At KCS, there are three main rules which all members of our community (students, parents, guardians, volunteers, faculty and staff) are expected to follow: Respect, Manners, Try Your Best
We strive to live by these rules, and our community models and reinforces them
Class Lists
Thursday, August 29, 2024 - An email from teachers will share the name of your child's homeform teacher and classmates
Meet the Teacher Drop-In for JK Students
Thursday, August 29, 2024 from 3:30 p m to 4:30 p m
Curriculum Night
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 6:30 p m in Canada Hall
First Day of School
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Junior School New Parent Orientation
Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 8:45 a m in the MultiPurpose Room (MPR)
New Parent Coffee Morning
Organized by the Parent Network in mid-September
New Student Presentation
Friday, September 13, 2024 at Assembly in Canada Hall at 8:45 a m
Students follow a weekly schedule that includes subjects across all Four Doors and daily outdoor time Class schedules will be provided to parents by homeform teachers on Curriculum Night (September 5). Schedules and class information will also be posted on Schoology (see Technology section below for more details)
The school is open from 7:45 a m to 6:00 p m Arrival takes place between 7:45–8:35 a.m. Dismissal takes place between 3:30–3:50 p m
Students in JK and SK must be handed off from a parent or guardian directly to the teacher on duty during arrival in the Upper Parking Lot They enter the school through the Church door Students in Grades 1–8 enter through the Main Entrance
Please note that we ask parents to refrain from entering the school during school hours, unless they have an appointment or are attending a special event or assembly This ensures student safety, helps promote independence, and creates an optimal learning environment
Students in Grades JK-4 are supervised by their teachers during dismissal from 3:30- 3:50 p.m. Those students can be picked up in the Upper Parking Lot at that time
Students in Grades 5–8 are allowed to leave the school at the end of the school day from either the Upper or Lower Parking Lots.
Parents or guardians are asked to notify their child’s teacher, and our Student Affairs Coordinator, Ms Foula Filipopoulos, at 416–234–5073, ext. 212 or juniorschoolattendance@kcs on ca to report a student’s absence We ask that you please do so before the start of the school day
We ask that you make punctuality a priority at home Students who are late for school must check in with the Main Office to notify us of their arrival JK and SK parents or guardians will be asked to sign in, obtain a visitor’s sticker, and walk their child to class when they are late for school Families are strongly encouraged to book appointments outside of school hours whenever possible
For students who must leave the building during the day for appointments, parents and guardians are asked to go to the Main Office to sign their child out before they leave Students will await pick up in the Lobby as they are not permitted to wait outside on their own Students who return from an appointment must check in with the Main Office to notify us that they have returned. A staff member will walk our youngest students to their classrooms
Before School Care is provided for all students from 7:45–8:25 a m No registration or payment is required
After School Care is available from 3:50–6:00 p m at a cost of $12/day This service does not require any preregistration and may be used on an as-needed basis. Families will be billed directly through their student billing account for any days used Please direct any questions about this service to AfterSchool@kcs on ca
If a student is attending an extra-curricular activity that requires them to be at school past 3:50 p m , any siblings of that student have the option of joining After School Care (at no cost) until the completion of that activity
KCS Junior School students have four uniforms: a P E uniform, a summer uniform, a winter uniform, and a formal uniform
Our youngest students should wear shoes with Velcro so they can put them on and take them off independently JK and SK students are permitted to wear all black running shoes with their formal uniform All other students are expected to have black dress shoes to be worn indoors
KCS has a gender-neutral uniform policy Students can make their own choices among listed items within each category, based on what is most comfortable and feels right for them.
