The Importance of Phonics 2

Page 1

Issue Number 2 – September 2012

The Importance of

A catalogue of systematic synthetic phonics products and training Claim up to £3000 of match-funding Supported by

when you buy from this catalogue…

cts u d o r p 0 0 12 Now over raining available t e r o m d n a

This catalogue has been produced by ESPO on behalf of the Pro5. The Department for Education commissioned ESPO to provide a second catalogue of products, resources and training to support its commitment to raising standards in literacy. This was achieved by conducting an EU compliant tendering process utilising the expertise of DfE to evaluate products, resources and training against laid down criteria. The Pro5 members are detailed below. Full details of how to order and match-funding can be found on pages 3 and 4. You can place orders with any of the 4 organisations below:

Pro5 member

Full name and address/Telephone No./Email address Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Barnsdale Way Grove Park Enderby Leicester LE19 1ES Tel 0116 265 7901 Fax 0116 294 4390 Hertfordshire Supplies 2nd Floor The Mundells Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 1FT No Telephone orders accepted Fax: 01707 292337

Kent County Supplies Gibson Drive Kings Hill West Malling Kent ME19 4QG Tel: 0845 270 8811 Fax: 0800 243 732


Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation 41 Industrial Park Wakefield WF2 0XE Tel: 01924 834 834 Fax: 01924 834 926

For a copy of the full terms and conditions of your preferred professional buying organisation, please refer to the relevant email address above.

Š ESPO 2012


The Importance of The Government is committed to raising standards in literacy. Getting the fundamentals right at an early age, in particular teaching children to read through systematic synthetic phonics, will help to ensure that children leave school with a lifelong love of reading and the necessary skills to succeed in life.

A catalogue of systematic synthetic phonics products and training

The match-funding available through this catalogue is part of the Government’s strategy to meet this commitment. Up to £3000 is available, to be matched by the school (for a total spend of £6000). Schools are free to order materials and training over this value, but will only receive match-funding up to the £3000 figure. All state-funded schools in England with Key Stage 1 pupils, including Academies and Free Schools are eligible for this funding. All products and training listed in this catalogue are specially designed for use with Key Stage 1 pupils and have been assessed as meeting the Department for Education’s ‘Core Criteria’ for assuring high-quality phonic work. This catalogue provides all the information schools need to take advantage of match-funding. Please check online at for any updates. For details of how to access match-funding, please refer to page 3. How to order information is provided on pages 3 and 4.

Supported by


INTRODUCTION This catalogue includes a range of phonics products and training. Schools with Key Stage 1 pupils can select from this catalogue to access up to £3000 in match-funding. All the products and training in this catalogue meet the Department for Education’s core criteria for systematic synthetic phonics [see ] and the catch-up and training criteria [also available at the DfE website] where appropriate. The Department’s core criteria for systematic synthetic phonics provide a benchmark against which schools can review their current resources for the teaching of reading when making decisions about buying new products and training.

Mainstream Programmes A range of mainstream programmes is included. Schools have the opportunity to decide which will best meet the needs of the school and pupils. Best practice indicates that teaching and learning is most effective when a single complete programme is implemented and the school maintains fidelity to it for its complete duration. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach is not recommended.

Supplementary resources A considerable range of supplementary resources is also listed, for schools who feel their main programme would benefit from additional resources. Supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

Decodable readers A number of separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers are included which meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programme would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right.

Key Stage 1 catch-up schemes There are several programmes listed for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Some of the mainstream programmes can also be used to support catch-up if the relevant sections are selected according to the needs of particular children. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

Supplementary resources for phonics catch-up A number of supplementary resources for phonics catch-up are also listed. These are resources that suppliers suggest are particularly appropriate for catch-up. They will support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately. Please note that they do not constitute phonics catch-up programmes in themselves.

Training Organisations and individuals who offer training in the delivery of each of the main programmes are listed, together with those providing general training that could support delivery of any systematic synthetic phonics programme, and those providing catch-up training. All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. A matrix outlining the associated programmes and materials supported or used by training providers can be found on page 223 to help schools in selecting training appropriate to their needs. It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that they book appropriate training. Please note the geographical regions that training providers cover is shown on page 183.


HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER PRODUCTS 1 Raise an order using the codes in this catalogue and send it to your usual Pro5 organisation. It is important that you only use the codes in this catalogue as they are unique to the match-funding scheme. If you do not already have an account with your preferred organisation, this should be quick and easy to set up by contacting them directly. 2 Items with a P code will be provided from the Pro5 warehouses whilst those with a T prefix will come directly from the supplier. All orders and invoices for products will come from the Pro5 organisation that you have placed your order with. 3 The catalogue lists the full price of the items, but if you have sufficient match-funding available to you, you will only be invoiced for 50% of the full price of the catalogue products, plus VAT where applicable. All catalogue spend will be monitored (which includes any requests for match-funding for Training). Once you have reached your limit of ÂŁ3000 funding (for ÂŁ6000 spend), you will be able to purchase items from the catalogue at full price. Please note: As you will only be invoiced for 50% of the catalogue price for products, we cannot offer refunds.

HOW TO ORDER TRAINING 1 Refer to the Training Section of the Catalogue and select a training provider according to your particular needs and location. You will need to make a note of the course code. 2 Contact the Training Provider(s) to establish the suitability and availability in the usual way. You should confirm your booking with a Purchase Order, quoting contract reference ESPO 959T or 959TADD and the course code that you are booking. The Training Provider will also need to know the Local Authority and Establishment number for your school. 3 The Training Provider will ask you to sign the Pro5 approved customer agreement. 4 The Training Provider will inform both the DfE and your usual Pro5 organisation that training has been booked. They will include details of the venue and course code (so that the DfE have the opportunity to send a representative along if they wish to confirm that the content of the course is compliant), and the Local Authority and Establishment number for the school(s) attending. 5 The Training will take place and you will be invoiced by the Training Provider directly for the full cost of the course plus VAT where applicable. You are responsible for paying this invoice in full within 30 days.

MATCH-FUNDING 1 Once you have completed the course, confirmation must be sent to your usual Pro5 organisation so that you can reclaim 50% of the cost of the course (plus VAT where applicable). You must provide a copy of the invoice together with a completed copy of the Match-Funding Claim and Feedback Form found on page 224. 2 Pro5 will collate this information and send it to the DfE, together with any spend you have made on products on a monthly basis. The reason for doing this is to ensure that your match-funding limit is not exceeded. (You may still book training if you have exceeded your limit, but you will not receive any match-funding.) 3 The DfE will pay Pro5 in the month following receipt of this information and once received, your school will be refunded a sum equivalent to 50% of the (VAT inclusive) original Training cost [ie 50% of what was quoted on the invoice provided at 5 above].

TRAINING OPTIONS A Off site hosted by Training Provider. Each school will book independently and therefore claim match-funding allowance as per guidance notes. B On site at your school Training will be either exclusively for your staff or include staff from various schools in the area. In both cases, the host school will be responsible for the organisation, booking and paying for the Training. The host school will also make the necessary financial and accounting arrangements for other schools attending the Training, taking into consideration the match-funding allowance. Pro5 is a collaboration of professional buying organisations: Central Buying Consortium (CBC), Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO), North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) and Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO).



Pro5 processes order

2 School raises order using 4

codes from the catalogues

Order will be shipped to school‌

1 Register with preferred Pro5 organisation

5 Pro5 organisation invoices school for 50% if the school is eligible for Match-funding


School contacts Training Provider directly and confirms booking – quote 959T or 959TADD and course code, plus LA and Establishment No.

1 School selects Training Provider from the catalogues

3 Training will take place

4 7

Pro5 organisation refunds 50% of the invoice amount to the school if the school is eligible for Match-funding

Training Provider invoices school

5 School to pay Provider within 30 days


School sends copy of invoice + Match-funding Claim & Feedback Form* to their usual Pro5 organisation

* Match-funding Claim & Feedback Form can be found on the inside back cover of this catalogue


SUPPLIER DETAILS Product supplier index: Mainstream Schemes Floppy’s Phonics

7 7-17

Jolly Phonics


Phonics Bug (Decodable readers also available in a combined pack)


Phonics International


Read Write Inc


Sound Discovery


Sounds Together


Supplementary Resources















Get Reading Right


Supplementary Resources – Decodable Readers


Bug Club 120-125 (also available in a combined pack) 138 Collins - Big Cat 126-133 Comics for Phonics 134-137 (also available in a combined pack) 138 Dandelion Launchers/Readers 139-146 Fun with Phonics (also available in a combined pack) Jelly & Bean


My First Phonics (also available in a combined pack) Project X/Project X Phonics Smart Kids

147 138 152 138

153-157 165





Traditional Tales


Yellow Door


Giant Phonics


Phonics catch-up Schemes


Learning Resources


Phonics Bug


Phonics international


Lesley Clarke


Philip & Tacey


Rapid Phonics



Read Write Inc




Sound Discovery


Phonics catch-up Supplementary Resources






Smart Kids

179 179

Show-Me Boards Smart Kids Sounds Together

88-89 90-102 104-105



Storyphones Sue Palmer’s Synthetic Phonix


Sweet Counter

107-109 110







Yellow Door





SUPPLIER DETAILS Training Provider index: Trainers Regional Scope matrix


Ann Foster


Anne Harvey Literacy


Babcock LDP (formerly Devon Learning and Development Partnership)


BC Education Ltd


Cambridge Education Ltd


Centre for Literacy in Primary Education


CfBT Education Trust


Cornwall Learning CPD College


Dandelion Learning Ltd


Debbie Hepplewhite (Phonics International Ltd)


Eileen Swan Associates Ltd


Global Education Services Ltd


Hertfordshire County Council


Jolly Learning Ltd


Kirklees Traded Learning Service


Lancashire County Council – Learning Excellence


Lesley Clarke One Education Ltd

203-204 205

Osiris Educational (Osiris Educational Woodhall Spa Ltd)




Rising Stars UK Ltd


Ruth Miskin Training


Shropshire Council


Solihull MBC Sounds Together Ltd



216 217-218

Sounds-Write Ltd


Teach to Read


Victoria Marshall Educational Consultant


Which Phonics


Trainers Associated Resources matrix


Feedback/Match-Funding Claim Form


mainstream schemes Sounds an and d Letters A rigorous rigorous teaching teaching programme programme tto o enable e nable y you ou tto od deliver eliver high-quality, high-quality, phonics sstep-by-step tep-by-step ssynthetic ynthetic p honics tteaching eaching

Developed D eveloped b by y Debbie Hepplewhite D ebbie H epplewhite


Everything you Everything you need need to to systematically systematically teach teach phonics ssynthetic ynthetic p honics


Well-structured and Well-structured and carefully carefully paced paced lessons lessons following following a rigorous rigorous teaching teaching sequence sequence


With Oxford With Oxford Reading Reading Tree Tree characters characters to to help help make make llearning earning to to read read and and write write fun fun


Built-in revision Built-in revision to to prepare prepare children children for for reading reading llanguage-rich anguage-rich stories stories


Fully F ully matched matched to to Letters Letters and and Sounds Sounds progression progression

“Floppy’s P “Floppy’s Phonics honics Sounds Sounds and and LLetters etters h as iimproved mproved cchildren’s hildrren’s knowledge knowledge and and has u ndersta anding o the phonics phonics a well as as understanding off the ass well enjoyment get tthe he e njoyment they they g et from from tthe he reading reading m ate erials. In In addition, addition,, it it has has supported supported my my materials. higher h igher ability ability cchildren hildren in in rreading eading words words tthat hat have have alternative alternative sspellings pellings and and sseems eems tto o have have iimproved mproved ttheir heir spelling spelling due due to to ttheir heir understanding.” understa anding.” Stephanie C Stephanie Cairns, airns, Literacy Literacy Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Harrowgate H arrowgate H Hill ill P Primary rimary S School, chool, West West Darlington Darlington

“We would “We would certainly certainly rrecommend ecommend O xford Reading Reading Tree’s Tree’s Floppy’s Floppy’s Oxford P honics Sounds Sounds and and Letters Letters tto oo ther Phonics other with tteachers. eachers. It It links links cclosely losely w ith LLetters etters a nd Sounds, Sounds, iiss b right a nd a ppealing and bright and appealing and a nd children childrren really really enjoy enjoy ssharing haring tthe he books books a nd are are e ager tto ow ork and eager work w ith them.” them.” with Sharon Cope, Sharon Cope, Literacy Literacy Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Belvadere B elvadere Infant Infant School, School, Kent Kent

Training is Training is available available for for Floppy’s Floppy’s Phonics Phonics Sounds Sounds and and Letters Letters ffrom rom Debbie Hepplewhite’s D ebbie H epplewhite’s Synthetic Synthetic Phonics Phonics Training. Training. FFor or details details see see pages pages 195-196 195-196 These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Teaching T eaching eaching Sequenc Sequence ce ce Use tthe Use he rresources esources along along with with this this tteaching eaching ssequence equence for for p honics success success phonics

Revisit R evisit a and nd R Review eview Revise Rev e ise e sounds o nd w with h the FFlashcards Flas s ards and shcards nd Frieze Friez Frieze..

Consolidate C onsolid da ate

The T he A Alphabetic lphabetic Code Code

Teach T each Teach T each new new sounds sounds u using sing tthe he Flashcards and CD-ROM.. Fl Flashcard shcards a nd the nd the CD-ROM

Consolidate lea learning earning n ng g using g reading r d ng activitiess at end nd d off the he Bookss and d activities CD-ROM M activit a vities ie to practise pra se blending g and n ssegmenting. egme ting egmenting.

Att tthe A he heart heart of of the the tteaching eaching programme programme me

Apply A pply Apply ph phonics honics taught using cumulative cumulati ive texts for reading practice and grapheme tiles spelling for spell ing practice.

Practise P ractis ie Book 3 Phonics

Phonics Consultant:

Hunt and Alex Brychta Series created by Roderick

g d 8

r letters Practise new and revised B s and and sounds with Books Activity Sheets. Sheets.

Debbie Hepplewhite


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Sounds Sound ds and Letters

Money Mon oney yS Saving av aving ving in ng Pac Packs ac cks ck ks FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics S Sounds ounds and and Letters Letters S uper E asy B uy P ack Super Easy Buy Pack t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG t 11PTUFS PTUFS U 11BDL BDLL Y t 5FBDIJOH 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS :FBS





FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics S Sounds ounds and and Letters Letters E asy B uy P ack ((Books Books Only) Only) Easy Buy Pack t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG T 3050 T3050


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics S Sounds ounds and and Letters Letters Singles Pack S ingles P ack t 4UBHFT " BMM .JYFE 11BDLT BDLT PG t 11PTUFS PTUFS 11BDL BDL t 5FBDIJOH 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS :FBS




FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics S Sounds ounds and and Letters Letters S ingles P ack ((Books Books Only) Only) Singles Pack t 4UBHFT " BMM . .JYFE JYFE 11BDLT BDLT PPGG T 3042 T3042


Oxford O xford R Reading eading T Tree ree Phonics Adoption FFloppy’s loppy’s P honics A doption Pack Pack Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Floppy’s a Letters: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG t 11PTUFS PTUFS 11BDL BDL Y t 5FBDIJOH 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS :FBS




Floppy’s Floppy’s Phonics Fiction: t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT 1BDLT PG Floppy’s Floppy’s Phonics Non-fiction: Non-fiction: 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT T3611 T3611


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Sounds and Letters

Combined Phonics Packs Combine Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics resources with Project X resources to maximise your phonics funding. Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics and Project X Phonics Phases 1-4 Adoption Packs Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 1PTUFS 1BDL Y t 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS







Floppy’s Phonics Fiction: t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Floppy’s Phonics Non-fiction: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Project X Phonics: t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT T4111


Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics and Project X Phonics Phases 1-5 Adoption Packs Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 1PTUFS 1BDL Y t 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS







Floppy’s Phonics Fiction: t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Floppy’s Phonics Non-fiction: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Project X Phonics: t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT Project X Green and Orange Clusters: t .BLJOH B /PJTF $MVTUFS (SFFO $MBTT 1BDL PG







These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Sounds and Letters

Combined Phonics Packs Combine Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics resources with other Oxford Reading Tree supplementary phonics resources to maximise your phonics funding. Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics and Traditional Tales Adoption Packs Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 1PTUFS 1BDL Y t 5FBDIJOH )BOECPPL :FBS





Floppy’s Phonics Fiction: t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Floppy’s Phonics Non-fiction: t 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Traditional Tales: t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG




Oxford Reading Tree Adoption Pack (including Songbirds Phonics) Songbirds Phonics t 4UBHFT " " " " $MBTT 1BDL PG eSongbirds Phonics t 4UBHF $% 3PN 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JDFODF t 4UBHF o $% 3PN 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JDFODF t 4UBHF o $% 3PN 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JDFODF Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters t 1MBOOJOH "TTJTUBOU 5FBDIJOH $% t 'SJF[F t 4UBHF " " $MBTT 1BDL PG t 1PTUFS 1BDL t .JOJ "MQIBCFUJD $PEF 5BCMFUPQ $IBSU 1BDL PG t 'MBTIDBSET 1BDL t 3FDFQUJPO 5FBDIFST )BOECPPL t :FBS 5FBDIFST )BOECPPL t 3FDFQUJPO $% 30. 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JDFODF t :FBS $% 30. 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JDFODF Floppy’s Phonics Fiction t 4UBHF BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Floppy’s Phonics Non-fiction t 4UBHF " BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG Traditional Tales t 4UBHF BMM $MBTT 1BDL PG 5FBDIFST )BOECPPL T561A


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Sounds Sound ds and Letters

Teaching T eachin eaching ng Resour Resources c ces Use tthese Use hese FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics SSounds ounds a and nd LLetters etters resources resources along along with with the the tteaching eaching ssequence equence ffor or p honics ssuccess uccess phonics Teaching T eaching Handbook H andbook 1 ((Reception) Reception)

Teaching T eaching Handbook H andbook 2 ((Year Year 1 1))

T3069 T3069

T3077 T 3077

£28.80 £28.80

CD-ROM 1 CD-ROM ((Reception) Reception) Unlimited U nlimited U User ser Licence Licence T3085 T3085

£46.00 £46.00

Planning, Planning, Assessment A ssessment & R esources Handbook Handbook Resources and CD a nd C D T3107 T 3107

£28.80 £ 28.80

CD-ROM 2 CD-ROM 1)) ((Year Year 1 U nlimited User User Licence Licence Unlimited T3093 T 3093

£46.00 £ 46.00

Flashcards Flashcards ((72 72 ccards) ards) T 3141 T3141

Poster P oster P Pack ack T3123 T 3123

£47.80 £ 47.80

£ 14.50 £14.50

£41.40 £41.40

FFrieze rieze T T3115 3115

£ £14.50 14.50

Alphabetic C Alphabetic Code ode Chart C hart P Poster oster P Pack ack x 3 T3131 T 3131

£ £27.60 27.60

Mini A Mini Alphabetic lphabetic C Code ode Tabletop T abletop C Chart hart Pack o Pack off 6 T529A T 529A £ £13.80 13.80 Pack P ack o off 1 15 5 T530A £27.60 T 530A £ 27.60


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

Phase 5

Phase 5

Phase 4 P

Phase 3

Phase 3

Phase e2

Phase 1

Phase 1

1 1+ 1 + 3 5 5A A



pink pin nk yellow green green green gr een n


red red




#PPL #BOE lilac

Sounds Sound ds and Letters

Stage Stag e1 .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3158 8 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3166 6 £81.00

Stage Stag e 1 Pack A .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T531A A $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG T532A A

£15.90 £81.00

Stage Stag e 1+ .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3174 4 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3182 2 £81.00

Stage Stag e2 .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3190 0 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3204 4 £81.00

Stage Stag e3 .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3212 2 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3220 0 £81.00

Stage Stag e4 .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3239 9 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3247 7 £81.00

Stage Stag e5 .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3255 5 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3263 3 £81.00

Stage Stag e 5A .JYFE 11BDL BDL PG T3271 1 £15.90 $MBTT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3281 1 £81.00

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Fiction Practise phon phonics nics with your fa favourite avourite characte characters ers in these engag engaging ging fully decoda decodable ble stories O

30 3 0 ffully ully d decodable ecodable sstories tories 1 100% 00% m matched atched tto o LLetters etters rs a and nd Sounds Sounds

Money Mon oney yS Saving av aving ving in ng Pa Pac Packs ack cks cks FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics FFiction iction S uper E asy B uy P ack Super Easy Buy Pack 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG T 3301 T3301


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics FFiction iction Easy Buy Pack Reception E asy B uy P ack - R eception 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PGG T 3311 T3311


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics FFiction iction Easy Buy Pack Year E asy B uy P ack - Y ear 1 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG T 3387 T3387


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics FFiction iction S ingles P ack Singles Pack 4UBHFT .JYFE 11BDLT BDLLT PG T3298 T 3298


Floppy’s Phonics are a great way to practise phonics in context i.e. when reading a story. Children are able to segment and blend words so they can read them independently, giving confidence to succeed at these early reading stages. Sally Brown, Aire View Infant School


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

Phase 2

Stage Sta age 2

Phase Pha ase 5

Phase 4

Phase 3

Stage Sta age 1+

Phase 3

1+ 1 + 3 4 5

yellow green green




rred ed

#PPL #BOE pink

Fiction Fictio n

.JYYFE 11BDL .JYFE BDL PG T3228 T32 228 £15.90 $MBTT $MBT TT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3336 £81.00 T33 336

.JYYFE 11BDL .JYFE BDL PG T3344 T33 344 £18.20 $MBTT $MBT TT 11BDL BDL PG Y T33 352 T3352 £94.10

Stage Sta age 3 .JYYFE 11BDL .JYFE BDL PG T33 360 T3360 £18.20 $MBT TT 11BDL BDL PG Y $MBTT T33 379 T3379 £94.10

Stage Sta age 4 .JYYFE 11BDL .JYFE BDL PG T3395 T33 395 £18.20 $MBTT $MBT TT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3409 T34 409 £94.30

Stage Sta age 5 .JYYFE 11BDL .JYFE BDL PG T3417 T34 417 £20.00 $MBTT $MBT TT 11BDL BDL PG Y T3425 T34 425 £107.20

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Non-fiction n Practise phon phonics nics whilst explo exploring oring intriguing n non-fiction on-fiction topics with your fa favourite vourite characte characters rs O

42 4 2p photographic hotographic n non-fiction on-fiction titles titles 1 100% 00% m matched atched tto o LLetters etters a and nd SSounds ounds

Money Mon oney yS Saving av aving ving in ng Pac Packs ac cks ck ks FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics N Non-fiction on-fiction S uper E asy B uy P ack Super Easy Buy Pack 4UBHFT " BMM $M $MBTT MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PG T3441 T 3441


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics N Non-fiction on-fiction E asy B uy P ack – R eception Easy Buy Pack Reception 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLT PGG T 3451 T3451


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics N Non-fiction on-fiction E asy B uy P ack – Y ear 1 Easy Buy Pack Year 4UBHFT " BMM $MBTT 11BDLT BDLTT PG T3522 T 3522


FFloppy’s loppy’s P Phonics honics N Non-fiction on-fiction S ingles P ack Singles Pack 4UBHFT " BMM .JYFE . 11BDLT BDLT PG T3433 T 3433


The non-fiction books are the best I have seen. The text is very clear and aligned to Letters and Sounds. In addition the photographs are stunning with, for example, amazing photographs of the natural world. Kate Sutcliffe, Deputy Head, Nessfield Primary School, Keighley


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

Phase Pha ase 5

Phase 5

Phase 5

Phase 4

Phase 3

Phase 3

Phase 2

1+ 1 + 2 3 4 5 5A 6

yellow w green gr een green gr een orange ora ange


rred ed

#PPL #BOE pink

Non-fiction Non-fi fiction -FUUFST 03 0355 -FUUFST PVOET 4UBHF 44PVOET 11IBTF IBTF

Stage Stag ge 1+ .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T3468 T346 68 £15.90 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T3476 £81.00 T347 76

Stage Stag ge 2 .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T348 84 T3484 £18.20 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T349 92 T3492 £94.30

Stage Stag ge 3 .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T3506 T350 06 £18.20 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T351 14 T3514 £94.30

Stage Stag ge 4 .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T353 30 T3530 £18.20 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T3549 T354 49 £94.30

Stage Stag ge 5 .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T3557 £20.00 T355 57 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T3565 £107.20 T356 65

Stage Stag ge 5A .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T3573 T357 73 £20.00 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T358 81 T3581 £107.20

Stage Stag ge 6 .JYFEE 11BDL BDL PG T3591 T359 91 £23.50 $MBTT 1BDL 1BDL PG Y T3603 T360 03 £135.00

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Getting Started

A fun, multi-sensory synthetic phonics programme for complete reading and writing success. For over 20 years Jolly Author Sue Lloyd has worked tirelessly to champion the use of synthetic phonics in order to give every child the best chance for reading and writing success at school. Sue continues to develop products with co-author Sara Wernham and give training in the UK and around the world.

Teach The Phonics Handbook is the place to start. Lesson guides are provided for teaching the 5 skills and all 42 letter sounds, with each letter sound introduced through a story and action. Suitable words are provided for dictation and blending activities, and photocopiable sheets enable the teacher to give each child activities to reinforce the lesson. The write-in Jolly Phonics Pupil Books can be given to each child in the class, to complete a range of daily exercises. The Teacher’s Book provides corresponding guidance and ideas for the teacher. Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard enables teachers to deliver exciting lessons to the whole class. It provides a series of interactive pages for each lesson, and covers the full year’s programme.


Practise the letter sounds in an enjoyable way in class! The Jolly Jingles and Jolly Songs provide a different tune/song for each sound. The Jolly Phonics DVD supports teaching in an engaging way. Additional information on the principles of Jolly Phonics and pronunciation of the letter sounds is also included. The Finger Phonics Books come in 2 series: Big Books for the teacher to use with the whole class and Board Books which children can use on their own. The Jolly Phonics Word Book and Jolly Phonics Cards can be used for further blending and dictation, while the Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Strips, which can be handed to each child, provide a useful reminder of the letter sounds and alternative spellings of the vowels. The Jolly Phonics Games CD provides over 20 interactive computer games that children can play to practise their phonic skills independently.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Assess and Review The Jolly Phonics Reading Assessment has been designed to enable teachers to assess a child’s decoding and comprehension knowledge in their first and second years of learning using synthetic phonics in order to ensure that no child gets left behind. A child-friendly assessment that teachers can use one-on-one to identify the areas in which a child needs extra support in order to decode, read and write successfully.

Author Sue Lloyd

Create colourful Jolly Phonics displays around the classroom. As the children learn each letter sound, tricky words and alternative spellings, the Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze, Alternative Spelling & Alphabet Posters and Tricky Word Wall Flowers can be placed around the classroom to provide a colourful reminder at all times.

Reinforce Broaden the children's skills and knowledge with the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 2 and 3. These write-in books continue to consolidate learning, as well as introducing new spelling patterns, tricky words, and short and long vowels. Guidance for each lesson is provided in the Teacher’s Book. Steps 2 and 3 from Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard also provide fun, interactive daily whole-class lessons for extending knowledge. The software provides tips and advice for the teacher that can be accessed on screen.

Read Put reading skills into practice with 96 engaging decodable reading books. Children can start reading the Read & See books and Jolly Phonics Readers as soon as they have learnt their letter sounds. The books are levelled and have controlled vocabulary to enable children to read words from their letter sound knowledge. Reading is the best way to broaden vocabulary and improve comprehension skills. The Jolly Jingles and Jolly Songs can also be used to revise at this stage. These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes a


a Jolly Phonics Starter Kit The Jolly Phonics Starter Kit is designed specifically for classroom teachers. Contains • The Phonics Handbook • Jolly Phonics Word Book • Jolly Phonics DVD • Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze • Jolly Phonics Alternative Spelling & Alphabet Posters • Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Wall Flowers • Jolly Phonics Cards • Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Strips • Finger Phonics Big Books 1-7. All items are contained in a bright carry case for neat and easy storage. T6297 Kit £114.40

b Jolly Phonics Starter Kit Extended Starter Kit has now been enhanced with Jolly Phonics Readers and Jolly Songs. The Jolly Phonics Starter Extended includes all of the items listed in the Starter Kit (item code T6297), plus Jolly Songs, and Complete Sets of Level 1 & Level 2 Jolly Phonics Readers. T596A Kit £146.20


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes a

a Jolly Phonics Classroom Kit


c c The Phonics Handbook The best place to start with Jolly Phonics. A complete resource for teaching reading, writing and spelling. With 100 photocopiable pages, it introduces the 42 letter sounds and provides practical advice and ideas for teachers, as well as activities and games that can be used in class and for homework. The Phonics Handbook has a structured yet flexible approach allowing for originality in teaching whist covering the 5 reading and writing skills. P1287 Each £16.10

A comprehensive set of classroom resources for teaching children to read and write. Contains • The Phonics Handbook • Jolly Phonics Word Book • Jolly Phonics DVD • Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze • Jolly Phonics Alternative Spelling & Alphabet Posters • Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Wall Flowers • Jolly Phonics Cards • Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Strips • Finger Phonics Big Books 1-7 • Finger Phonics Books 1-7 • Read and See books (packs 1 & 2) • Jolly Readers Levels 1-4 • Jolly Phonics Resources CD • Jolly Jingles Big Book & CD • Jolly Songs Book & CD • 3 Jolly Phonics Puppets • Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Hat • PowerPoint presentation CD & 30 parent/teacher guides. All items are contained in a bright case for neat and easy storage. T6300 Kit £300.40

b Jolly Phonics Classroom Kit Plus Jolly Phonics Classroom Kit Plus - Classroom Kit has now been enhanced with Jolly Phonics Software that can be used on interactive whiteboards and computers. The Jolly Phonics Classroom Kit Plus includes all of the items listed in the Classroom Kit (item code T6300), plus Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard and Jolly Phonics CD (Site licence editions). T597A Each £592.90

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes a



a Jolly Phonics Reading Assessment Child-friendly assessment that teachers can use with their pupils in a one-to-one situation. A pack of carefully developed materials has been created to provide an easy and quick method of assessing children’s decoding and comprehension knowledge. Suitable for use with children aged 4 -6 years old. All items are contained in an A4 folder and include the following: • 24 page manual - support and guidance for teachers on how to implement the assessments. • Photocopiable pupil record sheets. • Word reading and sentence reading colour sheets. • Letter sounds and tricky word assessment colour sheets. P026A Each £35.80


b Jolly Phonics Word Book A teacher’s resource providing lists of words made from individual letter sounds and digraphs, and including tricky word lists and alternative vowel spellings. P1295 Each £1.60

c Jolly Phonics DVD Covers all the 42 letter sounds and 5 basic skills for reading and writing, through the adventures of Inky Mouse, Snake and Bee. Bonus material includes a fun activity for children, a ‘Using Jolly Phonics’ guide for adults and an explanation of the letter sounds of English. P1309 Each £13.00

d Finger Phonics Big Books 1-7 Book size 377 x 470mm These Big Books enable teachers to introduce all 42 letter sounds to the whole class. Each 16-page book comes with a teacher’s introduction and exercises that the class can do. Also included is a wipe-clean plastic sheet that can be clipped on the page so teachers and children can write words and letters to complete exercises. P1317 Set of 7 £45.00 Finger Phonics Books - Book size 210 x 230mm Each of these 14-page board books deals with one group of letter sounds, and the complete set teaches children how to recognise and form the 42 letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound and cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter.




e - k Finger Phonics Books 1-7 P1449

The complete set

Set of 7 £23.80

e Finger Phonics Book 1 P1457

Group 1 ‘s, a, t, i, p, n’

Each £3.40

f Finger Phonics Book 2 P1465

Group 2 ‘c k, e, h, r, m, d’

Each £3.40

g Finger Phonics Book 3 P1473

Group 3 ‘g, o, u, l, f, b’

Each £3.40

h Finger Phonics Book 4 P1481

Group 4 ‘ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or’

Each £3.40

i Finger Phonics Book 5 P1491

Group 5 ‘z, w, ng, v, oo, oo’

Each £3.40

j Finger Phonics Book 6 P1503

Group 6 ‘y, x, ch, sh, th, th’

Each £3.40

k Finger Phonics Book 7 P1511






Group 7 ‘qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar’ Each £3.40 These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes a b


Jolly Phonics Workbooks Book size 208 x 228mm These 24-page workbooks are a fun way for children to put their skills into practice. The first books have simple letter recognition, while later books introduce joined-up (cursive) writing and the alternative spellings of the vowels. Strategies for tricky spellings and challenging puzzles for developing phonics skills are also provided. Ages 4+

a - g Jolly Phonics Workbooks 1-7 Complete set. P1521

Set of 7 £8.80

a Jolly Phonics Workbook 1


Group 1 ‘s, a, t, i, p, n’, P1538

Each £1.26

b Jolly Phonics Workbook 2


Group 2 ‘c k, e, h, r, m, d’, P1546

Each £1.26

c Jolly Phonics Workbook 3 Group 3 ‘g, o, u, l, f, b’. Tricky words are introduced. P1554 Each £1.26

d Jolly Phonics Workbook 4 Group 4 ‘ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or’. Digraphs and more tricky words are introduced. P1562 Each £1.26

e Jolly Phonics Workbook 5 Group 5 ‘z, w, ng, v, oo, oo’. Capital letters, alphabet names, the ‘magic e’, alternative vowel spellings and more tricky words are introduced. P1570 Each £1.26


f Jolly Phonics Workbook 6

h g

Group 6 ‘y, x, ch, sh, th, th’. Consonant blends, vowel variations and more digraphs are introduced. P1589 Each £1.26

g Jolly Phonics Workbook 7 Group 7 ‘qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar’. Alternative spellings, sentence writing and longer reading passages with tricky words are introduced. P1597 Each £1.26

h Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Poster Poster size 590 x 840mm. A single sheet poster of the 42 letter sounds. Arranged in the 7 groups, each letter sound has an illustration that prompts the Jolly Phonics action and sound. Also useful for revision in older classes. P1600 Each £1.60

i Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze


The Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze shows all of the 42 letter sounds. The 7 sections of 6 letter sounds can be displayed individually or together to create a colourful wall display. Each section can also be cut up into individual letter sounds and used separately. P1325 Total length 9.33m Each £3.50

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes a

a Jolly Phonics Alternative Spelling & Alphabet Posters A pack of two colourful posters. The Alternative Spelling Poster shows the different spellings of 9 of the vowels, with sample words and illustrations. The Alphabet Poster shows the 26 letters in alphabetical order, with arrows to indicate the correct formation of each letter. The letters are in 4 colour groups, which correspond to the divisions in the Jolly Dictionary. P1333 Pack of 2 £3.50


b Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Wall Flowers Create a colourful display to teach and reinforce the 72 tricky words. Each Tricky Word Wall Flower is put up around the tricky word hat as that tricky word is taught. Each of the 6 sets of 12 wall flowers comes in a different colour to help children easily identify the word they want from the wall display. P1341 Set £5.90


c Jolly Phonics Cards The box of Jolly Phonics Cards contains 4 sets of flashcards suitable for whole-class use, including letter sound flashcards covering the 42 letter sounds, regular word blending cards, alternative word blending cards and tricky word cards. Dots under each sound help children blend sounds into words and remind them that 2 letters can make 1 sound. P1351 Set £15.20

d Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Strips With the letter sounds on one side and the alternative spellings of the vowels on the other, these reference strips can be used by each child in the class to help them remember the spelling of a sound for writing exercises. P1368 Pack of 30 £3.50


e Jolly Phonics Magnetic Letters Lower case magnetic letters, consonants in red, vowels in blue (y is included in both colours). Contains 2 each of the 42 letter sounds, 4 each of the vowels ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, and ‘o’, 6 each of ‘m’ and ‘d’ and digraphs joined together. Also includes ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘q’ and ‘qu’. P1430 Tub of 106 £6.50

f Jolly Jingles (big book & CD) Book size: 470 x 350mm A fun, interactive way for children to revise letter sounds in the classroom. The Big Book contains 42 short songs for each of the letter sounds, showing the sound, action and tune. Accompanied by a CD of songs sung by children from Canada. The jingles can also be read by the children to develop their reading skills. 40 pages P1422 Set £14.90


f g

g Jolly Songs (book & CD) Book size: 297 x 210mm A collection of songs set to popular tunes for each of the 42 letter sounds. These songs are sung by children (in British English) on the audio CD. Perfect for one-to-one teaching or small groups. Also includes a spoken guide to all 42 letter sounds and alternative vowels. Games and activities are included in the 24 page A4 book. P1619 Set £5.00


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Ideal for whole-class teaching! The software enables teachers to introduce all 42 letter sounds to the whole class, as well as alternative spellings, tricky words, activities for reading and handwriting practice through an interactive whiteboard.


Software for IWB a Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard (site licence) Daily structured lessons can be delivered in a fun and engaging way to children, using a wide variety of activities. The software is divided into 3 main steps, providing a lesson a day for a year and all the resources a teacher requires at the touch of a button, making the programme fun and easy to use. • Suitable for use on all interactive whiteboards. Approved by Promethean and Smart • Software runs on both PC and Mac • Network installable and allows any user login on each computer • Full and extensive year’s programme of fun lessons • Use with children aged 4-6 years • Structured daily sessions, complete with teacher’s notes that can be viewed on screen or printed • Interactive lessons with lots of blending, spelling and writing practice, ideal for whole-class use or for children to complete on the whiteboard • Audio option for hearing the letter sounds, Jolly Jingles and Jolly Songs and story option • Extensive selection of worksheets, templates and games that can be printed and used in class to reinforce teaching. System Requirements PCs and Macs User with Administrator/Privileged Access Rights for installation. 550MB free hard-disk space. Minimum 256MB RAM. SVGA graphics (800 x 600 at 16-bit). CD-ROM drive, sound card. Specifically for PCs: Intel PIII 1GHz or higher (or equivalent) with Windows® XP, Vista or 7. Specifically for Macs: Intel-based Mac with OS X 10.4 - 10.7. T6270

Fun phonics games for children to play! Enter the interactive world of Inky Mouse and her friends as they practise all of the five skills in Jolly Phonics. Easy for children to use independently.


Each £183.80

Software for Computers b Jolly Phonics Games CD (site licence) With 20 fun activities to explore, children can practise and revise their phonics knowledge independently with the Games CD. • Suitable for use on PC or Mac. • Site Licence is network installable and allows any user login on each computer. • Ideal for children to use on their own with minimal or no supervision from an adult. • Games available in easy, medium or hard levels. • Clear instructions guide the child through the activities. • Ideal for use with children aged 3 years and above. • A choice of print or precursive letter options during installation. System Requirements: Mac: OSX 10.5 - 10.6. Power PC® G5 or Intel® processor. Minimum 128mb ram. 300mb free hard-disk space. 8x CD-ROM drive. PC: Windows® XP, Vista or 7. 633mhz or higher cpu. Minimum 128mb ram. 300mb free hard-disk space. 4x CD-ROM drive. T6289 Each £108.80

c c Jolly Phonics Resources CD A compilation of Jolly Phonics resources, enabling the teacher to create their own additional classroom materials. Includes templates for flash cards, worksheets, action sound pictures, posters and reward certificates. P1414 Each £10.30

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes 96 fun decodable reading books for children to explore and enjoy! A structured range of books which enable early independent reading. Ideal for children aged 4-6 years old.

Decodable Readers These fully decodable books provide the best start for children just starting to read. At every stage the words are within reach of the children as they use their letter sound knowledge and the tricky words already taught. The Read & See books use single regular words, while the Jolly Phonics Readers start at Level 1 with short sentences. Within each level of the Jolly Phonics Readers there are 3 lively series: Inky Mouse and Friends, General Fiction and Non-fiction, each with 6 different books. Tricky words are shown at the back of each book. Light type is used as a guide for those few letters that should not be sounded out, such as the <b> in lamb.

From Rainforests Level 2 Nonfiction

Controlled vocabulary so that children can read words from their knowledge of the letter sounds in Jolly Phonics.

Essential tricky words used are shown at the back of each book.

A wider range of vocabulary is introduced to the children through digraphs, such as ‘look’, ‘tree’, ‘splash’, and ‘paint’.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Read & See Books - Ideal first books to be sent home for reading a Read and See Books, Pack 1 (basic words) • First Words • Who’s in the box? • I can • ck words P1627

• Double Trouble • Eggs • Under the Leaf • My Body

• On the road • Fish • At Sea • Longer Words Pack of 12 £17.90

b Read and See Books, Pack 2 (digraphs) • ai Words • oa Words • ee Words • or Words P1635

• ng • oo • ch • sh

Words Words Words Words

• ou Words • oi Words • er Words • ar Words Pack of 12 £17.90

All the Read & See books contain regular words that can be read by sounding out and blending. Each book has pages with a single word and a picture of the word under a flap to prevent guessing. The children read the word and then lift the flap to see if they are correct!

Level 1 - Complete Set (All 18 books)

Level 1 features words that are spelled regularly, and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics. • Mud • Inky • Zack • Snake • Monster Footsteps • Moat Farm

• The Rocket • Monsters • The Pond • Helping • The Wind and the Sun • Book Week

Level 2 - Complete Set (All 18 books)

• Star and Fish • A Pig has Piglets • A Shoal of Fish • Slugs and Snails • Foxes • Insects P1643

Set of 6 x 3 £12.00

In addition to the 42 letter sounds, Level 2 introduces /y/ used for the /ee/ sound at the end of words like ‘funny’. • Phonic • Hetty • Zack’s Present • Picnic • Spots • Looking for Snake

• Monster Party • Crabs • Red Hen • Swimming • The Box • Animal Chatter

Level 3 - Complete Set (All 18 books)

• Rainforests • Cheese Stars • Oil • Lizards • Shells • Butterflies and Moths P1651

Set of 6 x 3 £13.30

Level 3 introduces the ‘magic e’ for spelling words with long vowels, as in ‘make’, ‘like’, ‘bone’ and ‘tune’. Further tricky words are introduced. •The Tree That Blinked • What’s in the Box? • The Old Red Tractor • The Model Boat • Wait and See! • The Bad-Tempered Goat

• The 3 Billy Goats Gruff • The Fox and the Stork • The Outing • The Little Merman • The Cricket and the Ants • Little Monsters

Level 4 - Complete Set (All 18 books)

• Snakes • Deserts • Captain Scott • Underground • Mushrooms • Teeth P1661

Set of 6 x 3 £15.00

In Level 4 the stories are much longer, and introduce more tricky words. This Level covers all the Jolly Phonics alternative vowel spellings that are used to make words like ‘day’, ‘seat’, ‘night’, ‘snow’, ‘few’, ‘girl’, ‘straw’, ‘boy’ and ‘scowl’. • The Bird House • Daisy and Buttercup • The New Kitten • An Inter-Hive Match • The Maize Maze • Beach Rescue

• The Enormous Turnip • Rumpelstiltskin • Puppets • Many More Monsters • The Pumpkin Party • Town Mouse and Country Mouse

• Soccer • Mountains • Henry Ford • Sharks • The Moon • The Nile P1678

Set of 6 x 3 £15.00

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes a

a Jolly Phonics Teacher’s Book (colour edition) Accompanies Pupil Books 1, 2 & 3, providing daily guidance for each of the corresponding lesson pages. 184 pages P1376 Each £4.60

b Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 1 (colour edition)


Covers all 42 letter sounds with the Jolly Phonics actions, letter formation, listening for letter sounds in words, blending activities and the first set of tricky words. 48 pages. P1384 Each £1.80

c Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 2


(colour edition) Continues to build on skills learnt from book 1 by introducing more tricky words, alternative letter sound spellings and basic sentence structure to encourage independent writing. 48 pages. P1392 Each £1.80

d Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 3 (colour edition)


Contains further activities to consolidate learning in books 1 & 2, as well as new spelling patterns, tricky words, and short and long vowels. 48 pages. P1406 Each £1.80

Jolly Phonics Class Set 30 each of Pupil Books 1, 2 & 3 (colour edition) plus free Teacher’s Book T6262 Set of 91 £163.60


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes A fun, firm foundation in phonics Phonics Bug Authors: Professor Rhona Johnston and Doctor Joyce Watson

The Phonics Bug philosophy…

Quick guide Phonics Bug gives you whole-class teaching software featuring CBeebies video clips and games linked to reading, spelling and writing as well as a wide array of pupil games and activity sheets for consolidation. And of course, let’s not forget that all-important part the books! There are 133 fully decodable books to choose from, including 30 stories around the popular CBeebies Alphablocks characters.

Phonics Bug is founded on the teaching methods used by Rhona Johnston and Joyce Watson during their seven-year longitudinal study into the effectiveness of synthetic phonics. At Pearson we believe that synthetic phonics helps give children the very best start in learning to read. At the same time, we believe that reading has to excite and inspire children, so that the will to read comes from within. So, working with Rhona and Joyce, we’ve created a complete synthetic phonics programme that combines a rigorous, proven-to-work structure with the best of today’s technology, well-written books and eBooks, and top-notch design for added pupil engagement.


A huge selection of fully decodable fiction and non-fiction books and eBooks with appealing artwork and photography. Structured, fast-paced lesson plans that are proven to work and don’t require pupil ‘streaming’ or any classroom upheaval. A multi-sensory approach to phonic development to ensure children really enjoy learning. An enormous bank of electronic teaching resources accessed online through a simple log-in. An online reading world where children access a personalised selection of books and earn reward points for reading.

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes What’s in Phonics Bug?

Unit 1

Teaching ng g Sup Support pp

Target phoneme:


Learning intentions t t t







satpi nmd




ck e u r


h b f ff l ll ss

zh Lesson

Unit 13 zh Lesson

Words tab:



Unit 13

leissure re

Unit 13 zh Lesson

trea eassuur ure re

Revision Unit 13 zh

n zh Revisio


Unit 13





Fantastic teaching tools

emes esss:: s, s a, a t, p


Focus content: revision Letters and Sounds T B U Q

Writing and



Focus content: lesson Reading Audio: UBQ QBU TBU BT No audio: BU TBQ

QBUT UBQT Pictures tab: UBQ

Lesson plans and assessment support pp 43




Phase 2


© Pear Pearson P arso son



Flashcards for every Phase

Unit 1

Target phon




100% decodable readers with an eBook for every title


content: lesson FocusINTRODU CTION t 1MBZ UIF Sounds BMQIBCFU



Phase 4

Phase 3





y z zz qu


ch sh th ng


ai ee igh oa oo


ar or ur ow oi


ear air ure er

12 Consolidation


Written by Jeanne Willis

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Phonics Bug gives you 133 fully decodable texts.


