Staying Connected - The KCS Magazine - Summer 2024

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“Whatstartedwithjust50studentsin elementarygradeshasgrownintoaJKGrade12schoolwithover 450students. It'sbeenajourneyofdedicationfor our Founders,our donors,our facultyand staff,andour studentsandtheir families.” -DerekLogan





HallieMcClelland,VictoriaSchaible, HelenWalsh,DanielleWan-Hue









2183LakeShoreBlvd.W. Etobicoke,ONM8VOJ2


4600DundasSt.West, Etobicoke,ONM9A1A5


Tobethedefiningforcein developinglifelonglearnersby stewardingalearning environmentthatinspiresusto reachourultimatepotential. Mission

Celebrate 35years withus

Derek Logan Head of School

Dear KCS Community,

I am pleased to introduce our school's new magazine, marking our amazing 35-year journey. As Head of School, it's a pleasure to share this inaugural edition that provides a glimpse of our school’s history, growth, and achievements.

What started with just 50 students in elementary grades has grown into a JK-Grade 12 school with over 450 students. It's been a journey of dedication for our Founders, our donors, our faculty and staff, and our students and their families.

Founded in 1989, our school was built on academic excellence, character building, and nurturing each student's potential. From day one, KCS has followed our Three School Rules: Respect, Manners, and Try Your Best. These rules still guide us today and are integral to how we treat others as we have grown.

Over the past 35 years, we've expanded our campus and improved our programs to prepare students for today's world. What began with a dream, now includes modern facilities,

including our award-winning Senior School, arts, outdoor learning spaces, play areas, innovative classrooms and our continuing partnerships for physical education spaces such as Humbertown Park and the Argonaut Rowing Club. All these spaces enhance our Four Doors to Learning Program that provides opportunities for students in the areas of academics, arts, athletics and citizenship. KCS also has been a leader in wellbeing and mental health support for students and providing an environment that makes wellbeing part of the process of education.

At KCS, our strength lies in our community. Students, families, faculty, staff and alumni embody respect, responsibility, integrity, and compassion. We celebrate diversity and support each other in learning and growth. We're proud of our students' achievements and hope you enjoy the section highlighting the end of year ceremonies in June. Every student at KCS is part of our year end, providing every student the time to celebrate their achievements.

Our 35th anniversary has come to an end we now look to the future. This school year, 20242025, holds special significance—it's my last year as Head of School before retirement. It's also the year our first Grade 12 class will graduate. It's a milestone for us all, and we're excited for what lies ahead.

I invite you to explore our magazine and discover stories of inspiration, achievement, and community. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey.

Tiffany Jay Board Chair

Dear Kingsway College School Community,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I introduce you to our new e-magazine, "Staying Connected - The KCS Magazine." This publication marks a significant milestone in our 35-year journey as a school dedicated to fostering a vibrant and connected community. Since our doors opened in 1989, Kingsway College School has grown remarkably, evolving into a JK-Grade 12 accredited institution.

Our journey has been one of continuous improvement and expansion, driven by a commitment to excellence in education. This magazine represents our latest endeadvour to ensure every member of our community— students, parents, alumni, faculty, and friends—remains engaged and informed about the dynamic life of KCS.

The Board of Governors is diligently working to implement our strategic plan, focusing on enriching the educational experience, enhancing our facilities, and expanding our programs. Our community’s vision for the future is bright, and we are excited about

the many opportunities that lie ahead for KCS. This magazine is a testament to our commitment to transparency, communication, and community building.

"Staying Connected" will serve as a platform to share the stories, achievements, and events that make KCS such a special place. From academic successes and artistic endeavors to athletic triumphs and community service initiatives, we are excited to celebrate the diverse talents and contributions of our students and staff.

We hope that this publication not only informs but also inspires and connects us all in new and meaningful ways. Your feedback and participation are invaluable as we continue to develop this magazine and showcase the KCS community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to Kingsway College School. We hope you enjoy the first issue of "Staying Connected - The KCS Magazine."

College School




School(KCS)opensits doorstothreeclassesof 50students


ThefirstHeadofSchool wasHalHannaford.He createdtheThree SchoolRulesinhisfirst yearasHead.


DavidRichardsbecomes thesecondHeadof School


ThefirstKCSMusical: “FreetobeaFamily”


TheClassof1994 becomethefirstever graduatingGrade8 Class


KCSaddsnewwingwith thecapitalcampaign “BuildingontheDream“


GlennZederayko becomesthethirdHead ofSchool


Classsizesstartedto doubleateachgrade levelforboth educationalandsocial benefits


DerekLoganbecomes thefourthHeadof School

2003 FirstEuropean BattlefieldTrip


Thewritingofour history“HeartandSoul: TheStoryofthe FoundingofKingsway CollegeSchool.”Written byPeterHelstonwith helpfromDougLangley.

ReadtheHeartAndSoul Publication


2003 Secondaddition completedtobuildfor futuregrowth

“BuildingBlocksforLife” campaignsees expansiontoprovide2 classesforGrades1 throughto8


KCSCelebratestheir 20thanniversary


HabitsofMindBodyand Actionwerecreated.


Amalgamationwith nurseryschooladds establishedearlyyears programincludingJunior andSeniorKindergarten


KCSCelebratesits25th anniversary


FirstDirectorofStudent Liferoleestablished.It changedtoDirectorof StudentandCommunity Well-Beingsummerof 2019


TheKCSLand Acknowledgementwas createdbystudents withtheguidanceof ArtistinResidenceLindy Kinoshameg


AndreaFanjoybecomes thefirstHeadofSenior School


“PlayforthePark” campaignrenovates HumbertownParkto provideanenhanced soccer/footballfield withnewplayground andotheramenitiesin partnershipwithCityof Toronto

2021 “JointheJourney” campaignlaunches SeniorSchoolwithfirst Grade9class.Usingan interimfacilityinthe heartofBloorWest Village

FirstPrideCelebration 2023 Dr.MatinaMosun becomesthefirstHead ofJuniorSchool


KCScompletesthefirst phaseofconstruction andopensthedoorsto itsurbanandinnovative SeniorSchoolCampus onLakeShoreBlvd. alongtheHumberBay Shoreline


KCSrebrandlaunched withavisiontoalignthe JuniorSchoolwithnew SeniorSchool-One schoolTwocampuses.

