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Ask the Experts
Megan Maciel
KVC KANSAS KVC Kansas provides heart-centered services to children and families through in-home family support, foster care, adoption, behavioral health care and children’s psychiatric hospitals. 913.499.8100, Kansas.KVC.org
What supports are available to foster families?
KVC is committed to every foster parent’s success and provides personalized support to your family. We encourage our foster parents to develop a support system around them and work with extended family, faith communities, employers, and friends to develop a network of care around the family, as any parent would. KVC provides ongoing training opportunities to address specific behavioral needs, working with birth families and navigating the child welfare system. Additionally, we offer access to a clothing closet, school supplies, holiday gifts and ongoing supports. Megan Maciel
Director of Recruitment and Communication KVC Kansas
Mary Altman
MCPL Mid-Continent Public Library has 33 branches and serves more than 816,000 residents across Jackson, Clay and Platte counties, offering resources and services for all ages. 816.836.5200, MyMCPL.org
Besides books, what else am I able to get with my library card?
People are always surprised when they learn that they can use their Mid-Continent Public Library card to download eBooks and eAudiobooks for both adults and children, download up to five songs per week to keep, learn a language, get free online tutoring and take free online courses in a variety of professional and personal development subjects. You can also read the Kansas City Star and Kansas City Business Journal for free and access important information on ConsumerReports.com before a big purchase. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can access with your library card. Mary Altman
Marketing and Communications, MCPL
ASK THE EXPERTS...If you have a question, send it our way and we’ll ask one of our experts to answer. Email editor@kcparent.com and put “Ask the Experts” in the subject line. As always, please consult your health care provider with any medical questions or concerns.