Phase 5

1 P2


wh ph


ay a–e eigh ey ei (long a)


ea e–e ie ey y (long e)


ie i–e y i (long i)


ow o–e o oe (long o)


ew ue u–e (long u) u oul (short oo)


aw au al our


ir er ear


ou oy


eer ere are ear


k ck ch


ce c sc st se


ge g dge


le mb kn gn wr


tch sh alternatives ea (w)a o



Written by Paul Shipton Illustrated by Jess Mikhail

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes How does Phonics Bug work? Step 1: TEACH … with thorough, fast-paced lesson plans that use CBeebies video and a wide variety of fun activities for the interactive whiteboard to make serious learning exciting!

Step 2: INSPIRE … your children as they apply what they’ve learned — with colourful, interactive online games, fun activity sheets, and hundreds of wonderful decodable books to choose from.

Step 4: ASSESS


There are plenty of opportunities to monitor progress with assessment sheets and notes on assessing pupils’ progress at each level. Plus there are the results from the eBooks’ quizzes, giving you feedback without the need for marking!

Once your children are feeling confident, it’s time for them to use their skills by themselves, using the wonderful online reading world at home. With a guide to the sounds in each eBook, and quizzes to test their skills, children have never been so well supported with home reading.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes All the children look forward to the sessions and love the videos!

First books that put the ‘able’ into decodable With 89 fiction books and 44 non-fiction Phonics Bug readers, there are plenty of exciting books to choose from. Fun, varied and packed with humour, each book is 100% decodable so your children will be able to read them independently after learning just eight phonemes.

Sandy Shepherd, Bishop Henderson Primary School

Used and loved by over 4000 UK primary schools

All of the books are bright and beautifully designed to engage children from the outset, and with a wide cast of characters including the popular CBeebies Alphablocks - your pupils will never get bored.

Each Phonics Bug reader is also available as an eBook, accessed online. With the same great artwork as the printed book in a simple online interface, these eBooks are a great way to encourage even the most reluctant readers and they’re perfect for use at home as well as at school. Key features of the eBooks include:

A guide to the letters and sounds in the book.

An audio narration to help with pronunciation.

Fun quiz questions to test phonic skills.

With familiar characters, including the hugely popular CBeebies Alphablocks, and eyecatching design, your children will love learning to read with Phonics Bug.

From Moo, Cluck, Growl, Phase 3, Set 10

Children can begin reading by themselves when only 8 phonemes have been learned.

From Sid is Sick, Phase 3, Set 6 These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Practise together with whiteboard activities Next, there are lots of whole-class whiteboard activities to help your class practise their reading, spelling and writing skills, before they move on to independent work either in groups or individually. With online reading games, worksheets for writing practice and books and eBooks to read, there’s plenty for your children to enjoy independently.

Interactive games look at Sounds, Letters, Reading, Spelling and Language.

The teaching software is easy to navigate and use, with a clean, modern design.

SSounds d game from f Phase 3, Set 9

Fun activities for independent work For independent practice and ongoing assessment, there are photocopiable activities for each phoneme, grapheme and language lesson for the whole of Reception and Key Stage 1. Language worksheets help children consolidate their comprehension skills while phoneme worksheets allow them to demonstrate their learning.

Teaching software: T Unit 4, phoneme ‘r’ U !"# % &'(!)*)

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These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes

Teach T each phonics ph honics with co confidence onfidence Phonics Bug is built b around comprehens comprehensive sive daily lesson plans l written itt b by y experts t Rh Rhona JJohnston h t n Watson. and Joyce W atso on. In addition to these sstepthe Teaching Assessment by-step plans, th he T eaching & Assessmen nt Guides are full of o tips and resources for phonics progress, teaching phonic cs and assessing progress s, to and effort. save you time an nd ef fort.

Lesson pla plan an for Unit 3, Phoneme k (Reception)

Asssessment Sheet 4 Assessment (Re (Reception) eception)

Gett the whole staff sttaff on board board Written by the same respected team behind the resources, Written rces, the Phonics Phonic cs Bug professional development lopment courses will ensure sure that all your st staff taff – from Head to TA TA - can deliver a consistent, effective effective synthetic synthe tic phonics programme that combines child engagement agement with re results. esults. See page 208-209 for more details.

Assessment Asse essment Phoniccs Bug is designed to mak Phonics make ke it easier for you to carry rry out the assessments assessm ments and observations that t you would do as a matter of course course.. It gives you a selection of 13 assessment sheets as well as notes on assessing pupils’ progress at each level.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes EASY BUY PACKS Phonics Bug Super Easy Buy Pack 1

Phonics Bug Super Easy Buy Pack 3

All the resources you need to get your phonics classes underway including

All you need to get your phonics classes underway including one copy of every Phonics Bug decodable reader and an INSET professional development training day.

one copy of every Phonics Bug decodable reader. This pack contains: • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Reception • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Key Stage 1 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 2, 3 and 4 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 5 and 6 • Phonics Bug Photocopy Masters (covering Reception and Key Stage 1) • One copy of every Phonics Bug decodable reader (1 x 133 titles) • Phonics Bug online teaching software 5 year licence • Phonics Bug decodable eBooks 5 year licence

N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4715


This pack contains: • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Reception • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Key Stage 1 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 2, 3 and 4 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 5 and 6 • Phonics Bug Photocopy Masters (covering Reception and Key Stage 1) • One copy of every Phonics Bug decodable reader (1 x 133 titles) • Phonics Bug online teaching software 5 year licence • Phonics Bug decodable eBooks 5 year licence • Phonics Bug INSET professional development training, course reference 9781447901594 see page 208. Please complete the feedback form on page 224, quoting product code T4731

N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4731


Phonics Bug Super Easy Buy Pack 2

Phonics Bug Super Easy Buy Pack 4

All the resources you need to get your phonics classes underway including

All you need to get your phonics classes underway including six copies of every Phonics Bug decodable reader and an INSET professional development training day. This pack contains: • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Reception • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Key Stage 1 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 2, 3 and 4 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 5 and 6 • Phonics Bug Photocopy Masters (covering Reception and Key Stage 1) • 6 copies of every Phonics Bug decodable reader (6 x 133 titles) • Phonics Bug online teaching software 5 year licence • Phonics Bug decodable eBooks 5 year licence • Phonics Bug INSET professional development training, course reference 9781447901594 see page 208. Please complete the feedback form on page 224, quoting product code T4741

six copies of every Phonics Bug decodable reader. This pack contains: • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Reception • Phonics Bug Teaching and Assessment Guide Key Stage 1 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 2, 3 and 4 • Phonics Bug Flashcards Phases 5 and 6 • Phonics Bug Photocopy Masters (covering Reception and Key Stage 1) • 6 copies of every Phonics Bug decodable reader (6 x 133 titles) • Phonics Bug online teaching software 5 year licence • Phonics Bug decodable eBooks 5 year licence

N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering.

N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering.





Please note online resources need to be activated by calling Pearson directly on 0845 630 1111

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes SOFTWARE SOFTW WARE LICE LICENCES LICENCE ENCES Phonics Bug Online T Teaching ea eaching aching Softwar Software e This 5 year licence gives you access to all of the Phonics Bug interactive online teaching softwar ssoftwaree and games.

N.B. N .B. P Please lease p provide rovide your your email email address address when when ordering. ordering. T4537

£293 20 £293.20

Phonics Bug Decodable e ebooks Licence This 5 year licence pr provides ovides access to a huge library of phonically decodable eBook eBooks ks via Phonics Bug’ Bug’ss online rreading eading world.

N.B. N .B. P Please lease p provide rovide yyour our e email mail a address ddress when when ordering. ordering. T6327





Phonics Bug T Teaching eaching M Materials pack Contains all of the printed te teaching eaching and assessment materials for Phonics Bug, PPhases hases 2-6. Includes assessment photocopy flashcards. guides, lesson plans, photoc copy masters and flashcar ds. T4596



a Phonics Bug TTeaching eachi eaching ng And Assessment Guide Reception Gives teachers all the suppo support ort they need to plan, teach, assess and move their childr ren on. Covers Letters and children Sounds Phases 2 to 4. Suitab ble for KS1. Suitable T4545


b Phonics Bug TTeaching eachi eaching ng And Assessment Guide KS1 Gives teachers all the suppo support ort they need to plan, teach, assess and move their childr children ren on. Covers Letters and Sounds Phases 5 and 6. T4553



c Phonics Bug Photoc Photocopy copy Masters (all phases) Supporting the individual les lesson sson plans in Phonics Bug, the photocopy masters ar are e perfe perfect ect for further rreinforcement einforcement and practice of key phonics skills. Includes phoneme session PCMs and language session PCMs. T4588



Phonics Bug Flashca Flashcards ards phases 2-4

Covers all of the graphemess for Phases 2-4 plus irr irregular egular words wor ds and non-wor non-words. ds. Each h Phonics Bug unit includes a bank of wor words ds for extra practice. pracctice. T4561




Phonics Bug Flashca Flashcards ards phases 5-6

Covers all of the alter alternate nate g graphemes raphemes for Phase 5 plus irregular words non-words. irr egular wor ds and non-wo ords. Each Phonics Bug unit includes a bank of wor words ds fo forr extra practice. T4571



These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes DECODABLE READER PACKS Phonics Bug Decodable Readers all phases (6-pack)

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 2 (singles pack)

Including fiction and non-fiction titles and with plenty of choice at each level, each book is structured to support children as they apply their phonics knowledge and skills. Includes parent notes. (6 x 133 titles) If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T4693 £2139.90

The ideal Phase 2 taster pack. Contains 1 copy of every title in Phonics Bug Phase 2. (1 x 24 titles)

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers all phases (singles pack) Including fiction and non-fiction titles and with plenty of choice at each level, each book is structured to support children as they apply their phonics knowledge and skills. Includes parent notes. (1 x 133 titles) If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T4707 £369.60

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 2 (6-pack)


Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 3 (singles pack) The perfect Phase 3 taster pack. Contains 1 copy of every title in Phonics Bug Phase 3. (1 x 53 titles) T4650

The ideal Phase 4 taster pack. Contains 1 copy of every title in Phonics Bug Phase 4 (1 x 20 titles) T4669

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 5 (singles pack)

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 3 (6-pack)


All the books you need for Phonics Bug Phase 3 with 6 copies of every title for Guided Reading sessions. (6 x 53 titles) T4618 £916.40

New Phonics Bug And Alphablocks Decodable Readers phases 2-5 (singles pack)

All the books you need for Phonics Bug Phase 4 with 6 copies of every title for Guided Reading sessions. (6 x 20 titles) T4626 £341.60


Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 4 (singles pack)

All the books you need for Phonics Bug Phase 2 with 6 copies of every title for Guided Reading sessions. (6 x 24 titles) T4601 £332.60

Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 4 (6-pack)



The perfect Phase 5 taster pack. Contains 1 copy of every title in Phonics Bug Phase 5 (1 x 36 titles) £102.80

With familiar characters, including the hugely popular CBeebies Alphablocks, this pack contains 1 copy of all of the new Phonics Bug and Alphablocks titles. (1 x 55 titles) T4685


Phonics Bug Decodable Readers phase 5 (6-pack) All the books you need for Phonics Bug Phase 5 books with 6 copies of every title for Guided Reading sessions. (6 x 36 titles) T4634 £617.10

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes DECODABLE READERS

Sid and Duck (Phase 2)

Is it a Rock? (Phase 2)

Duck is sick of Sid. What did Sid do?

C and K get a rock, but is it really a rock?





Sid Did It (Phase 2)

Sid’s Pet Rat (Phase 2)

Sam is mad at Sid. What did he do?

Rat wants to sit in the garden, but Nan says, ‘Go!’

Huff! Puff! (Phase 2)






Can H and S run up the hill? £2.50

Tut, Tut, Pup! (Phase 2)

Sid’s Nits (Phase 2) Sid’s got nits, but Nan’s got a plan!

The duck pecks. The ram kicks. What does Pup do?

Cat and Dog (Phase 2)





Sid’s Pit (Phase 2) Who is in Sid’s pit? T4790



Cat and Dog cause chaos!

A Bad Lad (Phase 2) Fin is a bad lad! How bad is he?

Get a Pet! (Phase 2)





Will the pen get a pet? £2.50

A Big Mess (Phase 2) Tim’s Din (Phase 2)

Big Fat Rat (Phase 2)

Dad naps. Will Tim nap?

Rat hops and bobs! Is he ill?

The Alphablocks get a bath tub… and a big mess!







A Big Win (Phase 3) Doll is Ill (Phase 2) Dig, Sid, Dig (Phase 2) Can Nan get Sid to dig? T4812


Is Doll ill? He doesn’t want to play…

Will and Rob race against each other. Who wins the cup?





The Bop (Phase 2)

Go to Bed (Phase 3)

Kat and Dan go to a tip. Can Dan get cogs?

Get into the Fun Bus! Can Bat bob and Hen hop?

We all go to bed. What is your bed like?




Kat and Dan (Phase 2)




Kit and Dog (Phase 2)

In a Pit (Phase 2)

Jack Gets a Pet (Phase 3)

Kit and Dog spot a cod. Can they get it?

A is in a pit. How will she get out?

Jack has a new pet but how should he look after it?







Max’s Box (Phase 3)


Kit’s Kip (Phase 2)

It is a Din! (Phase 2)

Kit is in Dan’s cot. No, Kit, go!

I sings and taps. It is a din!

Max has a box but why does he need twigs and cobwebs?







In the Pit (Phase 2)

Pop! Pop! Pop! (Phase 2)

Sid is Sick (Phase 3)

Rat is in the pit. Who can get him?

O is sleepy but P keeps popping in!

Viv likes to help sick toys, but now Sid is sick too…







These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes DECODABLE READERS

A Picnic (Phase 3)

Sand Champ (Phase 3)

In the Dark (Phase 3)

Let’s go on a picnic. What shall we pack?

You can model anything in the sand. Have a go…

At night, some birds and animals hunt for food.







The Fox and the Ducks (Phase 3)

Sid and Nan Invent (Phase 3)

On the Farm (Phase 3)

Fox gets stuck in the mud. Will the ducks help him?

Sid and Nan go to their shed and invent something… odd!

Ella lives on a farm. She helps look after the animals.





Quick, Quick, Quick (Phase 3)



Go Fish! (Phase 3)

Sid-Cam (Phase 3)

Who is quicker, Yaz or Zed?

Neela and Craig have a net and rod. What about a boat?

Sid’s got a camcorder. What will he see?






Sid and Zak (Phase 3)


Up to the Stars (Phase 3)

Zak is at Sid’s. What are they doing?

Meet Zinzan (Phase 3) Zinzan gets stuck in the bath!

Dad has a new carpet. Mark and Cora get a surprise!







The Hunt (Phase 3)

Pandas (Phase 3)

A Letter from Dorset (Phase 3)

The fox sets off to hunt. What will he get?

Find out where pandas live and what they eat.

Lara is on holiday in Dorset. Read her letter to Gran.







Slip Slap Slop (Phase 3)

Rock-pooling (Phase 3)

Dex and the Funfair (Phase 3)

A top tip when you are in the sun is to slip, slap, slop!

We are going rock-pooling. What will we see?

Jaz wants to win a doll at the fair. Can Dex help her?







Chick Gets Lost (Phase 3)

The Queen’s Plan (Phase 3)

Eek! A Bug (Phase 3)

Chick can not find Mum. Where is she?

The queen has a plan. Will the king agree to it?

Hamster is asleep, but a bug is jumping up and down…






Mixing Muffins (Phase 3)

This Floats, That Sinks (Phase 3)

I am going to mix muffins! What do I need?

Find out what floats and what sinks in water.

Hair (Phase 3)







What does your hair look like? £2.90

Munching Lunch (Phase 3)

A Green Lunch (Phase 3)

Panther and Frog (Phase 3)

What will you munch for lunch?

Orla tells you how to pack a ‘green’ lunchbox.

All the animals are afraid of Panther. All but Frog…







No Lunch! (Phase 3)

Brown Fox Tricks Stork (Phase 3)

Summer Storm (Phase 3)

Why is no one getting lunch today?

Brown Fox cooks lunch for Stork but can Stork eat it?

Thunder and lightning are in the air…






These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.



mainstream schemes DECODABLE READERS Is it a Monster? (Phase 3) Unfair! (Phase 3)

I can hear an odd noise from up the stairs. Is it a monster?

U thinks it is all unfair. T5517




Zap! (Phase 3)

Be a Cress Barber (Phase 4) It’s fun to grow cress… T5551


Cool Cars (Phase 4)

Can the Alphablocks help Z get to bed?

The Van (Phase 3) V gets a van but it will not go.

Read all about some of the quickest cars in the world!







Stan and Vick (Phase 3) In a Rush (Phase 3)

Stan can not grab Jack. He needs to get fit. Vick will help.

Fantastic Fish (Phase 4)

H is in a rush. Will she get to the finish? T5231





Read all about some fish that can do fantastic things. £2.90

Go, Boat, Go! (Phase 3)

Sharon and Flash (Phase 3)

A Little Green Monster (Phase 4)

The Alphablocks get a boat, but it will not go.

Flash gets stuck. Can Sharon help?

A little green monster comes along. What can he do?






Q and U make up a quiz. Who will win the cup?

Turnips and Beetroots (Phase 3) Mark’s mum has a turnip farm but Mark is sick of turnips…



Quick Quiz (Phase 3)




Monsters! (Phase 4) Why is Mack the cat not afraid of the monsters? T5584


Sid and the Haircut (Phase 4)

The Thing (Phase 3) The Alphablocks get a Thing, but what is it?

Is it Quick? (Phase 3) Which animals are quick?

Sid needs to go to the barbers…







Sid Snaps (Phase 4) I Can Fix It! (Phase 3)

Winter (Phase 3)

O is sad, but X can fix it.

Read all about winter.




Sid’s pictures are very bad. Or are they? £2.90

Stop that Popcorn! (Phase 3)



The Alphablocks get some popcorn, but it will not stop popping.

On the Go (Phase 3)

There’s Something in the Garden (Phase 4)

Learn about buses, trucks, trams and trains.

Will and Cath can’t sleep. Something is in the garden…







Moo! Cluck! Growl! (Phase 3)


The Alphablocks create lots of animals but they make lots of noise.

A Job for Jim (Phase 4) Jim thinks his job is boring. What does he want to do?

Snails (Phase 4)






Read all about garden snails. £2.90

On the Moon (Phase 3)

At the Dentist (Phase 4)

Springs and Things (Phase 4)

The Alphablocks are on the moon.

Pippa is going to the dentist to have her teeth checked.

The Alphablocks get a springy surprise.







These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes DECODABLE READERS

Trains (Phase 4)

Dave’s Big Day (Phase 5)

Giant George and the Robin (Phase 5)

Take a look at lots of different trains.

Hip, hip, hooray! Dave is eight today!

A lonely giant makes friends with a robin.







Stuck in a Trap (Phase 4)

The Snow Monster (Phase 5)

Sunflowers (Phase 5)

The Alphablocks get stuck in a trap. How will they get out?

The Snow Monster is only a story. Or is it?

Grow sunflowers and see how high they grow.





Stop Helping! (Phase 4) P tries to help all the Alphablocks but she just can’t get it right! T5703


Sid and the Boxer Pup (Phase 4) Sid wants a Boxer pup. Nan says ‘no’ but will she change her mind? T5657


Look What We Can Do! (Phase 4) Look what D and R can do, and what N and K can do too… T5711




Babysitting Barney (Phase 5)

Fun in the Snow (Phase 5)

Barney will not go to sleep. Can Sid stop him screaming?

The Alphablocks have fun in the snow.




Boring, Boring! (Phase 5)


The Itch Factor (Phase 5)

Sid is bored. What can he do for fun?

There is a competition at the castle. Will Mitch and Stitch have the ‘Itch Factor’?




Follow the Clues (Phase 5)


Unlucky! (Phase 5)

We are hunting for clues that spring has come…

U is unlucky. He has the flu. E tries to cheer him up.





The Bright Stars (Phase 4)

The Trout Fishing Song (Phase 5)

Can the Bright Stars beat the Panthers?

Cowboy and Scout go fishing. Will they hook that big trout?

Y wants to help make a word. What can he do?






Easy-Peasy! (Phase 5)


The Third Whirligig (Phase 5) Look at a meerkat burrow and find out how they live.

The whirligigs go in search of food but they don’t see the big, hungry bird…



Meerkats (Phase 5) Sea Fishing (Phase 4) What can we catch? T5673




Whizz! (Phase 5)

Dressed for the Job (Phase 5)

Phil wishes he was a star. Can a box help him get his wish?

Which clothes are best for the job?

W and I spy lots of things in the wild.





I Spy (Phase 5)



Kat’s Great Act (Phase 5) Pompom Pets (Phase 4)

Go-Kart, Go! (Phase 5)

Pompom pets are fun to make. Have a go…

Chris and Kate make a go-kart but forget to make brakes!

Alice the tightrope artist has an accident. Is this Kat’s chance to be the star?







Butterfly Pie (Phase 5) Flying High (Phase 5)

Dinosaurs (Phase 5)

Planes fly us where we need to go. See how they help us.

What do you know about the reign of the dinosaurs?

Sly Python wants to eat Butterfly for lunch. But Butterfly has a plan…






These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.



mainstream schemes DECODABLE READERS I Will Amaze You (Phase 5)

Let’s see what bugs we can find!

Magic E can do lots of cool tricks with A to help him.

Which home from around the world would you like to live in?






Up in a Tree (Phase 5)

The Purple Muncher (Phase 5)

W is stuck in a tree. What will the Alphablocks do to help him?

The Purple Muncher is eating everything. Can Josh find something he won’t eat?





Hungry Birds (Phase 5)

Rabbits (Phase 5)

What can the birds find to eat?

Some rabbits live in the wild. Some make good pets.






Bullfrog is the Best (Phase 5) Bullfrog wants to be the biggest and the best. T5886


At the Toy Shop (Phase 5) What will Jen buy? T5959


Sunny Days, Rainy Days (Phase 5)

Animal Skeletons (Phase 5)

Steve and Hailey like sunny days. Do they like rainy days too?

Most animals have skeletons but they are very different to ours.

Keeping a Pet (Phase 5)





Sid and the Scarecrow Dare (Phase 5) Sam dares Sid to wear the scarecrow’s hat. Both get a nasty surprise! T5975


Different Homes (Phase 5)

Creepy-Crawly Hunt (Phase 5)



Which is the best pet? £2.90

The Runaway Train (Phase 5) Kay wants to go on holiday but the train runs away! T5762


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

What does Phonics International provide? “Outstanding Value!” Phonics International Multi-User Licence 3 year multi-users’ licence for the complete Phonics International programme including the ‘Early Years Starter Package’. Suitable from 4+, KS1 and KS2. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering T6254

Debbie Hepplewhite

“Teachers deserve ready-made, sustained material to provide daily phonics lessons. Children need sustained and engaging, core resources which belong to them and will really embed their speaking, reading, spelling and writing skills”

Multi-Users’ Licence £113.90

Audio-visual and downloadable teaching and learning resources for viewing online and/or printing: To introduce the letter/s-sound correspondences as shown on the Alphabetic Code Charts To learn the three core skills of: 1) blending for reading 2) segmenting for spelling 3) handwriting To secure basic skills and increase fluency, vocabulary and comprehension with: • cumulative and enrichment word level resources • cumulative sentences • cumulative texts and comprehension questions

‘Hear the Sounds’

To begin to assimilate spelling wordbanks

The programme includes information, alphabetic code charts and video-clips to inform parents and guardians. They can hear the sounds and spoken words whilst viewing the many spelling alternatives with their key printed words and picture examples. These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes For details please see pages 195-196

The Teaching and Learning Cycle Teacher-led Revisit and review letter/s-sound correspondences

Pupil-practice Extend and apply with sentences or texts

Extensive Fit-for-Purpose Resources

Teacher-led Introduce focus letter/s-sound correspondences

Pupil-practice Each child practises three core skills

“Having the programme laid out in such an integrated and structured way and with all the resources provided has made my life as a teacher much easier - and I feel that I am a more effective teacher as a result.” Kate Curran - Year 1 teacher


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Phonics International - a complete, synthetic phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting

Represents outstanding value: One price for multiple resources as described in the following pages: • Extensive, comprehensive programme - available online



• Flexible – use what you need for whom you need it, when you need it! • Audio-visual resources plus extensive bank of downloadable core resources (pdfs) – print to required size and/or view on screen • Whole school ‘stand alone’ reading, spelling and handwriting programme for pupils aged 4+ through Key Stage One and Key Stage Two • Can complement or supplement other synthetic phonics programmes or resources including ‘Letters and Sounds’ • Suitable to support ‘keeping-up’ and ‘catching-up’ • Resources for the programme are accessed via colour-coded web pages including the EARLY YEARS STARTER PACKAGE (which provides additional resources for Units 1 to 6) • MNEMONICS (aids to memory) - optional key pictures to prompt the sounds, key exemplar pictures and words for spelling alternatives - plus optional ‘actions’ for letter/s-sound correspondences of Units 1 to 5 in EARLY YEARS STARTER PACKAGE • Designed to inform parents fully • Free VIDEO CLIPS of ‘Saying the Sounds’ (therefore readily accessible to parents) available on the Phonics International website at • ADVISORY ONLINE MESSAGE FORUM • OVERVIEW AND GUIDANCE BOOKLET (pdf) outlines the synthetic phonics teaching principles underpinning the programme THE ALPHABETIC CODE CHARTS: • 26+ variations of the Alphabetic Code Charts from Mini Charts to Giant Posters (10 sides of A4) • Provide the overview of alphabetic code introduced and the rationale of speech sounds to spelling alternatives • Some charts include key pictures to prompt sounds; word examples for the graphemes (spelling alternatives); or key words and pictures to exemplify spelling alternatives • Full range of resources provided for all the letter/s-sound correspondences

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Phonics International - a complete, synthetic phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting

Early Years Starter Package Suitable for KS1 Printable resources provided on a discrete EYSP webpage for the letter/s-sound correspondences of Units 1 to 6 including: EARLY YEARS ALPHABETIC CODE CHARTS Choice of 6 different charts with fewer spelling alternatives (all 10 x A4) – that is, letter/s-sound correspondences of Units 1 to 5 or Units 1 to 6 POSTERS (all posters 2 x A4) Sections can be cut out to make card matching games: • PHONEMIC AWARENESS AND LOWER CASE LETTERS RECOGNITION • PHONEMIC AWARENESS AND CAPITAL LETTERS RECOGNITION • CAPITAL & LOWER CASE LETTERS AS ALPHABETIC CODE • THE ALPHABET EYSP INFORMATION BOOKLET CORE TEACHER MODELLING CARDS 95 x A4 – for teacher-led introductions MODELLING CARDS FOR LEARNERS’ USE 95 x A4 –with black and white line pictures OPTIONAL ACTIONS WITH INFORMATION For letter/s-sound correspondences of Units 1 to 5 A4 CHART with PICTURE POSTER words SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS For sounds books A5 ALPHABETIC CODE CHART For sounds books A5 ALPHABETIC CODE FRIEZE POSTERS Can also use as colour picture FLASH CARDS A5 SUBSTITUTE FLASH CARDS Graphemes – no pictures EARLY YEARS STARTER ACTIVITY SHEETS 92 x A4 multi-sensory bite-sized activities for code knowledge and core skills ALTERNATE ‘STYLE 2’ ACTIVITY SHEETS 92 x A4 core multi-skill sheets as above GRAPHEME TILES – black and grey Provided as singles or multiples on a page WORD BANK – cumulative words for reading and spelling (with guidance) SIMPLE WORD BLEND CARDS 93 strips (3 strips per A4 sheet) SIMPLE SENTENCES – on lines 89 x A4 – 3 sentences per A4 sheet EARLY YEARS STARTER BOOKLETS 102 x A4 – cumulative from Unit 2


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Phonics International - a complete, synthetic phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting

PHONICS INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME Provides core teaching and learning visual aids and resources on colour-coded webpages: AUDIO & VISUAL RESOURCES Units 1 to 6: • ‘HEAR THE SOUNDS’ online audio-visual resource of 42+ sounds and example words • PICTURE POSTERS 93 x A4 showing the letter/s-sounds in all positions of three words with pictures POSTER RANGES – In all 12 Units: • ALPHABETIC CODE FRIEZE POSTERS 200 x A4 - for every grapheme introduced • MINI POSTERS 205 x A4 - cumulative words & tricky words • GROUPING THE SPELLING ALTERNATIVES 65 x A4 - cumulative spelling alternatives with key picture-words for focus sound • GROUPING THE SPELLING ALTERNATIVES 65 x A4 – as above with no pictures • SAY THE SOUNDS POSTERS 31 x A4 – for display and pupils’ files for ‘point, say the sounds’, ‘hear the sounds, point to the graphemes’ - learn and assess SOUNDS BOOK ACTIVITY SHEETS WITH GUIDANCE Core resource of the programme. Includes the focus letter/s-sound correspondences, cumulative shorter and longer words to blend, handwriting practice, drawing mnemonic and spelling-with-editing routine on foldedup part of the sheets A5 COLOUR-IN SOUNDS BOOK Key picture-word plus 3 example words for every new letter/s-sound correspondence GRAPHEME TILES (black/grey or teal) • LETTERS TO PARENTS For management of sounds books • GUIDANCE TO SUPPORT EARLY READING One side of A4 to stick in reading records • BOOKMARKS Cumulative letter/s-sound correspondences SETS OF FLASH CARDS Several ranges with and without pictures, also with and without writing lines ADDITIONAL GAMES AND ACTIVITIES in Units 1 to 6: • PICTURE CARDS 279 pictures & guidance • LETTERS, SOUNDS AND PICTURES MATCHING GAME 21 x A4 – for one to one or pairs • PAIRS GAME – various sets for letter/s-sound correspondence recognition • A5 SAY THE SOUNDS BOOKLETS • SPELLING SHEETS WITH WORD CHECK LIST 40 x A4 – colour pictures provide spellings • VARIOUS HANDWRITING AND ALPHABET RESOURCES – Units 1 and 2 • SOUND CARDS with key pictures – Unit 2 • COLLATED ALPHABETIC CODE INFORMATION PLUS WORD BANKS – Unit 2 • ORIGAMI BLEND, SPELL AND WRITE BOOKS WITH INSTRUCTIONS – Units 3 & 4 These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Phonics International - a complete, synthetic phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting

WORD LEVEL RESOURCES: Units 1 to 6: • MY WORDS – WORD LISTS 231 word strips (3 strips per one side of A4) cumulative word bank for blending, spelling and handwriting – words shown on lines • LINED PROFORMA FOR WORD SPELLING For spelling and handwriting practice • BLEND WORD CARDS No writing lines – can use with ‘Pictures’ • I CAN READ, WRITE AND DRAW 76 x A4 – limited number of cumulative words of different lengths on writing lines • READ THE WORDS, MAKE UP A STORY 79 x A4 – learners’ words are cumulative, but further enrichment words included to create stories and develop oral language. Can also be used for written spelling stories CUMULATIVE, DECODABLE TEXT: • SENTENCES – Units 1 to 5 66 x A4 – half a page of cumulative sentences with space to write and illustrate • I CAN READ – Units 1 to 12 150 x A4 – a piece of cumulative text for every letter/s-sound correspondence after the introduction of the first few letters. Use for grapheme searches, blend new words, re-read and discuss, illustrate. Use for self-dictations and periodic teacher-led dictation and assessment. Copy-write for handwriting practice or convert to joined writing, or write a story extension. • QUESTIONS FOR ‘I CAN READ’ TEXTS Sets of questions for each ‘I can read’ text – oral work in early units, possible written comprehension work for later units • ‘I CAN READ’ STORYLINES – FULL COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS 150 x A4 – use after the ‘I can read’ texts have been read. These can be used as spelling mnemonic pictures to help learn spelling word banks of later units. • ‘I CAN READ’ STORYLINES – BLACK AND WHITE PICTURES WITH WORD BANKS 150 x A4 – line pictures with lists of words of ‘I can read’ texts in early units and word lists of same spelling alternatives in later units ASSESSMENT: Various resources for assessment (ongoing & periodic), for class, group and individual record-keeping, and tracking - throughout all the units (e.g. Say the Sounds Posters) and via the Phonics International homepage. It is recommended that any completed activities such as the core SOUNDS BOOK ACTIVITY SHEETS and the SENTENCES and I CAN READ texts and comprehension questions are collated daily in pupils’ individual ring binders to become part of the school’s ‘book bag’ routine.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Training available Read Write T raining iiss a vailable ffor or R ead W rite IInc. nc. P honics ffrom rom R uth M iskin LLiteracy iteracy T raining. Phonics Ruth Miskin Training. For please pages 211-213 F or details details p lease ssee ee p ages 2 11-213

Stories IInteractive nteractive S tories

Ditty Photocopy Photocopy Masters Masters Ditty

Digital resourcess of 14 Write Read W rite Inc. Storybooks S accompanying with accompany ying activities

Gives children children extra extra practice practice in in reading reading Gives short texts texts at at the the earliest earliest stages stages short

Sounds Picture Picture Frieze Frieze Sounds

Posters Posters

Full colour colour wall wall display display of of the the Full 44 sounds sounds and and mnemonics mnemonics 44

Simple and and Complex Complex Sounds Sounds Posters Posters for for quick quick reviews reviews Simple of letter-sound letter-sound correspondences correspondences of Simple Sounds Sounds Poster Poster A1 A1 Simple Complex Sounds Sounds Poster Poster A0 A0 Complex

Green and and Red Red Word Word Cards Cards Green Green Word Word Cards Cards practise practise phonically phonically Green decodable words words for for blending blending for for reading reading decodable

Red Word Word Cards Cards practise practise tricky, tricky, Red high frequency frequency words words high

Non-fiction N on-fiction

Get G et Writing! Writing! Books Books

35 Non-fiction 3 5N on-fiction ttitles itles ffor or ffurther urther p honic p ractice phonic practice

10 Ditty Get Writing! books and Get Writing! 1 0 rrevised evised D itty G et W riting! b ooks a nd 7 rrevised evised G et W riting! b ooks, tto od evelop w riting ffrom rom ssimple imple ssentences entences tto oe xtended ttexts exts books, develop writing extended

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics Resources Resources M Money y Saving aving aving vin ng Pac P Packs ac cks ck cks Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics T eacher’s K it E asy B uy pack pack Teacher’s Kit Easy Buy t 44QFFE QFFE 44PVOET PVOET --FTTPO FTTPO 1 1MBOT MBOT t 44QFFE QFFE 44PVOET PVOET $ BSET 44FUT FUT OE $BSET B BOE t3 3FE FE 8 8PSE PSE $ $BSET BSET t. BHOFUJD 44PVOE PVOE $ BSET .BHOFUJD $BSET




£173.90 £ 173.90

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics T Teacher’s eacher’s K Kit it S Super uper E Easy asy B Buy uy P Pack ack t 4QFFE 4PVOET -FTTPO 1MB 1MBOT BOT t 4QFFE 4PVOET $BSET 4FUTT BOE 8PSE t 3FE 8 PSE $BSET t .BHOFUJD 4PVOE $BSET


"MM JO QBDLT PG T 2011 T2011


£ 1496.60 £1496.60

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics S torybook S uper S chool P ack Storybook Super School Pack t (SFFO UP (SFZ 4UPSZCPP 4UPSZCPPLT LT 4DIPPM 1BDLT PG FYDFQU 0S 0SBOHF BOHF TFU XIJDI JT B QBDL PG CPPLT CPPLT BOE (SFZ TFU XIJDI JT B QBDL L PG CPPLT


Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics Non-fiction Super Easy Buy Pack N on-fiction S uper E asy B uy P ack t /PO mDUJPO 4FU (SFFO UP 4FU (SFZ 4DIPPM 1BDLT PG T2674 T 2674

£ £759.00 759.00

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics G Get et W Writing! riting! M ixed P ack Mixed Pack t (SFFO UP (SFZ (FU 8 8SJUJOH SJUJOH #PPLT DPQZ PG FBDI t 3FE (FU 8 8SJUJOH SJUJOH %JUUZ #PPLT # UP DPQZ PG FBDI T2844 T 2844

£ £7.80 7.80

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics G Get et W Writing! riting! S Super uper E Easy asy B Buy uy P Pack ack t (FU 8 8SJUJOH SJUJOH 5 5FBDIFS T FBDIFS T ) )BOECPPL BOE 3FTPVSDFT $% 30. . 8SJUJOH t (SFFO (SFZ (FU 8 SJUJOH #PPLT 1BDLT PG 8SJUJOH UP TDIPPM QBDL PG t 3FE (FU 8 SJUJOH %JUUZ #PPLT # t 3FE (FU 8 8SJUJOH SJUJOH %JUUZ #PPLT # UP TDIPPM QBDL PG T2852 T 2852

£ £184.00 184.00

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics IInteractive nteractive S Stories tories C CD-ROM D-ROM P Pack ack 4FU (SFFO UP 4FU (SFZ PO $% 30.T 6OMJNJUFE 6TFS -JD -JDFODF DFODF T2968 T 2968

£ £335.80 335.80

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics Resources Resources Money M y Saving aving aving vin ng P Pac Packs ac cks ck cks Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. P Phonics honics Adoption Adoption Pack Pack Teacher’s T eacher’s Kit: 1MBOT t 4QFFE 4PVOET -FTTPO 1MB BOT t 1IPOJDT )BOECPPL 8PSE 8PSE t (SFFO 8 PSE $BSET t 3FE 8 PSE $BSET t .BHOFUJD 4PVOE $BSET t 'SFE #FBOJF All packs of 10


Tutoring One-to-one Phonics T utor utoring ring Kit Storybooks: t (SFFO UP (SFZ 4UPSZCPP 4UPSZCPPLT PLT 4DIPPM 1BDLT PG


Non-fiction: t 4FU (SFFO 4FU (SFZZ 4DIPPM 1BDLT PG Writing!: Get W riting!: 8SJUJOH 5FBDIFS T t (FU 8 SJUJOH 5 FBDIFS T )BOECPPL ) BOE 3FTPVSDFT $% 30. . 8SJUJOH #PPLT UP 4DIPPM 1BDL PG t 3FE (FU 8 SJUJOH %JUUZ # T3001 T 3001


Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. P Phonics honics Small Small S School chool A Adoption doption P Pack ack Teacher’s T eacher’s Kit – All packs of o 2: t 4QFFE 4PVOET -FTTPO 1MB BOT t 1IPOJDT )BOECPPL 1MBOT t (SFFO 8 8PSE PSE $BSET t 3FE 8 8PSE PSE $BSET t .BHOFUJD 4PVOE $BSET t 'SFE #FBOJF




Non-fiction: t 4FU (SFFO 4FU (SFZZ 4DIPPM 1BDLT PG Get W Writing!: riting!: 8SJUJOH 8SJUJOH t (SFFO (SFZ (FU 8 SJUJOH H #PPLT 1BDLT PG Y t 3FE E (FU 8 SJUJOH %JUUZ #PPLT UP 44DIPPM 1BDL PG t 3FE (FU 8 8SJUJOH SJUJOH %JUUZ # #PPLT UP TDIPPM QBDL PG T3018 T 3018 £2950.00 £ 2950.00

0UIFS SFTP SFTPVSDFT VSDFT Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. IIn nT The he C Classroom lassroom D DVD VD T2275 T 2275

£71.80 £ 71.80

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics Speed S peed S Sounds ounds

Read R ead Write Write IInc. nc. P Phonics honics Phonemes P honemes Pronunciation P ronunciation Guide Guide

CD-ROM CD-ROM ((For For Use Use O On nA All ll W Whiteboards) hiteboards) T2283 T 2283


£161.00 £161.00

T2291 T 2291

£32.20 £32.20

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. P Phonics honics IInteractive nteractive S Stories tories


CD-ROM 1 CD-ROM multi-user m ulti-user

CD-ROM 2 CD-ROM multi-user m ulti-user

CD-ROM 3 CD-ROM multi-user m ulti-user

T2976 T 2976

T2984 T 2984

T2992 T 2992

£161.00 £ 161.00

£161.00 £161.00

£161.00 £ 161.00

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. Phonics Phonics Resources Resources Colour Ditty y Books Red Ditty Books

Mixed pac pack k of 10 T2313 £31.30 School pac pack ck of 10 x 10 T2321 £188 60 £188.60

Colour Stor rybooks Storybooks Set 1 Gr Green een Colour edi edition tion Mixed pac k of 10 pack £32.20 T2331 pack School pac ck of 10 x 10 £196.40 T2348 Black & wh white hite edition Mixed pac pack ck of 10 T2534 £7.60 pack School pac ck of 10 x 10 T2542 £60.50

Set 1A Gr een Green edition Colour edi tion pack Mixed pac k of 5 £16.30 T2356 pack School pac ck of 5 x 10 £98.20 T2364

Set 2 Purple edition Colour edi tion pack Mixed pac k of 10 £32.20 T2372 pack School pac ck of 10 x 10 £196.40 T2380 white Black & wh hite edition pack Mixed pac k of 10 £7.60 T2550 Pack School Pac ck of 10 x 10 £60.50 T2569

Set 2A Purple edition Colour edi tion pack Mixed pac k of 5 £16.30 T2399 pack School pac ck of 5 x 10 £98.20 T2402


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. P Phonics honics R Resources esources Colour Stor Storybooks rybooks S 3 Pink Set Colour edition Mixed pack of 10 T2410 £32.20 School pack of 10 x 10 T2429 £196.40 Black & white edition Mixed pack of 10 T2577 £7.60 School pack of 10 x 10 T2585 £60.50

S 3A Pink Set Colour edition Mixed pack of 5 T2437 £16.30 School pack of 5 x 10 T2445 £98.20

Set S 4 Orange Colour edition Mixed pack of 12 T2453 £32.20 School pack of 12 x 10 T2461 £196.40 Black & white edition Mixed pack of 12 T2593 £7.60 School pack of 12 x 10 T2607 £60.50

S 5Y Set Yellow ellow ll Colour edition Mixed pack of 10 T2471 £32.20 School pack of 10 x 10 T2488 £196.40 Black & white edition Mixed pack of 10 T2615 £7.60 School pack of 10 x 10 T2623 £60 50 £60.50

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. Phonics Phonics Resources Resources Colour Stor Storybooks rybooks Set 6 Blue Colour edi edition ition Mixed pac k of 10 pack £32.20 T2496 School pac ck of 10 x 10 pack T2501 £196.40 Black & W hite edition White Mixed pac k of 10 pack £7.60 T2631 School pac ck of 10 x 10 pack £60.50 T2641

Set 7 Grey Colour edi ition edition Mixed pac k of 13 pack T2518 £32.20 School pac p ck of 13 x 10 pack T2526 £196.40 Black & W hite edition White pack Mixed pac k of 13 T2658 £7.60 School pac ck of 13 x 10 pack T2666 £60.50

Non-fiction Set 1 Gr Green een Mixed pac pack k of 5 T2704 £17.30 pack School pac ck of 10 x 5 £120.50 T2712

Set 2 Purple Mixed pac pack k of 5 T2720 £17.30 School pac pack ck of 10 x 5 T2739 £120.50

Set 3 Pink Mixed pac pack k of 5 T2747 £17.30 School pac pack ck of 10 x 5 T2755 £120.50


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Read R ead Write Write Inc. Inc. Phonics Phonics Resources Resources Non-fiction Set 4 Orange Mixed pack of 5 T2763 ÂŁ17.30 School pack of 5 x 10 T2771 ÂŁ120.50

Set 5 Y Yellow ellow Mixed pack of 5 T2781 ÂŁ17.30 School pack of 5 x 10 T2798 ÂŁ120.50

Set 6 Blue Mixed pack of 5 T2801 ÂŁ17.30 School pack of 5 x 10 T2811 ÂŁ120 50 ÂŁ120.50

Set 7 Grey Mixed pack of 5 T2828 ÂŁ17.30 School pack of 5 x 10 T2836 ÂŁ120.50

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. Non Non Fiction: Fiction: Level Level 1 1-3 -3 M Mixed ixed Pack Pack of of 15 15 T2682 T 2682

ÂŁ46.00 ÂŁ 46.00

Read R ead W Write rite IInc. nc. Non Non Fiction: Fiction: Level Level 4 4-7 -7 M Mixed ixed Pack Pack of of 20 20 T2690 T 2690

ÂŁ62.30 ÂŁ 62.30

Writing W riting Get W Writing! riting! Red Ditty Books

Set 1 Green Green

Set 2 Purple

Set 3 Pin Pink nk

#PPLT 4DIPPM 1BDL PG T2879 ÂŁ41.20 #PPLT 4DIPPM 1BDL PGG T2887 ÂŁ41.20

Pack of 10 T2895

Set 4 Orange

Yellow Set 5 Yellow

Set 6 Blue

Pack of 10 T2925

Pack of 10 T2933

Pack of 10 T2941


ÂŁ11 .50 ÂŁ11.50

ÂŁ11 .50 ÂŁ11.50

Pack of 10 T2909

ÂŁ ÂŁ11.50

Pack of 10 0 T2917


Set 7 Gr rey Grey

ÂŁ ÂŁ11.50

0 Pack of 10 T2951


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme for children in Reception and KS1, is a ‘step-up’ from ‘Letters and Sounds’.

The Sounds Together Programme is thorough, innovative and creative in its use of highly-imaginative visual teaching materials that help to make the learning vivid and memorable. T6238

Set £659.00

Sounds Together

The Programme is supported by a Teaching Handbook, organised so that information and guidance about the Programme can be easily located. A Programme disc contains the complete Programme, including all the materials and resources.

