CNH Distinguished Vice President Application

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Kyle Dimla Vice President 2012-­2013 Ann Sobrato Key Club Division 12 South | Region 17

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest Â


Nominee Name: Kyle Dimla Key Club: Ann Sobrato District: California-­Nevada-­Hawaii Division:

Nominated By: Club #: H93063 12South Region:

Erin Chen 17

TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. ITEM

Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10


Letter(s) of Recommendation Vice President Checklist Proof of Attendance Summary of Position Task Achievements Kiwanis Relations Communication Miscellaneous


1 2 4 8 10 12 16 24 27 32

STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Why should this Vice President be recognized? Word Limit: 1,000

With immense honor, I, Erin Chen, strongly recommend that Kyle Dimla be considered a recipient of WKH 'LVWLQJXLVKHG 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW DZDUG $V $QQ 6REUDWR .H\ &OXE¡V 7UHDVXUHU , KDYH EHHQ DEOH WR work closely with Kyle and see him work cooperatively with our entire executive board. Kyle has proven time and time again, his ability to be a leader as well as an astounding Vice President of our club. He goes above and beyond, addressing conflicts or attending to jobs which he takes to be his moral obligation because he wants to, not because it is outlined for him to do so. Considering all that he has done, I do not see him as just a Vice President, I see him as an incredible parent of our family who will go to any length to keep everyone working cohesively. From our establishment just two years prior as well as our official charter one year ago, Kyle has grown into the leader he is today. At first he hailed as our Bulletin Editor and created the first newsletter, to now, a Vice President who is more than worthy of the Distinguished Vice President award. Since our official charter, Kyle has been the backbone and support of our club;Íž without him we would not be where we are today. He has the ability to hold the entire club on his shoulders by finding nearly all the volunteering events we have had thus far, coordinating with our President as well as myself for fundraisers, and taking on the jobs of inexperienced board members. It is evident .\OH¡V IRFXV LV RQ .H\ &OXE KH LV ZKROHKHDUWHGO\ GHYRWHG WR RXU .H\ &OXE RKDQD DQG LW VKRZV through his perseverance of raising our club to greatness. Furthermore, with his devotion to our club, he is still able to participate in other like-­minded organizations such as National Honors Society. He is a well-­rounded individual and continues to raise the bar with everything he does -­not just within our club, but also outside of our club as a student in that of itself. Attending every event our home club chairs, to all of the Division Council Meetings, Officer/Regional/Candidate Training Conferences, even volunteering events other clubs host and invite any member to. There is without a doubt that Kyle Dimla is one of the most devoted people to Ann Sobrato Key Club, as well as Division 12 South. Not only does he encapsulate Â


CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest everything a Vice President should be and should strive to be, but he is also a large part of the foundation our Key Club is built upon. He is the ideal Vice President, Key Club member, and friend that I have the privilege of knowing and expressing my deepest admiration. I have had the honorable pleasure of seeing this incredible young man grow from a person unfamiliar with what Key Club is, to one of the most spirited, devoted, ideal members of this amazing club. To be a witness of his metamorphosis from a Bulletin Editor to Vice President and now finally to the President position has been a journey to remember. That is why, with my deepest respect and love, I believe it is clear and evident that, Kyle Dimla, is an ideal candidate for the Distinguished Vice President award. As a fellow board member and friend, there is without a doubt that Kyle with continue to blossom into the greatest leader this club has ever had. He will continue to expand his abilities and again raise the bar to become the best President the Ann Sobrato Key Club has ever witnessed in its history.

Letters of Recommendation

My position as Vice President has proved to be one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. The following letters of recommendation formally evince the result of my accomplishments in the past year of my term and make me realize that I am capable of reaching greater heights. With my capabilities as a leader, I have been able to earn a high reputation with my Kiwanis adviser, Faculty adviser, and Lieutenant governor.

855 Claremont Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037 January 10, 2013 Regarding: distinguished Key Club Vice President, Kyle Dimla candidate Dear Key Club Committee Members: It is my pleasure to work with Kyle Dimla and the Morgan Hill Ann Sobrato Key Club. He is an articulate, organized, well-­mannered, and enthusiastic role model of what a Key Club member should be. Kyle sets high expectations and communicates them well, but is flexible and sensitive to others requirements as well. His energy and positive approach are contagious. The members work well with him and follow his positive leadership. He is an ideal candidate for Distinguished Vice President both as a role model of a club officer and as efficient organizer of many community service events for the club. The Ann Sobrato Key Club chartered last year with 50 members and has in excess of 65 members this year. Kyle was one of the 4 core members responsible for organizing the club and the most enthusiastic. The club has participated in DCON, District and local events from its first year. It is already renowned in Morgan Hill for its community service participation and the energy the Key Clubbers bring to their activities. The charter and district requirements are followed and club meetings are run in a highly organized fashion. Kyle maintains required documentation and reviews Key Club communications to insure compliance. Kyle¶s leadership skills and personality facilitated the service mindset, responsibility, and fun approach to being a Sobrato Key Club member. The club itself is run by the members with a minimum adult interaction. The Key Club report out weekly to the Kiwanis Club and we are amazed at their commitment. Kyle has been the spirit and organizational force for the club. He recruits great members which is necessary for growth and service. Kyle has the additional role of fund raiser and service projects coordinator for the club. He has organized over 50 Service projects this year. He recruits project volunteers, reports commitment, arranges transportation, communicates details in person and by social media to volunteers, completes paperwork and happily reminds members of their responsibilities. He has organized support for Relay for Life, sorted food and picked fruit for needy, worked at the Christmas in the Park, marshaled at the Morgan Hill Parade, raised funds, painted murals at a local hospital, helped other Key Clubs raise funds, served Seniors, helped animal groups, etc. And did I mention the members had fun! This represents thousands of service hours helping our communities and giving the Key Club great recognition. At DCON and division events, Kyle demonstrated leadership with funding, expectations, optimizing the experience, and having fun. He insured that all, including freshman and their adviser, knew what was expected in terms of behavior and experience, the nuts and bolts of the activity and that all were included in a rewarding and fun experience. Sincerely, Mary Lou Conragan Anne Sobrato Key Club Adviser