“Itwasincredibletohearallofthe excitingthingsourformerstudents havebeendoing.Withnametagsto therescue,helpingusrecognize someofour(muchtaller!)grown-up alumni.Frominterestingpostsecondarystudies,amazingcareer opportunities,toadventurestraveling theglobe.”

OnThursday,October5,2023,KCSproudly celebratedasignificantmilestoneinitshistory withour35th-anniversaryAlumniNight.

Thisunforgettableeventbroughttogetherpast andpresentmembersofourKCSfamily,creating aheartwarmingopportunitytoreunitewithold friends,reconnectwithteachersandstaffwho haveplayedavitalroleinshapingourschool's history,andreflectonourjourneyofeducational excellence.

Alumni,alumniparents,andcurrentandalumni facultyandstaffgatheredtosharelaughter, memories,andappreciationforthecollective achievementsthatdefineourcommunity.Itwasa nightfilledwithcamaraderieandprideinour school'slegacy.

Followingthefestivities,alumniwere invitedtoaprivatetouroftheKCS SeniorSchoolcampus—abeautiful testamenttoourcommitmentto academicgrowthandexcellenceover thepast35years.Thetourwasa journeythroughtime,showcasingthe progressandinnovationsthathave shapedourremarkablestory.

HeadofSeniorSchool,AndreaFanjoyinconversationwithtwoalumni students,NickSaccoia‘13,andCarterJan’13.
DirectorofAdvancement,HallieMcClellandwithherpredecessor,Suzie Waldman.

Trip Down Memory Lane

35 Years of KCS Connections

KCS alumni pictured from left to right Kathleen Boyd ‘04, Jamie Cameron 97’, and Caroline Cameron ‘04
Learning Strategies teacher, Jenny Van Remortel and Grade Three teacher, Kerrie Robins catching up with Michael Scauzzilo, Heather Beamish, and Michelle Barchuk
KCS Founder, Ulrike Davis, pictured with alumni teacher, Janet Stephenson (1992- 2000), both instrumental in the early days of the school
KCS faculty member, Lorna Hooper bonding with alumni students John Sandham ‘09 and Eden Church ‘09
KCS Yearbooks to view during the event, dating from the first edition created in 1999-2023
Grade One teacher, Ali Murphy and Grade Seven teacher, Shelley Gaudet reminiscing with father-daughter duo, Martin and Kristen Abel
Current KCS Registrar, AnnaMaria Esposito spending quality time with former student, Sydney Suboch ‘15, alumni parents, Andy Suboch and Nicki Perpick
Crooked Cue filling up with old friends reminiscing about adventures and shared memories from their years at KCS


KCSstaffhavealwaystakenlearningseriously. Thefoundingthreeschoolrulesof‘respect, manners,andtryyourbest’demandit.Our upcoming CAIS re-accreditationdoestoo.

Here’showthelastCAISVisitingCommittee, consistingofCAISschoolleadersfromacross Canada,describedus:

“ItisclearthatKingswayCollegeSchoolisa placethatisdeeplycommittedtoitsstudents andtheirlearning.Educationalinnovationand continuousimprovementareembeddedinthe school’sculture...thisisaschoolthattakes learningseriously—boththatoftheirstudents andoftheirinstitutionasawhole.Thereisno doubtthisisaspecialplace.”

Welovesharingallthelearningourstudents engagein,fromthefamiliarskill-buildingin reading,writing,andmath,totheinquiry, criticalthinking,andgrowingstudentagency thatisthefoundationfor lifelonglearningand leadership.

ThestoryofKCSasalearningorganizationis lessoftensharedbutequallyimpressive. Here’showprofessionallearningispartofour ‘day-to-day’andinformseverythingwedo:

1.Critically, KCShasbuiltalearningculture whereallstaffhavelongbeenempoweredto shareobservationsongaps,challenges,and opportunities,whetherwithintheirpartof KCSorschool-wide.Onceshared,the responseistorollupoursleeves,learnwhat’s needed,andtakethoughtfulnextsteps.

2.Thankstoextensiveengagementwithparents,whether inBoardandcommitteeroles,inourParentNetwork, throughsurveys,orinthemanymeetingsand conversationsthattranspirethroughouttheyear,welisten, reflect,andgrowinresponse.

3.Regularengagementinprofessionaldevelopment strengthensourcriticaleyeandhelpsusrecognizewhat’s possible.Someisdeliveredbyexternalexperts,likethe recentworkshopsledby AIforEducation; muchisalso gainedthroughprofessionalnetworks,suchasour membershipintheConferenceofIndependentSchools Ontario (CISOntario) andCanadianAccredited IndependentSchools(CAIS).

4.A ‘designthinkingprocess’,leveragedsince2015inthe JuniorSchoolandnowaweekly co-curricularprogramat theSeniorSchool, helpsmakelearningandgrowthpartof ourDNA.Thisprocessinvitesstudentstojoinstaffin identifyingopportunitiesforimprovement,andengages theminthecollaborativehardworkofmeaningful leadership.