Sounds Together is a complete, systematic, synthetic phonics teaching programme for use in Reception and KS1. The programme is a ‘step-up’ from ‘Letters and Sounds’. It provides a fresh, thorough and systematic approach to teaching and learning phonics that builds on previous professional experience and understanding, without requiring teachers to ‘unlearn’ the positive principles and methods of ‘Letters and Sounds’. Sounds Together has its roots in ‘Letters and Sounds’, but has been extensively developed and creatively elaborated in the light of feedback and learning from schools. Sounds Together, with its strength of structure, guidance and support, makes phonics teaching and learning consistent, engaging and effective from its beginning in YR, right through into KS1. Some key features: • It sets out the complete sequence of all the phonic knowledge and skills that need to be taught and the order in which to teach it. • It provides strong classroom support for teachers because it includes fully detailed planning for each session of the Programme in Reception and KS1. • It’s easy to use because the planning fully describes each step of the teaching sequence for each day’s phonics session. • It’s engaging for children because the teaching resources for each session include vivid interactive whiteboard materials that will capture children’s attention and keep it focused on what they need to learn • It supports practice and application because it provides lively decodable texts that enable children to practise their phonics in a context of reading that is enjoyable, engaging and fun • It’s well-resourced because the Programme includes over 540 items and there are further, supplementary resources on pages 104-105 of this catalogue

NB Not compatible with RMTM Education Interactive Whiteboards Training is available for Sounds Together and is strongly recommended. For details please see pages 217-218


The Programme provides full and detailed planning for each day’s phonics teaching. This planning has been carefully designed to ensure that learning is progressive and cumulative and that previous learning is repeatedly revisited and reinforced. A key feature is that the planning is completely integrated with a full suite of on-screen resources for the interactive whiteboard (Smart Boards only). This minimises the amount of time that it takes to prepare for each phonics session, because all the IWB materials needed are immediately ready for use. IWB resources are provided for every single phonics teaching session.

The Teaching Handbook gives clear explanations of how to use the Programme and gives step-by-step directions and guidance. The Handbook includes ‘Phonics Explained’ which sets out the principles on which the Programme is based and shows clearly why good phonics teaching is key to ensuring children achieve success in learning to read.

Also included in the Programme are materials children need to practise and apply their phonics knowledge and skills. There is also a wealth of extra IWB resources that can be used for additional practice, including material for individual or group work. All the Sounds Together materials can be used with a complete class or with smaller groups. The interactive whiteboard resources provide not only the essentials – graphemes, phoneme frames, decodable words, captions and texts – but also the highlyimaginative visual learning materials that make Sounds Together fun, meaningful, interactive and engaging. These visual resources provide an on-going teaching ‘narrative’ that builds a relationship with a cast of engaging animal characters who bring the words and decodable texts to life and help to make the learning vivid and memorable. From the start these characters show children that reading for themselves is meaningful and fun.

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes

The Programme sets out the complete sequence of all the phonic knowledge that has to be taught and shows you at-a-glance what has to be taught when – and how to track progression.

The Sounds Together characters help children with their learning and keep it focused on phonics. Each character has a particular part to play in helping children to learn phonics. The use of the characters is to provide children with a visual hook to help fix the learning and to create a vivid and lively context for reading and creating decodable captions and sentences.

The resources include 26 letter-shape visual mnemonics to help children in reception to learn to recognise these individual lettershapes.

The Twink Twins , Di and Graph, introduce children to the first consonant digraphs and help them to understand that two letters can represent one phoneme.

Specific guidance on day-to-day assessment for learning is included for each day with the session planning. Additional guidance in the Teaching Handbook includes a Phonics Progress Tracker (that provides leadership teams with a quick visual check on the pace of teaching) and assessment guidance that shows how to assess and record children’s progress in applying their phonic knowledge in reading and writing.

The Programme includes a Word Bank, a huge collection of decodable words that children can read using the phonic knowledge that they have been taught so far. The planning draws on a selection of these words for each daily phonics session, to create decodable captions, sentences and texts. The Word Bank also includes many other decodable words so that teachers can easily create additional decodable captions and sentences. From the beginning the Word Bank includes words with adjacent consonants.

Tricky Chicky, on the interactive whiteboard, helps children with the week’s ‘tricky’ highfrequency words. Whenever Tricky Chicky initially introduces a new ‘tricky’ word, the ‘tricky’ part of the word (the new GPC) is picked out in red. As children become familiar and confident with the ‘tricky’ part, the whole of the ‘tricky’ word is presented in black type. Tricky Chicky is a consistent, visual reminder and prompt for the children that they are meeting a new ‘tricky’ word which contains a piece of phonic knowledge that they have not yet learned.

Sounds Together, from the beginning, shows digraphs and trigraphs as a joined unit. The visual joining of the letters helps to create the concept of the digraph or trigraph as a single phonemic unit.

Sounds Together provides decodable sentences for use in each phonics session, so that children can practise their phonic knowledge and skills using only what they have been taught so far, so that they are not encouraged to ‘word-guess’.

Letter shape mnemonics help children to become familiar with the alphabet shapes for the first time. In the planning the lettershape mnemonics are used – combined with a rhyme or jingle – to help children to establish from the start a link between the letter shape and the phoneme it represents.

At every stage decodable sentences are brought to life by the IWB materials.

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Sound Discovery

A simple and effective programme that works for all Sound Discovery is a comprehensive, structured programme that can be used by teachers and TAs. Created by Doctor Marlynne Grant and developed over an eight year period with primary schools across the UK, it is a tried and trusted programme designed to ensure reading success for every child. It prides itself on giving detailed, thorough support to teachers through its Snappy Lesson™ plans, teacher manual and wide selection of accompanying resources. It is a broad programme that looks in equal measure at teaching children to read, spell and write. It includes a wide variety of practice texts to help children develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills and uses a handwriting strand and modelled writing to support the writing process.

Sound Discovery is a highly cost-effective option that can be

Top Features of Sound Discovery The Snappy Lesson is fast paced and interactive, so that even boys with the shortest attention spans and children with concentration difficulties can be kept on task. It is the unique and memorable structure of the Snappy Lesson that gives teachers and TAs the confidence to deliver really effective phonic teaching. The handwriting strand is vital to ensure correct letter formation from the start and reinforcement of good handwriting over time.

used with all age groups, from the first lesson in Reception right up to adulthood. It comes with assessment and placement tests to help you place each child in your class at the right teaching level and to track their progress. And with a wide variety of kinaesthetic activities woven throughout the programme, children will enjoy their learning - especially as they start to see the results.


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Sound Discovery Structure Manual includes: Key Principles, Snappy Lesson™ Structure and Flash Cards

STEP 1 Alphabet Phonemes

Lesson Plans & Resource Packs

Big Book of Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 1 Resource materials for Snappy Lessons Step 1

Reading / Writing Decoding & Comprehension


Phonics First Books (29) Fold-It Books 1 & 2 Precision Monitoring Book 1

Texts for Reading, Writing and Comprehension Handwriting Books 1 & 3 Phonics First Books (29) Fold-It Books 2

STEP 2 Digraph Phonemes

Big Book of Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 2 Resource materials for Snappy Lessons Step 2

Activity Book for Talking, Comprehension and Modelled Writing

Precision Monitoring Book 1

King Wizzit Comprehension Handwriting Books 4 & 5 King Wizzit Books (12)

Classic Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 3A

STEP 3A Alternative Vowel Spellings

Resource materials for Classic Snappy Lessons Step 3A Big Book of Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 3A

Phonics First Books (29)

Precision Monitoring and Speed

Phoneme Spotter Books 1 & 2

Reads Book 2

Phonics First Books (29)

Precision Monitoring and Speed

Phoneme Spotter Book 3

Reads Book 3

Resource materials for Big Book of Snappy Lessons Step 3A Classic Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 3B

STEP 3B Alternative Consonant Spellings

Resource materials for Classic Snappy Lessons Step 3B Big Book of Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Step 3B Resource materials for Big Book of Snappy Lessons Step 3B

STEP 4 Prefixes, Root Words and Suffixes STEP 5 & 6 Syllables STEP 7 Special Suffixes

Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Steps 4-7 Resource materials for Snappy Lessons Steps 4-7 Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Steps 4-7 Resource materials for Snappy Lessons Steps 4-7

Phonics First Books (29)

Phonics First Books (29)

Snappy Lesson™ Plans at Steps 4-7

Precision Monitoring and Speed Reads Book 3

Precision Monitoring and Speed Reads Book 3

Precision Monitoring and Speed

Resource materials for Snappy Lessons Steps 4-7

Reads Book 3

Additional Resources


1. Placement tests for start point and tracking progress are available for all Steps.

1. Lesson Plans of two types are provided at steps 3A & 3B:-

2. Two banks of words and sentences (Orange books) provide additional practice for Steps 1-3 & 4-7.

Classic Snappy Lesson™ Plans for first time teaching

3. A High Frequency Words book is available.

Big Books of Snappy Lesson™ Plans for teaching spelling choices 2. To fast track a child select “review” lessons and teach gaps as necessary. 3. There is no Handwriting Book 2

These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes Sound Discovery Individual Resource Materials Sound Discovery Manual The sound discovery manual explains the teaching framework of the sound discovery programme and how it can be taught through the snappy lesson format. P0108


Sound Discovery Resource Materials for Snappy Lessons 2

Sound Discovery Resource Materials for

For convenience, these 84 sets of photocopiable

For convenience, these 26 sets of photocopiable

words and sentences are specifically produced to

words and sentences are specifically produced to

match each of the 84 snappy lesson plans in the

match each of the 26 snappy lesson plans in the

big book of snappy lesson plans, step 2. P0167

Sound Discovery Placement Tests

The Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 3B

big book of snappy lesson plans, step 3B. £14.60



These photocopiable tests yield essential information concerning phonic development. Quick and easy to administer, they enable individuals to be placed on the appropriate step of the programme.

Sound Discovery Classic Snappy Lesson Plans 3A snappy lesson plans support the teaching of step

Invaluable for busy teachers, these 26 prepared


3A of the sound discovery programme. Suitable

snappy lesson plans support the teaching of step

for first time teaching and for intervention.

3B of the sound discovery programme. Suitable


Invaluable for busy teachers, these 54 prepared

Sound Discovery Classic Snappy Lesson Plans 3B

for first time teaching and for intervention.

Sound Discovery Words and Sentences Part 1 Steps 1-3


The sound discovery words and sentences handbook provides a bank of words and sentences for reading and for dictation. Part 1 covers steps 1 to 3 of the programme.

Sound Discovery Resource Materials for Classic Snappy Lessons 3A

Sound Discovery Resource Materials for

For convenience, these 54 sets of photocopiable

Classic Snappy Lessons 3B



Sound Discovery Words and Sentences Part 2 Steps 4-7



words and sentences are specifically produced to match each of the 54 snappy lesson plans in the classic book of snappy lesson plans, step 3A. P0221



For convenience, these 26 sets of photocopiable words and sentences are specifically produced to match each of the 26 snappy lesson plans in the classic snappy lesson plans, step 3B.

The sound discovery words and sentences handbook provides a bank of words and sentences for reading and for dictation. Part 2 covers steps 4 to 7 of the programme.

Sound Discovery Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 3A


the teaching of step 3A of the sound discovery

These 23 prepared snappy lesson plans and

programme using a column sort teaching

accompanying teaching notes support the

structure. Suitable for teaching alternative spelling

teaching of steps 4 to 7 of the sound discovery


programme. Suitable for first time teaching and


Sound Discovery Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 1 Invaluable for busy teachers, these 69 prepared snappy lesson plans support the teaching of step 1 of the sound discovery programme. Suitable for

These 54 prepared snappy lesson plans support





Sound Discovery Snappy Lesson Plans 4-7

for intervention. P0256


Sound Discovery Resource Materials for The Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 3A

Sound Discovery Resource Materials for

Sound Discovery Resource Materials for Snappy Lessons 1

For convenience, these 54 sets of photocopiable

For convenience, these 23 sets of photocopiable

words and sentences are specifically produced to

word parts, words and sentences are specifically

For convenience, these 69 sets of photocopiable words and sentences are specifically produced to match each of the 69 snappy lesson plans in the big book of snappy lesson plans, step 1.

match each of the 54 snappy lesson plans in the


Sound Discovery Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 3B

first time teaching and for intervention. P0132



Sound Discovery Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans 2 Invaluable for busy teachers, these 84 prepared snappy lesson plans support the teaching of step 2 of the sound discovery programme. Suitable for first time teaching and for intervention. P0159



big book of snappy lesson plans, step 3A. P0183

Snappy Lessons 4-7

produced to match each of the 23 snappy lesson plans in the book of snappy lesson plans at steps


These 26 prepared snappy lesson plans support the teaching of step 3B of the sound discovery

4-7. P0264


Sound Discovery Developmental Handwriting Book 1

programme using a column sort teaching

A child’s very first handwriting book. Everything

structure. Suitable for teaching alternative spelling

you need to know about learning good


handwriting from the beginning.





These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

mainstream schemes Sound Discovery Developmental

Sound Discovery King Wizzit Activity

Handwriting Book 3*


This set of handwriting sheets teaches students

This book is full of activities for talking,

how to form the letters of the alphabet correctly.

comprehension and modelled writing for lively



storybooks series. P0434

Handwriting Book 4 learn good joined handwriting. Joining digraphs is

Book 1 Step 3A Each of the decodable stories in this book features

an essential first step in this process.

the alternative spellings for a single vowel sound. £20.50

Corresponding comprehension and writing

Sound Discovery Developmental

activities are included for a complete lesson.

Handwriting Book 5


Everything you need to know about continuing

Sound Discovery Phoneme Spotter

to learn good joined handwriting. Joining from

Book 2 Step 3A

each letter of the alphabet is the next step in this

Each of the decodable stories in this book features


the alternative spellings for a single vowel sound. £20.50

Sound Discovery Precision Monitoring

A book of exercises to provide children with


Corresponding comprehension and writing activities are included for a complete lesson. P0450

Book 1 Step 1&2


Sound Discovery Phoneme Spotter

plenty of practice in reading and blending

Book 3 Step 3B

alphabet and digraph sounds.

Each of the decodable stories in this book features



the alternative spellings for a single consonant or vowel sound. Related comprehension and writing

Sound Discovery Precision Monitoring

activities are included for a complete lesson.

Book 2 Step 3A


A book of exercises to provide children with plenty of practice in reading and blending sounds at alternative vowel grapheme level. P0345


Sound Discovery Fold-It Books No.1 These simple, decodable storybooks which are photocopiable and foldable, are suitable for


Sound Discovery Precision Monitoring

reading ages from about 5 to 7 years. Children have fun with the reading, writing and drawing activities.

Book 3 Steps 3B And 4-7 A book of exercises to provide children with



plenty of practice in reading and blending

Sound Discovery Fold-It Books No.2

alternative consonant graphemes, prefixes and

These simple, decodable reading books which


are photocopiable and foldable, extend children’s



Sound Discovery Texts for Reading

reading to include consonant and vowel digraphs through a range of different reading genres. P0401

Comprehension Step 1


Provides two small texts for each of steps 1.1, 1.2,

Sound Discovery High Frequency Words

1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of the literacy programme for

Categorises 206 high frequency words into those

reading and for dictation.

found at steps 1, 2 and 3.




Sound Discovery Phoneme Spotter

Everything you need to know about starting to


An ideal resource for teaching staff to take off the shelf and use with groups of children for a lively lesson based on the poems, fables, historical stories and non-fiction text in fold-it books 2. P0418

Sound Discovery Developmental


and stimulating lessons based on the king wizzit

Sound Discovery Activity Book for Talking, Comprehension and Modelled Writing




*Please note there is no Developmental Handwriting Book 2 These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.


mainstream schemes


These main programmes all meet the Department for Education’s core criteria. Although component elements of the programmes are available separately, schools might wish to purchase these only to supplement existing materials from the same programme. A ‘pick and mix’ approach to core programme materials is not recommended.

supplementary resources a


a Phase 2 and 3 ‘Letters and Sounds’ Synthetic Phonic Fans Phase 2, three fans that introduce the first 23 sounds of the ‘letters and sounds’ programme. Phase 3, three fans that introduce the next 26 sounds, including consonant digraphs, and 2 & 3 letter graphemes. P0485 Fan length 130mm Set of 6 £5.70


b Phase 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ Synthetic Phonic Fans Introduces ‘new graphemes for reading’ including split digraphs. P0493 Fan length 130mm Set of 4 £3.20



c Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Fan All 100 words in alphabetical order for children to use as a first dictionary. Useful to support children with spelling of common words, 4 petals per fan. P0639 45 x 240mm Pack of 6 £6.20 P0620 45 x 240mm Pack of 30 £27.30

d The Next 200 Words: ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Fan The next 200 words in alphabetical order for children to use as a first dictionary. Useful to support children with spelling of common words, 8 petals per fan. P0655 45 x 240mm Pack of 6 £10.60 P0647 45 x 240mm Pack of 30 £46.40

f g

e Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Bookmarks Four different bookmarks for children to collect as they move through phase 2, 3, 4 & 5. An ideal reminder of target words that children/teachers/parents can refer to when reading. P0612 30 x 165mm Pack of 6 x 4 £5.00 P0604 30 x 165mm Pack of 30 x 4 £21.80

Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Charts and Poster (by phase) The first 100 high frequency words displayed alphabetically within each phase. Ideal to support children in reading and spelling common words.

f Pupil size charts P0698 P0681

170 x 240mm 170 x 240mm

Pack of 6 £7.80 Pack of 30 £34.10

g Teacher size poster P0663

500 x 700mm

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

Each £6.20


supplementary resources a



Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Charts and Poster (Alphabetical)


Pupil size

All 100 high frequency words displayed alphabetically. Ideal to support children in reading and spelling common words.

Pupil size

a Pupil Size Charts P0711 P0701

170 x 240mm 170 x 240mm

Pack of 6 £7.80 Pack of 30 £34.10

Teacher size

b Teacher Size Poster P0671

500 x 700mm


The Next 200 Words

'Letters & Sounds'

The next 200 words displayed alphabetically. Ideal to support children in reading and spelling common words.

Word Building Kits

c Pupil Size Charts P015A P016A

170 x 240mm 170 x 240mm

Pack of 6 £7.80 Pack of 30 £34.10

d Teacher Size Poster P014A

Teacher size

Each £6.20

500 x 700mm

Each £6.20

e 'Letters & Sounds' Word Building Kit Each kit is supplied in a Gratnells tray.

Group Pack Pack contains: 1 x Teacher’s set Phase 2 and 3 synthetic phonic cards. 6 x Child’s sets Phase 2 and 3 synthetic phonic cards. 1 x Teacher’s set Phase 5 synthetic phonic cards. 6 x Child’s sets Phase 5 synthetic phonic cards. 6 word building card stands. T742A Pack £41.10

Class Pack

Available as a set of 6 or set of 30

Pack contains: 1 x Teacher’s set Phase 2 and 3 synthetic phonic cards. 30 x Child’s sets Phase 2 and 3 synthetic phonic cards. 1 x Teacher’s set Phase 5 synthetic phonic cards. 30 x Child’s sets Phase 5 synthetic phonic cards. 30 word building card stands. T594A Pack £123.20

Includes Gratnells Storage Tray

Phase 2 and 3 ‘Letters and Sounds’ Synthetic Phonic Cards Includes all 49 sounds of the ‘letters and sounds’ programme.

f Pupil Size P0523 P0515

Height 40mm Height 40mm

Pack of 6 £7.50 Pack of 30 £32.70

g Teacher Size Supplied in protective storage box. P0507 Height 80mm

f Each £6.50

Teacher size

Pupil size


Teacher size

Pupil size



Phase 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ Synthetic Phonic Cards Each set contains all 18 new graphemes for reading including split digraphs.

h Pupil Size P0558 P0541

Height 40mm Height 40mm

Pack of 6 £5.00 Pack of 30 £21.80

i Teacher Size Supplied in protective storage box. P0531 Height 80mm


Each £2.80

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources b a

Phase 2, 3, 4 And 5 ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Cards Each set includes all 100 high frequency words of the ‘letters and sounds’ programme. ‘Tricky’ words are identified with a paler background within each phase.

a Pupil Size P0574 T6084

Pupil size

Height 30mm Height 30mm

Pack of 6 £24.30 Pack of 30 £99.90

b Teacher Size Supplied in protective storage box. P0566 Height 50mm

c d

Each £15.00

The Next 200 Words: ‘Letters and Sounds’ High Frequency Word Cards Each set includes all of the next 200 high frequency words of the ‘letters and sounds’ programme.

c Pupil Size Teacher size

P0590 T6092

Height 30mm Height 30mm

Pack of 6 £36.50 Pack of 30 £147.00

d Teacher Size Supplied in protective storage box. P0582 Height 50mm

Each £24.40

e Phoneme Frames Dry-wipe phoneme frames for use with whiteboard marker pens or Autopress pupil phonic cards. See page 70

3 Sections


P017A P018A

70 x 180mm 70 x 180mm

Pack 6 £2.30 Pack of 30 £10.90

4 Sections P019A P020A

70 x 235mm 70 x 235mm

Pack 6 £2.90 Pack of 30 £13.50

5 Sections P021A P022A

70 x 290mm 70 x 290mm

Pack 6 £3.30 Pack of 30 £15.40

6 Sections P023A P024A

70 x 340mm 70 x 340mm

Pack 6 £3.60 Pack of 30 £16.90

f Literacy Whiteboard


Five double-sided A4 whiteboards for use with dry wipe pens. Sturdy and rigid fibreboard construction. Features phoneme frame & writing guidelines on one side, plain on reverse. P0728 A4 Pack of 5 £7.00

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a a Master Class Synthetic Phonics Class Brick Kit Ideal classroom resource to support the systematic teaching of phases 2 - 6 within the progression outlined in the ‘Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics’. The phonic bricks can be used to support the teaching of grapheme/phoneme (letter/sound) correspondences. When joined together to create words children can practise the skills of blending phonemes (sounds) in order, all through the word, to read it. The phonics bricks teach the children that blending and segmenting are reversible process; they create words by placing the bricks (phonemes) on the base board and can then take the bricks (phonemes) off the base board to see and say the individual sounds. The phonics bricks provide the children the opportunity to apply their phonics knowledge and skills independently or with adult and peer support. There is an incremental sequence to the phonemes represented in the boxes. Contains: • 304 Bricks • 12 Assorted base boards • A4 Workcards • Large plastic storage tray with lid T6319

Kit £172.50


b Early Years Master Class Phonic Bricks A classroom resource to support the systematic teaching of phases 2 – 4. The bricks are used to support the teaching of grapheme/phoneme (letter/sound) correspondences and when the bricks are joined together to create words children can practise the skills of blending phonemes (sounds) in order, all through the word, to read it. The phonics bricks teach the children that blending and segmenting are reversible process; they create words by placing the bricks (phonemes) on the base board and can then take the bricks (phonemes) off the base board to see and say the individual sounds. Also included in the set are 60 workcards which show an image and the phonic sounds needed to create the word. Contains:• 221 Bricks, vowels, consonants, consonant phonemes and vowel phonemes and their graphemes • 3 Large and 6 small base boards • 60 Workcards • Teachers' guide • Large plastic storage tray with lid T716A Kit £195.50


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Magnetic Synthetic Phonic Tile Set (304 Tiles) With over 300 magnetic PVC tiles the set has been developed to support the systematic teaching of phases 2 – 6. Included are 7 sets of magnetic PVC tiles covering, consonants, vowels, capital letters, consonant phonemes, vowel phonemes and their graphemes. Designed to provide children with a hands on opportunity to apply their phonic knowledge, each tile has coloured coded letters supporting children’s phonological development and understanding. T717A Set £44.00


b Vowel Pals Group Set Short and Long Vowel Pals are phonics flip-ups. They assist in learning the short and long vowel sounds and discriminating between them with visual reinforcement with consonants in black and vowels in red. Each set includes 5 Short and Long Vowel Pals and a Teacher's Guide. P059A 275 x 170mm Set £27.30

c Sound Buddies Use this visual aid to help children learn and identify letter combinations that make the same sound. Sound Buddies can also be used to make word sorts and makes an excellent bulletin board display. Each set includes 25 Sound Buddies organised in groups of 2, 3, and 4 by sound. Teacher's Guide included. P057A 500 x 160mm Set £27.30

d Sound Buddies Desk Cards Sound Buddies are visual aids to help children learn and identify letter combinations that make the same sounds. The Set of 20 Desk Strips can be used as a resource for individual students. Made of write and wipe-off material. P058A 410 x 110mm Set £9.10



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

a Magnetic Synthetic Phonics Teaching Set Ideal for front of class teaching, this magnetic set provides a valuable resource to support a range of systematic synthetic phonics programmes. The green EVA foam letters are fixed to a white magnetic backing to attach to metal whiteboards. The 92 piece set consists of the alphabet, 21 additional vowels and consonants, 36 digraphs, 4 trigraphs and the 5 split vowels. The h is 56mm tall. P069A Set of 92 pieces £23.30

b Synthetic Phonics Tiles Pack Each tile is printed with a grapheme to enable children to practise building words through key stage 1. The tiles are made of 4mm thick EVA foam and are 38mm square or 38 x 50mm. On the reverse of the tiles are hook and loop material strips so that tiles can be arranged on suitable surfaces e.g. loop nylon covered display boards. They can also be used on a table. The pack comprises two sets of the alphabet, eight additional tiles with two each of a, e, i and o and the following graphemes:- sh, ch, ck, ff, ll, ss, zz, qu, th, ng, ai, ee, ie, oa, or, ar, ir, oi, au, ay, ea, oe, ew, ue, oy, ow, er, oo, ur, aw, gh, ou, wh, ed, igh, air, ear, ure. Also provides additional letters should teachers wish to use the chimps in the set detailed below with a group of 4 children (product P1007 below). P1015 Pack of 98 £7.10

c Clever Chimps Phonics Set This set comprises 4 soft fabric chimpanzees and 98 individual letters and graphemes. Each letter or grapheme is printed on a 38mm square or 38 x 50mm rectangle of EVA foam, with both hook and loop fixings on the reverse. Each chimp (115mm high approx) is designed with 3 fixing points (one on each extended arm and one on the tummy) to hold the tiles in a line. They encourage children to segment words and then select the appropriate graphemes and physically place the tiles to make the required words. Used singly the chimps are ideal for words requiring 3 tiles. Alternatively the chimps can join hands to allow longer words to be formed. The hook and loop strips enable the tiles to be used on other loop nylon surfaces as well as on the chimps. The tiles can also be used on a table top. The pack comprises two sets of the alphabet, eight additional tiles two each with a, e, i and o and the following graphemes:- sh, ch, ck, ff, ll, ss, zz, qu, th, ng, ai, ee, ie, oa, or, ar, ir, oi, au, ay, ea, oe, ew, ue, oy, ow, er, oo, ur, aw, gh, ou, wh, ed, igh, air, ear, ure. Additional visual materials can be attached to the chimps by using loop dots. P1007 Set £13.60




These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Giant Pocket Dice Phonics Set


This set includes 4 soft dice each with 6 transparent pockets and a set of 85 coloured cards* that fit in the plastic pockets. Each die is 130mm. A very versatile set as it is possible to vary the contents of the dice in a matter of seconds. By using more than 1 die it is possible to organise games of varying levels of difficulty. Simply slip in the relevant combinations required by the child or the group. Equally suitable for group or front of class teaching. Will also allow use of other printed materials. P1023 Set £14.50

b Small Pocket Dice Phonics Set This set includes 4 small soft foam dice (55mm) with a plastic transparent pocket on each face and a set of 85 coloured cards* that fit in the pockets. A very versatile set as it is possible to vary the contents of the dice in a matter of seconds. By using more than 1 die it is possible to organise games of varying levels of difficulty. Simply slip in the relevant combinations required by the child or the group. These small pocket dice are ideal for working on a table top with one or two children. P1041 Set £7.70


c Synthetic Phonics Large Cards* Set


Each coloured card is 113mm square. This set contains all the grapheme-phoneme correspondences shown in ‘Letters and Sounds’, plus an additional 14, and duplicate letters for plentiful word building activities. Available for teachers who might require extra cards for the pocket dice (P1023). Alternatively the cards can be used on their own. P1031 Set of 85 £4.30

d Synthetic Phonics Small Cards* Set Each coloured card is 50mm square. This set contains all the grapheme-phoneme correspondences shown in ‘Letters and Sounds’, plus an additional 14, and duplicate letters for plentiful word building activities. Available for teachers who might require extra cards for the product P1041. Alternatively the cards can be used on their own. P1058 Set of 85 £2.10 *The cards are printed with the following graphemes:- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. a, a, e, e, i, i, o, o, u, u, b, d, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, sh, ch, ck , ff, ll, ss, zz, qu, th, ng, ai, ee, ie, oa, or, ar, ir, oi, au, ay, ea, oe, ew, ue, oy, ow, er, oo, ur, aw, gh, ou, wh, ed, igh, air, ear, ure.

e Phonic Games Dice Set


This set provides an economical and versatile resource for one to one teaching situations or phonic activities with small groups. The sixteen EVA foam dice, 30mm in size, are printed with a range of single letters and digraphs. The dice are colour coded to help the teacher select the appropriate dice for the lesson. The pink dice have single vowels and the yellow dice have digraphs which include vowels. The green dice have single consonants that are common to many CVC words and are introduced at an early stage. The blue dice have a range of consonants that are particularly useful for beginning words and include some digraphs. The orange dice have consonant digraphs (and x) that go well at the end of words. P070A Set of 16 £5.90

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a Alpha Arrows


Alpha Arrow follows Letters and Sounds Phase 2, and also includes consonant digraphs ch, ck, sh, th. Phonic arrows provide multisensory reinforcement for blending. Wide variety of motivating word and sentence level activities. Attractive, child-friendly illustrations, also available to download separately and use in teacher-created material. Interactive whiteboard arrows for whole class use. Dyslexia-friendly layout with tinted word backgrounds and “boxes” letter shapes. Additional blank arrows for spares and custom use. For children needing additional material at KS2, or for whole class teaching. Alpha Arrows includes word level and sentence level activities, with a high level of structured multisensory input to teach and reinforce blending skills. The final activity is based on a single page text level story. Contains: 101 - page photocopiable workbook in black and white. Set of 68 durable blending arrows, including two alphabets, digraphs and blank arrows for spares. Pdf file of workbook in colour for printing pages on demand. Interactive whiteboard arrows. JPEG files of all the images (approx 120) used in the kit, for you to download and use in your own activity sheets.

Single User Allows a single user to use the material on the CD. P8168 Pack £26.00

Site Licence Enables the whole school to access the interactive whiteboard arrows and use the images. T6130 Pack £60.90

Additional Letter Arrows Set For use with Alpha Arrows where additional copies of the activity pages have been printed off, e.g. to be sent home with a child. P8176 Pack £6.50


b Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds Language Master Cards Supports the learning of the 42 letter sounds covered in Jolly Phonics. The 39 Language Master cards are arranged in 7 sets with each card clearly referenced with the letter sound, an illustration and an ‘action picture’ which is incorporated into the band. The letter sound on each card has been pre-recorded on the Master Track. Cards require a Language Master unit to be played on (not featured in this catalogue). P8567 Set £68.90


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources b Synthetic Letter Flips - Phase 2 Plastic Flips with 33 card phonemes.


a Pupil size P8222

Pack of 5 £11.00

b Teacher Size P8230

Each £11.70

Synthetic Letter Flips - Phase 3 Plastic flip, 36 cards, 3 parts flip. Cards printed on both sides.


c Pupil Size P8346

Pack of 5 £13.00

d Teacher Size P8354


Each £13.00

Pupil Synthetic Letter Flips CCVC + CCV - Phase 4 Plastic flip, 49 cards, 4 part flip. Allows child to create a CCVC word which can be preceded by one consonant into a CVC by covering or removing letter.

e Pupil Size P8419

Pack of 5 £13.00

f Teacher Size



Each £13.00

Pupil Synthetic Letter Flips CVCC - Phase 4


Plastic flip, includes common digraph. To make 3 & 4 part words.

g Pupil Size P8397

Pack of 5 £13.00

h Teacher Size P8400

Each £13.00

i Word Building Flips Plastic flip containing some of the most common word endings and beginnings. P8370 Pupil size Pack of 5 £18.90


Synthetics Washing Line Nylon 5m with ‘H’ connectors to insert cards in a sturdy straight row. Can be placed horizontal as well as connected vertical.


j Phase 2 Plastic display line with 33 plastic cards. P8249

Pack £11.00

k Phase 3 41 plastic cards black printed. P8362


Pack £11.00

l Phase 4 35 printed cards 2 blank dry wipe cards. P8389 Pack £11.00



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.



supplementary resources a




A4 Phoneme Flashcards

a Phase 3 A4 Plastic Cards consisting of 25 single sided ch,sh,th,ng,ai,ee,igh,oa,oo,ar,or,ur,ow,oi,air,ure,j,v,w,x,y,z ,qu. P8281 Pack £18.20

b Phase 5 19 Plastic cards with phonemes. P8508

Pack £11.00

Grid Board Cards To be used on a Giant grid board. c Phase 2, 3 & 4


Plastic with Velcro mounting points on the reverse. 25 x phoneme cards plus 2 full sets of the alphabet. Consists of 77 printed and 3 blank cards. P8451 Pack of 80 £13.00

d Phase 5 New graphemes for reading to assist in the blending of words. To be used in High Frequency words. Consists of 24 printed and 1 blank cards. P8516 Pack of 25 £6.50

Giant Grid Board 25 blank squares with looped nylon mounting points for grid board cards. P8559 Each £16.90

e Letter Run - Phase 2 A fun way to encourage children to use their synthetic phonic skills. The more words you can build using the phonemes taught in phase 2, the closer you become to winning the game! P035A Set of 60 cards £8.40


f Phonics Dice - Phase 2 6 sided 18mm dice covering all phonemes/graphemes taught in phase 2. P027A Set of 8 £4.50


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Phonic Word Wheels - Phase 2 Use the integral wheels to build words using phonemes from phase 2. Use the space provided to copy the words built. P029A Set of 5 £13.00

Letter Fans - Phase 2 Contains 22 consonants and vowel phonemes printed in two colours on plastic.

b Pupil Size P8257

Pack of 5 £12.90

c Teacher Size




Each £8.60

d Synthetic Letter Sound Fans Phase 2 , Sets 1 - 2 Plastic black on yellow for visual clarity – s,a,t,i,n,m,d,p. P8192 Pupil Size Pack of 6 £5.80

e Letter Sound Fans Sets 3 - 5 Plastic black on yellow g,o,c,k,ck,e,u,r,h,b,ff f,ll l,ss. P8206 Pupil Size





Pack of 6 £5.80

f Synthetic Phonic Fans Phase 3 - Stage 1 Plastic, black printed on yellow for visual clarity. Stage 1 (j,v,w,x,y,z,zz,qu). P8291 Pupil Size Pack of 6 £5.80

g Synthetic Phonic Fans Phase 3 - Stage 2 Plastic, black printed on yellow for visual clarity. Stage 2 (ch,sh,th,ng,ai,ee,igh,oa,oo). P8303 Pupil Size Pack of 6 £5.80



h Synthetic Phonic Fans Phase 3 - Stage 3 Plastic, black printed on yellow for visual clarity. (ar,or, ur,ow,oi,ear,air,ure,er). P8311 Pupil Size Pack of 6 £5.80




These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a






a Bank of Words - Phase 2 Pack of high quality, no tear word cards. The bank of 171 words are taken from phase 2. High frequency words are shown in italics. P033A Set of 171 £16.20

b High Frequency Words - Phase 2 Decodable and tricky word cards made from non tear plastic. Tricky words are shown with a tinted border. P133A Set of 32 £7.80

Sentence Strips

c Phase 3 10 plastic strips 30 x 296mm. P8338

Pack £5.20

d Phase 5 A set of 20 sentence strips with 80 word cards for substitution. Sentence strips 30 x 296mm. P8486 Pack £13.00

Yes/No Sentence Questions and Cards

e Phase 3 20 plastic sentence strips 30 x 296mm, 10 yes/no cards are double sided e.g. Can a boat sail? P8273 Pack £11.00

f Phase 4 19 plastic sentence strips 30 x 296mm, 10 yes/no cards are double sided e.g. Can you bang on a big drum? P8443 Pack £11.00

g Question Strips - Phase 5 25 question strips 296 x 30mm with 10 double sided yes/no cards and 40 word cards for 'choosing 3 right answers'. P034A Pack £9.70



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Phonic Bones - Phase 2 Bones using words from phase 2. Use the slider to conceal part of the word so the child can identify which phoneme is missing. P030A Pack of 42 £8.40

b Synthetic Bones - Phase 3


42 Plastic black printed on yellow for visual clarity. Any letter can be concealed by a plastic slider to help with decoding. P8321 Set of 42 £8.40

c Phonic Bones - Phase 4 Bones using words from phase 4. Use the slider to conceal part of the word so the child can identify which phoneme is missing. P031A Set of 42 £8.40

d Synthetic Word Bars - Phase 2 Slide the sythetic letter bars onto the plastic rods to build and decode words. Each bar can be rotated to produce more options. Includes 6 plastic rods and 65 bars. P8184 Pack £14.30

c e Spelling Poster - Phase 6 A2 Laminated Card. Useful techniques to tackle spellings. P8540 Each £1.30

f The 44 Letter Sounds A2 Laminated Poster To be used in phase 3, 4, & 5 displaying the most popular phonemes and graphemes. P8494 Each £1.30




These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a








Magnetic Synthetic Tiles - Phase 2, 3 & 4 Printed tiles includes common phonemes and includes 2 full sets of the alphabet.

a 34 x 34mm P8461

Pack of 80 £9.80

b 50 x 50mm P8478

Pack of 80 £13.00

Magnetic Synthetic Tiles - Phase 5 & 6 Including sound buttons printed on the tiles.

c 34 x 34mm P8524

Pack of 38 £6.50

d 50 x 50mm P8532

Pack of 38 £9.80

Magnetic Phoneme Frames A6 size (165mm x 100mm) - magnetic & dry wipe boards printed. Can be used with magnetic tiles or dry wipe pens.

e 2, 3 & 4 Phoneme Frames Suitable for Phase 3 & 4 - with Phoneme frames 2 boxes on top and 3 boxes on the bottom. P8214 Pack of 10 £7.80

f 4 Phoneme Frames Suitable for Phase 6 P8435

Pack of 10 £7.80

A4 Phonic Write & Wipe Boards

g Phases 2+3 Dry wipe boards suitable for use in phases 2 and 3 with phoneme frames, 2 boxes on top and 3 underneath. Lines are provided for extra practise. P028A Set of 30 £14.10

h Phases 4+5 Dry wipe boards suitable for use in phases 4 and 5 with phoneme frames, 4 boxes on top and 5 underneath. Lines are provided for extra practise. P032A Set of 30 £14.10


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Giant Phonics DVD Set of powerpoint presentations on DVD to support Phases Two, Three, Four, Five and Six of Letters and Sounds. The product will save teachers much time and effort in preparation of daily lessons and resources. Each presentation embodies the teaching sequence: Revisit and Review; Teach; Practise; Apply; and presents the new learning in the sequence laid out in Letters and Sounds. As soon as the children have learned the first three GPCs, each presentation ends with a carefully designed dictation word, caption or sentence for application and assessment of the new learning.The presentations are easy to use, engaging, clear and colourful. An appropriate game is linked to each presentation including suggested word lists where necessary. An accompanying set of guidance notes and explanations of all the games are included in booklet form and on the DVD. P073A Set £260.00

b b Learning Resources Phase 2 Contains: Letters & Sounds Phase Two Reading Rods® - Includes four sets of each letter/letter pair. Activity Guide included. Letters & Sounds Phase Two Magnetic Foam Learning Letters - Includes four sets of each letter/letter pair. Activity Guide included. 2x Letters & Sounds Phase Two Foam Cubes - The Letters & Sounds teaching framework and the classic Learning Resources® cube combine! Each of the six soft foam cubes features an individual letter progression set. Cubes measure 40mm. Letters & Sounds Phases Two & Three Lacing Letters - Use these 30mm letters to work on the letter progression sets across Phases Two and Three. Colourcoded for ease of use. Each set includes four of each grapheme taught; perfect for small group use. Four letter q's are also included to form a complete alphabet. Letters and 12 laces store in handy tub. Set includes Activity Guide written by Fiona Fuller, Deputy Head Teacher and Literacy Teacher. P071A Classroom Kit £31.10

c Learning Resources Phase 3


Contains: 2x Letters & Sounds Phase Three Foam Cubes - Support learning through Phase Three with these tactile soft foam cubes that introduce the framework’s next round of letter progression sets. Trickier letter sets are repeated for added reinforcement. Cubes measure 40mm. Ages 3-7. Letters & Sounds Phases Two & Three Lacing Letters - Use these 30mm letters to work on the letter progression sets across Phases Two and Three. Colourcoded for ease of use, the pieces can be laced to practise letter sounds, blending and word building. Each set includes four of each grapheme taught; perfect for small group use. Four letter q's are also included to form a complete alphabet. Letters and 12 laces store in handy tub. Set includes Activity Guide written by Fiona Fuller, Deputy Head Teacher and Literacy Teacher. P072A Classroom Kit £18.40

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

Martian Reading

a Set 1 Have children play a variety of card games designed to familiarize them with decoding pseudo, or nonsense words (which we call Martian words), during free flow or guided reading sessions. By practising pseudo-words you are ensuring children are truly decoding and not just recognising whole words. Includes: 180 Martian Cards, 60 Human Cards, 10 game instructions and ‘unseen’ assessment cards. Set 1 covers the following from phases 2-4 of Letters and Sounds: Unit 1 - s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, Unit 2 - g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, Unit 3 - h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, Unit 4 - j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, Unit 5 – VCC/CCVC/CVCC words, Unit 6 - ch, sh, th, ng. P074A Single Box £20.80

b Set 2 Have children play a variety of card games designed to familiarize them with decoding pseudo, or nonsense words (which we call Martian words), during free flow or guided reading sessions. Set 2 extends the range of phoneme representations. Includes: 90 Martian Cards, 30 Human Cards, 10 game instructions and ‘unseen’ assessment cards. Set 2 covers the following from phase 3 of Letters and Sounds: Unit 1 - ai, ee, igh, oa, Unit 2 - oo, ar, or, ur, Unit 3 - ow, oi, air, er. P075A Single Box with 4 Packs £14.90


Magnetic Letters

c Set 1 Have children spelling words before handwriting skills are developed! Set 1 covers the first 36 graphemes (with an additional ‘s’ for plurals) and are in primary font. They include the early digraphs with the letters linked together to help reinforce the logic that one phoneme can be represented by two letters. The letters are in a neutral blue (unlike other mixed colour, magnetic letters – ‘real’ writing is only ever in one colour!). There is a tick included, which children can put next to a correctly spelled word. The backs are 100% magnetised so the letters and the magnets cannot separate. Includes the following graphemes: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, sh, ch, th, ng, wh with an additional ‘s’ for plurals and a tick. P076A Pack of 6 £29.60



d Set 2 The digraphs and trigraphs letters are linked together to help reinforce the logic that one phoneme can be represented by two/three letters. The letters are in a neutral blue (unlike other mixed colour, magnetic letters – ‘real’ writing is only ever in one colour!). There is a tick included, which children can put next to a correctly spelled word. The backs are 100% magnetised so the letters and the magnets cannot separate. Includes the following graphemes: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, air, er and a tick. P077A Pack of 6 £21.50


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources No picture cues and more unusual words means there is only one strategy children can use to read these words – decoding!

Get children confident with word level reading using only CVC words.

Includes unusual words (like ‘sap’, ‘din’, ‘nip’), that children are unlikely to recognise and may as well be pseudo-words!



Practice Books The books start at the word level, so children are confident with their decoding skills. The books use many unusual 100% decodable words (e.g. sap and din) which children are unlikely to recognise. This mixed pack includes one copy of each book from series 1 covering phases 2-4 of Letters and Sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, sh, ch, th, ng and VCC, CCVC and CVCC words. The practice books are also sold in packs of six of each title which makes items great for guided reading. P078A Mixed Pack of 24 £39.50

a Practice Books - Unit 1


Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d P080A Trains Pack of 6 £7.90 P081A Cars Pack of 6 £7.90 P082A Planes Pack of 6 £7.90 P083A Ships Pack of 6 £7.90

b Practice Books - Unit 2 Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds: g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r P084A Balloons Pack of 6 £7.90 P085A Teddy Pack of 6 £7.90 P086A Cakes Pack of 6 £7.90 P087A Gifts Pack of 6 £7.90

c Practice Books - Unit 3


Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss P088A Caterpillars Pack of 6 £7.90 P089A Ladybirds Pack of 6 £7.90 P090A Butterflies Pack of 6 £7.90 P091A Bee Pack of 6 £7.90

d Practice Books - Unit 4


Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu P092A T-Shirts Pack of 6 £7.90 P093A Flowers Pack of 6 £7.90 P094A Mushrooms Pack of 6 £7.90 P095A Gnome Pack of 6 £7.90

e Practice Books - Unit 5


Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds: VCC, CCVC and CVCC P096A Serpent Pack of 6 £7.90 P097A Leprechaun Pack of 6 £7.90 P098A Alien Pack of 6 £7.90 P099A Unicorn Pack of 6 £7.90

f Practice Books - Unit 6 Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds: sh, ch, th, ng P100A Fish Pack of 6 £7.90 P101A Bird Pack of 6 £7.90 P102A Duck Pack of 6 £7.90 P103A Dog Pack of 6 £7.90 These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Bingo board for spelling tricky words (T4464 & T604A)

Planning and Resources CDs CDs contain a complete set of phonics lesson plans and all the accompanying resources for teaching the relevant Phase, including SMART Notebook 10 screens. The plans and resources follow Lesley Clarke’s medium term week by week breakdown for the Phase (available with online web subscription, code T4472 and also on CDs), detail how to use the materials and provide instructions for activities not contained in Letters and Sounds. NB: Many of the files are in PDF format, so you will need to have Adobe Reader installed in order to open the files. You will also need SMART Notebook 10 to open the SMART Notebook screens.

a Phase 5a - For weeks 1-4 in Letters and Sounds. T4464

CD £18.40 Phase 5b - For weeks 5-7 in Letters and Sounds. T598A CD £19.20 Phase 5c (Part 1) - For the first 5 weeks of weeks 8-30 in Letters and Sounds. T599A CD £19.20 Phase 5c (Part 2) - For the second 5 weeks of weeks 8-30 in Letters and Sounds. T600A CD £19.20 Phase 5c (Part 3) - For the third 5 weeks of weeks 8-30 in Letters and Sounds. T601A CD £19.20 Phase 5c (Part 4) - For the last 6 weeks of weeks 8-30 in Letters and Sounds. T602A CD £19.20 Phase 5c (Parts 1-4) - For weeks 8-30 in Letters and Sounds. This CD contains the content from T599A, A600A, T601A and T602A above. T603A CD £64.00 Phases 5a, 5b and 5c (Part 1-4) - For weeks 1-30 in Letters and Sounds. This CD contains the content from T4464, T598A, T599A, A600A, T601A and T602A above. T604A CD £93.90

Alien screen (T601A)

All products on this page complement each other, but can be used independently. They all support the Letters and Sounds programme.