 Ann  Sobrato  High  School  401  Burnet  Avenue  Morgan  Hill,  CA  95037  (408)  201-­6200  ext.  x41265  January  22,  2013   To  whom  it  may  concern: Â


     It  is  my  privilege  to  recommend  Kyle  Dimla  for  Key  Club  Distinguished  Vice  President  for  the  California-­Nevada-­Hawaii  District.   Kyle  is  Key  Club  vice-­president  at  Ann  Sobrato  High  School  in  Morgan  Hill,  California.   As  this  clubs  new  adviser,  I  have  been  extremely  impressed  with  tKLV RUJDQL]DWLRQ .\OHÂśV enthusiasm,  and  his  meticulous  preparation  for  upcoming  activities  and  events.   He  is  always  well  ahead  and  proactive  in  making  it  easy  for  all  the  members  of  the  club  to  participate  in  events;  especially  in  making  certain  that  any  pre-­requirements  such  as  forms  and  attire  are  fully  explained  during  meetings  and  are  easy  to  find  via  email  and  social  networking.   As  a  chemistry  teacher  at  Ann  Sobrato  High  School,  I  am  aware  that  Kyle  is  a  student  in  four  AP  classes  and  is  involved  with  other  extra-­curricular  activities,  but  still  manages  to  function  highly  efficiently  as  a  working  officer  of  this  organization.  We  have  what  we  feel  is  a  very  successful  Key  Club  in  our  school,  and  Kyle  is  a  big  reason  why.   It  is,  without  hesitation,  that  I  extend  to  him  my  highest  of  recommendations.  Sincerely,  Marc  Lynn  KEY  Club  Faculty  Adviser  Â

February 3, 2013 To whom this may concern:

Where do I begin to describe Mr. Kyle Dimla. He is not only a very smart, reliable and organized

key club member, he is from a new club recently chartered this last year. Already, this club has been one of the top clubs out of eleven clubs/ schools to earn and serve the most community service hours. Let us start with Kyle and his organization. He takes over jobs that aren't necessarily even in his job description. For example, he helps with recording service hours that the club members do. When asked a member and how many hours they have, he knows it almost instantaneously. He responds quickly to emails and is an avid learner.

Kyle has gone above and BEE-­yond when getting tasks done. He cooperates and describes

everything thoroughly and orderly. When he is confused about something, he asks. I enjoy his presence as well because he not only reaches out to members in his home club, but members from other clubs as well. Never have I ever witnessed a club that has been newly chartered improve so quickly. Kyle encourages a healthy relationship with the key club and their Kiwanis sponsor clubs as well. By doing so, they managed to be one of the first clubs to be chartered.

I feel as if Kyle spends a lot of time on his work making and ensuring quality. Everyone says "

quality over quantity" but very few people may express it. Mr. Dimla is a exceptional candidate for Distinguished vice president. Now onl\y was he able to help the growth of his home club but he has attended all of the training conferences such as Officer Training Conference at Manresa State Beach, Region Training Conference at Camp Jones Gulch, Candidate Training Conference in Sunnyvale, and Conclave at the CCOC. When I visited Ann Sobrato, I can sense this clubs passion for service and the great leaders that help the members and assist them are one of the key roles to making this newly chartered club so amazing.

Few have ever witnessed personal goals being attained and I feel that Kyle has grown as a Key Club

member, as a vice president, and as a person. I am very pleased and honored to have such dedicated members such as Kyle in the great division that I serve.

Thank you, Ashley Lam 12South Lieutenant Governor

Letters of Recommendation Vice President Checklist

Serving as a Vice President for my club, I went above and BEEyond the average duties and roles of the position. I have proven to be a highly efficient and ambitious Vice President and have built a lasting foundation for this recently chartered club. I was able to develop into an outstanding officer and serve as a renowned Vice President. With the help of my fellow executive officers, I met the standards of the following checklist and achieved even more. The following checklist displays my accomplishments and contributions to my club and division as a member, a leader, and a mature professional.

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest

VICE PRESIDENT CHECKLIST This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Appreciation, Outstanding, or Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.


Nominee Name: Kyle Dimla Key Club: Ann Sobrato Club #: District: California-­Nevada-­Hawaii Division: 12South

H93063 Region:




Club Standards ML ML ML

Membership: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-­Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues

Work Accomplishments ML ML ML ML AT EC ML ML

Administration: Led a minimum of two (2) general meetings and completed duties assigned by the President Reporting ² Kiwanis Family Liaison: Provided monthly reports to the Board and Secretary on local Kiwanis activities Projects: Chaired a minimum of one (1) project Membership Education: Conducted a new member orientation;; provided various resources to the members;; provided resources to promote attendance at conferences and participation in contests Publicity: Submitted a minimum of ten (10) articles to club bulletin, division newsletter, or CNH District Newsletter and collaborated with Editor to publicize events Dues Collection: Assisted Treasurer with timely dues collection and accurate updates of club roster Club Communication: Communicated with the membership (phone, electronic, etc.), Faculty Advisor and sponsoring Kiwanis Club on a monthly basis Division Communication: Communicated monthly with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Region Advisor (in case of vacancies)