5.Lastandcertainlynotleast, CAISaccreditation requires allaccreditedschoolstodemonstratetheircommitmentto organizationallearningandexcellenceineducation.The accreditationexercisealoneincludes2+yearsofinternal self-evaluation,review,andimprovementoutofevery7 years(nowchangingtoevery5years).Itincludesallareas ofschoolfunction,includingacademicsandstudentlifeas wellasstrategy,finance,humanresources,community relations,andmore.Inthecomingschoolyear,webegin theinternalevaluationprocessforourupcoming reaccreditationinNovember2025.

Inthemeantime,KCSsenioradministratorsareregularly calledupontojoinandevenleadCAISVisitingCommittees forotherCAISschoolsacrossthecountry.

Readersfamiliarwith KCSwillknowour commitmentto developingthe Habits thatconstitute“trying ourbest”.TheHabits applytoKCSstaffand studentsalike.Itall startedwiththe“three schoolrules”.The amazinglearningand growththathas unfoldedsincethenisa testamenttothe powerofthosewords andaculturethat honoursthem.



AtKCS,weofferarichlearningenvironmentthat fosterscuriosity,engagement,andwell-being. Ourgoalistoinstillaloveforlifelonglearningin allstudents.RootedinourFourDoorsto LearningProgramandourThreeSchoolRulesof respect,manners,andtryyourbest,weholdour studentsandcommunitytohighstandardsand expectations.

Thiscommitmentextendstoleadership developmentinourstudents,with encouragementtodevelopcommunication, collaboration,anddecision-makingskills, preparingthemtobeconfident,responsible leaders.

OurJuniorSchoolisrenownedforitscultureof caring,respect,andcuriosity.Tohelpfacilitate this,weemphasizetheHabitsofMind,Body, andAction,suchasthinkingflexibly,persisting, andstrivingforaccuracy.

Thesehabitsencouragestudentstoapproach challengeswithapositivemindsetand effectivestrategies,sothatbyGrade8,our studentsdemonstratethesehabitswith independence,positioningthemwelltobe leadersandkindcitizenswhomakea difference.


Athletics,andCitizenshipfocusesonprovidingevery studentopportunities,builtintothecurriculumand extracurricularactivities,toexploreallaspectsof schoollife.”

Creatingthissupportivelearningenvironmentis crucialforfosteringlifelonglearning,reflection, andgoal-setting.Weensurethatallstudents havesmall-grouplearningopportunities throughouttheweek,andtimetoexploreour resourceswiththesupportofcaringfaculty. Makinguseofavarietyofspacessuchastheart room,lab,library,andtheoutdoors,students engageinaprocessoflearningandtackle challengestogetherwithampleencouragement.

Throughoutthelearningprocess,teachers modelreflectivepracticesandprovide constructivefeedback,helpingstudentsview mistakesaslearningopportunities,andgrowas leadersinlearning.Ourassessmentsgobeyond traditionalmetrics,withastudent-centredfocus thatencouragesstudentstoreflectontheir growth,identifysuccessfulstrategies,andset realisticgoals.Thisreflectionembeddedinour programfostersself-awarenessandconfidence, helpingstudentsunderstandtheirunique learningstylesandtakecontroloftheirlearning.

Lastyear,wefocusedondeeperlearningwithin thecurriculumthroughinquiryandintentional cross-gradeprogrammingthatculminatedina varietyofprojectsandpresentations.The studentsdemonstratedasincereexcitement whenwelcomingparents,alumniandalumni families,andguestsintoourclassroom showcases,musicconcerts,assemblies,and extra-curricularactivities.Throughallofthese experiencesatKCS,weaimtocultivatenotjust successfulstudents,butlifelonglearnersand leaderspreparedtofacefuturechallengeswith confidenceandcuriosity.



KCSoffersbotharigorousandsupportive academicculturebecausestudents deserveboth.

BuildingBridges:Collaborative VenturesBetweenKCSJuniorand SeniorCampuses

Grade5studentsvisitedtheSeniorSchoolforanengagingcoding workshopledbyitsCodingclubandComputerSciencestudents. Meanwhile,Grade3students,learningaboutstrong,stable structures,visitedwheretheyhadachancetohearaboutthenext phaseofconstruction,imaginingafuturewheretheywouldsitin thosespaces,reminiscingaboutthedaytheysawitasablank canvas.

BMOInnovationCentreatHumber College

OnApril11,aspecialeventtookplaceattheBMOInnovation Centre,wheretheLongofamilymadeagenerousdonationto supportentrepreneurshipthroughthefundingofscholarships, workshops,andawardsforhighschoolandcollegestudents. WewereproudanddelightedwhenKCSsweptthepodium,with ourstudentstakingthetopfourpositions.


Grades6-8studentsattendedastudyskillsworkshopbyDr. Mosun.GuestspeakerMr.Williamsemphasizedpurposeful studyingthroughrepetitionandassociation.Studentslearnedthe importanceofapositivemindset,dailystudyroutines,asking questions,andreviewingwork,leavingwithpersonalized strategiestoenhancetheirlearning.

KCSfinalistintheCBCFirstPage StudentWritersContest

KCSSeniorSchoolstudent,GavinW.waschosenasoneof22 finalistsoutof1500entriesintheCBCFirstPageStudentWriters Contest.Gavinwrotearivetingstarttowhatcouldbeadystopian novelrelatedtotheenvironment.Let’shopehekeepswritingand hisnoveldoesn’tcometrue!Youcanlearnmoreand readhisentry here.


KCSbringsarttolife. Studentslearntoexpressthemselvescreatively throughvisualarts,drama,vocalandinstrumental music.KCSstudentsareencouragedtotakerisks andfindtheirvoicethroughartisticexpression.

Diveintothemagicof'TheLittle MermaidJr.'