Compound word game cards (T4464)


Georgie's Gym screen (T4464)



Photo CDs The photos on these CDs can be used as visual aids during whole class discrete phonics teaching sessions either electronically on the IWB or printed out and used as props for games, such as What's in the Box? Printed photos can also be used for adult initiated activities, using magnetic letters to write the word depicted in each photo etc.


b Phase 2 - This CD contains photos of over 130 items from the FS2 Word Lists (T4499). T605A CD £12.30 c Phase 3 - This CD contains photos of over 250 items from the FS2 Word Lists (T4499). T606A CD £13.40 d Phase 4 - This CD contains photos of over 300 items from the FS2 Word Lists (T4499). T607A CD £14.60


e Phase 5a - This CD contains photos of over 250 items from the Y1 Word Lists (T4502). T608A CD £13.40 Phases 2, 3 + 4 - This CD contains the content from T605A, T606A, T607A above. T609A CD £33.00


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a All products on this page complement each other, but can be used independently.

a Online Web Subscription to ‘Further Resources’ on

They all support the Letters and Sounds programme, but the 'Best Bet Train Cards' and 'Web Subscription' can also be used with other programmes.


This part of the website contains additional and more substantial photocopiable documents, including a sample phonics policy statement and scheme of work, detailed medium term plans, invaluable teaching resources (including different activities/games to use with the children), comprehensive word lists, assessment sheets and resources to use with parents. The downloadable files are organised into 2 separate areas, one for schools using Letters and Sounds and the second for schools using other synthetic phonics programmes. At least one new resource is added each month. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4472 Subscription £33.40

b Best Bet Train Cards pdf Set



These are a set of spelling aid posters/cards to be displayed on classroom walls and referred to during phonics, spelling and writing sessions. The engine (ie the beginning & middle of the train) shows the best bets when representing a particular phoneme at the beginning/in the middle of a word (eg 'j' on the train shown). The goods' wagon at the end of the train shows the best bets when representing that phoneme at the end of a word (eg 'dge' after a short vowel and 'ge' on the train shown). The trains should be printed onto A4 card and cut in half, so there is just 1 train on each. PDF files are despatched as an email attachment. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4480 PDFs £12.60

Word Lists For Letters and Sounds pdf Sets The lists contain words which can be read and spelled after each grapheme to phoneme correspondence has been introduced at that Phase. High frequency and polysyllabic words are clearly identified within the lists. PDF files are despatched as an email attachment.

c Reception/FS2/Early Stages of Phonics Each of these 3 documents contains a set of comprehensive word lists to support teaching of the phonics programme Letters and Sounds: 1 list is for Phase 2, 1 for Phase 3 and the other for Phase 4. As space in the Letters and Sounds book is necessarily limited, the word lists provided within it are quite short. These documents have been put together to address this issue. Each page contains 3 columns of words and there are 7 pages for Phase 2, 11 for Phase 3 and 11 for Phase 4. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4499 PDFs £6.90 d Y1 Each of these 3 documents contains a set of comprehensive word lists to support teaching of the phonics programme Letters and Sounds: 1 list is for Phase 5a (Weeks 1-4), 1 for Phase 5b (Weeks 5-7) and the other for Phase 5c (Weeks 8-30). As space in the Letters and Sounds book is necessarily limited, the word lists provided within it are quite short. These documents have been put together to address this issue. Each page contains 3 columns of words and there are 11 pages for Phase 5a, 39 for Phase 5b and 39 for Phase 5c. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T4502 PDFs £6.90 These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a Show-me® A4 Phonics Progression Drywipe Boards Small Pack Consisting of: 10 x Show-me® A4 Phonics Progression Drywipe Boards. P0957 Pack of 10 £11.80

The Show-me® range of Phoneme Frame and Phonics Progession drywipe boards are designed as essential supplementary resources for practising the skills learnt in any mainstream or catch-up scheme.

nature of the Show-me® boards, and inspired by their own experience of success, he/she can practise their phonics skills without fear of error as mistakes can easily be erased and amended.

Show-me® boards by design, are fun to use and facilitate a teacher working interactively with their class and enable the teacher to track children's learning and, importantly, identify incipient difficulties at an early stage.

So whether learning grapheme / phoneme correspondences; practising the skills of blending the phonemes to read all through a whole word, or for improving segmenting skills, the Showme® boards are a must for every classroom.

Not only is the child enthused by the fun


Class pack Consisting of: • 35 x Show-me® A4 Phonics Progression Drywipe Boards • 35 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 35 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. P0949 Class Pack £46.90


Bulk box Consisting of: • 100 x Show-me® A4 Phonics Progression Drywipe Boards • 100 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 100 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. Also contains a FREE 100ml bottle of Show-me® MAGIX Whiteboard Cleaner & Conditioner T6106 Bulk Pack £117.10

b Show-me® A4 4 Frame Phoneme Drywipe Boards Small Pack Consisting of: 10 x Show-me® A4 4 Frame Phoneme Drywipe Boards. P0991 Pack of 10 £11.80

Class pack Consisting of: • 35 x Show-me® A4 4 Frame Phoneme Drywipe Boards • 35 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 35 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. P0981 Class Pack £46.10

Bulk box Consisting of: • 100 x Show-me® A4 4 Frame Phoneme Drywipe Boards • 100 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 100 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. Also contains a FREE 100ml bottle of Show-me® MAGIX Whiteboard Cleaner & Conditioner T6122 Bulk Pack £117.10


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Show-me® A4 6 Frame Phoneme Drywipe Boards Small Pack Consisting of: 10 x Show-me® 6 Frame A4 Phoneme Drywipe Boards. P0973 Pack of 10 £11.80

Class pack Consisting of: • 35 x Show-me® 6 Frame A4 Phoneme Drywipe Boards • 35 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 35 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. P0965 Class Pack £46.10

Bulk box


Consisting of: • 100 x Show-me® 6 Frame A4 Phoneme Drywipe Boards • 100 x Show-me® Medium Tipped Slim Barrel Children’s Drywipe Pens • 100 x Show-me® Mini-foam Erasers. Also contains a FREE 100ml bottle of Show-me® MAGIX Whiteboard Cleaner & Conditioner T6114 Bulk Pack £117.10

LEARN PHONICS WITH TEAM GAMES Show-me® Phonics 4-in-a-row Drywipe Game


Help your children learn digraphs with this fun, Phonics 4-in-a-row game. Developed with the aid of primary school teachers, Phonics 4-in-a-row is a strategy game, which develops children's knowledge of phonics whilst working as a team. Each game board consists of a 25 word grid plus a corresponding digraph die. Children work together in teams to identify and read a word that matches the sound shown on the die and then mark their word on the grid. Children need to think logically to achieve 4-in-a-row, or block the opposition from getting 4-in-a-row. Each pack contains 2 double-sided drywipe game mats (4 games total per set) and 4 digraph dice, each showing four different digraphs used in each grid, plus drywipe pens and erasers. A great activity to play in groups of 2-8 children to encourage teamwork, stimulate logical thinking and make learning fun. Black text on a pale yellow background - ideal for dyslexic students. Work in teams to learn digraphs the fun way.

b Phase 3 P067A

Set of 22 pieces £25.70

c Phase 5 P068A

Set of 22 pieces £25.70

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics a Letters & Sounds Phase 2 Kit This mega kit contains a range of games and resources that teach at least 19 letters, and will help move pupils through Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds. All games and puzzles follow the Letters and Sounds strategy. Contents: 18 Phoneme Fans; 24 double-sided Mnemonic Cards; Phoneme Frieze; Magnetic High Frequency & Tricky Words; Matching Words and Pictures Puzzles; Picture Caption Matching Puzzles x 2; 204 Flash Cards; Phoneme Smart Ball; Word Smart Ball; Phase 2 Chute Cards; Foam Magnetic Letters; Buried Treasure Game; GRATNELLS STORAGE TRAY. T4227 Phase 2 Kit £161.00

LETTERS AND SOUNDS Kit Guide The Phases and what they cover



Spelling Rules. Y2 and up.

First 21 Letter Sounds (up to 6 weeks).

PHASE 5 Alternative Spellings (30 weeks).


PHASE 3 Next 23 Letter Sounds (up to 12 weeks). Adjacent Consonants (4–6 weeks).

b Letters & Sounds Phase 3 Kit The purpose of this Phase Kit is to teach the next 25 graphemes so that children can represent about 42 of the 44 phonemes by a grapheme. Follows Phase 3. Contents: 18 Phoneme Fans; Mnemonic Cards; Picture Caption Matching Puzzles; Phoneme Frieze; Buried Treasure Game; 292 Flash Cards; Word Smart Ball; Matching Words & Pictures Puzzles; I Can…Book and Cards; 5 x Reading Books; Magnetic Words; Phoneme Ball; Sentence Substitution Game; Yes/No Question Cards; Chute Cards; Magnetic Letters; Picture Sentence Matching x 2 sets; GRATNELLS STORAGE TRAY. T4235 Phase 3 Kit £241.50


c Letters & Sounds Phase 4 Kit The high-quality materials in this kit will help to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants & polysyllabic words. Contents: Yes/No Question Cards; Picture Sentence Matching Puzzles; Buried Treasure Game; 240 Flash Cards; Matching Words and Pictures Puzzles; Word Smart Ball; Sentence Substitution game; I Can…Book; Phase 4 Chute Cards; Magnetic High Frequency Words; GRATNELLS STORAGE TRAY. T4243 Phase 4 Kit £112.70




These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics


a Letters & Sounds Phase 5 Kit The high-quality resources in this mega value kit will really broaden children’s knowledge of graphemes and phonemes for use in reading and spelling. Follows Phase 5 of the Letters & Sounds strategy. Contents: Alternative Spelling Consonant Puzzles; Short Vowel and Long Vowel Puzzles; Mnemonic Cards; Phoneme Frieze; Box of 250 Phase 5 Flash Cards; Box of 182 Alternative Flash Cards; Matching Words and Pictures Puzzles; Sentence Substitution Set 1 & Set 2; Yes/No Question Cards; Three Right Answers Game; Phoneme Smart Ball; Word Ball; Letters and Sounds Chute Cards; Magnetic Letters Phase 5; Magnetic Foam High Frequency Words; GRATNELLS STORAGE TRAY. T4251 Phases 5 Kit £195.50

b Letters & Sounds Phase 6 Kit This brilliant kit helps budding readers and authors get to grips with the more tricky words and spellings. At this Phase, although pupils’ spelling is phonemically plausible, it can be quite unconventional. The resources in this great kit will encourage children to become ever more fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers. Contents: Suffix Strips Set 1; Suffix Strips Set 2; Suffix Strips Set 3; Magnetic Foam Suffixes; Set of 6 Spelling Rules Directories; Prefixes and Suffixes Game; Irregular Verbs Chute Cards; Phoneme Frames; GRATNELLS STORAGE TRAY. T4261 Phase 6 Kit £132.30


c Smart Tray Synthetic Phonics Accelerator Phases 2-6 Kit A self-checking activity system that develops a child’s phonemic awareness. It consists of 2 x Smart Trays and Accelerator cards that encourage visual, kinaesthetic and oral learning with tile matching activities to improve their literacy skills. The pupils set out the tiles, complete the activity and turn over the tray and remove the card, if the patterns match then they are correct. Contents: Reading Accelerator Set 1; Reading Accelerator Set 2; Spelling Accelerator Set 1; Spelling Accelerator Set 2 and 2 x Smart Trays. T4448 Phases 2-6 Kit £82.70


The Ultimate SELF-CHECKING Activity System! These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics



Double-sided large flash cards


a Mnemonic Cards Set

Decode Phase appropriate questions

Large double-sided cards that show a phoneme on one side with a photographic mnemonic on the reverse. Provides all the letter sounds taught through the different Phases that are boxed accordingly within this set. T4367 Phase 2, 3 & 5 Set of 3 £37.90

Wall Frieze Set


b Phoneme Wall Frieze Set Each of these Phase 2, 3 & 5 Friezes represents the phonemes of the Letters and Sounds Programme in the weekly progression they are introduced. Each Phase frieze measures up to 8.3m when mounted together. T4359 Phases 2, 3 & 5 Set of 3 £37.90

c Yes/No Question Cards Set Fully in line with Letters and Sounds, these interactive card packs provide 20 prepared questions with yes/no response cards. Great for decoding practice and language development. Contains Phase 3, 4 & 5 boxed sets. T4340 Phases 3-5 Set of 3 £34.50


d Phase 2 & 3 Phoneme Flipstand Set Flip over colour-coded phoneme tabs and build words from Phases 2 or 3 of Letters and Sounds. Blend all of the sounds together and see if you can find a picture to match to the word made. T4421 Phases 2-3 Set of 2 £20.70

e Magnetic High-frequency & Tricky words Phases 2-5 Set Familiarise children with the look, shape and feel of highfrequency and tricky words with these tactile magnets. Contains all of the words introduced through Phases 25 that are organised and boxed accordingly. High frequency words are shown in black and tricky words in grey. T4278 Phases 2-5 Pack of 4 £40.20

Phases 2-5 Magnetic High-frequency & Tricky Words Set


f Smart Flips Activity Set Provides magnetic picture-word matching and word building activities. Targets the teaching of individual phonemes and is ideal if a child is identified as missing knowledge of an individual group of graphemes. T4413 Phases 2-5 Set of 4 £79.30


Daily picture matching and word building activities

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics


a Letters & Sounds Flash Cards All of the words used throughout Phases 2-5 of Letters and Sounds are contained in these boxed sets of doublesided flashcards with dividers. Each card shows a word on one side with sound buttons also shown on the reverse. The alternative spellings depict the target phoneme. Try playing the countdown game, where pupils read as many words as they can within an allotted time. The set contains 204 Phase 2 Flash Cards; 292 Phase 3 Flash Cards; 240 Phase 4 Flash Cards; 250 Phase 5 Flash Cards and 182 Phase 5 Alternative Spellings Flash Cards. T4375 Phases 2-5 Set of 5 £120.70


b High-Frequency and Tricky Words Smart Balls Get active whilst sounding out high frequency words. Catch the ball and read the word under your hand. Contains 4 Smart Balls colour-coded to Phases 2, 3, 4 & 5. Smart Balls measure approximately 300mm when inflated. T4294 Phases 2-5 Set of 4 £19.50

c Picture Sentence Matching Puzzles Set



Give pupils reading practice with these 3 sets of selfcorrecting puzzles. Read/decode the sentence and match it to the appropriate picture. Contains 2 x Phase 3 boxed sets and 1 x Phase 4 boxed set. 10 puzzles per set. T4324 Phases 3 & 4 Set of 3 £34.50

d Picture Caption Matching Puzzles Set These illustrated puzzles provide pupils with a bridge between the reading of single words and the reading of sentences. All the puzzles are decodable and selfcorrecting. Contains 2 x Phase 2 boxed sets and 1 x Phase 3 boxed set. 20 puzzles per set. T4316 Phases 2-3 Set of 3 £37.90

e Picture Word Matching Puzzles Set Children will enjoy decoding words and developing vocabularies as they match the words to pictures with these interactive puzzle sets. Contains Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 boxed sets of 30 self-correcting puzzles. The number of puzzle pieces can be reduced to begin with, making the reading and matching task easier. T4308 Phases 2-5 Set of 4 £41.40


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources


Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics

a a Phases 2-3 Phonics Spinners Each of the 7 spinners contain letter sets from the progression taught at Phases 2 and 3 of Letters and Sounds. Pupils will have fun by playing phonics games, practising letter sounds and developing their phonemic awareness. Try spinning the spinners and finding the selected sound within names. P118A Phase 2-3 Set of 7 £11.70

b Pocket Rockets Readers Introduce the phonemes learnt at Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds in a daily progression with these 18 fun and imaginative A7 reading booklets. Gives a child opportunities to personalise and take home to practise reading. Contains 10 copies of each title. T4431 Phases 2 Set of 10 x 18 £17.20

c Sentence Substitution Set Practise reading words in sentences through Phases 3-5 with these fun activities. Substitute words to change the meaning. Contains 1 x Phase 3 boxed set; 1 x Phase 4 boxed set and 2 x Phase 5 boxed sets. 10 illustrated sentence strips and 40 substitute cards per set. T4332 Phases 3-5 Set of 4 £41.30

d Phase 5 Phoneme Spotter A1 Posters A set of 3 laminated write-on wipe-off A1 posters. Pupils are invited to spot target phonemes within the 6 featured stories (one on each side) from Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. For use with dry-wipe markers (not included). T4391 Phases 5 Pack of 3 £11.50

e Phase 5 Alternative Spelling Puzzles Introduce alternative spellings for each phoneme from Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. Join the self-correcting puzzles together that also show a picture mnemonic and example word. Covers Consonant, Long Vowel, Rcontrolled Vowel and Short Vowel alternative spellings. Contains 120 puzzle pieces within 3 boxed sets. T4383 Phases 5 Pack of 3 £37.90

c Decode and substitute words in sentences

d e

Connect alternative spellings together

3 x A1 double-sided write and wipe posters


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

b A4 Laminated 44 Sounds Desk Charts

44 Sounds Wall & Desktop Charts Here is a stunning tool from Smart Kids to teach the 44 sounds that make up every spoken word in the English language. These double sided, high-quality A0 wall chart and A4 desktop charts, are a fantastic visual representation to demonstrate and reference pupils to each of the 44 sounds that are learned and the graphemes that represent them for use in reading and spelling. The wall chart is perfect for demonstration and the desktop charts can be used for a quick reference during writing exercises.


A4 Desk Chart

Set of 6 £11.70



A4 Desk Chart

Set of 30 £62.40


A0 Wall Chart

Each £24.70

A0 Wall Chart

Set of 3 £62.40



c Buried Treasure Game Set Decoding work has never been so much fun! Read and decode words containing Phase 2, 3 and 4 graphemes, before deciding if they are real or nonsense and sorting into either the treasure chest or dustbin. The Phase 2, 3 and 4 boxed sets include 20 Phase word coins, 7 blanks, a dustbin and treasure chest card. T4286 Phases 2, 3 & 4 Set of 3 £31.00

d Phase 5 Astronauts & Aliens Game Set Another game set from Smart Kids to support the Letters and Sounds strategy that is out of this world! Astronauts and Aliens are two sets of highly enjoyable games for practice and revision of Phase 5 graphemes by decoding real and nonsense words, as children sort them into words from Earth or outer space. One set covers split vowel digraphs, while the other covers Phase 5 new graphemes including long vowels. P113A Phases 5 Set of 2 £22.10

A0 Laminated 44 Sounds Wall Chart


Decode Phase 5 real and non-words


Practise decoding real and non-words These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources


Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics

a Letters and Sounds Phases 2-5 Magnetic Word Activities Set These bright, visual double-sided magnetic word activities give children excellent practice of blending and segmenting over 130 words and sounds throughout Phases 2-5 of Letters and Sounds. Different combinations of letters (magnetic - see right, or written - with a drywipe marker) can be tried and blended together in the missing space on the front or in the phoneme frames on the reverse, with the picture used as a way of selfcorrection or for a practitioner to orally deliver the word. The activities in this set provide Phase-by-Phase support to help children secure word recognition, blending and segmenting skills. Bright and multisensory, makes this a set of fantastic resources to support the Letters and Sounds programme. P106A Phase 2-5 Set of 4 £74.10

b Tricky Words Magnetic Activities These 35 clever, double sided magnets use colour to show pupils the part of a word that is regular, whilst the parts that are tricky appear in black. Supporting Phases 2 and 3 of Letters and Sounds, this is an outstanding tool to simplify the teaching of Tricky Words. For use with dry wipe markers or pupil-sized magnetic letters (right). P107A 35 Word Strips Each £18.20

c Word Building Rainbow Arc This tactile Magnetic Rainbow Arc allows pupils to build words using the letter progression (starting s,a,t,p…) from Letters and Sounds on a double-sided A3 mat and gives them easy access to find phonemes from the groups of letters and sounds that they are working within. Bright, colourful and tactile, this is a wonderful classroom aid that helps students develop their letter progression and word building skills. For use with pupilsized magnetic letters (right). P123A Set of 5 £52.00

Phases 2-5 Magnetic Word Activities Set


Use Magnetic Letters together with activities and Rainbow Arc to practise blending and segmenting


Set of 5 Rainbow Arcs


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics


a Letters and Sounds Magnetic Letters Class Set Develop key phonics skills with this fantastic whole class set of magnetic letters. Incorporating both class demonstration magnetic letters and pupil-sized magnetic letters sets, progressing through the major grapheme/phoneme correspondences of Phases 2 to 5 and suffixes at Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds will be child’s play. An essential multisensory word building pack to support every phonics lesson to model and practise blending and segmenting skills. P124A Phase 2-6 Kit £92.30

b Magnetic Letters Demonstration Set Teach and model the letters and grapheme/phoneme correspondences from Phases 2 to 5 of Letters and Sounds. These colour-coded demonstration letters are large, bright, and tactile, and are a superb front of class demonstration set suitable for a multitude of activities. Ask children to give the sound for a grapheme and model the key skills of blending and segmentation on a large front-of-class whiteboard. P122A Phase 2-5 Kit £62.40

c Magnetic Digraphs

Letters and Sounds Magnetic Letters Class Set includes pupil and demonstration-sized magnetic letters for Phases 2-6

A handy pack of 10 magnetic beginnings and endings. T4456 Phase 2-5 Pack of 10 £4.60

d Pupil-Sized Magnetic Letters Set



Engage pupils’ visual and kinaesthetic senses with this complete set of pupil-sized colour-coded magnetic letters to support Phases 2 to 5 of Letters and Sounds. These Phase by Phase magnetic letter sets are integral to the delivery of the teaching programme. Blend these tactile graphemes to form words and visually see how these words are made up of single phonemes represented by different letters. P121A Phase 2-5 Kit £19.50


Use magnetic letters to practise blending and segmenting

Phases 2-5 Giant Magnetic Letters Set

Phases 2-5 Pupil-sized Magnetic Letters Set

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics Phase 2 GPCs

a Letters and Sounds Phase 2 Board Games These four board games are a multisensory support to ensuring Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds is not only secured but learned and enjoyed. Pupils will have a huge amount of fun as they say; decode; blend and segment sounds, letters, real and non words to help them become more confident readers and spellers. Simply spin the spinner and be the first to get four in a row with the Sound Detective; High Frequency Word Wizard; Real Bot and Rot Bot and Segmenting in Space. Also a fantastic non-threatening way to assess pupils’ phonic knowledge. P108A Phase 2 Set of 4 £24.70

Reading & Spelling High Frequency Words

b Letters and Sounds Phase 2 Smart Chute Cards Set These ingenious Chute Cards reinforce words and GPCs learnt at Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds. As part of a systematic progression of card packs through Phases 2 to 5 they use decodable words that are shown in either phoneme frames (with a missing grapheme), or where applicable, with sound buttons underneath so they can be easily blended or segmented. There are over 150 selfcorrecting card activities in this set with two sets covering daily Phase 2 GPCs and one for GPC word revision activities. P127A Over 150 Cards Set of 3 £18.20

Decoding Real and Non-words Segmenting

c Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Smart Chute Cards Set Reinforce words learnt at Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds. As part of a systematic progression of card packs through Phases 2 to 5, they use decodable words that are shown in either phoneme frames (with a missing grapheme), or where applicable, with sound buttons underneath so they can be easily blended or segmented. There are over 150 card activities in this set with two sets covering daily Phase 3 GPCs and one for GPC word revision activities. P128A Over 150 Cards Set of 3 £18.20


Over 150 Phase 2 self-correcting practice cards


The missing sound in chicken is



Over 150 Phase 3 self-correcting practice cards

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

a a Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Board Games These five board games are an incredible way to ensure Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds is progressed and enjoyed. Pupils will have oodles of fun as they solve grapheme sounds in games from Sound Detective to Real Bot and Rot Bot and learn to say; decode; blend and segment sounds, syllables and words from Phase 3 to become a master of reading and spelling. Simply spin the spinner, complete the task and get four in a row to win each game. P109A Phase 3 Set of 5 £24.70

Phase 3 GPCs

2- Syllable Words

b Letters and Sounds Phases 2 and 3 Activity Book

Decoding Real and Non-words Segmenting

Reading & Spelling High Frequency Words

Ideal for use in the classroom to reinforce the learning of the letters and sounds in Phases 2 and 3 of the teaching strategy. Packed with over 50 pages of brilliant activities that allow pupils to practise reading, writing and spelling, children are encouraged to use their blending and segmenting skills to complete phoneme and word-level activities. When they have acquired relevant knowledge, there are also sentences provided for further reading practice from the appropriate Phases. A fantastic set of activity books that provide a separate page of activities for each clearly labelled GPC. Saves hours of staff preparation! The great value pack of 30 provides a workbook for each member of the class. P119A Phase 2-3 Pack of 6 £22.10 P120A Phase 2-3 Pack of 30 £98.80


his b book ook h has as ccaptured aptured Ethan’s Ethan’s “This ention and and he he is is always always wanting wanting to to attention

Practise reading, spelling and writing Phase 2 & 3 letters, words and sentences. One page of activities is included per GPC

mplete the the tasks. tasks. Ethan Ethan thinks thinks this this complete ok is is cool cool and and exciting. exciting. He He says says it it book ps him him learn learn to to understand understand letters letters helps d sounds. sounds. It It helps helps him him to to remember remember and e shapes shapes of of words words and and letters letters. ” the Ethan, n, K Key ey SStage t ag e 1 p pupil upil aand nd p parent. a r e nt .

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources


Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics Decoding Real and Non-words

a Letters and Sounds Phase 4 Board Games These six board games will ensure all pupils are winners as Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds is learned and enjoyed. Pupils will have a huge amount of competitive fun as they learn, develop and practise saying; decoding; blending and segmenting sounds in monosyllabic and polysyllabic words containing adjacent consonants from Phase 4 to further reading and spelling. Read and spell with the High Frequency Word King, route out the Rubbish with Real Bot and Rot Bot or score the winner with Segmenting Soccer. Simply spin the spinner, complete the task and score four in a row to become a Phase 4 champion. P110A Phase 4 Set of 6 £24.70

Reading & Spelling High Frequency Words

Polysyllabic Words

b Letters and Sounds Phase 3 and 4 'I Can...' Books Illustrated books that deliver activities for teaching at Phases 3 and 4 of the Letters and Sounds programme. They provide simple decodable sentences that are read, before the pupils read and match these ‘I Can…’ sentences to the correct pictures within the zigzag book. By using the synthetic phonics progression of Letters and Sounds, pupils can decode text and enjoy reading for meaning. P125A Phase 3 & 4 Set of 2 £26.00

Segmenting CCVC, CVCC and CCVCC words


c Letters and Sounds Phase 4 Smart Chute Cards Set Our ingenious self-correcting Chute Cards reinforce words learnt at Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds. As part of a systematic progression of card packs through Phases 2 to 5, they use decodable words, depicting adjacent consonants that are shown in either phoneme frames (with a missing grapheme), or where applicable, with sound buttons underneath so they can be easily blended or segmented. There are over 100 card activities in this set with one set covering daily Phase 4 activities and one for GPC word revision activities. P129A Over 100 Cards Set of 2 £11.70


Decode and match I can... sentence cards

The missing sound in drink is


Over 100 Phase 4 self-correcting practice cards


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources aii r ttea ea r

Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics

a Vowel Alternative Spellings

a Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Board Games Six games levelled at Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds will take students’ blending, segmenting and decoding skills to the next level. Become a master of reading and spelling by simply spinning the spinner, completing the task on the space and get four counters in a row with games that cover Sound Detective (GPCs); High Frequency Word Chief; Segmenting Sheriff and three versions of Alternative Spellings. Use to revisit and revise the key learning objectives of Phase 5. A great assessment tool! P111A Phase 5 Set of 6 £24.70

Reading & Spelling High Frequency Words

b Wheel of Phonics

Phase 5 GPCs


Consonant Alternative Spellings


Take a spin and mastermind the most words to be crowned champion of the Wheel of Phonics. Step into the word building world of consonants, short vowels, digraphs and clusters. Spin the spinner and pick a triblock from the wheel segment it points to. Connect your tri-blocks to build words, but don’t forget to twist them around and look at the 3 different grapheme choices available. Improve your pupils’ phonemic awareness, word building skills and spelling by playing this ultimate in word building games. P132A Each £24.70

c Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Smart Chute Cards Set Our ingenious self-correcting Chute Cards reinforce words learnt at Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. As part of a systematic progression of card packs through Phases 2 to 5, they use decodable words, depicting new graphemes and alternative spellings that are shown in either phoneme frames (with a missing grapheme), or where applicable, with sound buttons underneath so they can be easily blended or segmented. There are over 250 targeted card activities in this set with four sets covering daily Phase 5 activities and one for GPC word revision activities. P130A Over 250 Cards Set of 5 £31.20

Twist the ‘Tri-blocks’ around to make new words


Over 250 Phase 5 self-correcting practice cards These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Letters & Sounds Phases 2-6 Supplementary Resources Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics

a a Letters and Sounds Phase 6 Super Spelling Rules Board Games

Sounds the same

KAPOW! Become a Spelling Rules Superhero with the Smart Kids’ set of super board games. The games in this set progress phonics knowledge and word recognition skills through Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds and cover suffixes, phonemically irregular words and learning spelling rules and strategies. So spin the spinner, read the spelling rule, and spell it correctly to place a counter on the grid. Defeat dastardly opponents by connecting 3 or 4 counters in a row to win. The 6 Games Cover: Adding suffixes; Plurals; Spellings dependent on position - ai/ay, ou/ow, ss/ce, oi/oy; ‘w’ specials, ‘qu’ special & ‘a’ before ‘l’ spellings; finding Base Words; Common misspellings and finding a related word to highlight vowel sounds. P112A Phase 6 Set of 6 £24.70

b Letters and Sounds Tricky Words Smart Chute Cards Set These multisensory Smart Chute Cards are an ingenious way to help pupils spell Tricky Words as they progress through the Letters and Sounds teaching programme. The activities help pupils to understand and decode the regular parts in irregular high-frequency words and revise the tricky’ parts to help pupils to learn their spelling. They can look at the word, turn the card over and spell the word including the missing ‘tricky’ part, before turning the card over again to check and see if they are right. The set contains over 50 cards levelled and colour-coded by their introduction at the relevant Letters and sounds Phases. P131A Phase 2-6 Set £6.50


Adding Suffixes


Base words

c Phase 6 Suffix Strips Set Teach students the knowledge of adding suffixes to words with these self-checking cards from Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds. Each boxed set contains 30 word cards with a target suffix to be added. The card can then be opened to reveal the correct answer. Sets are divided into: Adding -s; and -es; Some Base Words Change (e.g. final y changes to i) and All Base Words Change (e.g. doubling final consonants, dropping final e). T4405 Phase 6 Set of 3 £34.50

Special Spellings

Over 50 Phase 2-6 Tricky Words

Find a link


Phase 6 self-correcting Suffix Strips


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

Sylvia Karavis's Sounds Like Fun: Exploring Letters and Sounds Fully matched to Letters and Sounds, includes a range of card sets for Phase 1, 2 and 3 of phonics development. Use for individual; group and whole-class work. The teacher’s notes included in each pack provide a range of suggested games and activities.

a Phase 2 Contents: 30 Follow that Sound Cards (Words using sets 1-4 GPCs), 30 One Sound Change Set 1 Cards (Words using sets 1-5 GPCs), 30 One Sound Change Set 2 Cards (Words using sets 1-5 GPCs), 40 Medial Short Vowel Matching Cards (a,e,i,o,u), Teacher’s Notes P1260 Set £22.70

b b Phase 3 Contents: 30 Say Listen Match Cards (Words using sets 1-7 GPCs), 30 Say Listen Match Cards (Words using the four Consonant Digraphs: ch, sh, th, ng), 30 Say Listen Match Cards (Words using the Vowel Graphemes: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo), 30 Say Listen Match Cards (Words using the Vowel Graphemes: ar, or, ur, ow, oi), 30 Say Listen Match Cards (Words using a combination of two Phase Three Graphemes and Vowel, Graphemes and Consonant Digraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, ear, air, er, oi, ch, sh, th, ng) P1279 Set £22.70

c Polyphonics


Specifically designed for use with the latest teaching standards in synthetic phonics, the tiled letters are simple to clip together and help children to understand the way sounds are built into words. Two and three letter graphemes are spaced on extra long tiles again to help children understand accurate spacing between letters. Each set is accompanied by work cards and teacher’s notes as well as an interactive CD-ROM which replicates the shapes the children have in their hands. The CD-ROM is universal and will work with all interactive whiteboards and computers, and is a site licence application. Includes: 237 Single Letters, 60 Two Letters, 12 Three Letters, 12 Spaces, Work Cards, Book and CD ROM. T6246 Class Set of 321 Pieces + CD ROM £74.80

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Supplementary Resources for the Sounds Together Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme for children in Reception and KS1 a Segment to Spell Two books of photocopiable resources to provide additional independent practice in segmenting, for use either in the classroom or as a 'take'away' for use at home. The first book is for use in Reception. The second book is for KS1. The resources are directly linked to the complete GPC progression set out in the Sounds Together Programme up to Level 6. There is a choice of resources for each phonic unit. The Segment to Spell books build on the emphasis on blending and segmenting (and their reversibility) in the Sounds Together Programme and provide additional practice activities that both focus children’s practice of spelling on the GPCs being currently taught, but also (by asking children first to blend a word to read it and then to segment it for spelling) reinforce the concept of blending and segmenting as reversible skills. As well as practising words that contain newly taught GPCs (as well as GPCs taught previously) the Segment to Spell books provide practice in the ‘tricky’ words being taught. T708A Pack of 2 £69.00



b Decodable Reading Cards An electronic library of decodable captions, sentences and other short texts for use in guided or independent reading. These are the decodable texts that are a daily part of the Sounds Together Programme, redesigned to be printed out as attractive handy-sized reading cards. The cards are directly linked to the sequence of GPCs and tricky words set out in the Sounds Together trajectory and the cards are organised into the levels and teaching units of the Sounds Together Programme. These cards can be printed in one of two sizes, larger for guided reading, smaller for independent reading. The handy-size and appealing design of the smaller cards make them ideal for an independent reading box, for children to select from to read and re-read. A key feature of the decodable reading cards is that they are exactly matched to the daily progression set out in the Sounds Together programme. So after each phonics session a new card is available for guided reading or the independent reading card collection. There are over 170 different cards in total. These cards are produced in electronic format so that schools can print out as many copies as needed, easily replace cards that become worn or damaged and economically print them on paper for children to take home for independent reading or to own as a growing personal collection. Each card is attractively illustrated with a linked scene from the Sounds Together Programme. T709A CD-Rom £46.00


c The Sounds Together Alphabet Frieze This electronic resource, supports the planning and resources of the Sounds Together Programme by enabling teachers to print out a visual classroom resource that aligns to their phonics teaching, provides a prompt to support independent reading and writing and can be used in a form which supports either children who are still in the early stages of securing graphemic recognition and a link to a phoneme or those children who have become confident in their early GPC knowledge and can use an alphabet line for additional information and insight. The Alphabet Frieze can be printed in a two-sided form – one side shows the alphabet letters conventionally, in upper and lower case format, the other side shows the lower case letter alongside the Sounds Together letter-shape, a visual mnemonic linked to guidance in the Sounds Together Planning which uses movement and rhyme to create an association between the letter-shape and a phoneme it can represent. T711A CD-Rom £13.80


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Supplementary Resources for the Sounds Together Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme for children in Reception and KS1 a


a The Sounds Together 'Letter-Shape' Wall Chart Our Letter Shape Wall Chart (A2 size) supports teaching children to recognise the basic letter shapes. The images are linked directly to the planning and resources of the Sounds Together Programme which uses these images to support the recognition of the letter shapes. The images are supported in the Programme by a linking jingle or rhyme which creates an association between a letter shape and the phoneme it can represent. The Wall Chart supports this teaching by providing together on one chart all the initial letter shapes to build up visual recognition in the earliest stages of learning to rapidly discriminate between letter shapes. T710A Each £9.20

b Howard and Clementine's Phoneme Forest Wall Chart



A2 pictorial wall chart showing all the alternative graphemes to be taught in Y1. The poster's theme links directly to the way in which these GPCs are taught in the Sounds Together Programme. It shows the alternative graphemes arranged in phoneme groups and helps to present the complex code in a clear and engaging way. The wall chart is visually attractive and its design is directly linked to the characters and the contexts that are used in the Sounds Together programme. T707A Each £9.20

c The Sounds Together GPC Cards An electronic resource to print out a set of GPC cards for the first 3 levels of the Sounds Together Programme, including all the digraphs and trigraphs taught in those early levels. A key feature of these cards is that digraphs and trigraphs are shown as joined letters, to emphasise visually that these letters together represent a single phonemic unit. The cards can be printed so that the reverse side of each grapheme shows a visual mnemonic that can be optionally used to support children who are still at the early stage of acquiring the skills of letter recognition and discrimination. T712A CD-Rom £17.20

d The Sounds Together Tricky Words

e The Sounds Together Resource Pack

An electronic resource that can be used to print out each tricky word taught in the Sounds Together Programme. The resource enables each card to be printed on both sides. On one side the tricky part of the word is picked out in red. On the other side, for use later, the whole word is printed in black. The words print out in an egg shape to complement the 'Tricky Chicky' theme used as a teaching device for tricky words in the Sounds Together Programme.

An electronic resource containing the Decodable Reading Cards, the Alphabet Frieze, GPC Cards for the first three levels of the Sounds Together Programme and the Tricky Word Cards. (Contains Items T709A, T711A, T712A and T713A) T714A CD-Rom £69.00

The resource enables words to be printed out as they are taught and added in turn to a ‘Tricky Chicky’ nest on the classroom wall which can be used in a variety of ways to build up children’s confidence and speed in decoding these words and segmenting them for their writing. T713A CD-Rom £11.50

These supplementary resources are for use with the Sounds Together Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme (see pages 62-63 in this catalogue). Sounds Together training is also available (see pages 217-218 in this catalogue).


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

Interactive Whiteboard Presentations for the Initial Code Initial Code Units 1 - 11. Includes blending, segmenting, phoneme manipulation, sound searching, writing ‘silly sentences’, and reading in text for words with the structure CVC, CVCC, CCVC, CCVCC/CCCVC.

a For Promethean Software T702A

CD-Rom £230.00

For Smart Software T703A

CD-Rom £230.00

Interactive Whiteboard Presentations for the Extended Code Units 1 to 25 Extended Code Units 1 - 25. Includes activities for all the first twenty-five units of the Extended Code as well as polysyllabic words for reading and spelling.

b For Promethean Software T704A

CD-Rom £230.00


For Smart Software T705A

CD-Rom £230.00

c Resource Box for Teachers Covers Initial and Extended Codes, and Polysyllabic Words. Contains word puzzles and word cards for word building, reading and spelling, as well as all the cards needed for Sound Swap activities. T706A Each £143.70


Jolly Phonics Songs and Spoken Guide (supplementary resource to the Jolly Phonics scheme). This CDROM provides all 40 of the Jolly Phonics Jolly Songs and 7 Spoken Guide audio tracks in MP3 format for use with StoryPhones MP3 audio systems (not shown in this catalogue). These catchy songs, set to familiar tunes will reinforce children’s learning of the letter sounds covered by Jolly Phonics. The CDROM also includes MP3 tracks of the Spoken Guide demonstrating how all 42 letter sounds and alternative vowels should be pronounced. The tracks can be used on the StoryPhones Headsets or loud-speaking player and also with the StoryPhones BookShelf software for whole class use. (They cannot be used on other MP3 players). A site licence is included for use of the audio tracks on StoryPhones products throughout the school or setting. T718A CD-Rom £12.40


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Illustrates size of Giant Cubes

Sue Palmer's Synthetic Phonix

PHONIC CUBES Sue Palmer’s Synthetic Phonix cubes are ideal for developing the key phonics skills. Completely in line with the latest thinking in phonics teaching, including the recommendations of The Rose Report, Sue Palmer’s Synthetic Phonix is a practical approach that will really work, right away, in your classroom.

Set 1 - Bag of Sounds


Includes CVC, CCVC, CVCC and even CCCVC words with long and short vowels, consonants and consonant digraphs. There are capital letters so children decide whether a lower case or initial capital letter is needed. For spelling patterns use Set 2.


a Single Contents: 40 colour-coded interlocking cubes, a Bag of Sounds and 12 page book of A5 Teaching Notes. P1082 Mini Set £7.20 Class Pack Contents: 16 x 40 cubes, 16 x Bag of Sounds and 12 page book of Teaching Notes. P1066 Mini Class Pack of 16 Sets £77.30

Set 2 - Bag of Spelling



Widens the range of sounds to more consonant digraphs, long vowels and other commonly used vowel sounds. This is a cumulative programme, so you need to use the Bag of Spellings with the Bag of Sounds. Pupils can use a combination from this set and set 1.

b Single Contents: 40 colour-coded interlocking cubes featuring phonemes and spellings, a Bag of Spellings and 12 page book of A5 Teaching Notes. P1090 Mini Set £7.20

Illustrates size of Mini Cubes

Class Pack Contents: 16 x 40 cubes, 16 x Bag of Spellings and 1 x 12 page book of Teaching Notes. P1074 Mini Class Pack of 16 Sets £77.30

c Vowels - Supplementary Packs Contains: short vowels (a, e, i, o, u), main long vowels (ai, ee, igh, oa, oo), long vowels (ay, ea, ie, y, ow, oe, ue, ew, e, e). The letter ‘e’ features twice as a long vowel - as silent e - and a short vowel. P1104 Mini Set £2.10 P1139 Giant Set £4.50


d Consonants - Supplementary Packs Contains: key consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, w, y and key consonant digraphs: sh, ch, th, ck. P1112 Mini Set £2.10 P1147 Giant Set £4.50

e Group Work Set Resource with a group work set with enough cubes to use with several children simultaneously. Contents: 200 cubes, 2 Bag of Sounds bags, 2 Bag of Spellings bags, 2 x Teachers Notes - 1 Bag of Sounds (8 page) and 1 Bag of Spellings (8 page) and plastic storage box. P1155 Mini Set £22.70 These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources Sue Palmer's Synthetic Phonix


Sue Palmer’s Synthetic Phonix Word Mats A3 size illustrated word mats built around carefully selected themes that will appeal to both boys and girls. Each set of 4 mats is accompanied by 12 guide cards to help children build simple words from the Synthetic Phonix cubes - levels 1 and 2 using the Bag of Sounds words and levels 3 and 4 using the Bag of Sounds in conjunction with the Bag of Spellings.

b a Set 1 Contains: At the Seaside; On the Farm; Athletics; and At the Supermarket word mats. P1211 Set of 4 £8.20

b Set 2 Contains: In the Park; In the Forest; Football; and At School word mats. P1228 Set of 4 £8.20

c Set 3 Contains: Pirates; In the Countryside; Ice skating; and At the Café word mats. P1236 Set of 4 £8.20


d Set 4 Contains: Night time; In the Garden; Swimming; and In the Kitchen word mats. P1244 Set of 4 £8.20

The Collection Contains Sets 1 to 4 P1252

Pack of 16 £28.20



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources Sue Palmer's Synthetic Phonix


a Mini Magnetic Synthetic Phonix Set 1 The sounds and the colour-coding system offer a new way to practise and develop essential phonics skills discretely. Children build up words with 40 colour coded tiles, using CVC, CCVC, CVCC and even CCCVC words with long and short vowels, consonants and consonant digraphs. Contains: 40 MINI Magnetic Sound tiles and an 8 page booklet of Teacher’s Notes. P1163 Set £13.60


Set 2 As pupils continue to amass their knowledge of sounds and spellings, use this set of 40 tiles alongside Set 1 which widens the range of sounds to more consonant digraphs, long vowels and other vowel sounds. Contains: 40 MINI Magnetic Spelling tiles and an 8 page booklet of Teacher’s Notes. P1171 Set £13.60

b Giant Magnetic Synthetic Phonix Set 1 This set offers an opportunity for children to cover essential groundwork. They’ll build CVC, CCVC, CVCC and even CCCVC words with long and short vowels, consonants and consonant digraphs. Contains: 40 colour-coded tiles and an A5 8 page book of teaching ideas. P1181 Set £27.30 Set 2 Carry on the good work with this follow-on set of giant magnetic tiles used in conjunction with Set 1 Sounds. Widen the range of sounds to more consonant digraphs, long vowels and other vowel sounds. Included in this set of 40 colour-coded tiles is an A5 8 page book of teaching ideas. P1198 Set £27.30

c Sandpaper Sounds for Handwriting


Ingenious, tactile way to help your young pupils make connections between letter forms and their sounds and how they come together to form words. The sound is printed in a rough sandpaper material so children can trace the correct letter formation with their fingers. The joined-up font means children learn correct letter formation and helps reinforce the fact that a sound may be made from 3 letters but they join together to make a single sound. Each sound card tessellates with other sounds to form words. Shape 1 represents word openings, Shape 2 are sounds that are commonly in the middle and Shape 3 are sounds at the end of words. For maximum flexibility, Shape 3 fits into Shape 1 to form words such as sigh and it is also possible to tessellate 2 Shape 2s. Contents: 25 Shape 1 cards, 40 shape 2 cards, 32 shape 3 cards (each measuring 100mm x 100mm) plus 20 pages of Teachers Notes. P1201 Set £27.30

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

a Whopper Worm Phonic Frames The Whopper Worm Phonic Frame (285x135mm) displays four white boxes ( 45x45mm), and the double laminated surface allows "write on and wipe off" use with dry wipe pens. The four box phonic frame is therefore versatile and ideal for teacher or child use to demonstrate synthetic phonic word building. A label displaying the teacher's name can cover the first box if a three box CVC word format is required. Set includes 10 Phonic Frames and photocopiable masters P104A Set of 10 £8.30

b b Write & Wipe Phonics Skill Building Boards Ideal for learning a variety of phonics skills, Write & Wipe Phonics Skill Building Boards are an essential classroom resource. The A4 sized dry wipe boards have columns on one side and are blank on the reverse. The columns provide each child with a framework for essential phonics practice, such as learning to segment words into their constituent phonemes. They are ideal for practising segmentation in activities such as ‘Full Circle’, and later on, for word sorting activities for learning spelling patterns or alternative spellings of phonemes. The blank reverse side allows for free-hand ‘quickwrite’ group activities such as recall of graphemes or words and practising the spelling of tricky words. The boards are dry wipe so can be used again and again. P060A Pack of 6 £9.40

c Write & Wipe Phoneme Frame Boards Phases 2 & 3



These A4 sized dry wipe boards can be used for ‘showme’ type classroom activities for building phonics skills. The boards have a large 2-phoneme frame on one side and a large 3-phoneme frame on the other side, for practising segmentation of CV, VC and CVC words. Each side of the boards also has writing lines which provide guidelines for further spelling and writing practice. P061A Pack of 10 £15.40

d Write & Wipe Phoneme Frame Boards Phases 4 & 5 These A4 sized dry wipe boards can be used for ‘showme’ type classroom activities for building phonics skills. The boards have a large 4-phoneme frame on one side and a large 5-phoneme frame on the other side for practising segmentation of CCVC, CVCC and longer words. Each side of the boards also has writing lines which provide guidelines for further spelling and writing practice. P062A Pack of 10 £15.40


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Alien Word Safari Game A fun and colourful game that will encourage children to practise reading and decoding words. Similar to the principle of the ‘buried treasure game’, children are required to identify which words on cards are nonsense (alien) and which are real and sort them appropriately. The game provides 2 sets of 24 word cards (identified by colour): one with letters appropriate for Phase 2 and one with letters appropriate for Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds. Each set of word cards features 14 real words and 10 ‘alien’ words. P063A Each £17.60

b CVC Word Maker


CVC Word Maker is a simple activity which can be used to reinforce children’s decoding and segmenting skills of some of the basic, high frequency CVC words recommended in many synthetic phonics programmes. Simple vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are printed in red on the base board and consonants and consonant digraphs (b, c, ck, d, f, ff, g, h, k, l, ll, m, n, p, r, s, ss, t) are provided in blue as separate playing pieces. The game has been fully revised so that the consonant (and consonant digraphs) are fully aligned to those introduced in Phase 2 of Letters and Sounds. The game can be played by any number of pupils and can be played in several ways to practise essential phonics blending and segmenting skills. P065A Each £9.90

c Vowel Phoneme Dominoes Give children practice in spelling and reading of the vowel phonemes below with this 24 piece domino game, which requires children to recognise vowel phonemes and their corresponding graphemes (digraphs and trigraphs) and match them to their occurrences in words. The following vowel phonemes are represented: ai, ee, oa, oo, or, ur, ow, air, er (Phase 3) and ay, ie, ea, au, ir, aw, ew, ue, oor, ere, ore, ear (Phase 5). P064A Set of 24 £8.30

d Split Digraph (Magic 'e') Dominoes Plastic dominoes which require players to read a CVC word and attempt to change it into a four letter word by changing the middle vowel to a split digraph with the addition of an ‘e’. Completing the game will consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing split digraphs introduced in Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. The following split digraphs are represented: a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e. For 24 players. P066A Set of 24 £8.30


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.



supplementary resources a b Buried Treasure A fun decoding activity which will also motivate children to read words and gain valuable reading practice. Children have to identify which of the coins are nonsense or real and sort appropriately. Set includes 25 gold coins featuring 15 sensible words and 10 made up words

a Phase 2 P1872

Set of 25 £8.30

b Phase 3 P1880

Set of 25 £8.30


Mnemonic Flashcards Bright and colourful double sided set of A4 cards. Use as flashcards to accompany teaching a letter and for recall and recognition activities or display on the wall as a frieze.

c Phase 2 Letters and graphemes from Phase 2. Features grapheme on one side with a mnemonic on the reverse. P1899 A4 Set of 23 £10.30


d Phase 3 Letters and graphemes from Phase 3. Features the grapheme on one side with a mnemonic on the reverse. P1902 A4 Set of 26 £10.30

e Phase 5 Featuring all of the phonemes from Phase 5 with clear illustration representing the phoneme on the reverse. P1910 A4 Set of 18 £10.30

f Phase 3 Letters and Sounds CVC Bag The illustrations represent CVC words and include those made up from Phase 3 vowel graphemes (e.g. boat) and those with a combination of Phase 3 graphemes (e.g. shell). Over 50 simple, clear, illustrated wooden pieces, which can be used in a variety of the activities mentioned in Phases 3 and 4. P8028 Set of 18 £41.60



Yes/no Question Cards Excellent for reading practice. These cards enable a child to use the decoding skills that they have learnt as well as their reasoning and thinking skills. Simply display a sentence for a child to read, confer with a partner and respond with either the yes or no card. Fully illustrated, the cards can also prompt class discussions.

g Phase 3 P1929


Set of 20 £9.30

h Phase 4 P1937


Set of 19 £9.90

i Phase 5 P1945




Set of 15 £10.30



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a b a Magnetic Dry Wipe Board Sets Ideal for using with magnetic letters and tiles. Double sided.