Attendance ML ML ML ML ML ML

Club Meetings: Attended eighty-­percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended eighty-­percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or Region Training Conference Vice President Workshop: Attended the Vice President Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, Officer Training Conference, or Region Training Conference


This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criterions have been identified on this form. Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-­judging will take place after the judges and the Member Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person. *You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items.*







Faculty Advisor

Marc Lynn

(408) 201-­6200 x41265


Kiwanis Advisor

Mary Lou Conragan

(408) 840-­1432


Key Club Lt. Governor

Ashley Lam

(408) 210-­5357

Kiwanis Lt. Governor

Proof of Attendance

I have bettered my home, school, and community by completing over 180 hours of service as a member of Key Club. I display the dedication and passion I have for this organization by placing first in the amount of hours of service in my club. Although my parents have questioned why I dedicate so many hours to this club, they still support and understand the position I hold.

By attending several training conferences throughout my term, starting with DCON 2012, I have not only grown into a better leader, but a better person as well. I attended the majority of our service events mostly because I was the one who organized them.

CNH|KEY CLUB District Contest


Nominee Name: Kyle Dimla Key Club: Ann Sobrato Club #: District: California-­Nevada-­Hawaii Division: 12South

H93063 Region:



The E-­Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign-­off on their own form.

E-­Signature: Megan Langga E-­6LJQHU·V 3RVLWLRQ President

E-­6LJQHU·V (-­mail: E-­6LJQHU·V 3KRQH 1XPEHU 1 (408) 607-­5401

ATTENDANCE Project, Activity, Event

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

VMC Mural Painting March of Dimes Los Paseos Spring Carnival Pioneer Car Wash Los Paseos Beautification Day Teach Assistance Mushroom Mardi Gras Kiwanis Market Morgan Hill 4th of July Parade Music in the Glen #1 VMC Mural Painting Music in the Glen #2 Music in the Glen #3 Hot August Nights Poster Making Day Almaden Art and Wine Festival Emma Prusch Harvest Fest VMC Mural Painting Light the Night Walk Sobrato Campus Clean Up Christmas in the Park Set Up Holiday Boutique Set Up CITP Bucket Brigade Morgan Hill Relay for Life San Jose Rose Garden Pruning


4/21/12 4/28/12 5/4/12 5/5/12 5/12/12 5/14/12 5/27/12 6/2/12 7/4/12 7/5/12 7/6-­7/12 7/12/12 7/26/12 8/25/12 9/15/12 9/16/12 10/6/12 10/13-­14/12 10/20/12 11/9/12 11/17/12 11/30/12 12/8/12 5/20-­21/12 1/12/13


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Level of Activity Division District

x x


Total Service Hours

Service Hours

10 6 4 4 4 2 9 5 4 2 8 2 4 6 5 8 5 9 4 2 4 2 2 24 3 138

Summary of Position

During my term as Vice President, I took on several jobs, being the versatile Key Club officer I am. Although I kept my own personal records of PHPEHUV· participation, organized collection of money for division and club shirts, and helped our bulletin editor create monthly newsletters, my official focus is membership involvement and board cooperation. I constantly reminded my fellow board members of events, positively encouraged progress, and ensured that all jobs were completed with quality work. I made frequent reminders about events and meetings for members to encourage higher attendance and involvement in service events, DCMs, and more.

Summary of Position    Â

My  role as Vice President has proved to me and others  who have watched me in action WKDW D 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW LVQ¡W MXVW WKH  3UHVLGHQW¡V DVVLVWDQW , SURYHG WR  be one of the most essential board members  this club has ever had. Not only did I serve as  an irreplaceable leader to the  FOXE¡V PHPEHUV DQG P\ IHOORZ officers, I became a founding  father of an organization that  has become the preferred volunteer organization of our  town, Morgan Hill.  Â

I worked rigorously alongside our FOXE¡V SUHVLGHQW 0HJDQ /DQJJD IDU  left in the photo to the left), so that not only could we run this club properly, but  learn as officers who had no  predecessors to teach us. Nevertheless, with my hard work, we managed to  become successful officers and brought  Ann Sobrato Key Club from being the newborn club to being one of the top  five clubs in the division. My term as a  Vice President will most definitely be  one of the  most productive vice presidencies this club has experienced. Â

 %HFRPLQJ 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW ZDVQ¡W MXVW DERXW WKH WLWOH DQG EHFRPLQJ D EHWWHU leader for me ² it was about serving my community, building a positive and beneficial environment for people my age, and inspiring others to step up and take the lead. Since the starW RI P\ 9LFH 3UHVLGHQF\ , VHUYHG DV 0HJDQ¡V ULJKW KDQG PDQ , accompanied the president to any Associated Student Body-­related meetings, Kiwanis meetings, discussions with the school, and when asking for approval from any advisers. Â

Summary of Position

My President and I worked very well together ² I was never asked to do anything or had to be waited on for things to get done because I knew my objectives and completed them without commands to do so. I created several of our meeting agendas and ran board meetings, especially in her absence during lunch due to academic reasons.

