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Daytime Grid

1 MONDAY March 1 5:00 am Conversation with... #1001 Michael Pollan 5:30 am 6:00 am 6:30 am




FRIDAY March 5

Best of the Joy of Painting #2234

Best of the Joy of Painting #2235

Best of the Joy of Painting #2236

Best of the Joy of Painting #2237

Best of the Joy of Painting #2335

Best of the Joy of Painting #2336

Best of the Joy of Painting #2337

Best of the Joy of Painting #2338

Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz #164 #165 #166 #167 #168

7:00 am

Businss and the Law #109

Taking The Lead #109

It's Strictly Business #109

Dollar$ & Sense #109

Something Ventured #109

7:30 am

Businss and the Law #110

Taking The Lead #110

It's Strictly Business #110

Dollar$ & Sense #110

Something Ventured #110

8:00 am

Way We Live #109

8:30 am

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Way We Live #110 Stepping Stones #110 #110

9:00 am

Body Electric #1721

Body Electric #1722

Body Electric #1723

Body Electric #1724

Body Electric #1725

9:30 am Sit and Be Fit #1106

Sit and Be Fit 1107

Sit and Be Fit #1108

Sit and Be Fit #1109

Sit and Be Fit #1110

Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #109 Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #110

Nutrition Pathways #109

11:00 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #109

French In Action #104

Astronomy: Observations & Theories #101 Astronomy: Observations & Theories #102

French In Action #117

French In Action #130

French In Action #143

11:30 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #110

French In Action #105

French In Action #118

French In Action #131

French In Action #144

Destinos #104

Destinos #117

Destinos #130

Destinos #143

Destinos #105

Destinos #118

Destinos #131

Destinos #144

Ciao Italia #1921

Ciao Italia #1922

Ciao Italia #1923

Ciao Italia #1924

10:00 am 10:30 am

12 Noon

American Cinema #105 12:30 pm Romantic Comendy 1:00 pm 1:30 pm

Ciao Italia #1920

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Discovering Stepping Stones #109 Psychology #109 #109

Nutrition Pathways #110

Discovering Psychology #110

World of Abnormal Psychology #105

Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #109 Art Of The Western World #105 Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #110

Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian #207 Vegetarian #208 Vegetarian #209 Vegetarian #210 Vegetarian #211

2:00 pm

Best of the Joy of Painting #2003

Best of the Joy of Painting #2004

Best of the Joy of Painting #2005

Best of the Joy of Painting #2006

Best of the Joy of Painting #2007

2:30 pm

Quilt In A Day #3007

Quilt In A Day #3008

Quilt In A Day #3009

Quilt In A Day #3010

Quilt In A Day #3011

3:00 pm

Lidia's Italy #220

Lidia's Italy #221

Lidia's Italy #222

Lidia's Italy #223

Lidia's Italy #224

3:30 pm

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #503

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #504

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #505

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #506

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #507

4:00 pm

Saddle Club #215

Saddle Club #216

Saddle Club #217

Saddle Club #218

Saddle Club #219

4:30 pm

Kid Fitness #208

Kid Fitness #209

Kid Fitness #210

Kid Fitness #211

Kid Fitness #212

March 2010 MONDAY March 8 5:00 am Conversation with... #1002 5:30 am Greg Mortenson 6:00 am 6:30 am





FRIDAY March 12

Best of the Joy of Painting #2239

Best of the Joy of Painting #2240

Best of the Joy of Painting #2241

Best of the Joy of Painting #2242

Best of the Joy of Painting #2340

Best of the Joy of Painting #2341

Best of the Joy of Painting #2342

Best of the Joy of Painting #2343

Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz #169 #170 #171 #172 #173

7:00 am

Businss and the Law #111

Taking The Lead #111

It's Strictly Business #111

Dollar$ & Sense #111

Something Ventured #111

7:30 am

Businss and the Law #112

Taking The Lead #112

It's Strictly Business #112

Dollar$ & Sense #112

Something Ventured #112

8:00 am

Way We Live #111

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Stepping Stones #111 #111

Discovering Psychology #111

8:30 am

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Way We Live #112 Stepping Stones #112 #112