Phases 2 and 3 2 phoneme frames one side, 3 phomeme frames on reverse P1775 A4 Pack of 6 £10.40

Phases 4 and 5 4 phoneme frames one side, 5 phomeme frames on reverse P1783 A4 Pack of 6 £10.40

b Dry Wipe Board Sets



Double sided.

Phases 2 and 3 P1805


Pack of 6 £9.30

Phoneme Frame Whiteboards 4/5 Frame Phases 4 and 5 P1791


Pack of 6 £9.30

Indestructible High Frequency Words Take these words anywhere! Suitable for hanging up and for use in the playground, sandpit and classroom, the word cards will provide a great opportunity to learn in different environments. Each card is double sided with the word on one side and the word with sound lines and buttons on the reverse - so they are also useful for segmentation and blending exercises. Made from thick PVC material - each card measures 200 x 100mm.



Phase 2

Set of 32 £15.60

d e f


Phase 3

Set of 24 £15.60


Phase 4

Set of 20 £15.60


Phase 5

Set of 23 £15.60

Phoneme Fans g Phase 2



Phase 2 recommends fans for teaching the first 19 letter sounds. Can be used for recall activities. Pack includes 3 fans - spanning all the letters from sets 1 to 5. P1813 Pack of 3 x 6 £25.90

h Phase 3 Pack of grapheme and letter fans recommended for activities in phase 3 of the letter and sounds document. P1821 Pack of 3 x 6 £25.90

i Phase 5 Ideal for recall activities and for reinforcing recognition, this set of fans includes all the phonemes learnt in Phase 5. Split over 3 fans - ideal for small group activities. P1831 Pack of 3 x 6 £25.90


h i

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

a Ping Pong Balls A much requested resource by advisors and teachers, we have produced a set of ping pong balls featuring all of the different letters and sounds learnt in Phases 2 -4. A great resource for children to fish out of either water or sand and to use to practise blending. P1953 Set of 45 £26.00

b High Frequency Magnetic Words All the high frequency words from Phases Two - Five. The words are easily identified by having a coloured outline around the word. • Magnetic High Frequency Words - Phase Two Contains 32 words (26 decodable, 6 tricky) • Magnetic High Frequency Words - Phase Three Contains 24 words (12 decodable, 12 tricky) • Magnetic High Frequency Words - Phase Four Contains 20 words (6 decodable, 14 tricky) • Magnetic High Frequency Words - Phase Five Contains 24 words (15 decodable, 9 tricky) P1961 Set of 100 £52.00


c Phase 5 Wooden Split Digraph Pieces These tactile wooden blocks are perfect to demonstrate how split digraph vowels work. The vowels are joined together with a piece of string to show the grapheme and the sound it makes when they are joined together, they then pull apart to show that the grapheme still makes the same sound when there is a consonant between them. Magnetic on the back, they are perfect to use on magnetic boards and allow words to be made by writing in-between the digraph. P8109 Set of 6 £23.40


d High Frequency Word Fans All the high frequency words for Phase Two - Five in a fan format. Ideal for children to use as reminders or for teachers to use for setting activities. The potentially irregular part of a tricky word appears in a slightly lighter colour. T6173 Set of 4 x 6 £74.70

e High Frequency Words Talkballs Letters and Sound recognises that there are 100 high frequency words to be studied across Phases two to five and that children should be given lots of practice with sounding and blending the decodable and tricky words. P1971 Set of 4 £19.70




These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

These bumper value kits will provide you with everything you need to teach the letters and sounds programme. The resources are bright, fun and engaging...and best of all, they work! • Supplied in wicker storage baskets.

a Phase 2 Kit


Set includes: • 18 phoneme fans (6 each of 3 designs) • A4 double sided mnemonic flashcards • A phoneme frieze • Buried treasure sorting activity • A decodable and tricky word talk ball • 204 double-sided cards featuring all of the words used in Phase 2 • 30 A5 cards with word strips • 35 A5 illustrated cards with accompanying phrases • Set of magnetic letters • 6 magnetic whiteboards • 6 phoneme frames T6181 Kit £125.30

b Phase 3 Kit Set includes: • 18 phoneme fans (6 each of 3 designs) • 26 A4 double-sided mnemonic flashcards • A phoneme frieze • Buried treasure sorting activity • A decodable and tricky word talk ball • An 'I can' book for practising reading • 292 double-sided flashcards featuring all the words used in Phase 3 • 19 illustrated A5 pictures with sentence strips • 5 illustrated reading books featuring words decodable by the end of Phase 3 • Illustrated cards for the yes/no activity - using sets 1-7 grapheme to phoneme correspondences T6191 Kit £134.50

c Phase 4 Kit



Set includes: • 240 double-sided cards featuring all the words recommended in Phase 4 • 19 illustrated cards for the yes/no activity • A decodable and tricky word talkball • 10 A5 illustrated pictures with sentence strips • An 'I Can' book for practising reading • 15 illustrated A5 flashcards and corresponding flashcards depicting CVCC words • Buried treasure sorting activity T6203 Kit £74.70

d Phase 5 Kit Set includes: • 18 A4 double-sided, illustrated, mnemonic flashcards • 240 double-sided cards featuring all the words recommended in Phase 5 • 182 double-sided cards featuring alternative pronunciations • A phoneme frieze • A decodable and tricky word talkball • A homographs puzzle with words that have the same spelling, but different meanings and pronunciations • Illustrated cards for the yes/no activity • Foam magnetic letters, all of the 18 graphemes in Phase 5 • 6 A4 magnetic boards • 5 wooden split digraph pieces T6211 Kit £129.90 These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a


a Phase 2 Illustrated Word and Picture Cards Illustrated cards with accompanying word strips. Ideal for use in many of the blending and segmenting activities in phase 2, the words are selected from those suggested for practising reading and spelling and use set 1-5 grapheme-phoneme correspondences. P8011 A5 Set of 30 £15.50

b Phase 2 Captions and Pictures Increase children's confidence by enabling them to use their decoding skills on simple material. Illustrated cards with accompanying phrases on separate strips. Taken from the bank of suggested captions for reading, the word strips all include set 1-4 and set 1-5 words e.g. 'pat a dog'. P8001 A5 Set of 35 £20.70


c Phase 3 Captions for Reading Flashcards Illustrated flashcards and corresponding word strips for practising reading and writing activities in phase 3. Can be used for the suggested matching activity, where children read the captions and identify which pictures it belongs to, and for writing activities where the children write their own caption for the illustrated image. P8044 A5 Set of 10 £9.30

d Phase 3 Grapheme Flashcards Illustrated flashcards and accompanying word strips consisting of the graphemes to be learnt in phase 3. The cards are double sided with a grapheme on one side and an illustration consisting of a grapheme on the reverse. The words are from the phase 3 suggested bank and can be used in a number of activities including, 'What's in the Box?', 'recognition for Reading' as well as for introducing graphemes P8052 A5 Set of 18 £15.60





Sentence Matching Illustrated pictures with corresponding sentence strips. These allow children to practise their reading skills and match up the sentences to the correct picture.

e Phase 3 Sentences include sets 1-7 letters plus the four consonant digraphs and some tricky words. P8036 A5 Set of 19 £10.30

f Phase 4 Can be used in the suggested 'matching' and 'writing sentences' activities from Phase 4. P8060 A5 Set of 10 £9.30

g Phase 4 CVCC Words and Flashcards Illustrated Flashcards and corresponding word strips, taken from the bank of suggested words for phase 4. The words are made up from the letters taught for use in blending for reading and segmentation for spelling and can be used in several phase 4 activities, including 'What's in the Box?'. P8079 A5 Set of 15 £8.30


These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, These whether supplementary purchased resources individually do not, or in in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately themselves,alongside constituteaamain programme, programme. whether purchased individually or

supplementary resources a

a Talking Jolly Phonics



Interactive and engaging, each one of the 42 Jolly Phonics sounds is pre-recorded onto a talking tile, the corresponding image on the front of the tile re-affirms the sound being taught. Ideal to help children practise their pronunciation of sounds, and perfect to let them use alone or in pairs where they can listen to the sounds as much as they like. Great to use for word building and a complementary resource to use with the phonics programme you are teaching in your school. The 42 pre-recorded sounds can not be recorded over, the three recordable tiles can record for up to 6 seconds. Each card requires 2 x LR44 batteries, which are supplied. T6221 Set of 45 £113.80

High Frequency Words Bingo Knowledge of decodable high frequency words can be secured with these fun bingo games! Sets include 6 bingo grids featuring all of the decodable words.

b Phase 2/3 Includes 38 word cards. P1988

Set £10.40

c Phase 4/5 Includes 21 word cards. P8095

Set £10.40



Tricky Words Bingo A fun and entertaining way of learning, revising and reinforcing the tricky words. Sets include 6 bingo grids.

d Phase 2/3 Includes 18 word cards. P1996

Set £10.40

e Phase 4/5 Includes 23 word cards. P8087

Set £10.40

f Phase 6 Nothing, Double or Drop Cards Nothing


Drop Double

Make learning suffixes fun with our sets of Nothing, Double or Drop cards. Each set follows a different rule for adding a suffix to the base word. Eg: Nothing happens to the base word, the end letter of the base word is doubled or the end letter is dropped. On one side of the card we have the root word with a clue to help children work out what the changed word may be. On the back we have the changed word with the suffix and any other changes highlighted. They are a great tool to use at the front of the class and play the game Nothing, Double or Drop by simply mixing up the cards, holding one up for the class and asking them what happens to the word, Nothing, Double or Drop! Turn around to see if they are correct. Also good for small groups and individual work. P8117 Pack £41.50

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources a

a Squidgy Sparkles - 44 Sounds These popular Squidgy Sparkle letters represent all the graphemes which make up the 44 sounds of the English language. Tactile, yet robust the Squidgy Sparkles can be used indoors and outdoors and can be used in sand and water - perfect for practical word building games. Suitable to use in any phonics programme. 45mm high. T593A Set of 67 pieces £62.90

b b 44 Sounds Jigsaw Pieces A tactile, EVA foam, jigsaw resource which covers all 44 sounds of the English Language. Children can use the jigsaw to make both real and nonsense words. Each piece is printed with one of the graphemes which make up the 44 sounds of the English language. We have colour coded the pieces so that children can easily make words, consonants are blue, vowels are red and digraphs are green. There is no right or wrong way to connect the pieces, every piece fits together the same way! Suitable for use in any synthetic phonics programme. 45 x 85mm. P010A Set of 72 pieces £19.50


c 44 Sounds Window Stickers A unique way to learn the 44 sounds of the English Language. The window letters link directly into Letters and Sounds. They can be used to build up a frieze or can be used to make up different words. They are made from a flexible material, which is easily peel-able and can be re-used over and over again. The can easily be split into phase 2, 3 and 5, as they are easily identified by their coloured border. Size:100 x 100mm. P011A Set of 67 pieces £34.10

d Letters and Sounds Magnetic Kit A bumper magnetic kit, suitable for the whole class, with all the magnetic kit you need to get started with Letters and Sounds. Contains magnetic boards and 6 sets of magnetic foam letters, for each Phase of Letters and Sounds. P013A Kit £103.90



These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.

supplementary resources a

a Active Phonics Kit


This kit includes a set of six tabards (each with a 140mm x 140mm clear pocket) and 64 phoneme cards. Each card is double-sided with the phoneme clearly shown on one side and a handy checklist of words for blending and segmenting on the reverse. The Teacher’s Notes are full of practical ideas and games for active phonics indoors and out. Also included is a free resources CD-ROM with files for the cards, editable word lists and assessment checklists. P8125 Set £27.30

b Phonic Pebbles Ideal for playful phonics activities, these tactile pebbles can be used in sand, water and of course outdoors. Cast from a resin and stone mix, each pebble is engraved with a grapheme and measure 30-45mm. The set contains 64 pebbles covering the 44 phonemes from Phases 2 and 3 plus the most common alternative spellings from Phase Five. Also included are Teacher’s Notes full of practical ideas and activities. P8133 Set of 64 £31.20

c c Jazzy Phonics Toolkit Created by Independent Phonics Consultant, Jaz Ampaw-Farr, Jazzy Phonics Toolkit provides essential resources for teaching systematic phonics. The structured step-by-step activities on the CD-ROM can be used alongside any phonics scheme and enable children to use and apply their knowledge when blending and segmenting, reading and writing. Jazzy Phonics Toolkit offers invaluable resources and is a must have for anyone teaching phonics. The CD-ROM includes all the activities in an easy-to-print PDF format along with guidance for use and assessment. The Jazzy Phonics Toolkit includes: • Jazzy Grapheme Cards • Jazzy Code Grids • Jazzy Decodable Words • Jazzy Caption Cards • Jazzy Spelling Spirals • Jazzy Alien Word Assessments P039A CD-Rom £91.00

Training for Jazzy Phonics is available from Which Phonics see page 222 of this catalogue.

These supplementary resources do not, in themselves, constitute a programme, whether purchased individually or in packs, but can be used to support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately alongside a main programme.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Bug Club Blue to Gold Bug B ug C Club lub BBlue lue tto oG Gold old jjoins oins 7 76 6 ffully ully decodable decodable b books ooks and and teaching teaching support support with with an an online online reading reading world world tto o tteach each ttoday’s oday’s children children tto o read. read. Combining Combining rigorous rigorous pedagogy pedagogy with with ffantastic antastic design design and and cutting cutting edge edge technology, technology, it’s it’s a ffresh resh and and modern modern take on on traditional traditional d ecodable readers. readers take decodable

Winner of the best use of Multimedia Award 2011 Not only were the books beautifully designed and illustrated, the designers of this series went the extra mile and developed a multimedia platform to further engage and entertain the younger reader. Truly the best use of multimedia.


76 Books and eBooks

Includes fiction, non-fiction and comics

Ideal for effective guided reading and follow-up work

76 guided reading cards Matched to phases 5 and 6 of Letters and Sounds

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Fiction Fiction

Non-fiction N on-fiction

Comics C omics

TTeaching eaching Guide G uide

Blue C Green Gr een A

urquoise B TTurquoise urquoise A Orange B Orange A Purple A TTurquoise Purple B Gold B

Go ld A Gold

Phase 6

Year 2

Green Green C

Gre Gr Green een B e

Phase 5

Year 1

Blue B

Blue A


What’s What ’ss in Bug gC Club Blue to Gold?


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl


Plant Traps (Blue Level B/Phase 5)

Sea Snaps (Green Level A/Phase 5)





The Bike Race (Blue Level A/Phase 5)

The Missing Masks (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

What Makes You Laugh? (Green Level A/Phase 5)







Stop That Noise! (Blue Level A/Phase 5)

Flower Power (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

Silly Jack and the Dancing Mice (Green Level B/Phase 5)







The Mermaids and the Dolphin (Blue Level A/Phase 5)

The Mermaids and the Perfect Presents (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

Horribilly: Gloopy Food (Green Level B/Phase 5)







Ballet (Blue Level A/Phase 5)

What We Do All Day (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

Wallace & Gromit and the Soccamatic (Green Level B/Phase 5)







Grow it Back (Blue Level A/Phase 5)

Play the Guitar (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

Creepy Crawlies (Green Level B/Phase 5)







Horse Play (Blue Level B/Phase 5)

Slick Tricks (Blue Level C/Phase 5)

A Vet’s Day (Green Level B/Phase 5)







The Cake Sale Goo (Blue Level B/Phase 5)

Silly Jack and the Beanstalk (Green Level A/Phase 5)

Silly, Silly Jack! (Green Level C/Phase 5)







The Mermaids Visit the Vet (Blue Level B/Phase 5)

Horribilly Slow & Sticky (Green Level A/Phase 5)

Horribilly: Swampy Mess (Green Level C/Phase 5)







A Little Look at Big Reptiles (Blue Level B/Phase 5)

Wallace & Gromit and the Snow-man-o-tron (Green Level A/Phase 5)

Wallace & Gromit and the Autochef (Green Level C/Phase 5)






These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.



supplementary resources e readers decodabl


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

BUG CLUB TITLE TITLES ES TEACHING T EACHING SSUPPORT UPP PORT Yun Y u un & The T Giant Bird Bird 6)) ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6

Fossils (Gold Level A/Phase 6)




£3.80 £3 3.80

A Smal Small ll Pr Problem oblem 6)) ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6

Blood Buns and Scarecrows Scar ecrows (Gold Level B/Phase 6))




£3.80 £3 3.80

BUG C BUG CLUB LUB B BLUE LUE T TO O GO GOLD OLD T TEACHING EACHING GUIDE G UIDE support Gives teachers all the sup pport they need. T277A



IW Want ant a Unicorn! Unicorn! ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6 6))

Sick as a Parr Parrot ot (Gold Level B/Phase 6))




£3 3.80 £3.80



BUG CLUB BLUE TO GOLD PACK B UG C LUB B LUE T O GO OLD SSTARTER TARTER P ACK WITH EBOOKS WIT HE BOOKS books Contains 76 Bug Club bo ooks and access to Teaching 76 Bug Club eBooks pluss a T eaching Guide.

Chocolate! Chocolate! 6)) ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6

Blathereen Dr Blathereen Dream eam (Gold Level B/Phase 6))




£3.80 £3 3.80


£487 50 £487.50


What iss a Wookiee? Wookiee? 6)) ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6

Going into Space (Gold Level B/Phase 6))

each Contains six copies of eac ch of the 76 cards Bug Club books, 76 guided ed rreading eading car ds and access to 76 Bug Clu Club ub eBooks plus a Teaching T eaching Guide.





£3.80 £3 3.80


BUG B UG C CLUB LUB B BLUE LUE T TO O GO GOLD OLD SSTARTER TARTER P PACK ACK Laugh Out Loud! ((Purple Purple Level Level B/Phase B/Phase 6 6))

Animals to the Rescue e (Gold Level B/Phase 6))




£3 3.80 £3.80

Contains 76 Bug Club bo books ooks and a Teaching Teaching Guide If you prefer to buy thiss in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T280A


Sports Day Snack Attack (Gold LLevel A/Phase 6)

Tasty T asty T Treats reats (Gold Level B/Phase 6))




Contains six copies of eac each ch of the 76 Bug Club books, 76 guided rreading e eading car cards ds and a T eaching Guide. Teaching


The V Very ery ery Smelly Dragon (Gold LLevel A/Phase 6) T266A

£3 3.80 £3.80

If you prefer to buy thiss in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T281A



Judoon n Afternoon Afternoon (Gold LLevel A/Phase 6) T267A


You Y ou CAN CA AN T Try ry This at Home (Gold LLevel A/Phase 6) T268A


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Collins Big Cat Phonics Books that put the fun back into phonics! Every one of the 52 phonic readers is fully decodable with high quality writing and illustrations to get children to love reading right from the start.

Real books written by real children’s authors - developing phonic skills but also a love of reading

Ideal for phonic practice and to improve fluency by blending and segmenting sounds in words

Progression is easy as readers are levelled across six book bands, with a mix of 50/50 fiction and nonfiction on every level

Guidance notes in each book means they are suitable for send-home, making phonics straightforward for parents too

Choose a Collins Big Cat Phonics Starter Set to get a copy of each of the 52 titles T662A £146.60


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Lots of variety in topics and stories with different characters and designs that make learning phonics genuinely fun

Sample pages from Panda's Band

The Ideas for Reading page gives you activities to develop higher order thinking skills, plus the phonemes used and any difficult words included in the reader

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Simple text is clearly displayed.

Phonic Readers in Band Pink A / Band 1A decodable fiction decodable non-fiction


Nip! Nip!

Pit Pat! Tip Tap!

Shoo Rayner It’s a game of hide and seek and Dad the crab is looking for Tim. T610A £3.20

Jillian Powell Playing with paint, play dough and a sandpit. T612A £3.20

In a Pit

Sip It, Dip It, Tap It

Jane Clarke Sid is sad because his dad is in a pit, but he comes up with a cunning plan to get him out. T611A £3.20

Monica Hughes Look at a variety of different types of food from around the world. T613A £3.20

Pam Naps

Dip it! Tap it!

Helen Cunningham While Pam naps in her rocking chair, her cats cause havoc around her. T614A £3.20

Catherine Baker Join Dan and Sam as they have fun dipping and tapping. T615A £3.20

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

A second illustration contextualises the text.

Illustrations reinforce predictable text.

Phonic Readers in Band Pink B / Band 1B decodable fiction decodable non-fiction Rat Naps

Pips in Pots

Paul Shipton Sid is a rat at the tip, and Rick the cat is on the look-out for some dinner. T616A £3.20

Alison Hawes Photographs of each stage showing how to plant your own pips. T618A £3.20

Sam and the Nut

In the Net

Sheryl Webster Sam the squirrel has seen a juicy looking nut at the top of a tree. T617A £3.20

Jillian Powell All the different football skills needed to play the game, score and win. T619A £3.20

No, Sid, No!

Got it!

Kate Scott When a cat climbs in through the window, Sid tries to chase the intruder away. T620A £3.20

Charlotte Guillain Follow a young girl as she sets out to catch a crab. T621A £3.20

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Understanding is enhanced with key words picked out in illustrations.

Phonic Readers in Band Red A / Band 2A decodable fiction decodable non-fiction


Muck It Up!

Pet Cat, Big Cat

Jane Clarke When the two frogs, Plip and Plop, muck up the pond, they decide to clean it up. T624A £3.30

Alison Hawes What are the differences between your pet cat, and a big cat in the wild? T627A £3.30

Ant and Snail

Run, Jump, Hop!

Paul Shipton Ant and Snail decide to have a race. T623A £3.30

John Foster Comparing the way animals and humans move. T626A £3.30

Cat and Dog in a Mess

The Big Red Bus

Shoo Rayner When Cat and Dog play in the park, Dog gets into a mess. T622A £3.30

Alison Hawes A little girl and her dad as they go for a journey on the big, red bus. T625A £3.30

Puff the Pup

Get Fit!

Tony Mitton Puff the pup is digging a hole and finding lots of interesting things. T628A £3.30

Gina Nuttall It’s fun to get fit! Find out different ways to exercise. T630A £3.30

Panda’s Band

Chick to Hen

Laura Hambleton Panda enjoys playing his drums, but would love to put together a band and share his music with others. T629A £3.30

Elspeth Graham Follow the life of a chicken – from its early days as a chick, to laying eggs of its own. T631A £3.30

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

A context that children will be familiar with.

Lively illustrations encourage children to engage with the story.

Phonic Readers in Band Red B / Band 2B decodable fiction decodable non-fiction The Mouse and the Monster


Martin Waddell When a mouse meets a monster on the road, he needs to think fast. T634A £3.30

Monica Hughes Examining a range of feelings through a little boy and his dog. T637A £3.30

Bot on the Moon

Thick and Thin

Shoo Rayner Bot, the golf-loving robot, is going for a trip in his rocket ship. T633A £3.30

Alison Hawes Children compare and contrast different thick and thin things. T636A £3.30

We Are Not Fond of Rat!

Pond Dipping

Emma Chichester Clark Poor Rat! No one wants to be his friend. T632A £3.30

Alison Hawes If you dip a net into a pond, what will you see when you scoop it out? T635A £3.30

Max Can Do It!

I Found a Sound

Charlotte Raby Bee Rex the dinosaur loves swing from the trees, but her brother can’t do it. T638A £3.30

Vic Parker How many sounds do you hear in your day? T640A £3.30

Goat’s Coat

Pond Food

Laura Hambleton Goat loves her red coat and Fox loves his spotty socks. T639A £3.30

John Townsend Take a look inside a pond and discover the food chain inside. T641A £3.30

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Language is becoming more varied, with key vocabulary illustrated once again.

Phonic Readers in Yellow / Band 3 decodable fiction decodable non-fiction


Diggety Dog

Real Monsters

Michaela Morgan Diggety Dog is looking for a bone but he only seems to uncover trouble! T644A £3.70

Nic Bishop Follow the adventures of a monster-like lizard. T647A £3.70

Horse Up a Tree

Rock Out!

Martin Waddell When Horse went up a tree, he didn’t think about how to get down again. T643A £3.70

Janice Vale A group of children make instruments out of junk. T646A £3.70

Bart the Shark

The Sun and the Moon

Paul Shipton Bart the Shark is big and bad. Bart the Shark is feeling mad! T642A £3.70

Paul Shipton The Sun and the Moon both shine on Earth, but differ in many ways. T645A £3.70

The Singing Beetle

Peas, please!

Linda Strachan Poppy the beetle sings all day, but her singing isn’t very popular. T648A £3.70

Fiona Macdonald How do they grow and how do they get from the field to our dinner plates? T650A £3.70

I Spy Fly

Frog or Toad?

Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham The fly was hungry, and buzzed over to the park to see what he could find. T649A £3.70

Sue Barraclough What’s the difference between a frog and a toad? T651A £3.70

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Phonic Readers in Blue / Band 4 decodable fiction decodable non-fiction The Small Bun


Martin Waddell A hungry man and his wife baked a small bun. T654A £3.70

Jilly MacLeod Learn about a wide variety of birds from around the world. T657A £3.70

Mole and the New Hole

How to Grow a Beanstalk

Jane Clarke Winter is coming and Mole is looking for a new hole to stay in. T653A £3.70

Janice Vale Discover how to turn a small bean into a tall beanstalk. T656A £3.70

Hansel and Gretel

The Rainforest at Night

Malachy Doyle Hansel and Gretel are left all alone in the Brown Wood. T652A £3.70

Nic Bishop Meet the animals and insects that live in the Rainforest. T655A £3.70

Catching the Moon


Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham The King and Queen send their servants out to catch the moon. T658A £3.70

Teresa Heapy Find out all about gorillas' habitat, diet and behaviour. T660A £3.70

The Hat Maker and the Chimps

From Cow to Carton

Adam Guillain When The Hat Maker stops for a nap a group of chimps steal his hats. T659A £3.70

Vic Parker Ever wondered how milk gets from the cow in the field to your glass? T661A £3.70

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Comics for Phonics



44 fun de decodable ecodable comics Designed to sup support pport all your children w with their reading practice, e, Bug Club’ ics for Phonics are packe ed with characters they’l Club’ss Com Comics packed they’lll love - and were crea ted with phonics expert Jennifer Chew created Chew.. y

Finely levelle ed, 100% decodable and d fully aligned to Phases 1-5 levelled, of Letters an and nd Sounds


Comics with kid-cred to motivate eve en the most reluctant re ader even reader


W ell-structu ell structured with a clear pace an d pr progression to get all Well-structured and children read ding by age 6 (end of Y e 1 ear reading Year 1)


Ideal for use e alongside Phonics Bug!

ing Featur ics DC Comers! t charac

All 44 Comics have an eBook version!


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl



Help children practise phonics

A Teacher's Guide includes teaching notes for every book.

Phase 4

Phase 3

Phase Ph hase 2

Phase 1

Each of the 44 Comi Comics ics for Phonics is 100% d decodable, ecodable, so they’re they re a perfect step befor re taking the plunge into o Bug Club’ before Club’ss wider reading world, and as they feature characters characters children know and love they’ll soon be practising phonics.

Phase 5

Phonics Consultant: Jennifer Chew

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl


Phonics Prof Toff’s Zoo (Phase 5)

Cool New Costumes (Phase 5)

The Stone of Skood (Phase 5)

T308A (single title) £3.00 T354A (pack of 6) £17.80

T289A (single title) £3.00 T334A (pack of 6) £17.80

T312A (single title) £3.00 T359A (pack of 6) £17.80

Flash Dash (Phase 5)

All in a Day’s Work (Phase 5)

Super-Pets to the Rescue (Phase 5)

T292A (single title) £3.00 T338A (pack of 6) £17.80

T283A (single title) £3.00 T328A (pack of 6) £17.80

T316A (single title) £3.00 T363A (pack of 6) £17.80

Meet Kroc (Phase 5)

Fight the Flames (Phase 5)

Super-Dog Finds a Friend (Phase 5)

T304A (single title) £3.00 T350A (pack of 6) £17.80

T302A (single title) £3.00 T348A (pack of 6) £17.80

T314A (single title) £3.00 T361A (pack of 6) £17.80

The Crossing of Doom (Phase 5)

The Metal Monster (Phase 5)

Get in the Game (Phase 5)

T290A (single title) £3.00 T336A (pack of 6) £17.80

T303A (single title) £3.00 T349A (pack of 6) £17.80

T293A (single title) £3.00 T339A (pack of 6) £17.80

Think Pink! (Phase 5)

Batman Turns Bad (Phase 5)

Super-Monkey (Phase 5)

T320A (single title) £3.00 T367A (pack of 6) £17.80

T285A (single title) £3.00 T330A (pack of 6) £17.80

T315A (single title) £3.00 T362A (pack of 6) £17.80




Contains six copies of each of the 44 Comics for Phonics titles, 5-year licences for all 44 eBooks and a Teaching Guide.

Gives teachers all the support they need. T282A



N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T376A

COMICS FOR PHONICS EASY BUY PACK Contains six copies of each of the 44 Comics for Phonics titles (6 x 44 titles) plus a Teaching Guide. T374A


COMICS FOR PHONICS STARTER PACK Contains one copy of each of the 44 Comics for Phonics titles (1 x 44 titles) plus a Teaching Guide. T375A



COMICS FOR PHONICS STARTER PACK PLUS EBOOKS Contains one copy of each of the 44 Comics for Phonics titles, 5-year licences for all 44 eBooks and a Teaching Guide. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T377A


COMICS FOR PHONICS EBOOKS: 5-YEAR LICENCE This 5 year licence gives you access to all 44 Comics for Phonics eBooks. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering. T327A


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Worrds and Words Picturres Pictures for


Fun F un u n with i Phonics honics iics css


Fun with Phonics and My First Phonics Starter Pack A Starter Pack offering plenty of choice and variety, these bright and humorous decodable readers offer practice from Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 80 books, 2 Teaching Guides T389A £218.50

Easy Buy Pack

Fun with Phonics, My First Phonics, Comics for Phonics and Bug Club Blue to Gold Starter Pack From the home of Phonics Bug, these fantastic new decodable readers offer further breadth and practice through Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 200 books, 76 guided reading cards, 4 Teaching Guides T384A £612.80

Six copies of a selection of the fantastic new decodable readers from Fun with Phonics and My First Phonics for further breadth and practice through Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 6 x 80 books, 2 Teaching Guides T386A £1254.00

Easy Buy Pack

Fun with Phonics, My First Phonics and Comics for Phonics Starter Pack

Fun with Phonics, My First Phonics, Comics for Phonics, Bug Club Blue to Gold and Phonics Bug Starter Pack

A Starter Pack offering plenty of choice and variety, these bright and humorous decodable readers offer practice from Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 124 books, 3 Teaching Guides T388A £352.60

Easy Buy Pack

Another great way to supplement the Phonics Bug programme. Features a wealth of decodable books, all matched to Letters and Sounds, providing breadth and practice in a range of genres. 6 x 200 books, 76 guided reading cards, 4 Teaching Guides T382A £3506.10

A Starter Pack offering plenty of choice and variety, these bright and humorous decodable readers offer practice from Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 333 books, 76 guided reading cards, 4 Teaching Guides T383A £963.90

Perfect for adding to your book boxes, with 6 copies of every reader, plus a 5-year licence for the Comics for Phonics eBooks. 6 x 124 books, 3 Teaching Guides T379A £2248.00

Easy Buy Pack

Fun with Phonics, My First Phonics, Comics for Phonics and Phonics Bug Starter Pack

Comics for Phonics and Bug Club Blue to Gold (Print and eBooks) Easy Buy Pack

A Starter Pack offering plenty of choice and variety, these bright and humorous decodable readers offer practice from Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 257 books, 3 Teaching Guides T387A £703.70

The ultimate decodable readers pack. 6 copies of every reader, all matched to Letters and Sounds, for breadth and practice in a range of genres. 6 x 333 books, 76 guided reading cards, 4 Teaching Guides T381A £5344.90

If you love Phonics Bug, then you’ll love Comics for Phonics and Bug Club Blue to Gold. Contains 6 copies of each reader, a 5-year licence for Comics for Phonics eBooks and a 1-year licence for Bug Club Blue to Gold ebooks. 6 x 120 books, 2 online licences (Bug Club Blue to Gold eBooks and Comics for Phonics eBooks), 76 guided reading cards, 2 Teaching Guides T378A £2414.50

Easy Buy Pack From the home of Phonics Bug, these fantastic new decodable readers offer further breadth and practice through Phases 2-5. All correlated to Letters and Sounds, they are ideal for adding to your book boxes. 6 x 124 books, 3 Teaching Guides, 1 x 133 Phonics Bug books T385A £2258.60


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl


Units 1-3

Set of 12 £15.60


Units 4-7

Set of 16 £20.80

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl



Units 8-10

Set of 12 £15.60


Units 11-15

Set of 16 £26.00

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

More reading books for Phase 2 Dandelion Readers complement and follow on from the Dandelion Launchers series. They offer 30 more books for Phase 2 of 'Letters and Sounds'. Units 1-7 introduce the sounds of the alphabet (with more text than in the Launcher series). Units 8, 9 and 10 introduce adjacent consonants. There are 3 parallel sets, each with 10 books - one at each level. Every book includes a reading game.


UNITS 1-10

Set of 10 £13.00


UNITS 1-10

Set of 10 £13.00


UNITS 1-10

Set of 10 £13.00

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Reading books for Phases 3 and 4 - consonant digraphs Units 11-20 offer 20 books for Phases 3 and 4. Two parallel sets, each with 10 books, include digraphs ch, sh, th, ck, ng, qu, wh and simple 2-syllable words.


UNITS 11-20

Set of 10 £13.00


UNITS 11-20

Set of 10 £13.00


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Extended Phonic Code Reading books for Phases 3 and 4 - vowels digraphs Level 1, includes 10 books. Each book introduces one spelling for vowel sound.


level 1

Set of 10 £13.00

Reading books for Phases 5 - alternative spellings Level 2, includes 10 books. Each book introduces two or three alternative spellings for the vowel sounds presented in level 1


level 2

Set of 10 £13.00

Level 3, includes 10 books. Each book introduces more alternative spellings for the vowel sounds in level 1 and level 2 sets.


level 2

Set of 10 £13.00

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Split Vowel Spellings Set Phases 5 'Letters and Sounds' The Split Vowel Spellings Set offers further reading practice of the tricky split vowel spelling a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. The books can be used alongside any phonics reading programme. The set includes 6 books, one for each spelling and one that includes all the spelling.



Set of 6 £7.80

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Series Editor: Trudy Wainw right

Wor Words ords and Pictures P Pictur res Fu Fun F un with un i Phonics honiiics css Fun with Phon Phonics nics from the popular BBC Active ran range nge follows the Letters and Sou unds and Phonics Bug Sounds progression an nd is presented in 40 and fully decodable e fiction readers. With Fun with Phonics children rea ad real stories for can start to read right from the start of themselves right Phase 2. Fine phonic levelling is used to help children make progress at a pace they are comfortable with and phonemes and high-frequency tricky words are introduced a few at a time to build reading confidence. Fun colourful artwork and lively characters plus added guidance notes for teachers makes Fun with Phonics the perfect supplementary phonics reader package for your school. Fun with Phonics Starter Pack (1 of each title plus the Teaching Guide) 1x40 titles = 40 readers plus Teacher’s Book If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T390A


Fun with Phonics Easy Buy Pack (6 of each title plus the Teaching Guide) 6x40 titles = 240 readers plus Teacher’s Book If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T391A


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Jelly and Bean decodable reading books Simple vocabulary which children understand Uncluttered pages with an easy to read font Clear illustrations in full colour Animal characters which children love Track record of more than 10 years

AB Starter Pack This pack consists of the original books A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 plus two new books ‘cats in the mud’ and a pet rabbit’.The books do not have any capital letters, verbs or sentences. Each page has simple CVC words connected by ‘a, on, in, and, the’. Pack of 8 £14.50 P040A

First Words Series This series of 8 books introduces the 19 letters of Phonic Phase 2. These are ‘a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u’. Books 1-5 have no capital letters, no verbs or sentences, just simple words connected by ‘a, on, in, and, the’. Each page in books 6-8 has a single sentence beginning with the word ‘I’. Pack of 8 £14.50 P041A

A Series books 5-10 Books 5-10 in the A Series cover the single letters ‘j, k, v, x, w, y’, where ‘y’ is only used at the end of a word. The verbs ‘see’ and ‘look’, and the names Jelly and Bean, are used also. Pack of 6 £10.90 P042A Complete A Series 1-10 This pack contains all 10 books in the A Series, i.e. 1-4 from the AB Starter Pack and the books 5-10 also. Pack of 10 £18.10 P044A


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

B Series books 5-10 cover the single letters ‘j, k, v, x, w, z, y’, where ‘y’ is only used at the end of a word . The verbs ‘see’ and ‘look’ are used. The order of introduction of letters is the same as in the A Series. Pack of 6 £10.90 P043A Complete B Series 1-10 consists of all 10 books in the B Series, i.e. 1-4 from the AB Starter Pack and the books 5-10 also. Pack of 10 £18.10 P045A

A Extra Series 11-16 The letters ‘y’ and ‘q’ are introduced at the beginning of words in this series, as well as the vowel digraphs ‘ay’ (play), ‘or’ (for) and ‘ow’ (down). The irregular high frequency words ‘go, to, we, you, are, said, little’ are introduced. Pack of 6 £10.90 P046A

B Extra Series 11 -16 The stories in this series are for children to practise their newly learnt phonic skills. Two new books ‘My Clock’ and ‘Ring-a-ding’ have been added. The high frequency words ‘to, go, oh, no, my, little’ are also used. Pack of 6 £10.90 P047A

A Digraphs Series books 17-22 The letter ‘z’ is introduced in this series as well as ‘sh, ch, th’ and the vowel spelling ‘ai’. The words ‘he, she, they, come, was, all’ are also used. Pack of 6 £10.90 P048A

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Pig Family Series 1-10 This series of books reinforces all the previous series. Stories 1-3 fit with A Series and B Series books 510. Stories 4-5 fit with the A Extra and B Extra Series 11-16 , and stories 6-10 fit with A Digraphs Series books 17-22. Pack of 10 £18.10 P049A

Pig Family Blends Series 1-5 There are no new vowel spellings or new high frequency words in this series. The stories are written for children to experience adjacent consonants in simple words. Pack of 5 £9.00 P050A

Early Vowel Combinations 1-6 These easy stories introduce the vowel spellings ‘ie’ (flies), ‘ y’ (fly), ‘oa’ (floats), ‘er’ (over), ‘oor’ (floor) and soft ‘g’ (giant). There are 10-15 words per page in these stories, so that children are not overwhelmed by too much text. Pack of 6 £10.90 P051A

Combining Consonants Series 1-5 These books are more difficult that the Pig Family Blends Series. They introduce the irregular high-frequency words ‘where, what, two, wants, there’ and the combinations ‘dge’ (hedgehog) and ‘wh’ (when). Pack of 5 £9.00 P052A


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Follifoot Farm Series 1 These six stories introduce the vowel spelling ‘ar’ (farm) in many words related to the farm. Pack of 6 £10.90 P053A

Follifoot Farm Series 2 Each book in this series is one chapter of the same story. The cliffhanger ending in each book encourages children to go on to read the next part. The only new vowel digraph is ‘are’ in ‘scared’ Pack of 6 £10.90 P054A

Follifoot Farm Series 3 Each book in this series is one part of the same story. The phonic focus is on the split digraphs ‘a-e’ (cave), ‘i-e’ (white) and ‘o-e’ (nose). Soft ‘c’ is introduced in the words ‘race, place’. Pack of 6 £10.90 P055A

English Vowels Series Books 1-5 in this series reinforce the vowel spellings ‘ow’ (brown), ‘ou’ (out), ‘er’ (over), ‘ar’ (car) and ’or’ (thorn). Books 6-12 concentrate on the alternative vowel spellings for Year 1. Pack of 12 £22.90 P056A

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Making their first phonics step easy This T his g great-value reat-value rrange ange of of My My First First Phonics Phonics readers readers is is 1 100% 00% matched and Sounds. m atched tto o LLetters etters a nd S ounds. The 40 phonic phases 2-5 T he 4 0 ffully-decodable ully-decodable sstories tories ffor or p honic p hases 2 -5 ffeature eature a rrange ange o off lovable lovable fi fiction ction ccharacters haracters tto oe encourage ncourage practice. Children whole p ractice. C hildren llove ove the the fact fact tthey hey ccan an rread ead a w hole book once eight phonemes. b ook o nce tthey’ve hey’ve llearnt earnt jjust ust e ight p honemes. Each book includes: O blending and segmenting to

build on their phonics learning. O individual teaching notes for teachers, teaching assistants, parents and carers to help them to provide effective phonics support.

The Teaching Guide provides: O support with structured and gradual progression O advice and resources on assessing each child’s progress O an explanation of phonics terminology O tips for non-specialists in delivering phonics teaching.

My First Phonics Starter Pack This handy get-started pack includes one of each of the 40 stories plus a copy of the TTeaching eaching Guide. If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T392A

Phases 2–5

s Gift The Gull’


cook goo! I am going to ht green. It will be brig

Whooperoo! k book. Look at my coo

My First Phonics Easy Buy Pack The Easy Buy Pack includes 6 copies of each of the 40 stories and a Teaching Guide. If you prefer to buy this in a large value pack, turn to page 138 T393A

Phases 2–5




t 3 2


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Project P roject X a and nd P Project roject X P Phonics honics 115 engaging 115 engaging books books to to practise practise and and cconsolidate onsolidate your y our p phonics honics teaching teaching Project X Phonics: Project Phonics: 40 40 fully fully d decodable ecodable b books ooks a and nd a rrange ange of of fun fun activity activity cards cards to to support support Phases Phases 1 1-4. -4. Project X: Project X: 75 75 fully fully decodable decodable books books ffeaturing eaturing engaging e ngaging sstories tories and and non-fiction non-fiction to to develop develop rreaders eaders at at Letters Letters and and Sounds Sounds Phases Phases 5-6. 5-6.

