2 minute read
from CAF2020 Guideline
by kdz_austria
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a result of the cooperation among the Member States of the EUPAN Network. The CAF is offered as a common model to assist public sector organisations to use quality management techniques. It provides a general framework, which is suitable for a selfassessment of public sector organisations and their development towards excellence.
The 2020 version of the CAF is the result of an active collaboration of the National Correspondents of the CAF network and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), which are in charge of the promotion, implementation and periodic revision of the CAF at European and national levels.
The editing of CAF2020 has been conducted by: Coordinator: Thomas Prorok (EIPA Special Advisor), Sabina Bellotti (Italy) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Michael Kallinger, Philip Parzer (Austria) Isabelle Verschueren (Belgium) Jaana Ilomäki, Timo Kuntsi, Aila Särmälä (Finland) Teresa Ascione, Italo Benedini, Claudia Migliore, (Italy) Katarzyna Dudzik (Poland) Cristina Evaristo (Portugal) Fabrizio Rossi (EIPA)
Contributions have been provided by Bulgaria, Greece and the Slovak Republic. Additional inputs from other National CAF Correspondents during the process are appreciated.
European CAF Resource Centre – European Institute of Public Administration P.O. Box 1229, 6201 BE Maastricht, The Netherlands caf@eipa.eu www.eipa.eu/CAF
EUPAN CAF Correspondents
Austria Mr Michael Kallinger
Belgium Ms Isabelle Verschueren
Bulgaria Ms Mimi Yotova
Croatia Mr Tomislav Mičetić
Cyprus Ms Lenia Orphanidou
Estonia Ms Nele Nõu
Finland Mr Timo Kuntsi
Greece Mr Ioannis Dimitriou
Hungary Mr Dávid Kojsza
Italy Ms Sabina Bellotti
Lithuania Ms Aušra Galvėnienė
Luxembourg Ms Nadine Hoffmann
Malta Poland Portugal Romania
Slovakia Slovenia Spain
EIPA European Commission Mr Joseph Bugeja Ms Katarzyna Dudzik Ms Cristina Evaristo Ms Vasilica-Valentina Rusen Ms Kristína Krupčíková Ms Loredana Leon Ms Begoña Lázaro Alvarez Mr Fabrizio Rossi Ms Sabina Schlee Ministry for the Civil Service and Sports Federal Public Services Institute of Public Administration Ministry for Public Administration Ministry of Finance Estonian Ministry of Finance HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd. Ministry of Interior Prime Minister’s Office Department for Public Administration Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme administrative Office of the Prime Minister Chancellery of the Prime Minister Ministry of Finance Ministry of Development and Public Administration
Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing Ministry of Public Administration Ministry for Finances and Public Administration
European CAF Resource Centre European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security
Bosnia Hercegovina Mr Kenan Avdagic Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO)
North Macedonia Ms Marija Nikoloska Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA)
Serbia Ms Ljiljana Uzelac Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government|
Ukraine Ms Anzhela Kukulia Centre for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union
Regional School of Mr Goran Pastrovic Programme Manager, Regional School of Public
Public Administration Administration Also Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey have been piloting CAF-programmes.
Non European countries piloting CAF
Brazil, Cape Verde, China, Dominician Republic, Egypt, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Namibia.