family Owned and Ave 913.681.2190 913.681.2191Operated Since 1990
Family Owned and Operated since 1990 weeworkshopchildcare.com
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com
Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCityZoo.org
16 Tuesday
Tots on Tuesday 10:30, streaming. Sing songs, read books, explore art and make your own art with a Kemper Museum educator. Pre-reg at KemperArt.org.
Discover Nature: Naturalist Hour 2:00, Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. Go on an adventure with a naturalist to make amazing discoveries as you explore. Pre-reg at MDC.mo.gov/events.
17 Wednesday
Discovery Kits 9:00, Overland Park Arboretum. Visit the arboretum and pick up a monthly kit for your family to enjoy and be creative. Available at ticket kiosk. ArtsAndRec-op.org/arboretum Animal Tales Story Time 10:30, Ernie Miller Nature Center. For ages 2-6. Join a park naturalist for animal stories and surprises geared for preschool age children. Pre-reg at 913.826.2800.
18 Thursday
Early Education Preview Today & tomorrow, Summit Christian Academy. Tour campus, visit classrooms and attend a Q&A session. Pre-reg at 816.525.1480.
Toddler Time 10:00, Ceramic Café. On Thursdays from 10:00 to 2:00, toddlers 5 and under can paint one selected item for just $10! CeramicCafeKC.com
19 Friday
Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
RV and Outdoor Show Thru Sunday, Overland Park Convention Center. Featuring the very latest makes and models of recreational vehicles from top manufacturers. OPRVShow.com
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Maple Sugaring Workshop 9:30, Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm. Learn how to tap trees and how to process sap into syrup. Pre-reg at Mahaffie.org.
Fairy Tale Ball 10:00 or 1:30, Overland Park Convention Center. Event includes princess portraits for every child, crafts, stories, songs, games and more. PrettyPrincessPartiesMN.com
21 Sunday
Grow a Reader Virtual Story Time 10:00, MCPL360. Join library staff for story times for your littles—and maybe for you too! We will have stories and songs. Facebook.com/mcpl360
22 Monday
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com
The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Feb 28, streaming. The Coterie presents Mesner Puppets’ production of The Snowy Day and Other Stories. TheCoterie.org Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air. A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
Discover Nature: Naturalist Hour 2:00, Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. Go on an adventure with a naturalist to make amazing discoveries as you explore. Pre-reg at MDC.mo.gov/events.
24 Wednesday
PJ Masks Thru Feb, Sea Life Aquarium. Enjoy PJ Masks sea-themed trails and activities, meet and greet on select days and much more! VisitSeaLife.com/kansascity
Fire and Ice 4:00, MCPL Virtual. Program explores exothermic chemical reactions and the wonders of dry ice, a crazy bubble shower and creepy, foggy effects. Pre-reg at MyMCPL.org.
25 Thursday
Toddler Time 10:00, Ceramic Café. On Thursdays from 10:00 to 2:00, toddlers 5 and under can paint one selected item for just $10! CeramicCafeKC.com Outdoor Ice-Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice-skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
26 Friday
Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCityZoo.org
Night at the Arboretum 7:00, Overland Park Arboretum. Come roam the trails with your flashlight and look at the stars after dark. ArtsAndRec-op.org/arboretum
27 Saturday
Create a Critter 10:00, Vesper Hall (Blue Springs). Adults and children of all ages will make their very own stuffed animal. Pre-reg at BlueSpringsGov.com.
28 Sunday
Grow a Reader Virtual Story Time 10:00, MCPL360. Join library staff for story times for your littles (and maybe for you too)! We will have stories and songs. Facebook.com/mcpl360
You’ll discover robust online listings for all local attractions featuring their upcoming events, maps and driving directions, and reviews and tips from local parents to make the most of your visit.

take note: february ’21
Feb. 1: National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day Betty Rae’s (locations in Waldo and River Market, BettyRaes. com) wins our heart with their generous scoops of homemade ice cream in a variety of gourmet flavors. Their made-fromscratch ice cream sandwiches are to- die-for too! Feb. 3: National Golden Retriever Day Show a little love to your favorite four-legged pals and follow Great Plains SPCA on Facebook to learn how you can support one of our city’s largest no-kill shelters.
Feb. 7: National Send a Card to a Friend Day We all have friends we would have enjoyed spending more time with over the past year. Take some time to make a card, write a letter or even send a quick note to let them know you care.
Feb. 9: National Pizza Day Order from your favorite local pizzeria and enjoy a no-cook family night! Our top picks locally include Minsky’s, Waldo Pizza, d’Bronx, Papa Murphy’s and Papa Kenos.

Feb. 12: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday You’ll find a statue of the 16th U.S. president on the south plaza of the Kansas Feb. 2: Groundhog City, MO, City Hall. The 10-foot-tall, 2,500-pound statue shows Day Follow Kansas President Lincoln sitting in a chair holding a book and gazing City Zoo on Facebook at his son Tad. for their live update as Tater, their African Feb. 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day Brainstorm as a pygmy hedgehog family and to think of ways you can show random acts of fills in as KC’s kindness to your neighbors and friends this winter. See how resident groundhog much it brightens your day to share kindness with others. representative to Feb. 20: National Muffin Daypredict whether Heirloom Bakery & Hearth in Brookside NEED COPYwe’ll have an early spring. is known for made-from-scratch baked goods created using locally sourced ingredients. They sell a variety of delicious muffins, including some that are gluten free. Feb. 22: George Washington’s Birthday You’ll find a statue of the first U.S. president in Washington Square Park (Pershing Road & Grand) near Crown Center. The 16-foottall, 11,000-pound statue depicts Gen. George Washington astride his horse at Valley Forge during the American Revolution.
Feb. 25: National Pancake Day Ginger Sue’s (GingerSues.com) offers a wide variety of breakfast items, with some of the biggest and tastiest pancakes!

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