Discovering Psychology #112

9:00 am

Body Electric #1726

Body Electric #1701

Body Electric #1702

Body Electric #1703

Body Electric #1704

9:30 am

Sit and Be Fit #801

Sit and Be Fit 802

Sit and Be Fit #803

Sit and Be Fit #804

Sit and Be Fit #805

Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #111 Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #112

Nutrition Pathways #111

11:00 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #111

French In Action #105

Astronomy: Observations & Theories #111 Astronomy: Observations & Theories #112

French In Action #118

French In Action #131

French In Action #144

11:30 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #112

French In Action #106

French In Action #119

French In Action #132

French In Action #145

Destinos #105

Destinos #118

Destinos #131

Destinos #144

Destinos #106

Destinos #119

Destinos #132

Destinos #145

Ciao Italia #1926

Ciao Italia #1701

Ciao Italia #1702

Ciao Italia #1703

10:00 am 10:30 am

12 Noon 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm

American Cinema #106 The Combat Film Ciao Italia #1925

Nutrition Pathways #112

World of Abnormal Psychology #106

Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #111 Art Of The Western World #106 Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #112

Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian #212 Vegetarian #213 Vegetarian #301 Vegetarian #302 Vegetarian #303

2:00 pm

Best of the Joy of Painting #2008

Best of the Joy of Painting #2009

Best of the Joy of Painting #2010

Best of the Joy of Painting #2011

Best of the Joy of Painting #2012

2:30 pm

Quilt In A Day #3012

Quilt In A Day #3013

3:00 pm

Lidia's Italy #205

Lidia's Italy #226

Lidia's Italy #301

Lidia's Italy #302

Lidia's Italy #303

3:30 pm

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #508

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #509

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #510

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #511

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #512

4:00 pm

Saddle Club #220

Saddle Club #221

Saddle Club #222

Saddle Club #223

Saddle Club #224

4:30 pm

Kid Fitness #213

Biz Kid$ #101

Biz Kid$ #102

Biz Kid$ #103

Biz Kid$ #104

Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting #1001 of Quilting #1002 of Quilting #1003

Daytime Grid

3 MONDAY March 15 5:00 am Conversation with... #904 U.S. Supreme Jus5:30 am tice Stephen Breyer 6:00 am 6:30 am

TUESDAY March 16



FRIDAY March 19

Best of the Joy of Painting #2244

Best of the Joy of Painting #2225

Best of the Joy of Painting #2246

Best of the Joy of Painting #2247

Best of the Joy of Painting #2345

Best of the Joy of Painting #2346

Best of the Joy of Painting #2347

Best of the Joy of Painting #2348

Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz #174 #175 #176 #177 #178

7:00 am

Businss and the Law #113

Taking The Lead #113

It's Strictly Business #113

Dollar$ & Sense #113

Something Ventured #113

7:30 am

Businss and the Law #114

Taking The Lead #114

It's Strictly Business #114

Dollar$ & Sense #114

Something Ventured #114

8:00 am

Way We Live #113

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Stepping Stones #113 #113

Discovering Psychology #113

8:30 am

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Way We Live #114 Stepping Stones #114 #114

Discovering Psychology #114

9:00 am

Body Electric #1705

Body Electric #1706

Body Electric #1707

Body Electric #1708

Body Electric #1709

9:30 am

Sit and Be Fit #806

Sit and Be Fit 807

Sit and Be Fit #808

Sit and Be Fit #809

Sit and Be Fit #810

Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #113 Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #114

