CAF in 14 steps

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The 14 steps of the CAFProgramme

14 Steps of CAF Implementation

Start CAF Programme

CAF Self-Assessment

Project Assignment

Start Workshop

Communication Plan

CAF Adjusting

Information of Staff

Consensus Workshop

Selection CAF Self Assessment Group (SAG)

Self-Assessment Report

Training CAF SelfAssessment Group (SAG)

„Individual Assessment“

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 2

CAF Improvement Plan •

Improvement Plan Workshop

Improvement Plan



Thomas Prorok

Project-Assignment To do


Staff Information Communication Plan

CAF Team Selection CAF Training Start CAF-online (Start – End) All CAF SAG members fill in the CAF questionnaire Preparing the consolidated version CAF Consensus Workshop Self-Assessment Report CAF Improvement Plan

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Thomas Prorok

Project-Assignment - Roles of the CAF Programme Contractor

• Assings the programme • Final decision about the results (improvement actions)

CAF Programme Manager

• Managing the CAF Programme • Reporting to contractor • Informing staff

CAF Team

• 1-3 persons supporting the programme manager • Adjustment of CAF • Communication tasks, selection of SAG

CAF Self-Assessment Group (SAG)

• Self-Assessment Group – 5-12 members (Leadership and staff) • Carry out self-assessment inlcuding SA workshop • (partly) of Action (improvement) Plan workshop

Chairs – Facilitators

• Lead & moderate the Self-Assessment Workshop & Action Plan Workshop • Experienced member of staff or expert (external or from other authority) • Compiling the individual self-assessments & drafting the reports

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 4

Thomas Prorok

Self-Assessment Group(s) - SAG

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Thomas Prorok

Individual Assessment - How? Strengths, Improvement Areas, Improvement Actions & Scores for all Subcriteria ❑

Strengths  What management instruments are already existing?

 What is positive? E.g. staff survey all 2 years

Improvement Area  What weaknesses has the organisation? E.g. less communication between departments

Improvement Action  Proposal for measures to improve the organisation? E.g. monthly meetings of the whole department


Score 0 - 100 22. Dezember 2020 / Page 6

Thomas Prorok

Individual Assessment – CAF-Online

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 7

Thomas Prorok

Consensus Workshop ❑

2 days workshop

Prepared and facilitated from KDZ

Bases: individual Assessment

All members of the CAF Team

„All statements count“


Objective  Common understanding and view of the organisation

Result  List with strengths, improvment areas, improvement actions and scores

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Thomas Prorok

Improvement Plan Workshop ❑

Group Works

Priorisation & Quick Wins

Defining comprehensive improvement actions Kurze ShortBeschreibung/Meilensteine Description / Milestones (Festlegen von Zwischen-& Endergebnissen)

1) Weiterbildungskonzept erstellen: für jeweilige Dienstposten soll eine Liste der notwendigen Weiterbildungen erstellt werden.

Realised Realisiert bis: till Mitte 2012

Duration Dauer

6 Wochen

Komplexität Complexity (niedrig, mittel, hoch)


CAFKriteri um





In einem ersten Schritt ist zu definieren, welche Weiterbildungen aus Sicht der Stadt für einen bestimmten Dienstposten notwendig sind (über Dienstprüfung und gesetzliche Vorgaben hinausgehend). Zusammenfassung der besuchten Seminare und Kurse des jeweiligen Bediensteten (Wer hat wann welche Ausbildung) und diese allen Mitarbeitern zugänglich machen.

2) Konzept Mitarbeitergespräche 22. Dezember 2020 / Page 9 erstellen (Definition eines Leitfaden über Umfang und Inhalt des MAG

Thomas Prorok

Improvement Plan (example)

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 10

Thomas Prorok

Implementation & Label „Effective CAF User“

Implement CAF Improvement Plan

6 months after Self-Assessment

2 relevant improvement actions in phase of implementation

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 11

Thomas Prorok

Contact Thomas Prorok − Deputy Managing Director, KDZ - Centre of Public Administration Research − Head of CAF Center of KDZ − European CAF Expert


email / phone

− − +43 1 8923492 − Thomas Prorok − KDZ – Centre for Public Administration Research − @thomasprorok − @KDZ_Austria − KDZ – Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung

22. Dezember 2020 / Page 12

Thomas Prorok

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