Aftermanymonthsofhardwork,thestudentswowedtheKCS communitywiththreeunforgettableperformancesof"The LittleMermaidJr."Ahugethankyoutoparentandalumni volunteers,JossetteDegiorgioandDinahFarahwho generouslydevotedtheirtimetovariousaspectsofthe production,includingsets,props,tickets,make-up,and, notably,thecostumeteam.

SeniorSchoolHolidayShowcase: WinterWonders

KCSSeniorSchoolintroduced"WinterWonders"asitsholiday showcase,conceivedbythestudentleadershipcommitteeto honourthewinterseason.ReflectingKCS'sexperiential approach,WinterWondersisaninteractivecelebration, includinglivemusicandartthatunitesthecommunity, demonstratingKCS'scommitmenttofosteringengagement andcreatingmemorableexperiences.

KCSShinesatRoyThomsonHall CISMFConcert

OnSaturday,April13,over30KCSstudentsfromGrades4-8 joined39CISschoolsforthesold-outCISMFconcertatRoy ThomsonHall.Preparationbeganintheearlyfall,withKCS studentsparticipatinginchoirsortheConcertBand. ConductedbyKCSmusicteacherMs.ShandaLee,theJunior Choirdeliveredanoutstandingperformance.Theconcert showcasedremarkablemusicaltalent,bringingjoytoall attendees.Congratulationstoallstudentsfortheirroleinthe event'ssuccess.

Grade9ArtClassTravelstothe AGO

Grade9VisualArtstudentsattendedanAGOworkshop, learningchalkandoilpastelsfocusedonsymbolsasvisual communication,inspiredbytheKeithHaringexhibit.They exploredtheAGO,includingHaringandKAWSexhibits.For many,itwastheirfirstgalleryvisit,makingitextraspecial. Studentsreturnedwithnewskills,completedpastelpieces, andadeeperappreciationforboundary-pushingartists.



Integratingathleticsintoschoollifebuildslastinghabits. Ourteams,utilizingoff-campusfacilities,notonlyfocus onskilldevelopmentandenjoymentbutalsoinstillpride inrepresentingtheschool.

CAISNationalBasketball Tournament

TheKCSU13GirlsandBoysBasketballteamsparticipatedinthe 2024CAISNationalBasketballTournamentatAshburyCollegein Ottawa,competingagainst28teamsincluding,Vancouver, Winnipeg,Bermuda,andOntario.TheU13boys’teamwonthe MikeStathamAwardforsportsmanship.Ourstudentsexcelledon thecourtandembodiedKCS'scorevalues.


OurSeniorSchoolTrackandFieldTeamexcelledattheCISAA Championships,withfourathletesearningspotsattheMetro Championships.CongratulationstoRaffa(shotput),Joah(100m hurdles),Cristiano(3000m,1500m,800m),andAlex(discus, javelin,shotput)fortheiroutstandingperformances!Special congratstoCristiano,agradeninestudent,whoplaced5thinthe Men’sNovice800mattheOFSAAChampionships.

ExploreNature'sClassroomat Norval

StudentsinGrades5through8enjoyedoutdooreducationtripsto NorvalOutdoorSchoolandCanterburyHills.Theypracticed communication,campskills,teambuilding,andleadershipthrough activitieslikelow/highropescourses,initiativegames,campfires, hiking,gagaball,blankettoss,the100MileMeal,rockclimbing,and rappelling.

KCSSeniorSchoolstudentshadthewonderfulopportunitytobe partneredwiththeArgonautRowingClub.Studentslearned rowingtechniques,participatedinteam-buildingexercises,and practicedonergsandonwater.Earlierthisyear,theycompleteda tippingclinicandswimtesttopreparefortheon-waterseasonthis spring.

MakingMovesatTheArgonaut RowingClub


We’reallpartofsomethingbiggerthan ourselves.

Andsincewewanttomaketheworldabetter place,wewanttohelpourstudentsevolveinto sociallyresponsibleleadersandengagedcitizens.

TruthandReconciliationWeekat KCS

OnSeptember29,KCSrecognizedOrangeShirtDay.Junior SchoolstudentsenjoyedanengagingperformancebyTribal VisionDance,afamilytroupefromtheSixNationsoftheGrand RiverTerritory.Thegroup,madeupofchampionsingersand dancers,sharedtheirknowledgetodeepenunderstandingand appreciationofFirstNationsculture.


ThroughoutNovember,theSeniorSchoolheldassembliesto discussmen'shealth,raiseawareness,andengageinactivitiesfor Movember.AluckystudenthadthehonourofshavingtheAssistant HeadofSeniorSchool'smoustache,markingamemorableendto Movember.Inaddition,InspiredbyREDJanuary,KCSSeniorSchool challengedstudentsandstafftomovedailyinFebruary,recording theiractivitytoimprovephysical,social,andmentalwell-being. Theinitiativeaimedtobreakbarrierstoinactivityandfostera supportivecommunity.


Ramadan,Nowruz,Passover,Lunar NewYearandMore!

AtKCS,weproudlycelebratediversity.Ourhallwaysfeature captivatingartandstoriesreflectingourcommunity'sdiverse culturalbackgrounds.Guestspeakers,authors,andparent volunteersshareduniquetraditions,enrichingourstudents' culturalunderstanding.Studentsenjoyedcrafts,storytelling,and cross-gradeprojects.HighlightsincludedamesmerizingLion DanceassemblyforLunarNewYear.

PinkShirtDayCollaboration Project

KCScelebratedPinkShirtDaywithauniquecross-gradeinitiative whereGrade4andGrade9studentsdesignedshirtswithantibullyingmessages.Theschoolvotedfortheirfavoritedesign,and thewinningshirtwassold,raising$1,462forBullyingCanada.KCS willcontinuetoexemplifykindnessandunity,fosteringa supportivecommunityforall.

