1 minute read
from Back to School 2023
by kdhnews
This year, the KISD budget includes about $478 million in operations costs with 81 cents of every dollar going into instructional support.
During the school year, residents in south Killeen will notice the completion of Dr. Jimmie Don Aycock Middle School adjacent to Chaparral High School that will include the district’s third middle school STEM program.
The new middle school named for the former Texas state representative, who championed CTE education in Texas, is slated to open in the fall of 2024.
Killeen ISD is always hiring qualified employees and accepting applications to volunteer in the schools. A starting teacher in KISD earns $57,000.
To browse KISD vacancies, go to the following: https://www.applitrack.com/killeenisd/onlineapp/
To volunteer in KISD, go to the following: https://killeen.teams.hosting/volunteer/EntryPointHomeAction.do
For information about registering a student for school, go to the following: https://www.killeenisd.org/enroll