22 minute read
Calendar of Events
december CALENDAR
No part of this calendar may be reproduced in print or web format. Please call to verify event details. Liberty Light Show
Take the family to
Holiday Reflections
thru Jan 1 at Union Station. Enjoy sky-reaching lights, decorated trees, forest friends —plus a bigger-than-ever Rudy’s Wonderland. UnionStation.org
Take the family to see the Liberty Light Show Dec. 4-6 and 11-13 at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Christmas light display synchronized with live musicians. LibertyLightShow.com
Help animals find their forever home by giving to the
Home for the
Holidays donation match campaign. To learn more or donate visit GreatPlainsSPCA.org/ holiday-match.
Dec 12 & 13, head to the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center for Santa’s Virtual Workshop. Pre-purchase a table for up to eight and enjoy a virtual visit from Santa and more! JCPRD.com
Head to Urban Air (Lenexa) for Jumperoo on select days. A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. UrbanAirTrampoline Park.com
1 Tuesday
Holiday Reflections Thru Jan 1, Union Station. Enjoy sky-reaching lights, decorated trees, forest friends—plus a bigger-than-ever Rudy’s Wonderland. UnionStation.org
Festival of Colors 10:00, MCPL360. Join Mr Stinky Feet for songs about the colors of the seasons. To enjoy this virtual program, go to Facebook.com/mcpl360.
The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Jan 3, Streaming. The Coterie presents a streamed production of Mesner Puppets’ The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats. TheCoterie.org
Letters to Santa Thru Dec 9, the View. Write a letter to Santa then drop it off at the View’s North Pole Mailbox, and Santa will write back! Grandview.org
A Christmas Carol Thru Dec 31, streaming via KC Repertory Theatre. Kansas City’s beloved 40-year tradition returns as an innovative digital experience. KCRep.org Santa’s Gingerbread Station Thru Dec 24, 11:00-8:00, Crown Center. Santa Claus will welcome visitors throughout the holiday season for visits, wish lists and photos. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
Winter Magic Thru Jan 2, 5:00, Oakwood Drive (Swope Park). Drive through nearly one mile of a magical holiday light show experience. Purchase tickets online at WinterMagicKC.com.
2 Wednesday
Small Group Nature Hike 10:00, Prairie Oak Nature Center. Join the nature center for a casual walk through our nature trail. Leawood.org
Holiday Shopping 11:00, Crown Center. Enjoy the holiday decorations and shopping at Kansas City’s iconic Crown Center. CrownCenter.com.
Holiday Lights on the Farmstead Thru Jan 7, Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. Enjoy a light show synchronized to festive music. OPKansas.org
3 Thursday
Little Critter’s Day Out 9:30, Ernie Miller Nature Center. Your little critter will enjoy twoand-a-half hours of fun and education. Pre-reg at JCPRD.com.
Frozen 10:30, Union Station Extreme Screen. Classic holiday movies are back at KC’s biggest screen. Get your tickets, then get set to enjoy these beloved family favorites. UnionStation.org/holidays
Festival of Lights 4:00, Powell Gardens. Walk a mile-long path spread out over 25 acres that features a variety of immersive light displays. PowellGardens.org
Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
Christmas at Camp Thru Dec 5 & Dec 10-12, Youthfront Camp West. Interactive experiences retelling the Nativity story, music, family game stations and much more. Youthfront.com

Start your holiday season with a visit to our free Christmas Open House Saturday, December 5 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Visit our website and follow us on social media for more fun events throughout the year!
1200 Kansas City Road Olathe, KS mahaffie.org 913-971-5111
Elf Thru Dec 10, Union Station Extreme Screen. Classic holiday movies are back at KC’s biggest screen. Get your tickets, then get set to enjoy these beloved family favorites. UnionStation.org/holiday
Sleigh Selfie Station 10:00, Legends Outlets Lawn. Santa’s sleigh will be available for photos during center hours throughout the holiday season. LegendsShopping.com
Youth Drop-In Days 1:00, Alexander Majors House. Explore the experiences of those who moved west to find their fortunes—some who succeeded and many who failed. WornallMajors.org
Coleman House Opening Online, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. The annual opening of the Coleman House will be aired virtually at Facebook.com/toyandminiaturemuseum.
