$500k grant awarded to displaced workers LEAH BRYCE Managing Editor The Texas Workforce Commission Investment Council has awarded KC the 500K Wagner- Peyser tuition grant for displaced workers. This grant will provide tuition for 100 students who have lost their jobs due to economical shifts, or lack of training within the new technology advancements. KC will be offering three courses for the displaced workers to choose from,
industrial electrical technology, transportation and advanced welding. “With so many displaced workers in the East Texas area needing workforce training, we are thrilled to announce this beneficial grant,” said Dr. Brenda Kays, KC president. “This grant will provide displaced workers a tuition-free opportunity to obtain cutting-edge technology skills potentially leading to exciting career opportunities that produce
living-wage compensation.” The grant will be provided for students pending the requirements of, ages 18 and older, must be a U.S. citizen, must meet U.S. Military Selective Service registration requirements and have a notice of layoff or written verification from employer. “The grant is for supporting the workforce system, supporting the business industry, or a See GRANT, on Page 3
Sam Rodriguez / THE FLARE
Amanda Nobles, director of Kilgore Economic Development Corporation, speaks about the grant for displaced workers that has been awarded for KC’s technology programs.
The Flare
Friday, October 28, 2016 Vol. 80 No. 8 Serving Kilgore College since 1936
KC homecoming sweeps campus King & Queen Nominees
MACY MCANALLY Orientation Leaders/ International Club
Hailey Pennington / THE FLARE
The 2015 Homecoming King, Richard Nguyen, prepares to hand off the crown to the next KC king.
Spirit participation around KC rises as homecoming draws closer MEAGHAN MORTON Executive Editor A spark has been ignited since the beginning of homecoming season on the KC campus. Nominees have campaigned the most they have in years, making posters, handing out candy and giving gift cards to local restaurants to latch on to a vote. Organizations have painted windows, dunked employees in a dunk tank
and are planning other competitions for students to participate. For example, the Student Government Association will be hosting a poster competition and spirit competition at the football game at 3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 29 at the R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium. Clubs and organizations are encouraged to design a poster representing their organization and KC. The winner of the competition
will be decided by the audience at the game and a prize will be awarded, according to Assistant of Student Life, Shalie Day. The spirit competition will be judged at the game by the SGA. Another award will be given out during this time to the most spirited audience participant. Students are also encouraged to paint windows around campus to help increase homecoming spirit. If a
club or organization would like to paint a window on campus, you must ask the building’s administrator. Dr. Mike Jenkins has already given approval to paint the windows at the Devall Student Center. Students are reminded, if they do paint on the windows, the art must be removed by 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 30. The homecoming season will come to an end after the game this Saturday.
STEVE MENA Latinos En Accion
DA’JAH THOMPSON Women’s Basketball
Saturday, Oct. 29 Homecoming day activities N Ex-Student Luncheon, 11 a.m. in Devall Ballroom (1966 Football Team players are the honorees) N Eternal Flare Reunion, Noon in The Flare lab. N Alumni Relations Tailgate, 1:30 p.m. in R.E.
St. John
Memorial Stadium parking lot.
N Crowning of King and Queen, 2:30 p.m., R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium. N KC Rangers vs. TJC, 3 p.m., R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium (Free admission with Student I.D.) N Student Casino Night, 7-11 p.m., Lazy S. Ranch Party Barn, $30 tickets for sale at the game or at Rangerette Showcase.