Aside from helping the president in any way possible, I worked extensively with other officers as well. I worked closely with our secretary, An Nguyen, constantly updating hours and reviewing club meeting minutes. We would always cross reference our notes to ensure our members accurate records in order to report the MRF to our Lieutenant Governor properly. I worked with our treasurer, Erin Chen, often as well. Not only encouraging members to turn their membership dues in on time, I worked with the treasurer to coordinate fund raisers and organize percentages of donations and club funds. Being the immediate past Bulletin Editor, I usually submitted an article or two about service events and training conferences for our Editor, Amy Tran, to include in our monthly newsletters. I also took pictures at our events for her to put in the newsletter as well.

Apart from all the official work of running a Key Club, I also heavily involved myself in spirit and membership involvement. I had EHFRPH WKH ´JR-­WRµ SHUVRQ IRU members to easily approach and ask questions. With any type of event, I always strongly encouraged all members to attend and constantly reminded everyone of the ten hour requirement our club has in order to be recognized as an active member.


Summary of Position


I collaborated and aided other  unofficial officers as well. Since our club is  relatively new, I felt that our members were not  very aware of the division and all the spirit that Key Club has. I promoted  DCMs and attending Fall Rally Northas much as  possible. I suggested to our spirit FRPPLVVLRQHUV WR UDOO\ WKH ´+RZ 'R <RX  )HHOÂľ FKHHU RQ RXU FOXE UXVK WR DWWUDFW  more attention to our informational table. On  top of that I organized a poster making day specifically for club rush so  WKDW RXU .H\ &OXE¡V LPDJH ZRuld be  to our school efficiently. Our promoted club is considered one of the most  spirited clubs of Division 12 South today.  2YHU WKH PRQWKV ,¡YH SURPRWHG '&21 at every  meeting and worked with the spirit commissioners to create cheers for our club.  I worked alongside all of our board members not only to keep our  club running, but to publicize and improve  our image at our school.  Being Vice President has been one of the most challenging jobs of my life;Íž  KRZHYHU , KDYHQ¡W MXVW ´JRW WKURXJK LWÂľ ² I  strived to serve my board members and club. Â

When our club became extremely busy, piling service events on service  events, I took it upon myself to educate members to become leaders and usually appointed some of the most dedicated members to be the chair of one of several events on a busy weekend. It is my job to not only ensure a smooth and productive Key Club experience for our members, but also to provide the fullest of the Key Club experience and guarantee a lasting legacy of leaders. Â


Task Achievements


As  a Vice President, I went beyond my designated duties and completed several tasks without being ordered to do so. Thinking solely  DERXW PHPEHUVKLS LQYROYHPHQW RXU FOXE¡V UHSXWDWLRQ DW RXU VFKRRO  and creating a lasting legacy of dedicated members, I have carried  out several reforms and organized the club efficiently. Â

Aside from simply helping my president in any way possible, I have ZRUNHG DORQJVLGH HDFK RI P\ FOXE¡V ERDUG PHPEHUV WR EHWWHU RXU club, home, school, and community. With their help, I was able to complete the following tasks to my fullest potential.

Task Achievements Personal Records I did not run to be secretary;; however, I wanted to guarantee my club members an organized and efficient club due to the inexperienced and unorganized reputation we earned ourselves during the early chaotic months RI RXU FOXE·V OLIH , SHUVRQDOO\ NHSW P\ Rwn record of every single service event, DCM, and other events our club members participated in. My records come in three parts: The personal record for each individual member, the DCON to DCON overview, and the service hour spreadsheet. To the left is the list of every member in our club. There are two folders for graduated members and inactive members. I never delete any files! (DFK PHPEHU·V UHFRUG LQFOXGHV FRQWDFW information, every DCM or training conference WKH\·YH DWWHQGLQJ LQ UHG , and every service event that they have attended. Their total amount of service hours is collected at the bottom. Events are separated by semester. There is a subtotal amount of hours completed in each semester and a cumulative amount of hours in brackets next to it.

My own personal record is shown on the left. Creating these personal records is a lot of work;; however, I have grown accustomed to working quickly and as soon as an event is reported to the board. I created this system of personal records because I have been in other clubs that failed to keep track of service hours and ended up agitating members. By doing these records I can assist the secretary if they ever need to check on a FHUWDLQ LQGLYLGXDO·V KRXUV RU LI D PHPEHU ZDQWV WR check his or her participation since the beginning of their membership.

Task Achievements Personal Records All personal records are uploaded on to our FOXE·V drop box account. Every member of our board knows the access information, so at any given time, any board member may provide a member with a link to their personal record. This system has proven to be efficient and it relieves some work load ² believe it or not ² off of me since members are able to ask other board members instead of just me and the secretary. It is easy and convenient and lets members check if they have the required amount of hours for active recognition.

On top of the personal records, I keep another form of record ² the DCON to DCON overview. The DCON to DCON overview is a record of every event our members have attended ² it lists all of our events, and then elaborates on them with the names of all volunteers, the total number of volunteers, and the total number of hours of service completed at the event. The secretary and I share this record to help update the MRF properly and send it in on time. It allows us to check event information conveniently.

A third form of records I keep to assist the secretary is the service hour spreadsheet. The service hour spreadsheet is a simple club roster that lists all the names of our clubs members vertically and all our service events horizontally. It clearly shows the number of hours each member has completed at events they have volunteered at. In a general view, it lets us view how many events a member has attended or how many volunteers an event had at a glance. With all three records, an organized Key Club is guaranteed.