Nutrition Pathways #113

11:00 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #113

French In Action #106

Astronomy: Observations & Theories #113 Astronomy: Observations & Theories #114

French In Action #119

French In Action #132

French In Action #145

11:30 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #113

French In Action #107

French In Action #120

French In Action #133

French In Action #146

Destinos #106

Destinos #119

Destinos #132

Destinos #145

Destinos #107

Destinos #120

Destinos #133

Destinos #146

Ciao Italia #1705

Ciao Italia #1706

Ciao Italia #1707

Ciao Italia #1708

10:00 am 10:30 am

12 Noon 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm

American Cinema #107 Film Noir Ciao Italia #1704

Nutrition Pathways #114

World of Abnormal Psychology #107

Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #113 Art Of The Western World #107 Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #114

Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian #304 Vegetarian #305 Vegetarian #306 Vegetarian #307 Vegetarian #308 Best of the Joy of Painting #2013

Best of the Joy of Painting #2014

Best of the Joy of Painting #2015

Best of the Joy of Painting #2016

Best of the Joy of Painting #2017

Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting #1004 of Quilting #1005 of Quilting #1006 of Quilting #1007 of Quilting #1008

3:00 pm

Lidia's Italy #304

Lidia's Italy #305

Lidia's Italy #306

Lidia's Italy #307

Lidia's Italy #308

3:30 pm

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #513

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #601

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #602

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #603

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #604

4:00 pm

Saddle Club #225

Saddle Club #226

Saddle Club #301

Saddle Club #302

Saddle Club #303

4:30 pm

Biz Kid$ #105

Biz Kid$ #106

Biz Kid$ #107

Biz Kid$ #108

Biz Kid$ #109

March 2010 MONDAY March 22 5:00 am Conversation with... #1004 Tom Brokaw 5:30 am 6:00 am 6:30 am


TUESDAY March 23



FRIDAY March 26

Best of the Joy of Painting #2249

Best of the Joy of Painting #2250

Best of the Joy of Painting #2251

Best of the Joy of Painting #2252

Best of the Joy of Painting #2350

Best of the Joy of Painting #2351

Best of the Joy of Painting #2352

Best of the Joy of Painting #2353

Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz #179 #180 #181 #182 #183

7:00 am

Businss and the Law #115

Taking The Lead #115

It's Strictly Business #115

Dollar$ & Sense #115

Something Ventured #115

7:30 am

Businss and the Law #116

Taking The Lead #116

It's Strictly Business #116

Dollar$ & Sense #116

Something Ventured #116

8:00 am

Way We Live #115

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Stepping Stones #115 #115

Discovering Psychology #115

8:30 am

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Way We Live #116 Stepping Stones #116 #116

Discovering Psychology #116

9:00 am

Body Electric #1710

Body Electric #1711

Body Electric #1712

Body Electric #1713

Body Electric #1714

9:30 am

Sit and Be Fit #811

Sit and Be Fit 812

Sit and Be Fit #813

Sit and Be Fit #814

Sit and Be Fit #815

Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #115 Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #116

Nutrition Pathways #115

11:00 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #115

French In Action #107

Astronomy: Observations & Theories #115 Astronomy: Observations & Theories #116

French In Action #120

French In Action #133

French In Action #146

11:30 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #116

French In Action #108

French In Action #121

French In Action #134

French In Action #147

Destinos #107

Destinos #120

Destinos #133

Destinos #146

Destinos #108

Destinos #121

Destinos #134

Destinos #147

Ciao Italia #1710

Ciao Italia #1711

Ciao Italia #1712

Ciao Italia #1713

10:00 am 10:30 am

American Cinema #108 Film in the Television 12:30 pm Age 12 Noon

1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm

Ciao Italia #1709

Nutrition Pathways #116

World of Abnormal Psychology #108

Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #115 Art Of The Western World #108 Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #116

Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian #309 Vegetarian #310 Vegetarian #311 Vegetarian #312 Vegetarian #313 Best of the Joy of Painting #2018