AtKCS,webelieveinrecognizingandnurturingeach student'spotentialbeyondacademicachievements, focusingonoverallgrowthaslearners.Acknowledging students'effortsandimprovementsenhancestheir intrinsicmotivationandhelpsthemdevelopalifelong loveforlearning.Recognizingeachstudent'spotential andfosteringasupportiveenvironmentiscentraltoour philosophy,ensuringthatourstudentsthriveboth academicallyandpersonally.

Byincorporatingreflectionandgoal-settingintotheir educationalexperience,weequipstudentswithskills thatextendbeyondtheclassroom,helpingthem navigatefuturechallengeswithconfidence.




“It’snotonlytheactofhavingsuchmemories,butsharingthemthat makesthemsovaluable.”-Anna(Grade10Student)

KCSproudlyhelditsinauguralSenior SchoolClosingCeremonythisyear.It wasalovelyeventfilledwithparent supportandacelebrationofour students.Theceremony,whichtook placeonJune12,celebratedthe achievementsofourstudentsinGrades 9-11.

Itfeaturedawardsforhousesand students,alongwithwonderfulmusic andvideovisualscreatedbytheSenior Schoolstudentsthemselves.Each graduatewasinvitedtothestageto receiveawardsandrecognitions, reflectingontheirpastyear.

Studentscontinuetostepintoleadership roles,mentoryoungerstudentsatourJunior School,andchallengethemselves academically.GradeRepresentativeswere alsovotedon,withstudentsidentifyingthe topthreeindividualswhomostexemplifieda loveforKCSandaspiritofbuildingaspecial schoolexperienceforall.

TheFoundersCup,awardedtothestudentchosenbypeersforbestexemplifyingthe 1989Founders'spiritofdedication,enthusiasm,andcommitmenttoenhancingthe KCSexperience,waswonbyGarrett.Thisstudentisanactive,welcoming communitymember,embodyingthetrueessenceofbeingaKCSstudent.


Mr.LearningwithGrade10student,BenH,welcomingparents,students, andalumnitotheinauguralSeniorSchoolClosingCeremony. FoundersCupWinner


StudentsGavinW,ThomasH,RaffaB,CillianG,andSimonKintheir formaluniformsspendingtimetogetherbeforetheceremony.

Grade9Representative: Garett

Grade10Representative: Anna

Grade11Representative: Daniela

Oneofthemanyhighlightsoftheeventwas theawardingoftheHouseCup.Thisaward goestotheKCSHousethatearnsthehighest averagenumberofpointsperstudentbythe endoftheyear.Congratulationsto Luxton Houseforwinning!

Aswelookforwardtothenextyear,thereis muchtoanticipate:ourfirstGrade12 graduatingclass,thecompletionof completionofourSeniorSchoolcampus construction,theadditionofnewstudents andstaff,newopportunitiesinclassandinour extra-curricularprogram,andsomuchmore.

Congratulationstoallourstudentsonthe milestonesachieved.Here’stothemilestones ahead!

OurSeniorCommunicationsTechnologystudent,Trevor,createdaspecialvideomessagetitled-“A LettertotheJuniorSchool”,featuringSeniorSchoolstudentssharingtheirexperiencesattendingor workingwiththeJuniorSchoolwhichwasshownattheJuniorSchoolClosingCeremonies.


Launching into New Horizons

KCS held its Junior School closing ceremony on June 13, 2024, marking the end of another academic year for Grades 4-8. The event featured photo tributes, video messages and awards, highlighting exceptional growth, leadership development, independence, and learning skills.

The ceremony began with the KCS Land Acknowledgement and the KCS School Prayer, followed by an inspiring message from Board Chair Tiffany Jay. She emphasized the values instilled in KCS students: “Beyond the classroom, our students exemplify the values of the three school rules, the importance of citizenship, and leadership skills that make a positive impact both within our school walls and in the broader community.” Derek Logan, our Head of School, led the “Decades of Excellence” segment, recognizing the dedicated contributions of KCS staff and faculty over the years, including his own. This segment also honoured the retirement of Lise Lacroix, our Director of Admissions.

The ceremony’s emotional peak was the valedictorian speeches by Brooke and Michael. Their heartfelt words resonated with the audience and classmates, capturing the essence of their shared experiences and excitement for the future. Congratulations to all our students, and we look forward to the adventures and successes the next academic year will bring.

KCS has allowed me to experience so many unique things in the ten years that I have been here…The friends, memories, and my own experiences I have made thanks to KCS are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and are more valuable than diamonds and I will cherish all of them.


At our House Awards Presentation, KCS honoured students with House Pins, Ties, Medals, the Father Brian Award, the '89 Award, and the House Cup.

The ceremony also featured awards recognizing students excelling in key areas in leadership, participation, and community involvement including:

The Adele Imrie Award:

Lea and Thomas

Parent Network Language:

Adam, Michael, Sophie, and Stella

Progress Cup:

Sydney and Sara Athletic Award:

Austin and Brooke

Visual Arts Award:

Isaiah and Sophie Music Award:

Nathan and Sara

Spirit of Oochigeas Award:


Founders Cup:

Henry, Austin, Maggie, and Brooke

Helston-Langley Award:

Zoë, Abby, and Garrett

Head of School Award: Sophie and Michael


We’re Growing Up!

The KCS Primary Closing Ceremony was a fitting tribute to our younger learners. We are incredibly proud of our students, who have grown in independence and curiosity. Students were recognized on stage for their monumental growth over the year, whether it was being active in P.E., striving for accuracy in music, embracing learning in French, or showing empathy to peers. They practiced the habits we aim to instill in all KCS students.

Primary teachers were also recognized for their support, encouragement, and guidance, which have been instrumental in helping students grow and challenge themselves. The ceremony concluded with a musical performance by our Primary singers, led by Ms. Lee.