Task Achievements Finding Service Events

One of the duties I felt I should focus on heavily was to find and coordinate service events. After finding an event, it was my duty to inform the club via Facebook posts on our secret group, the most effective form of communication. Through these posts I encouraged professional behavior at events, gave tips to a being a successful volunteer, and obtained sign ups. This has proved to be the most efficient method of coordinating sign ups and reminders. e-­mail frequently as well. I understand that not every member has a Facebook, so I I used compiled a list of e-­mails to add to the mailing list;; Members on the mailing list would be updated on new service events via the Yahoo! Group. On this Yahoo! Group, service agreement forms and were available to print. A calendar of service events and a data base for members applications to sign up on were also available.

I spend numerous hours searching the web, browsing for local volunteering events. I also keep an eye out at school for ASB volunteering events and events for the Civics classes. I contacted other clubs in the division to share service events as well.

The events I find are fun and attractive to our members, inviting many volunteers to the events. Many volunteer coordinators e-­mail me with high praise in follow up emails after our club volunteers with them. Volunteering events I find are always productive and they get new members hooked on volunteering! I often promoted proper behavior and D JRRG .H\ &OXEEHU·V DWWLWXGH

Task Achievements

Organizing Club Day Publicity

Our publicity props made at the poster making day I hosted included a sandwich board to be worn and even a Fire Nation themed scroll since our club mascot is the Fire Benders. We promoted Key Club spirit and service the most and encouraged new students to join all the service possible in order to give organizations back to the community. Our efforts on club day proved to be very successful and many more people were interested in joining. We not only established that we are a service club, but also showed that we have a fun and positive environment for people our age.

Since our club is relatively new and the organization is not very well known at our school, I took it upon myself to organize the club day publicity to really JHW RXU FOXE·V LPDJH RXW WKHUH , KRVWHG D SRVWHU PDNLQJ day at my house to create several clever and very attractive advertisements as well as an informational tri-­ fold for potential members to briefly learn what Key Club is about. Our club day played a vital role in the drastic membership increase as a large publicity stunt to our school. I assigned posters to willing members and posted them at strategic places within the quad to attract students to our club. Two officers were always posted at the table to inform fellow students and to encourage them to get involved with the community. Many of our members proudly did the How Do You Feel cheer in our quad to draw in more attention as we waved a large D12S Villains flag and cardboard cutout super villain.


Task Achievements Key Club Week

Our club only became involved LQ .H\ &OXE VSLULW DIWHU DWWHQGLQJ 'LYLVLRQ 6RXWK¡V  December DCM of 2011 ² completely unaware of Key Club Week. In order to make up for the SUHYLRXV \HDU¡V .H\ &OXE :HHN , ZDV GHWHUPLQHG WR JHW WKH PDMRULW\ RI PHPEHUV LQYROYHG I was  also even more moWLYDWHG E\ RXU /LHXWHQDQW *RYHUQRU $VKOH\ /DP¡V .H\ &OXE :HHN FKDOOHQJH ²  the club that can coordinate the most members in each day of Key Club Week and send in pictures will  win the spirit stick that 12 South took home at Fall Rally North 2012.         Â

In order to really spread the word about Key Club, I quickly created this calendar of the week as a quick reference to the themes of each day. I posted it on our Facebook group as well as on my profile to promote to other Key Clubbers and students at my school as well. The days are a bit switched around to specifically fit Sobrato Key &OXE¡V VFKHGXOH KRZHYHU :LWK WKLV OLWWOH FDOHQGDU I was able to remind and coordinate many members to be spirited and involved with Key Club Week. Our activities this week at our school got us a good reputation with the school administration.

  For each day of Key Club Week we were supposed to take pictures and send them to our Lieutenant Governor Ashley Lam by a certain day. For each day, I took multiple pictures and  collaged them into a nice single photo with  titles and labels. On the first day, many Key Clubbers  showed up decked out in their  Key Club gear, representing Key Club as a whole by wearing shirts  from other divisions. I strongly  everyone to bring in encouraged a friend to our meeting the next  day to increase our membership and spread  the word about what we do for our community. By organizing all these activities, I got our club a good reputation and inspired more members to become more involved. Â

Task Achievements Key Club Week

I took all the photos seen here in the collages. I was also the one who suggested showing our appreciation to our faculty adviser with thank you notes and a treat and organizing a campus clean up after school. I incorporated service into our Key Club Week, which I think was WKH XOWLPDWH VXFFHVV IRU RXU FOXE·V LPDJH DV ZHOO DV RXU VFKRRO·V LPDJH In the end, my efforts ended up winning our club the FRN Spirit Stick, which was rewarded to us at the December DCM. With my work, our club has become one of the most spirited and active in Division 12 South.

Task Achievements Creating a Club T-­Shirt

Maintaining a friendly tone with the FRPSDQ\·V UHSUHVHQWDWLYH DQG EULHIO\ informing her of the work that Key Club does, she was impressed by our actions and gave us 5% off.

By wearing the club shirts around school, our club may gain more publicity and more potential members. It improves the overall image of our club to the students at our school and gets students interested in what we do.

With the help of club members and some others in my division, I was able to organize the creation of a club t-­shirt in time for District Convention. I first set up a competition in which members would submit designs by a certain date. We let the club vote on the design during a meeting. Over the following few weeks I constantly exchanged emails with a representative of a printing company, collecting the right estimates and approving of our order. I promoted the sale of our club t-­shirt to the members of our club. The initial payment to the company for these shirts came out of my own bank account. With the money raised from selling these shirts, I will be reimbursed and the rest will go to our service projects such as the Eliminate Project and PTP. It may also contribute to a DCM our club will host in the future.