Best of the Joy of Painting #2019

Best of the Joy of Painting #2020

Best of the Joy of Painting #2021

Best of the Joy of Painting #2022

Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting #1009 of Quilting #1010 of Quilting #1011 of Quilting #1012 of Quilting #1013

3:00 pm

Lidia's Italy #309

Lidia's Italy #310

Lidia's Italy #311

Lidia's Italy #312

Lidia's Italy #313

3:30 pm

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #605

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #606

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #607

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #608

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #609

4:00 pm

Saddle Club #304

Saddle Club #305

Saddle Club #306

Saddle Club #307

Saddle Club #308

4:30 pm

Kid Fitness #110

Kid Fitness #111

Kid Fitness #112

Kid Fitness #113

Kid Fitness #114

March 2010


MONDAY March 29

TUESDAY March 30



FRIDAY April 2

5:00 am

La Plaza #401

Best of the Joy of Painting #2502

Best of the Joy of Painting #2503

Best of the Joy of Painting #2504

Best of the Joy of Painting #2505

5:30 am

Leading Gen #101

Best of the Joy of Painting #2403

Best of the Joy of Painting #2404

Best of the Joy of Painting #2405

Best of the Joy of Painting #2406

6:00 am 6:30 am

Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz Morning Cup of Jazz #184 #185 #186 #187 #188

7:00 am

Businss and the Law #117

Taking The Lead #117

It's Strictly Business #117

Dollar$ & Sense #117

Something Ventured #117

7:30 am

Businss and the Law #118

Taking The Lead #118

It's Strictly Business #118

Dollar$ & Sense #118

Something Ventured #118

8:00 am

Way We Live #117

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Stepping Stones #117 #117

Discovering Psychology #117

8:30 am

Our Family Ouselves Child Development: Way We Live #118 Stepping Stones #118 #118

Discovering Psychology #118

9:00 am

Body Electric #1715

Body Electric #1716

Body Electric #1717

Body Electric #1718

Body Electric #1719

9:30 am

Sit and Be Fit #816

Sit and Be Fit 817

Sit and Be Fit #818

Sit and Be Fit #819

Sit and Be Fit #820

Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #117 Journey To Health: Mind, Body, Spirit #118

Nutrition Pathways #117

11:00 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #117

French In Action #108

Astronomy: Observations & Theories #117 Astronomy: Observations & Theories #118

French In Action #121

French In Action #134

French In Action #147

11:30 am

Examined Life: Intro to Philosophy #118

French In Action #109

French In Action #122

French In Action #135

French In Action #148

American Cinema #109 The Film School Generation

Destinos #108

Destinos #121

Destinos #134

Destinos #147

Destinos #109

Destinos #122

Destinos #135

Destinos #148

Ciao Italia #1714

Ciao Italia #1715

Ciao Italia #1716

Ciao Italia #1717

Ciao Italia #1718

10:00 am 10:30 am

12 Noon 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm

Nutrition Pathways #118

World of Abnormal Psychology #109

Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #117 Art Of The Western World #109 Earth Revealed: Intro Geology #118

Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian #401 Vegetarian #402 Vegetarian #403 Vegetarian #404 Vegetarian #405 Best of the Joy of Painting #2023

Best of the Joy of Painting #2024

Best of the Joy of Painting #2025

Best of the Joy of Painting #2026

Best of the Joy of Painting #2027

Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting #1101 of Quilting #1102 of Quilting #1103 of Quilting #1104 of Quilting #1105

3:00 pm

Lidia's Italy #314

Lidia's Italy #315

Lidia's Italy #316

Lidia's Italy #317

Lidia's Italy #318

3:30 pm

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #610

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #611

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #612

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #613

Bake Decorate Celebrate! #614

4:00 pm

Saddle Club #309

Saddle Club #310

Saddle Club #311

Saddle Club #312

Saddle Club #313

4:30 pm

Biz Kid$ #115

Biz Kid$ #116

Biz Kid$ #117

Biz Kid$ #118

Biz Kid$ #119

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