Visit Santa at the Lex 5:00, Historic Lexington. Enjoy a small-town parade in which all the parade entries glow in the dark! Visit Santa and shop the stores that line Main Street. VisitLexingtonMo.com
Liberty Light Show Dec 4-6 and 11-13, various times, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Christmas light display synchronized with live musicians. LibertyLightShow.com
Störling Dance Theater’s Child of Hope 2020
Thru Dec 13, TCH Olathe Studio. The richness and inspiration of Christmas and the Nativity story is brought to life. CultureHouse.com
Holiday Luminary Walk Today & tomorrow, Overland Park Arboretum. The arboretum transforms into a wonderland of candles, music and holiday fun. OPKansas.org
Sar-Ko-Aglow Thru Jan 10, Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park. Take a nighttime stroll around Rose’s Pond to view the beautiful annual light display in Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park throughout the holiday season. Lenexa.com
5 Saturday
Decorate for the Holidays Family Tree Nursery. Fresh cut wreaths, garlands, swags and trees are a traditional and festive way to decorate your home. FamilyTreeNursery.com
Celebrate the Season Online with MidContinent Public Library. Discover recipes, music, and holiday magic through the library’s resources at MyMCPL.org/Celebrate.
Sea of Lights Thru Jan 10, Sea Life Kansas City Aquarium. Guests can explore the Sea of Lights event, the only underwater light spectacular in Kansas City. VisitSeaLife.com Christmas Open House 10:00, Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop & Farm. Enjoy the Heritage Center decorations, make an ornament and visit the historic Mahaffie house! Mahaffie.org
Fancy Camera Bootcamp Online, Melissa Rieke. Learn how to take photos like a pro from a pro. MelissaRiekePhotography.com/FCB
Whiz Kids Green Energy 2:00, Prairie Oak Nature Center. Investigate current concepts in environmental issues and energy resources through practical lab experiments and models. Leawood.org
Outdoor Ice Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
6 Sunday
Visit Incredible Pizza 11:00, Incredible Pizza. Bring the family to enjoy the buffet along with indoor rides and lots of games! Visit KCParent. com for a coupon! IncrediblePizza.com
A Christmas Carol Thru Dec 31, streaming via KC Repertory Theatre. Kansas City’s beloved 40-year tradition returns as an innovative digital experience. KCRep.org

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Family Owned and Operated since 1990 weeworkshopchildcare.com weeworkshopchildcare.com
Störling Dance Theater’s Child of Hope 2020
Thru Dec 13, TCH Olathe Studio. The richness and inspiration of Christmas and the Nativity story is brought to life. CultureHouse.com
Festival of Lights 4:00, Powell Gardens. Walk a mile-long path spread out over 25 acres that features a variety of immersive light displays. PowellGardens.org
The Fairy Princess 2020: Virtually from Your
Home 6:00, Kansas City Museum Virtual. The Fairy Princess, a Kansas City tradition since 1935, is virtual and free. Facebook.com/kansascitymuseum
A Kansas City Christmas 5:00, Online at LenexaBaptist.com. Celebrate the Christmas holiday with a wonderful and uplifting performance by the LBC choir. LenexaBaptist.com
7 Monday
Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCItyZoo.org
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com
Antique Christmas Tree Display Thru Jan 3, Territorial Capital Museum. Decorated trees will be on all levels of the museum. Facebook.com/ HistoricLecompton/events
Santa’s Wonderland Thru Dec 24, Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s. Families can enjoy the tradition of safe, free photos with Santa thanks to new measures and a contactless experience. BassPro.com
8 Tuesday
Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air (Lenexa). A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
Laser Holiday Magic Thru Jan 3, Gottlieb Planetarium. Vibrant animations and gorgeous abstracts dance above your heads, as the music takes you away from the hustle and bustle. UnionStation.org
Holiday Shopping 11:00, Crown Center. Enjoy the holiday decorations and shopping at Kansas City’s iconic Crown Center. CrownCenter.com.