Phase 1: Project X Phonics Exploring Sounds t Songs, rhymes, games and stories to share t Develops listening and oral language skills

Phases 2-4: Project X Phonics Exploring Letters t Fun games and activities t Letter sounds and tricky words t Blending, segmenting and letter formation activities

Phases 2-4: Project X Phonics Fiction and Non-fiction Readers t Text for adults to read allows the child to engage with a real story or non-fiction title whilst practising their phonics skills with the decodable text t Prompts for talk and other activities

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Project P roject X a and nd P Project roject X P Phonics honics

Phases 2-4: Project X Phonics Activity Cards t




Project X Phonics eBooks Software t

All 40 books on one easy to use disc for use on your interactive whiteboard or for independent reading practice


Includes character flashcards, assessment support and advice for parents

Phase 5-6: Project X Fiction and Non-fiction Books t

Project X Green and Orange Clusters are fully decodable and matched to Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds


Project X Turquoise to Gold Clusters consolidate Phases 5 and support children’s progression through Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds


All the books have teaching notes, support and activity ideas for effective guided reading, to help keep all children on track

Money Saving Saving Packs Project P roject X P Phonics honics P Phases hases 1 1-4 -4 A Adoption doption P Pack ack t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT t 1SPKFDU 9 1IPOJDT F#PPLT


T3751 T 3751


ÂŁ698.30 ÂŁ 698.30

Project P roject X P Phonics honics P Phases hases 1 1-5 -5 A Adoption doption P Pack ack t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1IPOJDT 5FBDIJOH (VJEF t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT t 1JOL $MBTT 1BDL PG CPPLT t 1SPKFDU 9 1IPOJDT F#PPLT Project X Green and Orange Clusters t .BLJOH B /PJTF $MVTUFS (SFFO $MBTT 1BDL PG t .BLJOH B /PJTF $MVTUFS (SFFO $MBTT 1BDL PG t 8IBU B 8BTUF $MVTUFS 0SBOHF $MBTT 1BDL PG t 8IBU B 8BTUF $MVTUFS 0SBOHF $MBTT 1BDL PG

T3743 T 3743





ÂŁ1093.60 ÂŁ 1093.60 These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Project P roject X P Phonics honics R Resources esources

Phase 1 Phase 2

1 1+



etters e tters & Book ORT ORT LSSounds ounds Band Stage PPhase hase

Exploring E xploring Sounds Sounds

Phonics Lilac Mixed Pack of 3 £8.30 T3662 Class Pack of 3 x 6 T3670 £46.00 E xploring LLetters etters Exploring

Set S et 1

Fiction and and non-fiction non-fiction readers readers Fiction

Teaching T eaching R esources Resources

Set Set 2 Phonics Pink

Set Set 3

Mixed Pack of 15 £41.40 T3689 Class Pack of 15 x 6 T3697 £234.60

Set Set 4

Project X Phonics Project Phonics T eaching H andbook Teaching Handbook T3638 £13.80

Phase 3


red red

Set Set 5

S et Set 6

S et Set 7 Phonics Red/Yellow Red/Yellow

Phase 3



S et Set 8

P roject X P honics Project Phonics A ctivity Cards Cards Activity T3646 £9.20

Mixed Pack of 15 T3700 £43.70 Class Pack of 15 x 6 T3719 £248.40

Set Set 9

Phase 4



S et Set 1 0 10

Set Set 1 1 11

Phonics Blue Mixed Pack of 7 T3727 £21.60 Class Pack of 7 x 6 T3735 £123.30

Project X P Project Phonics honics e Books SSoftware oftware eBooks T3654 £91.80

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Project P roject X R Resources esources Money Saving Saving Packs Project P roject X Green Green a and nd O Orange range C Clusters lusters A Adoption doption Pack Pack t .BLJOH B /PJTF $MVTUFS (SFFO $MBTT 1BDL PG t .BLJOH B /PJTF $MVTUFS (SFFO $MBTT 1BDL PG t 8IBU B 8BTUF $MVTUFS 0SBOHF $MBTT 1BDL PG t 8IBU B 8BTUF $MVTUFS 0SBOHF $MBTT 1BDL PG


T T3840 3840

£396.50 £396.50



T T741A 741A

Project P roject X Green Green to to Turquoise Turquoise Clusters Clusters


green gr een

#PPL 035 035 #BOE 4UBHF

£ £1518.00 1518.00

Green – Making a Noise Cluster Green Mixed Pack of 5 T3761 £17.70 Class Pack of 5 x 6 T3778 £92.90



Green Gr een – Flight Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T3786 £17.70 Class Pack of 5 x 6 T3794 £92.90 Waste aste Cluster Orange – What a W Mixed Pack of 5 T3808 £19.80 Class Pack of 5 x 6 T3816 £105.30 Orange – Invasion Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T3824 £19.80


tturquoise urquoise

Class Pack of 5 x 6 T3832 £105.30 Turquoise T urquoise – Discovery Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T719A £24.10 Class Pack of 5 x 6 T720A £136.70 Turquoise T urquoise – Hide and Seek Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T721A £24.10 Class Pack of 5 x 6 T722A £136.70


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Project P roject X Purple Purple to to White White Clusters Clusters



Book ORT ORT Band Stage

Purple – Building Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T723A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T724A £136.70 Mick Gowar

Water Purple – W ater Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T725A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T726A £136.70



Purple – Habitat Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T727A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T728A £136.70

Gold – Pirates Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T729A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T730A £136.70

Gold – Communication Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T731A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T732A £136.70



Gold – Head to Head Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T733A £24.10 Class Pack of 30 T734A £136.70

White – Jour Journeys/Going neys/Going places Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T735A £28.20 Class Pack of 30 T736A £158.40 White – W Working orking as a Team Team Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T737A £28.20 Class Pack of 30 T738A £158.40

White – Inventors and Inventions Cluster Mixed Pack of 5 T739A £28.20 Class Pack of 30 T740A £158.40 These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Money Saving Saving Packs Songbirds S ongbirds and and eSongbirds eSongbirds Phonics Phonics Adoption Adoption Pack Pack Songbirds Phonics Songbirds Phonics - Stages Stages 1+, 1+, 1 1+A, +A, 2, 2, 2A, 2A, 3, 3, 3A, 3A, 4, 4, 4A, 4A, 5, 5, 6 all all Class Class P Packs acks o off 3 36 6 eSongbirds e Songbirds P Phonics honics - Stage Stage 1 1+ + - 2 CD-Rom CD-Rom Unlimited Unlimited User User Licence, Licence, SStage tage 3 – 4 CD-Rom CD-Rom Unlimited Unlimited User User Licence, Licence, Stage Stage 5 – 6 C CD-Rom D-Rom U Unlimited nlimited U User ser LLicence icence

T560A T 560A


T534A T 534A


T535A T 535A


T544A T 544A


T533A T 533A


Songbirds S ongbirds Phonics Phonics Super Super Easy Easy Buy Buy Pack Pack SStages tages 1+, 1+, 1+A, 1+A, 2, 2, 2A, 2A, 3, 3, 3A, 3A, 4, 4, 4A, 4A, 5, 5, 6 all all Class Class Packs Packs of of 36 36

Songbirds S ongbirds Phonics Phonics Easy Easy Buy Buy Pack Pack - R Reception eception SStages tages 1 1+, +, 1 1+A, +A, 2 2,, 2 2A Aa all ll C Class lass P Packs acks o off 3 36 6

Songbirds S ongbirds Phonics Phonics Easy Easy Buy Buy Pack Pack - Y Year ear 1 SStages tages 3 3,, 3 3A, A, 4 4,, 4 4A, A, 5 5,, 6 a all ll C Class lass P Packs acks o off 3 36 6

Songbirds S ongbirds Phonics Phonics Singles Singles Pack Pack SStages tages 1+, 1+, 1+A, 1+A, 2, 2, 2A, 2A, 3, 3, 3A, 3A, 4, 4, 4A, 4A, 5, 5, 6 all all Mixed Mixed Packs Packs of of 6

Songbirds was an instant choice to support early reading in our school. Their colourful illustrations and variety of characters provided just the motivation our children needed. Julia Donaldson is a celebrated author who the children enjoy so an all round must. Worth every penny. Literacy Co-ordinator Lydlynch Primary School, Hants.

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

ORT O RT SStage tage

1+ 1 + M More ore SStage tage 1 1+ +


Class Pack of 36 T537A


Stage 1+ A Mixed Pack of 6 T538A


Class Pack of 36 T539A


Stage 2 Mixed Pack of 6 T540A


Class Pack of 36 T541A


Stage 2 A Mixed Pack of 6 T542A


Class Pack of 36 T543A


Stage 3 Mixed Pack of 6 T545A


Class Pack of 36 T546A


Stage 3 A Mixed Pack of 6 T547A


Class Pack of 36 T548A


SStage tage 2 More M ore SStage tage 2

2 SStage tage 3



More M ore SStage tage 3


rred ed yellow yellow

Stage 1+ Mixed Pack of 6 T536A


1+ 1 +

SStage tage 1+ 1+

Book B ook B Band and

rred ed



Oxford Reading T Tree ree Stages 1+ to Stage 3

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

O RT SStage tage ORT



Class Pack of 36 T550A


Stage 4 A Mixed Pack of 6 T551A


Class Pack of 36 T552A


Stage 5 Mixed Pack of 6 T553A


Class Pack of 36 T554A


Stage 6 Mixed Pack of 6 T555A


Class Pack of 36 T556A


SStage tage 5


More M ore Stage Stage 4


Stage 4 Mixed Pack of 6 T549A

More M ore SStage tage 6



green gr een


SStage tage 4

Book B ook B Band and


Oxford Reading T Tree ree Stages 4 to Stage 6

Unlimited User Licence CD-ROM T558A £169.00

ORT O RT SStage tage 5 5-6 -6

Unlimited User Licence CD-ROM T557A £169.00

ORT O RT SStage tage 3 3-4 -4

ORT O RT SStage tage 1 1+ 1+-2

Interactive versions for phonics practice Unlimited User Licence CD-ROM T559A £169.00

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Initial Code Titles Unit 1

Unit 2

Sounds-Write Readers These colourfully illustrated books enable children to practise the skills they have learnt and gain fluency in reading, whilst enjoying the adventures of a range of characters with whom they become increasingly familiar as the series develops.

Tim, Tam and Sam

Is it Sam?



Pack of 6 £20.10

Pack of 6 £20.10

The series is written particularly to support phonics teaching and can be used by anyone teaching reading to children. It is based on the Sounds-Write programme, a quality-first phonics programme.

Initial Code Packs


Units 1-6


Pack contains one copy of the twelve titles in Units 1-6 T699A


a, i, m, s, t

Pack of 6 £20.10

n, o, p

Mixed Pack of 12 £40.20

Units 7-11 Pack contains one copy of the twelve titles in Units 7-11 T700A

Sit! Pack of 6 £20.10

Unit 7

Unit 8

Mixed Pack of 12 £46.00

Extended Code Packs

The bin men

Is it magic?



Pack of 6 £20.10

Pack of 6 £23.60

Units 2-20 Pack contains one copy of the twelve titles in Units 7-11 T701A

Mixed Pack of 12 £46.00

The mud pit




Pack of 6 £20.10

x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz


Pack of 6 £23.60

vcc, cvcc

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Unit 3

Unit 4

Sam's pip

The hens



Pack of 6 £20.10

Pack of 6 £20.10

Unit 5

Unit 6

Tom and Sam

Tim's pets



Pack of 6 £20.10

Pack of 6 £20.10

The can man

Meg's pet pig

Kim's big red cat

Jim is fed up





Pack of 6 £20.10

Pack of 6 £20.10

b, c, g, h

d, e, f, v

Unit 9

Unit 10

Pack of 6 £20.10

k, l, r, u

Pack of 6 £20.10

j, w, z

Unit 11

Unit 11

The frog pond

Grand Slam Cup

The Fish Dish

The song thrush





Pack of 6 £23.60

The Bratt twins

Best pals



Pack of 6 £23.60


Pack of 6 £23.60

Pack of 6 £23.60

ccvcc, cvccc

Pack of 6 £23.60

Pack of 6 £23.60

Chimp Chums

The Queen's Quill



Pack of 6 £23.60

Introduction of 'sh and 'ch' respectively

Pack of 6 £23.60

Introduction of 'th and 'qu' respectively

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Extended Code titles Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 5

Unit 6

The Fun Day

Billy's Easy Day

The Golden Glow

The Worst Day





Pack of 6 £23.60

'ae' Unit 7

Pack of 6 £23.60

Pack of 6 £23.60



Unit 8

Unit 10

Pack of 6 £23.60

'er' Unit 11

Playing Dead with Ted

The Greatest Show in Town

The Rules at School

A Fine Time at Playgroup





Pack of 6 £23.60


Pack of 6 £23.60


Unit 12

Pack of 6 £23.60 m'oo'n

Unit 14

Pack of 6 £23.60


Unit 19

Unit 20

The Fright by the Brook

The Sad Monkey

The Mystery of the Waterfall

The Scare on the Lake





Pack of 6 £23.60 b'oo'k


Pack of 6 £23.60


Pack of 6 £23.60


Pack of 6 £23.60


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers decodabl


a Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Books Illustrated books that deliver activities for teaching at Phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds programme. They provide simple Phase 3 levelled decodable sentences that build confidence through reading success. By using the synthetic phonics progression of Letters and Sounds, pupils can decode text and enjoy reading for meaning. P126A Pack of 5 £11.70


Ragtag Rhymes To become confident readers, children need to develop a love of books alongside the skills of reading. With Ragtag Rhymes, they’ll do both. These books combine appealing characters and playful rhyming text to create an engaging reading experience. Fully decodable at the end of Letters and Sounds Phase 2, each book focuses on one initial letter sound making them ideal for enjoyable reinforcement and guided reading.

b Set 1 Focusing on CVC words, these first six titles introduce the Nin, Ap-ap, Pim, Dat, Tit-tat-tip and Sid.


Each pack contains 6 books (one copy of each title) plus a Teacher’s Guide. P037A Pack of 6 books £18.20 Each class pack contains 36 books (six copies of each title) plus a Teacher’s Guide. P8141 Class Pack of 36 books £78.00

c Set 2 This second set of six titles introduce the Coppic, Gimmit, Oddom of Todd, Iss, Ruggit and the Kip Kid. The focus remains on the sounds and high frequency words from Phase 2 but two-syllable words are introduced. Each pack contains 6 books (one copy of each title) plus a Teacher’s Guide. P038A Pack of 6 books £18.20 Each class pack contains 36 books (six copies of each title) plus a Teacher’s Guide. P8151 Class Pack of 36 books £78.00 These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.


supplementary resources e readers decodabl

Series Advisor: Series Advisor: N ikki G amble Nikki Gamble Enchanting anting tales tales sshared hared ffor or g generations enerations ch now now e very cchild hild ccan an rread ead ffor or themselves! themselves! which every O

40 ffully ully decodable decodable stories stories from from a around round the the w world orld


Perfectly P erfectly m matched atched tto o LLetters etters and and Sounds Sounds


SStory tory m map ap iin ne every very b book ook to to support support children’s children’s storytelling storytelling a and nd w writing riting

Money Saving Saving Packs Traditional T raditional T Tales ales S Singles ingles P Pack ack t 4UBHFT BMM .JYFE 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT BMM .JYFE 1BDLT PG tt )BOECPPL )BOECPPL T3859 T 3859


Traditional T raditional Tales Tales S Super uper E Easy asy B Buy uy Pack Pack t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG )BOECPPL tt )BOECPPL T3867 T 3867


Traditional T raditional Tales Tales E Easy asy B Buy uy P Pack ack 1 Reception Reception t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG tt )BOECPPL )BOECPPL T3875 T 3875


Traditional T raditional Tales Tales E Easy asy B Buy uy P Pack ack 2 Y Year ear 1 t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG tt )BOECPPL )BOECPPL T3883 T 3883


Traditional T raditional Tales Tales E Easy asy B Buy uy P Pack ack 3 Year Year 2 t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG t 4UBHFT BMM $MBTT 1BDLT PG tt )BOECPPL )BOECPPL T3891 T 3891


Traditional T raditional T Tales ales H Handbook andbook * H≤ndb k

Series Advisor: Ni i G≤mble

S tage 1 Stage

* iincluded ncluded iin n tthe he money money saving saving packs packs T3905 T 3905


Stage 1+

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9


These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.

supplementary resources e readers

Phase 5

Phase 5

Phase 4

Phase 3

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

rred ed yellow blue gr een green orange turquoise tur quoise purple gold

1+ 1+

OR ORT Letters & Stage Sounds Phase


Book Band lilac


Stage 1 Mixed Pack of 4 T3913 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T3921

£12.40 £64.40

Stage 1+ Mixed Pack of 4 T3931 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T3948


Stage 2 Mixed Pack of 4 T3956 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T3964


Stage 3 Mixed Pack of 4 T3972 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T3980


Stage 4 Mixed Pack of 4 T3999 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4006


Stage 5 Mixed Pack of 4 T4014 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4022


Stage 6 Mixed Pack of 4 T4030 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4049 Stage 7 Mixed Pack of 4 T4057 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4065 Stage 8 Mixed Pack of 4 T4073 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4081 Stage 9 Mixed Pack of 4 T4091 Class Pack of 4 x 6 T4103

These separate sets of ‘decodable’ readers meet the relevant aspects of the core criteria, for schools whose main programmes would benefit from being supplemented in this way. Please note that although they could support any of the programmes, none of them is a programme in its own right. The mainstream schemes section also has sets of decodable readers.






£18.90 £100.70

£20.20 £115.00

£20.20 £115.00

£20.20 £115.00


phonics catch-up schemes phonics A fun, firm foundation in phonics Phonics Bug authors: Professor Rhona Johnston and Doctor Joyce Watson

Using Phonics Bug for catch-up

A great fit with other programmes

It is the detailed guidance in the Teaching and Assessment Guides combined with the sheer choice of practice materials that makes Phonics Bug suitable for catch-up. They can use it as a dip-in resource to help children over a particular hurdle, or use it with designated groups to support learning over longer periods. The variety of materials available (flashcards, online games, decodable readers and photocopiable sheets) means that teachers can select materials that suit different children’s learning styles to meet their needs most effectively.

Phonics Bug resources can be used for catch-up work alongside any programme that meets the core criteria. The Phonics Bug progression matches that of Letters and Sounds so that teachers can slot it in alongside their mainstream teaching easily. It supports those children who need extra time and extra materials to really secure their phonic knowledge and who may need extra practice in blending, to give them confidence and fluency.

Assessment and diagnostics Early detection is important, so the frequent Phonics Bug assessments help teachers see when children are struggling. Phonics Bug encourages teachers to use daily observation and also provides frequent assessments at key points of learning to help pinpoint children’s difficulties.

Quick guide Phonics Bug can be used as a catch-up programme as well as a ‘core’ programme. Because motivation is half the battle, Phonics Bug is designed to have maximum child-appeal, with CBeebies video, Alphablocks books, interactive eBooks and a virtual reward system all built in to give reluctant readers an extra boost. For the teacher and teaching assistant, guidance on how to help struggling children is an integral part of the Teaching and Assessment Guides, while the frequent Phonics Bug assessments facilitate early detection to ensure that no child falls behind.

Once children who struggle have been identified, guidance is provided via the Teaching and Assessment Guides for using the materials in Phonics Bug to help children quickly acquire and become secure in any phonic knowledge or skills they are missing.

To find out more about the Phonics Bug programme and our range of training and professional development options please turn to the mainstream programmes (pages 29-44) and training sections (pages 208-209) of this catalogue.


There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up schemes phonics ph Phonics International - a complete, synthetic phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting

Teach, learn, apply, revise, consolidate:

3 year multi-users’ licence for the complete online Phonics International programme including the ‘Early Years Starter Package’. Suitable for 4+, KS1 and KS2. N.B. Please provide your email address when ordering T6254

Multi-Users’ Licence £113.90

Audio-visual and kinaesthetic (VAK multi-sensory) resources: - extensive, comprehensive bank of downloadable core resources (pdfs) for the letter/s-sound correspondences of the simple and extended alphabetic code - print to required size and/or view on screen See pages 45 to 50 for further information • Phonics International is ideal for catch-up as it provides a vast, bank of systematic core resources for learning the letter/s-sound correspondences to automaticity (l/s as illustrated on the Alphabetic Code Charts on page 45). The programme has multiple ranges of word, sentence and text level cumulative, decodable resources for applying the three core skills of blending, segmenting and handwriting. The breadth and detail of the programme’s resources readily enable core VAK teaching, revision and over-learning for pupils who require catch-up for all ages from 4+. • Print or photocopy the resources you require in the sizes you choose to create flexible personalised sequences of activities for individuals’ and small groups’ catch-up. • Mark, celebrate, share, revise, note progress, track and inform other supporting adults via pupils’ clip folder collation of permanent, hard copy materials (include in school’s book bag routine) • MNEMONICS (aids to memory) - optional key pictures to prompt the sounds, key exemplar pictures and words for spelling alternatives - plus optional ‘actions’ for letter/s-sound correspondences of Units 1 to 5 in EARLY YEARS STARTER PACKAGE • A huge range of generic, cumulative words, sentences and text level resources available with no specific links to the PI mnemonic key pictures and words. Print shown on writing lines for many of these resources • Designed to work in partnerships with colleagues and parents as appropriate. • Free ALPHABETIC CODE CHARTS and VIDEO CLIPS of ‘Saying the Sounds’ (therefore readily accessible to parents) available on the Phonics International website at PLEASE NOTE: Examples shown on this page do not represent the complete range of resources for the letter/s-sound correspondence ‘-ng’.

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.


phonics catch-up schemes phonics One-to-one Phonics Tutoring Kit Get every child reading G

Practical and professional tutoring advice directly from Ruth Miskin Extensive professional development film clips of Ruth Miskin demonstrating, with a child, all the key strategies needed to successfully intervene with struggling children from 4–9 years old. Includes teaching of the pure sounds, sound-blending, high-frequency words, tricky words, comprehension and fluency. This easy trouble-shooting guide linked to clear steps for action ensures that children catch-up fast. Easy to use Everything you need is in the box. Using all the strategies of Read Write Inc., this kit is designed to be easy to pick up and go. The Teacher Handbook includes detailed lesson plans for oneto-one tuition,initial and on-going effective assessment, and progress tracking. Four lively Progress Books provide lots of practice in decoding sounds and words, matched to a child’s developing phonic knowledge. One-to-one Phonics Tutoring Kit T4146 £275.00

What’s in the Kit? One-to-one Phonics Tutoring

Progress B P Book k1

Progress Book 2

Progress Book 3

Pack of 5 T4189

Pack of 5 T4197

Pack of 5 T4200



Progress Books 1 to 4 Mixed Pack of 4 T4170


One-to-one Tutoring Cards: Green T4162


Progress Book 4 £6.00

Pack of 5 T4219 T


O One-to-one Phonics T Tutoring Professional D Development DVD a Handbook and T4154 T


Speed Sound Cards Set 1 Red Word Cards T2178

Speed Sound Cards Sets 2 & 3 T2070





Red Ditty Books Mixed Pack of 10 (1 copy of each title) For the sets of books, please see page 58 Set S 1–7 Storybooks; FFor the sets of books, please see pages 58 - 60 p


There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up schemes phonics ph

PHONICS Rapid Phonics is a unique phonics catchup programme catch-up designed for st truggling readers, struggling from Ye ear 1 an nd up. Year and

Written by renowned Written ren nowned education educational psychologist, Dr Marlynne Grant, and based on the trusted Sound Discovery method – a pedagogy that has been tried and tested for over eight years – it incorporates brilliant software for fun, snappy phonics lessons and 56 lively and age-appropriate fiction and non-fiction books and eBooks that are finely levelled and 100% decodable.

Professional Development Courses: Expert training and support in helping struggling learners catch up in phonics. See page 208 - 209 for further details.

Use in your classroom as soon as you spot difficulties in a child’s reading – no matter how small – and ensure that no child gets left behind.

/ / / , // 7, 7

1 1 " 9 " 9

/, 1-/, 1U

9 9 /


7, //

,-" ,


9 -"

7 - U 1-/,

< * < * /


/ 9 9 ,"7

3 3

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.


phonics catch-up schemes phonics H w Rapid How R id Phonic Phonics Ph ics work works k ks Teaching T eaching Guide

sat pin

Step p1 Alphabet Alpha abet Phonemes Phone emes

ceh rmd

ccvccvc vccvc

Step 2 Digraphs and Trigraphs

Teaching Guide

Teaching Guide

Step 3 Alternative spellings


sh ch

th ng








ear + ure

/i /

/ai /

/ee /

/er /

/or /

/oi /

/c /

/j /

/ch /

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up schemes phonics ph PHONICS

gou lfb

k qu x ck ff ff ll ss zz

jvw zy

ccvcc vcc cccvc cvc

ccvcc ccvcc



Pro Programme ogramme Handbook Ha andbook

ccccvc ccvc ccccvcc ccvcc








/ie /

/oa /

/ue /

/ar / Flashcards

/ou /

/ng+k /

/oo /

/oo /



/s /

/w /


/e /

/f /

Key = eBook version available

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.


phonics catch-up schemes phonics


There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up schemes phonics ph

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.


phonics catch-up schemes phonics


There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up schemes phonics ph a Quick Fix for Phonics Quick to teach and fast to act, Quick Fix for Phonics will support and motivate KS1 learners who require extra help. It's a structured systematic synthetic phonics programme that will make sure children are secure in blending phonemes, segmenting words and recognising grapheme/phoneme correspondences. Brisk daily practice lessons support those who have fallen off the pace of phonics learning, using multi-sensory games, activities and minibooks, with assessment guidance that helps identify areas for improvement. Quick Fix for Phonics is an ideal complement to any core phonics programme, and includes: • Progressive lesson plans for each phoneme • Photocopiable mini-books • Ideas for games • Alternative graphemes and high-frequency words. T715A Pack £46.00

There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.


phonics catch-up schemes phonics Sound Discovery author: Doctor Marlynne Grant

Quick guide Sound Discovery can be used as a catch-up programme as well as a ‘core’ programme. Key to its effectiveness as a catch-up programme is the phonic progression, which was chosen to be as simple, logical and memorable as possible, bearing in mind the needs of struggling learners. The Placement Tests enable quick and easy assessment and tracking of progress. The tests identify gaps and difficulties so that your catch-up support can be clearly focused.

Sound Discovery Using Sound Discovery for catch-up Sound Discovery provides extensive support from the earliest stages, with 69 detailed lesson plans covering alphabet sounds and 84 lesson plans covering basic vowel digraphs. This ensures that slow-to-start children can become secure with three- and four-phoneme words before the more complex digraphs are introduced.

Spotting any problems The Placement Tests make it easy to monitor progress and ensure that all children secure word recognition skills by the end of Key Stage 1, while the Snappy Lesson plans are designed for use as soon as the very first fall off of pace is assessed, enabling children to catch up as soon as possible.

Targeted catch-up There is a choice of lesson format to meet the needs of different learners. The Classic Snappy Lesson Plans introduce each new grapheme individually, whilst the Big Books of Snappy Lesson Plans help children to make choices between alternative graphemes. And when it comes to individual practice, there’s a decodable text or worksheet activity for every problem area. All Sound Discovery decodable texts match exactly the finely grained phonic progression, with vowel digraphs introduced individually to avoid overloading children with catch-up needs. Comprehension activities are provided at different levels, to embed learning and so that pupils can succeed independently.

The materials in Sound Discovery can be adapted to deliver individualised programmes to meet the needs of different learners at different stages of the phonics programme. Sounds are introduced one by one so it’s easy to go back and look again at any sound a child is struggling with. Meanwhile, the review lessons provide repetition and reinforcement.

To find out more about the Sound Discovery programme, please turn to the mainstream programmes section (pages 64-65) of this catalogue.


There are three programmes listed that are specific programmes for systematic synthetic phonics catch-up at Key Stage 1. Information is provided for each of the mainstream programmes that can also be used to support catch-up. Please note that, in these cases, the relevant products are the same as those listed under the mainstream programmes.

onics catch-up resources ph phonics supplementary a

a Synthetic Word Bars Phase 2 Slide the synthetic letter bars onto the plastic rods to build and decode words. 65 bars and 6 rods. P036A Pack £14.30


b Letters & Sounds Smart Chute Catch-up Kit Use the motivational power of the durable Smart Chute and Letters and Sounds Chute Cards to help those in need of extra help blending and segmenting. Say the missing sound or letters in a word and post the card into the included Smart Chute to see if you are correct. The kit provides 14 packs of practice cards that follow the teaching progression of Letters and Sounds Phases 2-5. Each phase contains packs for introducing, learning and securing phoneme knowledge and then a revision pack, so that the child can be assessed on knowledge of sounds within words and also their blending and segmenting skills. A separate pack of tricky words is also provided for Phase 3 onwards. The targeted nature of each individual Smart Chute Card means that children can focus on one task at a time and get instant gratification upon successful completion. The 700 individual Letters and Sounds card activities can also be revisited if further practice or reinforcement is required. See pages 98 and 100-102 for further information on the Phase Chute Cards included. P105A Phases 2-5 Kit £106.60

Intervention or catch-up resources Sounds-Write offers a range of materials that enable the classroom/special needs teacher to get each pupil working from the point required for optimum progress.

The materials include two CD-Roms. The first gives practice at the level of one letter-and two-letter spellings to a sound (these include <sh>, <ch>, <th> and so on); the second, containing over six hundred presentations, focuses on multiple ways of spelling sounds and polysyllabic words. There is also a Resources Box, containing more materials to promote blending, segmenting and phoneme manipulation activities.

The resources are well structured, multi-sensory and code-oriented. The teacher is therefore enabled to take pupils from the point at which their learning has stalled and move them forward, from simple to more complex, teaching all the required skills, code knowledge and conceptual understanding needed to become a proficient reader.

Assessment is formative (dynamic). It is easy to spot where pupils’ difficulties lie, because the trajectory of the Sounds-Write resources is incremental. This is how Sounds-Write facilitates intervention by the teacher. Sounds-Write’s decodable readers also promote the required skills, code knowledge and conceptual knowledge in the context of attractively illustrated, simple stories.

For details of Sounds-Write’s training courses and resources, please turn to the ‘Training’ (page 219), ‘Supplementary Resources’ (page 106) and 'Supplementary Decodable Readers' (pages 162-164) sections of this catalogue. These are resources that suppliers suggest are particularly appropriate for phonics catch-up. They will support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately. Please note that they do not constitute a phonics catch-up programme in themselves.


phonics catch-up resources phonics supplementary A systematic synthetic phonics catch-up resource - highly motivational, fun, effective, easy to use structured decodable card games - compatible with all programmes.

Trugs for Schools Structured progressive decodable card games to practise, reinforce and consolidate phonics complete with monitoring/assessing material to track pupil progress. Each box contains: • 490 cards making 20 systematic synthetic phonics multi-sensory decodable card games (4 games at each of the 5 stages) • 5 Systematic synthetic phonics Explanation Cards • 1 Decodable Story Booklet corresponding to phonics stages (photocopiable) • 1 Pupil Record Booklet to assess and track pupil progress (photocopiable) • 1 Systematic synthetic phonics Instruction Booklet • Suitable for groups and 1:1 sessions.

a Box 1 First Stages of Phonics Stages 1 cvc 2 cvcc 3 ccvcc 4 ‘ar’ ‘or’ ‘er’ 5 two syllable words. P1694 Box £59.80



b Box 2 Middle Stages of Phonics Stages 6 split digraph, 7 vowel digraphs and trigraphs, 8 alternative vowel digraphs, 9 two syllable words, 10 three syllable words. P1708 Box £59.80 c Box 3 Final Stages of Phonics Stages 11 ‘c’ as in /s/, 12 ‘g’ as in /j/ 13 consonant-le 14 four syllable words, 15 suffixes with ‘ti’ ‘ci’ ‘si’. P1716 Box £59.80 Trugs at Home Compatible with Trugs for schools but with a different range of words...doubles the breadth of phonics reinforcement! Each box contains: • 360 cards making 15 systematic synthetic phonics multi-sensory decodable card games (3 games at each of the 5 stages) • 5 Systematic synthetic phonics Explanation Cards • 1 Systematic synthetic phonics Instruction Leaflet.

d Box 1 First Stages of Phonics Stages 1 cvc 2 cvcc 3 ccvcc 4 ‘ar’ ‘or’ ‘er’ 5 two syllable words. P1724 Box £29.90 e


d e

Box 2 Middle Stages of Phonics Stages 6 split digraph, 7 vowel digraphs and trigraphs, 8 alternative vowel digraphs, 9 two syllable words, 10 three syllable words. P1732 Box £29.90

f Box 3 Final Stages of Phonics Stages 11 ‘c’ as in /s/, 12 ‘g’ as in /j/ 13 consonant-le 14 four syllable words, 15 suffixes with ‘ti’ ‘ci’ ‘si’. P1740 Box £29.90



These are resources that suppliers suggest are particularly appropriate for phonics catch-up. They will support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately. Please note that they do not constitute a phonics catch-up programme in themselves.

onics catch-up resources ph phonics supplementary

a Trugs Stage 0 Systematic synthetic phonics catch-up resource, suitable for use from the age of five, to practise, reinforce and consolidate Phase 2 Letters and Sounds s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/c/k/ck/e/u/r/h/b/f/ff/l/ll/ss/ progressing to vc and cvc words e.g. 'at' 'in' 'pit' 'sock' for oral blending and segmenting. The five decodable card games within this 72 card deck provide teachers with a resource to ensure a phonics first and fast approach. Includes instruction leaflet. P1686 Pack £9.10

Trugs Tricky Words Multi-sensory card games to practise, reinforce and consolidate high-frequency words. Suitable for use from the age of five, with the emphasis on a phonics first approach to decoding words. Each box contains: • 1 Systematic synthetic phonics Instruction Leaflet • 3 Multi-sensory card games.


b Tricky Words 1 66 words have been selected from the list of the 100 high-frequency words within Letters and Sounds, Appendix 1 page 193. P1759 Pack £9.10 c Tricky Words 2 66 words have been selected from the list of the 200 high-frequency words within Letters and Sounds Appendix 1 page 195. P1767 Pack £9.10



These are resources that suppliers suggest are particularly appropriate for phonics catch-up. They will support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately. Please note that they do not constitute a phonics catch-up programme in themselves.


phonics catch-up resources phonics supplementary by White Space

Phonicshark A computer program to teach synthetic phonics • Can be used as a teaching and a catch-up resource; one to one, or with groups on an interactive whiteboard. Is ideal for increasing motivation • Systematically follows ‘Letters and Sounds’ in an easy-to-use week by week format and can be accessed at any point according to children’s needs. It progresses from single sounds through to complex phonic knowledge and skills • Provides a separate short course offering a choice of order in which phonemes are learnt and so can be tailored for use with schemes other than ‘Letters and Sounds’ • Is truly multisensory - all aspects of segmenting and blending are covered in specific games to support and target these activities • Uses real voices which have been recorded rather than computer generated speech • Follows the format and includes many of the games used in Wordshark whilst focusing purely on synthetic phonics • Keeps records and provides tests throughout • Enables work to be set to meet individual needs Supplied with a booklet of advice on using Phonicshark to teach synthetic phonics, together with a printed manual for the program.

Single User Licence (Contents include CD/USB storage device, + Phonics Booklet + manual) T6149 Box £49.70 Network licence for 15 concurrent users (Contents include: Installation disc + Phonics Booklet + 2 Manuals + Licence Certificate) T6157 Box £395.60 Network licence for 30 concurrent users (Contents include: Installation disc + Phonics Booklet + 2 Manuals + Licence Certificate) T6165 Box £671.60

Prices are a single one off charge.


These are resources that suppliers suggest are particularly appropriate for phonics catch-up. They will support systematic synthetic phonics if used appropriately. Please note that they do not constitute a phonics catch-up programme in themselves.

Training pages v2 amalgamated layouts copy



Page 183

training All the suppliers of training below have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Please note that training will be subject to quality assurance and monitoring by the DfE.

Cambridge Education Ltd

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education

CfBT Education Trust

Cornwall Learning

CPD College

Dandelion Learning Ltd

Debbie Hepplewhite

Eileen Swan Associates Ltd

Global Education Services Ltd

Hertfordshire County Council

Jolly Learning Ltd

Kirklees Traded Learning Service

Lancashire CCI – Learning Excellence

Lesley Clarke*

One Education Ltd

Osiris Educational Ltd

Pearson Education Ltd

Rising Stars UK Ltd

Yorkshire & Humberside

BC Education Ltd

West Midlands

South West England

South East England

Babcock LDP (formerly Devon Learning and Development Partnership)

North West England

North East England


Anne Harvey Literacy

East of England

East Midlands

Ann Foster

Phonics catch-up

Name of Training Provider


The following organisations have been appointed onto the framework agreement, for the services and regions indicated by ‘■’. Schools should satisfy themselves that the training selected is appropriate to meet their needs.

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

Ruth Miskin Training

Shropshire Council

Solihull MBC

Sounds Together

Sounds-Write Ltd

Teach to Read

Victoria Marshall Educational Consultant

Which Phonics

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

*Only parts of regions covered where specified



Ann Foster

Mainstream training




(2-DAY COURSE, not necessarily on successive days)

TELEPHONE: 01661 833764

DAY 1 - 9.00am – 3.30pm • Developing pre-phonic skills including phonological awareness • Teaching the 5 elements of synthetic phonics • Assessment of phoneme/grapheme knowledge for both reading & writing • Games & Activities to teach and develop the 5 elements using a vak* approach to maximise children’s engagement and learning

DAY 2 - 9.00am – 3.30pm • Developing & supporting early writing from grapheme to text level with synthetic phonics, including assessment of segmenting skills • Developing & supporting early reading, including assessment of blending skills, teaching children how to read multisyllabic words and advice on reading schemes • Suggestions for independent and adult-led work to develop reading and writing at grapheme and word level using a vak* approach • Ideas and activities for teaching the long vowel alternative graphemes *visual, auditory, kinaesthetic.

FAX: 01661 830826 EMAIL: WEBSITE

Course ref: EPC – C 2-DAY CENTRE-BASED TRAINING: (usually in an hotel) £260 per person (20% discount for schools sending 4 or more staff)

Course ref: EPC – S 2-DAY SCHOOL-BASED TRAINING: 10 (min) –15 delegates: £150 per person 16-20 delegates: £125 per person 21-40 (max) delegates: £100 per person

CENTRE-BASED TRAINING includes: lunch, A4 course file and CD rom of resources (This is usually in an hotel) SCHOOL-BASED TRAINING includes: A4 course file & CD rom of resources, school to provide lunch.

Associated teaching resources Major synthetic phonics programmes, e.g. Letters & Sounds, Jolly Phonics

Courses only available in the following regions:

East Midlands, North East England, North West England, West Midlands and Yorkshire & Humber.

This Effective Phonics course, is the culmination of over 10 years experience in delivering phonics training to staff at both centre-based and school-based courses. The course, which blends theory and practice, has been extremely well received by attendees, from recently-qualified staff to experienced practitioners and senior managers. It aims to raise achievement in reading and writing through the use of synthetic phonics offering a mix of pedagogy and practical activities, so participants better understand why particular approaches work. The activities are simple and varied, making learning more enjoyable and motivating for teachers and children, and promoting an effective and progressive journey to independent reading and writing.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Anne Harvey Literacy


Mainstream training PHONICS: Subject knowledge and effective practice AUDIENCE: Teachers and teaching assistants FS, KS1, KS2 This generic training will address key subject knowledge to ensure an understanding and implementation of effective phonics teaching. Delegates will be taken through the development of phonological awareness, knowledge of the alphabetic code and the skills of blending and segmenting. There will be modelling and discussion of each stage from phase 1 to phase 6. This will cover both the discrete phonics session and the application of phonics across the literacy curriculum. Current research and DFE guidance will be highlighted. The exact content of the course will be agreed at the time of booking to ensure that it matches the particular needs of the school.


TELEPHONE: 01984 641570



Associated teaching resources: Letters And Sounds will be used as core reference Courses available in the following region:

1 DAY TRAINING – 6 HOURS DELIVERY (Can be delivered as 2 half days)

South West England

Course to be held on client’s site with client providing all refreshments and lunch. Resource material will be provided for reference on the day and will be available to take away in electronic format. Course ref: AHDAY Group Rates: £450 (for max 35 delegates from the same school at your venue).

“I can highly recommend Anne’s training. Informative and engaging – she inspired both teachers and teaching assistants. Her training has moved the teaching of phonics forward across the whole school and is already having an impact on children’s progress.”

Duncan Gordon: Headteacher St John’s Primary School, Wellington

“Very inspirational and interactive” Alice Samuel: HLTA St Bartholomew’s C of E First School, Crewkerne

“The buzz after the session was tangible. The following day you could hear songs and rhymes going on all over the school as staff tried out new activities and approaches. A really inspiring practical session building on the subject knowledge that had been so clearly explained and developed in the first part of the training programme. Thank you.” Gemma Coward: Deputy Headteacher St Bartholomew’s C of E First School, Crewkerne

“I loved the delivery. I feel inspired.” Lorna Adams: Teaching Assistant St Bartholomew’s C of E First School, Crewkerne

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Mainstream training INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF SYSTEMATIC, SYNTHETIC PHONICS AND ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’ 1 DAY COURSE Course will typically take place from 09.30 -15.30 Maximum: 30 / Minimum: 5 delegates

Course ref: LDP-2A – at client site Delegate Rate: £110 each Group Rate: £90 (6 - 10), £70 (11 - 15), £50 (16 - 30), (max 30 teachers) Course ref: LDP-2B – at LDP venue Lunch and refreshments included Minimum of 10 delegates Delegate Rate: £125

This course can be delivered over half days or twilights, to the equivalent of 5 hours (The length of our day without a lunch break).

Babcock LDP (formerly Devon





1 DAY COURSE Course will typically take place from 09.30 -15.30 Maximum: 30 / Minimum: 5 delegates

Course ref: LDP-4A – at client site Delegate Rate: £110 each Group Rate: £90 (6 - 10), £70 (11 - 15), £50 (16 - 30), (max 30 teachers)


TELEPHONE: 01392 386549 FAX: 01392 38 5216 EMAIL:


Course ref: LDP-4B – at LDP venue Lunch and refreshments included Minimum of 10 delegates Delegate Rate: £125

This course can be delivered over half days or twilights, to the equivalent of 5 hours (The length of our day without a lunch break). At the Client’s venue the client will be responsible for venue and refreshment costs.

Courses available in the following region:

South West England Associated teaching resources: Letters & Sounds

Babcock Learning and Development Partnership training in systematic synthetic phonics covers the subject knowledge necessary for delivering Letters and Sounds. It focuses on the progression within the programme, ways of ensuring the engagement of all children and assessment. The training sessions include the following key elements: • Subject knowledge: knowledge of the alphabetic code, correct articulation of phonemes, common misconceptions. Introduces blending and segmenting as the key skills to develop. • Progression: a detailed overview of progression within Letters and Sounds. • Daily teaching session: the structure of a lesson together with guidance on appropriate activities and approaches to engage children in multi sensory learning. • Planning and assessment: strategies for planning effectively including for mixed ages. Assessment guidance and materials introduced.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


BC Education Ltd


Mainstream training

Phonics catch-up training




synthetic phonics subject knowledge and effective phonics teaching

synthetic phonics catch-up programme


AUDIENCE: Subject Leaders, KS1 teachers and teaching assistants. This course will provide: • subject knowledge including the Simple View of Reading, the alphabetic code, phonics terminology, the skills of blending and segmenting • an understanding of progression in phonics • the skills to plan and teach engaging and multi-sensory lessons • assessment strategies to support pace and progression focusing on Phases 2-5 • an exploration of multi-sensory activities, games and resources to promote an interactive approach to teaching and learning phonics. • an understanding of how high quality phonics provision plays a vital role within a rich literacy curriculum.

1-DAY CENTRE BASED TRAINING Course ref: BCEDMC £140 (single delegate) then £110 per delegate from same school. One day centre based training includes A4 course file, a CD of resources, refreshments and a buffet lunch.

1-DAY SCHOOL BASED TRAINING Course ref: BCEDMS £500 (for max. 25 delegates) 2 x 2 HOUR SCHOOL BASED TWILIGHT SESSIONS Same content as 1 day school based training but delivered over two sessions with school based gap tasks between sessions.

Course ref: BCEDMT £400 (for max. 25 delegates) One day and twilight school-based training includes A4 course file, CD of resources, school to provide refreshments.

BESPOKE FOLLOW UP CONSULTANCY SUPPORT Available to clients that have completed the 1 day (or equivalent) training. Our experienced team will also provide school based consultancy to support teachers and senior leaders with the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Letters and Sounds.

Course ref: BCEDMA Daily Rate: £450 Half Day £300

AUDIENCE: Subject Leaders, KS1 teachers and teaching assistants who are working with children falling behind in phonics. This course will provide: • an understanding of how and why children fall behind in phonics • subject knowledge as provided in mainstream training but with the focus on the specific skills needed to catch up • an understanding of progression in phonics and how to achieve accelerated progress • the skills to plan and teach engaging lessons for children who particularly need multi-sensory lessons to make progress • assessment strategies to support pace and progression focusing on Phases 2-5 • an exploration of multi-sensory activities, games and resources to support an effective catch-up programme • an understanding of how high quality phonics provision plays a vital role in accelerating learning for children falling behind in literacy.



TELEPHONE: 07595 421642 07724 558282 EMAIL: WEBSITE

Opening the door to learning

1-DAY CENTRE BASED TRAINING Course ref: BCEDCC £140 (single delegate) then £110 per delegate from same school. One day centre based training includes A4 course file, CD of resources, refreshments and a buffet lunch.

1-DAY SCHOOL BASED TRAINING Course ref: BCEDCS £500 (for max. 25 delegates) One day school based training includes A4 course file, CD of resources, school to provide refreshments.

Courses available in the following region:

North West England

Associated teaching resources Major synthetic phonics programmes, e.g. Letters & Sounds, Jolly Phonics

Debs Bragard and Jane Creed have been delivering high quality training courses since 2005. We have high levels of customer satisfaction and excellent feedback, including comments such as the following:

“The training courses have all been relevant, practical and excellent value for money. Our teachers have been inspired and there has been an immediate impact in the classroom.” T. Higgins, Head Teacher, Mottram Primary (2012)

“We have always found the training to be first class – it does exactly what it says on the tin!” M. Hyde, Head Teacher, All Saints, Glossop (2012)

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Cambridge Education Ltd CAMBRIDGE EDUCATION LTD

Mainstream training ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’: SYNTHETIC PHONICS PROGRAMME 1 DAY TRAINING COURSE TARGET AUDIENCE: • Early Years, Y1, Y2 teachers • Teaching assistants • Subject and/or Phase Leaders for Early Years and KS1

•Full preparation & delivery, all materials including the Letters and Sounds scheme.