Also celebrated was Ms. Ella Reymer, a former KCS student who joined class 102 as a co-op student this year. Ella returned to KCS to pursue a future career in education, driven by her fond memories at our school.

Ella in 2019


Tiny Graduates, Big Dreams Ahead

The Kindergarten Closing Ceremony featured musical performances from our youngest students and celebrating an amazing year of learning new skills, gaining independence, and working together. The ceremony recognized achievements in counting, the alphabet, reading, recognizing words and letters, and learning to be better friends.

Musical performances from JK and SK Classes, led by Ms. Hasen and Mrs. Williams, showcased the students’ progress. It was a heartwarming ceremony that highlighted the growth our students experience throughout JK and SK.

Faculty and staff were also recognized at the Closing for their Years of Service.




After sixteeen years of dedicated service, we bid farewell this year to Anatoli Guelfgat, our esteemed Facilities Manager, as he steps into retirement. Anatoli joined the KCS community with a commitment to ensuring our campus was always in top condition. His meticulous attention to detail, tireless work ethic, and unwavering dedication have significantly contributed to creating a safe, and well-maintained environment for our students, staff, and families. As he embarks on this new chapter, we extend our deepest gratitude for his invaluable contributions and wish him a fulfilling and joyous retirement. Thank you, Anatoli, for everything you have done for KCS!

Trish Borg 20 years
Hallie McClelland 10 years
Diana Bowes
Elissa Meleca 10 years
Stacy Marcynuk 25 years
Derek Logan
Sherri Field Jenny Van Remortel 30 years 10 years



KCS bid farewell to Lise Lacroix this year as she also steps into retirement. Lise has worked at KCS for 27 wonderful years. Her roles at KCS have included Grade 4 homeform teacher, French teacher, Assistant Head of Operations, Director of Operations and Admissions, and for the past handful of years, Director of Admissions. Lise has brought a passion and tremendous work ethic to all the roles she has done at KCS. She has a unique ability to connect with students in all grades, and with current and prospective families. Lise has been a tremendous colleague, always willing to lend a hand or listen when needed.

Lise’s passion for KCS, for our students, her colleagues, and for all our KCS families, has never wavered from the first time she stepped into the school.


Primary Learning Strategies Teacher

In the 1992-93 school year, Jenny Vanremortel, our Primary Learning Strategies Teacher began her journey at KCS. Throughout her tenure, she has shaped the minds of young learners as a Grade One and Two teacher and led a multitude of extracurricular activities that foster creativity, teamwork, and fun. From the Construction Club to the Primary Drama Club —where she wrote annual plays inspired by Dr. Seuss books—her dedication to student engagement is unparalleled.

Her involvement extended to numerous other clubs, including T-ball, Dance, and even a Lip Sync Contest, showcasing her versatility and commitment to creating a vibrant school culture.

The changes Jenny has witnessed at KCS are huge! The student population has surged from 150 to over 400, accompanied by a significant increase in staff size. She has worked under all four Heads of School, watched three physical expansions of the school and transformation of spaces and massive changes in technology. There were no computers when she started at KCS. Her experiences reflect the dynamic growth and adaptation of KCS over the years.

Asked why she has stayed at KCS for 30 years, Jenny responded “I have the best colleagues!!! We are very supportive of each other, and everyone is truly passionate about the success of their students in all areas of life.” Her favorite aspect of teaching is witnessing her students' literacy development and enjoying their humorous and heartwarming interactions.

This summer, she plans to indulge in professional reading focused on Literacy, complete required professional development hours, and assist her daughter with her move to a new place in Guelph.


Dean of Students

Joining KCS in 2023, our new Dean of Students, Janelle Watson, brings over 20 years of diverse experience from Greenwood College School. Her career there spanned roles such as Athletic Director, Advisor Coordinator, AP Coordinator, and finally, Director of Grades 7 & 8. Driven by a passion for school development and a wealth of experience, she is excited to contribute to building KCS’s Senior School.

At KCS, she took on the role of Administrator and School Life Coordinator. In her first year, she coordinated assemblies, House Captains, KCS By Design (KBD), and the supervision schedule, while also supporting various administrative tasks. She will proudly serve as the first Dean of Students at KCS Senior School next year.

Notably, she coached the first-ever KCS Senior School basketball team, leading them to win their first two games. Her leadership and dedication to student development are evident in her enthusiasm and success.

What sets KCS apart, she believes, is its progressive approach to education. From assessment and teaching pedagogy to PlaceBased Learning and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, KCS supports students in discovering and nurturing their passions and potential. The strong sense of community and relationships is what she loves most about KCS, where everyone is encouraged to be their best selves.

She recommends KCS Senior School for its caring environment, strong academics, character development, and real-world connections. The school’s dynamic and inclusive extracurricular focus ensures there is something for everyone.

This summer, she plans to enjoy family camping trips across Ontario, attend outdoor music festivals, play baseball, and visit Chicago for live music and deep-dish pizza. She looks forward to another exciting year at KCS, driven by her passion for supporting and inspiring students.



ThisJanuarywasamajormilestoneforwomen’s sportswiththekickofftotheProfessional Women’sHockeyLeague(PWHL).KCSAlumni, ClaireDalton,onPWHLMontreal,isarisingstar intheleague.

Claire'sjourneyintohockeybeganwithher family.Surroundedbyrelativeswhoplayedthe sport,itwasalmostinevitablethatshewould laceupherskates."Mydadplayedatavery highlevel,asdidmanyofmycousins,"she shares."Iwasinitiallymoreinterestedinsoccer, butmyparentsconvincedmehockeywas'like socceronice'becausetheypreferredtowatch hockeyinsteadofsoccer.Althoughitwas nothinglikesocceronice,thefirsttimeIplayed hockey,Iwashooked!"