Christmas in the Park 5:30, Frank White Jr Softball Complex. The entire family will delight in the magic of this drive-thru winter wonderland. MakeYourDayHere.com
9 Wednesday
Sleigh Selfie Station 10:00, Legends Outlets Lawn. Santa’s sleigh will be available for photos during center hours throughout the holiday season. LegendsShopping.com
Fancy Camera Bootcamp Online, Melissa Rieke. Learn how to take photos like a pro from a pro. MelissaRiekePhotography.com/FCB
Mini Holiday Express Ride-On Train 10:00, Union Station. Take a magical journey through giant nutcrackers, toy-making elves and more. UnionStation.org
Störling Dance Theater’s Child of Hope 2020
Thru Dec 13, TCH Olathe Studio. The richness and inspiration of Christmas and the Nativity story is brought to life. CultureHouse.com
A Christmas Carol Thru Dec 31, streaming via KC Repertory Theatre. Kansas City’s beloved 40-year tradition returns as an innovative digital experience. KCRep.org Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
Nature Story Time 10:30, Prairie Park Nature Center (Lawrence). Each week will feature a story and a live animal. Color a coloring page after the presentation. 785.832.7980
Visit Legoland 10:00, Legoland Discovery Center. Take the kids to the ultimate indoor playground for the biggest fans of Lego. Purchase tickets at LegolandDiscoveryCenter.com.
Outdoor Ice Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
11 Friday
Polar Express Thru Dec 24, Union Station Extreme Screen. Classic holiday movies are back at KC’s biggest screen. Get your tickets, then get set to enjoy these beloved family favorites. UnionStation.org/holidays Youth Drop-In Days 1:00, Alexander Majors House. Following the Civil War, the United States had to find a way to come back together—a process which was not easy or neat. WornallMajors.org
Holiday Luminary Walk Today & tomorrow, Overland Park Arboretum. The arboretum transforms into a wonderland of candles, music and holiday fun. OPKansas.org
Holiday Lights on the Farmstead Thru Jan 7, Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. Enjoy a light show synchronized to festive music. OPKansas.org
Christmas in the Park 5:30, Frank White Jr Softball Complex. The entire family will delight in the magic of this drive-thru winter wonderland. MakeYourDayHere.com
12 Saturday
Holiday Reflections Thru Jan 1, Union Station. Enjoy sky-reaching lights, decorated trees, forest friends —plus a bigger-than-ever Rudy’s Wonderland. UnionStation.org
Santa’s Wonderland Thru Dec 24, Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s. Families can enjoy the tradition of safe, free photos with Santa thanks to new measures and a contactless experience. BassPro.com


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Santa’s Virtual Workshop Today & tomorrow, Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center. Purchase a table for up to eight and enjoy crafts, cookies and a virtual visit from the North Pole! Pre-reg at JCPRD.com
Santa’s Little Helpers 10:00, Ernie Miller Nature Center. Listen to the program and see a live animal up close. There will be activities and Santa’s favorite snack for you to enjoy. Pre-reg at JCPRD.com.
Holiday Shopping 11:00, Crown Center. Enjoy the holiday decorations and shopping at Kansas City’s iconic Crown Center. CrownCenter.com.