•At our venue the delegate rate also includes refreshments.

TELEPHONE: 01223 463 757


FAX: 01223 578 501

Course ref: SISPRIM28 COURSE OUTLINE: This course increases practitioners’ understanding of and confidence to support children’s development of phonological awareness and phonics. The training includes detailed coverage of the progression through the 6 phonics phases outlined in the Letters and Sounds Programme. It supports practitioners to use materials and resources as part of the programme and offers practitioners an effective model for teaching, planning and assessment (including additional exemplification at phase 5).



Price on Application Illustrative prices: £135 per delegate (for 20 delegates) £115 per delegate (for 30 delegates)

DELEGATE COURSE: £195 per person

Associated teaching resources: Letters and Sounds reading system

Courses available in all regions

LETTERS AND SOUNDS TRAINING: A synthetic phonics programme This training is suitable for practitioners in Early Years, Key Stage One, phase and subject leaders. The day is structured to ensure participants move through the programme in a logical order. Our trainers use best practice in adult learning techniques, including direct delivery and opportunities for collaboration, participation and reflection.

The training day covers:

What participants will learn

• Rationale including ‘The Simple View of Reading’

The training relates specifically to the Letters and Sounds programme for phonics teaching.

• Phonics terminology, clarification about the alphabetic code and the 44 phonemes and grapheme representations • The phonic skills of segmenting to spell and blending to read • The Letters and Sounds Programme including pace, progression and assessment for phases 1-6 • Exploration of activities, games and resources to support learning at each phase.

Participants will: • secure their subject knowledge and understanding of phonics to deliver high quality phonics teaching • develop a clear understanding about pace, progression and strategies used within the Letters and Sounds Programme • be clear about principles and effective practice for planning, teaching and assessing pupil progress.

What resources will you receive on this course? • Examples of related resources to support children’s application of phonics into reading and spelling • Exemplar schemes of work for Phase 5 teaching. All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Centre for Literacy


in Primary Education (CLPE) Mainstream training

1 DAY COURSE 9:30 - 4:00


VENUES: Client Site Course ref: CLPE 1 day course

These courses are for schools who wish to train their staff in phonics and early reading. The course seeks to strengthen the subject knowledge and pedagogy around synthetic phonics and early reading. The training gives schools practical support in delivering a high quality, systematic, synthetic phonics programme.

Group Rates: Up to 40 delegates

It includes a host of creative and practical ways for schools to teach synthetic phonics through discrete daily sessions following the pace and progression outlined in Letters and Sounds. In addition it highlights the role of synthetic phonics within a rich literacy curriculum, drawing on effective teaching approaches and provision which support children learning to read and developing a love of books.

‘Probably the best and most worthwhile course I have ever attended in 20 years of teaching’


(Includes 10 take away resource packs)

Over 40 delegates




(Includes 15 take away resource packs)

020 7401 3382/3

Travel and accommodation to be added where necessary.

FAX: 020 7928 4624 .


2 DAY COURSE 9:30 - 4:00 (2 whole days with 2 week break to allow for gap tasks and reflections within school)

WEBSITE: Reg Charity No 1092698

VENUES: At CLPE or Client Site Course ref: CLPE 2 day course Individual Rate: £300 at CLPE – Lunch included Group Rates: 5 - 10 delegates 11 - 20 delegates 21 - 40 delegates

£1900 £2500 £3000

at Client site – Lunch not included (Travel and accommodation to be added where necessary) at CLPE – Lunch included

Literacy Co-ordinator Wandsworth

Associated training resources: Take away resource pack including: CD rom containing • Creative and practical ideas and activities to use in the classroom • Collection of rhymes and songs to share and enjoy

Why choose CLPE?

• Phonics activities that link to quality children’s literature to inspire young readers

• We are an independent charity committed to providing a range of high quality reading experiences and resources to support children’s literacy learning

• Planning, tracking and assessment formats and lists of high frequency words

• We have a long established reputation, nationally and internationally, in delivering professional, development with lasting impact on both teaching and learning

A pack of children’s books for the classroom Percussion, rhythm and song resources

• 40 years experience of evidence-based classroom research and development in literacy • A team of highly experienced teacher trainers.

Courses available in all regions

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.




Mainstream training

Phonics catch-up training



A whole school approach to systematic and synthetic phonics using Letters and Sounds

Phonics intervention: A three tiered approach


Although the main training relates specifically to Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics, the intervention element of the programme enables the pedagogy and practice to be adapted to any high-quality systematic synthetic phonics programme. The intervention/catch-up programme is offered as a three tiered approach. The first tier supports children in Y1 who did not achieve Phonic Phase 3 at the end of YR and are struggling with phase 4. The second tier is a one to one intervention supporting children who are falling behind between Phases 2 and 5 at any point in KS1. The third tier supports children who require a more intensive programme to reach age related expectations by the end of KS1


This is a bespoke training programme tailored to meet your school’s precise needs, with the aim of strengthening phonics, early language and literacy development, by supporting improvements in learning and teaching throughout key stage 1 The core of the training will focus on subject knowledge, pace and progression in the teaching of phonics, planning lessons using multisensory approaches, the application of phonics into reading and writing, and making secure phase judgements through accurate pupil assessment. Schools will also have the choice of the following module options to further enhance the quality of their phonics provision: Module options are from the menu below: • Assistance with a needs analysis audit • Completion of the analysis of your phonics based data • Support to secure judgements on the quality of phonics teaching • Support to develop a whole school approach of phonics into spelling • Support for the use of talk to enhance learning • Support to model phonics teaching in identified cohorts • Support in Lesson Study/in-class coaching and mentoring in TELL • Support to establish collaborative planning in TELL

Course ref: CFBTTELL Daily rate: Bespoke training: 1 delegate £175 3 to 6 delegates £525 More than 6 delegates £750 Course delivery: The core training can be delivered as a whole or over 2 half day or two twilight sessions and supplemented with the module options.

SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS DAY COURSE SUITE: 1 Synthetic Phonics: Developing effective strategies for early literacy – exploring the phases, pedagogies and progression through Letters and Sounds 2 The role of the lead teacher for phonics in schools – supporting leaders to develop their role in raising standards in the learning of early literacy 3 Developing strategies to secure phase 5 by the end of year 1 – ensuring age related expectations are met and success in the year 1 phonics screening check are met

Course ref: CFBTDM Daily rate: Bespoke training: 1 delegate £175 3 to 6 delegates £525 More than 6 delegates £750

TELEPHONE: 01522 553245 FAX: 01522 553311 EMAIL: or WEBSITE:

Course ref: CFBTCU Course Delivery: Each tier – 1 day duration £175 Bespoke training: up to 6 delegates £525 More than 6 delegates £750 (max 10) The training can be delivered as a whole or over 2 half day or two twilight sessions.

Associated teaching resources Letters and Sounds and associated decodable texts CfBT have many years providing training against strict performance indicators and measures. In the East Midlands, this achieves a figure of 100% satisfactory with 97% “good” or better.

“This project has totally equipped our children with the independence and confidence to read and begin to write. Standards improved significantly” Ricky Danks Lead Teacher Boston St Nicholas C of E primary School

Outcomes for teachers would comprise a strong underpinning knowledge of phonic phase progression and delivery through the daily teaching sequence and the application to wider classroom context to improve literacy skills. Outcomes for pupils would comprise a secure knowledge of the alphabetic code and confidence in applying learnt skills into reading and spelling. Progress would be measured against expected standards in their phonetic knowledge by the end of year 1.

Courses available in all regions Our training is centred around the Letters and Sounds approach and emphasises the key features central to establishing pace and progression within the teaching of reading under-pinned by the use of synthetic phonics as the first and default approach to decoding unfamiliar words. A variety of engaging and stimulating multisensory activities are provided in the training for use within the daily discrete phonics sessions and beyond to support practice and application into reading and writing. The training covers how to use the resources judiciously so that teaching remains tightly focused on the learning goals. There are two routes through this programme. 1 A bespoke programme of whole-school support delivered within a school or a collaborative pairing or small group of schools 2 Central training available regionally or via school networks or clusters

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Cornwall Learning Mainstream training

Mainstream training





AUDIENCE: for NQTs, new to KS1 or YR (whole day)

AUDIENCE: for experienced KS1 teachers (whole day)

This course addresses subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for teachers. The course aims to familiarise delegates with: • the English phonological code including correct articulation of the 44 phonemes

The course covers: • Planning for and delivery of an effective daily phonics lesson to enable progression (the four- part teaching sequence)


• the reversible processes of blending phonemes for reading and segmenting them for writing and spelling the systematic synthetic phonics programme Letters and Sounds and equip delegates to: – plan and deliver engaging, interactive discrete daily phonics sessions using the four- part teaching sequence

TELEPHONE: 01872 326 369

• Maintaining progression in phonics from pre-school to the end of KS1


• Tracking progress and planning early intervention for those falling behind


• Providing prompt frequent and meaningful opportunities for children to apply their growing phonic knowledge in meaningful contexts in reading and writing

01872 322 826


• Assessing children’s progress

– have high expectations of children, ensuring they can achieve national expected end of year outcomes

• Identifying children at risk of not reaching national end of year expected outcomes

– do their part to ensure fidelity to the programme and consistency of terminology and expectations within their setting

• Making the most of the new phonics screening check

– provide prompt frequent and meaningful opportunities for children to apply their growing phonic knowledge in meaningful contexts in reading and writing


Course ref CL2 Courses available in

South West England Training options

– assess children’s progress

£550 for up to 25 delegates in-house or £1100 for 26-50 delegates (venue and catering provided by the customer)

– identify children at risk of not reaching national end of year expected outcomes

If we provide the venue then the cost per delegate is £150 (15 delegates minimum

Associated teaching resources: Letters and Sounds; Giant Phonics for all courses.

Course ref: CL1

Why choose Cornwall Learning for your phonics training? Our expert phonics trainers are: • Ofsted inspectors • Excellent FS and KS1 practitioners • ASTs with literacy specialism • Y1 phonics screening check monitoring team members • Authors of literacy materials including supplementary phonics resource ‘Giant Phonics’ • Experienced advisers and consultants in delivering phonics training for Foundation degree students, initial teacher training, NQTs, support staff and teachers. We have a track record of raising standards in early literacy through school support and CLLD Programme delivery. Cornwall Learning is passionate about education, recruiting only the most innovative and experienced phonics trainers, all identified by Ofsted as outstanding classroom teachers.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Cornwall Learning

Mainstream training

Catch-up training




including phonics check and outdoor phonics (whole day)


for children who have not achieved the standard required in the Y1 phonics check and outdoor phonics (whole day) Y1 and Y2 practitioners

This course covers: • Planning for and delivery of an effective daily phonics lesson to enable progression (the four- part teaching sequence) • Teaching strategies for ‘best bet’ spelling choices • Teaching code overlaps (same phoneme represented by different graphemes / same grapheme representing different phonemes) • Maintaining progression in phonics within Y1


TELEPHONE: 01872 326 369

• Adapting the existing programme and materials to address the learning needs of these children


• Implementing intervention strategies to accelerate learning and close the gap for these children

01872 322 826


• Assessing children’s progress

• Tracking progress and planning early intervention for those falling behind • Ensuring opportunities for application of newly acquired skills in a literacyrich environment (reading and writing) • Ensuring children are able to demonstrate their phonic knowledge • Making the best use of the data generated by the screening check to enhance future grouping, planning and delivery

This course covers: • Identification and grouping of children who are at risk of falling or have already fallen behind age expected outcomes


• Providing prompt frequent and meaningful opportunities for children to apply their growing phonic knowledge in meaningful contexts in reading and writing • Phonics outside: bigger messier, riskier, using the outdoor environment to learn, practice and apply new skills Courses available in

Course ref: CL5

South West England

Course ref: CL3

Autumn Courses in Cornwall

Associated teaching resources: Letters and Sounds; Giant Phonics for all courses.

Contact us if you would like a course in your area. Code CL1


Venue Sands Resort Hotel

Date Wednesday 26 September 2012 09:00 - 16:00



Sands Resort Hotel

Wednesday 3 October 2012 09:00 - 16:00



Sands Resort Hotel

Thursday 11 October 2012 09:00 - 16:00



Sands Resort Hotel

Thursday 25 October 2012 09:00 - 16:00

Training options: £550 for up to 25 delegates in-house or £1100 for 26-50 delegates (venue and catering provided by the customer) If we provide the venue then the cost per delegate is £150 (15 delegates minimum)

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


CPD College Mainstream training JOLLY PHONICS ONLINE TRAINING This is a 20 hour online training course that gives teachers the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach the Jolly Phonics programme. On successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate from Jolly Learning.

Course ref: JPHUK Delegate Rates: £89 (Contact us for large group enquiries)


Why take this online training course?


IT’S ENGAGING - This is a multimedia presentation incorporating text, audio and video elements. Teachers can read the extensive course notes, listen to the songs, copy the actions, watch Sue Lloyd deliver sample lessons, explore the reading library and engage with the course tutors. IT’S INTERACTIVE - Teachers can communicate with each other within the discussion forums; sharing experiences & best practices, raising issues, seeking advice, discussing finer points etc. The discussion forums contain a dynamic that teachers love. IT’S PERSONAL, REFLECTIVE & INTENSIVE - Teachers can systematically engage with the 20 hours of content which is spread over five modules and take time considering it, reflecting upon it and truly internalising it. IT’S SUPPORTED BY TUTORS - This online course is facilitated by experienced teachers who are practiced experts in all aspects of Jolly Phonics. IT’S GREAT VALUE - Just £44.50 per teacher with matched funding, allowing schools to upskill all teachers. IT’S EASY TO ACCESS - Anytime / anywhere – teachers complete the course in their own time, online from the comfort of their own home or classroom.

Courses available in all regions – this is an online training course Associated teaching resources: Relevant resources downloadable within course

“This training course educates teachers in the synthetic phonics approach and enables them to bring a transformational change to the teaching of reading in their schools.” Maria Collins, Head Teacher All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Mainstream training PHONICS FIRST: SYNTHETIC PHONICS TRAINING 1 Day Training Course TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers and Teaching Assistants FS, KS1 and KS2 COURSE OUTLINE: This course will explore how systematic synthetic phonics can unlock early reading and writing. The training will focus on the use of multi-sensory approaches to teaching and learning through the consistent and rigorous use of Letters and Sounds. We will examine progression through the Phases and teacher subject knowledge as well as drawing on examples of best practice from successful schools. There will be ideas for practical application both indoors and out with opportunities for teachers and Teaching Assistants to play! The training also includes exploration of effective techniques for assessing phonics. This course is also available as a bespoke package in the form of whole school or cluster training. Pet Morgan and Tre Christopher deliver high quality Literacy training and support for schools. Together they have a combined experience in Primary Education of more than 30 years. Having worked with many schools through project development groups, training events and bespoke consultancy, their training is engaging, interactive and highly regarded.


Courses available in all of the regions including: Newquay, Cornwall: Monday 17th September 2012


Glendorgal Hotel, Newquay, Cornwall TR7 3AD

Thistle City Barbican, London EC1V 8DS


Greater London: Tuesday 25th September 2012

TELEPHONE: 07792349188 OR 07779337450

Central London: Monday 24th September 2012

Thistle London Heathrow, West Drayton UB7 0EQ

Bristol: Thursday 27th September 2012


Engineers’ House, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB


Exeter: Friday 28th September 2012 Thistle The Rougemont Hotel, Exeter EX4 3SP

Manchester: Monday 15th October 2012 Thistle The Portman Hotel, Manchester M1 6DP

Birmingham: Tuesday 16th October 2012 Thistle Birmingham City, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6HY

Oxford: Thursday 18th October 2012 Hawkwell House Hotel, Iffley Village, Oxford OX4 4DZ

Reading: Friday 19th October 2012 Millenium Madejski Hotel, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0FL

Course ref: DLPH007 Rates for training Timings: 9.00am – 3.30pm Delegate Day Rate (Price includes lunch)

Teacher: £149 Additional delegate: £99 Teaching Assistant: £69 Whole School training: (plus expenses if outside Cornwall)

INSET: £975 TWILIGHT: £600 – 2 sessions Please note – In order to be eligible for match-funding, two twilight training sessions must be booked to ensure that the training received is equivalent to our full day course ‘Phonics First’. The cost of two twilight sessions is £600.

Courses available in all regions

Associated teaching resources: Letters and Sounds

“Inspiring! Clear and concise explanations with excellent examples of practical application.” Colin Davies: Year 2 teacher The Beacon Infant and Nursery School, Bodmin All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Debbie Hepplewhite


Synthetic Phonics Training (Phonics International Ltd) Mainstream training

Mainstream training



Phonics International Limited working in association with Oxford University Press Phonics subject knowledge: • Letter/s-sound correspondences of the alphabetic code and the three core skills (plus associated sub-skills) of blending, segmenting, handwriting: skills’ routines • Three complexities/concepts of the English alphabetic code • Roles of The Alphabet & The Alphabetic Code Chart • Mnemonics: key pictures/words for prompting sounds and exemplar pictures/words for spelling alternatives • Simple View of Reading Model and Hepplewhite’s Two Stage Teaching Model - discrete phonics teaching within the wider curriculum and guidance for individual, group and class practices • Consistency and continuity • Identifying and addressing children’s needs • Clip-folders and the book-bag routine • Systematic along with incidental phonics teaching and catch-up provision Practical application: Related to the Oxford Reading Tree: Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters programme. ‘Whole day’ training is delivered in one morning and one afternoon session of approximately 3 hours each, held at the client site. PowerPoint slides/Training Notes will be available to take away. No meals supplied by the training provider.

WHOLE DAY TRAINING Course ref: WDWSFP £895 (whole school) WDSDFP £150 (single delegate) at our site WDGRFP £110 (3+ delegates) at our site.

Focused synthetic phonics teaching and its integration with wider reading, spelling and writing Phonics subject knowledge: Same as Floppy’s Phonics


TELEPHONE: 01635 800033

FAX: Practical application: Related to the Phonics International programme. • Advantages of the VAK resources - focused, progressive, permanently visible, engage each child and inform parents • Teacher-led and pupil-practice two-session structure and delivery • Multi-sensory activity sheets and cumulative texts: management, differentiation, assessment, catch-up, working in partnership • Using additional resources as appropriate for specific sub-skills’ and skills’ learning and for catch-up purposes • Spelling and comprehension programme – spelling mnemonic stories and building up spelling word banks PowerPoint slides/Training Notes will be available to take away. No meals supplied by the training provider.

WHOLE DAY TRAINING Course ref: WDWSP1 £895 (whole school) WDSDP1 £150 (single delegate) at our site WDGRP1 £110 (3+ delegates) at our site.

DOUBLE TWILIGHT TRAINING Same content as above but delivered in two convenient consecutive ‘twilight’ sessions. Sessions run for 2½ hrs each and are held at the client site. Course ref: DTWSPI £925

DOUBLE TWILIGHT TRAINING Same content as above but delivered in two convenient consecutive ‘twilight’ sessions. Sessions run for 2½ hrs each and are held at the client site. Course ref: DTWSFP £925


Courses available in all regions

0871 661 8606



Associated teaching resources: Oxford University Press – Oxford Reading Tree, Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters. Debbie Hepplewhite’s Phonics International Online Synthetic Phonics Programme (Product Reference PIMU3) See pages 7-17 for Floppy’s Phonics mainstream products and pages 45-50 and 169 for Phonics International mainstream and catch-up products

Follow-up Advisory Visits to Schools We liaise with the lead person about the perceived needs of the school. A follow-up visit to observe and discuss the work of the school enables us to provide a consultancy service appropriate to the school’s requirements. Where requested, we can provide after-school feedback direct to the whole school staff or selected members. Course ref: WDWSFU £925

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Debbie Hepplewhite Synthetic Phonics Training (Phonics International Ltd)

Phonics catch-up training


SYNTHETIC PHONICS TRAINING FOR CATCH-UP Addressing intervention - Focused synthetic phonics teaching and its integration with wider reading, spelling and writing

This is a fixed rate for all associated programmes, ‘catch-up’ and ‘follow-up’ training.

Phonics subject knowledge: • Letter/s-sound correspondences of the alphabetic code and the three core skills (plus associated sub-skills) of blending, segmenting, handwriting: skills’ routines • Three complexities/concepts of the English alphabetic code • Roles of The Alphabet & The Alphabetic Code Chart • Mnemonics: key pictures/words for prompting sounds and exemplar pictures/words for spelling alternatives • Simple View of Reading Model and Hepplewhite’s Two Stage Teaching Model - discrete phonics teaching within the wider curriculum and guidance for individual, group and class practices • Consistency and continuity • Identifying and addressing children’s needs • Clip-folders and the book-bag routine • Systematic along with incidental phonics teaching and catch-up provision Practical application: Linked to the Phonics International and Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters resources. • Identifying underlying difficulties and issues • Advantages of the VAK resources - focused, progressive, permanently visible, engage each child and inform parents: flexible use • Teacher-led and pupil-practice two-session structure and delivery and catch-up additional teaching • Using additional resources as appropriate for specific sub-skills’ and skills’ learning and for catch-up purposes • Spelling and comprehension – spelling mnemonic stories and building up spelling word banks PowerPoint slides/Training Notes will be available to take away. No meals supplied by the training provider.

Held at client site.


2 x 3 hrs sessions (Morning and afternoon)


Course ref: WDWSCU £895

TELEPHONE: 01635 800033


DOUBLE TWILIGHT TRAINING: This is a fixed rate for all associated programmes, ‘catch-up’ and ‘follow-up’ training. Two convenient consecutive ‘twilight’ sessions. Sessions run for 2½ hrs each and are held at the client site.

0871 661 8606



Course ref: DTWSCU £925

INDIVIDUAL TRAINING RATES: Whole Day Training: £150 This is a fixed rate for all associated programmes, ‘catch-up’ and ‘follow-up’ training. Held at our venue. 2 x 3 hrs sessions (Morning and afternoon) Course ref: WDSDCU £150

GROUP TRAINING RATES: Whole Day Training: £110 per delegate (3+ delegates)

Associated teaching resources: Oxford University Press – Oxford Reading Tree, Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters. Debbie Hepplewhite’s Phonics International Online Synthetic Phonics Programme (Product Reference PIMU3) See pages 7-17 for Floppy’s Phonics mainstream products and pages 45-50 and 169 for Phonics International mainstream and catch-up products

This is a fixed rate for all associated programmes, ‘catch-up’ and ‘follow-up’ training. Held at our venue. Available to schools sending three or more delegates. 2 x 3 hrs sessions (Morning and afternoon)

Courses available in all regions

Course ref: WDGRCU £150 No Individual / Group delegate rates are available for the Double Twilight and Follow Up Advisory sessions.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Eileen Swan Associates Ltd training Mainstream training LETTERS AND SOUNDS: Effective practice in the planning, teaching and assessment of systematic synthetic phonics

Course content includes: • Why phonics? Exploring the place of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading with reference to recent research and reports • Phonic subject knowledge and terminology • Overview of Letters and Sounds Phases 1 – 6, with focus on expected pace and progression • Effective practice in phonics planning and teaching with suggested activities and resources • Assessment and tracking, including early identification of vulnerable pupils • The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check • Application of phonic skills and knowledge in shared, guided and independent reading and writing and across the curriculum

The exact content of the course will be agreed at the time of booking to ensure that it meets the needs of the school and builds on teachers’ knowledge and experience of teaching phonics. This training can be delivered either as a whole-day course, 2 x half day sessions or 2 x 3-hour inset sessions. Trainer: Eileen Swan is an experienced trainer with an academic background in linguistics and many years’ experience of early years and early literacy training and support. Eileen was National Strategies Regional Adviser for Communication, Language and Literacy Development (CLLD) from 2007 to 2011. Course ref: ES001 In-school training cost: (up to 30 delegates); £600 (31- 50 delegates). £700


Eileen Swan A S S O C I AT E S


Courses available in the following regions:

East Midlands West Midlands London North West Associated teaching resources Letters and Sounds

• Working with parents and carers

‘Outstanding bespoke training has rapidly increased staff confidence whilst enhancing their understanding of systematic synthetic phonics resulting in more effective and engaging delivery and good pupil progress.’ Clare Dickinson, Head Teacher Oratory R.C. Primary and Nursery School, Birmingham All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Global Education Services Ltd Mainstream training EFFECTIVE PHONICS TEACHING WITH LETTERS AND SOUNDS Effective phonics teaching with Letters and Sounds is delivered with flexibility in order to meet the individual needs of schools. The training is delivered by high quality and experienced consultants who are passionate about ensuring children become independent and confident readers and writers from the outset. It is delivered in an interactive, multisensory manner with a good balance of theory, information and practical activities. The training is delivered in 4 sessions to include: • Current national trends such as the Year 1 phonics screening check, new EYFS and OFSTED framework • Phonics knowledge and skills that underpins teaching each of the phases in Letters and Sounds • The recommended pace, progression and assessment of phonic teaching in Letters and Sounds phases 1-6 • Application of phonic skills in reading and writing including guided reading • Implementation – Key features of high quality phonics teaching to include planning, teaching, assessement and tracking pupil progress. Participants will: • Acquire the necessary phonics subject knowledge and skills required to deliver high quality phonics lessons • Understand the expected pace and progression for phonics teaching in Reception and KS1 classes to ensure children acquire the phonic skills to support successful reading and writing • Know how the Letters and Sounds programme, teaching sequence and activities support effective phonics teaching.

FOLLOW-UP DEVELOPMENT DAY Available to schools that have completed LS1 This school based follow up training / consultancy day is designed to support senior leadership teams to review progress with implementation of systematic synthetic phonic teaching. Support is tailored to the specific needs of the school and could include (but is not limited to) monitoring and evaluating the implementation of LS1, reviewing assessment of children’s progress and identifying children at risk of falling behind, providing further guidance to support children not making expected progress, supporting planning for progression, considering application of phonics skills in reading and identifying next steps.

Per delegate sent electronically: Letters and Sounds programme, Handouts Guidance notes, Tricky words list. Free resource kit per school: Grapheme/phoneme cards for phases 2,3 and 5 Letters and Sounds phonics progression charts. Word box with high frequency/tricky words Each school will receive one resource kit with which teachers are able to deliver phonics lessons the very next day. Venue: Client’s school This full day training session, with the same content can be delivered at the client's site as follows:

Notional Timings: • 1 full day 9.00am - 3.30pm. • 2 half days – 2 hours and 40 minutes each. 9 am - 12.00 noon or 1pm - 4pm

Course ref: LS1 Prices: • £950 for up to 25 delegates. • £30 for each additional delegate. Maximum of 35 delegates per training session.



Venue: Client’s school

Timing: 9.00am – 4.00pm Course ref: LS2 Delegate day rate: £810 at client site Numbers to be agreed between GES Ltd and school A full report will be given to the school following the consultancy day.

Associated teaching resources COMBINED PACKAGE This cost effective package offers a discount when booking LS1 and LS2 at the same time. It is ideal for schools looking to follow up the training with a development day or requiring support with implementation/monitoring of systematic, synthetic phonics. Venue: Client’s school Notional timings:

Additional resources:


• 1 full day 9.00am - 3.30pm. • 2 half days – 2 hours and 40 minutes each, 9am - 12 noon or, 1pm - 4.00pm

Course ref: LS3 (LS1 + LS2) Combined Package Price: £1685 (for up to 25 delegates) • £25 for each additional delegate Maximum of 35 delegates per training session. Details as in LS1 and LS2.

Letters and Sounds “Global Education Services Ltd provides an outstanding service tailored to schools individual needs. The training that was provided at our school was excellent, developing our staff skills and understanding of phonics and reading progression. Our teachers are now delivering teaching of the highest quality which is facilitating excellent progression in children’s learning. As the lead Educational consultant Raj is an extremely skilled facilitator and coach with a wealth of knowledge, right at the cutting edge of development. I would recommend GES Ltd to any school looking for high quality, cost effective, flexible training.” Richard Woodfin, Headteacher, Roehampton C of E Primary School, London.

Courses available in the following regions:

London North East England North West England South East England Yorkshire & Humber

“Excellent slides and resources. Very useful, practical audience participation.” Darren Hosany, Year 2/3 Teacher, Morley Newlands Primary, Leeds.

“Excellent training-very comprehensive and good ‘shortcut’ materials to help with quick access when using Letters and Sounds book.” Su Childs, Class Teacher, Holy Family RC Primary School, Darlington.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Hertfordshire County Council training Mainstream training PHASE 2-4 PHONICS: TEACHING AND SUPPORTING ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’ (ONE DAY) Are you a teacher or TA who has been asked to teach or support phases 2-4? This course will give you the confidence to plan, teach and assess phases 2-4 of Letters and Sounds and support the application of these skills within reading and writing. The session is designed to support you in developing your understanding of phonic acquisition. Some basic phonics subject knowledge is assumed. During the session you will develop: • an understanding of the acquisition of phonological awareness • an understanding of the phonic phases 2 - 4 as well as assessment and progression • confidence in planning for and delivering the daily phonics teaching sequence and assessing pupil’s progress • strategies for supporting children's application of phonics across the curriculum

During the session you will: • develop subject knowledge in relation to phases 5 and 6 • gain confidence in planning, delivering and assessing phases 5 and 6 • share strategies for supporting pupils' application of phonics and spelling within writing • develop an understanding of age-related expectations, tracking of pupils and the skills which are assessed in the phonics screening check

This course is suitable for classroom teachers and teaching assistants.

Course ref: HERTS-PH02 Price: £160 per delegate (including lunch) TEACHING PHONICS THROUGH ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’: TRAINING FOR NQTs (ONE DAY)


Are you a Newly Qualified Teacher getting to grips with the delivery of Letters and Sounds? This course will give you an opportunity to both secure your own phonic subject knowledge, as well as develop familiarity with the guidance for teaching phonics. During the session you will develop:

This course is suitable for classroom teachers and teaching assistants.

Course ref: HERTS-PH01 Price: £160 per delegate (including lunch)

PHASE 5-6 PHONICS: TEACHING AND SUPPORTING ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’ (ONE DAY) Are you a teacher or teaching assistant who has been asked to teach or support phases 5-6? This course will explore the key learning within phases 5 and 6, as well as give you practical ideas to support planning, delivery and assessment within the classroom. You will also look at how children's learning progresses from phonic knowledge towards a more detailed understanding of spelling rules and conventions. Some basic phonics subject knowledge is assumed.

• an understanding of the acquisition of phonological awareness • an understanding of progression within the phonic phases 1–6 • confidence in using Letters and Sounds to plan for and deliver the daily phonics teaching sequence • strategies for supporting children's application of phonics across the curriculum • an understanding of assessment strategies and pupil tracking

Courses available in the following regions:

Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Norfolk

Associated teaching resources Letters and Sounds

This course is suitable for Newly Qualified Teachers.

Course ref: HERTS-PH03 Price: £160 per delegate (including lunch)

"Thank you, Excellent course with good opportunities to ask questions" Jenny McEntee Victoria School, Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire County Council provides central training available at a range of locations across the East of England, subject to a minimum delegate number of 15.

"A very insightful and useful course" Amy Barrett, Year Teacher, Pixies Hill School, Hertfordshire

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training HOW TO IMPLEMENT AND USE JOLLY PHONICS – Teaching synthetic phonics in the classroom COURSE CONTENT: This introductory course takes you step-by-step through a Jolly Phonics lesson and the 5 key skills of the programme: learning the letter sounds, letter formation, blending, identifying the sounds in words and tricky words. Practical ideas and activities are shown that can be used in class. A first year timetable is also covered, showing the pace of teaching Jolly Phonics. Ideal for the teacher who wants to make sure they are getting the most out of the programme or those new to Jolly Phonics.

Confirmations of places on courses will be sent by email along with details and directions to the venue. All delegates will receive handouts and a certificate of attendance.

Jolly Learning Ltd Course ref JPLEEDS









Associated teaching resources: Jolly Phonics range


Individual rate Price per delegate £141.67 Group rate Price per delegate for each additional delegate from the same school £120.83


Courses available in all regions

Looking for Course Times: 9.15AM – 3.45PM (REGISTRATION FROM 8.30AM; INCLUDES BREAKS AND LUNCH)


Jolly Phonics resources too? See pages 18-28, 76 and 117

Helping you get the most from Jolly Phonics Whether you are using Jolly Phonics already, or just want to learn more about achieving the best results from the programme, our one day training course is for you. Attendees will learn more about the methodology used in Jolly Phonics and how it can be integrated within the class, along with practical advice and tips that they can use in their classroom. Our training courses are delivered by Jolly Phonics professional trainers; all are experienced teachers that have used the programme for a number of years and have achieved excellent results with children. They are keen to share their success by training others, offering advice and explaining their tried and tested strategies.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Kirklees Traded Learning Service training Mainstream training REINVIGORATING PHONICS THROUGH LETTERS AND SOUNDS Focussed, effective, professional learning for all schools who wish to either reinvigorate or implement Letters and Sounds teaching in their schools.





Centre based training: 2 x half day sessions This course will consist of two half days with time in between to embed practice.

School based training: 3 x 2 hour twilight sessions for individual schools Same content as centre based training This course will consist of three twilight sessions of two hours each at the client site, with time to embed practice in between. This would be ideal to support a whole school approach.

Session 1 will cover: • the six phonics phases in Letters and Sounds and how they support the synthetic phonic approach to reading. • case studies to exemplify good practice. • the use of simple assessment to track and monitor the progression of children in Letters and Sounds. • practical suggestions for supporting those children who are not in line with expectations. • a gap task will be provided to help delegates embed practice. Session 2 will cover: • feedback from gap task. • planning for clear, practical lessons. • making phonics sessions relevant and engaging. • ideas and practical examples to ensure a multi-sensory, fun approach to phonics. • how technology supports phonics teaching. • ways to implement phonics as a whole school approach, considering the individual needs of the children. Delegates will leave with practical ideas for planning, teaching and assessing children and an understanding of how to implement and develop Letters and Sounds to support all children.

Who is it for: Senior and middle leaders, subject leaders, teachers and teaching assistants. The training is Centre based and refreshments will be provided.

Course ref: ENG 13004 Price: £185 per delegate (Maximum number 30 delegates)


TELEPHONE: 01484 225828 EMAIL:


Twilight Session One will cover: • Phases 1-4 in Letters and Sounds • How they support the synthetic phonic approach to reading. Twilight Session Two will cover: • Phases 4-6 in Letters and Sounds • case studies to give examples of good practice. • an outline of the teaching sequence including pace and expectations. • ideas and practical examples to ensure a multi-sensory, fun approach to phonics sessions. • a consideration of how technology supports phonics teaching. • practical suggestions for supporting those children who are not in line with expectations. Twilight Session Three will cover: • the use of simple assessment to track and monitor the progression of the children. • support for planning clear, practical lessons. • suggestions for making phonics sessions relevant and engaging. • ways to implement phonics as a whole school approach, considering the individual needs of the children. Delegates will receive practical ideas for planning, teaching and assessing children and an understanding of how to implement and develop Letters and Sounds to support all children.

Who is it for: Senior and middle leaders, subject leaders, teachers and teaching assistants. Course ref: ENG13005 School Based Training at client’s site

Price: £595

Kirklees Traded Learning Service have a passion for improving the learning opportunities for all children and young people. Our approach to phonics training embodies effective partnership working, encourages innovation and allows us to build a relationship with you that empowers and leads to sustainable good practice. We will provide you with tailored, bespoke support that is flexible, adaptable and meets your ongoing needs. Our team of professionals have a national reputation for providing high class support and educational resources. We have gained this reputation by supporting educational settings over an extended and continuing period.

Associted learning resources: Letters and Sounds

Courses available in the following region

Yorkshire and North Humberside

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Council training Lancashire County – Learning Excellence Mainstream training INTRODUCTION TO LETTERS AND SOUNDS This course will support participants in developing a good understanding of phonics including: • grapheme/phoneme correspondence • blending to support reading • segmenting to support spelling • blending and segmenting as reversible processes Letters and Sounds is a systematic, structured synthetic programme, which is delivered through discrete daily sessions. This practical, full day course will explore the six phonic phases within this programme and demonstrate how phonic skills and knowledge can be applied as the first approach in reading and writing. The training will include a pack of support materials and access to online materials and support. Participants will leave with practical ideas for planning, teaching, assessing and tracking phonics, a firm understanding of the pedagogy and will be motivated through the belief that teaching with this strategy is achievable and will improve outcomes for children's learning. This training is suitable for teachers, teaching assistants, subject leaders and members of senior leadership teams. Training costs at LCC Course venues will include refreshments and lunch.

Associated resources: Letters and Sounds CLLD programme materials Course ref: LANCLS This course can be delivered as a one day course or as a series of three twilight sessions

YEAR 1 PHONICS: PHASES 4 AND 5 This course will take participants step by step through Phases 4 and 5 of Letters and Sounds. Phonic skills will be developed through additional practical activities which will supplement existing materials. Participants will be given guidance on how to use assessment and tracking materials to ensure that children are reading at expected levels by the end of Y1.

Participants will leave with practical ideas for planning, teaching, assessing and tracking phonics, a firm understanding of the pedagogy and will be motivated through the belief that teaching with this strategy is achievable and will improve outcomes for children's learning. The training will include a pack of support materials and access to online materials and support. This training is suitable for teachers, teaching assistants, subject leaders and members of senior leadership teams. Training costs at LCC Course venues will include refreshments and lunch.

Associated resources: Letters and Sounds CLLD programme materials Year 1 phonics screening check



TELEPHONE: 01257 516100 FAX: 01257 516421 EMAIL: WEBSITE

Course ref: LANCSC This course can be delivered as a one day course or as a series of three twilight sessions

PHONICS IN ACTION: EMBEDDING PHONICS PROVISION FOR ALL PUPILS IN EARLY YEARS AND KS1 • To extend knowledge of assessment and progression through phonics phases. • To exemplify effective phonics sessions with application into areas of learning, reading and writing. • To consider differentiation and adaptations within phonics provision to support and extend children’s learning. • To provide guidance on tailored intervention to support children needing to catch up.

Courses available in the following region:

North West England

This course will review principles and practice of effective teaching and learning in phonics with a focus on progression and assessment in the phases. Practical ideas for developing learning beyond the daily phonics session into reading, writing and areas of learning will be exemplified and explored with support for adapting and differentiating provision according to children’s needs. Guidance on tailoring intervention for children who need additional catch-up support will be demonstrated, and a clear structure provided.

Course ref: LANCPIA

CENTRE-BASED TRAINING At LCC Course Venue: £150 single delegate - then £112 per additional delegate from same school. Courses at LCC course venues include free parking. SCHOOL-BASED TRAINING At client site: £750 up to 30 participants, £20 per additional delegate.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Lesley Clarke I have been a synthetic phonics trainer for over 10 years, a part time CLLD consultant for 4 years and am still a part time Y1 class teacher in an infant school. Practitioners who attend my training appreciate the fact that I have current classroom experience, which I draw on in the sessions. I am passionate about the teaching of phonics and am told this is evident in the training I deliver.

Mainstream training LETTERS AND SOUNDS PACKAGE: This package contains 3 sessions, which can be taken as twilights, a whole day, or a mixture of half day and twilight. The first two are ‘Synthetic Phonics Subject Knowledge’ and ‘Introduction to Letters and Sounds’ and the third can be chosen from ‘Letters and Sounds Planning’ or ‘Letters and Sounds Phase 5’. The 3 sessions can be taken at different times.

SYNTHETIC PHONICS SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE This 1.5 hour course will provide participants with the subject knowledge necessary for effective synthetic phonics teaching. It covers synthetic phonics terminology, blending and segmenting words, sorting words and identifying patterns & learning some basic phonic/spelling rules.

Associated resources: T4480 Session ref: SUBKNOW

INTRODUCTION TO LETTERS AND SOUNDS This 1.5 hour course begins with a brief overview of the Letters and Sounds programme. The session then becomes very practical with various teaching activities being modelled and participants taking on the role of children in the classroom. Planning for the discrete teaching of phonics and features of effective phonics teaching are discussed.

Associated resources: T4472 Session ref: LASINTRO

LETTERS AND SOUNDS PHASE 5 This course provides practitioners with a week by week breakdown for the effective teaching of Phase 5. The three distinct parts of this phase are discussed, sample plans provided and activities demonstrated.


Associated resources: T4480, T4464, T4472, T598A, T599A, T600A, T603A, T604A Session ref: LASPH5

Cost: Centrally based training includes: the duration of the course, inclusive take away handouts, drinks. One day courses also include a sandwich lunch. Taken as 3 twilights: £180 per person (£486 for 3 delegates) Course ref: LASCENTWILS

Taken as a half day plus 1 twilight: £150 per person (£405 for 3 delegates) Course ref: LASCENHALFDAY+

Taken as one day: £150 per person (£405 for 3 delegates) Course ref: LASCENONEDAY

School based training includes: the duration of the course, handouts emailed to the school.

Taken as 3 twilights: £735 Course ref: LASSCHTWILS

Taken as a half day plus 1 twilight: £590 Course ref: LASSCHHALFDAY+

Taken as one day: £595 Course ref: LASSCHONEDAY

LESSON PLANNING In this 1.5 hour session practitioners are taken through the features of effective phonics planning and sample plans from Phases 2-6 are provided. Practical activities give practitioners the knowledge they need to plan high quality phonics lessons, making use of Assessment for Learning.

Associated resources: T4464, T4472, T4499, T4502, T598A, T599A, T600A, T603A, T604A Session ref: LASPLAN

‘Fantastic ideas to actually use in the classroom which really brought phonics alive.' PGCE student, London

‘A very explicit course which increased my understanding of phonics and confidence in teaching phonics. A very dynamic trainer who made the session extremely interesting and enjoyable.’ TA, Ealing 'The inset sessions and work in the school were delivered with enthusiasm and passion. It has helped us to develop staff knowledge/skills considerably.' Headteacher, London

'This was a fantastic training day and you are really inspiring!' FS2 teacher, Buckinghamshire

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Lesley Clarke

Mainstream training

Mainstream training





Available to clients as a follow on after completing a Lesley Clarke one day (or equivalent) course. This will be specifically organised to meet the needs of each school. The purpose is to support the Senior Leadership Team in monitoring and evaluating phonics teaching and learning in the school and action planning to further improve it. The day may include any of the following: • discussion with members of SLT • joint lesson observations • monitoring of planning • review of assessment & tracking procedures • joint planning with practitioners • review of application of phonics in reading & writing • action planning.

ONE DAY 5-6 HOURS Course Ref: ONEDAYCONS Cost: £595 (School based)

These 3 sessions which make up this course may be taken at different times.

SYNTHETIC PHONICS SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE This 1.5 hour course will provide participants with the subject knowledge necessary for effective synthetic phonics teaching. It covers synthetic phonics terminology, blending and segmenting words, sorting words and identifying patterns & learning some basic phonic/spelling rules.


Associated resources: T4480 Session ref: SUBKNOW

EFFECTIVE PHONICS TEACHING In this 1.5 hour session Lesley draws on her experience as both a practising class teacher and a literacy consultant to identify key features of effective phonics teaching from Reception to Y2. The session includes references to both long and short term planning, modelling of teaching activities, using Assessment for Learning and working with parents.

Associated resources: T4480, T4464, T4472 Session ref: EFFPHONT

Courses available in the following regions:

East of England – South West corner of Hertfordshire

London – Central, North West, South West, West and South

South East England – Berkshire, Bucks, North Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Surrey.

HALF DAY 3 HOURS Course Ref: HALFDAYCONS Cost: £345 (School based)

1.5 HOURS CONSULTANCY Course Ref: TWILCONS Cost: £245 (School based)

Associated teaching resources Training is not specifically for the products listed underneath the training descriptions on this page, although resources from them are used as teaching aids or given out as handouts or used as reference materials within those training sessions.

EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING This 1.5 hour session is suitable for schools that are using a programme which doesn’t provide lesson plans. During the session practitioners are taken through the features of effective phonics planning and sample plans are provided. Practical activities give practitioners the knowledge they need to plan high quality phonics lessons, making use of Assessment for Learning.

Associated resources: T4464, T4472, T4499, T4502, T598A, T599A, T600A, T603A, T604A Session ref: EFFPLAN

Cost: Centrally based training includes: the duration of the course, inclusive take away handouts, drinks. One day courses also include a sandwich lunch. Taken as 3 twilights: £180 per person (£486 for 3 delegates) Course ref: GENCENTWILS Taken as a half day plus 1 twilight: £150 per person (£405 for 3 delegates) Course ref: GENCENHALFDAY+ Taken as one day: £150 per person (£405 for 3 delegates) Course ref: GENCENONEDAY

Cost: School based training includes: the duration of the course, handouts emailed to the school.

Looking for Lesley Clarke Supplementary Resources… See pages 86-87

Taken as 3 twilights: £735 Course ref: GENSCHTWILS Taken as a half day plus 1 twilight: £590 Course ref: GENSCHHALFDAY+ Taken as one day: £595 Course ref: GENSCHONEDAY

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



One Education Ltd Mainstream training






A training and implementation programme This course introduces the synthetic phonics programme Letters and Sounds. It covers the specific terminology related to phonology and phonological awareness and the structure and content of the programme. It is a very practical course and you will leave with the knowledge and understanding to implement successful phonics sessions in school. This course will provide a thorough understanding of the six phases of the programme and give you more confidence to deliver it. You will gain practical experience of a range of stimulating and multi-sensory activities for use in school, including those for the interactive white board. The course cost includes follow up support in school for staff, to embed quality practice.

Target Audience: Reception, Y1 and Y2 teachers, Subject/ Phase Leaders

Who is it for? The training is designed for teachers and teaching assistants who are unfamiliar with the Letters and Sounds programme and the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. Our delegates have told us that attending the course and revisiting core understanding has been invaluable. Teachers with knowledge and expertise in the area, still benefit from our training.

How: Parts 1 and 2 delivered over a whole day or two half days



TELEPHONE: 0161 219 6841

Where: Whole school training at client site plus Part Three which is four half days follow up support.

Course ref: OE001 Cost: £1,730

FAX: 0161 274 7242



CENTRE-BASED TRAINING ‘UNDERSTANDING PHONICS: IMPLEMENTING LETTERS AND SOUNDS’ A training and implementation programme How: Parts 1 and 2 delivered over two half days Where: At a central site plus two half days of follow up support.