Kiwanis Relations

           \          Even at the start of my term as Vice President, I had never thought  that I could have grown as close as I am now with the Kiwanis of Morgan Hill. From  the start they have helped us with so much and we have helped them. We serve together, laugh together, and support each other. In the  past few months of this term, I have worked more closely with the  Kiwanians than I have ever before. I have exchanged emails, sent JUHHWLQJV RUJDQL]HG VHUYLFH HYHQWV DQG ZRUNHG ZLWK WKHP , GRQ¡W NQRZ how HOVH , FDQ UHSD\ WKHP IRU DOO WKH\¡YH GRQH IRU 6REUDWR .H\ &OXE DQG


Kiwanis Relations

Although the weekly Kiwanis meetings are held rather far from my home and on a school evening, I do my best to attend with my president. During the meetings, I listen to their updates and then share updates of what Sobrato Key Club has done since the last meeting. Our attentively Kiwanis adviser, Mary Lou, is very organized and always asks us if we need her assistance as an adviser to an event in the future.

Even though Kiwanis meetings are on the rather serious and business-­professional side, it has not prevented me from becoming more than just business partners with the Kiwanians. I enjoy having conversations with our Kiwanis elders! They are fun to be with and do not come off as a restrictive law-­enforcers to our club.

I keep in touch with our Kiwanis club well. Usually Mary Lou will attend our club meetings to us in person for updates and service events. I get other members to greet and speak with check up on KHU EHFDXVH VKH KDV GRQH VR PXFK IRU RXU FOXE DQG ZH ZRXOGQ·W have been as successful as we are now without her. If I am unable to attend a Kiwanis meeting, I will send an email to our Kiwanis adviser asking if any service events were brought up during the discussion. I also usually send her a list of events to keep her up to date with our activities.


Kiwanis Relations


In  addition to working with my sponsoring Kiwanis Club, I have served  with other local Kiwanis clubs in joint  events shared with the division. Over summer I volunteered weekly with the  Willow Glen Kiwanis Club and sold food at  the Kiwanis booth at Music in the Glen.  as a reoccurring service Also project,  I volunteered several times at the VMC Medical Center and painted murals  in the pediatric ward with the Almaden Kiwanis.  During these paintings, I worked with several Kiwanians and Kiwanis  LTG Chris VerBerg. Division 12 Â

I also attended the occasional  Kiwanis DCM. It was a great experience to see how many Kiwanis clubs are  represented in Division 12 South. At this  meeting I became familiar with Kiwanis  from all over Silicon Valley and learned  more about overseas service projects.  One of the Kiwanis DCMs that I attended was a celebration of the 85th birthday of  Kiwanis Division 12. During the festivities, I  sat at the table and talked with Mike Akana, the Kiwanian who coordinated  .H\ /HDGHU DW &DPS -DPHV *XOFK ,W¡V  reassuring that our clubs and future are put into such caring and friendly hands.  It has been great to get to know Kiwanians on a more friendly and personal level rather WKDQ MXVW DV DGYLVHUV WR RXU FOXEV DQG DFWLYLWLHV ,¡G RFFDVLRQDOO\ LQYLWH RXU 0RUJDQ +LOO .LZDQLDQ /\QQ 3RWWHU WR 6REUDWR .H\ &OXE¡V IXQG UDLVHUV DQG VHQG KHU WKH IOLHUV DQG DW WKH IXQG UDLVHU ZH greet and thank them for coming. Since I know the Kiwanians on a more personal level, I feel more comfortable working with them and with more members of the Kiwanis Family.


As Vice President of a Key Club, emailing and making phone calls was crucial to maintaining the club and keeping it in active in service. If unable to meet with each other, I would send emails to board members regarding meeting plans, MRFs, TMRFs, and other forms. I frequently sent emails to our sponsoring Kiwanis Club to check if there are any service HYHQWV DYDLODEOH LQ 0RUJDQ +LOO ,·G VHQG RXW HPDLOV RQ WKH 6REUDWR .H\ Club Yahoo! Group for those who are not updated on social networking sites with us. The majority of our service events come from online sign ups and coordinating with volunteer organizations via e-­mail. Through phone calls and e-­mails, I maintained a strong connection with our Kiwanis, board, and division.




I kept in touch effectively with board members, especially over summer when our president was on  vacation in the Philippines. Here is a sample Email with my club president, Megan Langga: Â

Tuesday,  July  3rd,  2012  at  3:26  PM Â


³Hi  Megan!  Â

, KRSH \RX¶UH HQMR\Lng  your  well-­GHVHUYHG YDFDWLRQ ZLWK \RXU IDPLO\ :KLOH \RX¶YH EHHQ RXW ZH¶YH EHHQ YHU\ EXV\  organizing  service  events  and  OTC  attendees.   th  I  talked  to  Mary  Lou  about  the  4  RI -XO\ 3DUDGH YROXQWHHUV DQG ZH¶UH VHW WR FDUU\ EDQQHUV LQ WKH SDUDGH WRPRUURZ from  9  ±  12.  They  even  offered  to  let  us  wear  our  12South  Super  Villains  shirts!  I  tried  to  get  more  volunteers  to  come   but  it  seems  like  the  majority  of  members  are  busy  with  family  or  other  activities,  so  we  only  had  a  few  sign  up.  I  think   there  was  some  event  for  YAC  at  the  Morgan  Hill  Rec  Center  or  something  too.  Â