Decorate for the Holidays Family Tree Nursery. Fresh cut wreaths, garlands, swags and trees are a traditional and festive way to decorate your home. FamilyTreeNursery.com
Santa’s Express Drive-Thru Lights 5:30, National Agricultural Hall of Fame. Our popular Santa’s Express is transformed into a drive-thru wonderland of lights and music. AgHallOfFame.com
13 Sunday
Sea of Lights Thru Jan 10, Sea Life Kansas City Aquarium. Guests can explore the Sea of Lights event, the only underwater light spectacular in Kansas City. VisitSeaLife.com Santa’s Gingerbread Station Thru Dec 24, 11:00-8:00, Crown Center. Santa Claus will welcome visitors throughout the holiday season for visits, wish lists and photos. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
Festival of Lights 4:00, Powell Gardens. Walk a mile-long path spread out over 25 acres that features a variety of immersive light displays. PowellGardens.org
Visit Incredible Pizza 11:00, Incredible Pizza. Bring the family to enjoy the buffet along with indoor rides and lots of games! Visit KCParent.com for a coupon! IncrediblePizza.com
A Kansas City Christmas 5:00, Online at LenexaBaptist.com. Celebrate the Christmas holiday with a wonderful and uplifting performance by the LBC choir. LenexaBaptist.com
14 Monday
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com
Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCItyZoo.org Liberty Light Show Dec 14-23, 6:00, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Bring the family and enjoy a Christmas light display synchronized with music. LibertyLightShow.com
15 Tuesday
Little Acorns 10:00, Burr Oak Woods Nature Center. There are critters in those woods! Critters may think they’re sneaky, but they always leave a trail! MDC.mo.gov
Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
It’s Cookie Time 10:00, MCPL360. ‘Tis the season to bake and eat! What are your favorite treats? To enjoy this virtual program, go to Facebook.com/mcpl360.
16 Wednesday
Music & Movement 10:30 & 2:30, Wonderscope. Music and movement has great brain-building benefits. Come sing, dance and play with us! Wonderscope.org
Decorate for the Holidays Family Tree Nursery. Fresh cut wreaths, garlands, swags and trees are a traditional and festive way to decorate your home. FamilyTreeNursery.com

A Christmas Carol Thru Dec 31, streaming via KC Repertory Theatre. Kansas City’s beloved 40-year tradition returns as an innovative digital experience. KCRep.org
Winter Magic Thru Jan 2, 5:00, Oakwood Drive (Swope Park). Drive through nearly one mile of a magical holiday light show experience. Purchase tickets online at WinterMagicKC.com.
17 Thursday
Mini Holiday Express Ride-On Train 10:00, Union Station. Take a magical journey through giant nutcrackers, toy-making elves and more. UnionStation.org
Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
Outdoor Ice Skating 10:00, Crown Center Ice Terrace. Kansas City’s original outdoor ice skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com. The Dickens Carolers 7:00, MCPL360. Get into the Christmas spirit with a performance by these festive singers dressed in Victorian attire. To enjoy this virtual program, go to Facebook.com/mcpl360.
18 Friday
Virtual Father Christmas Online, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Father Christmas will be done virtually in 2020 on social media and on our website: ToyAndMiniatureMuseum.org.
The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Jan 3, Streaming. The Coterie presents a streamed production of Mesner Puppets’ The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats. TheCoterie.org
Youth Drop-In Days 1:00, Alexander Majors House. This drop-in day will focus on fun crafts (great for gifts!) that explore various aspects of Victorian holiday traditions. WornallMajors.org
Celebrate the Season Online with MidContinent Public Library. Discover recipes, music, and holiday magic through the library’s resources at MyMCPL.org/Celebrate. Sleigh Selfie Station 10:00, Legends Outlets Lawn. Santa’s sleigh will be available for photos during center hours throughout the holiday season. LegendsShopping.com
Lenexa Holiday Farmers Market 10:00, the Commons: Lenexa Civic Campus. Local vendors will offer a variety of products on two special shopping days. Lenexa.com/FarmersMarket
Visit Incredible Pizza 11:00, Incredible Pizza. Bring the family to enjoy the buffet along with indoor rides and lots of games! Visit KCParent. com for a coupon! IncrediblePizza.com
Santa’s Gingerbread Station Thru Dec 24, 11:00-8:00, Crown Center. Santa Claus will welcome visitors throughout the holiday season for visits, wish lists and photos. Pre-reg at CrownCenter.com.