Course ref: OE002 Cost: £545 (delegate rate)

Associated teaching resources Assessment Sheets Handy hints sheet for multi-sensory teaching

Courses available in the following regions:

North West England and Yorkshire & Humberside

“Really enjoyed all day and it was very informative and useful!” Cheryl Wood, Foundation Stage Leader, Briscoe Lane Primary School

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Mainstream training SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS (9.30am – 3.30pm)

Develop a rigorous and sequential approach through systematic phonics for: • Speaking • Listening • Reading • Writing • Spelling Uncover the 6 key phonics teaching techniques Key guidance on the latest government and Ofsted initiatives

Course ref: LNS01

OUTDOOR PHONICS (9.30am – 3.30pm)

Use outdoor learning as a vehicle for teaching systematic synthetic phonics A new approach to raise literacy standards Key guidance to freshen up your phonics teaching New techniques to include all pupils: • Disengaged • SEND • Boys

Course ref: ODP01

Course Rate: £259 at one of our selected venues*

Osiris Educational Osiris Educational is passionate about providing pioneering, challenging and effective training solutions in teaching. Thousands of teachers have attended our courses and have altered their ways of thinking. Our products are of the highest calibre and are under constant review to ensure they are as pertinent and relevant as possible.



TELEPHONE: 0808 160 5 160

FAX: 01790 755 288



Why choose Osiris Educational? • No phonics products are attached to our training • All training covers the latest government and Ofsted initiatives • Our training is 100% independent • In 2011 we trained over 10,000 delegates!

Courses available in all regions Associated teaching resources Osiris training booklet and CD rom

*Second and further delegates receive £20 discount (£239) per delegate from same establishment Delegate Rate: £135 (minimum number 20) at client site Group Rate: Full day cost: £2,600 (up to 80 delegates). This can also be delivered as 2 x Half day sessions. Half day cost: £1,300 (up to 80 delegates).

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Osiris Educational


Mainstream training

Phonics catch-up training



(9.30am – 3.30pm)

• Effective lesson plans for Reception and Year 1

For KS1 pupils New approaches for struggling readers and writers Top 6 strategies for: • KS1 pupils with no phonics background

• Outstanding programmes and resources

• KS1 pupils below the expected standard


• How the best schools do it.

Practical activities to accelerate progression


Course ref: PIC01


Course rate: £259 at one of our selected venues* *Second and further delegates receive £20 discount (£239) per delegate from same establishment

• How to ensure children can read simple words independently by the end of Year 1

Course ref: RT601 Delegate Rate: £80 (minimum of 20) at client site £259 at one of our selected venues* *Second and further delegates receive £20 discount (£239) per delegate from same establishment Group Rate: Full day cost: £1,400 (up to 40 delegates) This can also be delivered as 2 x Half day sessions. Half day cost: £1,100 per each Half day (minimum of 2 sessions)

(9.30am – 3.30pm)


TELEPHONE: 0808 160 5 160 01790 755 288

Group Rate: Full day cost: £2,600 (up to 80 delegates). This can also be delivered as 2 x Half day sessions. Half day cost: £1,300 (up to 80 delegates).

Systematic Synthetic Phonics 19/11/2012 London 22/11/2012 Manchester 4/12/2012 Birmingham

Outdoor Phonics 21/11/2012 London 28/11/2012 Manchester 5/12/2012 Birmingham

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 22/11/2012 London 29/11/2012 Manchester 6/12/2012 Birmingham

Systematic Phonics Catch-Up 23/11/2012 London 30/11/2012 Manchester 7/12/2012 Birmingham

Amanda Howes, The Isaac Newton Primary School


Delegate Rate: £135 (minimum number 20) at client site

Phonics course dates 2012 (please call for 2013 dates):

“Excellent! Clear, concise and thorough. Elizabeth has an excellent knowledge of phonics and is inspiring.”


“Really enthusiastic – gave loads of ideas and made me want to go back and try it all.”

Courses available in all regions Associated teaching resources Osiris training booklet and CD rom

“Great course! Would recommend this to anyone, certainly got rid of my apprehensions. Vivienne Creith, Edgware Infant School

“A thoroughly exciting and informative course! The best course I have ever been on. It rocked!!

Katrina Hough, St Michaels CE Primary School

Mrs Marie Meehan, St Clares Primary School

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.




Mainstream and catch-up training Written by the respected team behind Phonics Bug, we have two training packages to ensure you get the most out of your resources. AN INTRODUCTION TO SYNTHETIC PHONICS WITH PHONICS BUG LIVE ONLINE COURSE + PHONICS BUG FULL DAY COURSE This package consists of a 90 minute live online course (accessed via one log-in from your school) followed by a full day course (9am-3.30pm), on a date of your choice, with a Pearson accredited trainer in your school. Who is this for? This package is designed for schools with a mixture of teachers who are new to, and experienced in, synthetic phonics. Benefits • Learn or revisit the core principles of synthetic phonics in just 90 minutes on our live Online Course • Embed a systematic, whole-school phonics programme across your school • Deliver effective phonics lessons, build practical assessment and ensure real progression in all your pupils • Discover how to get the most out of your print and online Phonics Bug resources

Course ref: 9781447938422

PHONICS BUG FULL DAY COURSE This course is run in your school, on a date of your choice, from 9am to 3.30pm with a Pearson accredited trainer. Who is this for? This Full Day Course is designed for teachers who are all acquainted to a similar level with the basic principles of synthetic phonics. Benefits • Learn how to embed a systematic whole-school phonics programme in your teaching through a range of practical workshops and presentations. • Deliver effective phonics lessons, build practical assessment and ensure real progression for all your pupils • Discover how to get the most out of your print and online Phonics Bug resources

Course ref: 9781447901594 Course rate: £725 per school for a maximum of 25 staff


TELEPHONE: 0845 630 2222


Courses available in all regions

Looking for

Phonics Bug resources too? See pages 29-44 and 168

Associated resources: this course relates to all the Phonics Bug books and teaching resources. All course delegates receive a handout pack.

Course rate: £800 for one Live Online Course school log-in + a maximum of 25 teachers on the Full Day Course Associated resources: the two courses in this training package relate to all the Phonics Bug books and teaching resources. Live Online Course slides are available for download and each Full Day Course delegate receives a handout pack.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Pearson Phonics catch-up training Written by the respected team behind Rapid Phonics, we have two training packages to ensure you get the most out of your resources.





This package consists of a Full Day Course (9am-3.30pm) in your school with a live Online Follow-up Course (90 minutes), both led by an accredited Pearson trainer.

This package includes two live online 90-minute sessions led by a Pearson accredited trainer.

0845 630 2222


Who is this for? The Full Day Course and Online Follow-up Course are both designed for schools who require in-depth training in systematic synthetic phonics and the delivery of an effective phonics catch-up programme with Rapid Phonics. Benefits • Receive a practical, hands-on explanation of how to embed an effective synthetic phonics catch-up programme using Rapid Phonics' pedagogy and resources.

Who is this for? This package is designed for schools whose teachers have a good working knowledge of systematic synthetic phonics and want training on delivering and implementing the Rapid Phonics catch-up programme. Benefits • Receive an overview and introduction to Rapid Phonics and the core principles of embedding a phonics catch-up programme. • A follow-up online course ensures your staff have time to reflect on their progress and review their next steps.

• Access the live Online Follow-up Course to reflect on your progress and provide further detail on key aspects of the programme.

• Discover how to get the most out of your print and online Rapid Phonics resources

• Discover how to get the most out of your print and online Rapid Phonics resources

Course ref: 9781447931034

Course ref: 9781447931027 Course Rate: £800 a maximum of 25 teachers on the Full Day Course + a Live Online Course school log-in Associated resources: this course relates to all the Rapid Phonics books and teaching resources

Courses available in all regions

Looking for

Rapid Phonics resources too? Turn to pages 171-176

Course Rate: £175 for a live Introduction Course school log-in + a live Follow-up Course school log-in Associated resources: this course relates to all the Rapid Phonics books and teaching resources. Course delegates can download the Live Follow-up Course slides.

Course delegates receive a handout pack and the Live Follow-up Course slides are available for download.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Phonics catch-up training

Rising Stars UK Ltd Course details


The three day course is intensive, engaging and very practical. Many delegates have reported that it is the best training course they have attended.

This is a three day, comprehensive training course that will give you and your colleagues all the tools you will need to support young learners who are showing signs of falling behind.

You will cover the following over the three days: • Teaching without the code – what happens?

SRS is a step-by-step and highly effective approach to reading and writing that works quickly with children of all age groups. Using an advanced synthetic phonics approach the Sound Reading System removes children’s misconceptions and builds confidence rapidly.


• The structure of Sound Reading System • The four keys to success


“The ‘code’ is so obvious that you wonder how we have managed to lose sight of it.

•A full suite of teaching materials so you can begin using SRS when you return to school.


• The ‘struggling reader’

• Diagnosing the learner – “where to do I start teaching?”

•The Teacher Handbook

TELEPHONE: 0800 091 1602

• Practical Session – Learning to read; the skills, knowledge and understanding

With SRS children have been shown to make significant progress in reading and in spelling and writing.

The delegate price includes: •Three days of high quality and engaging training by the SRS team


FAX: 0800 091 1603

• Really reading – supporting the reader with error correction

Delegate Rate: £675 (for 3 or more teachers from the same school at our venue) Price includes Handbook and a complete set of Resources worth £350


• The Alphabet Code – understanding its structure

It is particularly useful for teachers of children who may struggle to reach the new required standard by age 6 or who require 'catch-up' support thereafter.

Group Rate: £3500 at client site (max 20 teachers) Price includes a Handbook for each teacher and 2 Resource Packs for the School.


• Practical Session – Teaching multi-syllable words Associated teaching resources: The SRS training course gives you all the tools, and key to the SRS ‘Alphabet Code’.

It is the essence of teaching reading”. “Discovering it provides the ‘missing information’ that we have neglected to teach” MPS, Primary Teacher, Yorkshire

“SRS should be a fundamental part of any teacher’s toolkit…

Courses available in all regions

It is inexpensive and highly effective” Headteacher, Christchurch Primary School

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Ruth Miskin Training Ruth Miskin Training provides inspiring training and comprehensive professional development in how to use Read Write Inc. programmes effectively for whole school improvement. READ WRITE INC. PHONICS IN-SCHOOL TRAINING Audience: All schools wanting to implement Read Write Inc. Phonics. Includes: Two-day training, Initial Development Day and one free place at a central training course. Two-day training - one of our experienced trainers will come to your school and train all your teachers and support staff. The trainer will give detailed guidance on synthetic phonics using the Read Write Inc. Phonics resources. Please note: we train a maximum of 45 staff at each training course. Agenda for the two-day training 9am-3.45pm • The reading and writing process and The Simple View of Reading • The complex English alphabetic code • Read Write Inc. principles for outstanding teaching and learning • Developing phonics with language comprehension for reading and writing • Assessment and grouping • Teaching the phonic lessons: speed sounds, blending and segmenting • Teaching the ‘Storybook’ lessons: from decoding to comprehension • Teaching the ‘Get Writing!’ lessons: from encoding to composition • Effective implementation

training RUTH MISKIN TRAINING ADDRESS: Ruth Miskin Training 18 Hebers Grove Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JR TELEPHONE: 01275 331230 EMAIL: WEBSITE

Continued from column 1

Initial Development Day – six to eight weeks after you have started to teach the programme there will be a follow-up Initial Development Day. One of our trainers will spend the day (school open, not INSET) in your school by: • answering queries • working with teachers and children • leading workshops on subjects of your choice – can include one-to-one tutoring and writing • developing an action plan with you. Free central training place - We can offer your Read Write Inc. Manager or Headteacher a free central training place when you book your in-school training. This will enable the manager to plan ahead and begin assessment and grouping prior to the rest of the staff being trained.

Course ref: RWI-WST Please ask for more details when booking. Course fee: £2750 for up to 45 staff

Associated teaching resources: Read Write Inc. phonics resources from Oxford University Press – See pages 51-61 and 170.

Courses available in all regions.

“The staff thoroughly enjoyed the training – a very active, challenging and rewarding two days. They are enthused and ready to launch the Read Write Inc. Phonics and the Fresh Start programmes.”

READ WRITE INC. PHONICS CENTRAL TRAINING Includes: Two-day training at a venue in your local area (with lunch and refreshments). These centrally organised training courses are arranged throughout the year at venues around the country. schools may book individuals or groups of staff onto these training courses. Audience: This training is ideal for: • Key staff who want to find out more about our programme • New staff who have joined a school already using our programme • Key staff and managers as a preliminary to whole school training The trainer will give detailed guidance on teaching synthetic phonics using the Read Write Inc. Phonics resources. Central Training follows the same two-day agenda as the In-school training, enabling additional members of staff joining a Read Write Inc. trained school to receive the same training as the rest of the staff.

Course ref: RWI-CT Delegate price £230 each including lunch/refreshments OFFER – Book 4 places and get an EXTRA PLACE FREE!

John Armitage, Headteacher, Wolsingham Primary School, Co Durham. All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training READ WRITE INC. PHONICS REFRESHER ONE-DAY TRAINING PLUS DEVELOPMENT DAY Audience: Suitable for Read Write Inc. schools trained over two years ago wishing to update and improve the teaching of phonics for reading and writing. Includes: Two-day package - one day working in school with staff (school open) and one day INSET training (for up to 45 staff). Training day 9.00am – 3.45pm Development Day 8.30 – 4.30pm Refresher training can follow one of two formats, to meet your needs: Option A The trainer will first identify specific areas for improvement, and then train on the areas identified. Option B The trainer provides training on the areas for improvement identified by the headteacher and Read Write Inc. Manager.

Course ref: RWI-REF2 Course Fee: £1500 In-school training for up to 45 staff.

Ruth Miskin Training READ WRITE INC. PHONICS REFRESHER ONE-DAY TRAINING Audience: Suitable for Read Write Inc. schools trained over two years ago wishing to update and improve the teaching of phonics for reading and writing. Includes: one-day INSET training (for up to 45 staff) Training day 9.00am – 3.45pm The trainer will show: • The latest and most effective way to teach blending

RUTH MISKIN TRAINING ADDRESS: Ruth Miskin Training 18 Hebers Grove Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JR TELEPHONE: 01275 331230 EMAIL: WEBSITE

• Organisation of one-to-one tuition so that no child slips through the net • Teaching green words; how to increase the speed of children’s word recognition • Teaching multi-syllabic and nonsense words • The importance of reviewing phonic knowledge • How to use our Writing Handbook to teach phonics alongside compositional skills • How to use the latest assessment and tracking methods.

Associated teaching resources: Read Write Inc. phonics resources from Oxford University Press – see pages 51-61 and 170.

Course ref: RWI-REF1 Course Fee: £1100 In-school training for up to 45 staff.

Courses available in all regions

“The training was excellent and

‘The trainer modelled lessons with such clarity and

delivered in a professional but

conviction that I have not hesitated to put her good

fun, engaging way.

practice to use in my own classroom.

Lots of positive comments from

We are delighted with the Read Write Inc. resources and

staff about how valuable and enjoyable it had been.”

look forward to using them intensively in September. Thank you for such insightful instruction.’ Heather Watts, Headteacher,

Peta Cocker, Headteacher Headlands Primary School West Yorkshire

Fishwick Primary School, Preston

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.




Audience: Suitable for trained Read Write Inc. schools, for ongoing professional development of staff.

Includes: SIX Development days for the price of five, which can be spread across several months or terms to suit your school.

Includes: One day support for ongoing development of Read Write Inc. in your school. 8.30am-4.30pm

Note: these are days when your school is open, not school closure days.

Note: this is a day when your school is open, not a school closure day. Our most successful Read Write Inc. schools have found Development Days invaluable in helping to ensure staff continually improve and update their skills in teaching children to read and write using Read Write Inc. An experienced trainer will spend the day in your school working alongside your Read Write Inc. Manager. The day will be tailored to suit the needs of your school. The trainer can: • Teach lessons with children for staff to observe • Explain the latest assessment and tracking systems • Check groupings • Support foundation stage teachers in organising their phonics teaching • Advise on the management of reading teachers • Demonstrate how to tutor individual children who require extra support • Lead an afternoon phonic writing session for support staff • Lead an after school discussion on the key issues of the day

Course ref: RWI-DD Course Fee: £600 in-school training

A development day bundle is ideal for: • Schools wishing to continuously improve their literacy levels throughout the school, providing on-going regular support for staff at all levels

training RUTH MISKIN TRAINING ADDRESS: Ruth Miskin Training 18 Hebers Grove Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JR TELEPHONE: 01275 331230 EMAIL: WEBSITE

• Schools wishing to target specific areas for improvement

Course ref: RWI-DDB Course Fee: £3000. Full fee payable after first training day.

Phonics catch-up training READ WRITE INC. PHONICS ONE-TO-ONE TUTORING Audience: Class teachers and Teaching Assistants. This course provides teachers and Teaching Assistants with the skills and knowledge needed to tutor individual children who are falling behind their peers, and help them to catch up as quickly as possible. It can also be used to teach any child to read on a one-to-one basis.

Courses available in all regions

Includes: One day training at a centrally arranged venue or as in-school training. This training will cover all aspects of teaching a child to read on a one-to-one basis, using the Read Write Inc. One-toone Tutoring Kit. Staff will learn how to teach children to: • Read 44 sounds

Associated teaching resources: Read Write Inc. phonics resources from Oxford University Press – see pages 51-61 and 170.

• Blend for reading

“The trainer for our Development Day was very knowledgeable and full of suggestions and ideas we could implement to continue to improve Read Write Inc. within our school.”

• Read high frequency irregular words • Apply their phonic knowledge to read decodable storybooks

Course ref: RWI-OTO Course Fee: £1100 In-school training for up to 45 staff. Central Training: £140 per delegate at a centrally arranged venue. (Includes lunch and refreshments)

Mrs Natasha Cox, Reading Leader Brompton-Westbrook Primary School, Kent All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Mainstream training AN OVERVIEW OF THE ‘LETTERS AND SOUNDS’ PROGRAMME AND SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS A one day course (typically 09.15-15.30) for teachers and/or teaching assistants

Shropshire Council LETTERS AND SOUNDS: SECURING PHASES 3 & 4 IN THE EARLY STAGES OF TEACHING PHONICS A one day course (typically 09.15-15.30) for teachers who are teaching the early stages of phonics

• Assessment and tracking: to inform planning

The programme will include: • Subject knowledge: Phase 3 & 4 phonic knowledge and skills • Progression and pace: Phases 2 to 4; age appropriate attainment; transition between the early stages of phonics and Year 1 • Effective phonics sessions: the four part daily session • Active and engaging approaches: games, activities and resources to support Phase 3 & 4 teaching and learning • Assessment and tracking: making secure assessment judgements; using assessment to monitor progression and inform planning; the Year 1 phonic screening check

Course ref: PMF1

Course ref: PMF2

The programme will include: • Subject knowledge: specialist vocabulary; the 44 phonemes and the main graphemes representing them; correct articulation of phonemes; skills of blending to read and segmenting to spell • Progression: an overview of the phases and pace of the programme • Active and engaging approaches: games, activities and resources to support phonics teaching and learning • Effective phonics sessions: the four part daily session

Rates for Training: School-based training (for individual schools or clusters of schools) at client’s venue


FAX: 01743 254538 EMAIL: School-based training CPD courses WEBSITE: Generic log on: • user name: cpdinfo • password: Shropshirecpd1

Courses available in the following region:

West Midlands

1-10 delegates: £600 11-20 delegates: £1,000 21-30 delegates: £1,200

Associated Teaching Resources:

The client will be responsible for venue and refreshment costs. To book a school-based training session contact

Delegate pack:

Letters and Sounds materials CLLD programme materials A pack of resources to support phonics learning and teaching is provided for delegates

Centre-based training at a Shropshire Council venue.

Delegate rate: £135 Lunch and refreshments included. For further details of centre-based CPD courses see the CPD & Courses area on the Shropshire Learning Gateway at Generic log on: • user name: cpdinfo • password: Shropshirecpd1 To book a place on a centre-based CPD course contact

“Thank you – a very useful course and great to go back to school enthused with lots of practical ideas.” Christina Derwas: Reception teacher St John's Catholic Primary School, Bridgnorth, Shropshire

“Great course. Good for refreshing phonics skills and for challenging my expectations of my children.” Mel Westwood: Reception and Year 1 teacher Claverley CE Primary School, Shropshire

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Shropshire Council Mainstream training LETTERS AND SOUNDS: SECURING PHASE 5 IN YEAR 1 A one day course (typically 09.15-15.30) for teachers of Year 1 children The programme will include: • Subject knowledge: Phase 5 phonic knowledge and skills • Progression and pace: Phases 3 to 5; age appropriate attainment; transition between the early stages of phonics and Year 1 • Effective phonics sessions: the four part daily session • Active and engaging approaches: games, activities and resources to support Phase 5 teaching and learning • Assessment and tracking: making secure assessment judgements; using assessment to monitor progression and inform planning; the Year 1 phonic screening check

Course ref: PMF3

TEACHING EARLY READING: THE SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS APPROACH A one day course (typically 09.15-15.30) for teachers new to, or returning to teaching the early stages of phonics. Teaching assistants are welcome to accompany the teacher The programme will include: • Subject knowledge: The early reading curriculum; Phases 1 to 3 phonic knowledge and skills • Progression and pace: Phases 1 (aspect 7) to 3; age appropriate attainment • Effective phonics sessions: the four part daily session • Active and engaging approaches: games, activities and resources to support Phase 1 (aspect 7) to Phase 4 teaching and learning • Assessment and tracking: making secure assessment judgements; using assessment to monitor progression and inform planning


FAX: 01743 254538 EMAIL: School-based training CPD courses WEBSITE: Generic log on: • user name: cpdinfo • password: Shropshirecpd1

Course ref: PMF4

Rates for Training: School-based training (for individual schools or clusters of schools) at client’s venue

Courses available in the following region:

West Midlands

1-10 delegates: £600 11-20 delegates: £1,000 21-30 delegates: £1,200

Associated Teaching Resources:

The client will be responsible for venue and refreshment costs. To book a school-based training session contact

Delegate pack:

Letters and Sounds materials CLLD programme materials A pack of resources to support phonics learning and teaching is provided for delegates

Centre-based training at a Shropshire Council venue.

Delegate rate: £135 Lunch and refreshments included. For further details of centre-based CPD courses see the CPD & Courses area on the Shropshire Learning Gateway at Generic log on: • user name: cpdinfo • password: Shropshirecpd1 To book a place on a centre-based CPD course contact

“Thank you very much for today – it was very informative and I now have a clear plan/idea of pace and content for the year.” Year 1 teacher from a Shropshire school

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Mainstream training COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE AND LITERACY STRATEGIC LEAD TRAINING Duration: 2 days Purpose: To develop an effective school strategic lead for the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. This course will provide a unique CPD opportunity for a teacher to acquire specific leadership skills in this key area and to ensure that the school has an effective, consistent and robust approach to the teaching and learning of phonics. Delegates will gain: • a knowledge and understanding of a systematic synthetic approach to the teaching of phonics and expected progress for pupils; • an understanding of data and its use in matching the teaching to the stages of development and for identifying and supporting vulnerable groups; • confidence in monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and pace of progress across Key Stage 1; • enhanced leadership skills in developing their own pedagogy and practice and that of others and a pack of materials for immediate use in school. Centre based training: Course ref: SOLPH1 - £400 Per delegate at centre based training (lunch and refreshments included) Course dates: 26th/27th November 2012 and 9th/10th January 2013

Solihull MBC THE LEARNING SCHOOL – EXCELLENCE IN PHONICS Duration: 3 days Purpose: To develop a whole and consistent school approach to the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. This training, which is personalised to the individual level of skill, aims to secure enhanced quality of teaching, assessment and progression in phonics across the school. There will be a focus on developing planning so that these essential skills are purposely and practically applied across the curriculum, thus improving outcomes for pupils in both reading and writing.

Per delegate at a client site (£1,050 for 2 delegates – further delegates negotiable) – to include bespoke support

Course ref: SOLPH3 - £7,200 Cluster training for up to ten delegates at a cluster selected site


TELEPHONE: 0121 704 6630


0121 704 8065


A scoping meeting will be required. A parents’ workshop can be included as an optional extra. Schools will gain: • a bespoke service to meet identified needs; • knowledge and understanding of a systematic, synthetic approach to the teaching of phonics and expected rates of progress; • coaching and modelling opportunities for individual practitioners; • a common level of knowledge and skills amongst all practitioners. One form entry: Course ref: SOLPH4 - £2,895 One form entry school to include scoping meeting

Client Site training: Course ref: SOLPH2 - £895


Two form entry: Course ref: SOLPH5 - £4,445 Two form entry school to include scoping meeting

Three/four form entry: Course ref: SOLPH6 - £5, 970 Three / Four form entry school to include scoping meeting.

Courses available in the following regions:

East Midlands, West Midlands and London

Our team of highly experienced, communication, language and literacy advisors and consultants work alongside a team of Lead Teachers and Advanced Skills Teachers. They have a proven track record of providing high quality, bespoke training to help you and your school raise attainment in literacy development. They are passionate about ensuring children acquire the skills necessary to enable confident and independent readers and writers.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Sounds Together Ltd


Mainstream training

Our national trainers:



Carol Lloyd-Jones, the founder of Sounds Together, has nearly forty years’ experience of working in and with primary schools, including substantial leadership experience from key stage leader to headship. For four years she worked for Cambridgeshire Local Authority as a Literacy Consultant and for four years as a Regional Adviser for the National Strategies, where she worked on the design and implementation of the Communication, Language and Literacy Development programme (“Letters and Sounds”). Carol created a large number of phonics teaching resources for the National Strategies and has advised on phonics, reading and writing in many local authorities and hundreds of schools. She is the author and designer of Sounds Together, the systematic, synthetic phonics programme (for details please see pages 62-63 and 104-105).


Mike Lloyd-Jones has worked in primary education since 1970. He has had two primary headships, was for ten years a Primary Schools Adviser in Hertfordshire and has also been an Ofsted Registered Inspector. In 1999 Mike was appointed as a Regional Director of the National Literacy Strategy and he continued to work for the National Strategies until 2011. For the last four years he played a senior role in the implementation of the CLLD programme. He is an author of a wide range of publications, including the Further Literacy Support Programme, the Y5/6 booster materials and the Literacy Planning CD-ROM.

East Midlands, East of England, London and West Midlands

This training covers the principles, subject knowledge, teaching and assessment approach and structured progression of the Sounds Together programme. The training includes coverage of the weekly planning that shows how to teach the programme from start to finish. The training also illustrates the use of the specially-created interactive whiteboard resources, including the decodable texts, that support the use of the Sounds Together programme.

Course ref: STCPD1 Associated teaching resources The course is for schools using, or intending to use, Sounds Together, the complete systematic synthetic phonics programme Course ref: STCPD1

LETTERS AND SOUNDS: THE COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE FOR THE LETTERS AND SOUNDS PROGRAMME. This training covers the principles, subject knowledge, teaching and assessment approach and structured progression of the Letters and Sounds programme. The training includes detailed exemplification of the programme, particularly for Y1 and Y2, and provides considerable expansion of the Letters and Sounds guidance book, including the application of phonics into reading and writing across the curriculum.

Course ref: STCPD2 Associated teaching resources The course is for schools using, or intending to use, Letters and Sounds, the complete systematic synthetic phonics programme Course ref STCPD2

Rates for training: (STCPD1 or STCPD2) At your school


Courses available in the following regions:

Evaluations judgements for Sounds Together “Good to have trainers with such expertise” School Improvement Adviser, Luton

“Sounds Together provides us with a very thorough, professional and rigorous understanding…” Head Teacher, Leicestershire Primary School

“Fantastic day. Can’t wait to start.” At our venue

Number of staff

Price per delegate

Price per delegate

1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-12 13+

£900 £450 £300 £250 £200 £150 £100 £75

£220 £200

Y1 Teacher, Cambridgeshire Primary School

“This was invaluable!” Teacher, Bedford Borough Primary School

“Inspirational to listen to experts with the experience that both trainers obviously have” Teacher, Nottinghamshire Primary School

“Really thorough, so much detail and expertise” Teacher, Nottinghamshire Primary School

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training Sounds Together provides a range of additional packages to meet your school’s need for continuing professional development. Each package is designed to build on previous training, update and improve professional knowledge and to provide guidance directly and effectively focused on your school’s own identified priorities in early reading and writing. None of these additional packages requires a school closure day.

SOUNDS TOGETHER DEVELOPMENT DAY This development day is designed for schools that are using the Sounds Together Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme and have received our training day for this Programme. This follow-up development day allows the school to co-construct a day so that the content reinforces the key messages of systematic, synthetic phonics, supports the on-going implementation of the Sounds Together Programme, provides an update to improve phonics teaching and progress and focuses on key priorities in the school's work to improve the teaching of reading through systematic, synthetic phonics.

Course ref: STCPD3 Cost: £600

LETTERS AND SOUNDS DEVELOPMENT DAY This development day is designed for schools that are using the Letters and Sounds programme and have received our training day for that programme. This follow-up development day allows the school to co-construct a day so that the content reinforces the key messages of systematic, synthetic phonics, provides an update to improve phonics teaching and progress and focuses on key priorities in the school's work to improve the teaching of reading through systematic, synthetic phonics.

Course ref: STCPD4 Cost: £600



This twilight session of up to two hours, is for schools that have received a full day’s training in either Sounds Together or Letters and Sounds. It focuses on current phonic progress in the school and advises on how to improve progression. The content of the session is coconstructed with the school to focus on current progress issues.


Course ref: STCPD5 Cost: £450


EARLY READING LEADERSHIP REVIEW This twilight session of up to two hours is for schools that have received a full day’s training in either Sounds Together or Letters and Sounds. It focuses on the leadership and management of early reading within the school and advises on how to improve it. The content of the Review is coconstructed with the school to focus on the development needs of those with a responsibility for early reading.

Courses available in the following regions:

East Midlands, East of England, London and West Midlands

Course ref: STCPD6 Cost: £450

PHONICS TEACHING REVIEW This twilight session of up to two hours is for schools that have received a full day’s training in either Sounds Together or Letters and Sounds. It focuses on the effectiveness of phonics teaching within the school currently and advises on how to improve it. The content of the Review is coconstructed with the school to focus on the school's identified needs.

Course ref: STCPD7 Cost: £450

PHONICS IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW This twilight session of up to two hours, is for schools that have received a full day’s training in either Sounds Together or Letters and Sounds. It focuses on the development priorities identified by a school's self-evaluation of its phonics teaching. The content of the Review is coconstructed with the school to provide guidance on key developmental priorities.

Course ref: STCPD8 Cost: £450

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Sounds-Write Ltd Mainstream training TRAINING IN SYNTHETIC PHONICS SPREAD OVER FOUR DAYS Course ref: SWC4 Individual rate: Price per delegate £400 at client site (£380 for delegates at host school) Group rate: £350 for 10+ delegates at client site

Over 8,000 teachers and TAs have trained in Sounds-Write Each trainee is provided with a copy of the 222-page Sounds-Write manual, which includes all the theory, lesson plans, word lists and stories to teach the programme. This is included in the costs shown here.

Courses available in all regions Looking for Sounds-Write resources?

TRAINING IN SYNTHETIC PHONICS SPREAD OVER FIVE DAYS Course ref: SWC5 Individual rate: Price per delegate £450 at client site (£400 for delegates at host school) Group rate: £380 for 10+ delegates at client site

Phonics catch-up training TRAINING IN SYNTHETIC PHONICS SPREAD OVER FOUR DAYS Course ref: SWCUC4 Individual rate: Price per delegate £400 at client site (£380 for delegates at host school) Group rate: £350 for 10+ delegates at client site

TRAINING IN SYNTHETIC PHONICS SPREAD OVER FIVE DAYS Course ref: SWCUC5 Individual rate: Price per delegate £450 at client site (£400 for delegates at host school) Group rate: £380 for 10+ delegates at client site

“Sounds-Write has had an enormous impact on the standards of reading and spelling at Springfield Lower School. Lower ability children are now able to work independently from an early age and higher ability children are progressing at an incredibly fast rate. Boys aren’t seen as reluctant writers any more because they are used to writing every day at school.” Richard Benson, Head Teacher, Springfield Lower School, Kempston.

See pages 106 and 162-164

Sounds-Write is a quality first phonics programme. It offers a structured, multi-sensory, incremental and code-oriented approach to teaching children to read and spell. The programme can be implemented with a minimum of planning, preparation and expense, and it provides fast and effective teaching for children at all levels. In addition, the lesson plans are clearly structured and easy to follow within a systematic, synthetic phonic programme. It teaches all key elements of conceptual understanding, factual knowledge and the three essential skills of blending, segmenting and phoneme manipulation necessary for reading and spelling and does so on a daily basis until all children achieve the automaticity that underlies the fluency of successful readers. Sounds-Write is designed for the teaching of discrete, daily sessions and covers all the major sound/spelling correspondences. We believe that it is taught most successfully through interactive and enjoyable phonics activities which are situated within a language-rich curriculum. At the start of the programme, simple CVC words only are introduced. As the programme progresses, the complexity of these words is increased to four-, five- and six-sound words, before introducing the most common consonant digraphs. Thereafter, all the remaining common vowel and consonant sound/spelling correspondences are taught until all the common spellings for the fortyfour sounds in English have been covered. In parallel with this, pupils are taught how to read and spell polysyllabic words, progressing from two-syllable to five- and six-syllable words. Throughout, Sounds-Write promotes the use of multi-sensory engagement with the materials pupils are working with in a manner that is commensurate with the level and abilities of the children being taught. In addition to being multi-sensory, the programme has pace and utilises an array of stimulating resources.


TELEPHONE: 0845 121 7213 FAX: 0870-7059523 EMAIL: WEBSITE

The Sounds-Write training assumes little or no prior knowledge on the part of trainees and provides all teaching practitioners with: • a theoretical overview of the programme; • a discussion of assessment for the purpose of informing teaching practices and enabling teaching practitioners to gauge accurately where to start pupils in the programme for intervention purposes; • all the main lessons in the programme, with supervised practice on each one; • an introduction to teaching through errors, with practical workshops, lesson planning and reading in text; • videos of the programme being taught; • a discussion of the most popular reading schemes and how the Sounds-Write teaching approach can enable children to read them successfully; • an end-of-course guided assignment to help participants reflect on, organise and consolidate what has been covered in the course.

Teachers are able to use the materials provided in the Sounds-Write programme from the moment they leave the training and arrive back in the classroom. There are numerous opportunities to practise using the lessons and materials throughout the training, and trainees are monitored by the trainer, who gives constant feedback on their performance and advice about implementation. On successful completion of the course, all trainees receive a Sounds-Write certificate.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.



Teach to Read

with Elizabeth Nonweiler

Mainstream training

Phonics catch-up training


TEACHING SYNTHETIC PHONICS – adapted according to circumstances

CATCH-UP WITH SYNTHETIC PHONICS – adapted according to circumstances


Course ref: TEACHING SYNTHETIC PHONICS Options: •teaching synthetic phonics with an overview of suitable programmes and resources •teaching synthetic phonics with Jolly Phonics and progression after Jolly Phonics •teaching synthetic phonics illustrated by Letters and Sounds, Sound Discovery or Phonics International. ONE DAY at Client Site - up to 8 HOURS including breaks Course ref: EN1D/M £750 for 1-60 delegates at client site TWO DAY at Client Site - up to 16 HOURS including breaks Course ref: EN2D/M £1400 for 1-60 delegates at client site FULL DAY at venue in West Berkshire - up to 8 HOURS including breaks Course ref: ENFD/M £150 Individual rate price per delegate

Course ref: TEACHING SYNTHETIC PHONICS & CATCH-UP Practical lesson plans and activities for small group or 1:1 tuition



HALF DAY at Client Site - up to 4 HOURS including breaks Teach to Read half day courses are based on the principles covered in a mainstream course, and so they are available only for delegates who have attended a Teach to Read mainstream course. Course ref: ENHD/C £500 for 1-60 delegates at client site Elizabeth delivered high quality phonics training to our classroom based staff. She is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about phonics. The staff who work in EYFS and KS1 were enthused by the training as they could put it straight into action and are seeing the results already. KS2 teachers could better understand where the children are coming from as well as being able to support new arrivals. Now the whole team is speaking the same language. Thank you

Courses available in all regions Associated teaching resources Displays of a range of synthetic phonics resources, for mainstream, catch-up and consolidation. Handouts provided by email for schools to copy for staff. Elizabeth is an authorised Jolly Phonics trainer and has permission from the publishers of Sound Discovery and Phonics International to provide synthetic phonics training illustrated by their programmes.

Soho Parish CE Primary School

TEACH TO READ training is suitable for all primary school teaching staff. Every course includes the principles of synthetic phonics, understanding the alphabetic code, teaching beginners, progression, applying learning and making sure every child learns to read. Here are some examples of possible sessions: • 6 hours with all your teachers and teaching assistants, followed by an hour with relevant staff, considering different programmes and resources, with a view to making a decision about what to buy • 1 day including beginning teaching using Jolly Phonics, and an overview of progression • 1 day including beginning lessons using Jolly Phonics, and an overview of consolidation, progressionand catch-up illustrated by Sound Discovery or Phonics International • 1 day including teaching with Letters and Sounds • 1 day in any of the options above, followed by a half day for teaching assistants, focussing on catch-up with small groups or individual pupils • 2 days – Day 1: Principles, alphabetic code, beginning lessons – Day 2: Progression, applying learning and catch-up All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Victoria Marshall Mainstream training

Mainstream training



A practical and fun full-day course will increase practioners’ knowledge of and confidence in teaching systematic, synthetic phonics using the Letters and Sounds programme. The course will: • Explain the 6 phases of the Letters and Sounds programme, exploring multi -sensory games and activities to support the teaching of each phase.

This course is only available as a follow- up to the course VM01. We offer school-based consultancy to support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of phonics teaching. Support is bespoke to the precise needs of the school and could include (but this is not limited to) : • coaching and support for individuals and/or small groups of staff.

• Explain the 4-part sequence for teaching the discrete phonics session.

• demonstration teaching of a discrete phonics session by the consultant with children in their own classroom

• Demonstrate the key skills of blending for reading and segmenting for spelling, exploring activities to support the teaching of each.

• monitoring and evaluation of phonics teaching

• Explore ideas for the application of phonic skills in reading and writing across the curriculum. • Provide guidance on tracking and assessing pupil progress in phonics, supporting delegates in making judgements about phonic ability and identifying next steps in learning. • Give practical tips and advice on how to support pupils who are not making expected progress. This training is suitable for teachers, Teaching Assistants, subject leaders and members of senior leadership teams.

• reviewing assessment of children’s progress, identifying those who need further support • monitoring and evaluation of classroom provision to ensure appropriate opportunities for the application of phonic skills in reading and writing. This training is suitable for teachers, Teaching Assistants, subject leaders and members of senior leadership teams and can be a half or full day depending on need. A full report will be sent to the school following the session.

Course ref: VM02

Course ref: VM01 Venue: Client’s school. Refreshments and lunch to be provided by the school. Price: Group rate £500 (for max 30 delegates)

Venue: Client’s school. Refreshments and lunch to be provided by the school.

Associated resources:

Associated resources:

Letters and Sounds . CLLD programme materials. A pack with all handouts will be emailed to school for reference on the day and to take away. “Although I have been teaching phonics since 1978 I found it really interesting, useful, helpful and inspiring” Anne King, Teacher, Egton CE Primary School, Whitby

Price: ½ day rate £350 Full day rate £500

Letters and Sounds . CLLD programme materials. Additional handouts and resources to take away.



Courses available in the following regions:

North East and Yorkshire & Humberside “Victoria has been instrumental in turning around the teaching of phonics and reading in our school. It is rare to find a consultant who can advise the senior leadership team at a strategic level and also expertly coach and lead demonstration lessons for teachers and teaching assistants. I recommend her without hesitation.” Darren Dudman: Headteacher, Ripon Cathedral CE Primary School, Ripon

“A fantastic session. Thank you very much. It was wonderful to receive quality training from a specialist with the knowledge and experience to know how to apply a synthetic phonics programme in KS1.” Julia Campbell, Headteacher, East Cowton CP School, Northallerton

“Lots of brilliant ideas and very well presented. I have come away with a much greater depth of knowledge.” David Sims, Deputy Headteacher, Reeth & Gunnerside Primary School, Richmond

“Delivered in a simple, ‘no frills’ and useful way! Questions were answered and I now feel more confident!” Jessica Dargue, Teacher, East Cowton CP School, Northallerton

“Very informative – a lot of useful resources” Linda O’Connor, Advanced Teaching Assistant, Hemingbrough CP School, Selby

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


Which Phonics

training Mainstream training

Phonics catch-up training



A complete framework for systematically planning and teaching phonics, including a host of practical ideas encouraging children to use and apply their phonic knowledge and skills. • Teaching the Letter Sounds of the Basic Code • A bank of oral and print blending and segmenting activities using sounds as they are taught • Using and applying knowledge and skills when reading including recommended phonics readers

Course ref: WP01

Ideal for teachers of children in Y1 and Y2, this course looks at ways of using practical, planned intervention with children who are not able to use and apply their phonic knowledge and skills when working independently. • Comprehensive assessments to pin point weaknesses in code knowledge and/or blending and segmenting skills. • Short, sharp and structured practical activities for children to develop the skills needed for independent work in KS1 • Bringing the gap between reading and writing. Enabling children who read much better than they spell to see the correlation between the two skills by embedding code knowledge.

Course ref: WP05

Mainstream training FROM PHONIC TO ACCURATE SPELLING Moving on from one way of reading each sound to the alternative spellings of the Advanced Alphabetic Code, we present proven methods for teaching children why different graphemes are used for the same phoneme. • Using an exciting, investigative approach we demonstrate how to develop a working knowledge of the spelling patterns in the English Alphabetical Code. • Ideal for schools with children blending and segmenting confidently using the Basic Code and wishing to extend phonics knowledge and skills.

Mainstream and catch-up training TRAINING AT CLIENT SITE 6 Hours Training: £1800 for 1-100 delegates at client site 6 hour training session available as: 1 x Full Day INSET session – 6 hours Course ref: INSET FD 2 x Half Day/Extended After School INSET sessions - 3 hours each Course ref: INSET HD 3 x After School staff meetings sessions - 2 hours each Course ref: INSET AS

Course ref: WP02 COURSE TRAINING AT CONFERENCE VENUE Having previously worked alongside Sir Jim Rose assessing the phonics programmes and resources, we are able to adapt these sessions to whichever phonics programme or resource you have in school or help you decide which one is the best for you. We present an unbiased view through motivational and interactive training and leave you with long term planning, assessment and record keeping strategies for high quality phonics teaching.

Coffee break drinks, snacks and lunch provided FULL DAY - 6 hours Course ref: CONF FD

£280 each delegate at independent location



Associated teaching resources: Each school receives a detailed training pack and CD including a myriad of resources such as planning assessment, record keeping and examples of children’s work. We provide teachers with a bank of activities and resources which can be used the very next day for high quality phonics teaching. We provide in-depth information and an unbiased guide to all the recommended commercially available programmes and resources helping you to find a best fit for your school.

Why choose Which Phonics? • We Advise – You Decide! We are independent and have extensive knowledge and experience in teaching using all the recommended phonics programmes and resources which we bring to show you.

• We are classroom teachers and bring all our planning, record keeping and assessments.

• We have 18 years experience of training teachers, parents, children and we are still passionate about phonics! The top three words on our evaluation forms are: Engaging, Motivational and Inspiring

• We provide step-by-step structured planning, interactive activities, progression

Courses available in all regions

and assessments for high quality phonics teaching. • We work all over the World with international schools and governments and even the BBC sharing practical and fun ways to achieve high literacy levels.

All suppliers of training have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Schools should satisfy themselves that training selected is appropriate for their needs.


training All the suppliers of training below have made a commitment to provide training that meets the DfE criteria. Please note that training will be subject to quality assurance and monitoring by the DfE.

Cambridge Education Ltd

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education

CfBT Education Trust

Cornwall Learning

CPD College

Dandelion Learning Ltd

Debbie Hepplewhite

Eileen Swann Associates Ltd

Global Education Services Ltd

Hertfordshire County Council

Jolly Learning Ltd

Kirklees Traded Learning Service

Lancashire CC – Learning Excellence

Lesley Clarke

One Education Ltd

Osiris Educational Ltd

Pearson Education Ltd

Rising Stars UK Ltd

Online Training

BC Education Ltd


Sounds Together

Sound Discovery

Babcock LDP (formerly Devon Learning and Development Partnership

Read Write Inc.

Phonics Bug & Rapid Phonics

Floppy’s Phonics

Anne Harvey Literacy

Jolly Phonics

Phonics International


Ann Foster

Phonics catch-up

Name of Training Provider


The following organisations have been appointed onto the framework agreement, for the services and any related products (phonics schemes), indicated by ‘■’. Schools should satisfy themselves that the training selected is appropriate to meet their needs.

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

Ruth Miskin Training

Shropshire Council

Solihull MBC

Sounds Together

Sounds-Write Ltd

Teach to Read

Victoria Marshall Educational Consultant

Which Phonics

■ ■ ■

*Only parts of regions covered where specified


M AT C H - F U N D I N G C L A I M & F E E D B A C K F O R M E S P O F R A M E W O R K A G R E E M E N T E S P O 9 5 9 T / 9 5 9 TA D D S Y S T E M AT I C S Y N T H E T I C P H O N I C S T R A I N I N G School Name LA & Establishment Number

Training Provider Course Code

Date of Course



Your opinion of the Training Provider: Please indicate your assessment by ticking the appropriate box




If No, on how many previous occasions have you used this Training provider? Excellent


No knowledge



1 Is this the first time you have used this supplier?

Comments, if any

• Ease of booking your training course • Overall satisfaction with the performance of the trainer • Relevance of the course content • Quality of any course notes / accompanying materials provided as part of the package • Efficiency and co-operation of the provider in dealing with any problems or complaints 4

Are there any other comments you wish to make concerning the training, which you consider would be helpful to us?

In order to claim Match-funding please submit:

• a completed copy of this form • a copy of the invoice for the training

Declaration: I can confirm that the details on the invoice are correct and that the training listed has been completed. Please credit my account with the match funding amount. Signature:


Print Name:




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Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation

Hertfordshire Supplies

by fax: 0116 294 4390 by Email:

by fax: 01707 292337 by Email:

Kent County Supplies

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