Clairestartedskatingattheageofthree,and herpassionforhockeyignitedfromthere, movingtoorganizedhockeyatagefive.Her dedicationtohockeyallthroughschoolshows passion,determination,andtalent.

“KCShashada significantimpactonmy careerandlifepaths. ThefoundationIbuiltas astudentatKCS allowedmetorealize mydreamofattending anIvyLeagueschool.”

Claire'smessagetoaspiringathletesintheKCScommunityisa messagethatgoesbeyondsports."Thepathtoprofessionalathletics isgruelingandcanbemonotonous,"sheadvises."Goal-setting allowedmetoalwayshaveaclearviewofwhatIwasworking towards."Settingclearandattainablegoalsbecamehercompassfrom ayoungage,andisherguidethroughtherigorouspathofprofessional sports.

TheimpactofKCSonClaire'sjourneyisprofound,shapingbothher academicandathleticendeavors."ThefoundationIbuiltasastudent atKCSallowedmetorealizemydreamofattendinganIvyLeague school,"sheacknowledges.Beyondacademics,KCSnurturedher athleticaspirations,fosteringaspiritofleadership,workethic,and camaraderie."ThecommunityatKCSisspecialandisonethathas continuedtosupportmetenyearspost-graduation."

AsClaireDaltoncontinuestocreateherpathinthehockeyworld,her journeyservesasatestamenttothepowerofpassion,dedication,and communitysupport.FromthehallsofKCStothearenasofprofessional hockey,herstoryremindsusthatwithperseveranceandastrong foundation,anythingispossible.


Inspiring Journeys and Lasting Connections

We are thrilled to highlight KCS alumni Erica Zissis, Class of 2013, who recently returned to run a workshop for our intermediate students. Erica, a Program Operations Associate on the Global Health Innovation team at Grand Challenges Canada, plays a vital role in improving global mental health and supporting innovative health solutions in 12 countries. With a Master’s in Global Health Systems from Western University, Erica is passionate about addressing health inequities and empowering communities.

Erica's workshop introduced our students to the basics of health inequities and global health issues, bridging her professional expertise with their current geography curriculum on health equity and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She emphasized the importance of understanding social determinants of health, encouraging our students to think beyond traditional subjects.

Erica’s dedication to giving back to the KCS community stems from her gratitude for the supportive environment and inspiring teachers she had during her time here. Her visit was a memorable experience for both students and staff, reinforcing the strong bonds between our alumni and current community.

"I started the Global Health at Home innititive, alongside my friends and colleagues Erin Day and Nicole Wisener who I met while studying global health. We all share similar passions and are eager to expand the initiative to more schools or community programs." Erica explains, "If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out via email at"

Thank you, Erica, for making a difference and inspiring the next generation of KCS students!


Finding Success Through Passion

Ciaran's career is a blend of two jobs. As an Analytics Engineer at a Series B Tech Startup, and a Professional Pokémon Player and Coach.

Ciaran's passion for programming started in high school, inspired by a dedicated teacher. This led him to pursue a dual degree in Computer Science and Business at Wilfrid Laurier University. His co-op placements confirmed his interest in the technical side of his education.

His Pokémon career evolved from a childhood passion. Rising to become a top-ranked player, he began coaching and creating content, which gained positive reception and expanded his opportunities.

Ciaran aims to one day make Pokémon his full-time career, creating more online content, running Pokémon camps, and improving his competitive skills. His ultimate dream is to win the World Championships.

Ciaran advises KCS students to explore various opportunities and start small when pursuing a passion as a career. “My advice to anyone is not to pigeonhole yourself to one career, job, industry and leave the door open. There are so many jobs and industries you probably don't even know exist!” He continued to explain “I'd be lying to you if I said I planned on becoming a "Professional Pokemon Player", but when the opportunity presented itself I did my best to take advantage.”

Reflecting on his time at KCS, Ciaran talks fondly about the Habits of Mind, Body and Action, and called out one that has always stuck with him through his professional Journey. “There was one principle called "take responsible risks". I feel like that is a guiding principle in my life.” Ciarán’s journey shows how following one’s passions and taking responsible risks can shape a rewarding and multifaceted career.


A KCS Legacy

In 1989, Christine Horodnyk played a pivotal role in founding the KCS Junior School.

Frustrated by the lack of suitable educational options for her two children, Adam and Caitlin, she connected with Doug Langley and Peter Helston, who shared her vision for a new school at St. George’s Church. Overcoming initial resistance, they secured vital support from Canon Luxton. Christine’s determination saw her taking on multiple roles, from arranging financing with the Tomulka and Tozer families to writing the first school brochure and working pro bono in the office. Her dedication extended to engaging potential families, procuring park access for

students, and helping with student admissions interviews.

Christine also co-chaired the inaugural fundraising gala, raising significant funds for the school. Her commitment didn’t stop there; she chaired subsequent galas, served on the board for six years, and documented school events through photography. For Christine, founding KCS was a labour of love, resulting in a thriving, value-driven community school.

Christine and her two children, Adam and Caitlin, posing for a photo on their way into KCS.

Adam Horrodnyk made the heartfelt decision to enroll his three children at the KCS Junior School, continuing a legacy that began with his mother Christine’s foundational role in 1989. As a KCS alumnus, Adam fondly recalls the nurturing community and the personalized attention he received from faculty, experiences that left a lasting impact on him. His decision was driven by the school's alignment with his values and the supportive atmosphere it offers, which he believes is essential for his children's growth.

Adam values KCS for its close-knit community and inclusive environment, which he finds refreshing compared to the often intimidating atmosphere of other private schools. He wants his children to grow up without pretensions, appreciating hard work and humility.