 ,¶YH DOVR EHHQ WU\LQJ WR JHW PRUH SHRSOH WR FRPH ZLWK PH WR 0XVLF LQ WKH *OHQ ZLWK WKH :LOORZ *OHQ .LZDQLV Club ,W¶G EH D JUHDW RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU PHPEHUV WR ERQG ZLWK WKH GLYLVLRQ DQG .LZDQLDQV EXW , WKLQN D ORW RI SHRSOH DUH MXVW  busy  and  have  that  sXPPHU DSDWK\ JRLQJ RQ ,¶YH  emailed  Sarah  from  the  Almaden  Kiwanis  about  the  VMC  Mural   Painting  coming  up  in  a  few  weeks  and  at  the  end  of  August.  Jessica  Wong  is  thinking  of  sending  in  a  design.  ,¶P UHDOO JODG D ORW RI RXU PHPEHUV OLNH JRLQJ WR WKLV HYHQW HYHQ WKRXJK LW¶V SUHWW\ IDU  Â

$V RI ULJKW QRZ ,¶YH FROOHFWHG DERXW VHYHQ SD\PHQWV IRU 27& 7KH IROORZLQJ ZLOO EH DWWending  OTC  from  Sobrato:   Erin  Chen,  Chris  Chong,  Michelle  Luong,  Michelle  Luu,  Amy  Tran,  Jessica  Wong,  Wiley  Wong,  and  I.  I  will  be  mailing   out  the  check  to  Mrs.  Buelna  later  this  week!  I  wish  you  could  be  here  for  it!   See  you  soon,   Kyle  Dimla   ________________________________________________________________________________________________  Â

³+H\ .\OH Â


 Thanks,  it  seems  like  you  have  taken  care  of  everything  that  needs  to  be  done  for  July.  I  knew  I  could  count  on  you,  as  always.  Now  that  the  majority  of  events  have  been  accounted  for,  we  should  start  thinking  about  planning  for  the   upcoming  school  year.  Do  you  think  that  visiting  on  freshmen  orientation  would  be  a  good  idea?  I  feel  like  the  ASB   dominates  it,  but  we  could  ask.  We  should  also  have  a  meeting  to  discuss  how  we  will  attract  new  members  this  year.  It  is  RXU ILUVW \HDU JRLQJ DOO RXW .H\ &OXE VSLULW DW 6REUDWR VR , GRQ¶W NQRZ KRZ RWKHU SHRSOH ZLOO SRUWUD\ XV DQG UHDFW WR XV  :H QHHG WR IRFXV RQ KRZ ZH GR FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH DQG KRZ ZH GRQ¶W make  keys!   Â

Thanks  again,  Firelord  Megan Â




Contact via e-­mail is one of the main benefactors to keeping our club tied to our sponsoring  Kiwanis Club and local community service events. I maintained occasional e-­PDLOV ZLWK RXU FOXE¡V  Kiwanis adviser Mary Lou Conragan to receive updates on service events and adviser availability: Â

Monday,  November  19th,  2012  at  12:22  PM Â

ÂłHi  Kyle,    Thanks  for  the  help  at  Safeway,  we  collected  more  than  120  bags  of  groceries  and  $300  in  cash  donations  which  I  have  forwarded  to  Second  Harvest.  I  would  like  the  thank  the  Key  Club  for  their  support  and  also  for  bagging  up  the   Second  Harvest  food  sacks.  Without  you  we  would  have  been  out  of  business  in  1.5  hours.  To  all,  I  wish  you  a  Happy   Thanksgiving!   May  you  not  eat  too  many  sides  and  enjoy  the  fellowship  of  friends  and  family.   Again  I  am  thankful  for  the  friendship  of  all  of  you  and  Kiwanis  projects  we  have  completed.  Â

  Mary  Lou  Â

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Â Â

Monday,  November  19th,  2012  at  7:31  PM Â


ÂłHi  Mary  Lou,   Â

 7KDQN \RX IRU XSGDWLQJ PH RQ RXU HYHQWV ,WÂśV XQIRUWXQDWH , ZDV XQDEOH WR DWWHQG WKLV ODVW 6DWXUGD\ EXW DV \RX  know,  I  was  busy  setting  up  at  Christmas  in  the  Park.  I  did  receive  a  few  calls  and  texts  from  our  volunteers  that  were  there  at  Safeway;  it  seems  that  some  sign-­ ups  were  no  shows  but  many  unanticipated  volunteers  showed  up  in  time.  I  will   pass  on  your  words  of  thanks  to  our  club  at  our  next  meeting  tomorrow!  Â

 By  the  way,  are  there  any  future  local  service  events  this  upcoming  month?  I  know  that  we  have  the  Christmas   Parade  on  the  3rd  and  the  Canned  Food  Drive  on  the  21st EXW ,ÂśP ZRQGHULQJ LI WKHUH DUH DQ\ PRUH HYHQWV \RX NQRZ about  in  Morgan  Hill.  Lately  members  have  said  they  were  unable  to  attend  because  of  the  drive  to  San  Jose  for   volunteering!  Thank  you  for  all  your  help  and  support  for  this  club!  Â

In  service  and  friendship,  Â

Kyle  Dimla Â






, DOVR MRLQHG WKH &1+ 9LFH 3UHVLGHQWV¡ UHIOHFWRU DQG UHDG PDQ\ UHVSRQVHV WKDW RXU 'LVWULFW *RYHUQRU  Alyssa Yocom, got from VPs all over CNH. I only official y responded to one of them in June, however:  Â