Sea of Lights Thru Jan 10, Sea Life Kansas City Aquarium. Guests can explore the Sea of Lights event, the only underwater light spectacular in Kansas City. VisitSeaLife.com

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Holiday Reflections Thru Jan 1, Union Station. Enjoy sky-reaching lights, decorated trees, forest friends —plus a bigger-than-ever Rudy’s Wonderland. UnionStation.org
Back to the 50s Noon, Summit Lanes. Enjoy Back to the 50s when games, shoe rentals, hot dogs and sodas are just 50 cents each with a $5 cover charge. SummitLanes.com
Visit Legoland 10:00, Legoland Discovery Center. Take the kids to the ultimate indoor playground for the biggest fans of Lego. Purchase tickets at LegolandDiscoveryCenter.com.
Hometown Holidays Thru Dec 24, downtown Liberty. Write letters to Santa, tour holiday light displays and enjoy shopping this holiday season. Enjoy virtual and socially distanced events. LibertyMissouri.gov
Private Christmas Bookings Thru Jan 4, Strawberry Hill Museum. Call to book a socially distanced private weekday tour with an ethnic lunch or dinner! StrawberryHillMuseum.org. Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCItyZoo.org
Liberty Light Show Dec 14-23, 6:00, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Bring the family and enjoy a Christmas light display synchronized with music. LibertyLightShow.com
22 Tuesday
Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air (Lenexa). A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
Laser Holiday Magic Thru Jan 3, Gottlieb Planetarium. Vibrant animations and gorgeous abstracts dance above your heads, as the music takes you away from the hustle and bustle. UnionStation.org
23 Wednesday
Mini Holiday Express Ride-On Train 10:00, Union Station. Take a magical journey through giant nutcrackers, toy-making elves and more. UnionStation.org Antique Christmas Tree Display Thru Jan 3, Territorial Capital Museum. Decorated trees will be on all levels of the museum. Facebook.com/ HistoricLecompton/events
Visit KidScape 9:00, Johnson County Museum. Play in a whimsical child-sized village where kids pretend to be grown-up. JCPRD.com/museum
Fancy Camera Bootcamp Online, Melissa Rieke. Learn how to take photos like a pro from a pro. MelissaRiekePhotography.com/FCB
24 Thursday Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Services 3:00, 5:00 & 11:00, Lenexa Baptist Church. Start your Christmas celebration with a candlelight service. LenexaBaptist.com
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas, KC Parent readers! We are thankful for your 36 years of readership and support!

Visit Legoland 10:00, Legoland Discovery Center. Take the kids to the ultimate indoor playground for the biggest fans of Lego. Purchase tickets at LegolandDiscoveryCenter.com.
Festival of Lights 4:00, Powell Gardens. Walk a mile-long path spread out over 25 acres that features a variety of immersive light displays. PowellGardens.org
Winter Magic Thru Jan 2, 5:00, Oakwood Drive (Swope Park). Drive through nearly one mile of a magical holiday light show experience. Purchase tickets online at WinterMagicKC.com.