Reflecting on his time at KCS, Adam acknowledges how the school prepared him for the future, fostering respect for diverse perspectives and strong female thinkers, a principle he upholds in his professional life.

For Adam, sending his children to KCS is not just about continuing a family tradition but ensuring they receive a high-quality, community-centered education that aligns with their family values.

Adam Horodnyk dropping his children off at school.


Competed at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Alpine snowboarding. Jennifer’s Olympic dream started at the age of four, when she began snowboarding at her home club in Ellicottville, NY! Throughout Jennifer’s career, she went on to join the Canada Snowboard National Team, competing on the World Cup Tour for five years, including 2x World Championships, North American overall Champion and Canadian National champion. During her career, Jennifer also completed her Bachelor of Commerce degree from Ryerson University. Jennifer retired from snowboarding following the Beijing Olympic Games, and is currently working in Marketing Partnerships at the Canadian Olympic Committee!


Going into third year of Biomed at University of Guelph and continues her career in voice acting on the side and works with The Characters Agency in Toronto. She is currently working on Season 2 of Rosie’s Rules this year. Her complete list of shows and credits is available on IMBd or Google.


Has completed her BA in Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, England. Caroline begins her MSc in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology at UCL in September.

Do you have family or career news to share? Email Hallie McClelland at or fill out our online form. Submissions will be added to our next Staying Connected issue.


Working as a lawyer at Aviva Trial Lawyers


Graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry from Trent University in 2022 and she just graduated with a Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Senior Stream) also from Trent University in 2024. She is currently teaching Grade 8 in Peterborough.


Recently launched a project: the Integrated Navigation and Flight UAV Monitoring System (INFUMS). This comprehensive fleet management solution enhances drone operations with robust data logging, real-time tracking, and global communication capabilities.


Working with Colliers as a co-lead of the Logistics and Industrial Occupier Services team. The teams main focus is on helping industrial occupiers find the ideal real estate solutions to meet their business goals. “With 5-years under my belt, it's been a fulfilling journey, and I intend on further developing my career in the commercial real estate industry.”


Studying Business Administration at Laurier University.


Studying Politics at McGill University.

We love when alumni come back to visit KCS! Your return strengthens our community and inspires current students.

Visiting during the day offers you a unique chance to reconnect with teachers and staff, relive cherished memories, and witness the exciting changes at KCS firsthand.

Alumni visits enrich our school culture and reaffirm the lifelong bonds formed here. We warmly invite all alumni to wander the halls, reconnect with familiar faces, and stay connected with the place that helped shape your journey.


Why We Donate to KCS

The Burlacoffs are inspired to donate to KCS because they understand the crucial role that giving plays in enhancing the school’s offerings and ensuring it remains a top-tier institution. Their contributions are driven by a deep appreciation for the benefits their family has received and a commitment to giving back to support future generations of KCS students. As an alumni family, Lisa and Brian Burlacoff share their thoughts on what inspires them to continue to donate to KCS:

Lisa: Tuition doesn’t cover everything at an independent school, and that’s why we believe in the power of giving. Our family has benefited immensely from the generosity of past donors, and it’s clear to us that making KCS even better – transforming it from an A to an A+++ school – requires ongoing support. Our donations are an investment in the future of KCS, ensuring it continues to provide exceptional education and opportunities.

Brian: One of the key reasons we support KCS is the emphasis on smaller class sizes. This allowed any challenges our children faced to be quickly addressed, providing a more personalized learning experience. We’re particularly passionate about supporting Learning Strategies at KCS, which

“From the moment we walked through the doors of KCS, we felt a warmth from the students and teachers that was unmatched by any other school we visited,” Lisa and Brian Burlacoff recall. It was this welcoming atmosphere, combined with the impressive presentation abilities of the student tour guides, that convinced them KCS was the perfect school for their sons, Aaron ’16 and Noah ’18.”

equips students with tailored learning approaches that help them succeed both academically and personally.

Lisa: KCS does an outstanding job preparing students for future roles and careers that don’t even exist yet. The school trains students in the habits of mind, body, and action necessary for resilience and adaptability in an ever-changing job market. By giving, we’re supporting a forward-thinking education model that prepares our children for whatever the future holds.

Brian: We’ve seen firsthand the impact KCS has had on our children. The habits of mind, body, and action they’ve developed are evident in the way they think, speak, and approach challenges. Their deep thinking, articulate expression and responsible risk taking are direct results of the foundations laid at KCS. The study and reading skills they acquired at KCS are invaluable, and the various tools – from standing desks to innovative learning aids – greatly enriched their educational journey.

Lisa: When you’re giving to a school like KCS, it gives you peace of mind. You know you’re providing your children with the best foundation for success in life. Our family has reaped countless benefits from KCS on so many levels. We believe it’s our responsibility to pay it forward and ensure that future families can enjoy the same incredible experiences. Giving back is our way of expressing gratitude and securing the legacy of KCS for generations to come.



"There’ssomuch kindnessand greatenergy here,sowhynot addtoit?"

Mitch,abelovedmemberoftheKCSfacilitiesteamsince2012,hasbeenadaytimefixturesince 2019.WhatmakeshimloveKCS?"Theamazingstaffandwelcomingcommunity," hesays."It’sa placewhereeveryoneknowseveryone."

Mitch'sjoycomesfromsmall,heartwarmingmoments:aparent'shugatdrop-off,dailythankyous,andcheerfulstudentgreetings.,Mitchfeltcompelledtogiveback. "There’ssomuchkindnessandgreatenergyhere,sowhynotaddtoit?" hesays.





























6:30–8:30p.m. 9:30-11:30a.m.



Where students think bigger, dream larger,and expand possible.







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