KCS uniform items (with the exception of footwear) can be purchased directly through our provider, McCarthy's Uniforms
Showroom: 170 Brockport Drive, Unit 60, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 5C8
Online store: www.mccarthyuniforms.ca/shop
Call center: GTA: 416–593–6900
KCS Junior School Daily Wear Uniform
White or navy short-sleeve KCS polo shirt
Navy long-sleeve KCS polo shirt
KCS sweater (v-neck, zip-up, hoodie)
Grey dress pants with black belt and grey or black socks (no belt required for JK-3)
Navy shorts or skort with grey, black, or navy socks (only to be worn before Thanksgiving and after Easter)
KCS tunic with navy socks or tights (JK-3)
KCS kilt with navy tights or navy socks and modesty shorts (Gr 4-8)
All-black Velcro or slip-on running shoes (JK-3)
Black dress shoes - no boots or ankle boots (Gr 4-8)
Kilts, shorts, skorts, and tunics must reach the bottom of the student's fingers
White short-sleeve KCS polo shirt with navy Vneck crested sweater (JK-SK)
White short-sleeve KCS polo shirt with navy crested blazer (Gr 1-3)
Short or long sleeve white oxford shirt with KCS tie and navy crested blazer (Gr 4-8)
Grey dress pants with black belt and grey or black socks (no belt required for JK-3)
KCS tunic with navy socks or tights (JK-3)
KCS kilt with navy tights or navy socks and modesty shorts (Gr 4-8)
All-black Velcro or slip-on running shoes (JK-3)
Black dress shoes - no boots or ankle boots (Gr 4-8)
Kilts and tunics must reach the bottom of the student’s fingers
KCS Junior School Physical Education Uniform
KCS gym shirt or house shirt
KCS branded hoodie may be worn over the gym/house shirts for warmth
KCS shorts or sweatpants
All-black running shoes with white sweat socks (JK-3)
Indoor running shoes with white sweat socks (Gr 4-8)
As part of our Healthy Living program, we encourage students to bring well-balanced lunches and snacks to school to promote healthy habits Students eat lunch at school as it is considered to be an integral part of the school day activities Teachers supervise the students as they eat their lunch.
We are a nut-safe school, and we ask that snacks and lunches NOT CONTAIN any peanuts or tree nuts.
Please send all lunches and snacks with students at the start of the school day We cannot accommodate the distribution of individual lunches
Families have the option of signing up for Kidssentials, an external lunch provider that provides lunch options five days per week Food is served fresh on-site and then delivered to the classroom for students to enjoy at their desks. Please note that Kidssentials does not provide lunch on Early Dismissal Days.
Physical Education
Physical Education classes are held in Canada Hall, the Outdoor Classroom, the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) and outside on Humbertown Park field They are led by our P E specialist teachers and follow the Ontario Ministry of Education Physical and Health Education guidelines
Physical Education classes focus on skill instruction, game play and strategy, fitness, and learning skills such as leadership, persistence, and collaboration
Outdoor play is very important for all our students Each grade has daily “Be Active” periods in Humbertown Park (Grades 1–8) or in the Outdoor Classroom and Kindergarten Play Structure (JK/SK)
Outdoor play takes place each day unless it is raining heavily or bitterly cold. Please ensure that your child comes to school with proper outdoor gear for the varying conditions.
A whole-school assembly takes place every Friday in either Canada Hall or the Chapel In addition to this, students attend a 25-minute Chapel session with their division once a week
Health Centre
At KCS, we have a dedicated Health Centre staffed by our school nurse, Dorothy Chan This facility serves as the primary location for student assessment, first aid provision, and supervision when students are ill and awaiting pickup by a parent or caregiver, should they need to go home
Medical Forms
To ensure our records remain current and accurate, it's essential for parents to complete the Student Medical Form on PowerSchool annually and update it whenever necessary Additionally, students with specific conditions like diabetes or epilepsy must complete the supplemental medical form, also available on PowerSchool. For assistance with filling out these forms, please contact parentsupport@kcs.on.ca.
Students with severe allergies or asthma are encouraged to carry life-saving medication, such as an EpiPen or a reliever inhaler, with them at all times. Additionally, an extra EpiPen or inhaler is required to be provided to KCS, where it will be stored in a folder in the homeform classroom
Should you have any questions for Nurse Dorothy, she can be reached at 416-234-5073 ext 239 or dchan@kcs ca
Students in Grades JK-2 have access to iPads when deemed appropriate by their teachers Students in Grades 3-8 have a dedicated laptop provided by the school All iPads and laptops remain at school and do not go home
This is where all information for parents is housed: academics, school calendar, lunch program, interview bookings, etc Within the Parent Portal, you can access Schoology, our learning management system where all academic and class information resides A weekly email summary of updates will be delivered to your inbox from the homeform teacher Downloading the Schoology App is strongly recommended Click here for more information about this user-friendly app
PowerSchool, also found in the Parent Portal, is our student information system where student forms (e g , medical, contact, permission, etc.) are posted. On August 14th, you will receive an email with instructions to access both of these platforms Please review and submit all forms on PowerSchool by August 26, 2024
To fully engage in our program and online group activities, all students from Grades 1-8 require a personal headset with a microphone Parents are encouraged to choose one with their child so that it is comfortable to wear. Over-the-ear headphones with an attached microphone will provide the best audio experience Students are encouraged to bring these in a labeled bag and keep them in their backpack each day
If there are any concerns regarding technology at KCS, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at parentsupport@kcs.on.ca.