27 Sunday
Bridging the Gender Divide 10:00, National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Exhibit explores how toys once marketed to boys have evolved over time to encourage all children. 816.235.8000
Polar Bear Passage 10:00, Kansas City Zoo. Visit Nuniq, the zoo’s newest polar bear at home in the Polar Bear Passage. Reserve a time online and plan a visit with the family. KansasCItyZoo.org
A Kansas City Christmas 5:00, Online at LenexaBaptist.com. Celebrate the Christmas holiday with a wonderful and uplifting performance by the LBC choir. LenexaBaptist.com The Snowy Day and Other Stories Thru Jan 3, Streaming. The Coterie presents a streamed production of Mesner Puppets’ The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats. TheCoterie.org
Mom & Me Bumper Bowling 9:30, Summit Lanes. For just $3 per person, you get a game, shoe rental and drink on Mondays and Wednesdays. SummitLanes.com
29 Tuesday
Jumperoo 9:00, Urban Air (Lenexa). A special time when entire park is open for children 5 and under with a parent. Jump, bounce and crawl! UrbanAirTrampolinePark.com
Holiday Lights on the Farmstead Thru Jan 7, Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. Enjoy a light show synchronized to festive music. OPKansas.org
30 Wednesday
Visit Legoland 10:00, Legoland Discovery Center. Take the kids to the ultimate indoor playground for the biggest fans of Lego. Purchase tickets at LegolandDiscoveryCenter.com. Visit Incredible Pizza 11:00, Incredible Pizza. Bring the family to enjoy the buffet along with indoor rides and lots of games! Visit KCParent.com for a coupon! IncrediblePizza.com
Christmas in the Park 5:30, Frank White Jr Softball Complex. The entire family will delight in the magic of this drive-thru winter wonderland. MakeYourDayHere.com
31 Thursday New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve
We wish you a happy New Year, KC Parent readers! Visit KCParent.com for family-friendly NYE inspiration!
Visit KidScape 9:00, Johnson County Museum. Play in a whimsical child-sized village where kids pretend to be grown-up. JCPRD.com/museum
Winter Magic Thru Jan 2, 5:00, Oakwood Drive (Swope Park). Drive through nearly one mile of a magical holiday light show experience. Purchase tickets online at WinterMagicKC.com.
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1 2

4 5

1. GIANT DECORATIONS The 100-foot Mayor’s Christmas Tree is at home at Crown Center Square and bedazzled with 37,500 festive holiday lights through Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021. Inside Crown Center Shops, you can see the exhibit “40 Years of Mayor’s Christmas Tree Ornaments.” Be sure to take photos in front of the giant Christmas wreath measuring 18 feet in diameter and weighing 800 pounds. CrownCenter.com
2. HOLIDAY SHOPPING You’ll find great gifts for your family and friends at Crown Center. Shop for children at the Crayola Store, Toy Time, Club 22 and Kid Oh! Find gifts for your favorite home chef at Function Junction, all your loved ones at Hallmark, local sports fans at Sportibles, and fans of local souvenirs at Best of Kansas City. Find the latest details at CrownCenter.com.
3. SEA OF LIGHTS SEA LIFE Kansas City Aquarium shimmers with winter holiday spirit this December with the Sea of Lights experience! Beginning Dec. 5, guests can explore the Sea of Lights event, the only underwater light spectacular in Kansas City. Sea of Lights will feature the Scuba Claus Dive Show on select days and times. The event runs until Jan. 10. VisitSeaLife.com. 4. TAKE A SPIN ON THE ICE Kansas City’s original outdoor ice skating rink, the Crown Center Ice Terrace is celebrating its 48th season. The Ice Terrace season runs through March 7, 2021. NEW for 2020: Reservations are required for ice skating and may be made two days in advance. 2020-2021 season pricing: Adults and children of all ages $7. Skate rental is $4. Non-skaters wishing to enter the fenced area must pay admission. Visit CrownCenter.com.
5. HOLIDAY MAGIC Union Station will host a full season of holiday traditions while also adding unexpected and exciting new twists. Holiday treats include classic Christmas movies, breathtaking decorations, mustexperience attractions, holiday shopping, delicious goodies and spontaneous moments. It will be everything you love and more, including a walk-thru holiday wonderland that will transport guests into a world of stunning beauty and visual delight. Details at UnionStation.org.
6. TOYS OF CHRISTMAS PAST The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures is open for visitors and a wonderful holiday stop for families to reminisce about toys Santa has delivered over the years. Whether a favorite electric train set, a special dollhouse, a keepsake tea set or the greatest pinball game ever, your treasured toy memories are part of the museum. ToyAndMiniature Museum.org