6/9/12 Â

 ³Hello  CNH  Vice  Presidents!   Each  month,  I  will  provide  a  topic  and  discussion  questions.  If  you  would  like  to  participate  or  share,  simply  reply  to  the  email  message  with  your  input.  I  hope  that  by  doing  this,  we  can  establish  a  support  team  across  our  district.  Please  share   your  excellent  ideas,  knowledge,  and  experience  with  us  so  that  we  can  all  grow  as  leaders  together.    Remember  that  this  reflector  is  for  you!  If  you  ever  have  any  questions  simply  send  an  email  to  cnh-­kc-­vice-­     Topic:  Summer  activities  Questions:  Â

x What  is  your  favorite  summer  service  event  and  why?   x +RZ DUH \RX XWLOL]LQJ WKH VXPPHU WR NHHS PHPEHUV DFWLYH DQG JHW DKHDG RQ WKH FOXEÂśV \HDUO\ JRDOV" Â


Buzzing  in  Service,    Alyssa  Yocom   Cali-­Nev-­Ha  District  Governor  2012-­ 13  Key  Club  International   Email:  Call/Text:  1-­  775-­846-­9747  _______________________________________________________________________________________________   Â

6/23/12 Â

This  is  Kyle  Dimla,  Vice  president  of  Sobrato  from  D12South!  My  favorite  summer  service  events  are  the  car   washes  because  not  only  is  washing  cars  with  friends  fun  once  in  a  while,  it  will  raise  money  towards  our  annual  project.  Over  summer,  my  club  is  organizing  frequent  meetings  to  plan  and  review  service  events  and  fund  raisers.  We  are  a  freshly   chartered  club  to  D12South,  so  we  have  ambitious  goals  and  no  intention  of  starting  out  slow  as  a  new  club.  We  are   keeping  are  members  updated  with  service  events  each  month  and  promoting  their  attendance  of  the  summer  OTC  at  Manresa  Beach!  Fund  raising  is  a  key  tenet  of  what  Key  Club  is,  so  we  are  planning  various  fund  raisers  over  summer  so  that  we  can  raise  money  for  PTP.  It  concerns  me  that  as  a  club,  Sobrato  has  yet  to  fund  raise  for  PTP.  So  that's  why  we  are  doing  our  best  to  organize  as  many  fund  raising  events  as  possible  this  summer!  We'll  be  enjoying  a  summer  full  of  service!  Â




Jennifer Buelna, Region 17 adviser, organizes all the attendees for region events such as Region  Training Conference, Officer Training Conference, and Fall Rally North for Division 12 South.  1DWXUDOO\ ,¡G EH DVNLQJ KHU TXHVWLRQV DQG VHQGLQJ H-­mails to her often. I especially contacted her to work out additional attendees to OTC over the summer of 2012:  Â

7/11/12 Â

ÂłHello  Mrs.  Buelna!   Â

This  is  Kyle  Dimla,  Vice  President  of  Ann  Sobrato  Key  Club.  I'm  in  charge  of  my  club's  registration  since  our  president  is   out  of  the  country  for  July.  Sorry  for  the  inconvenience,  but  one  of  my  members  wanted  to  register  after  I  sent  in  the  online  registration  and  mail-­in  paper  forms/check!  She  was  out  on  a  camping  trip  until  recently  and  she  was  unable  to   connect  with  me  to  register.  I  will  just  add  her  here  like  listed  on  the  online  registration  form.  Sorry  for  the  inconvenience   again!  I  understand  that  she  will  pay  $8  on  site.    Rishelle  Zertuche  ¹  Member    Thank  you,    Kyle  Dimla   _______________________________________________________________________________________________    ³,QIRUPDWLRQ UHFHLYHG  Thank  you!     Sent  from  my  iPod´      Â

7/11/12 Â


Aside from the required responsibilities and duties of a Vice President, and organized many other things on the side for our club. I I worked especially focused on club publicity and member recruitment to preserve the future of this club. I think that not only are the main duties and responsibilities critical to the progress of the club, but it is also many of the OLWWOH WKLQJV WKDW FRXQW DQG DUH ZRUWK LW LQ WKH IXWXUH ,·YH ZRUNHG KDUG WR create a lasting foundation for this club in our school, division, and community.


Organizing Club Participation at School/Division Festivities

Publicity at our school is one of my main focuses other than the required duties and responsibilities of a leader of the club that I serve. In order to put our image out there, I organized for our club to make appearances in school wide events such as the Fall Homecoming Parade (bottom), Club Day (middle), and in the most recent Winter Homecoming Rally (top). I wanted our school to know that we are different from the rest of the volunteering clubs where we have fun and serve because we want to. I also helped get Sobrato·s members more involved with the division. I intently invited members to the October DCM which was also a Fall Rally North prep with Division 12 South cheers. At Fall Rally, I stood on the side of 12South to rally cheers to the Super Villains in the back at the higher steps of the stairs.


Member Relations Member retention is also what I worry about the most. In order to keep members interested and involved, I try to bond with them during service events, DCMs, and training conferences to check up on how they like the experience. By befriending members, I can understand what they prefer and how to approach them better. When I talk to them, I can ask how their experience was and ask them to suggest other members to attend the next event. It·s helpful to our club when our board gets to know members, since we are always looking for potential future officers to keep our club up and running. I hope to get a wide variety of dedicated members involved with club work so that we may preserve the legacy that our current board and I have worked hard to create.


Pictures at Events

At service events, DCMs, and training conferences, I would keep my camera handy to document all the service we do, the fun we have, and the love us Key Clubbers share. Not only do I take pictures to preserve memories, but also to indirectly publicize our club, division, and district to those who are friends with me on Facebook who go to my school. I wasn·t sure if it would work, but a few people actually joined our club after seeing so many pictures of all the events that our club attends. Sometimes it·s better to describe the Key Club experience with pictures instead of words, because a picture is worth a thousand words.

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