Students from JK- Grade 8 go on various field trips each year based on our Four Doors to Learning Program Permission forms and information relating to field trips will be shared with families in advance
Students in Grades 1–8 have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of clubs throughout the school year Clubs are designed to align with our Four Doors to Learning Program All information relating to clubs is distributed to families by email and is posted on the KCS website in the Parent Portal Teams
Our school belongs to two athletic organizations The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario Athletic Association (CISAA) and The Private Schools’ Athletic Association (PSAA). Our Director of Athletics works closely with these organizations to plan events over the course of the school year
Each student at KCS is a member of one of four houses: Hannaford, Luxton, Prichard, and Scott Students are assigned to a house when they begin at KCS, with siblings being placed in the same house. The house system provides each student with a sense of belonging to a small group within the school community Clubs
There are house-related events throughout the year You may want to collect a few items such as hats, scarves, wigs, and hair accessories in your child’s house colour (Hannaford – red; Luxton – green; Prichard –yellow; Scott – blue) for those days
There are several planned Spirit Days throughout the school year Information about these is shared in Stay Connected and on the KCS calendar. On Spirit Days, students may donate $2 to the GAP (Get Ahead Project) school in South Africa that we support Money raised helps the Leacock Foundation provide needs-based, educational programming to high-needs communities in South Africa
In addition to GAP Spirit Days, we will on occasion have additional opportunities to celebrate local sports teams who are doing particularly well (e g , The Raptors, The Toronto Maple Leafs, The Blue Jays, Toronto FC, Toronto PWHL) Students are not asked to bring a $2 donation for these events
Finally, our Wall of Service highlights KCS students who initiate acts of community service When students perform an act of service, they write what they have done on a “brick”, and they read it at an assembly or Chapel KCS students earn a Dress Down Day when the Wall of Service is full of “bricks”
All families receive a back-to-school communication from their child’s homeform teacher before school begins This year, the email will be sent on August 29, 2024 You have already begun receiving Stay Connected, our email-based newsletter, every Friday. Please read Stay Connected each week to stay informed about upcoming events and important information
We pride ourselves on keeping your family updated on what is happening in the school, in the classroom and with your child(ren)
Communication with your child’s teachers is welcomed You may do so through email (first initial of their first name followed by their last name (e g , llacroix@kcs on ca), phone calls (416–234–5073 and their extension), or by requesting a meeting with them. Please remember that teachers are teaching your children during the day and are therefore unable to respond immediately to most emails They will do so within 24 hours Monday to Friday
If you have an important message for your child such as a change of plans for pick-up, you should contact the Main Office at 416–234–5073, in addition to emailing their homeform teacher Please remember that teachers may not have a chance to read messages until after dismissal
In mid-August, we will invite you to log in and complete our “Back to School” forms, and you will have access to the KCS school calendar and many helpful resources.
One of the many incredible things about KCS is the opportunity to engage in student and campus life Each KCS parent is a member of the Parent Network There are a number of wonderful events planned and a multitude of ways you can get involved
Volunteers are a driving force of the KCS community and make an important contribution to the energetic spirit of the school We are grateful for all volunteer contributions and strive to support each family’s needs and schedules – whether your time availability is a little or a lot, there is no shortage of ways to engage
The Parent Network is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers who are eager to engage and be a part of the fabric of the school Please reach out to the Co-Chairs of the Parent Network by emailing theparentnetworkkcs@gmail com if you would like to join our team or have feedback on how we can enhance the KCS experience for all of our children
LABEL ALL YOUR CHILD’S BELONGINGS, including their water bottle - all uniform items look alike!
Lost and Found is located in the Lower Lobby, near the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)
Send extra clothing for younger students. For older students who wear kilts or gym shorts, please send track pants for them to wear in the colder months for outdoor P E classes and Be Active time
School supplies are provided by KCS therefore you do not have to purchase school supplies for your child.
AUP = Acceptable Use Policy (for student technology usage)
BE ACTIVE = Recess
CANADA HALL = Main gymnasium
EDD = Early Dismissal Day
GAP = Get Ahead Project (the school in South Africa for which we raise funds)
HOMBA = Habits of Mind, Body, and Action
Intermediate Division = Students in Grades 7 and 8
IT = Information Technology
JK = Junior Kindergarten
Junior Division = Students in Grades 4–6
LS = Learning Strategies
MPR = Multi-Purpose Room (our smaller gymnasium)
PBL = Project-Based Learning
Primary Division = Students in Grades 1–3
PD = Professional Development
P.E. = Physical education
PN = Parent Network
SK = Senior Kindergarten
STEAM = Science Technology Engineering Art
StEP = Student Entrepreneurship Program (Grades 5 to 8) CONTACT US